May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

90th Sitting 31/03/2014

We had the room setup as normal.
Liz was feeling better this week and went back to pausing the music each time a communication came through giving the team control over how long the sitting lasts.

At 8.30pm Liz opened, put the music on and the red light out.

Five minutes later a few soft gurgles started from the cabinet.
After a couple of minutes they got louder and Liz paused the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to stabilize.

‘Hello, hello, hello… All here again… Yes, yes… Voices, voices… All come now, all come through… All walk in your circle, all walk in your room, we all come through yes, happy, happy to be here again… Happy to be working in our way again now… Yes we are all one, all one, we are all one, one and all, all together, a part of our team…’

Liz… ‘A united effort…’

‘Yes, each component is a part of the whole, each separate part is adjoined to the whole, we are all one yet we are able to individualize ourselves in our own way but still a part of the whole, the whole, the all… the all is one…’

Liz… ‘Do you retain a specific identity, a specific personality or do you have a very mixed personality for each person?’

‘We retain memory, we can… we can return to our memory. We have the path that we have trod, which we can remember. We can re-enact our physical existence once again’

Liz… ‘If you’ve had a number of physical existences can you flit from one to the other?’

‘We build up a personality, a character based on all experience. All experience builds each time we… each time we dip into a reality, a physical reality, we are able to pick up a point of reference for each time, each visit, each experience. It is a building up of experiences which will produce a personality based on each experience but we are able, with effort, to concentrate on one particular… one particular time…’

Liz… ‘Which might not be your most recent on earth… is that right?’

‘We can, we can look into our journey and pick out one aspect that we desire to replay in a physical way. It is a… We will become attracted to a life time that we remember which most easily fits to the thinking of those who are to receive the communication at that time. It would be of no benefit for us to confuse, we can only… we can only feed you with information that fits your way of thinking at this time. As you move on in your quest for more information you will expand, you will be able to encompass a more, a more fuller, a fuller realization of all aspects of… of realities, of existences, but for now we will tune in to one particular aspect at a time. This will become apparent to you as we introduce a personality to our communication. This personality will be something which you can recognise, which you can feel at ease with at this time’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you… we had a communication the last few times. A lady who gave us information and said we would find evidence of this in the library but I’ve looked and haven’t been able to find it’

‘Each time a communication is made it triggers off a series of events, a series of synchronicities. You have already found one synchronicity according to the communication which you talk about at this time. Do not rush into trying to look for the evidence to back up what has been said. Just allow us to give you clues, give you our evidence in our way. It is, it is good for you to look but do not expect to find all the answers in one go. You will find that you will receive your answers in many ways. In many ways they will come. You already have sensed a feeling in a dream. This is a part of the puzzle. You too will look again, it will come forward. The act of looking is a good part, is a good practice. It has ignited an interest, a passion within you which you feel you wish to follow through and you will follow it through but in a slow way. In a way that it will unfold in a part at a time, a part of information at a time’

Liz… ‘Right, so be patient’

‘This is always a good thing but as I said before a little impatience will spark your curiosity, it will spark your passion and it will keep you moving forward. So, do not despair, do not think that you or we have failed for it is an ongoing journey, an experiment of communication which has many obstacles, has many setbacks, has much mist to penetrate but we are making waves, we are moving forward and this is what, this is… this is the meaning of this circle to move forward, to look into different avenues, explore, experiment and enjoy… keep the momentum going…’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you, shall I turn the music up now?’

‘We withdraw…’

Liz put the music back on…

After 20 minutes of quiet Liz reported dim torch lights moving around the room.

Then after another five minutes some lip-smacking started from the cabinet and Liz paused the music.
She welcomed the communication which after stabilizing came through loud and powerful…

‘Welcome, welcome…’

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome to you…’

‘Happy, happy, happy come through, come through, hello, hello, are you, are you well?’

Liz… ‘Yes, much better thank you’

‘Ah good… Your circle, your circle is looking good, looking good, we can see you from our place that we reside, we can see your circle, we can see your light, it looks good’

Liz… ‘How does it appear?’

‘It shine out, it shine and we receive your signal, your signal all around we pick up, we pick up your vibration and it echoes in our ear, it echo in our feeling, we feel the love that you create and send out into all universes that surround this place, that come through this place, that interpenetrate this place. For when you sit with pure thought in your heart it bridges out to us, we receive that vibration, we can, we can connect to your vibration and we can bring our self through’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know because we are full of longing to be able to communicate with you and to know of your presence that we can feel and to have the real contact’

‘Yes, you have ignited our interest in your circle. We see you, we hear you, we move in your direction, we can come close. We investigate what the cause of this, this light that you emanate from this group, this group of loving entities that gather at this time. We can join with them, we can connect with you, we can share the love that is created. We can, we can mix our own energy creating a larger circle, a larger…’

Liz… ‘Are you from a different… are you from a non-physical dimension?’

‘It is not possible for us to explain but we are a part of the greater circle, the larger circle, the surrounding circle, the surrounding frequency’

Liz… ‘Ok, so beyond the immediate physical, beyond the immediate earth plane’

‘Yes, think of it as ripples in a pond. You throw your pebble into the still surface it ignites; it ignites ripples moving out, each touching another existence that lay beyond. We can feel the waves as they arrive on our shore, on our beach. We too exist; we too are a part of the life force that is in creation. It is all a part of the existence that you can comprehend when you allow yourself to spread out, intermingle with your neighbours, your invisible neighbours which will become visible to you as you explore, as you reach out’

Liz… ‘Can I ask whether you have ever incarnated into the earth plane?’

‘We are all like balls of light. Think of a ball of string. Each ball of string has many ends that can become separated from the ball yet still connected. That piece of string can be dipped into an experience, a life experience, a life experience in a reality, in a physical reality like this, like what you are experiencing now and when it has finished, when it has exhausted the life force within that physical reality it will share the experience along the pathway of that piece of string, it will follow back to the source, to the ball, to the ball of light, the ball of string, giving it another experience to grow, to give back to the greater, the greater ball of light, the larger ball of light that we can all imagine, we can all look towards. We can all imagine ourselves immersed in that light for we are a part of it. We have come from it but for now you are experiencing your pocket of life, that pocket of experiences which you will bring back to the ball, to the ball of light…’

Liz… ‘Are you closer to the ball at the moment?’

‘It is not a distance, it is a knowledge, it is a knowing, it is a knowing that we are a part. That is part of what you all on your side need to remember, that you are a part, a part of this light, this ever increasing light, increasing each time it gains another experience, another pocket of experiences which it can draw back to its centre, the centre of the light. There are no dimensions that we can explain to you they are all coiled up in the string, the string has no knowledge of where it is, of what it is or what it really is, it can only imagine. It can only make for itself a personality that it can follow, that it can develop and that personality is an experience which will be added to the ball, the ball of light, the ball of string’

Liz… ‘Ok so the personality is something we can step into and out of?’

‘Yes, it is something that is built; it is something that is created’

Liz… ‘A construct?’

‘A construction of experiences which when brought together express themselves as a personality but that personality is but one part of the ball. The ball is a mixture of all those personalities which are ongoing, which are happening in the same instant. You are blinded by your time, your time frames which you feel a part of, which you need to be a part of to get your experiences one at a time but beyond time there is a mixture of experience which is growing, is expanding, is evolving, is gaining in experiences, in knowledge’

Liz… ‘Like a tapestry… Thank you for your words’

‘Very good, very good yes, we now go back… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for coming forward with that wonderful communication’

Liz turned the music back on…

Five minutes later Liz thought she heard someone ask her to turn the music down again but when she did it was all quiet in the cabinet.
She also had a draft on her right side.

Liz then had a strong sense of fingers tickling her scalp and saw a blue light in front of her.

Then when the first American/Indian tune was playing a few noises started up in the cabinet sounding at first like Donald Duck.
Liz paused the music.
The communicator then came through with much excitement…

‘Eagle, eagle, eagle here, eagle here, here, here… here eagle, here eagle…’

Liz… ‘Eagle?’

‘Eagle spread wings, spread our wings, swoop down to say hello, hello to you…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello eagle’

‘Each time you play the tune we are attracted. Eagle come down to your side, your level. Each time we hear that song we come down, we hover above, we observe, we observe your thoughts, we can see how the pattern is emerging, is growing, is intertwining with the energy in the room. It is good when we know you can feel the energy of our, of our eagle, of our existence, of the way we can fly, we can spread our wings and hover and observe. This is our way. You have seen us, you have felt us, you have joined us in our journey. It is a privilege for us to mingle with your thoughts and feeling. It is a great experience for us to cling to the passion that drives you. That drives you forward. We too are on a journey, a parallel journey with you searching, searching for answers, letting our questions reach out into the corners of the universe, rebounding on the thoughts of others, intermingling, intertwining, building a beautiful picture which we can all share together. We exist side by side. We walk side by side, as one we discover the true meaning of this existence. Thank you for allowing us this experience together’

Liz… ‘Thank you for being here, thank you for penetrating’

‘Now we walk, now we walk, we land, we feel our feet on your earth, on the ground, heavy, the heavy feeling, the heavy physical feeling that you are part of, that for you is a part of your daily life, your daily experience. We too can immerse ourselves in the heavy atmosphere that you inhabit. Heavy to us, but normal to you. You in turn can rise up when you desire, join us in the air unrestricted by physical pressure, soaring up into the clouds, those light clouds that feel so warm, so welcoming. We soar through and we see what lies beyond. We feel the warmth of the sun. You too experience this when you come with us. It is a wonderful journey. Enjoy; enjoy each part of your journey, whether above the clouds or below. It is all a wonderful journey for you to experience. Do not waste any of your time, enjoy each moment. Cherish, cherish each moment as you will find you will create a better, a wonderful experience by enjoying. Reject all that you do not wish to uncover. Let that lay, let that lay, rise above that and enjoy. Life is to be enjoyed and experienced in this way…’

Liz… ‘Thank you feathered friend… Shall I turn the music up now?’

‘…Now it is time… We reach the end of our session; our session once again draws to a natural ending. We feel the energy is dissipating slowly. So once again we say thank you, thank you for creating this wonderful energy in your room. We have mixed, we have mingled and we have developed and we have brought forward communication which will build each week as we acclimatize our self to your atmosphere. We now draw back; we give you a piece of our love for you, for you to take into your world. For you to share, for you to colour the atmosphere with artistic talent. Use your artistic skills to spread this energy, this loving energy into each colour, each colour that you can perceive in your daily life. Give each colour a boost, a boost of energy, a brighter colour will shine and it will be appreciated by all, all on your side as they visualise these colours brightening, dazzling with beauty, with beauty which reaches out into every experience that they will enjoy. So thank you once again, we now withdraw, we now say goodnight and we ask you to play two tunes, two tunes, let that play then turn off your music and we will be well on our way… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication friend, our love and blessings with you’

Liz played two tunes.
I was back and felt fine when they finished.
Our sitting had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…