May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 29/06/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

During the opening prayer I asked...

‘Information through mediums and consciousness explorers about conditions in the afterlife and reincarnation tends to differ quite dramatically. Why is this? Is there a true answer? And is it helpful to know this information while we are in the physical world?’

I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Once again we come into this room, this place of communication, communication of information, the translation of information, for there is a fine line between what is transmitted, what is received and what is interpreted. You all understand communication as speech, as words on paper, understandable transference of information. And yet there is another form of information, that what lies within you, that what surrounds you, for your life is full of information, it is being fed to you and transmitted from you at a constant rate. Those who receive information quickly learn to recognise its various forms and they arrange that information into understandable language. The mediums of your world have learnt how to receive the information that surrounds them, that appears to surround them, for they interpret that information as coming from another, coming from another living being, and yet information does not need, does not require a living being to be created. Consciousness is enough, consciousness can create information and beings are created by consciousness. You are consciousness and you create for yourself that what is understandable to you and yet at the same time you are always learning, you are always ready to receive new information but it is a slow process, a slow process of understanding, of interpreting, of getting it right. What is right for you is not right for another. What is wrong for you is not wrong for another. You all have your unique way of arranging information into understandable words for words are what you use. You are living in a physical world and for information to be understood in a physical world it needs to be arranged into words, but beyond words there are feelings. How do you feel when you receive information? Does the feeling come first or do the words come first? Sometimes a feeling is experienced without use of words. You may feel happy for no apparent reason and you also may feel sad for no apparent reason and yet something has been transmitted, something has been received’

‘Your world can seem very small and yet your world can also seem very large. Step back from your world and you see it as a small part of something greater. Explore your world and it seems very large. Which one is true? Is your world a large place or is it a small part of something greater? Look at yourself, look at the part you play within that world, how much of that world do you occupy at any one point in time? You are looking at it from a physical viewpoint, see it from a spiritual viewpoint and you will begin to understand that you are greater than any physical object. You are connected to all things and all things are you. One consciousness, many lives, each being lived by that one consciousness. Your search for truth will reach many dead ends until you truly understand your own greatness’

‘What is the most important thing in life? Is it not to be able to understand without the use of words? You are using words to try to understand something beyond words, try to understand with your feelings, feel what is right, feel what is wrong. That what you feel is connected to the love inside of you, the love that motivates you, the love that you all have. Let that love shine, let that love drive you, let that love reflect the feelings you give out. There is nothing left to understand when you truly understand love, the power of love. We understand the need of those in the physical world to understand, to want to know. This is part of your development and as you begin to understand, that what you understood before seems to be unimportant, you have reached a new understanding and then that too will become unimportant once again for you are constantly growing, allowing that what drives you to become you. You ask your questions and you already have an expectation of the answer in your mind but your feelings may be different. Trust your feelings, let your feelings guide you through life. See how much better your world becomes when you trust your feelings. You are still very much a part of the physical world and there are things that you have to do but use your feelings first, they are the important aspect, they are what you truly are and they will grow once you understand the importance of love, of caring, of thinking of others. You as a physical human being are playing an important part in a physical world built on love. That love is for you, do not reject it, let it flow through you, let it flow with you as you go about your daily duties. At times when you become confused and disillusioned with life, that love will have left you but you know it will return for it is a part of you, it is what created you and it will live forever, thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 22/06/2020

I had a Solo sit at home.

During the opening prayer I asked...

‘From your perspective how do you understand time? How does it compare with our time in the physical world? Is there any truth in the idea that time does not exist?’

I soon felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Once again we come to your room... We come to answer your question, an interesting question and something which a lot of people will find useful, useful in their understanding of the differences between the physical world and that what you perceive as non-physical. All worlds are physical to a differing degree. Some are more physical than others, some have what you would describe as a dreamlike quality. The physical world as you understand it is a fixed, solid place in which to live, you have a constant time measured by your clocks and your calendars and everything fits into place and does what it’s expected to do. Yet there are also things that happen in your physical world that go against that what you expect to happen, that what you expect to see for you have built up within yourself a belief based on living in your world. You have seen how your world operates and you expect it to continue to operate in that way. There are no easy ways to explain time for time is experienced, time can be watched, but you can also lose track of time. Where has time gone when you lose track of it? Does it still exist or does it exist for others and not for you? You experience life in your physical world and you experience life beyond your physical world. Those times that you are experiencing beyond your world you are not experiencing time; you have lost track of time and yet your physical world is built on time. Try to imagine yourself outside of your world, beyond your world, living in a dreamlike state, free to imagine, free to create pictures in your mind and explore those pictures. You are still experiencing; you are experiencing your own creations. Does the clock stop ticking? When you begin to imagine, when you begin to move beyond your daily lives in a physical world, when you begin to dream you have set free your mind from the physical world but you are also still growing, you are still changing, you are still experiencing, becoming something different, creating a history thread on which you can look back on. You may not be able to measure that history thread but you know that it has been experienced and you know that it is now a memory, something which you may cherish or something which you may forget. You are constantly creating a history thread and that thread remains recorded. You do not need to put an exact time on that history thread and yet it still remains in the past’

‘You ask how do we experience time? We too are creating a history thread. We can live beyond the boundaries of a physical world and yet a part of us can still experience a physical world. There are many physical worlds, each have developed, each were created for different purposes and holding those worlds together is time. The way time operates in each physical world depends on why that world was created and what is required, what that world wishes to achieve. A physical world can also be like a dreamworld yet it is still a physical world, a world where consciousness can interact and learn and grow. The passage of time is not so important in a dreamlike physical world. The beliefs of those who live in these worlds have not developed in the same way as those who live in your physical world and yet time does exist in all worlds and in the evolution of consciousness. As your world changes, as you all grow up, as the vibration of consciousness throughout your world rises then time can be changed, your physical world can be changed. The state of consciousness in your world will change it, make it more suitable for further growth to be achieved’

‘You find it hard to imagine other worlds different to your own and yet you can experience these worlds by letting go of your own world. By allowing your mind to connect to consciousness you too will experience other worlds. Consciousness is constantly growing and evolving and will allow each part of consciousness to develop in whatever way is most beneficial to the growth of the whole. You do not need to restrict your life to a physical world, you have many opportunities to explore a larger reality, then you will truly know the truth of time. All knowledge comes through experience, your own personal experience and how you interpret that experience. Let go of your fears and beliefs, open your mind and your interpretation will be so much nearer to the truth, to the way that life is lived by consciousness in all its forms, in all its realities, in all its states of existence. There are many clocks in consciousness, experience more and you will understand, thank you, thank you for your question. Please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, take it beyond your world. Nothing is stopping you apart from your beliefs and your fears. Open your eyes with love in your heart and you can travel beyond that what you thought was your home. You home is merely that what you create for yourself and you can create so much more. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

Solo sit 11/06/2020

I had a solo sit at home and during my opening prayer asked...

‘Do you sometimes feel using words is inadequate to get your message across especially when you talk about things that are not part of our experience?’

After a few seconds I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... Well once again we come through into this room, into this place where communication can come through, where words are spoken with the physical voice, words that you understand, words that mean something to you. But do you all understand words in the same way? Are you not the one that puts the meaning to the words? The words are merely a representation of a thought being transmitted. We do not provide the words for you provide the words, you feel our meanings and you clothe those meanings with words. You may feel that the words are being given to you but it is you who composes those words. Each time that we come through we work with you much as you work with yourself. Try to understand how you speak words in your daily life. Who chooses the words? You have lived many years in the physical world and for you speaking is a natural ability, for all in your world speaking is natural. You do not need to think what word do I say? What word comes next? It is second nature to you and the words flow from your lips. The words you hear when you think to yourself, they are also created by yourself to clothe the feeling behind each thought. We are merely giving you our own feelings which you interpret and select the appropriate words’

‘Language is a part of the physical world, it allows communication, physical communication between physical beings and yet you also communicate in other ways, subtle ways, ways unnoticed and yet felt by you. When you meet a new person, you have a feeling about that person. They are transmitting communication to you which you can feel without the use of words. Beyond the physical world no words are spoken. There is no need for physical words in a non-physical atmosphere. The exchange of information still takes place but no physical words are spoken. There is a knowing, an understanding and also an interpretation of that information that has been transmitted. Every being has its own unique way of interpreting information based on previous experiences and based on the makeup of that being. Those in the physical world also work like this but in addition they have the ability to use words, words which often become misunderstood, for speaking is a clumsy way of sharing information. It is better to try and understand the underlying meaning behind those words and not what those words mean for you have all learnt the meaning of words, you have books that tell you what words mean but you still have to learn how to understand the true meaning behind those words, the meaning that has produced those words. There is nothing difficult in this for it is a natural way of communication and you do do this all the time. Observe yourself when in communication with others, try to understand all the information that is presented to you and not just the physical words. This will help you to better understand one another’

‘The physical world was created as a place in which you can learn, in which you can grow and in which you can develop your understanding of life. Many in your world never move beyond the physical but increasing numbers are beginning to understand the meaning of life behind the physical world. Open your mind, look beyond the physical, understand all that is given to you for your world is full in information waiting to be understood. It is coming from one another and it is coming from the world itself in the beauty that you see each day of your life. Each time you open your eyes it is not just a picture that you see for your eyes can receive information. Let that information come to you, understand the feelings that you get when you see the beauty in your world and also when you see the darkness in your world. Do your best to make your world more beautiful and the darkness will gradually fade away. Love one another, see the good in each other and in each situation as you go through your daily lives in a physical world. You may see problems within your world but understand that your world at this point in time is the perfect place for the human race to live and to experience all things right now. Do not spend time looking towards the future, do not look back to the past but live your life in the present for that is the time that is most suited to you and do your best to change yourself knowing that your world will change with you and the future will truly be bright... thank you’

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...