May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

247th Sitting 05/04/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I then drifted in and out of sleep for nearly one hour.

Liz felt pricking electrostatic sensations in her hair and eye lashes at times.

When I became controlled Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Once again we come into your room, look around, settle down into the world of physical matter that you enjoy, that you find is your life for now. We can see how you live your life, we can understand, understand the restrictions on your mind living in a world cut off from the true reality yet you have been given this chance, this chance to use your ability to learn, your ability to love and your ability to use your choices to develop yourself. Your world is full of opportunities, opportunities that create choices, that create decisions in your mind. That what motivates you is giving you the chance to use your own mind. A picture is developing, a life is developing, the work that you put in to your life is preparing you. Watch your world unfold, see how you can change yourself. See how you can use your mind to negotiate all difficulties that are thrown at you. Take your time to wake up, valuable lessons are being learnt and when you do wake up you will be that much further forward. Stand at the foot of... take...' 

The communication broke up, it felt to me like the control wasn't very strong, then the communication started again...

'Once upon a time all life was capable of communication with us, with the world of spirit. Once upon a time the physical world was part of the spiritual world, there was no separation, it all worked as one but the problem arose, there was no way of developing the soul of each individual, there had to be a way of cutting off that direct communication. It was believed that the very heart of life was taken away but it remained in place and the very heart of life is now beginning to once again blossom in your world. Take steps to discover for yourself, we will be there with you fighting the way forwards... thank you'


Liz was going to turn the music up for a while but chose instead to ask a question. This was a good idea as it seemed to make the control stronger...

Liz... 'Friend, I have a question'


Liz... 'How can we differentiate between those words that come from us as a result of impressions that are from our own subconscious, our own imagination and those that are from spiritual entities that have passed on, actual spiritual beings, how can we differentiate between the two types of communication, those that are filtered through our greater or smaller consciousness, our own consciousness and those that come from elsewhere, from another actual entity?'

'You think of yourself as an individual with a mind restricted to yourself, partitioned off in your world yet you are more, you are connected to the larger consciousness, you are connected to all of consciousness. As you receive impressions in your mind, there is a mixture, there is what seems to you to be a mixture. You have lived your life in the physical world, you have experienced your life in the physical world and you have used your mind whilst living in the physical world. You have become used to how you use your mind, how you interpret the way your mind works and you have built up a belief that that mind belongs to you, that that mind is an expression of yourself, that thoughts that you have are created by you for you are a separate entity. Now widen your thought, bring yourself to a larger picture, a larger view of life. See yourself connected to all things, all living things, they all work as one yet you are a singular expression of part of that whole. You have the capability of receiving from... your connection to all of life enables any message to come to your mind, you will not know, you will not... you have no way of knowing from where that message has come because you are part of where that message originates yet when you evaluate the words that you have received you will begin to build up an understanding and a truth for yourself. There will be for you evidence in the message, evidence which will give you an impression of where the message has come from. What is important is the value of the message, the value of the message to yourself and the value of the message to those to whom you give that message. Where that message originates is unimportant yet those who hear the message will build up for themselves an idea of where that message comes from and it will give them their own understanding. It may lighten their hearts when they hear the voice of those they believe to be dead coming through with words evidential to them. This will open their minds to investigate more, to discover more, to see a wider picture, to see more than that what is available in the physical world, that what is laid out for them each day of their lives'

Liz... 'I don't think it's unreasonable though to want to know the real origin of the messages, of the communication that comes through. What level of spirit...'

'When viewed and when understood from the physical world then there is that need to know from where it comes for you live in a world of space and time. You look at each other, you see individuals, different characters, different levels of loving entities working together yet beyond and within those entities is the one consciousness that holds you all together, that is working with you, that is evolving through you. You can choose to hold on to your physical thoughts or you can choose to expand your thinking from a wider viewpoint. We can understand how you will think'

Liz... 'It's okay that you maybe don't know, it's okay that perhaps that information, precise information isn't available at the level from which this communication comes but I don't believe that the urge to identify the source and to distinguish between information that’s coming from an actual entity, from an actual person who has passed on but who is still alive in the spirit realm and that which is from a universal unconscious or the Akashic fields or an information field or part of our own larger consciousness. At some level I understand that we are a part of that larger consciousness and part of every entity, that our experience shows us that pockets of that consciousness has split off into individual pockets of consciousness and these pockets of consciousness have identification, have boundaries through which they can be known. We speak in this world of angels, arch angels, spirits, ghosts, divas, a wide range of entities, conscious entities and how those entities feature when we receive communication. We talk in our spiritualist circles of guides, the spirit team, people identify those guides, they take on particular persona and the information that's coming through here is coming as from a person, from a voice, from an information source so I don't think its spurious for me to ask what is that source and the answers are always evasive and I'm saying it's okay if you don't know what source you are but if you do, please reveal that information'

'You are likening the world of spirit to the world of physical matter. You are seeing the results of your situation, your life magnified into a greater reality. You are seeing how you live your life and you are assuming that that is how the spiritual world is working. You have also been able to get a sense of a larger reality, that what you connect to. Think of your oceans, think of the vastness of the oceans of your world. Imagine one drop of that ocean, imagine one drop breaking free, becoming an individual droplet of water for that brief moment whilst it flies from the sea through the air it is an individual yet it returns to the water, it has lived a life, it has lived a life of an individual, it will once again repeat the experience when the time is right yet while it is part of the ocean of your world it loses its individuality but the sea has gained a new experience and has grown. When that droplet of water is free from the ocean, when it perceives information from that ocean, is it coming from another droplet within the ocean or the ocean as one whole, one whole unit'

Liz... 'This world itself is part of that ocean, you've often said that there is no differentiation really between the spiritual and the physical. The physical is a subset of the larger reality in spirit, we are spirit, spirit is with us so the reality of our being here and communicating as we do as individuals and sometimes as groups, sometimes we communicate as groups, a group puts forward an idea, puts forward a communication an agreed communication from a number. Presumably the pattern here is a pattern that also exists in spirit because we are part of spirit. So on the one hand it sounds as if you're saying that this communication is actually just part of a great, large universal unconscious or a sea of semi-consciousness that surrounds us and in which we are and yet this information is coming through as if an entity, is coming through in a personable way'

'The information is coming through an entity that you know of as the medium'

Liz... 'Yes...'

'You have, you are as a physical being used to speaking to entities'

Liz... 'So this is an information field that is being filtered through the medium?'

'In the same way as information comes to you and to everybody living in the physical world. There is nothing unusual, there is nothing unique in the receiving of information'

Liz... 'So is there a difference between the way this information is coming through the medium and what we call inspired speaking?'

'There is no difference in the information that comes through. Each individual in the physical world will work in their own way when connecting to the larger reality, the greater consciousness. What you would call trance mediumship is but one available channel from spirit to a physical world'

Liz... 'So when in trance the communication comes through as we, as if from a group'

'It can come through as if coming from one person or it can come through as if coming from consciousness itself'

Liz... 'Is the way that it comes through determined by the medium themselves in the form it takes?'

'The medium is the link that has the ability to allow information to come through. The medium works in a unique way'

Liz... 'So would you say that every medium packages that information in a particular format that could take the form of a group entity, a specific entity, a guide, a personality'

'It is a combination of the medium and those who sit with the medium. Those who sit in a circle with a medium will have in their minds an understanding, this understanding will be known, this understanding will be used to bring the most beneficial communication for their own growth that will help them. They may well believe in a spiritual world populated by physical beings and this is how they will receive their information but it is the information that is important and it is the information that will help them to develop their own understanding and change their minds as to the source of the information. You yourself have your own understanding but you are open to new understandings and we are working with you and with the medium to bring a new understanding to your minds. We do not wish to go back to an old understanding. We wish to develop that old understanding into something more useful, something which will enable you to step up and discover more but we will not tell you what you want to know until you have thought for yourself and built up a new understanding in your mind. Once you have done that we can add to that understanding. You are here to learn, you are here to use your abilities and intelligence and to think for yourself. We cannot think for you but we can bring to you new ideas that will trigger your thoughts'

Liz... 'You see friend as you're talking you're calling yourselves we as if you are a conscious group of people, a conscious source, a particular source of information at a level beyond our current understanding, so you are giving a sense that you are an actual person or personality who knows, who has an overview and information about my development and other people's development and development of myself and the medium and are working to educate us to our advantage and this in a way is confusing because when I ask specific questions about the source of this information the answer comes in a very non-specific way, always with the cop-out that it's for us to decide, it's for us to work it out for ourselves and yet that slightly contradicts the very purposeful form of the message coming from a group or an entity who knows that it's not divulging that information because it's not in our interests to have it so that's somewhat confusing especially because I don't feel that as somebody with a scientific mind, somebody who wishes to know and who wishes to share information that the desire to know more definitively the source. My understanding is that there are hierarchies of consciousness, of entities if you like, my understanding from my experiences are that there are bounded stages of conscious development, realities if you like, our physical reality is only one part but in each of those realities or bounded frames of consciousness there are entities and ways of knowing, levels of knowing, and with that understanding it feels to me a reasonable question to ask from what level this information is coming and I repeat again that it's okay if you don't know from which level it's coming, but you don't say that clearly, you leave it very ambiguous that it's not in our interests to be told and yet here on Earth and the old axiom is as above so below, on Earth when you pick up information from the computer or anywhere you ask what it's source is, is it from the British library, is it from Wikipedia, is it from the annuals of Chinese medicine, from what source is this particular information coming? Is this information that has been brought to us through a group of Vedic priests? A group purporting to be Atlanteans? From what source has this information come, is it from a group of mediums who have received this from entities who were alive in the physical but are now dead? It feels that these questions are important here and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't also be important in the larger reality, to know the source of information that is coming through? The purity of the information if you like, what level of understanding is this information coming through, what level of consciousness?'

'It is a combination of your thoughts, your understanding and the understanding of the medium and the connection to the larger reality. You and the medium have experienced communications from the spiritual world many times. You have understood how communication has been delivered by separate entities living in the spiritual world. You have understood how those entities often represent past physical lives, sometimes they have been understood as lives that have never touched the physical world, lives that appear to be beyond the physical world yet they have taken an interest in the physical world and have wanted to communicate and bring understanding to your world, yet these are all created characters, created from your own minds to give you the comfort of knowing. You all want to know, you all need to know, you all need to put a face to that what talks to you. You find it difficult to accept pure communication without source. Communication is constantly available throughout your physical life, as you live your physical life thoughts are coming to you, are they your thoughts? Are they the thoughts of others in the physical world? Are they thoughts from another world, a spiritual world, a non-physical world? You will not know, you cannot know yet you can build up a belief and put a face to the words you receive. You believe that when you talk, you believe that when you receive information that that information has come from an entity. What is an entity? Is an entity a separate being? Something which lives a life of its own apart from all? Is there greater entities, larger entities, an entity that contains many entities, a group soul? These are all words, words that help you to understand. Information has no source, information is an acceptance of new thoughts. You have to use those thoughts to bring for yourself your own understanding. For us to communicate to you we use that word us, we use that word we, because you cannot understand something that is beyond your own understanding at this time. As the weeks go by we will build up for you an understanding, as the weeks go by you will build up for yourself an understanding. Try not to use past experiences to build up a picture of a world, a spiritual world, use your intelligence, use your mind to bring a clearer picture to yourself, we will help, we will try to clear the confusion from your mind but we need to do it in our own way, step by step'

Liz... 'I think you also need to build up confidence by giving real evidence'

The communication was getting quieter as if the energy was running out.

'Time ticks by, your world moves on and the information gathered will produce a clearer understanding... Now we have reached the end of our session this evening. Take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, lighten all those who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, we will continue this talk in our next session'

Liz... 'Thank you friend goodnight and God bless you'

'Think about what we have said and prepare for us a series of questions, we will do our best to answer your queries. For we wish you to understand and you will understand, thank you, may God bless and keep you all, good night to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend, and God bless you'


I felt back with it after about a minute.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...