May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 24/08/2020

I had a Solo sit at home and during the opening prayer asked...

‘As I understand it, when I sit you send me information which I interpret and speak as words. Is this how it works? And if so how do you get through information that I can’t interpret because it is beyond my current understanding?’

After a few minutes I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Let us see want we can achieve for you have much on your mind. We work with you; we work through you and we work within you. You are as much a part of us as we are of you and together, we can bring forth information that will help your world. Do not allow your mind to judge. Do not try to interpret the meanings of that what we bring through until you finish your session. You have much to learn, you have much to give and within you is the greatest power that you can imagine. You are not merely receiving words, you are opening yourself up to a larger reality, you are taking away the physical impacts on your mind, you are allowing a greater range, a further reach. Let that become a natural part of your mind. These sessions are helping you to grow, helping you to become a part of so much more. We join you in these sessions and become one with you. You can feel our presence and you interpret that as the presence of a group of people, much like yourself. It does not matter how to interpret us; we will always bring you information that will become a part of you for this session. You may choose to interpret that information or you may choose to feel that information, feel it become a part of you, giving you confidence to answer your own questions for that is all they are, they are questions, questions that do not really matter to the bigger picture but they matter to you and they matter to those who share your physical world, for as physical beings you need the comfort and the knowledge that there is more to life. You need to know that the physical world is not all there is. Everybody can feel the bigger picture which is a part of them but they will not allow themselves to know, they will not allow themselves to understand for they are living a physical life, a life which for them fulfils all their needs. They have not yet had the need to explore, to open their minds, to widen their understanding. Why should they? Why do they need so much information when they are living what for them seems like a perfect life? There may be hiccups along the way but on the whole life for most people is all they need to continue living. They look no further than tomorrow for they know that the future will look after itself’

‘When you sit like this you are reaching out, you are accepting there is more to life and allowing life to unfold from within. There is nothing you do not already know. We can help you to understand yourself, we can help you to understand your physical world and we can help you to understand why you need to play your part in that world. You are not so much interpreting the information as remembering the information. Nothing is new to you; we are merely reminding you of that what you have chosen to forget. Entering the physical world causes you to forget and there is a reason for this. For the physical world is presented to you as a school, a place to learn. You can only have so much knowledge and you can only learn so much for the physical memory is limited. A time will come when you will need further information whilst in the physical world but you have to do the work, you have to learn the lessons, you have to pass the tests before further information will come to you, otherwise your mind will be overpowered. You mind is limited until you allow it to grow. We can only be a part of you when you allow us, when you allow yourself to become a part of us and you can do this in your day to day lives’

‘Each situation in the physical world can be approached in many ways. If your mind is focused on that physical world you vision will be narrow. Allow your mind to expand, understand that you are more and your vision will widen. You will see each situation for what it is and not for what you believe it to be. Life is for learning, everybody learns in their own way, in their own time. There is no time limit to life. As long as you try to move forward, to better yourself, that is all that is required. Allow your life to be joyous. Step back from those negative feelings, remember that you are a part of so much more and do your best in the school of opportunities. Do not worry if you fail, take that as an opportunity to learn, learn from each mistake, strive to become a better person. Do not allow the negative influences of your world to change you but allow those negative influences to be seen for what they are and then change yourself. Every opportunity is there to help you grow if you approach it with love in your heart. You do not need to know all the answers for if you live with love in your heart the answers will come to you. Thank you’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing to the world...

Solo sit 06/08/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

I felt myself starting to be controlled as I did the opening prayer and the communication soon began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Once again, we begin to give you some form of communication, something which will build up within you a picture of the larger reality, that what seems to be just out of reach and yet permeates you every day. You walk a physical world blindly and yet you feel you are functioning in a normal way; you feel that all your senses are working and you are interacting with your physical world and with those who share your world and yet at the same time you are plugged in to so much more. You blind yourself from that extra information that is given to you, only some of it gets through, a small part of that information, for you see your world as an opportunity to grow. In those opportunities you miss the subtle influences that are helping you, that are nudging you forward. Try not to rely on the physical input, allow your mind to wander, to widen, to be open to unseen possibilities. Do not let your fears cloud your mind. You are searching for answers, answers that are readily available if only you would listen. Take notice, act on what is given to you, it will make you complete. Most people in your world are half complete and they are satisfied for they feel they are using all of their abilities. They are unaware of the help that is given to them, they are blinded to that help by their own beliefs’

'Use your imagination to build up within yourself a picture of something new, something which is new to you. Take your mind away from the physical world for a few minutes and allow your imagination to be guided. Imagination can come to you from many different sources. You feel you are creating it yourself and at times this is true but there are also flashes of imagination that come to you. You can learn how to recognise those flashes; you can learn how to incorporate those flashes of imagination into your life. As you do this your world will expand, you will be aware of so much more. Even now you are not in your world, you are perceiving your world. Think about how you perceive your world, what causes your world to be presented to you? Is it not a form of imagination? You all share this one physical world but you all interpret it in your own way. The building blocks, the structure of your world remains a permanent picture for all but upon that structure you all build your own picture, the picture most suited to you, suited to your understanding at that point in time. This is your imagination playing its part but there is more. Open your eyes that little bit wider and you will see something new. Do not limit your understanding, there is always more to learn and there always will be more to learn, you journey has just begun. There are so many possibilities available to you yet you all concentrate on the physical world. Your lives become encased in the physical. Allow yourself to stop and stand back and perceive new information’

‘You can explore your world but do you know what you are looking for? What do you feel you need to know? Where do the answers come from? Do they come from outside of you or inside of you? Is there anything that you do not already know? Your world contains many memories; are they your memories? Do you share memories with others? You can look back at your memories but how far back can you go? What lies beyond the most distant memory? Think about that, see how it makes you feel when you consider that there are more memories than you can reach back to. Ask yourself how do I reach back further? Your life goes back further than you can imagine. Those distant memories are a part of you, you have full access to those memories. Why can you not retrieve them? What is stopping you? Is it you yourself that is preventing you from reaching back? Do you believe that your memories only go back so far? Can you remove that belief? Can you rise above that belief and delve deep into yourself, into your mind, retrieve that what belongs to you?’

‘Much has been imagined in your distant past, what has happened to what that imagination created? Your physical world seems solid to you. What if your imagination was more real than your physical world? Your creations of the past are still with you, are still a part of you, they have made you into what you are now and you can look back, and you can learn from your past experiences, your past mistakes and your past growth. See yourself as you are now and you will see yourself as you were... Thank you’


I did a closing prayer and set out healing...