May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

283rd Sitting 25/06/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

I wasn’t wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG this week but we still had the Magnetometer on outside the séance room.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 50 minutes.

Liz felt a presence with her.
She saw a tall building like an airport and there was a shape at one of the windows. She couldn’t see who it was but felt it was her dad.
She also felt her grandmother around.

A few minutes before I was controlled I saw a face in front of mine looking at me. I didn’t recognise it and it seemed to be pulling a funny face.

Liz turned down the music when the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend... welcome’

‘Once again we are with you, we come into your room and we begin to give you some form of conversation that will help with your understanding of your world and the world that you also reach out to for you are occupying a vast area, an area that is beyond your vision, beyond your feeling for you are... you have chosen to take yourself away from your true self and you have chosen to journey through a physical life. You knew before you came into this physical world what to expect, a plan was devised and you began a life but as you develop in the physical world there is much that can change the original plan you set out to do. The physical world is a mixture of many things, many things that can take you from one situation to another yet behind you is that guiding force holding you steady, holding you to your intended pathway while the physical part of you is travelling blindly through life. The physical world is a wonderful world, a self-organising world for you all add your influence into that world. Your world becomes a part of you, a part of each human form, each spark of life within that world. You are all the masters of your own world and there is nothing to stop you living a life in whatever way you choose yet at the same time that motivating force is influencing you from within. You have the choice to recognise that force or to ignore that force and live life on your own, to feel that you are a singularity in a world that has no meaning. Yet when you allow that motivating force to guide you, you will feel connected, you will feel a part of something larger, something greater and the physical world for you will become so much more joyous, so much more beneficial. You will see a meaning in your life, you will realise that you are in your world for a reason. You will realise you decided to come to your world, you wanted to develop, you wanted to evolve, you wanted to become something better, something more useful and you wanted to help your world to grow. Look around your world, see the turmoil, see how each person lives their life in fear, fearing that they need to protect themselves. They have lost sight of that motivating force; they are running wild. As those who live in your world begin to recognise that motivating force, begin to feel the benefit of that guiding force within them, they will begin to understand the meaning of life, they will begin to understand the waste of life when lived apart from that motivating force and they will begin to understand why your world is the way it is. There are many now in your world who are beginning to recognise the importance of the motivating force within themselves. They are beginning to see your world as it truly is and as each person begins to recognise this it will help those who are lost, lost in life. You are all playing your part, you are all doing the best with what you have and you all have the potential to grow up, become a loving force in your world. Do not judge those who live blindly for they too have tremendous potential and will go on to become glowing lights within your world. It is a slow process but it is a beneficial process and it will continue to grow. Do not let the actions of others upset you for they know not what they do, they have not yet connected with their true self. Your love will help them. The way you lead your life will reflect on others. They will question their own life and when they do this help will come to them, help will enable them to see themselves in a new light. Amongst the turmoil of your world there is much love and light working behind the scenes making itself seen and felt by many. Keep your minds positive, look for the love in your world and encourage those who you feel may be lost. You are all being watched by yourself; you are all being guided by yourself. Try to feel that connection, try to understand that connection. Look inside of yourself for that love and that light. See it grow, see it shine brighter, see it reaching out to others. You are all children and you are all beginning to grow up. Children need teachers, there are many in your world now who are teaching, who are inspiring, who are living with love in their heart. Your world was created to be a school and slowly each occupant of that school will move up, will increase their understanding and reconnect with their true selves one by one’


‘The night sky is full of sparks of light, each spark of light represents one more life, one more occupant of your world. Your world is made up of light and the night sky reflects you all. Reach out to the sun and feel the love and support, the unconditional support that it gives to you all... Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached the end of our session, take a piece of our love, see it as a piece of the sun, take it into your heart and shine it throughout your world bringing warmth and light to all corners of your world. Help one another, share in the light of the sun for it is for everyone, it is free and unconditional. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’


I felt back with it after a few seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo sit 19/06/2019

I had a solo sit at home.

I did the opening prayer and included a question...

‘What is a good way to explain what happens when we die to someone who is afraid of dying?’

After about two minutes I began to be controlled and the communication started...

‘Good evening, good evening... thank you once again for allowing us to come through and for giving us a question, a question on which we can give you some form of answer that will help you for it is always difficult to know just what to say for everybody has within them some form of belief. Much is said in your world about death yet so little is truly understood, so little is understood about the part that you play in your world for it is indeed one small part, one episode of your life. Your life is full of so much more and will continue to be full of so much more. When looked from the perspective of your physical world it does indeed seem as though you do die, it seems as though you no longer live. Life is taken from your physical body and for you that physical body is indeed you. When you believe this you will find it hard to visualise anything different than an end to your life. Try to explain to these people that life is greater than the perceived physical existence. Life is going on beyond the physical existence throughout your physical life and that what is beyond will continue when your physical body dies. Free from the physical body you will begin to understand your true self, you will begin to understand what motivates you to live, you will begin to understand the process of life and the process of playing a physical part in that life, many physical parts’

‘When the physical body dies you will be presented with many choices. That what held you to the physical world is no longer a primary part of you. The physical world will be remembered but only as a place to play a temporary part. You will be joined by those you remember who have passed on for in your mind you will see yourself in a similar situation to that what you left behind. You will be joined by friends and family and they will help you, they will take you by the hand and they will introduce you to yourself for after the physical life you find yourself in a new world not dissimilar to that what you have left, for your mind needs time to adjust, your mind needs time to realise that you are not dreaming, that you are still alive and you will be given time, all the time that you need to choose what you wish to do. 

‘The purpose of a physical life is to grow up, is to become a more productive part of life. When you look back on your physical life you will begin to see the progress you made and the mistakes you made. You will see traits in your character that caused you to move backwards and you will see that what gave you the courage to move forwards. You will understand what traits in your character need to be put to the test, need to be put in situations which will allow them to grow, allow them to move forward and you may decide that the time has come to journey back into that physical world. You will be guided to a life that will be suited to you, a life that will cause your character to make full use of its time. A physical life is a series of steps, each life forms one step. You may accomplish that step in that lifetime or you may remain where you are. You may take a step back. All this is recorded and all this is available to you and you will be helped to find a place, to find a life in the physical world to return to, become physical once again’

‘In answer to your question, when you wish to comfort one who is nearing the end of their physical life you can help them by giving them an idea, putting an idea into their minds. Explain to them that they need have no fear of death, death is the release of pain and suffering, death is the release of confused thinking for death clears the mind, takes away the pains, the physical pains and death opens up a new way of thinking. Try to explain that they will indeed be reunited with those who they loved and that there is so much more beyond that situation. Let them know that where they find themselves will be a place with which they are truly familiar for they have been there many times before. It is a safe place, a familiar place, a place full of friends, a place free of pain and worry and confusion. A place where they can truly live as they truly are, a place full of opportunities, a place where for them time stands still, the mind totally relaxes. They can stay in a state of rest for as long as they wish, nobody is there to tell them what to do, they will be in charge of themselves and will only do what they want to do when the time is right. Nobody is being judged, nobody is in competition with one another, everybody is so full of love that they do not even think of these things. The physical world is a temporary place where you put yourself knowing that if everything falls into place you will return to the spiritual world one step further on and those steps go on forever, there is no need to be afraid of death for death is waking up to your true self and to those who love you... Thank you, may God bless and keep you, goodnight’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

282nd Sitting 11/06/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.55pm, turned off the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 50 minutes then after another 15 minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music as the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come to you, come in to your room, begin to speak in the physical world, with the mind of a spiritual world for as we draw close, as we become a part of you we all blend together creating a network of minds able to work as one, bring forth new ideas, new ways of thinking for each week as you sit you are slowly becoming more receptive to the information that we can bring forward. It is always a slow process but each time another step forward is achieved. As we begin to speak a feeling of presences in your room can be felt, you feel a part of something greater that yourself, a feeling of expansion, a feeling of wider thought, a possibility of bringing forward information that is beneficial for all. We try to give to you something which will benefit your world, something which will help the understanding of all who dwell in your world for each and every one of you does possess their own understanding. You all have an inner knowledge that drives you through life, a life time full of twists and turns but that inner knowledge remains part of your thought processes. We wish to add to that knowledge; we wish to allow that knowledge to become more known to you all. You have no need to feel alone, just allow yourself to tap into that knowledge that is a part of you. Feel that knowledge, feel how that knowledge supports your life’


‘When you came into this world you brought with you an understanding yet as you grow, as you grow up in a physical world you are bombarded by influences. You react to what you see, what you hear. That knowledge remains a part of you but you clothe it with more knowledge, more understanding gained from experiences in this world. You all bring with you different levels of power, you all... you have... you have lived your lives many times and you have increased the power within yourself, the power to love your life, the power to let go of the fears in your mind, the power to set you free, unhindered by negative thoughts for as you grow you become more a part of life, you become more able to live life fully, unhampered by that what surrounds you in a physical world, you do not let this influence your mind for your mind is strong, it comes into your world as a greater power, a greater ability to weave its way through a physical life. Those around you will be influenced by you, you will take charge, you will leave your mark, you will bring light into the lives of all who you meet. They too are looking for answers, looking for reasons to live and they too will slowly increase their own power and they will begin to live fully through life, through physical life. Allow your life to develop, try to live with a positive outlook in your mind, try to live without overreacting to others, understand that it is your choice in each situation how you react. No other person can force you to feel upset, feel a negative energy around yourself for when you are strong, when you are powerful, your positive energy cannot be touched, cannot be shaped for it is yours and reaches back to the source of all life searching forward like strong roots in a fertile soil’

Long pause...

‘The way that life develops is always starting from a new beginning. Your world is made up of beginnings and endings, each new day represents the beginning and at the end of the day your world ends for you. Each time you begin to feel you are not achieving all that you feel you should, try to reflect on your life at the end of each day, look back at what you have felt, understand the negative emotions you have experienced for you have chosen to experience those emotions and the next day you can choose not to experience those emotions in the same way. Whereas you live each day of your life you are given a new start, it matters not how you live your life, what is important is that you improve yourself each day, one small part. Begin your day with positivity in your heart, visualise the day ahead, see the ups and downs of your day, visualise yourself welcoming all situations that are presented to you with love in your heart. This will help, this will help you to choose not to allow the influences and situations to cause negativity, to cause upset, for it is only you that is getting upset. You are in a world designed for you to grow, all you can do is grow a little bit more each day, then you are achieving, you are achieving that what you set out to do when you chose to return into the physical world, a world designed for growth, a world designed for learning, a world designed for you to use the love within yourself, to open up your heart to all you meet in whatever situation you find yourself. Thank you, thank you my dear friend we have reached the end of our session this evening. As always, we give to you a piece of our love, take that love out into your world, spread it amongst all who you meet and recognise that they too are working on themselves in their own way with the power that they possess. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after a few seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

281st Sitting 05/06/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.55pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for the next 50 minutes.

Liz reported feeling presences with her.

After about one hour I was controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome...’

‘Once again we are with you, we are a part of you, we are all one and work together creating a sound that will help your world for as we come into your room we begin to mix with you, we begin to combine our thoughts with your thoughts creating a joint effort, a joint celebration in physical life and spiritual life, all one, all working together as it was meant to be for your world is a part of us and you are a part of many vibrations all working together to create one evolving vibration, one evolving consciousness, helping each other, guiding each other, learning from each other for all worlds are created to help the one conscious being to evolve. That one conscious being has many threads through which to learn, through which to observe, through which to guide. Each thread connects to an individual mind working on its own producing new ideas, new thoughts, new ways of thinking and through that thread those thoughts feed back to the one source of consciousness. There is no separation for it is all one consciousness, one and many parts. Each part playing its own part, the larger consciousness playing all the parts. Use your time in your world, use that time in a way that you feel can help all other beings. You are not alone, what you do affects many so make what you do motivated by love, see the benefit of love in your world, try to overcome your own difficulties, your own fears, your own beliefs. Do not allow them to hold you back, work at releasing fear and becoming love each day of your life. The more you can do this, the easier it will become and you will see how you can create a beautiful world for yourself, a beautiful world that is shared by all for they too are creating for themselves their own world and that what you create for yourself can help them. Think of yourself as a creator building a new world, a world fit for kings, for each and every one of you is indeed a king. Never let go of that vision you brought with you, that vision to create a better world. Every day of your life can be used to improve your world, recognise the mistakes you make and understand how you can improve yourself’


Liz... ‘Would you like me to play some music for a bit friend?’

‘No, we are still with you... would you like to ask a question?’

Liz... ‘Are you able to give us any information, any evidence basically in anything that will be very evidential?’

‘What do you understand as evidence?’

Liz... ‘Information or demonstration, physical demonstration I suppose that will confirm that there is a consciousness beyond our physical manifestation here, that what is coming through is from a larger consciousness system, a discarnate consciousness system beyond our own limited consciousness, something outside our knowledge and our understanding, something beyond...’

‘What do you feel is keeping you alive? What do you feel is behind all that you decide, all that you choose? What do you feel is within you when your emotions are heightened and you feel joy in your heart or sadness? What do you feel is driving you forward? Are you an empty shell or are you a ball of fire? Where do you feel that your memories are stored and where do you feel your ideas originate? Ask all these questions to yourself, try to imagine your life without meaning, without purpose. There is so much more to your life. The physical world plays one small part. You have grown to become used to all of your feelings, all of your memories, all of the input that comes to you yet there can be no life without consciousness, without that spark pushing you forward, guiding you each day of your life. You ask for evidence and yet your life is full of evidence. You and only you can give yourself proof’

Liz... ‘I guess the reason that we are sitting here in the dark, in this particular format is because we want to open ourselves to exceptional evidence, to exceptional contact with a higher source of intelligence and I suppose I'm asking for evidence that what is being said here, what is coming through is from a higher source of intelligence beyond our own, something that is beyond our own understanding and comprehension and evidence that it is coming from a source that is in some way beyond us, independent of this small self that we have here. But I'm saying as well that I don’t know what would be really evidential of that’

‘What do you feel is beyond yourself?’

Liz... ‘For example, I guess communication in a completely foreign language that neither of us knows or understands but can be translated by somebody else. I don’t know, I'm trying to think up things that would be very evidential and coming from a source that’s beyond us. Information that we couldn’t possibly know about, something that’s to happen in the future, something that will be particularly helpful to are development that we can put into practice. I suppose physical phenomena like in the Scole Group that was so exceptional that it had to have come from a transcendent source. I'm asking whether it is possible for you to bring through that sort of evidence?’

‘What you are asking is indeed possible. We are working in this way at this time. As you sit each week in your dark room there is within that room a growing possibility for physical phenomena, that growing possibility will develop. There will become a time when new energies will enter your room, new sitters will join you. The creation of physical phenomena in a physical séance requires joint energies working in harmony as one. Although it is possible to bring physical phenomena with just the two sitters we wish to continue to develop the communication as we sit like this. The development of physical phenomena is something which takes time, something which takes energies from you. We have developed within ourselves a strong link with you both and we wish to use that link to bring forward communication at this time. Your physical world is changing, your physical world is beginning to understand itself and those within your world are experimenting, are beginning to change the beliefs, beliefs held for so long that they have become a part of your world and will take time to crumble but there are many in your world now, tired of the old beliefs, looking for something new, something which will bring meaning to their lives. We hope that that what we say will help with their understanding and give them that stepping stone to take them out of traditional ways of thinking in your world. There will become a time when the majority will understand the part that they play and the connection they have with that what resides beyond their physical world. There will be no need to demonstrate physical phenomena for your world will become closer to the spiritual world and for many the physical and spiritual will become one once again. We thank you for your dedication and your patience and we ask that you continue to sit in this way for the words that we bring will be read by many and will help with the evolvement of your world and all of life, all of consciousness... Thank you, thank you my dear friend. We have reached the end of our session. Please take from us a piece of our love, use it wisely, share it with others, bring light to all who dwell in darkness. May God bless and keep you all, good night to you thank you’

Liz... 'Goodnight friend, thank you and God bless you all’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo sit 03/06/2019

I had a solo sit at home.

I did the opening prayer and felt myself being controlled after about 10 minutes...

‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come through... preparation... preparation is always of benefit to the communication for as you sit you are taking yourself away from the physical world, you are taking your mind out of the conditions of physical thinking, you are allowing your mind to be controlled by new input, a new stream of information flowing through you, being sensed by you and being translated into physical words. When you begin your sitting allow yourself to relax, try to free yourself from physical thoughts. This will help, this will help with the change of information, that new information that will be introduced to your mind. There are many ways in which we can work with you and we find the results to be clearer when your mind is relaxed, when the physical thoughts are removed yet for you there will always be an element of the physical world with you for you are a part of that world. Your job is to hold back the physical images, the physical sounds, the physical thoughts. Let them fall away and allow your mind to be totally receptive to the words of spirit. We will do our best to help you with this but you need to do the work, you need to give us a clear mind with which to work with. Irritations in your daily life must be addressed, must be cleared away from your thoughts. Try to imagine your life in its most simple way, its most simplistic form for your life is a simple life free from worry and complication when you boil it down to the simplest of states. You are merely taking part in physical life that is being played for you, your job is merely to do your best with what you have. Situations come and go and you deal with them one by one. There is nothing to fear, there is nothing to be manipulated, simply deal with each situation in a way you feel causes the least amount of harm or upset to those within that situation and by doing this you create new situations based in love. All answers are simple answers, you need not complicate your world by trying too hard. You don’t need to complicate your world by making the simple difficult. There are no difficult situations unless you make them difficult. See each situation for what it is, think of it as a test, a test you can pass or fail and realise that it is not important if you pass or if you fail. What is important is that what you learn, that what you uncover and the way that you deal with what you find within that situation. Do not see your life as a competition, do not see your life as a test, see it as a golden opportunity to bring back understanding that will open your mind, see it as a golden opportunity to spread your love to others. Each person involved in that situation is also trying their best with what they have. You can help them by giving yourself, giving all you have to them. You need nothing in a physical world. You arrive with nothing yet at the same time you bring the most important thing to your world and that is the level of love within your heart and if you can raise that level during your physical life then you have indeed lived a true, beneficial physical life and you will come back with more love to give to your world... thank you, goodnight, God bless’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...