May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

301st Sitting 28/01/2020

We had the room setup as usual. I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and we had the Magnetometer running.

We left the heater on which emitted a small amount of red and green light at times.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.

Just before I started to be controlled Liz reported feeling something moving through her hair.

About a minute later she heard the communication about to start and turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room, we begin to bring ourselves, mix ourselves with you, create an atmosphere that allows the transmission of information into your world, your physical world full of all the physical beauties that you understand and yet hiding the spiritual beauties that lie behind each colour, each movement, each developing picture that you understand in your world for there is always more to that what you see, there is always more to that what you hear. You are receiving a small portion of a greater picture yet at the same time you have that greater picture presented to you, you merely need to understand, you merely need to receive that information, step back from the physical and allow the greater picture to become part of your reality. You are very much a part of your physical reality and you enjoy living in that reality for that reality is very much a part of you, has been designed for you to experience and to grow, to learn from each experience and as you learn you will be able to get glimpses of the larger picture. You do not need to see that larger picture in order to grow but as you develop the mind within yourself you will feel a benefit of understanding more for you can put that understanding to use in your daily life, you can use it to understand each other from a new perspective, something beyond your physical senses will be ignited within yourself and you will understand so much more and that understanding will become a natural understanding for you. There is nothing unnatural about a greater understanding, all understanding is a natural process, your consciousness is capable of so much more, do not hold that consciousness back in a small picture when you can expand your mind. As you begin to understand more your mind will naturally look for increased information in your world, you will begin to see your world in a new way, in a way that allows you to use more of your consciousness, to bring more of consciousness through to your understanding’


‘Picture yourself as a child, a child with no... a child who has not yet built up beliefs, a child who can see your world and see your life as a game, as a game to be enjoyed. When you look at your world like that you allow yourself to explore new possibilities. The child is growing rapidly, experiencing new experiences. Left alone that child would be able to grow more, without the restrictions put upon it by those who are close, those who guide that child, those who instruct that child how to live in a physical life, how to live a life in a physical world. You are adapting that child to physical life; you are beginning to introduce beliefs and each belief closes up one aspect of spiritual understanding until a pattern is created in the mind of the child, a pattern conducive to physical live, in the way that those close to that child understand physical life themselves. You need to return to the thinking of the child and remember how you interpreted your world when you were a child. Allow that memory to work with you as an adult giving you a new way of understanding your own reality, your own created reality. You will begin to see how you take life seriously, unnecessarily seriously for there is also time in your life to have fun, to play the game of life. Is this understandable to you?’

Liz... ‘Yes certainly’

‘Throughout your world there are people who do understand this and do use this in their lives. One by one you will all begin to understand, you will all begin to enjoy your lives so much more’

Liz... ‘That would certainly be good because many people do not enjoy life’

‘They have taken life too seriously because they believe they need to take life seriously’

Liz... ‘Yes that’s part of our teaching, that’s part of what we learn in school and part of what parents teach us, the need to grow up, go to work, earn a living, to take it all very seriously, the responsibility of having a family, of bringing up children, of responsibility for society, all very serious’

‘And this has upset the balance, the balance of serious thinking and playful fun’

Liz... ‘Yes...’

‘Life was never meant to be so serious. Try to achieve a better balance in your life and you will see your world change for you’

Liz... ‘That is true that from the moment we step in school we’re tested and the fun stops, the learning stops being fun, it becomes something compulsory and something that has to progress at a certain rate and you’re graded and tested and compared with others as to your learning rate and the learning is prescribed, you don’t choose it, it’s imposed on you. So, the whole thing becomes more of a chore and a duty’

‘Each child is an individual and has their own perspective on how they learn, they have their own understanding. Being tested is testing one side of the child’s consciousness, bringing it out of balance, whereas if you are tested as a full consciousness that would be more beneficial. You need to have that balance; you need to live with that balance. The fun side of your consciousness creates an artistic understanding, you see your world... you understand how you create your world like a painting and you feel the music from that painting, you feel music in everything. When you see an object you also feel a wonderful tune and if you see something ugly you hear a distorted tune. You are receiving in a new way’

Liz... ‘I wonder if that is why so many people need to take drugs, hallucinogens or various consciousness changers because they feel trapped in a rather miserable world, rather competitive and compulsive world in which there isn’t a lot of fun and the drugs that they become addicted to offer a taste of something different, something that is more fun, more happier’

‘They are telling themselves that they are missing out on much of what is available to them in life. They feel they need to return to the child like perception of life and the taking of drugs will give them a temporary reminder of how life should be but it is for those people more beneficial for them to understand this in a natural way. Drugs are not the answer, they may take you there but you can take yourself with very little effort, you can change yourself’

Liz... ‘I think it is the prison of the self that imposes that sense of misery that people want to escape from and that prison begins to build up from the time you start school onwards and to break free of that prison... I think Eckhart Tolle described very well how he found his release from that prison that had become unbearable to him’

‘You all have the power to break out of a self-created prison. In the same way you create a prison you can destroy a prison. You can destroy entrapment; you are not put into this world to be trapped; you are put into this world to break free, free to explore all possibilities’

Liz... ‘Yes, Eckhart Tolle describes how he got to feel so dissatisfied with himself, that he felt he could not live with himself anymore and he suddenly realised as he had this feeling that he couldn’t live with himself, who was the he who he couldn’t live with. It was if there were two of him, there was a larger self that seemed to be seeing this other self he couldn’t bear and it was as if he suddenly got projected into this larger self that was a completely free unencapsulated self and experienced this sense of a new life, a whole new freedom and openness. It was an experience of enlightenment really but it can with the question about who was this self, this other self that was commenting on the unbearable nature of his own self and it was like he got put into contact with his larger self or his higher self, the whole of his self and he never looked back’

‘You are all surrounded by many layers that you have built up throughout your life and as you slowly peel those layers away you will indeed feel yourself expanding into something more’

Liz... ‘But the clinging to self, it’s very difficult to let go of one's self, it’s almost like an act of grace, has to rescue you from your own self. I guess that’s where putting out the prayer for liberation helps, the realisation that you’re trapped I guess is the first step, the realisation of how horrible this prison is, that’s the first step and then the prayer for release from this prison, the desire to be released’

‘Courage is required to move out of the familiar however restricting that familiarity may be. You need that courage not only to recognise that you are entrapped but to expand, to release those beliefs that are rooted in fear. Understand the fear that holds you, let that fear go, work on that fear until it loses its grip of your perception and open your eyes to a wider picture’

Liz... ‘Yes, the lovely analogy is the little bird in a cage who’s spent all his life in a cage, in a gilded cage and the owner decides to free him, to send him back into the glorious heaven that he’s been shut off from. So, he opens the door of the cage but instead of flying out, the bird holds back, just flutters inside the cage and hasn’t quite got the courage to go through the door and fly free’

‘In time that courage will come. There is a time when you will break free, nothing happens instantly, everything takes time for the physical world is a world that constantly moves forward with time. Time is very much a part of your life. There is no need to rush, you are all doing the best you can with what you have. Allow yourself to realise each new experience fully. Take your time, begin to open your eyes but do not let the light blind you, let it slowly pierce into your consciousness allowing you to begin to see a greater, highly defined picture. Give yourself time to understand that picture, give yourself time for that picture to become your reality and never be afraid to take a further step forward. There is nothing to fear and there is everything to gain, thank you. Thank you my dear friend we have enjoyed our talk this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love. Let that love help you to understand yourself, let that love give you the courage to change yourself. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

300th Sitting 21/01/2020

We had the room setup as usual.

The magnetometer was on but I wasn’t wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about five minutes Liz felt touches in her hair.

I drifted in and out of sleep then began to be controlled about one hour after the opening prayer.

Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’

‘Once again, we come through into your room to begin to give you words of encouragement, words of enlightenment for we try to help you, we try to give you something on which you can build an understanding within yourself. The mind is a powerful part of you and it will receive all that is given to it and build on that what it has received for the mind is the greater part of you, is the whole you, is that what evolves, evolves as you in your physical world build up experiences, build up a pattern within yourself that reflects your character and also reflects your understanding. As your character evolves so your understanding evolves, you begin to see so much more and your mind becomes receptive to so much more. Those beliefs that have held you back begin to lose their grip for your understanding requires new beliefs. Beliefs are not a permanent part of your makeup; they are temporary steps that will come and go. As you move forward beliefs are left behind and new beliefs, stronger beliefs become a part of you. They will in turn also be replaced but for now those beliefs that are with you, that are a part of you will filter the amount of information that you can process. You have the ability to process so much more, that ability penetrates through all of life picking up clues, picking up pointers, giving you sign posts that will help you to expand your mind. A true understanding is a solid understanding built up over time. All understanding is a slow process, you may reject many things and you will believe many things but you are constantly changing, constantly adapting to new ideas and that is the purpose of your physical life to be challenged, to be given opportunities on which to stretch that muscle inside of yourself. Treat each situation as a new opportunity to increase your understanding. Do not turn your back on something new for each new experience gives you the ability to expand your mind’

Liz... ‘Friend, I have a question for you and I'm not sure quite what form to ask it in but you often talk of love being the goal... where is love to be found, where is the place of love in our current world, in the universe?’

‘You are all a part of consciousness, consciousness that is evolving, consciousness that is trying to change, to become something more productive, something that can grow into a more perfect state, a more organised state. Love is that part of consciousness that pushes consciousness forwards, the part that is constantly guiding the evolution of consciousness, the part of consciousness that is trying to grow. Consciousness has always contained love and has recognised that love within itself. Consciousness without love would fall apart, would become disorganised’

Liz... ‘So are you saying love is the integrating matrix, ingredient in creation? Love is the glue?’

‘It is the power within consciousness that allows it to see itself. You are all parts of that consciousness and you can feel the love within yourself. Each spark of life is playing its part by allowing love to flourish, to grow. Love is a feeling, you are living a life, a physical life and that love within you is correcting you, is showing you when you are achieving something worthwhile for when you achieve something worthwhile the feeling of love increases within yourself. You are all trying to keep that feeling burning within yourself in the same way as all of consciousness tries to keep that feeling burning, shining, shining brighter. Consciousness is made up of many parts, parts which fit together and parts which repel one another. The love within consciousness is always looking to organise those parts, creating an evolving machine, a perfect evolving machine, all the parts in their correct place at the correct time. You are one of those parts and you can feel the effect of other people in your world on yourself for you know when they are parts that fit in with you or if they are parts that repel you. The love within you tells you this, gives you the feeling, gives you the strength, gives you the strength to make to right choice in life. Love can be understood in many ways, the way you think will change the way you understand love. You may think of love in a poetic way or you may take love, dissect it, try to understand it in a methodical way but whatever way you try will be the correct way for you, for as parts of consciousness you all have your individuality, your own way of thinking, your own way of understanding, that’s what makes life so rich. Try to keep that love burning within yourself, try to feel that love as you go about your daily tasks and as you make your choices make a choice with love in your heart and you will know you are playing your part in helping the whole of consciousness to grow to become stronger, to become more organised, to become brighter. You will see the benefit in your world, your physical world, you will feel the benefit in your physical world. Love exists in all things, in all feelings, in all situations. It is your job to feel that love in all those things, to understand the love. Love is constantly being created by consciousness each time a decision is made, each time a choice is made. Make your choices wisely, make your choices for the good of all then you are creating more love in your world. Without love life would be empty and pointless, you cannot imagine life without love but you can understand a feeling of losing your way, a feeling of being alone, a feeling of being lost. That is a feeling of losing love, losing your connection with that love but that love is still inside of you, it will always be motivating you, pushing you forward. Step back and feel that motivation, allow that motivation to bring you once again in line with life, back on your pathway... Is this understandable to you?’

Liz... ‘It is friend thank you’

‘The human mind has its limitations but is more than enough to feel the love within your world. Never fear that love will be lost, see it, feel it in all that you do and that is all you can do’

Liz... ‘So would it be correct to say that love is in everything, everything that is created?’

‘Yes love is the creation itself, everything is made with love and everything contains that love. You are the one who can see that love or choose not to see that love’

Liz... ‘Ok so love is not just a quality it’s a fundamental principle inherent in everything, it’s a force’

‘It is a guiding force and you as consciousness can choose to accept that guiding force or ignore that guiding force. You have that love within you and that love is forever pushing you forward, it is a part of you, it is a creation of yours and is for everyone. The more you accept love, the more you feel love the more you will become love. You will return to your true state. You have been created with love and that love will never leave you. Live your life with a smile upon your face and you will see how that smile spreads throughout your world for the smile is the face of love and you all have that ability to spread love throughout your world, thank you. Thank you my dear friend we have reached the end of our session this evening, please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world as a smile on your face and share that smile with all who you meet. Do this enough and the Earth itself will be smiling back at you... may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

299th Sitting 16/01/2020

We had the room setup as usual, I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and we had the Magnetometer running.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 20 minutes and after 40 minutes began to be controlled.

Liz turned down the music as the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend’

‘Once again we come into your room...’

Liz... ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Thank you. For now we begin to unravel that what we have prepared, for you always wish to know, you wish to know more, you wish to understand more and we understand you for as your interest develops in the larger picture, the larger reality, that what supports your reality, as your interest develops within yourself you are confronted with questions, you are searching for more and yet it really is so very simple, not so complicated for your life is our life, your thoughts are our thoughts. You see yourself as an individual, you understand yourself as an individual but you also see yourself as something more. We can try to give you a larger picture on which you can paint your own picture for your understanding is self-created. You do not need to be told, you have the information within you and you can find that information, it is a part of you, resides within you. Do not look beyond yourself for information, understand it within yourself, learn to recognise it within yourself. Picture yourself as part of a large machine, a machine called life, an evolving machine, a machine that needs you to grow yourself, a machine that needs all of life to develop in its own way, its own individual way. You are one of many yet the machine is one, one whole evolving network of components all working as one, all connected, one component connects to the next within this one machine. Stand back and observe your world, see the part that you play, understand the effect you have on your world and how your world reflects that what you achieve. As you help life to grow, life will help you, life will help you to see how you are adding to the total makeup of that one machine’


‘Reach out beyond your physical world. You do not need to understand the workings of your world, you merely need to live at full capacity, experience all that is given to you. Let that experience become a part of you, let it help you to grow’


‘Your world is full of light, light that helps you to live, light that brings to your mind an understanding for you are beginning to wake up and see the true picture before you. There is nothing to stop you understanding all there is to understand...’

The control seemed to weaken and left me; Liz turned up the music for a while...

After about ten minutes I was controlled again, the energy felt strong and slightly different...

‘You are all creating Fairy Tales in a world that isn’t there, a world of illusion. The stories you create are real yet the world that you live in is a figment of your imagination. Do not let the world you live in fool you for you are in control, you are the one writing the story, you are the one creating the characters within that story and you have the control to make that story a happy story or a sad story but whatever you do make that story have a happy ending. You have come in to this world to create happiness, do not spoil your world with unnecessary conflict, unnecessary ugliness for your story should be full of beauty, full of happiness. There is much to distract you in your world yet you can be strong, you can navigate those distractions and create your own Fairy Tale that takes you to a place, a place where happiness rules the Earth, happiness governs all who exist within that story, within that tale. Do not waste your time creating unhappy stories for they will affect the stories of others. You are all creating your own stories and together they will lift your world. You all play your part in the great story of life but you also create a beginning and an ending to that story, you create many beginnings, you create many endings but make sure those endings are happy, are beautiful, are bright, are shining. Happiness is not an illusion, happiness is real, happiness raises your world, gives your world wings. You have the power to create and the power to receive love. You all have love within yourself, love is the pen that writes your story. Keep it light, keep it upbeat and do not let the stories of others bring you down. Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love to take out into your world. Let it join with all the other love, with all the other light and with all the others stories, the Fairy Tales that are real in a world of illusion. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

298th Sitting 07/01/2020

We had the room setup as usual.

We didn’t use the Mind Mirror or Magnetometer and we kept the electric heater on which emitted a small amount of red and green light.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 30 minutes and began to be controlled about 10 minutes later which was a bit earlier than usual...

Liz turned down the music as the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend...’

‘Once again we come in to your room, we penetrate your atmosphere to bring to you words of encouragement, words that will help you to understand yourself and the world that you are a part of. The greater reality that surrounds you and the spark that resides within you, all of these things that work as one, that combine to become one wonderful reality, wonderful living reality that pulsates throughout your world, that energises your mind, that gives you life, that gives you a sense of living for without that sense, without that feeling of touch, feeling of belonging, you would not feel the drive that pushes you forward. Your mind is occupying more than one reality yet you as a physical being feel yourself cut off from that what supports you yet at the same time you can pick up subtle vibrations that remind you, that bring your mind into focus, that real part of you. Let your life come to you and enjoy each day for you have embarked on a wonderful journey and you will benefit from all that comes to you. There is nothing that is not just right for you at this point in time. You have built up a pattern within yourself that changes as you change. Your life changes with you and you grow. Take time to watch your life, take time to sample all that comes to you for it is all of benefit to your growth, to your understanding, to your widened perception of all life. Each day you change, each day you find yourself in different states of mind. The outside world reflects on the inner being within you creating different moods, different feelings throughout your day yet the real you is pushing forward, is learning from all that you experience. When you feel yourself becoming disillusioned, ask yourself why, replay your life up to that point, see what it is that reacts in that way, that causes you to react in that way for there is nothing that can detract from your growth. You have created for yourself the wonderful atmosphere, let that atmosphere work with you. Do not try to change that atmosphere, let that atmosphere change you. You are the pupil; you are there to learn. You cannot learn without the ups and downs of life, you need comparison, you need disorder to realise the beauty in your world. See yourself as a puppet... what is pulling those strings? Is it you? Is it another? Is it another form of life that is guiding you or do you guide yourself? What is the connection between you the puppet and the hand that moves you? Each pull of the string is a wake-up call, you cannot remain motionless in a world full of life, you need to keep moving. Do not resist that movement for that movement creates opportunities, learning opportunities, opportunities for growth and understanding’


‘When the body rests the mind becomes active, searching, searching through memories, searching through information. The mind never sleeps for it is connected to that what motivates you forward, so you can never be still. Your mind is the hand that moves you. Allow that mind to move into all possibilities, all situations and see your life unfold for you’


‘There is much in store for this circle. Keep doing what you do for there is opening up possibilities. Allow any new faces to join in with you, we will allow them, we will use their energies to reach further into the world of spirit and all that surrounds your limited perception. There is so much more and as you change the dynamics of this circle it will reach out further. If you wish to invite others into this circle, know that it will help. There is already a strong connection between this circle and the Monday group that you are a part of. You have created that connection. All circles work for one purpose, to increase the vibration of the human race so all circles are alike and vibrate as one. Do not let your beliefs hold you back. If you work with love in your heart then you are working with us, bringing light into your world, bringing understanding into your world, understanding that is needed, understanding that will help raise that vibration. We will play our part with all who use this place and your eyes will open to the truth, to the connecting force that holds life and you together’


‘Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, please take from us a piece of our love. Take it out into your world. Let it shine on those who need it, those who find themselves in situations that cause them suffering. Let this light shine for them, help them understand the meaning behind all situations, even when they seem to cause confusion and sadness. Let them know that there is a greater power within them that is keeping them alive, keeping them evolving and that they will come out the other side a changed person, something more valuable to all of life. The physical world is a small part of so much more and yet it is a vital part. Treasure that vitality within yourself, thank you. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...