May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
Solo sit 27/05/2020
I had a Solo sit at home.
I was going to sit without a question but one came into my mind just before the opening prayer so I asked...
‘I find doing trance mediumship like this very easy to do and yet when I try to meditate, I still find it hard to quieten my mind. Why is this? Have you any useful advice please?’
After the opening prayer I felt myself being controlled and the communication quickly began...
‘Good evening, good evening... thank you once again for giving us a question, a question that was thrust into your mind for we feel this is something which you have been considering for some time. There is always questions regarding this subject, regarding the quietening of the mind. Your mind is an active part of you, an active part of you all. You are all part of consciousness; you are all alive in the physical world and the consciousness that you are a part of is motivating your physical life. You are constantly bombarded with what you see, with what you hear. Over the years you have perfected your senses to register that what you require and that what you sense plays on your mind. Your mind is always looking for stimulation through the physical senses. It finds it hard to rest for your mind is in tune with your physical surroundings, it works with those surroundings, it works with the physical world for the physical world is all encompassing to your mind. That is how it feels to you and yet your mind is also connected to subtle energies that exist beyond your physical world’
‘When you meditate you are trying to detach your mind from the physical world and allow it to see more from those subtle impressions that surround you, impressions from consciousness, consciousness in all its forms and functions. When you sit for trance development you remain aware and the physical world is still able to guide your mind. This can help your development of trance for the words that come through are spoken in the physical world in the same way as you speak yourself in the physical world, there is no difference, you are merely receiving an extra line of communication which you yourself interpret as if it was composed by yourself. You have sat for many years in physical circles, you have been exposed to the subtle energies of mediumship, of communication and although you were not aware at the time, you were developing in your own way, you mind was experiencing those subtle energies, it was feeling those subtle energies and it recognised those subtle energies and as years went by you too found you could begin to develop trance mediumship and now it is for you something of a second nature. Meditation on the other hand is for you something relatively new and in meditation the physical world has to be extinguished from your mind. This is something which is both easy and difficult. For you do this each day of your life many times in each day. Everybody has day-dreams, everybody has times where their mind drifts and the physical world becomes extinguished for a brief period in time. Meditation has been practised for many years and there are many different ways of developing true meditation. It is for you to find that way that suits you. You are already spending time developing this and if you continue you will begin to succeed. It is for you a different sensation, something new. Anything that is new will take time to perfect. Do not take it seriously, try to enjoy the peace you experience as you relax in your chair. If your mind begins to wander, let it wander for it may take you somewhere... somewhere that will start a new journey. Do not try to still your mind, but try to forget your mind. Each time a thought enters your mind do not be discouraged, let that thought come and go. You can create wonderful pictures in your mind, these will help, these will begin to develop and as they develop you will forget your mind. Once developed meditation can be a useful tool, it will open your mind to new understandings, new discoveries and it will help you appreciate your physical world so much more for you will see what lies beyond and within that world. Your mind is a very powerful tool and has a greater capacity than you can imagine. You currently only use a small portion of your mind, there is so much more to bring to the surface. Continue your experiments in the development of meditation and everything will benefit in your life. This applies to all in your world’
‘We have spoken about the changing of the times you live in and a time is coming when meditation will play a major part in the lives of all in your world... thank you. Thank you my dear friend, please take a piece of our love, take it into your heart, let it light up your physical form, emitting light into all parts of your world. Your mind is receptive to the light within yourself and as you expand your mind you will see that all there is, is light and love holding your world together. Be a part of that light and spread it to each and everyone you meet for you can all develop the light of your world each day of your lives. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds and did a closing prayer then sent out healing...
Solo sit 18/05/2020
I had a Solo sit at home and asked a question during the opening prayer...
‘I have noticed a change in people when out walking as everyone now says hello and smiles. The neighbours are also more chatty and kind to each other. It's as if the quality of consciousness is rising. Do you think this will continue after the coronavirus has gone away?’
I felt myself being controlled as I was doing the opening prayer and the communication soon started...
‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come in to your room, we thank you for your question for without a question we tend to go our own way, we tend to bring you what we feel you need right now but your question gives us the opportunity to address, to focus our communication onto that what you wish to know. There is indeed a raising of the vibration, a raising of the quality of consciousness throughout your world at this time but combined with this is also a raising of fear. You may think that one will cancel out the other and yet the raising of the vibration is a much stronger energy, a more powerful... something which will affect the consciousness of your world. The fears are of a temporary nature, they will come and they will go. They will cause confusion to those who dwell on them but again this is a temporary state of mind the underlying state of mind is that of growth, is that of evolution. This will always forge forwards in all circumstances but at a time like this, a time that has got the attention of all on your planet, each individual has been inspired to think about life, about the part they play in your world and they think about the future. Some will think of a new world, they will see the old way of living somewhat modified, they will feel the hurt of those who have lost their physical lives but they will also feel the comfort and support in all situations at this time. There are many who are putting so much energy into helping others and you have noticed a change in attitude to not only those close to you but the people you meet in the street. This is a positive sign and something which is making an imprint into your world, a permanent imprint for your world will indeed change. You may not notice at first for all change is gradual, each step is followed by another step, until that step is completed no more steps will be presented to you. Evolution is a slow process but evolution does occur in all situations. Try to make the most of the positivity that you feel throughout your world. Each time you notice somebody acknowledging you with a smile or some kind words, do your best to return to them your own kindness even if it is merely a smile. You will find yourself wanting to be kind, wanting to help for it is only natural for the human spirit to want to help each other’
‘You will all begin to feel the temporary nature of material things, material wealth, for you will feel the love of other human beings in your world joining together, creating a light throughout your world. You will begin to see the beauty within your world. Many of you have stopped your work, have stopped your travels. You are at home, you are staying local to your home in your walks, in your exercise, in your explorations. You are given time to observe that what you may have missed, that what was always there but unnoticed for your mind was engaged in other things. Now you have the time to notice that what is presented to you each day of your life. Continue to do this, continue to take time, even when you return to your work, to your travel, there is always time to stop and observe and feel and reflect. You need not do so much in your day; you only think you need to do so much. In the past you have all created for yourself a stressful day, you have set yourself targets and when you do not meet those targets stress comes to you. See within those targets spaces in your life where you can stop, where you can receive information from the beauty of your world. The beauty of your world can heal, can enlighten, can take you away from that temporary material world that you have created for yourself. Allow yourself to swim in the beauty, allow yourself to reach out to that what truly drives you forward. Stop creating stress, let life come to you and you will be ready to deal with all situations with a calm mind’
‘Life will continue when this virus has gone. Do your best to allow the change in your world to create a better life for everyone, a life where all is shared, a life where all is seen and a life where all is felt for there is so much more to life than currently meets your eyes. Do not waste your energy on the trivialities of your life, understand that they are self-created. Allow life to come to you and you will live in a natural way unhampered by the trivialities, the confusions, the negative impacts. These need not play any part in your life. Rejoice in this new found kindness throughout your neighbourhood. Allow it to flourish, allow it to become the new norm of live, thank you’
I felt back with it after a few second then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...
Solo Sit 01/05/2020
I had a solo sit at home.
I didn’t ask a question, I just did the opening prayer and felt myself being controlled as I was doing it and the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening... Once again we come in to your room and we begin to speak to you all, let you know that you are not alone, you are always joined by many minds. You as an individual are connected to many others, many who walk with you, many who share your experiences. Allow yourself to feel their presence, allow yourself to develop an understanding in their ability to work with you for nobody is alone, nobody works alone. Even though you may feel you are alone, you are a part of something greater, something more powerful, something that stretches beyond your imagination. If you allow yourself to feel the presence of others, if you allow your mind to understand the connection for it is not only a connection, it is a joining together of minds, minds that think as one. A single mind can spread its wings, a single mind can work as one and work as many. You are all constantly bombarded with information throughout your physical life, you choose to accept that information or you choose to dismiss that information. Listen for words, accept feelings, you do not have to develop special powers for this is a natual occurrence. You as a single mind can choose to work as a single mind or you can allow the natural impingement of information to enter your mind, open your mind to the idea that you are more. Your life has the potential to be more engulfing. Your mind has the potential to work on many levels. Just because you do not see beyond that one level does not mean that other levels do not exist. There will be times in your life when you will find yourself switching into different levels. You will drift off; your thoughts will take charge of your mind. Allow this to happen, allow yourself to experience a larger reality’
‘When you sleep you dream and a new reality is opened up for you but you also are dreaming while you are awake. A dream is a measure of life. A dream can create for you that what you require. A dream is forever changing. You may feel you are stuck in a situation yet you are also dreaming, and in that dream that situation can change. Allow yourself to connect to your dreams throughout your daily life, then you will see situations from a new perspective. This perspective will show you the good in those situations, situations that for you have seemed to cause unnecessary confusion in your life, for in the dream you will see the opportunities presented to you as you live your life in the physical world. Your dreams know why you are living this physical life and they know the purpose of your physical life and they will do their best to give you that understanding’
‘Do not live with a narrow mind, live with a wide mind, a mind that reaches out to all possibilities, a mind that understands a greater existence within the physical existence. If you live with a wide mind you will benefit many for your thoughts will be felt by many and will spread to all who you interact with. Be that spark in life that opens up others to the knowledge that they are something more, that they can feel something greater within themselves and they can harness that power to take them through their physical existence free from fears, free from confusion, enjoying every moment of every day for they will see it as a welcome challenge, a welcome opportunity to spread love throughout your world. Darkness will dissolve when the mind is widened. Spread your wings, open your eyes, lift yourself above yourself and see for yourself all that is presented to you, a life of opportunity, challenge and enjoyment... Thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds, did a closing prayer and sent out healing...