May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

77th Sitting 17/12/2013

It was just Liz and I for this our last sitting of 2013.
We had the room set up as normal.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30, turned out red light and put the music on.

Two minutes later Liz reported light shapes moving out of the darkness.
They had a reddish glow.
She said it was like looking at multiple reflections in water.

Liz got the impression of black and white stripes in the room.
It made her think of a Zebra.
Then a silver grey colour.

Noises started from the cabinet.
Liz muted the music and welcomed the communication.
After a bit of tuning in there was…

‘All here… all our love, all love in your circle’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘All join hands, all able to come through… Very good time for us to come through… All come through door into your room. Ha, ha, ha, just like you we enter through a door’

Liz… ‘Has it become easier?’

‘Each time we come closer we are able to… Each time we are able to increase our awareness of your vibration, of your atmosphere. Each time we come we can increase the power behind our thought, behind our intention, behind our aim for you’

Liz… ‘That’s good; it means we will be able to do more work’

‘All is in hand and we are happy that we are able each time to come in this way. It is a building process. Each week build on previous week until a stronger connection is built upon. Keep doing as you do, all is part of a greater plan, a greater experiment which we can reveal part by part as we build our link with this circle’

Liz… ‘That’s really good news’

‘All of us are here and are learning from you as you learn from experience, your own experience enables us to tap into your mind and get a feeling of what you are experiencing’

Liz… ‘Will you be able to tell us more about what it’s like from your side and what is planned?’

(Voice changed) ‘All will be uncovered in time, you have to have patience but a little impatience is not a bad thing because it gives you the drive, the interest, the passion, the passion for what you are striving to achieve so do not worry if you feel impatient, it is not necessarily a bad thing’

Liz… ‘Good, ha, ha…’

‘We can understand what it feels like for you, you are anticipating a new knowledge, an increase in knowledge, it is a feeling, a feeling that you can… you feel you can accomplish, you feel you can accomplish this but you have to wait, you have to wait until the time is right for us to bring you this knowledge. These descriptions of a condition that we are able to convey to you in some way, it is up to us to decide on the correct way to convey this information. It is no good us trying to describe things which you yourself have no personal reference. We have to introduce small images into the room, into your mind, that you will be able to relate to in a future, in a later time when we can describe some of what we know to be what we experience from our side’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you, look forward to that. It’s good to know we are laying the foundation blocks’

Liz put the music up as the communicator withdrew.

Liz got very hot.
She said the room was very dark and the atmosphere thick.
She felt a strong drawing sensation from her solar plexus.

Liz said it was now looking bright near the healing book.
Then she was aware of a sage green/silvery light to her right.
There was a clear division between the left half and right half of the room.
Then the division began to break down. The green light was leaching into the left side of the room.
It began streaming towards the cabinet.

Liz saw vertical lines in the room.
Then what looked like a rotating wheel in front of the cabinet.
She said it was like looking at something in a convex mirror.
She saw a flying ball moving around, it was very fluid.

Liz felt a breeze over her face.
She felt someone was trying to make their presence felt.
There were flashing dim lights and sparks.
Liz felt like she partially perceived a presence.
Something moving suddenly became illuminated.
The form was very diffuse, diaphanous.
She couldn’t perceive it as a coherent shape.
She said it was like looking at flames in a fire or a sea anemone.

Noises were heard from the cabinet and Liz muted the music again.
She welcomed the communication…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘I hear your observations… We pleased we can come through in a visual way, a visual experience for you… We appreciate the way you describe what you see for it gives us, it gives us benefit, forward, forward… it gives us a benefit for us to work on, a base line, a base line for us to work on. So each time you see these things continue to describe in the way you do and we will listen and learn and adjust until the time you will positively see us as we truly are’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, that’s good, I can see a slight light at the moment at the foot of the cabinet’

‘All these things that you see you will put your own interpretation to, but this is a good thing, it is training your mind to perceive, perceive what would normally be a dark room. Suddenly a dark room becomes, fills with images before you so take each image and allow it to penetrate your mind, trigger off a memory in your mind that you can compare with what you see’

Liz… ‘Okay… thank you for your feedback’

There was a change of voice and attempts at speaking but nothing coherent came through. Seemed like they were practicing with something before fading out.
Liz put the music back up.

Liz saw light curved shapes moving around the room.
Then Liz reported seeing a bright person to her right.
There was a strong light shining in her right field of vision. (When we talked about this after the sitting it sounded just like what I experienced when I was sitting in Liz’s seat and she was in the cabinet last Wednesday 11/12/13)

Liz then heard a noise to her right like something hitting the floor. (Unfortunately no apports were found afterwards)

Noises started again from the cabinet and Liz muted the tunes…

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Look, look, look around, wake up, wake up, wake up out of your sleep… Break free from the mist that blinds you to the true reality. Break free from the sounds, the clutter that stops the true music from reaching your ears… Each time you dream you are allowed to see beyond that what you perceive in your daily life. You are taken out of that which blinds you. Your are taken into a clarity, a clarity of feeling, of vision, of hearing, touch… Each time you are given a dream it is a precious component which will enable you to reach up forwards out into our atmosphere for a brief time. You will learn each time you reach out how to perceive and how to remember and each time you have a dream it will impinge on your mind a memory which you have to translate into your waking life, your waking reality. Each time you dream you are with us, you are a part of our world. So let the dreams come through; enjoy the dreams for you will be able eventually to perceive a reality before you’

Liz… ‘Does it matter that I’m not fully conscious that I’m dreaming at the time that I’m dreaming?’

‘It is experience, consciousness is there when you are experiencing. You need to think about the term fully conscious. Fully conscious, what is full consciousness? What is it that restricts your consciousness? What is it that makes you think your consciousness is not operating at its full capacity? It could be the memory which has a limitation. It could be a limit, a filter on your memory which gives you the impression that consciousness is not full. Allow the experience to filter through. Do not worry that you may not feel fully conscious in your dream, this will come naturally the more you think, the more you think about your dreams. Each time you dream you have built up a memory from previous experiences. This memory will help you to become what you perceive as fully conscious. Just allow it to happen, do not try too hard for you are fighting when you are trying from a perspective of your side, from your side, you allow, just allow the dream to work its way into your consciousness’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you for that’

(Change of voice) ‘Our time is at an end once again now; all of your tunes are finished so we thank you once again for sitting in this way. We look forward to a new year, a new year after our break. We will continue to develop the circle in the way that will be most beneficial. We will introduce some new aspects in the coming year. This has been a good year for development. If you compare the last few weeks with the first few weeks of your year you will see how far we have come and we will continue to develop in this way. Each week we build on previous week until a strong connection is built between us all’

Liz… ‘That’s good; I can feel that it’s definitely stronger and I’m very glad that it seems to have stabilized so well. So thank you, thank you friend and now we have come to the end of our session so we thank you very much for your communications but ask you now to draw back a little so that the medium can come back into the room’

‘Thank you and we look forward to our next time’

Liz… ‘We look forward to it very much too, thank you friend, our love and blessings with you’

I slowly came back.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing exercise by which time I was fully back and feeling fine.

We now have two weeks off for the Christmas/New year holiday and will be back on January 6th…