May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

120th Sitting 28/10/2014

This week we sat on Tuesday.
The room was set up as usual.

We’d lost track of time again while talking upstairs and started 10 minutes later than usual.

At 8.40pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Five minutes later she reported lots of silvery shapes swimming round the room.

It was 30 minutes after the start that the first communications started.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.
Despite her encouragement the first six minutes of communication was very incoherent apart from a few ‘Hellos’ and ‘How do you dos’
Then things seemed to settle down…

‘Circle, circle of love, of light and light is all around you, the light of the spirit is what binds us all, the light is all around, permeates, all that you perceive is permeated by the light of the spirit, for the spirit, for the light of the spirit will never fade, it is the matrix that all life clings, is inbound, is bound… Now we all exist and we all experience, we can all perceive in our own way, we are all connected, we all continue to move forward in our own ways but at the same time we journey together, we are bound by the light of the spirit but we have our own view of the passing of time for we have become individuals in our own perception of our experiences that unfold on a daily basis. There really is no difference between all of us. The differences are made by each individual, we build up our knowledge, our memories, our beliefs as we observe, as we perceive’

Liz… ‘Yes certainly sitting in the dark helps to reinforce that because that sense of connection with everything is stronger when you don’t see separate objects’

‘Yes you are beginning to understand, every individual has an understanding but they blind themselves from that understanding by their, by that build-up of experience but this at the same time gives them a grasp on their reality. It gives them a reality to ground their perceptions, to ground their beliefs which in turn can give them the comfortable feeling of a connection to a physical reality, physical objects, physical appearances for them. Give them an understanding of life which to them is a comfortable surrounding and they can build on this, they can adjoin with others, build up friendships, build up teams, groups of identities that gather together and form partnerships, ever growing partnerships which reach out to other groups who share their understandings to that point and they are guided together, guided to join together and work with one another until a further realization is reached, at which point separate entities will break off from the group, they will seek their own understandings on a different level and by doing this will adjoin with others who have broken from the greater group setting, then they will re-join other groups at a different level. This is an ongoing experience for them all’

Liz… ‘So it’s like the pattern is forming and stabilizing and then it begins to change, it breaks off and a new pattern emerges and stabilizes and it keeps changing like a kaleidoscope’

‘Yes the patterns you can see in the nature of your planet, you can see how from the seed grows the plant which sprouts its leaves, its buds, its flowers. It can reach out and… all of nature, all of physical nature on your planet… a reaching out, a reaching out is what creates the ongoing patterns of life, on your physical universe. The reaching out is what creates the forms, the shapes that surround you. Watch nature as it reaches out to the invisible world that surrounds it, a pattern is formed, you too will reach out and form your own pattern, your own shape will be carved out of the matrix…’

Liz… ‘Is this pattern predicted or is it something created and completely original or is the probability of it there, is it something to which we are reaching that is already predicted, is already established?’

‘The basic pattern is already there and is followed by your instincts but you, the individual consciousness will build on that pattern your own details and you will follow up to a point the pattern that is there but you will by your own interests and your wanting to understand, will use your individuality to build your own details into that pattern. You will create, you are all creators and you will create on what is presented to you your own master piece for you are all creating artists and you have your abilities to reshape reality before you. Reality has been presented in its basic form you have the tools to shape that reality to suit your needs at this time. As you grow your needs will change and you will suit for yourself a more complex reality, you will develop your reality until the shape, until the unfolding shape meets the needs, meets the needs that you have for yourself at that time’

Liz… ‘Yes like a picture. There was a wonderful picture in the queen’s jubilee, it was created from millions of people sending in their photographs and the image of the queen was created out of all these individual images of people. People who are still alive, people who have died and it was incredibly moving, this one person who is sovereign composed of all the individual subjects, each one completely individual but forming part of the overall picture. It was a very moving piece of community art… in the Towner Gallery it was displayed’

Possibly another communicator took over at this point.

‘Yes, this was indeed, this was indeed a moving, a moving created pattern from many, many minds, many minds brought together for this one picture created by the thoughts that went into the individual pictures created a bigger picture, a bigger picture which had a great effect on more people than the separate pictures had at their conception, so it gave people the understanding of how when many come together with creative thoughts then a larger understanding can be created and can be shared, shared with love for one another. All of you are being shown that you will work together as a large team, a team of cooperating minds, cooperating in the love of the spirit, the light of the spirit which has bound you all together. Once you all can realise how much more love can be created when you all combine your loving thoughts and think of each other. Forget the self, think of other and the picture you will create will be a wonderful work of art, a wonderful piece, a wonderful reflection of the love that you all send out into your world. Thank you, I must now go and I wish you to replay your music, I will come back’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your lovely words friend’

‘Thank you I have enjoyed being here with you this evening and I will come back at another time, thank you’

Liz… ‘God bless you’

Liz put the music back on.

I had suddenly got very hot during the last part of the communications and had seen bright light behind my closed eyes. This continued for a few minutes after the communicator had withdrawn.

It was another 40 minutes before the next communication. During this time I felt various physical sensations including a feeling of something coming out of my right ear, a feeling of being covered in cob-webs and changes in temperature.

At times I got a hissing sound in my ears.

I saw several faces, one I recognised as my grandmother. I also recall having dreams but couldn’t remember what they were.

Liz felt like she had dropped off for a short time as she suddenly came back feeling disorientated not knowing where she was for a few seconds.

I remained aware but at times felt very distant and had the sensation my body had dematerialized. While this was happening I tried to move my awareness out of the cabinet but was unsuccessful and got the feeling I shouldn’t be attempting that at this time so just relaxed and went with the flow.

I remember hearing a loud thud coming from either behind me or above me and it came out on the recording. We do get muffled noises from next door but this sounds clearer and more like it was in the room.

Voice noises then started up in the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

‘Yes it is, it is the time, the time has been a good one, has been a good time, yes, we have achieved more development, yes, it has been a good time and we now, we allow you to return to your physical world once again. We appreciate the time you give to us to bring ourselves into the atmosphere of this wonderful world that you spend your time, at this time, for you have been given a wonderful opportunity to live in a physical existence. Appreciate your existence in this place for you are given every day new opportunities to help yourself grow and enjoy. There are so many opportunities presented to you and all on your side and you all must learn to appreciate each and every one, and as a team of people you will learn to work together and love each other, love your surroundings, spread out the love that you give to each other. Each week we give you a piece of our love and that will build, that will build throughout your physical existence so appreciate the gifts you have been given, the opportunities you have been given and use them well. Thank you and goodnight we withdraw now’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, our love and blessings with you’

‘Please replay your music and we will withdraw and we look forward to re-joining you the next time that you sit in this way’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and thank you very much for all your words’

‘God bless you all, thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I was back feeling fine after about three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

119th Sitting 20/10/2014

The room was set up as usual.

We started about 10 minutes later this week as we had been talking upstairs and lost track of time.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

I felt the team move in quickly this week and they were starting to take control which was making me cough as Liz was saying the opening prayer.

About five minutes later the first noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off.

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Good, good… Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘George, George, George…’

Liz… ‘George... are you George?’

‘George, George, yes…’

Liz… ‘Welcome George’

‘Happy to be here… All good, good, good…’

Liz… ‘Welcome back’

‘I like to be, I like to come into your circle’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Is all good, it is a good time… now, well… It is good to look around, look at your development as all coming together now, each week I notice improvements in your work and I congratulate you both…’

Liz… ‘You can see can you?’

‘Oh I can see the effect on the energies of your room. I can see the build-up, the build-up of the energy, the strength of the energy’

Liz… ‘Is this due to the work that we’re doing in-between times?’

‘Of course yes, all of this is of an aid to the development of the circle. It all builds within you both a stronger energy for you to bring into this room each week. Both of your circles benefit from the on-going developments and experiments that you do. It keeps your own interest alive, alight, it builds the light within you and that is what you bring to our sittings… I can remember my own experiences when I sat like this in my time. I can remember how we sat for weeks and weeks, very little appeared to be happening in the early days of the mediumship of the circle but we all had the interest and we all understood how long circles such as this can take before a noticeable effect can be felt but because we had the interest we did not care, we did not worry about what lay ahead. We knew that development was happening; we could all feel the slow changes week by week. We tried not to have expectations which was a help for us all’

Liz… ‘Yes, that’s what we try’

‘Yes, you were told last week how you had created a strong foundation and this is what I can feel when I come into your circle. This is what is required for all circles when they sit like this. Once the foundations have been put in place then the building blocks will follow… Yes, many of us accompanied the medium on his journey to see the physical mediumship on Friday evening (I had been invited to a Gary Mannion séance) at Jenny’s Sanctuary, now we all stood around and observed as did the teams of all the physical mediums who were in that room that night (many of the invited sitters were developing physical mediums) we all learnt from the experience. Not only from the experience of the room but all the other mediums’ teams that accompanied them. There was a great gathering that evening and we all were able to learn from one another’

Liz… ‘That’s good, information exchange’

‘Yes, always when these public demonstrations take place those who go as sitters often take with them their own teams who can experience what is going on from another level, from the level of the spirit, of the…’

Liz… ‘Behind the scenes’

‘Yes behind the scenes, away from the physical, they are able to see what goes on, we can see more than what the physical bodies experience when sitting in the room. So we all managed to learn and exchange ideas. This will help this circle to grow’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, we often get invitations to the Banyan Centre. Would that be a good idea to go sometimes to their physical mediumship séances?’

‘Yes, again I believe you have spoken about this and it is up to you to allow yourself to feel if this is right at this time. Do not make the mistake of jumping in and visiting many public circles for this will only confuse your own mind and the development of this circle. There is always a correct time when one or both of you will be taken to experience physical phenomena from another. This, the Friday experience, was well timed for it happened at a time when the foundations had been put in place for this circle. The information brought back from that Friday experience is now being used to build upon the foundations that had been put in place. So as you can see the timing was correct. All things are lined up in the probable future for you which lays ahead before you. It is for you to recognise when these things happen, when these opportunities are presented to you. Allow your own awareness to give you the cue to use this opportunity to further your own experience, your own learning and the learning of the circle to be put in place’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

Felt like a new communicator took over at this point…

‘This is a physical mediumship development circle and that is what we will achieve. You have built a permanent foundation but you will require in the weeks ahead further sitters in this circle to allow the formation of physical phenomena, physical materialization. This can only be partially achieved at this point in time but we have brought forward the ingredients to work with, so continue, continue to sit in this way, you will find sitters will come to you. It is very important at this stage for the correct people to enter this room. Do not force further sitters to join, allow your feelings, your judgement to guide you and you will find people will ask to join and you will know when they are the correct people. So yes keep your mind alert to changes, subtle changes within your own consciousness and your own recognition of what lies ahead. Recognise the opportunities that are presented to you and use them to build up this circle, thank you, please replay your music now, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz felt cob-webs in her hair and had been feeling them during the last communication.
She felt the atmosphere was now dense and dark.

I had felt very dizzy as if I was about to pass out during the last communication but I remained aware.

I was now feeling very hot in the cabinet.
There seemed to be bright light behind my closed eyes that lasted about a minute before fading back to dark.

I remained sitting in an upright position and my hands were cupped together as if holding a ball.
At some point I drifted off and lost my awareness. I don’t know how long this lasted but when I came back I felt very stiff as I had been sitting in an awkward position with my head slumped forward.
I felt like I was covered in cob-webs.

Just over an hour since the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend… welcome’

‘Separate, separate the veil… thinning, thinning… the veil is thinning’

Liz… ‘The veil is thinning?’

‘The veil is thinning… the veil… separation is not a… no longer is a separation so protected, no longer is separation… is separation in place… the bells are ringing, the bells are ringing for each person has come to wake up and realise that there is more, there is so much more to life now. Each in their own way they are all finding their own way through, their own individual interest sparked by a… many ways, many ways lead to an understanding of a greater reality, many ways can lead to this understanding and many on your side are looking into those experiences which spark their interest. They can look into… a near death experience will open their eyes, an experiment of a virtual… an understanding of a virtual reality will open their mind, an appreciation of quantum science will open them to look into further realities, a chance encounter with a circle formation in a field of corn will forge forward in the minds of people on your side an interest and they will look into this. So now all of these things lead to further interest. No more will people be satisfied that they have to stay within their own boundaries, their own limitations for there is so much to be discovered. We can only give them the trigger to raise them into a greater awareness. These triggers are all around to be discovered, to be interpreted in many ways but first that trigger has to be experienced… This time now, no time before has there been so many opportunities standing in the face of man for it has reached a point in time where a change will take place. Everybody has their part to play in this. What you do in this place will assist and many more will work in the same way. You will attract the attention of many, so we appreciate the work that you do and now we have reached the end of our time for this session. We have developed, further developed while what appears to you to be silence, we are able to bring about changes in energies and we are pleased with all that happens within this room each week. Now we find our time has come and we will step back and we will leave you with a piece of our love to spread around, spread it and allow all to enjoy the fruits and to watch, listen, feel inspiration seep into their own minds… So thank you, goodnight to you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friends, goodnight and God bless you’

‘God bless you all on your side. Happiness, memories, love, affection, let it abound, let it reach out, let it grow; let it impinge on the minds of all on your side. Thank you and good evening to you. Please replay your music, we return your medium to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back feeling fine after about three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

118th Sitting 13/10/2014

Liz was back from her holiday this week.

We set up the room as usual with the addition of a new comfy chair for Liz.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music CD on.

About five minutes later Liz reported lots of blue/white shapes in the room, she thought they looked like ears.
After another ten minutes she was feeling very hot and said the atmosphere was getting dense.

Some noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Good evening, good evening, it is good, it is good… All in our time…’

Liz… ‘All in our time?’

‘All work in our time, work… walk… We all walk in our time, we all walk in our time, our time… In time, in time with each of us all together we all walk in time for we all are setting up a vibration in your room to connect with you, with your senses, your physical senses so you will understand, you will… you will, you will hear, you will see and you will feel…’

Liz… ‘That’s good, we will sense, see and feel you’

‘All is, all is in place for us to…’

Liz… ‘Manifest? wonderful…’

‘…make our impression… To join the two atmospheres together requires a slowing down of our own rate, our own walking, our steps. We slow down and you are encouraged to raise, speed up your thoughts, your feelings, you can… you will find yourself, you will experience a buzzing sensation which is a faster vibration for you, a unfamiliar vibration at this time, but as the time goes by the unfamiliar becomes familiar to you and you will recognise a feeling, a sense of losing the time on your physical plane, a sense of adjoining with us’

Liz… ‘Yes a loss of boundaries’

‘Yes, an expansion of your perception as it reaches out, we too draw close, we are, we are fitting in with what you have provided for us… All experience has its own vibration, has its own beat, the ticking of the clock, the beating of the heart, the flapping of the wings of the birds all represent a steady beat, a steady beat until a time when there is an expansion of perception then that beat will raise, will increase and become in tune with the next level, the next step up and then further perception will become apparent to all who venture into a faster beat… There is no set vibration but your own vibration which you have created for yourself but you can still increase that vibration by your own… by your own will, your own… your own direction, that directing force behind all thought, all deed, all experience can become adjusted until that experience reaches out further…’

It seemed to be a change of communicator at this point…

‘Successful, successful examinations are of the property of all, of all, successful  examinations they are all available to everybody in your world so where, where can, where do they fit into the overall examination of all, all life, all sentient life on your side is governed by a… all life is complete, is complete when there is a voice of a… a voice, a voyage of discovery can become activated by concentration on the verse, the virtual… comprehendible… possible… well, well, well… Replay your music now thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz started getting a strong sense of vibrations in her spine and arms. It was something she hadn’t experienced before.
Her eyes were stinging and she felt something in her throat.

Liz drifted off a couple of times and found herself in a group of people where there was an enormous bird, like a buzzard. Then she became aware of being a bird.

She then saw a man coming into the room through the door and at first thought it was someone she knew but then realised she didn’t recognise him and got the impression it was a visitor. He was slim and dark and she perceived him wearing a long deep crimson dressing gown.

She didn’t report this verbally at the time which was a good thing as it made some of what the next communicator says good evidence that we are indeed communicating with entities outside of ourselves who are making themselves known to both of us.

More noises then started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Can you hear, can you hear?’

Liz… ‘I can hear you’

‘Good, good…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘So good to come now, so good…’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘This is a good time… a visit for me, to come through like this; I just visit your room’

Liz… ‘You’re just visiting?’

‘I come and I look around, I said to them I would like to come and have a chat, a little talk if I may, I would like to have a talk… Now let me see, let me see, it all comes back in a way, it all comes back in a very good way. A core, the core, the core message is available now…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome friend with your message…’

‘This form, this form of communication is very good to come, for us to come in this way, now, we… personally I have experienced this form of communication in the past. I have come through in various settings, séance settings like this, yes I have come through, I have spoken to many before…’

Liz… ‘You have… You’re very welcome’

‘Each time it is a different setting, a different combination of circumstances to become acquainted with again so that I can create my voice in this way now…’

Liz… ‘Have you been here before?’

‘This is the first time I have become attracted to this particular circle, this setting as it were, for I was thinking to myself about how in the past I had communicated in this way and by thinking I found myself attracted once again to the light that permeates beyond from your room and I could see that this was taking place at this time’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting, how did the light look?’

‘It was a feeling that built up from within my being and it encompassed my whole thought process and I immediately recognised that a sitting such as this was happening and I was able to connect. There was a familiar frequency that I could cling onto, I could adjoin to and once I had, once the interest had been aroused within me I found I was pulled to this situation now. Many of those who are working with you helped me to come close once again’

Liz… ‘Were you the gentleman in a dressing gown that I felt I saw? A long deep crimson robe, long deep crimson gown?’

‘You have perceived an image, now for me to explain it would be… you can pick up many of us as we draw close, now I came as… I recognized the vibrations of your room for I have already spoken in these types of settings. When I was drawn close there would have been a shift of energies in your room which you may have picked up by your own perceptions. How you experienced this was a personal experience for you, you may have seen or you may have felt a personality’

Liz… ‘Yes, I didn’t recognise you but I welcomed you’

‘Yes, this could have been the result of the energy shift in your room but it may not have been myself’

Liz… ‘Ok, do you have a message for us friend?’

‘You, your circle, your sessions that you have here are beginning to attract more attention from various other realities, other entities, other vibrations that have already worked in these conditions in the past. This is why I have become attracted to it. Now we wish you to work, to continue to work in this way and we wish you to continue to experiment between times that you sit in this way. You have already looked into many books; many recordings and these are all beneficial to the circle. Please continue to do this, allow them to waken in your mind possibilities, possibilities to expand, to grow. You also, both of you in your daily life you are required to experiment and look for what creates the contented, the happy feeling within yourself. When you feel distress, when you feel displeasure in your daily life then something is not working correctly. You need to look at this, uncover what is creating an imbalance in your life. The more you look into this the more you will reveal to yourself what creates imbalance for you are looking to create harmony, happiness, pleasure, for your physical life is meant to be a pleasurable experience but along the way everybody picks up vibrations which cause imbalance which drag you down. Rise above this but address the imbalances, once they have become… once you have balanced your life you will find yourself lighter, lighter and able to rise above those inconsistencies which will cause a worry in your mind. Let them fade away as you lift yourself up. All of these things will help, will be of a benefit to both your life and your experiments in this way, in your séances, in your meditations and in your learning in the expansion of your consciousness, so give this some thought’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, yes, good advice’

‘And you will see how it helps, then the imbalance will become a balance and your life will be that much more understandable to you and others will see in you a change, a change for the better and you will attract to you those positive feelings which will aid the growth of yourself, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your message’

‘I am glad I have managed to come into your circle and now I will leave but I will return another time so play your music again’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend and God bless you’

Liz put the music back on.

Five minutes later there were more noises from the cabinet.
Liz turned the music off again and welcomed the communication as it tuned in.

‘As you say, as you say it is now time, time to end our session with you… So it has been once again an interesting time for us. We have, we have further developed the circle and we have built up a stronger link with you all. We have tested the foundations of your circle and found them to be sufficient for a permanent structure to be constructed within this room. For we have tested the potential within the foundation and it is strong. It is rooted within this space and a permanent structure has begun to unfold onto that foundation. No longer is it necessary to look beneath the soil for those precious stones for they are within the walls of your room and within the hearts of all who venture to sit in this place and they will shine bright, colourful and in harmony with one another and with in harmony with all the outer vibrations who will become attracted to this place. So thank you for the work you have done and the work that is to be done for we are at a stage where we have that knowledge that this structure will be permanent and for all thank you. Now we have to draw back and we will give you a piece of our love to take into your world, spread around until we next meet in this way. Thank you for sitting, thank you for allowing us to achieve so much thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your presences and God bless you, our love and blessings with you’

‘We draw back, goodnight to you, God bless you all. Please replay your music and we will return thank you’

Liz put the music back on for about three minutes by which time I was back with it.

The session had lasted just under two hours.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

117th Sitting 06/10/2014

Liz was away on holiday this week so I decided to sit on my own as an experiment and to keep the circle energies going.

I kept the conditions as normal but decided to leave the red light on very dimly.
Then I started the music CD before going into the cabinet.
I did the opening prayer verbally then relaxed for the next 75mins while the music played.

I noticed I didn’t get the usual tickly throat sensation which makes me cough at the beginning but I had experienced the usual light headed feeling for about an hour before sitting.

I got tightness on my forehead and a pressure on the top of my head but none of the usual feelings around my right ear.

I was drifting in and out of consciousness throughout the sitting and experienced a few dreams, faces and visions, most of which quickly faded from my memory, but one remained with me which I had while lucid and aware…
I watched a scene develop which looked like patterns on a net curtain; there was no colour to it. The patterns then became people, appearing to me like modern day soldiers returning from battle looking weary and injured, walking from right to left in front of me. They were then followed by what I perceived as angels with wings also walking right to left. Then I became aware of a flying creature. As it flew it lost its wings but remained hovering without them. I tried to focus on it more and found I could zoom in and see it in great detail. One thing that stood out to me was its eyes which reminded me of cross headed screws.
After a while the vision faded.

Towards the end of the session I heard two clicks above me.

The team seemed to be working with me as I was producing a few hums, mumbles and lip-smacking sounds at times but no coherent speech.
I didn’t feel the strong build-up of energy engulfing me at any time which usually signifies the start of communication.

When the music ended I did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise before going upstairs to raid the biscuit tin and have a cuppa…

116th Sitting 29/09/2014

Room was set up as usual.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I started to feel a build-up of pressure on the bridge of my nose.
It felt like my face was being squashed at times.
I could also feel some activity around my right ear, it felt like there was something coming out of or attached to it and at times a kind of vacuum sensation like there was something like a large cup being placed over it.

20 minutes after the start a few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello… hello friend…’

‘…good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘All is good, all is good yes… dear friend, dear friend… happy to be here and happy to have you here with us all, ha, ha… wonderful, wonderful time, now, what are we to talk about tonight? Well, what are we to talk… Now, well, have you a question on your mind?’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s to do with virtual reality, it’s to do with the extent to which our physical reality is, although it’s a virtual reality we seem to be very much more fixed in it than in your virtual reality as it were, the constraints seem to be much tighter and yet it’s a virtual reality and presumably strange things can happen that defy the normal laws, your reality can penetrate into our reality’

‘Yes, I understand what you are trying to convey and ask. It is indeed as you say a virtual reality to us; to us it is a virtual reality that you reside in. To you and to all who live in your reality it is, it feels like a real, a real… your senses tell you that it is real, your physical senses tell you that it is a physical reality, yes, now…’

Liz… ‘In your reality if you jump off a roof you don’t hurt yourself, you don’t die, you can fly, you can transform yourself into a bird but in our reality if we jump off a roof we injure ourselves quite badly. I don’t know of anybody that could transform themselves into a bird and yet I suppose miracles do happen?’

‘It is… you are assuming that we reside in a similar reality to you but with less constraints, yes, is this what you are saying? I try to explain it is a… now where we reside we have a… we are, we have reached a stage where we have absorbed all that you perceive as your own physical reality and we have been able to look beyond, we have joined with a greater part of our own self. Now you are perceiving through a part of yourself, at the same time you have a greater part of yourself which for the most of your life you are not fully aware. Now, we have become aware of a greater part of ourselves, that greater part is not fixed in any reality, any physical reality, what you perceive as a physical reality for there are many physical realities. Each physical reality has its own constraints put upon it when it was conceived from the greater surrounding consciousness. Now we have to choose words to explain this to you. It is what some would call the spiritual world which transcends your own world, your own world is but a shadow of what we perceive. We cannot fully explain the outer world where we have our perception’

Liz… ‘Is it possible for us while we are in our physical bodies to actually overcome the normal constraints, for example like in healing if somebody develops a tumour it has been found that that tumour can be through thought, through the power of consciousness, transmuted, got rid of, dispersed but similarly can somebody that is falling from a height, by sheer shift of consciousness, prevent the normal physical consequences of damage to the body?’   

‘While you are plugged into your physical reality you, as a physical being have to comply with the constraints of the reality that you are a part of but at the same time you are consciousness, consciousness exists throughout all realities, all states of mind, you can reach out and be a part of the greater reality…’

Liz… ‘Okay, yes, it has been suggested, I haven’t witnessed it but very advanced yogis can walk through walls and teleport and it has been shown in various séances that spirit can levitate people and untie cords and change cloths back to front, do all sorts of things that defy the normal physical restraints’

‘Indeed this is all possible but there is a restricting factor on all of the things you have mentioned but there, this is allowed in a small, in the margins of the experiences of your world these things can and do happen and their purpose is to open the minds of all on your side, all on your side who are permanently locked into the thoughts of physical existence, they believe in a materialistic physical existence and will not allow themselves to think beyond this, they will not think in a spiritual way, they need to be shown, they need to be shown effects that will cause their mind to open, to look into possibilities beyond their physical existence. That is why it is allowed in certain controlled environments for these physical effects to happen. It is not, it is still not widely known within your physical world, there are things that are introduced which will put people off investigating these effects until they are suitably evolved to understand and to use this information for the good of all, they will look into it with love, they will not use it for their own egotistic means. It is not a, it is not something which should be played with by everybody, for some people they are still learning and their beneficial growing is still with the physical world, they will not benefit from venturing too far out of their comfortable physical existence but once somebody on your side has evolved their own consciousness to a point where they have learnt all physical lessons, they are then looking further afield and they will, they will come across physical séances, mediumistic happenings, healing, and they will look upon these things, something will point them in the direction of this work that you do and that others do and they will join circles and they will read and they will find that they too can adjoin this form of learning and it will help them to further evolve their consciousness and it will allow them to help others. Everybody has to evolve one step at a time, you cannot force this onto others who are not ready, they have to take many steps, many steps of learning before they can face up to what you have learnt yourself. So yes, all of these things are possible but they will not become available to everybody in your physical world until the time is right for each individual on your side, does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘Thank you, I guess so yes’

‘It is not always possible for us to give you an exact feeling for the conditions that we reside in on our side of life for you have to experience for yourself a taste of our side of life. This you are working towards, once you have caught a glimpse and a taste and a feeling for our existence then you will learn more for you too are taking one step at a time. We are allowed to step into your side, into your thoughts and bring to you as much as we can at this time. It would not help you to be thrust into a situation that you would not understand, that you would not have any points of reference to guide you into a full understanding, so as always we have to treat this work slowly, surely and at the correct time each piece of the puzzle will be presented at the correct time and you will build your understanding on this, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you friend’

I then started to experience some physical feelings around me. There was a pressure just below my right shoulder on my chest like something had been placed there? Also my hands were raised up and cupped as if holding something up in front of my face and it felt like something was attached to my palms.
It seemed like a different communicator was taking control and I noticed my eyes were wide open as they spoke.

‘Easy, easy… Yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘Yes, yes… it is a vehicle, it is a vehicle of communication and the vehicle has its own ideas, yes, and to come to a place of this type, this kind of communication from this place has its abilities to get through, there are steps in place now where we are getting a message through in a more clear way’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘Now, yes, so pointers on the way, pointers to the correct frequency for us to align, now let me, let it come in, it is… their greater voice is, greater voices will present as the time elapses. With it all in place, with it all in place it will get easier for us. We have the necessary ingredients for us to forward, surge ourselves forward in this way. It is only a case of practise for us all, words are for us a limitation but we still, we still are able to bring for you a greater understanding of all that lies above, below, around and within all that has ever swept beneath the wind, the wind of change, the wind of change has become a permanent fixture on the… it has been a world, a world of matter, a world of matter for you all but you have the ability to transcend that world of matter and rise out of the mists that blind you, that deafen you, that prevent the clear, the clear vision that awaits your sight, your etherical sight that is a part of your physical sight, your etherical being is expanding into our light and it has the ability to recognise those of us who are a part of your own make-up, we are all a part of you and you are only that tip of the iceberg that penetrates your physical world… This is understandable?’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you’

‘We come now to the end of this particular communication. We would like you please yes to resume your music thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you for your words, your communication, good to hear you’

‘We will continue to work on the vehicle and we will return thank you’

Liz… ‘Bless you’

Liz put the music back on.  
I was feeling very hot in the cabinet.
I had been meaning to ask Liz if she could question the communicators about how their environment differs from ours so I was pleased that she had asked this at this session. She later told me that she had been inspired to ask these questions as a result of a dream she had had.

About 30 minutes later Liz reported a cobweb feeling in her hair particularly on the side nearest the cabinet.

More noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘See your world, see your world not as a virtual reality but a world of make believe, make believe for you are building up your beliefs, you are experiencing as you travel your life in this reality and you experience and you believe for it to you is real. You, you pick up as you go along and you string together all these segments of beliefs and you make a belief for yourself. All on your side have their own beliefs that they have woven out of their experiences along their way so not so much a virtual reality but a world of make believe for you have recognised, you have recognised that you are now in a school of learning but a school is not only a place of learning it is also a place for playing, for experimenting, for searching, for exploring for there are many paths to be explored. Do not dwell on your physical reality as a virtual reality for all the time, all the time you are a part of this reality it is real to you, only those outside of your reality will perceive it as a virtual reality but you too as you grow will find yourself more outside of yourself, outside looking in and perceiving what you really are a part of, what you really are now. But do not forget to play, do not forget to explore and enjoy and become a part of a loving physical reality, a part of an ongoing experiment to create more love in your world, in your physical world and beyond. Love is the answer; love is the way to explore. See the love in all that is presented to you while you remain a part of your physical experience, your physical reality. Do not travel so far away that you forget why you have chosen to come in, to come into this reality and journey the physical path, the physical path of experience and learning and most of all playing. Play your games, play and enjoy for all life is to be enjoyed, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Please continue your music for a while’

Liz put the music back on…

10 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

‘Time once again, for we have exhausted our time with you… It is our time to go, our time to withdraw from the link and leave you back to your physical existence once again. Yes, now we have enjoyed our time with you, we have worked with the energies, we have developed the circle and we are pleased with the steps that have been made once again. So now is that time when we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world and spread amongst your friends and those who you meet as you go about your daily business. Thank you, thank you for providing this space for us’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your presence’

‘Thank you for the energies you have given us to work with and we now say goodnight, leave with you our blessings as we withdraw. We ask you to replay your music and allow us to seep out of your atmosphere and re-join our own segment of reality, thank you, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and thank you, God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about four minutes.
It was looking very bright and pink in the cabinet as I came back.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…