May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
Solo Sit 26/02/2020
I had a Solo Sit at home and just before sitting asked...
‘Could you talk about developing the right brain and intuition?’
I then did an opening prayer.
After about 30 seconds I felt myself being controlled and the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening... well here we are, here we are with you, we come to give some form of advice and encouragement for you. For you have given us a question, given us a subject on which to speak about and we will do what we can to give you something that will help you to develop yourself, develop that right brain, that intuition which will help you to secure a stronger link with that what drives you, that what lays dormant within your mind yet is also very much alive. The left brain is what blinds you from that what lies within you, from that potential within you. A balance of the two sides of the brain will create a perfect environment. It will allow you to receive, it will allow you to understand what you receive in a beneficial way. You live a life in a physical world but you also live a life in the spiritual world, the two are one, the two are connected and work with each other. There is no separation. You are stuck between the two, you have a life in the physical world and yet the spiritual world is with you too. As you develop your intuition you begin to see, you begin to hear the bigger picture, not just the physical world but the larger reality too. This is a natural way of living. The physical world has taught you to ignore the input from the larger reality, it has been disguised as meaningless imagination. Allow yourself to recognise words that come to you. Some are self-generated, yet also there are words of help for you in your life which do not come from that what you understand as yourself. To develop the ability to understand and receive you must first break down the beliefs that the physical world has given you. See yourself as something more, see yourself as a whole self. Understand what you think of as impossible to be possible and take note of your feelings. Every second of your life question your feelings for they will guide you, they will help you to understand how you react to life. You have lived a life developing the left brain, you have understood yourself as a physical being in a physical world. The spiritual world seems distant yet the spiritual and physical are one, there is no distance, there are no boundaries, you are free to travel, free to experience all things. See yourself as something so much more and see others also as something more and understand the connection between you all. The physical world holds many clues. Look out for abnormalities in your world, things that don’t seem quite right. Within those you will begin to break down the barriers that blind you. We cannot give you answers but we can give you clues; we can give you a starting point and from that starting point you will work with yourself and with others and you will begin to develop that intuition that is a part of you. There is nothing difficult in this for it is a natual part that is always working within you, within everybody, you only need to recognise. All experience will help you, never be afraid to try something new, but use your intelligence, be sceptical, build up within yourself an understanding. The more you do this the clearer it will become and a picture will begin to unfold. The picture has always been there, you just have not been able to recognise it for what it is. There is nothing new to be discovered, there is only change within yourself made by you and as you change yourself you will see life from a new perspective... thank you. Thank you my dear friend. Please take a piece of our love, take it with you as you begin to discover more about yourself and about the part you play in a bigger, more beautiful picture. We walk by your side and share in your discoveries as you share in ours. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and gave out healing.
302nd Sitting 04/02/2020
We had the room setup as usual.
The Magnetometer was on but we didn’t use the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
I drifted in and out of sleep for about 40 minutes then after another 10 minutes started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music when she heard the communication begin...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend’
‘Once again, we come to your room, we begin to feel our way, we begin to insert ourselves, insert the consciousness that we bring, that we try to mix with yours, filling this room with a vibration that helps us to speak in your world. There is always a reason for our speaking to you. We understand how you feel, how you react to the words that are spoken. We see where you have come to in your understanding and we can understand how to use that information to bring to you something which is suitable, something which will enhance your current understanding. Each individual in your world is working with what they have, is working with a build-up of experiences that have produced a pattern within their minds. This pattern they believe to be them, they believe it to be what they are, they see themselves as an individual working within a physical world. They have built up a belief and they have built up themselves and they use that belief to process all information that comes to them. Each person in your world feels comfortable with their beliefs, with their understanding of themselves until they are confronted by something which causes them to think, something which causes them to look beyond themselves. That comfort that they felt begins to produce confusion, they no longer feel comfortable with themselves and they want to become something different. They want to reach out into the unfamiliar for they feel that is where they will find something new and yet they need to look inside of themselves, they need to see the true picture within themselves, they need to lose that belief that holds them to an idea of themselves. The true you is always with you, is always within you, yet you yourself are painting your own picture, developing your own character in a physical world. You are reacting to the components of your world, yet at the same time you have this inner feeling that is pushing you forward, pushing you into something that you do not fully understand. Allow yourself to receive, allow your world to talk to you. Do not try to change yourself for yourself will change each time you make a decision, each time you make a choice. Allow your world to present itself to you, see each situation and try to do your best with that situation. Begin to understand life as a part of you, you are life and the physical world is a place where you can experience new beginnings each day of your life. Watch the world develop before your eyes, use that what you possess within yourself to live. You are all playing your part in your world and together it is a joint effort to contribute. Bring yourself out of yourself, step into something new and allow yourself to change. Your beliefs are holding you back but you are stronger than your beliefs, you can change’
‘What is it that makes you feel angry, what is it that makes you feel upset, what is it that makes you feel dissatisfied with yourself or with others or with situations?’
Liz... ‘I guess it’s beliefs and comparison, comparing one lifestyle with another, comparing your own agenda, your own situation, your own aptitude to those of others and your belief in necessitating a particular way of living and fitting in with the social norm’
‘And yet you are all the same, and you are all in this world for the same reason. There is no need to compare, there is a need to work as one’
Liz... ‘The trouble is that we don’t know what the reason is, the real reason often alludes people. We have a number of reasons, they’re not all the same but they may not be the real reason. We're ignorant of that’
‘Is the reason important or is living together as one important? It’s developing together, creating something that lifts the consciousness of your world that is important, that is your reason. You are all working together at lifting the consciousness of your world but you do not know, you do not realise you are doing this. You cannot see the effects of what you do, you are only aware of the physical world and what is fed to you each day of your life. But behind that world is a stronger feeling, something which is motivating you and that will take you to something new, something beyond what you now understand. You will see how you work as one and with one another, you will see how you fit into your world. There is no right or wrong, there is only waking up to the real motivation behind yourself, that what pushes you forward. Recognise that and your eyes will open’
Liz... ‘From what you are saying it sounds as if the search for knowledge, for understanding is a primary reason of existence in this world’
‘Is a search for that understanding of how you fit into your world and how your world is working with you, is a recognition that life comes to you in a natural way and you react to that life. You chose to react to that life in the way most suited to raising the vibration of your world. You see yourself as a small part of something bigger but you do not see that you are also that bigger part, but you can feel that you are something bigger. Nothing is beyond your reach, nothing is shielded from your sight yet many in your world choose not to look, choose not to reach out, feel comfortable as a singularity creating confusions that hold you back, bring you down and create the illusion of a singularity and you see others as you see yourself and then you begin to compare, to see the faults in others and you see the faults in yourself, you create those faults but all the time there is something inside of you driving you forward, trying to get you to use all that you have’
Liz... ‘There are many ways in which the physical body, the physical vehicle that we inhabit holds us back, it’s subject to mood swings, to affects from the atmosphere, from the environment that influence the way we feel, the way we react and the way we view ourselves so that achieving that equanimity which is contentment, which allows us to follow our true evolutionary path without diverting to the right or the left, the up or the down, it’s not always easy, we are not masters always of our physical vehicle’
‘You are all still learning, you are all developing, you need to take... you need to begin enjoying yourselves, you need to begin to break out of that what holds you back, that what creates sadness, that what you have built up within yourself. There are times when you can see the funny side of all situations and in those moments, you feel yourself lifted up, you no long feel those worries that bring you down. If you can hold yourself in that state and see the fun in life you will slowly leave behind that what holds you back’
Liz... ‘It’s as if there’s a constant battle or tension between the vicissitudes of the physical body and brain and the higher consciousness, the larger picture. It's as if it’s a constant struggle to maintain a clear vision and a steady pathway’
‘And yet there are those times when you do break free, you do begin to laugh, you forget the sadness, the irritations. Take the seriousness out of your life for one moment and you see how you are all enjoying life, for life, physical life is a game to be played’
Liz... ‘That happy state is possible at times but there are many times when the individual is caught in trying to balance the vicissitudes of mood, atmosphere and problem solving and daily concerns of the physical, earning a living, survival, maintaining equilibrium. It's as if the higher mind can dwell on these wonderful things and be aware of them but the necessity of living in the physical world within a society and a social framework involves a constant jostling to achieve equilibrium to maintain good energy balance. It's as if we’re constantly having to learn and adapt and our mastery of the physical world and our social organism is not yet complete, it’s still very imperfect and this creates the unhappiness and the conflicts and the struggle and the sense of weariness that many feel on a daily basis so the joy and the appreciation of life becomes intermittent, it is indispersed with many episodes of unhappiness, struggle, depression, anxiety. It seems this is the price that we have to pay for living in a developing and uneducated world and social mechanism’
‘Try to observe your feelings each day. Try to recognise what raises you up and what brings you down. Try to understand that it is you who is reacting, you who is receiving what you see, what you hear and that causes you to feel sad or happy. You have built up a belief within yourself rooted in fear. Until that fear is taken away you will continue to live your life in an unbalanced way, you will have ups and downs and yet your life is a life to be enjoyed, a life to be creative, a life to explore. It is a wonderful world and you have nothing to fear. Let go of the fears and allow yourself to live in a natural way’
Liz... ‘I guess if we knew and believed completely in our ability to plug in to the universal source of energy which never fails, we would be able to constantly surmount all the obstacles, all the apparent obstacles and achieve that wonderful sense of liberation and playing the game at full tilt, a little bit like a computer when it’s plugged in to the mains it can work at full tilt. When it’s relying on its internal battery it may not be working at full tilt, it may have many little hiccups and slow down. So, its needing to have more help in learning how to plug into that universal source and stay plugged in because I think we don’t believe that we’re able to do that, we don’t know how to and if we have some inkling, we lose faith’
‘Always know that you are plugged in, you are constantly receiving fully all that you need, it is you who have restricted the flow of energy, you have built up within yourself restrictions, beliefs, unnecessary beliefs. Always know that you have full access to all that you need to live your life in a positive way and when you feel yourself sinking down try to understand what it is that is causing you to sink, what it is that you have created within yourself, that is holding you back. Only you can do this for yourself, only you can understand how you have come to the point in life, this point in time. Look back on your life, see what you have done to block the flow of energy and know that that is merely a belief, something which can be taken away. You are all so much more but you are all holding yourselves back. Try to live with life, allow life to come to you, do not try to control that what comes to you, let it be natural. See yourself as something more, something beyond the character that plays its part in a big wide world for you are that world and you are the life that comes to you. You are sharing in the love that holds your world together, that love will set you free, that love will respond as you begin to search for that meaning in your life, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it shine out into your world and reflect back to you, and think about who you really are. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Liz did the closing pray, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...