May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
293rd Sitting 24/10/2019
We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
After about 10 minutes Liz felt a tingling and a pressure on the top of her head.
I stayed awake but drifted off a couple of times for a few minutes.
About an hour after the opening prayer I was controlled and Liz turned down the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’
‘Once again, we come into your room, we build up an energy that will help with the communications for each time we add to those energies and we can find a stronger link for it is important to have that strong link. There is so much to bring through and when we use this medium in this way we are settling in, we are settling in to the atmosphere of a physical world and using your energies to create spiritual words in a physical atmosphere. The physical world is a world full of opportunity but you also use the energies that surround your world as you go about your daily life. There is a turning point in your life, a turning point that for you feels like a realignment of your mind for you are so immersed in the physical world that your mind has forgotten how to work at full capacity. Your mind is shielded from a greater power and there is a reason for this for you have to allow yourself to develop up to a point where greater power lightens up your mind. This greater power will help you to understand the greater reality to which you are one part’
‘Think of yourself as a puppet, a puppet operated by the hand of God. A delicate instrument which reacts to the slightest of movement and yet within that instrument is another power, another operating influence. Between you and God there is a constant struggle for ownership of your mind. You feel you are in control but the greater hand that pulls your strings is slowly taking over, is slowly moving in to your mind. You blend with that greater power for you are a part of that power and that power is you. You have created that part of yourself that you believe to be you. You have stepped back from that one part, given it free will to do what it wishes to do yet it is still restricted, it is still held back until a time when the mind has developed and a greater power can be introduced. You see yourself as an individual but you feel yourself as something more. Develop that feeling within yourself and you will take control of yourself, you will become God, you will become the hand that operates you, that pulls your strings’
‘There is nothing in your world that holds you back, only your state of mind will hold you back, a mind full of potential, a mind greater than you think. Try to feel the size of your mind. Try to allow your awareness to fill that mind. Take notice of all the feelings you get during your daily life, try to understand those feelings, try to learn from those feelings. Your physical senses are a small part, they show you the way, but the real you can feel each situation. Take yourself one step at a time into a new perspective. Allow your physical senses to work by themselves, rise above that physical input and reach into the spiritual side of yourself, a world of feelings. The spiritual world compliments the physical world and together they work as one. See your world through the eyes of God and you will see a perfect world’
‘You do not need to be the puppet, you can be that guiding hand, you all can be that guiding hand. Where does the spiritual world end and the physical world begin or are they the same? Are they all one, one continuous evolving consciousness? One feeding the other, one developing the other, the strings of harmony connect them both and as they evolve, they will become one, one harmonious reality... Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We give to you a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it, shine it out into a larger world, let everybody see, let everybody get a glimpse of a larger picture if only for a few seconds for it will give them the encouragement to live their lives in harmony with one another. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, thank you all, goodnight and God bless you’
I was back with it after a few seconds.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
292nd Sitting 16/10/2019
We had the room setup as usual and I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer at 7.45pm...
Last week Liz was sitting in a clairvoyant mediumship development circle. They had been talking about trance mediumship and when getting ready to leave found a small Buddha on the floor. So far no one knows of any physical explanation how it got there and during tonight's opening prayer Liz asked the question...
‘It would be wonderful to know if the little Buddha that appeared after Jules’s circle was an apport that you sent, an indication we can work with her group?’
Liz turned out the light and put the music on...
I think I fell asleep for about 10 minutes but mostly stayed awake.
Liz felt a bit light headed just before I was controlled.
She turned down the music as the communication started...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend’
‘Once again we come into your room and we begin to give you something which will help you for we are always trying to help, we try to give you something on which to think about for you yourself are able to bring to yourself the information that will help you to develop a thought in your mind, a thought that will lead to greater understanding for all that lies around you is constantly helping you, you are connected to a physical world and a physical world is helping you to understand. Each day of your life you are reacting to the surroundings, you are developing within yourself an answer, a unique answer, your own unique answer and that answer only applies to you for you yourself are a living part of a larger creation. You are part of that creation and you all make up one creation. You all give to that creation your unique aspect, your unique thought, your unique abilities and you use those abilities to build up within yourself an answer. There is only one answer for you but as a race of physical human beings you all have your own answer. So, what is the real answer? What is the truth? The truth is within yourself. You each have a spark that unites you with that truth but you can only see that what you create for yourself. You cannot see all of that truth but you can see your interpretation of that truth. Bring that interpretation to your mind and develop it further, give it a meaning, let it be a part of your life, a part of the way you live your life. Each human being in your physical world has developed within themselves an ability to recognise the true meaning of your life. You are all looking for a truth that is not there, you should be allowing yourself to give you that truth from within. What is outside of you is an illusion and what is within you is real. The illusion does not contain the truth for you contain that truth within and that truth is forever changing, it is never stationary for as you change that truth will change with you’
Liz... ‘Isn’t that outward expression of truth just an outward expression of our inner truth? Surely it’s no more of an illusion than our own inner truth, the inner and the outer are surely the same?’
‘The inner truth is for you and you alone to understand. The outer truth is a combination of everybody’s inner truth. The outer truth is a representation of the combined minds of all who live in your physical world’
Liz... ‘A consensual reality’
‘You are all part of one reality and through you all that reality will evolve but you all hold on to your own truth, you all add your part to the evolution of your reality’
Liz... ‘Do we have a mission to help, to change that reality?’
‘That is the purpose of your life to evolve that reality, to evolve the love in that reality’
Liz... ‘Does it matter much which way we do that?’
‘You need to do it in a positive way, you will do it in a positive way’
Liz... ‘But is it important for a person to engage their whole life in one aspect of changing that reality, one aspect of improving that reality or can they shift their focus? Is it important to direct all ones energy towards one particular...’
‘You are not trying to change that reality but the way you live is what changes that reality. Your life is there to be lived, to be enjoyed, to be shared. What you are developing is that truth within yourself by the way that you interact with those who share your life. Live a loving life caring for others and you will change and as you change your reality will change. Live a selfish life and your reality will devolve. As you change your reality changes and you all are changing in different ways’
Liz... ‘I’m thinking is it important for a person to put all their eggs in one basket as it were in a lifetime to direct their energies towards one particular goal or is it equally valid for somebody to put their energies in one direction and then another and then another, sort of shift their direction throughout their life putting their energies into different projects’
‘As your mind develops you will find your own way, you are all unique individuals, some will become, they will build up within themselves a strong interest in one path, in one direction and they will concentrate their life on that. Others will have broader interests; they will want to explore all pathways throughout their lifetime. The natural balance within yourself will help you to choose the way you live your life, you will feel the effects of how you choose to live your life and those feelings will give you a message, will help you to choose, will help you to do what is best for you’
Liz... ‘So there’s no hard and fast way, for every individual it’s different according to their own evolutionary needs’
‘Yes, keep your life simple, keep your life natural, live with your environment but also keep an interest, keep an interest within yourself that motivates you. There will be times when you will have to do things which you do not wish to do, you will feel the effect on yourself but you will do your best with what you have. You are merely restricted by the physical restraints but your mind is unrestricted and will make the most of that what you have, of the situations in which you find yourself. The physical world is not so important as the player who plays the game within that world’
‘During your opening prayer you asked the question about the little Buddha that appeared in your Monday group’
Liz... ‘Yes...’
‘Now try to think back at the feelings you felt when you had the idea that it could be an apport. There came to your mind the possibility and you still do not know for sure, there could be a physical explanation... When you sit with many connected to the spiritual vibrations you are creating in that circle a receptive energy, an energy that can connect more freely to the spiritual vibrations, to the spiritual energies. When you all sit in harmony you all become one, you increase your power and conditions are created in which physical phenomena can happen. The little Buddha was a reminder to you all of the power of a physical mediumship circle. As to whether that Buddha was dropped by one of your members or whether it was indeed apported is not important, what is important is the realisation to you all of the power of a physical mediumship circles. You sit for clairvoyance but in doing so in a solid group you are also creating the power that will allow physical phenomena to manifest within your circle and it is for you all to discover for yourself the means in which that Buddha appeared. We have spoken about answers and all who sit in your Monday circle have those answers within themselves, you do not need any more guidance for you all have the answer. Continue to sit as you do for the work that you are doing is helping many, is connecting many, is reaching out to a greater world, greater reality, all realities will benefit. Sit with love in your heart and nothing is impossible... Thank you my dear friend we have reached the end of our session this evening. We hope that you have benefited from what we have said and we give to you a piece of our love to help with your understanding, to turn on the light within yourself so that you can recognise yourself for what you are, a living being in a physical world doing the best you can with that what you have, thank you, may God bless you all, goodnight’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you to and thank you’
I felt back with it after a few seconds.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
291st Sitting 08/10/2019
We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.
Liz did the opening prayer at 7.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
I drifted in and out of sleep for about 50 minutes then started to be controlled.
Just before the communication began Liz got very cold.
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome friend'
‘Once again we come into your room and begin to bring you words that will help you with your understanding and hopefully ignite within you something that will help you to grow, help you to reach out, to expand, to live a fuller life. A life filled with heightened experience for all the time that you are a part of this world you are also connected to all things, all possibilities. There is a sense within yourself that picks up this larger reality, this continuation from your physical life and as you live your life you also live other lives. Your focus is within the physical world yet beyond that focus there lies a greater reality from which you can draw, from which you can feel that existence, a living existence and you can feel how it supports all that exists within the physical world. A bridge can be built, a bridge that reaches out for you do not work alone, you are a part of a team. Each member of that team has a task, has a purpose. You can feel the impact of that team with you for you are a part of that team and you also live an individual life. Try to feel your life, try to understand the purpose of your life’
‘Time and space, two words that form your world. You feel you are blocked in time and you sense the space that makes up your world yet beyond that there still exists life, there still exists experience and growth. Try to imagine your world with no time. Your life has no beginning and no end yet you are living a life, a life that moves forward, a life that increases knowledge. There is no way to judge yourself, there is only life, continuous life. You decide what you put into that life and you see the results, you feel the results and you begin to learn. Are you asleep or are you awake?’
Liz... ‘I’m awake...’
‘You are always awake for the mind cannot sleep, the mind is constantly searching, searching for answers, searching for lost memories’
Liz... ‘It seems to spend a lot of time mulling over current events and planning for future events... and inventing potential scenarios’
‘You are always looking ahead and expecting, expecting something new to fill your mind. You have forgotten all that you have experienced, you need to remember, you need to go back into your life, reconnect with the team. Each connection that you make helps you to remember, helps you to discover more about yourself. The world is a place of discovery, discovery of past memories and as those memories are brought back to you, you begin to make sense of yourself and the reason you are living in a physical world. There is so much to learn and there is much you can teach. You are all learning from one another and as you learn you build up within yourself recognition of yourself and a recognition of each other. You begin to remember that what went before, that what you have left behind, that what gives you the enthusiasm to live, to look forward and to search for new experience. You are motivated by yourselves and you welcome each day with anticipation in your heart, keep that anticipation burning within you and you will not be disappointed, you will uncover all that there is to learn’
Long pause...
‘Many minds work as one, each supporting the next, working back, working forward, spreading out. Be a part of a wonderful journey in a world designed for open minds, there is nothing out of your reach, do not allow yourself to hold yourself back. Keep moving forward’
‘When you discover new things, new experiences, try to recognise them as memories. You are rediscovering yourself, putting together parts of a picture until you begin to understand your true self and all that you are connected to. Allow yourself to reach out, be joined by many who will help you to live your life... Thank you my dear friend we have once again reached the end of our session this evening, please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it shine, let it grow, let it touch the hearts of all who share your life, all who reach out to you for you are all one living life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
Liz was in a semi dream thought train and took a few seconds to answer...
Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’
I was back with it.
Liz then did the closing prayer and sent out healing...
Solo sit 04/10/2019
I had another Solo sit at home and during the opening prayer asked a question...
‘You say consciousness creates all things, so is consciousness the same as God?’
I soon became controlled and the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come through, once again we wish to answer your question. For you have to think, you have to evaluate our answers, you as an intelligent physical being have your own ideas, your own views and you can change those views and ideas but you need to be persuaded to change those views and ideas. Much that we say has to be... we have to tread carefully, we do not wish to bombard you with information that complicates your own ideas, but at the same time we wish to gently change those ideas, we wish you to change those ideas. Now as you have asked, we consider the differences between consciousness and God for there are many differences and there are also many similarities. You could mistake them for the same but you can also understand a difference. When we talk of consciousness we talk of the underlying force, we talk of the original force that guides you, that motivates you, that gives you life. You are consciousness and you are a part of God. Consciousness is made up of many functions, consciousness has built up many functions within itself. Each function can be given a name for without names the physical mind is unable to picture those functions. Throughout the history of your world there have been many who have looked beyond your world and seen what they believe to be the creator of your world. They have interpreted that what they have seen and they have given it a name for they wanted to spread their knowledge to others, they wanted to build up a story, an explanation of that what they have seen. Many names have been given to this function and the most recognised name for you would be God, God creator. When God created the physical world he did it with love, a love so strong that it is beyond your current comprehension. You all share in that love and you all add to that love when you live in a positive way. God is a part of consciousness expressing itself in such a way that it can create your reality. You are a part of that expression and you reflect God within yourself. The love that God put into your world enables you to live a physical life. You are connected to that love and this makes you want to express your own love each day of your life. As the love inside you expands so your understanding expands. God is just beyond your comprehension but is not beyond your feeling for you feel the presence of God in yourself. Each time you work with love, each time you have a positive thought for another you feel the presence of God within yourself. Consciousness does indeed create because God is consciousness but God is also a function of consciousness, one of many functions within a greater consciousness. As a physical being you need to dissect consciousness to be able to understand consciousness and yet consciousness is everything. You are consciousness, God is consciousness, life is consciousness but the understanding of God requires separation in your mind, you need to give it a name, you need to give it a purpose, you need to see it as a separate entity to understand. But open your mind to the spiritual vibrations and you can understand that all is consciousness, all is love and that God is love. Thank you, thank you for your interesting question. As always we give to you a piece of our love, hold it in your heart, let it expand your mind and try to understand how all is love and all is consciousness. You are merely one more function as is God. Do your best as a function of consciousness and all of consciousness will benefit. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...
Solo sit 01/10/2019
I had a Solo sit at home and during the opening prayer asked a question...
‘Do ley lines and sacred natural sites exist on the Earth? Do they produce energy and if so what is the purpose of this energy?’
I felt myself being controlled as I finished the opening prayer and about a minute later the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come through to you this evening, sitting as we do, trying to build up some form of energy that will energise that what you understand as your physical body, allowing a physical communication to come through using that what you use yourself for you are, are you not, a part of a physical world. A physical world that supports your experience for that period of time that you are immersed in that world, a part of that world. Even though that world may be simply an illusion, a temporary illusion, illusion is still real to you. It is for you a backdrop in which to have experience, in which to use your natural abilities that you have built up throughout your life, throughout all of life. Use those abilities in such a way as to heighten your experience, increase the quality of your consciousness in such a way that those experiences will change, you will modify them yourself as you grow, as you develop yourself within this physical world’
‘You ask about the phenomena of ley lines, sacred sites, natural sacred sites and the energies that are believed to be produced. Remember that you are a part of a physical world, part illusion and part real. The reality of your world is a part of you and you have helped in the creation of that reality. What is real and what is illusion becomes blurred for you are living this life, you are engaged in this life and nothing else matters for this brief moment in time. Much help is given to all in your world for it is for the benefit of all that you do indeed grow, that you all increase the quality of your consciousness which is our consciousness, which is all of consciousness. There have been placed within your world energies that will be recognised as energies that will help, by those who are using their minds with the knowledge that the spiritual world is a part of them and is a part of the physical world. They have accepted the part that they play in the bigger picture and they can see the help that is given to them and to all who live in the physical world. As you grow you begin to understand, you begin to feel more. Your physical senses play a part but above and beyond your physical senses are your inner feelings, receptive to energy, energy that will heighten your understanding. This energy can be created by yourself for you are all consciousness and it is consciousness that creates all things. When you sit in harmony in your circles you are creating this energy, the spiritual world feels closer, feels more a part of you and communication can take place. These pockets of energy throughout your world can be used to boost the energy created by yourselves. As you live your life in your physical world each day you are creating energies, positive energies and negative energies and you can feel the effect of these energies on yourself. We have always asked you to concentrate on the positive energies and feel the benefit of positive energies on yourself and on all situations. You do not need to rely on the energies of the Earth for you have these energies within yourself, you are creating these energies within yourself. Those who do seek the Earth energies will also discover their own energy, they will go on to create energy within themselves’
‘The energies you create in your circles you use for healing at the end of your session. This healing energy joins all other positive energies strengthening the feeling of positivity throughout your world. It is this feeling of positivity that creates healing. Negative thoughts can create disease and uncomfortable feelings. Positivity takes you away, takes you out of that mindset which is holding you to disease, discomfort, illness. Let that negativity go, positivity will help you to re-tune yourself to the natural energies of your world. Positivity creates happiness in all situations and all of life. Your world was created to be receptive to positive thought. You are all able to feel the benefit of that positivity in your life... Thank you, thank you for listening. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to explain. All questions will be answered. There are no questions that cannot be answered, you merely need to ask. Always use your intelligence, use your mind to understand the answers that we give. Know that there is more in the answer, the answer contains more than what has been asked for, to give you the idea of a new question. Never be afraid to ask, we wish you to increase your understanding step by step, this will help you to live a positive life and to share with others the feelings of your world and your consciousness, thank you. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...