May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
Solo Sit 28/03/2020
I had a Solo Sit at home.
I did an opening prayer but didn’t ask a question apart from asking for communication that would benefit everyone.
I felt myself being controlled soon after the opening prayer and the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening... Once again we come forward, we bring to you a gift, a gift for you all to share, a gift that will bring you closer together, a gift that will help you to see you are all one. Take this gift, spread it around your world for all in your world are receptive to gifts. A gift is seen as something which brings happiness. You all have that happiness within yourselves but it need not take that gift to bring that happiness out of yourselves. Look around at your world, feel the effect of what you see on yourself. Does it bring happiness or does it bring sadness? You are in control of yourself, you can create happiness, you can create sadness. The outer world, that what is outside of you does not create the happiness or sadness. Your gift is your ability to choose. Choose wisely and your world will reflect the happiness within yourself. No one wishes to experience sadness, yet they let their fears drive them, they let their fears take control. Without those fears only happiness can exist for love is happiness, love is caring, love is the joining together of all in your world with a smile upon your face. Let your choices be directed by love, cast those fears aside. Open your eyes to the beauties within your world, they too will guide you, they will bring out that loving energy that you all desire to use. See the good in all situations and those situations will change and as those situations change, so will you. Love can spread like a virus infecting all who walk your world. Play your part in spreading that virus, play your part in developing that virus within yourself. See it in others, see it in all experiences, in all situations. You are all stronger than you think. You think you work alone and yet within you there is so much more. Prepare yourself each day of your life, prepare yourself for the day each time you wake up. Imagine the day unfolding before you, see it with love in your heart. See each situation as a loving situation. Feel that situation, feel how that situation affects you, do not let your fears become a part of that situation. Your fears are temporary, they have no power except that power which you create to feed those fears. You have built up within yourself a pattern for those fears have become a part of you but you have the power to let them go. You can work at releasing those fears by seeing your day laid out in front of you when you wake up. Imagine yourself living that day without those fears affecting how you perceive, how you experience all that you know you will be doing that day. Slowly those fears will weaken, slowly those fears will lose their grip and the strength of the love within yourself will be all you use to live your life each day. As your day unfolds you will still feel the effect of fears. Learn to recognise that feeling and learn to turn that feeling down, imagine that fear dissolving before you. See the frailty of that fear and see the strength of love, the greatest gift of all... Thank you. Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of this our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love. Let it join with your love and each time you feel a fear beginning to control your judgement, beginning to control your choices, think of that love that we have given to you and see it reduce that fear, see it extinguish that fear. The more you do this, the more you will see beauty in all things. Never be afraid to choose love over fear. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds.
Then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...
Solo Sit 20/03/2020
Had a Solo Sit and during the opening prayer asked...
‘Have you any advice on staying positive during this Coronavirus Pandemic?’
I felt myself being controlled a few seconds later...
‘Good evening, good evening... Once again, we come through to give you some form of advice. You have asked us a question, we always try to give you the most beneficial answer, something which can be shared for you all have these questions on your mind, you are all looking for answers and we wish to help you find those answers by giving you something on which to think about. For you all build up within yourselves your own answers based on how you react to new information. All information can be seen as new for you are giving it a new interpretation as you develop. As you change yourself you also change the way you interpret that what comes to you, that what forms your experience in a physical world, a world that now is caught in this pandemic, something which is on the minds of all in your world. The mind is a strong transmitter, the mind is consciousness, that what drives you all. The physical world responds to that what you transmit and as more in your world transmit the same message then your world begins to change, all who live on your world begin to change. They begin to work as one for they share a common link. As always fears play their part but through those fears are seen acts of kindness. When you experience those acts you feel the true you, you feel your consciousness reacting, filling you with love, filling you with hope, giving you a glimpse of the temporary nature of all situations in the physical world. Your beliefs and fears try to tell you, try to give you a sense that the physical world is all there is, is a fixed reality in which you are a part and whatever happens in that reality will affect you, yet your consciousness is giving you more. Look for the good in all of this, look for the kind acts and allow your consciousness to take control and as it takes control, you yourself will feel more positive. You will see the positivity that is created in a situation such as this. You will see how people are brought together, how people will help one another and you will see the temporary nature of the negative acts that are acted out in times of fear, in times of misunderstanding, in times of confusion. Those who commit these acts are so immersed in their physical lives that they know not what they do. They still have the choice and they choose to look after themselves. They too are beginning to learn, they are beginning to change and you can help them, you can reach out with your love, give them all the love that you have and they will feel that love, they will begin to feel their consciousness. There is nothing to fear in a world driven by love. Use that love, spread that love, see the good in this situation and understand the temporary nature of the negative acts. Understand that you can help those who commit these acts, you can help them to understand, you can help them to begin to grow. You are all learning; you are all developing and this situation is bringing you all closer together. Play your part in this by bringing positivity into your life. You will still feel the effects of negativity but know that your consciousness is so much more powerful than any physical act. Understand how your world is designed to change, to evolve, and think of this as one more step in the world’s evolution, and as your world evolves so those who live in your world will also feel the benefit, they will look at themselves and they will want to change. All situations bring with them opportunities to grow. Understand this and your positivity will blossom within yourself and will be felt by others. You are all connected, you are all one and your positivity will add to others. A time will come when you all will join hands, you will create a circle of love in your physical world, bringing positivity into the hearts of everybody who walks your world. One by one you will all wake up and become one with each other. Your world was created to bring love into life. Feel that love working with you each day and live your life with positivity in your heart. Watch your world unfold beneath your feet knowing that you have the power to change your world for the good and when you all work as one with positivity in your heart your world will become a true place of beauty for everyone to share, thank you. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight’
I felt back with it after a few seconds.
I did a closing prayer and sent out healing.
Liz’s friend Cheryl who sat with us a few weeks ago has suggested that we all send out ten minutes healing for the world at 8pm every evening while we are in semi-isolation and not able to meet up. She is posting this in all the other spiritual groups in the area and it would be great if as many people as possible join in creating a large united effort to offset the negative effects of this pandemic.
Solo Sit 16/03/2020
I had a Solo sit and asked a question that Dagmar had sent me following on from what was asked in the last Mercury Light session...
‘Is our DNA able to be extracted and then used in Artificial Intelligence and how would this affect our consciousness?’
I did an opening prayer and was controlled a few seconds afterwards...
‘Good evening, good evening, thank you, thank you for bringing this question to us. We will try to give an answer that will help you all to better understand the effects of scientific experiments on consciousness, on all of consciousness and on individual units of consciousness. For the world is a growing world, filling with more individual consciousnesses. The expansion of consciousness in the physical world is adding to the available answers to each problem. You all work as an individual even though you are a part of consciousness, even though you are all one. When connected to the physical world, when cut off from that larger part of yourself you all work as individuals, you all see situations in different ways and because there are more of you this adds to the combined growth of human consciousness. Those who are of the scientific mind, who are searching for ways to improve your world, they all have their own way of understanding your world and their own input into that understanding. Consciousness itself is unaffected by physical experiments but an individual consciousness can be affected by what it understands about an experiment. There are many ways in your world to receive information about things you do not fully understand and you will put your own interpretation onto that information and you will build up within yourself a belief for you will interpret the information given to you in such a way that it may cause fear and with fear comes beliefs. Look for the good in all forms of experimentation and you will not harm yourself, you will not create fears and beliefs within yourself for you are using the love within yourself to interpret something which can be used for love or can be used for fear, the creation of fear. You do not know which way this will go; you have to rely on the information from others and you will interpret their information. Be careful how you interpret all information for how you interpret will shape your consciousness. When you talk of DNA you are talking of a physical... you are talking of a part of the physical world, the physical makeup of your world, of your physical bodies. You as consciousness are so much more, you see yourself as a physical body but you can also feel yourself as consciousness. Artificial intelligence is an invention that can be used for the good of your world or it can be used for the destruction of your world, it can be used to create fears within your world. You do not know which way it will go but you can help, you can direct your thoughts with love instead of reacting with fear. Know that nothing can affect your consciousness except for your own thoughts. Keep your thoughts positive and your consciousness will grow, will evolve, with see through the negativities of your world. The state of your world is a mirror of the combined consciousnesses that inhabit your world. Play your part in raising that vibration, in improving the state of your world, by reacting with love, by reacting with positivity. You may not believe you can help but each positive thought can do so much more than any physical act, you have more power in your own consciousness. Use that power, keep that power positive and your world will grow. There is nothing to fear, you are merely playing your part in physical life and you have a great opportunity to change that life for good. Stay positive and the fears will not affect you, they will not affect your consciousness, and your strength will open your eyes to a truer world, a golden world full of wonderful opportunities. The more you love the more you will see and those fears will not touch you... thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight’
I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing.
304th Sitting 10/03/2020
We had the room setup as usual and left the heater on which emitted a small amount of red and green light.
We didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer this week.
We changed the way we sit and at 7.40pm began with about ten minutes sitting quietly meditating and tuning in. Then Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the light and put the music on...
I fell asleep for about five minutes then began to be controlled just after waking up.
Liz saw a lot of white shapes in the room but thought it could have been caused by the lights on the heater.
Liz turned down the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’
‘Once again we come into your room, we begin to give you a form of teaching, words that will help you to understand, for you already understand but that understanding can be developed, can be opened up so that you face new ideas, new ways of thinking. You as a physical human being are beginning to wake up, are beginning to exercise the greater part of yourself. The physical world is a small part of your world, you can see so much more, you can feel so much more and this brings with it further questions, further possibilities to be explored. Watch your world as it develops before you, see the affect other people have on you, feel those people close to you as if they were you. Try to understand each person, understand the development that that person has achieved. Feel their energies and from those energies you can merge with them, you can become them, you can experience their experiences on a different level, a different way of thinking. The way you think is dependent on how you feel. Raise those feelings within yourself and your thinking will be enhanced, you will begin to see more, you will begin to understand more. Valuable lessons can be learnt as you raise your vibration, as you change your perspective on life. Look at life and appreciate the value of life, the value of living. Use each experience wisely’
Liz... ‘Friend, there are many times when you talk of value your life, value and enjoy your experience but for many of us those feelings don’t come and whether it’s an imbalance in the brain due to environmental factors or genetic factors there’s a form of depression in which many people nowadays can’t feel that. They can’t feel the full value of life, they question their life, they’re not happy with it and nor do they value their experiences, their experiences make them feel dejected. So when you say those things I feel that for many people those are just words, they don’t know how to change the fact that they can’t feel that. Can you comment on that?’
‘Everybody has feelings and everybody whilst in your world has experience. The value of that experience depends on the state of mind of the experiencer. Feelings change the state of mind, heighten the state of mind. Each physical being has worked their way through physical existence, they have been exposed to many different situations, situations that they have reacted too, situations that have caused them to change themselves. They have created for themselves a personal world in which they live. They have held themselves in that world, they have restricted their ability to live. They have created for themselves a prison, a self-created prison which holds them until they begin to question their life. Only then will they be able to look inside of themselves and see all that they need is within themselves. For when they look outside of themselves, they only see that prison. They feel they are trapped; they feel they have nothing to live for, they feel restrictions on their life. They only see themselves, they cannot understand the lives of others, others that are close to them and are trying to help them, they only see themselves but a time will come when they will begin to question and they will be given that opportunity to understand themselves, to break free of that self-created prison. You all have your own personal world that you have created and you can change that world’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend. Many people who are in that situation look for help, they go to therapists or they try different remedies because they recognise that they are stuck and that this is not an optimum state of being in the world, the lack of appreciation that they feel and yet they often don’t find the right therapy or the right teacher or the right remedy’
‘Then they are beginning to learn. They are beginning to explore, they are beginning to come out of their prison, of their personal world. They are looking for answers. They may not find answers but the important thing is to try, try to improve yourself by seeking help, by looking to others, by recognising the situation that they are in. They will begin to understand that they themselves can give them that therapy, can give them that help. They have all the power within themselves. A therapist may be able to unlock that power, to show them that they have that power, that they too can find this within themselves’
Liz... ‘So, in a sense when you are advocating to people to value life, to value experience, you are already talking to the convinced, to those who have that ability already within themselves, who are already healed as it were. But when you say those things to those who are still in the dark it must have a hollow ring. When you tell someone to enjoy and to value experience when they are clearly in the doldrums, when they are in the dark and they are feeling depressed, it's like waving a red rag to a bull’
‘But it is them that need to value their life the most, they need to see how they have locked themselves in. One spark of light that comes to their minds will help, will begin the process’
Liz... ‘So perhaps that spark of light can come from another, can come from outside’
‘There are many ways in which the eyes can be opened. There are many ways in which the doors can become unlocked’
Liz... ‘If a person who is deeply depressed or who senses they’re in a prison and doesn’t know how to get out of it, if that person prays, puts out a plea to the universe, even blindly, puts out a despair, can that spark be kindled from spirit? Are there spirit helpers who hear that person in their distress?’
‘Their calls are heard but they themselves have to make the first step. If they are calling out then they want to break out, they want to see the light. That wanting is what gives them the power to help themselves’
Liz... ‘When a soul is in that dark state, can spirit shine a light that can be felt, that can find an opening?’
‘They already have that light within themselves. You are all spirit as much as you are physical beings’
Liz... ‘So can their higher self then intervene on their own behalf?’
‘Yes, their higher self is with them, is waiting for one small step to be made, for ultimately the physical part of each person is in the physical world to learn, to learn from their experiences. They need to want to break free, they need to initialise the process. Once they have begun to break down the doors they will be helped, they will attract positive energy for they are creating positive energy within themselves in wanting to grow, to learn, to accomplish. They are wanting to become something better; they want to change themselves and they will change themselves and they will get help in this once they have made that choice. Physical life is not always easy, physical life has many challenges. You cannot achieve, you cannot grow without facing those difficulties and challenges with love in your heart. The physical world was created for you, it is the ideal environment in which to grow and you will grow for you are constantly feeling that urge to move forward, to become something more. You may temporarily stop your growth but you cannot stop your growth for ever. You are a part of consciousness; consciousness is for ever evolving. The part you play helps all of consciousness. You can feel the evolution of consciousness throughout your being each day of your life. That feeling is what drives you forward, the feeling is the help that you get but you yourself have to make that initial move and you will make that move for the power of consciousness is driving you forward’
Liz... ‘In a sense it feels as if you are talking to the greater you or the greater I, but the part that gets in the way, that gets depressed, that puts the block and the prison bars around this greater I is the ego part which is like a tool that we all have to build and create but it’s like a useful tool that then becomes a crutch without which we feel we can’t survive, the ego part, this is the personality, the part that seems to have these mood swings, the depression, the sense of alienation, the sense of isolation, the lack of appreciation, the questions, the queries, the doubts, the inadequacies, the phobias. All of that, it’s a tool that we need, or we think we need and it’s that that stands in the way. So when you are talking, when you are speaking to us it’s as if you are speaking to the already enlightened part of ourselves, the greater consciousness part of ourselves, that part which is blocked by the ego, by the personality part of ourselves that we’ve created or has developed to provide us with a vehicle for interacting in this world. So it almost feels that we have to shed that part of ourselves, we have to let go of it, we have to let it die in order to be able to hear the truth of what you are saying because you often talk of it’s very simple, that life is very simple, we make it complicated, that we should feel this gratitude, we should feel this joy but it’s as if the blocks that are in the way of that have to be shed, we have to die to that part of ourselves before we can hear what you are saying, before we can truly hear and apply it. So my question is how do you kill that part of yourself, how do you shed the part of yourself that is a barrier to these truths, to these truisms?’
‘You have understood what we have said and you have put it in such a way that it has become understandable to others. The blockages, that what is in the way are the fears that have built up within yourself. These fears are also in the larger part of yourself, they are you and throughout physical existence you are given many opportunities in which to bring those fears to your attention. Your job is to let go of those fears. Fears cause blockages, cause complications. Without those fears life would indeed be so very simple. You as a physical being are locked up in fear, fear you do not recognise and this lives with you through your physical existence. Those fears can be let go of but first you must recognise those fears, you must find those fears and you find those fears by looking at your feelings throughout your life. Each negative feeling is the result of a fear. People cannot upset you, you upset yourself because of the fears that are working with you. Take time to understand the cause of any negative feelings in your life and you will be directed to a fear and you will understand what that fear is’
Liz... ‘It’s almost as if we are like the naked baby who is born, the child who is open and very simple and able to live completely in the present but as it progresses it builds up around itself a cocoon, like a chrysalis as it begins to emerge into the world and comes up against bumps and lumps and it has to go into this chrysalis state which becomes like the teenager and then the adult which is built up of all sorts of knocks and bruises but it’s a tough shell. The child is still growing but is unable to break out of this shell but in order to break free it has to crack open this shell, the shell has to break up, to disintegrate and then the naked child, the tender delicate feeling part of the human being can begin to turn into what it truly is, to the butterfly, to the enlightened being, to the happy, open, free flying, free created being like the butterfly. It can then go and experience the nectar of life, to sample the flowers but in order to be able to emerge and spread its wings, to develop into that glorious butterfly being that can taste the nectar of the world it has to smash its shell open, it has to break, to crack open this chrysalis which is the hard self, the ego self, the reactive self, the self that is created out of the fears and the phantasms, and the doubts and all the knocks and bruises. It has to crack that open, to shed it, to let that part of itself die and then it can emerge a glorious, free, nectar tasting butterfly being to enjoy the fruits and the flowers of this Earth. Then that butterfly can hear the words that you are saying, can attune to them, can believe them because it can feel that untainted joy, that simplicity of being, of life, of free flow. But for many that cannot be easy and the words that you say must sound hollow because only the enlightened, the free being like the butterfly can really understand your words’
‘That is your purpose in physical existence, to break free, to wake up, to become something more. You are all restricted by fears and you all have work to do, you all have a life to live. You can feel within yourself that urge to grow and you can feel the effect of the fears that hold you back. It is a natural process to grow, to become something more. Many lives can be lived before a fear is let go, there is no time limit, you have all the time you need. You will never achieve perfection for there is always more to be achieved. Do not let the thought of fears cause sadness in your life for you have already achieved so much, everybody in your world has achieved and everybody in your world is growing, is helping the level of consciousness to grow for you all play your part and you all have much to do as you live your lives. Consciousness is growing with you. The physical world is a world to be enjoyed, keep that smile upon your face, understand the feelings within yourself, make the most of the wonderful opportunities that are presented to you each day of your life, thank you. Thank you my dear friend...’
Liz... ‘Friend, before you finish, I have a question from Dagmar who wishes to know how human beings, how human consciousness will react, will be effected by communication with artificial intelligence, with robots, with our computerised machines?’
‘The science of your world is developing rapidly in two different directions. There is the materialist outlook, creating machines, creating physical machines, machines that will help you all to live your life. Yet these machines are a physical invention devoid of consciousness. Science is also developing in the areas of consciousness. It is beginning to understand the part that consciousness plays in physical life. The materialist thinking is trying to create a machine to become conscious yet the scientists that are studying consciousness are beginning to understand that consciousness is the fundamental part of life, consciousness is the start. If the materialistic scientists create a machine that can be driven by consciousness then consciousness will choose to work with that machine but the restrictions on that consciousness will be the components of the machine. You as physical bodies have also put restrictions on consciousness but a machine still has a long way to go to be compared with the physical body, with the physical brain. Science still has a long way to go, the materialistic outlook is reaching a point where it can no longer ignore the importance of consciousness in physical life. This is all we will say on this at this point in time. If there are further questions then we will address those questions in another session but for now we leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world. Let that love be shared by all, let that love be shared by the scientific communities in your world so that they can not only understand consciousness but understand the love that holds your world together. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, thank you and God bless you’
I felt back with it after about a minute.
We then sat in silence for a few minutes before Liz did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...
303rd Sitting 04/03/2020
We had the room setup as usual but didn’t used the Mind Mirror EEG or Magnetometer.
Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
I felt myself being controlled as Liz finished the prayer and she turned down the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend’
‘We have brought ourselves forward and we will begin to give you some form of evidence, some form of upliftment for there is so much more that you can learn, so much more that you can put your mind too for there are within you, within you all many avenues in many different directions, each takes you to a new experience, a new form of learning, something which will help you to develop your understanding of yourself and of the larger reality in which you are a part. There is no need to wait for you are already a part of the larger reality, it is a part of you, you have blinded yourself by your own beliefs that you are a singularity in a physical world. That belief is all it takes to separate you from your true self, that what drives you, that what watches over you, that what gathers understanding from that what you do as a physical being. For you are constantly connected to that larger part of yourself and that larger part watches over the actions, the choices, the feelings of that physical part that you understand as yourself. Expand your understanding, see yourself as so much more, see yourself as a developing machine. You as the physical part are one small cog of that machine and that cog turns another cog, connects to other circuitry. The machine is your life and is being lived out by you. There is nothing stopping you from exploring beyond that physical world. You may feel trapped but your world is nothing more than a fleeting experience. Take your mind from the physical world and look back at yourself, understand yourself for what you are. You have created a picture of your world and you have restricted that picture for it contains only what you see, it does not contain the feelings, feelings you get as you see beauty in your world and ugliness in your world. Those feelings are very much a part of the picture, let them become the picture, let them become the reason for living. See your world as a world of feelings, each person so different from one another in the way that they react for you are all working as individuals, you are all working together, you are helping each other, you are bringing life into the picture that you observe’
‘You have the knowledge that there is more to life than the physical world and yet you look for proof, you look for evidence. That evidence is within the way you feel, the way you react. The evidence is within you yet you cannot see it but you can feel it. Take notice of your feelings each day of your life, try to understand what causes those feelings. Are they coming from you? Are they coming from beliefs you have built up within yourself? Or are they something stronger, something more powerful, something that drives you forward? Ask yourself these questions and you will find you will begin to understand. You will see a pattern in the way you live your life and you will see patterns in others. You have created that pattern within yourself and you can change that pattern. Don't be afraid to change yourself. You may feel comfortable in the way that you react to all things, you may feel that that is you but there is more of you, there is more to your life and you can change, you can develop, you can grow, you can encompass more of that what drives you forward. Become a part of your true self and live life more fully, understand more than just what you see, understand what drives you forward, what gives you those feelings, that what causes you to make the decisions and choices in your life. That is what you can change and that is what will change you’
‘Your life may not seem to be a simple life, your life may be clouded by complications and yet when you step back, when you look at yourself you see something pure and simple. Life is so simple, try not to complicate that what you see, allow your feelings to reveal to you the truth in what you see and you will find the confusions of life falling away and the simplicity of life presented to you in its true form’
Liz... ‘When you talk of the simplicity of life, that life is really very simple, the way we look at it from a bottom up point of view it seems incredibly complex, a complexity of creation, seems amazing and bewildering and we feel very lost in it sometimes. It stretches our understanding beyond belief, it stretches our powers of interrogation and investigation, and the more we look the more complex and amazing it seems. When you say it’s very simple you must be talking from a top down approach where you’ve created it, where you can see it so you know how it all operates. I guess if we close our minds to trying to understand it and unravel it, perhaps what you’re referring to is how we live could be very simple because it’s all given. From our level we are merely like recipients from a top down approach but we don’t have to worry, all the information is in us it’s already being pre-created, there’s nothing we have to do. But from our point of view we’re trying to unravel it to understand it. Perhaps we’re looking at things from the wrong angle?’
‘You are receivers of life, life comes to you, your job is to react to that what comes to you. You have a choice in how you react to that life. You have built up within yourself blockages, blockages that blind you to the correct, to the most productive decision to that what comes to you. You try to change life; you try to change that what is presented to you instead of accepting that what is presented to you. Accept it for what it is and do your best. This will have an effect on all of life, it will change the way life is presented to you for you have opened up within yourself an ability to receive naturally, to receive without... you are receiving without complicating that life, you are allowing life to come to you in its natural form and you are dealing with that life in a way that does not change that life. You leave that life to be what it is and you do your best to deal with that. If you try to change life, you will complicate it, you will build up within yourself self-complications, blockages, unnecessary knots, things that will change the way you feel, for you will feel negativity in life’
Liz... ‘What do you mean by changing life?’
‘You will try to control that what comes to you, you are meddling with life because you feel if you change life then your feelings to that life will change. You are doing it the wrong way round’
Liz... ‘Can you explain what you mean by changing life, give an example?’
‘You are presented with many situations in your life, you know when situations are coming your way, for you have lived life, you have experienced life, you begin to understand how life works and you can see how a new situation is going to affect the way you feel. So you try to change that situation, you try to look into your future and you rearrange your life, you wish to control that what comes to you for the benefit of yourself, whereas you should change your way of receiving life for the benefit of life. You are a receiving machine; you are receiving life constantly and that life has been designed to exercise your consciousness. Let that life come to you, do not change that life, allow your consciousness to receive and live your life in a most productive way, in a most positive way and as you live a life in a positive way you will change that life that comes to you for you are putting positivity into that life, you are not allowing the negative feelings to complicate that life’
Liz... ‘So, are you meaning change you attitude rather than circumstances?’
‘Yes, change the way you react to all circumstances’
Liz... ‘But in some situations, it may be advisable to try to change or alter circumstances for example when there is hostility and war. It may be advisable to try and create a better atmosphere, to try and create a diplomacy which will stop the warring parties fighting or when there’s a famine, it may be advisable to do things, to change things in such a way that food will become more abundant or more plentiful or be stored better, to take precautions to change society in such a way that it will be able to survive through a famine. So, surly there are ways in which we do need to change the circumstances and the conditions of life?’
‘If you see your life from a larger picture perspective you will understand that some circumstances have to played through, have to be lived in order to learn, in order to grow, in order to get that experience. Some situations may seem unnecessary, they seem to be disruptive and yet from the larger perspective you can see how those situations help you to grow, help you to develop your own consciousness and allow others to also develop themselves. You are living a temporary life in a physical world, see that life from the larger picture, see how all of consciousness is gathered, all of consciousness is growing and the part that you play within that consciousness will always have a choice, for you are consciousness’
Liz... ‘Perhaps what you’re meaning is that if for example you’re born with a disease which makes you crippled so that you spend your life in a wheelchair or lying on your back unable to move, that rather than wishing that life away, trying to change that life, there may be ways in which you can find that life an opportunity in different ways for experiencing compassion from others, help from others, developing your mind if your mind is still able and active, developing various resiliences and skills that you might never have imagined possible. Is that the sort of situation you’re meaning, rather than fighting to change it, accepting it?’
‘Yes, always...’
Liz... ‘And learning from it what lessons it might have to bring you’
‘All physical life is experience. There is nothing wrong in a disability, there is nothing that a disability can do to affect the way you live your life. You are still living a life, you may not be able to do the physical things that others do but you are still a part of your physical world, receiving life, making decisions. Those who are close to you, they feel differently and they see you as disabled yet you yourself are living a wonderful physical existence, your mind and your consciousness is still working, is still choosing, is still reacting to the life that is brought to it and the feelings that you get will help you to understand yourself. You still have within yourself all of the love that you need and those that surround you also react to that love and the love of your world grows stronger. Each human being in the physical world is driven by the love within themselves, allow each person to live their life with love in their hearts and they will begin to understand the meaning of that life and their own part that they play and what they can do to help themselves which in turn helps everyone in your world, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We have decided to come through at an earlier point this evening, we want you to think about the way you run this circle, think what you are trying to achieve, what you want to learn and we will return with you next time. Please accept from us a piece of our love, take it out in to your world, allow it to touch the hearts of all who you meet, for your own love is growing stronger and you are beginning to see a way forward in your life free from confusion, free of all that brings you down for your love is stronger than anything that can bring you down. Spread your wings and fly away. May God bless and keep you all good night to you thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight and thank you friend’
I felt back with it after a few seconds
During the communication Liz saw a few images including a table covered in glass objects and someone lying on a bed as if disabled which made her ask her last question.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...