May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 24/04/2019

Liz is away this week so I had a solo sit at home.

I didn’t have a question but just asked for some communication that will help me grow.

After doing an opening prayer I felt myself starting to be controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening... once again we come into this place where you sit, where you look for communication that will help you to grow. We always give you something which will help you grow if you understand what we say. There are many ways of giving you information and we try to keep our words simple, simple to understand, simple to comprehend. For there are many new ideas that come in to the communications and you need time to adjust to those ideas for they go against that what you believe, that what you have understood in the past, that what you have understood as the truth in the past yet you must understand that you are constantly developing a new understanding, a changing understanding as you grow, as you let go of the bonds that hold you to a material understanding. Your life now is a physical life and you are a part of a physical reality but at the same time you sit with us, you are not alone in a physical world, that is just one part of your existence at this point in time. You are connected and a part of so much more and as you grow, as the ideas open your mind, expand your mind, you will become open to experiences beyond the physical, experiences happening beyond the physical, experiences that you are taking part in, that you are learning from. As you grow you can become aware so much more, your mind can be in more than one place at one time. Let your imagination be free, let your imagination travel to where it finds itself in a natural way for your imagination is your connection to the larger reality whilst you spend your life in this physical world. One day spent in a physical world can be many days spent in the larger reality. Your mind is so fixed on that what you believe to be physical you find it hard to believe that you are in many places at one time, you are experiencing many things at one time. You will get glimpses of another reality, pictures in your mind that may not make sense but allow those pictures to come to you and accept them as additional experiences. A time will come when you recognise these experiences as part of your life, part of your constant evolvement in many worlds. We can only give you so much information at one time, you need to process that information, experience that information and allow that information to enrichen your life, to improve your life, to make your life far more beneficial to you and to others. You are but one step away from the non-physical reality and you have the ability to have one foot in each reality. Do not let go of the physical but welcome in the non-physical as part of your life. Your physical experience will be enhanced by the addition of a non-physical experience. As you develop your ability to experience the larger reality, the non-physical reality, your own physical reality will become so much more understandable to you. You will see pictures within your world that before were hidden from your view... Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

278th Sitting 16/04/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

We still had the Mercury Experiment music CD in the player but it didn’t seem to matter.

I drifted in and out of sleep for just over an hour.

Liz reported light touches in her hair.

I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room, we come with a voice and we try to give to you something that will help you to understand, something to help you to question yourself when you consider that what has been said. For you are a part of a physical world and are used to how you interpret your world. Then when something is said to you which alters the way you think, alters the way you perceive, then that will give you something to think about, something that will begin the slow process of altering your mind, altering your view point, for you can view your world from many places, you do not need to remain located in the physical body for as a spiritually aware person you can see your world through many eyes. Each day of your life is filled with recognition, recognition of your world. You become accustomed to how you see your world and as you open your eyes at the beginning of each day you believe you see the same thing. You look around your house and you remember that what is presented to you for you are using your physical eyes and the physical world is always presented to you in the same way. Yet as a spiritual being you can alter that picture, you can see through that picture for that picture is a temporary vision, a temporary vision given to you to hold you to this physical world. But as you become more tuned in to your spiritual self you can learn how to alter that picture and when you see another person in your world you will recognise so much more, you will not see that person merely as a physical object, you will see that person as a living entity, you will understand more about that person, you will tune in to that person. Allow your mind to relax, take your mind away from the purely physical picture, notice changes in that picture and understand those changes as feelings. Your spiritual self is a part of you that feels, that understands, that connects and that is always with you and with development within yourself you will make that stronger, you will enrich your life, you will see and understand so much more. All forms of life in your physical world contains within it more than is physically visible. All forms of life give off vibrations that can be picked up. You can see what you understand as auras around living entities in your world and you can read those auras and understand the information that is being presented to you. Allow your mind to wander, open your spiritual eyes and see a true picture of your world, an evolving picture of your world, a picture that is never still for all life is in a state of change and you can see that change, and you will feel that change. Keep your mind positive and your awareness will be heightened, keep those dark thoughts out of your mind for they will blind you, they will blind your spiritual eyes. Positive emotions raise your vibration, bring you closer to your spiritual self and allow you to view your world through your spiritual eyes’

Liz... ‘Can I ask you a question?’

‘Yes you may’

Liz... ‘Does extreme negativity, or what we tend to call evil in our world... we see it as something to shy away from, something horrid, something that disgusts us, that we don’t want but from the spiritual point of view, from higher levels, how do you see evil?’

‘Evil is the result of devolution; evil is a combination of fear and frustration taking hold of the physical mind. You all have the potential to be evil, to think in an evil way and to do evil acts but you keep that potential locked up inside of you. When you are faced with situations so strong that they take away your sense of freedom, they hold you down, restrict your thinking and cause you to rebel against yourself for you see no future for yourself then that evil can be unlocked from you and can be used as a source of escape’

Liz... ‘So the desire to hurt someone, to harm someone, to devour someone or kill someone, to murder someone to actually harm and denigrate and debase someone else is that a way of channelling that trapped feeling as you say, that dead end feeling, is that a response to a feeling of extreme emptiness?’

‘It is a way of freeing yourself from entrapment, as a wild animal who is caught in a trap will lunge forward, will try to escape, will try to harm those who have restricted its freedom’

Liz... ‘I know that some people who are very depressed and in that extreme negative, low self-esteem state actually try to harm themselves, but can that same feeling be turned to want to harm someone else?’

‘Caught up in depression is a similar feeling, a similar place to be. Depression restricts the range of choice available. It can give the impression of no way out, trapped within yourself, unloved, unwanted, uncared for, feeling of wanting to escape yet still trapped within yourself. There is no way out, there appears to be no way out for the choices have been limited to very few choices yet there is always a way to break free and there are always possibilities. The depressed soul will find its way once love can be felt again, once friendship can be recognised again. Those who commit acts of evil are also learning, learning from those acts, learning from the feelings that caused them to do those acts of evil for they will look back at their actions as their mind gradually becomes free and they will understand themselves, they will understand why they did those evil acts and they will begin to feel sorry for themselves. They will regret their acts; they will understand the hurt they have caused and slowly they will want to put right that what they have wronged. There is always change in all of life, change and growth from all situations no matter how evil those situations may seem and with change and growth comes new life, stronger life, life with experience, experience that will help that life understand others when they too find themselves dragged down into the darkest recesses of your world’

Liz... ‘So I suppose one could see it as part of the evolutionary process that some forms in consciousness of extreme negativity become dead ends, they lead nowhere and die out whereas those which are more positive and creative and life affirming develop and mature and change and give birth to finer forms’

‘Yes because positivity is so much stronger than negativity. Positivity is permanent, negativity is fleeting. Negativity will always change; positivity will always grow. Behind you all is a power that pushes you forward, pushes you to greater things, greater understanding. You all are constantly evolving yet you also can devolve and learn from your mistakes, learn from your weaknesses and produce strengths from that what you have learnt. When you hear of evil acts throughout your world, do not allow yourself to react with evil thoughts, with thoughts of punishment, with thoughts of revenge. Try to react with loving thoughts, try to understand that that evil was a mistake and was a learning opportunity for those involved, those caught up in those acts. Send your love and your light to those people, help them to grow out of the evil they have produced and bring light back into their lives... Thank you, thank you my dear friend for we have once again reached the end of our session this evening. As always take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it, whenever you hear of an evil act shine it on that evil, shine it on those people. Love is strong, love is forever, love is in every form of life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

277th Sitting 10/04/2019

We had the room setup as usual.

I was wired to the Mind Mirror EEG and we had the computer covered with a box and blackout material so the room was now in full darkness.

Liz did the opening prayer at 19.55pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for the next 50 minutes.

Liz reported the room getting quite cold suddenly.
Then a minute later she saw moving ripples through the room.
This was at the same time that I was starting to be controlled.

Liz turned down the music when she heard the communication starting...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’

‘Once again we come into your room to join with you. Each week we try to give you something that will help you to grow, that will help you to understand more. Yet understanding is not necessarily the answer for you need to be able to feel, you need to be able to touch, you need to be able to bring yourself into line with that what surrounds you and that what is you for you are many things, you are many layers, many layers brought together yet you as a physical being have a sense, you have a built-in sense of awareness, an awareness that is restricted but at the same time is endless. Allow yourself to feel yourself as you truly are, a whole being, a being connected to all of life, a being able to perceive all of life, all working as one, creating, changing. Each spark of life has the ability to change, has the ability to grow. Allow yourself to understand that what is pushing you forward, that what is pushing you to grow, to change, to become something more productive. As you live your life you are experiencing many things yet your awareness is restricted by yourself. You are unaware of some of what you experience yet a sense inside of yourself recognises those experiences, you merely have to interpret those experiences as being there, as being part of your life. Try to become aware of yourself as you live your life, listen to yourself, observe your reactions as you live your life and try to understand why you react in certain ways. You are not merely reacting to the physical world, you are reacting to many worlds, many planes of existence all connected yet your physical mind... you believe your physical mind to be capable of understanding one reality, that physical reality. You can allow yourself to experience more’


‘At the end of each day try to think back, try to remember how you felt during that day and try to understand why you felt that way. It may not seem obvious; you may need look into yourself. The more you observe yourself the easier it will become to connect to that larger part of yourself that is experiencing more. This will help you to get the most from life. Your world is full of clues, clues to help you. Take notice of all that is within your world, take notice of each person who shares your life. Try to understand your world through their minds for they too are struggling, struggling with a world full of experiences and opportunities. You can all work together, you can all live together, there is no need for disharmony but the frustrations you all feel at times can cause disharmony. Understand yourself better and you will feel more at ease with yourself and with the world in which you live in and with all those who share your life. Do not allow dark thoughts to enter your mind and if they do understand from where they came from, what caused them to enter your mind, and you will see that your own frustrations brought them to your attention. Live at ease with yourself and those frustrations will lessen, they will dissolve’

Liz... ‘Friend I’d like to ask you a question. Is it easier for spirit to communicate and interact through some people’s physical mechanisms than others using their brain? Is there a particular type of brain patterning that makes it easier for the spirit to communicate?’

‘The brain of each individual is unique... yet the spiritual communications come through the mind, the non-physical mind, yet the brain does still play a part, for you as a physical being are using your brain, are used to using your brain in your daily lives. There is very little difference in you using your brain and the spiritual world communicating through you. If you can understand your true self and the connections you have to all of life you could get a clearer connection with spirit. As the spirit communicator draws close to you, try to relax your own thinking. Try to allow yourself to expand, to encompass all of life and become one with all of life. There is no need to work... there is... there is... (pause) As you sit for development you are allowing yourself to be used in the same way that you use yourself. Each individual has their own understanding of how they use themselves. We can only work with you as you work with yourself until you can let go and become a clear channel through which we can speak’

Liz... ‘Are we in anyway close to becoming that? To becoming the clear channel?’

‘As you sit each week you are both developing, you are both coming closer to letting go’

Liz... ‘Is there something we can do to help ourselves to let go more?’

‘Try not to let your mind analyse that what comes to you, try to relax, leave your mind clear and give all that comes to you. Do not worry what is said, do not feel you are responsible for what is said, you are a receiver and you are open to the words of spirit. There will always be interference from yourself but think of yourself and us as working as one. You play your part; we play our part and between us all we will produce words that will help your world. We cannot do it alone for we during these sessions become a part of you, you are us we are you; we are one unit and as we give words to you so you too add to those words to make those words understandable. We cannot have full control, if we had full control those words would not be recognised. A form of filtering is always present, filtering and sorting out, that is the part you play for all information has to be interpreted and that interpreted information will go on to be interpreted by others, that is how information is received. Without interpretation information is meaningless, that is why you have your brain, that is the job of your brain to interpret that information as it comes through you. Does this answer your question?’

Liz... ‘In part...’

‘Have you a further question to help you to understand?’

Liz... ‘No, not at the moment’

‘Never bring fear into mediumship, never bring doubt into mediumship for all that is given is a result of your receiving of us and the help that you give to that what comes through’

Liz... ‘But what we doubt and what we fear is that our mind has got in the way as is construing the information, is adding to it or is miss-receiving it, is making it up. How do we differentiate?’

‘Only by analysing that what has come through after the event. Whilst it is coming through do not let those thoughts come into your mind, just allow. That is the best way to develop for it gives us a clear passage through. There will be mistakes, there will be misinterpretation, this is why you are sitting to develop. You are all developing. One thing that hinders development is doubt and fear. Do not judge what is said until after it has been said when you have time to read through or listen to communications again’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that’s useful’

‘Your question has helped with this communication this evening for we have had a stronger link as we have answered your question so we thank you for your interesting question’

Liz... ‘Good, thank you friend’

‘We appreciate your patience and we appreciate your interest in the machinery that you use, the Mind Mirror that you use. We find that the... we can see the benefit of this machine and we can see how it will help you to lose those fears and doubts for as the weeks go by you will see a pattern emerging, this will give you extra confidence. And you will also feel as you sit, you will feel us in your room, you may notice how this evening you were aware, you had an experience just as the communication was about to begin. This is a positive step forward for as you sit in the dark you are allowing the development of physical mediumship within your room. Physical mediumship has many forms and can be felt in many ways. Try to become more observant in these sessions and you will find yourself connected to us, you will feel us, you will see us. Not as a physical form but as light energy, coloured energy, vibrating energy. This too can be developed and will grow stronger. Anything is possible when you work with the spiritual world, the larger consciousness, only your doubts will hold us back. Keep your mind open and allow yourself to feel our presence in your room, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, share it with all who you meet, bring smiles to everyone you see, spreading love throughout your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you all and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

276th Sitting 02/04/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz’s friend Pat joined us this week and sat to the left of Liz.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

Pat... ‘Good evening’

‘Once again we come into your room, we bring ourselves into your atmosphere and blend with you for we have always used what we can to deliver this message through. It is for us a learning experience and for you too for it allows us all to work together as one. Once again we have within your room this ability to bring forward words, words that will help you to understand, understand yourselves, understand your world and understand that what surrounds your world and that what is within yourself for you see yourselves as physical beings in a physical world yet there is so much more, there is within yourself another world, another set of possibilities that are available to you. You only need to listen to yourself, listen to your world, listen to all of creation and recognise the sound, the sound of life for you are surrounded by living entities. You are a part of life, you always have been a part of life and you always will be a part of life, you are merely journeying, living temporarily in a physical world, a world designed to help you to grow, to help you to gather for yourself information that will help you, that will bring you into line with what you believe to be the truth. Yet as you develop, as you grow that truth also will grow and you will begin to understand that truth also evolves. You can never reach that point where you understand life for life itself is also trying to understand itself for it is always evolving as you evolve and as you evolve you create. Each person on your physical Earth is playing their part at creating life, at creating truth’

Liz... ‘Friend, can I ask a question?’

‘Yes you may’

Liz... ‘Are you suggesting that truth is relative, relative to where we are at in our minds and that there is no ultimate truth?’

‘You are connected to truth, you as creators are creating truth yet that truth has a life of its own, that truth is one step ahead. You follow that truth as you live your life and you also create that truth as you experience life and you learn from life. You learn to change the way you perceive life. You learn how to change the way you perceive that truth. That truth is a part of you, everybody in a physical world works as an individual and they are connected to an individual truth but as your world evolves you as an individual will see the difference, will feel the difference in your world and your perception will change. Is this understandable to you?’

Liz... ‘Yes, sounds as if you are saying that truth is as we see it, as we understand it where we are coming from and that as we grow and evolve so our understanding and our perception of things changes and that’s our new truth. But my question is there must be an underlying fundamental reality or truth, something that underpins, that holds all in its all-knowing state of consciousness’

‘You are all held together by consciousness itself, consciousness that is growing, that is evolving. You are all playing your part as pieces of that consciousness. As you grow so consciousness grows and truth also as a connection to consciousness evolves’

Liz... ‘So by truth are we meaning just the way things are... the way we see things to be?’

‘The way things are is the way you see them to be. You as an observer of life, by the way you interpret that life form before you a picture and that picture represents where you are, what you have achieved, that picture is painted by yourself, is a reflection of yourself. Yet you are constantly modifying that picture. Everybody has their own picture as individual parts of consciousness, whereas consciousness will see that picture as one. Consciousness itself paints a new picture, a picture that represents the thoughts of all of life, all living entities combined with no separation so all is one’

Liz... ‘It sounds from what you are saying as if you are saying we all have a point of view but the overall consciousness is all points of view, holds all points of view so there’s no absolute’

‘Consciousness holds those points of view, those ever-changing points of view. Consciousness itself receives the growth from each individual’

Liz... ‘Out of what does consciousness arise?’

‘The birth of consciousness was the creation of life. The birth of consciousness is beyond your understand while you are a part of that consciousness. You cannot see beyond that what you connect to yet you are able to explore all of consciousness, all realities’

Liz... ‘Are there beings, are there entities that can see beyond consciousness, beyond the birth of consciousness?’

‘All beings are a part of consciousness like yourself’

Pat... ‘I have a question friend’

‘Yes you may’

Pat... ‘Is consciousness like a field, like the Higgs field that is within the whole of the universe and each of us and each being and everything are like Higgs particles that interact with the field?’

‘If this helps your understanding then yes you can create for yourself an understanding based on fields yet consciousness itself is information, information that is trying to organise itself. All of consciousness has to evolve, has to grow, has to become more structured. You all are playing your part; you are all growing in yourself’

Pat... ‘Is consciousness evolving?’


Pat... ‘Ah...’

‘Without evolution information would become disorganised, would no longer form the patterns that hold life together. Without evolution life would cease to be. You all feel within yourself a need to evolve, to grow, to become better, to become something more useful, to become love. Look at your world, see how the darker areas of your world cause destruction, cause disorganisation. Understand how your world would be if it was full of harmony and peace yet fear exists throughout your world’

Pat... ‘This is only one world though, there are many, many planets. Is there harmony on any of them?’

‘There are many different realities, physical realities within consciousness. Each works in its own way. The physical world and the physical universe have been created by consciousness to be a learning experience, a school. Other realities have evolved or devolved in different ways. Your life on Earth is a wonderful opportunity, an opportunity to create love throughout your world. Try to see the good in all situations, bring light into your life and spread that light to others as you journey through your physical existence. You have chosen to journey through this physical world and you have seen it as a great opportunity to help yourself and to help others and to help all of consciousness, help it to evolve, help it to grow. Your world is a beautiful world, see that beauty in all things, see that beauty reflecting yourself’

Liz... ‘Friend, do people choose to return to this world again after death, to have another chance at learning, at evolving in this physical world?’

‘They have that choice and they do return. They see the weaknesses within themselves and they wish to return to the physical world to meet challenges that will challenge those weaknesses, that will remove the fears that create those weaknesses’

Liz... ‘Might a person choose to go to another physical world, another physical reality with slightly different learning opportunities?’

‘Anything is possible in consciousness. Some people will choose to go to another physical reality that they feel is more suited to helping them to evolve’

Pat... ‘Friend I think I'd like to do that’

‘When freed from the physical body you will have a greater perspective of what you need to do. You will be able to look back at what you have achieved and what you have missed, what you feel you have done wrong. You will see within yourself fears that have held you back, fears that have prevented you from living a full, productive life. Those fears have been created by yourself as you have lived many lives in physical realities and those fears can be overcome. You will get much help from others as you make your choice, as you decide what you want to do next and you will be guided into a life most suited to you, that will help you to dissolve those fears. Consciousness itself wishes to grow and consciousness will do all it can to help you for your growth is its growth. You are consciousness, we are all consciousness and together we are working as one taking one step at a time to a higher state of evolution. There is no end to evolution’

Pat... ‘Friend what is the ultimate goal we are working towards with consciousness evolution?’

‘As evolution takes place you will see that there is no goal’

Pat... ‘Ah ha...’

‘For you as a part of consciousness will understand that evolution has no end, has no end point. You will never be... you will never reach that point where you feel you have no more work to do. You will come back to help others, there is always work to do. When you stop evolving you will devolve, you will take a step back. Keep your mind focused on evolution, keep your mind focused on reducing fear in your world. Make your choices wisely, do not try to control your life, let life unfold naturally and deal with each situation as it comes to you in the most positive way that you can. You can do this, you will bring light to your life, you will bring ease to your life, you will live naturally with life as you were always meant to do. Thank you my friends we will withdraw for a while, please replay your music and we will return thank you’

Liz... ‘I will thank you friend’


Liz turned up the music then turned it down again 15 minutes later as the communication started again...

‘Try to live your life from a new perspective, try to live your life from the clouds looking down on yourself, looking down on that physical body as it lives its life, its physical life. You are located in the clouds playing that physical body, manipulating that body, giving it thoughts, giving it ideas. You feel the reactions of that body to the situations presented to it and you have to make choices, you have to decide what that body is going to do. You are consciousness, you are looking down, you are playing that part, that part that is connected to the physical world. Throughout physical life there are many opportunities where you can make many choices. You talk of a goal and if you wish to have a goal think of that goal as producing love, as making choices based on love. That goal is a goal to reduce fear, to not make choices with fear, fear-based choices. For your world is designed to work with you. do not fight your world, keep your mind positive, feed that body with positive thoughts, take each situation as it is presented to you, see each possibility, choose one course of action based on love, based on your best estimate as to how that choice will benefit all of life. See yourself in the clouds yet connected to your physical body. You are all looking down on yourselves, learning from yourselves, learning from each other, building up experience, building a history. Never fear death in the physical world for up in the clouds you are already dead, the physical body is merely a character playing the game of life, the game of physical life. You as consciousness in those clouds, you are life, you are a part of life, a part of continuous life. You will have many opportunities to play many parts in many physical games and as you develop. As you grow the quality of your consciousness you can see how you can help others, you will learn from your own mistakes and you will see the mistakes of others. Live your life with a smile upon your face for life need not be taken seriously, the game of life is a game to be enjoyed and by enjoying that game you will help yourself to stay positive, to see the good in all things and that will reflect upon yourself and help you to make positive choices, loving choices, creating more love throughout your world, your beautiful physical world. Thank you, thank you my dear friends, we have reached the end of our session this evening. As always we give to you a piece of our love. Take that love out into your world, shine it on all who you meet, spreading smiles to one another, spreading joy, happiness and peace throughout your world, creating beauty throughout your world, helping you to see your world as it truly is, a place of peace and harmony and beauty. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Pat... ‘Thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you, thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Pat found it an interesting evening and felt some of the communications were relevant to her particularly 'being in the clouds looking down on yourself' and she told us that many years ago she had an amazing, vivid dream that had stuck with her where she was riding a motorbike then rose up and looked down at herself on the motorbike then looked to one side and saw herself in bed dreaming the dream and she then realised with absolute joy that her body on the bike and in bed wasn’t really her at all, the real her was up in the clouds...