May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

223rd Sitting 24/08/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week.

As an experiment Liz had written a question on a piece of paper to see if it would be answered during the session. Neither Brian or I saw the question until after the session.

Also Liz had setup her new super sensitive Fluxgate Magnetometer upstairs. This is a magnetic field sensor and the experiment was to see if the Spirit Team could influence the readings in some way.

At 8.05pm Liz did the opening prayer including mentioning the two experiments she had set up then put the music on and turned out the light.

I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz was doing the opening prayer then five minutes later the communication began...

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening friend welcome'

'Once again we all come through and speak with you and we always enjoy the work that we do, we always find fascination in the work that we do for we feel the way you feel, we feel the reaction to our words and we are pleased that we can ignite thoughts into your minds with what we say for we try to give you something to cause you to think, to cause you to use your mind in a way that you do not normally use your mind, we try to put ideas into your heads, ideas that have been growing within yourself, ideas that you do not normally bring to mind. The world that you live in is full of stimulus, full of situations that cause you to question. We can add to that what makes your mind question, that makes your mind fight with the beliefs within yourself. You have built up so many beliefs and expectations as you live your life yet your inner self knows that there is much more, much more to be learnt, much more to be discovered within your world that will help you understand yourself, your inner self, that what motivates you. When you picture our world, the spiritual world, you try to put your beliefs and expectations into that picture for you need something on which to build a picture. Try to think of the spirit world without expectations, without preconceived ideas. Take you mind away from the experiences of the outside world, look within yourself and you will see us, you will see a spiritual world. Each day of your life is full of experience, outer experience, you experience your world as a world outside of yourself. Try to experience your world from within, see how your world mirrors that what resides within yourself. This will give you a larger picture, this will enable you to widen your awareness. You can only see so far in a physical world yet within yourself there are no limitations. Watch the candle burn, watch the flame, extinguish that flame. Where has the flame gone? Did that flame exist? Did you experience the flame? Why can you no longer experience a flame that has been extinguished? A dripping tap slowly fills the glass, the water has within it many properties for life to exist. Each drip can sustain life yet without that water life continues, life goes on. There are always two ways to look at any picture, two ways to experience any situation. Use both ways, do not restrict yourself to the physical aspect of each situation. Broaden your horizons and you will begin to understand so much more about yourself and about the world you live within. Use each of your physical senses but add to each sense. Your senses will be heightened for you are looking at each situation in two ways, from within and from without. Is this understandable to you?'

Liz... 'Yes'

'It is all so very simple yet when you find yourself bombarded by physical experiences each day of your life your mind will close in on yourself, you will see your world as the physical world that it is but for brief moments in time when your vision is clear and your mind is uncluttered you will get a glimpse of a greater world within yourself and each time that this happens it will bring you closer to a greater understanding until that time when you can live your life in full awareness of all things within and without. Take your time, enjoy your physical existence, enjoy each experience as it comes to you knowing that there is so much more, so much more to come. Thank you, please replay your music for a while'

Liz... 'I will, thank you friend'

Liz turned up the music.

I drifted in and out of sleep for a while and it wasn't until 50 minutes later that another communication started.

Liz turned the music down again.

The communication took a while to settle in...

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'We have prepared ourselves for this journey to come through to you. Each time that we penetrate your world it is a new experience, a new opening for the mind towards all that represents the physical world in all its detail, in all its beauty, in all its combined experience for all. We feel, we feel the experiences of all who live in your world as they go about their lives it is for us a filtering of that what ignites our interest for we can take from you that what you believe, that what you understand and use that to produce information for you that is designed for you, that you will understand, that you will piece together and create for yourself an understanding. Teach each other, you all possess your own knowledge and you can spread the word to each other. You do not need to reach out when all that knowledge resides inside of yourself. You have experienced more than you can comprehend, we have felt that experience and we share with you our own experience. Much of what you understand has been altered, has been shaped, has been placed into your mind. You have grown up appreciating scenes before yourself, scenes before you as you observe your world. We take a look, we can understand, we can see how you think, we can feel how you think...'


'There is nothing complicated, there is nothing complicated for you at the time of death. When you reach that time it is for you such a simple process. You have built up within yourself an expectation. That expectation will be seen for the flaws that it presents for there is nothing for you to expect apart from the simplicity, apart from the taking away of that what holds you, that what restricts you. You have no time to think when the physical world releases its grasp for you will feel your mind soaking into the atmosphere of all that is, all that is available, all that has been clouded from your mind. You will wake up, you will see yourself from a new vantage point. You will understand the opportunities that you missed and you will understand the growth that you have made within yourself and you will see how uncomplicated your life has been and your life is now. One small aspect of a greater self has once again journeyed through the physical world adding the knowledge within yourself. You will understand how you can benefit from separating yourself and pushing yourself into all directions, into all situations. You are no longer a singularity; one mind sees many pictures at one time. Each picture has a lifespan, each picture will come on and turn off yet new pictures will come and go and a larger picture will grow, will become more beautiful. Keep adding beauty to your picture and you will know that you have found the correct pathway to continued evolution within yourself and within all others, all that is. See the good in all things and you will be helped by yourself, by the energy within yourself... Thank you my dear friends, we have once again reached the end of our session and we will shortly withdraw from your room but as always we leave you with a piece of our love which is a piece of your love and you can take that with you as you journey yourself throughout your life meeting others, sharing love, sharing the light within yourself. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you'

Brian... 'Goodnight, thank you'

Liz played a tune as I came back.

She then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Brian had sensed a lot of energy in the room during the session. He felt his head held down some of the time with energy around it, his left leg had been very tingly and he'd felt vibrations in his chair.
At one point he saw a white cross or sword in the ground and behind it was a chapel with knights on horseback coming down one side of it.

Liz experienced touching sensations in her hair and got hot and cold at times.

After the séance Liz told us her question which was... 'I wish to know how healing can help the dying person. Does deathbed healing help that person make a more harmonious transfer? How long should that healing continue?'

Liz's ears pricked up when she heard the last communication about death. It didn't directly answer her question but to me it seemed to imply that healing is not necessary for a dying person as the time of death is a simple, natural process and it's only our expectations from a physical standpoint that make us think there can be difficulties surrounding death that need to be healed.