May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 08/02/2021 & 09/02/2021

I haven’t had a Solo Sit for a while as I now do my trance development with Liz via Zoom in the Mercury Experiment but I had a question and sat on Monday evening 10/02/2021.

I did an opening prayer and asked my question which was...

‘From your perspective could you explain the mechanics behind a physical séance where people materialise and walk around the room talking to the sitters who recognise them as loved ones who have died?’

I was soon controlled and communication began...

‘All words come from your mind. We can help those words develop into new information. You have already begun to understand the mechanics of the physical séance, the materialisation séance, that what has been played out in your world for many years, for many centuries. The physical world is a place of learning, not all people learn at the same time, some people need more to stimulate their growth. There are many ways to learn in a physical world, you all start somewhere, you are all placed into the physical world and given opportunities. And as you develop, as you grow, you begin to look for more'


'The larger consciousness system is not only a part of your world it is helping your world, it is helping that what exists within your world. There are times when rules are broken, opening up new opportunities for growth. An enquiring mind will grasp those opportunities and turn them into something they will understand. The physical séances developed because of man’s need to understand more. An interest developed and many minds were drawn into that interest, becoming a shared interest. The pattern of life never stands still and those with inquiring minds are always looking for something new in a world that sees birth followed by death. Those inquiring minds look beyond that death and see something else, something that continues, something that can be shown to them, giving them the evidence that they need to confirm their theories. Communication from beyond the physical has always been received and always will be received, but some demanded more, some would not accept the truth in that communication. Only those who received the information could truly understand it as their truth. Those who were not able to receive words, receive information, wanted to be convinced. They wanted to understand something physically in the same way as they understood their physical world. It began with noises, taps, raps, intelligent raps, and so began a flood of physical phenomena, unexplainable by the physical sciences, just enough to convince those who were interested, for the physical world still remained for most a physical world, a world of birth and death. Those who had the opportunity to experience the wonders of a physical séance began to understand the continuation of life from their perspective. They were seeing, hearing, touching those that they knew had died and yet now they were alive once again’ 

‘Information beyond the physical world has to be grasped in a step-by-step process before the beliefs and fears can fade away. The development of physical mediumship brought forward like-minded minds prepared to sacrifice their time in the hope of seeing materialisations, physical phenomena. Those minds came together with love in their hearts, creating harmony in a physical circle. That love enabled them to witness the miracles of a physical séance. How they interpreted that what they witnessed was based on their understanding at that time, yet now for many the physical world is seen as an illusion, something not physical at all. Consciousness is seen as fundamental and from that viewpoint a physical séance can be better understood. The physical world is an illusion and materialisations also are part of that illusion and can be introduced easily and effectively...’

At this point the communication stopped and the control left.

I felt there was more to say so sat again the following morning and after an opening prayer I was controlled and the communication started again...

‘Valuable information... information has value to you. Information that will help you to grow, information that will help all of you to grow is freely available from many sources. You only have to live a physical life and you will feel the impact of information on your mind. For you are consciousness, living consciousness connected to all of consciousness which is giving you that information. When you sit like this you are opening up a direct link but at the same time you have to see it from your perspective, you have to understand it from your perspective until a time comes where you begin to feel, you begin to feel how you live. You do not rely on the physical senses; you develop within yourself a sense of feeling which recognises that information which is given to you. The time is coming when many will develop this ability and as the eyes are opened throughout your world a new picture will be presented to you’

‘Keep your mind focused on the future for the past has served its purpose. It has opened the minds of those who are interested, those who are seeking information beyond the physical, beyond that what they can sense. As time moves forward so new ideas will be presented to your world both in the scientific communities and in the spiritual communities, for they will work together and when they work together more people will take notice, will begin to look at themselves, will understand their place in a physical world and understand that what surrounds them. We encourage you all to widen your perspective, to understand more. Raise your head above the physical world and you will begin to feel, you will begin to develop a new sense and you will find that the problems you have created yourself in trying to understand life, will no longer be problems for you will see them from a new perspective’ 

‘There are many pathways to complete understanding. The physical séances served their purpose in their time and now a new age is coming, the age of information. There is no need to repeat that what has gone before for that has served its purpose and you have changed, your physical world has changed and so many more opportunities have developed throughout your world. Look for those opportunities, feel those opportunities and you will achieve so much more... thank you’

I felt back with it and sent out thanks and healing to the world...