May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

254th Sitting 26/06/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I fell asleep for about 75 minutes, not waking till the last tune was ending.
Liz also fell asleep briefly just before I woke up.

About a minute after waking I became controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend’

‘Once again we come into your room and we settle down, wait for the energy to build so that we can bring ourselves through and speak with you once again’

Liz... ‘You're very welcome’

‘The bridge has been built, the connection has been made, much can be brought over that bridge to give you a foundation on which to base your thoughts. The world that you see, the world that you experience each day of your life is made up of many thoughts, the thoughts of those who dwell, those that live, those that share your world. You too add your thoughts and the reality is built up, is conceived. You are all playing your part and you are all creating your experiences. A wider view can be seen when you step back and look at yourself, see what you have done, see how you have lived your life, see yourself from a new perspective. As you live your life in a physical world you are constantly working, working at understanding each other. You forget to understand yourself. Take time to understand yourself and the actions of others will be also understood. You all live together in a world created by yourselves yet you do not understand the connection, the connection of each life in a physical world, how you are working as one, creating as one. You work with one another, you cannot work as a singularity for very long. You are a part of each other playing the same game, abiding the same rules but at the same time you have to make your own choices, have to play your part by yourself. Nobody can play that part for you, it is for you to live that physical life in a way most suited to how you have evolved. One small part of a greater self has been set free. One small part has been allowed to make its own way through many interconnected tunnels, a labyrinth of interconnected lifetimes, all contributing to one evolving mind, each giving a new perspective. The greater part of yourself is forming into a network of ideas, ideas that produce thoughts. See the greater picture, see your greater self, see that what you have become and see that expressed through the physical vessel that makes its way through physical life, adding to the whole, shaping the whole, bringing back information that adds to the development of the larger consciousness. The words we use cannot fully represent life as you understand life. We can only give you a sample of how we can understand you. Only you understand yourself. We can help you to understand yourself and we can help you to understand the world that you live within but you need to see yourself as one part of an evolving reality that helps one another, that brings many facets of life together, helping each other to help yourselves and in turn help all that is life, all that is. Your life is never ending, you are on a continuous journey. You come to us and you rejoin your world. Nothing is lost, creation is ongoing. The shadows you make will always be in the minds of those you love, that connection cannot be broken and you will be reminded each day of your life of those who have gone before, those you have loved and you will feel those people because they are a part of you. That closeness will always be felt for they are a part of you. Their shadow is your shadow and together you have made your mark in a physical world, a world in which you will return many times building on that what you have done’

Liz... ‘Friend can I ask, because you presumably must have had an incarnation in the Earth plane, in the physical. Do you lose that understanding of what it means to be in the physical world once you find yourself in the more numinous world of spirit without a physical body, do you lose that sense of what it means to be in a physical body?’

‘That sense is never lost, that sense is merely added to, that sense of life in a physical world is strengthened for you can see, you can understand how you have lived from a wider perspective, you will understand the part you have played yet you will also understand the greater part that you always play. Many small parts make one large part and that larger part is evolving, is gaining experience life after life’

Liz... ‘Do we have when we are in the physical at some level, do we have that awareness and that remembrance of how it felt to be in the non-physical, in the world of spirit, pure spirit?’

‘That remembrance is with you, is driving you forward’

Liz... ‘So, when a large number of people are in denial that there is any continuation or that there is such a thing as spirit, is that not a natural way of thinking, have they lost touch with their innate knowledge?’

‘They too have within their mind a feeling of continuous life, yet they have built up in their mind a belief, a strong belief that blinds them to their true self and they will hold on to that belief for as long as they refuse to accept the feelings that are driving them through life. They have totally immersed their mind in the world of physical life yet they do play an important part in your world. It is not necessary to hold on to that idea, that truth that is driving you forward for you have set yourself up to live a life, a physical life. You have brought yourself into this world to live with others, to play the part, the part that is you and to develop that part whilst in the physical world. Your beliefs will not affect the way that you leave you world for that is a natural process. Only then will you fully understand the part that you have played and you will understand how there is no right or wrong way to live, there is only evolution and devolution in the way you have lived your life. The opportunities are there no matter what your beliefs and if you have grasped those opportunities with love in your heart then you have played you part well and you will benefit, all of life will benefit and that is the purpose of life, to evolve, to get stronger. Everybody has their own beliefs, everybody believes they are doing the right thing, the correct... they believe they are living their life for their beliefs are creating their life, their beliefs are giving them the impression that their life is how they believe it to be. Only others can understand the differences in each life that walks your world and it is those differences that create the interesting situations, that create interesting opportunities, that create opportunities for growth, opportunities for understanding and opportunities to love one another... Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it into your heart, let it light up yourself, your whole self and all that you connect to, lighting up the whole of life, putting a smile on all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all, thank you’


I came back after about a minute.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

253rd Sitting 14/06/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Liz reported pin-pricks and swirling light in the room.

I fell asleep for about one hour.
Then about ten minutes after waking up I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music as the communication began...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening and welcome friend'

'Once again we are in your room, your place, your meeting place for we have brought ourselves down to your level, down to your vibration ready to give you some answers, some valuable answers that will help you in your life, that will help you to see your world from a new perspective. You are always living your life, repeating day to day events yet you do not get to see the true, the full picture. You are filling your mind with thoughts created by yourself yet your world has much to offer. Allow your mind to be free of the clutter, those repeated thoughts. Calm your mind and allow your world to present itself to you. You bring to yourself information created by yourself, you are unaware of the information that is presented to you. Each day you wake up and you begin manufacturing information within yourself, recognisable information. You do not stop to identify each impression that is presented to you for you have become restricted by your own pattern of thinking that you have built up within yourself. Try to see the world without that preconceived conditioning that is a part of you. Try to understand each other for you are all exchanging information and that information will give you a better idea of how each other, those who you communicate with, how they feel, why they do what they do, why they say what they do. There is much you can learn from each other and there is much that you can pick up from each other. You rely on your judgement of situations to help you understand. Let go of that judgement and allow the situation to come to you. There is much that you hide from your view and there is much that will help you to understand your world as it truly is for your world is there to help you, to help you understand the larger reality that supports your world. Nothing is hidden from you, you create your own conditions on yourself preventing the free flow of information to you. Nothing is stopping you from discovering more, only you can free your mind of the restrictions that create confusion and the misinterpretation of others'

Liz... 'So friend what is the best way to work with the mind, to free it from its own thinking, from the patterns that inhibit the inflow of fresh information?'

'You need to begin to notice the beauty in all things. There is nothing unpleasant or ugly in your world. Recognise that you are colouring in that what you see. Look further into the detail of each physical object that you see, look further into the detail of how you perceive each other. Do not jump to conclusions, allow yourself to think, allow yourself to receive the information that is given to you without judging that information, without changing that information into something which fits in with how you think, with how you believe your world should be. Recognise yourself, recognise what you are doing, recognise how you are manipulating the information that comes to you into something more suited to how you view your world, how you believe others should behave and how you see yourself. Your life should be joyous, your life should be full of happiness, your life should be free from all negative thoughts. When you feel yourself feeling frustrated, feeling anxious, feeling upset, look for the reason, look for what has caused you to react in that way and you may discover a part of yourself that is changing the information that you perceive, upsetting the natural harmony of your body, of yourself, then try to change, try to evolve into something different. Your feelings are not caused by that information that comes to you they are caused by your interpretation of that information. Change that interpretation and you will change yourself'

Liz... 'Do we always need to interpret information?'

'As you receive information it has to be recognised. That information has to make an impact on yourself, give you experience. Information creates experience and you can modify that experience by the way that you interpret the information. You can turn yourself off from the input of information, you can become, you can quieten your mind, you can help yourself to become in-tune with life. You do not need to receive constant information. Take time to quieten your mind, free yourself from the physical inputs and set your mind, take your mind to a place free from information. Give yourself time to change yourself, to change your way of thinking. When you came into this world you brought with you a valuable tool, a tool that you have created yourself. This tool you take with you, you bring with you into your physical world and the tool is further modified as you live your life in the physical world. You have had many experiences in physical worlds and this has allowed you to build up this tool. It has become a part of you and you have learnt to use it yet that tool can also cause you to create for yourself, it can cause you to create your own picture of a physical life. Take yourself to a place where you can release that tool, live your life without using that tool and understand the difference, understand how you can expand your mind into other realities. You are not fixed to one reality, you have the ability to experience all of realities and you have the ability to experience you true self, your whole self'

Liz... 'And you're saying the only thing that blocks us from receiving this is our constant mind chatter interpreting and reacting to the material?'

'The buildup of experience that has created the tool within yourself, the tool that has shaped your mind... Thank you, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Thank you for your patience'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

'Thank you for your input. The time has come to withdraw. We give to you a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, share it with all who you meet, let it shine on those people, let it open your mind to how they think, how they react to their own input of information. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend, God bless you all, thank you'


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

252nd Sitting 29/05/2018

We had the room setup as usual and were joined this week by Sofie who sat to my right.

Sofie felt somebody or something else in the room as soon as she came in and this feeling stayed with her.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Liz saw mottled lights in the room.

I felt myself being controlled soon after the opening prayer.

Liz felt there was someone quite close.

I started to speak and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend, welcome'

Sofie... 'Good evening'

'Once again we come through and we bring into your room feelings of a presence, feelings of a loving energy that you can sense, that you can recognise. There is much that we can bring forward for you to experience, you merely need to relax, relax and acknowledge that what comes to you. Your world is built up of many vibrations, many interconnected vibrations. You are used to living within those vibrations, they are part of your continued experience in a physical world yet at times a new vibration will be introduced into your atmosphere and it will cause you to think, cause you to think back to previous experiences in your life and you will remember, you will re-enact previous experiences. These vibrations are brought to you to remind you that there is more to life than the physical world, there is a greater existence beyond your world and you are part of that existence, nothing will stop you from experiencing the larger reality that surrounds your world. You have built up for yourself a reality that you call physical yet that reality is a creation of your mind, a creation of your outlook on life. You have chosen to experience the physical word and you have brought with you a buildup of experiences, previous experiences which have shaped your mind to react in a certain way with that what is presented to you, that what is understood as the physical world. As that physical world is presented to you, you interpret it in your own way and you shape for yourself a world that you feel comfortable in, a world suited for you, yet that world is shared by others and their thoughts will impinge on your world creating distortions, creating confusions, creating opportunities that you can learn from. Each day of your life is a new experience, each day of your life new doors are opened for you, you have the choice to go through those doors or stay in your safe environment until you feel you are ready. Step out of that environment and your mind will be presented with impacts from others, others who share your world and others that are beyond your world. Allow your mind to wander and appreciate the greater reality that supports your physical world... please replay your music for a while and we will return, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'


Liz put the music up.
About 30 minutes later the communication started again and Liz turned down the music...

'When a child sees a rainbow that child is reminded of its connection with the larger reality, with that what supports your world. As the child grows up that connection becomes clouded, the physical reality becomes the prominent, the primary, the rainbow is seen as a diffraction of colours through the rain drops and not what it truly is. You all have a rainbow in your heart and you all have that connection, you all have that connection to your larger self, that what exists beyond your physical world, that what is driving you, that what creates inside of you a wanting, a wanting to improve, a wanting to grow, a wanting to evolve. Do not lose sight of the rainbow, allow it to colour your world, to colour that what you perceive. When you are faced with darkness, when you are faced with negativity allow that rainbow to bring colour to the darkness and see the good that exists in all things. See the opportunities that come out of the darkness, grasp those opportunities, learn from those opportunities, help each other. Recognise how you feel when you help another, that is your true connection. When you hurt one another that connection is lost and you feel alone, you feel you are a singularity yet you are all part of one another sharing this wonderful world full of colour, full of rainbows. Do not let go of the rainbow, keep it with you and you will keep that connection'

Liz... 'Friend why is it that sometimes circumstances or bad parenting or different environmental factors prevent the child from holding onto their rainbow and work to sever that connection, that feeling of connectiveness with a universal reality. That seems very unkind...'

'Situations are brought about to allow each child, to allow them to use their mind, use that part of them that is strongest, to develop themselves, to grow, to develop the love within themselves. If they allow that situation to darken their mind they will open themselves up to all that is negative in your world yet at the same time that strong part of themselves will be fighting that negativity making them stronger. There is nothing that can separate you from the connection of the greater reality. You will feel yourself separated but your mind is capable of perceiving many thoughts, many impressions and your world is full of all these thoughts. Take charge of your mind and filter those thoughts, step back, look at yourself, see how you live your life, see how your thoughts can change your life, can change your environment, can change the way you perceive your world. An ugly thought creates an ugly stroke on the picture that you perceive and a kind thought brings colour to that picture, brings life to that picture. You have that choice, you can choose'

Liz... 'Friend are you saying that there is some value for a child in experiencing negativity that cuts them off from their source for a while. Are you saying that that is actually of benefit to them in so far as it helps their mind to develop or helps them to bring forward pacific qualities?'

'It is a valuable lesson, it is a strengthening of the mind'

Liz... 'So are you saying that suffering in any form can be advantageous?'

'The observation of suffering on another is different from the suffering experienced by the observer, there is... you do perceive suffering in your world yet those who are suffering are also being presented with great opportunities, opportunities that can turn their life round, that can allow them to see from a new angle, a new perspective. They will grow, they will engage in a higher level, a higher frequency of life. They will step forward and engage in life with a greater power. That what motivates them will be turned up, will be increased and they will better understand the situations that are brought upon them and the reasons for those situations. Each person plays their part and those parts can be understood. Always look for the good in all things however dark they may seem for darkness can create light, out of that darkness much light is produced and much learning is achieved. Do not look from the outside but take your mind into the centre of dark situation, feel for yourself the learning, the understanding that is developing in your mind. Your world is full of love, there is no limit to love yet darkness can only go so far... does this answer your question?'

Liz... 'Partly yes... still remains a question as to why a child or person has to learn lessons, has to develop their mind'

'You have all chosen to walk the Earth plane, you have all chosen to experience a physical life'

Liz... 'If consciousness is already perfect and the actual, the totality of consciousness of the larger consciousness system is all knowing and contains everything that is, why do those little fragments that are us have to strive to learn and become more conscious, why do we need to do that, what benefit is there to be separated from the larger consciousness system in order to learn, what is the point of it?'

'You believe that the larger consciousness system is perfect yet the larger consciousness system is not perfect, it is growing, it is evolving. You are part of that system and you are helping it to evolve'

Liz... 'Is perfection a myth then?'

'Perfection is merely a word, perfection can always be perfected. There is no end to evolution. If evolution were to stop then devolution would be created. All life is ongoing, is creating more, is learning more. Life goes on'

Liz... 'We seem to have become part of an evolving system then but why did that system need to evolve, what was the... I guess we are always looking for purposes. Was the system not happy with being as it was or is... why does it need to change and grow?'

'In the same way as a garden always needs to be nurtured, plants need to be pruned, soil needs to be fed, plants need their water. Leave a garden and it will become a state of confusion, over grown, out of control. All life, all systems need to evolve, need to be nurtured. If you do not put in the effort then it will go backwards, will backslide'

Liz... 'I guess it's hard for us to understand in our state of being why we should come in at the middle of an evolving, changing process, why something that started before us or something that was us but wanted to change. It's very hard for us to understand how we've come to be where we are and what's really going on'

'You see yourself as a physical individual living in a physical world, you see decay in your world and yet your life is ongoing. The enthusiasm you feel within yourself is driving you forward refusing to decay, refusing to go back. You want to learn, you want to know more, you want to understand that what is out of your reach. You are driving yourself forward, always evolving. That is the real you pushing you forward. Keep that thought in your mind. See yourself as a child experiencing for the first time for each day is a new day, there is so much more to experience, do not hold yourself to the confines of your safe physical world, you have the power to create, why not create more? Why not change that what you dislike? That what for you seems impossible use your power of creation to make your world a better place and try to understand those who share your world. Greater understanding is a slow process, you have begun to understand and you will continue to understand one step at a time. There is much happening in your world at this time, greater opportunities have been put in place by the technology of your world. Do your best to help those changes that will happen to happen with love at their core. Share the information that you get, help one another to understand and bring the rainbow back to your world for all to see and for all to understand. Each person has their own opportunities to understand their connection to each other and in their own way they will understand and they will help with the growth of the greater consciousness of which you are all a part... Thank you my dear friends we have once again reached the end of our session this evening, thank you both for attending this evening, we appreciate your presence in this room and the vibrations that have risen, that have opened up the darkness that you perceive in your room into light. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it around with all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you'

Liz/Sofie... 'Good night friend, thank you and God bless you all'


I came back after about 30 seconds.
I felt very hot.

Sofie felt the energy in the room lift as the communication ended.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

During the healing I felt cool breezes around me cooling me down.