May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
Solo sit 16/02/2019
I had a Solo Sit at home on Saturday evening 16/02/2019
I didn’t have a question and just sat to see what would come through.
I did an opening prayer the after about one minute felt myself being controlled.
There was no shaking at first but this started about half way through...
‘Good evening, good evening... We wish to come through to speak with you once again, speak about the world you live in, that world, that perfect world for the development of your soul, that perfect world for the development of your inner being, that part of you that you rely on to exist, to be a part of life, all of life for the world you live in is for you the reflection of us. You are a part of an evolving atmosphere and we join you in your life. Each day of your life there is more going on than you can imagine. Take yourself into a situation and see how you react, feel how you react, understand that it is a joint adventure each time you make up your mind for as you exist, as you travel through your life you are picking up more components to make up a greater whole’
‘Picture yourself sitting in a chair, waiting for something to happen. You see your world surrounding you, you see those other people going about their daily tasks, you see the results of other people, you see their impact on your world, you see how they shape your world. As you sit in your chair, you are comparing yourself with the actions of others. You are beginning to understand why they do what they do and you bring that knowledge to yourself to help you, to better understand why you do what you do. We are all working together, we are all striving for the same goal. You do it your way, we do it our way, those you see, those who join you in your physical world, they are working in their own way, they are also joined by others. It is a combined effort, a combined soul working as one yet working as individual ideas, individual impulses. Each soul is unique, each soul has its own way of understanding, each soul has the same power, same potential as all souls combined’
‘As you live your life in your physical world, try to understand yourself as one of many. Listen to your thoughts each day, listen to your thoughts when faced with situations. Separate thoughts from ideas. You can generate thought and you can receive ideas. Let those thoughts and ideas work as one, each complimenting the other, each giving you a wider appreciation of all situations. Keep your mind open to all new ideas, try not to become habitual. A new idea can create more opportunities in your mind, more opportunities to choose the correct... the most beneficial answer to each problem’
‘You came into this world full of enthusiasm, full of excitement. Keep that enthusiasm and excitement within yourself. Enjoy your life, enjoy living, stay positive, listen to those ideas, allow them to penetrate into your thoughts widening your awareness but most of all enjoy your life, your physical life for as you enjoy your life you are making yourself more receptive to new ideas... thank you’
I felt the control leave me then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...
273rd Sitting 06/02/2019
We were using the Mind Mirror EEG again and had the room setup as last week.
The batteries on the CD player were flat so we sat without music.
Liz did the opening prayer at 7.55pm
After two minutes I started to be controlled...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’
‘Once again we come to your room... we speak with you and as the energies settle we come and engage with your physical room, that physical atmosphere full of potential for love, the growth of love in a physical world. All that you have to do is exist as a physical human being in a world designed to accommodate all that you do for as a physical human being you are engaged in physical life, life that enables you to make your own decisions. You have your own free will and you can use that free will in a physical world to generate more love within yourself. Each time you choose, each time you make a choice you are doing it with that love within yourself. The physical world, as you understand, is a temporary illusion but an illusion that is also real for engaged in a physical life all that is physical is real for that moment, for that life, for that physical life. You are consciousness but consciousness is engaged in a physical life, your consciousness is engaged in a physical life, a beneficial life, a life created for that consciousness to develop, to use all of its capabilities, all of its abilities. Use them in the best possible way to create love within that physical world. There is much you can do to bring light to the darkness of your world, that darkness that has been created by wrong thinking, by turning away from the light. You have the advantage of understanding the power of light in your world and you can use that understanding to help others, to help those who have become lost, who have lost sight of the light within themselves. Each time you are faced with negativity, with darkness, use your understanding to see the light that exists within that darkness for you as a consciousness, as a developed consciousness can see light within darkness. It is not hidden from you, you can understand how those who dwell in that darkness also have the choice to turn away, to bring back light into their own minds. You can show them how, you can show them the light within yourself by the way you react and they will feel that light becoming a part of them. All life, all physical life reacts to light, recognises light, for light is the true power within each physical human being. Darkness is an unnecessary creation’
‘The warm touch of a mother’s hand on the child creates light within that child. Be that touch throughout your life. Spread that touch, spread that warmth to all who you meet. There is always more that you can do, there is always something greater within you. Allow yourself to recognise that what exists within you to bloom, to flourish, to open up within yourself. Try not to allow dark situations to have their effect on the way you think, recognise them as temporary errors in a human physical world. Recognise the help that you can give. Place yourself in the mind of those who live in darkness and imagine yourself filling up with light. By doing this you are helping those who are in that darkness for you are all connected and you all respond to one another. Keep your mind focused on positive feelings, positive attitudes, positive thoughts. Let the dark thoughts melt away. Your world was built with love and your world is supported by love. You have all the love you need within yourself’
The shaking stopped
‘The words can come; the words can come. We now come to the time that we can speak without the shaking of the body, the body now comes to a stop. We have the ability to speak without shaking the body and each time we do this we become stronger. There is no need to shake, no need to move for the words come through in a natural way. When the medium speaks there is no difference to that time when the medium speaks during the physical lifetime for you are all reacting to consciousness working through the physical body, your consciousness, your independent unit of consciousness created by consciousness as a part of itself working through a physical body. We also work in this way for we also are consciousness. There is no difference in the way that consciousness expresses itself in a physical world. Whilst in the physical world you are reliant on your physical senses yet those senses are merely an expression of consciousness. It is always consciousness that is empowering the physical senses to do what they do. Consciousness is non-physical, consciousness is all that there is yet you as a physical being can only comprehend the physical world. There is a fine line between the physical world and what you call non-physical. Keep yourself in the physical for you are developing the consciousness that drives you forward. Each day new challenges are set and each day you approach those challenges... Do you have any questions on your mind this week?’
Liz... ‘No, none apart from technical ones’
‘You may ask technical questions if you wish’
Liz... ‘When in our everyday physical life, we are consumed with problem solving, problems of a technical nature with computers and with software, and with organising and arranging things it’s difficult to keep the connection with spirit, with our unconscious. Is there still that connection there?’
‘That connection is always there, is always a part of you. You may feel you are becoming unconnected as you become engrossed in technical difficulties in your world but those technical difficulties are being addressed by your consciousness. Your consciousness is taking each difficulty and giving that difficulty life for you have... we are trying to keep the shaking still... yes you are taking, you are... when you find yourself faced with technical difficulties what do you do to resolve those difficulties?’
Liz... ‘I use my brain I think but I don’t ask spirit to help, perhaps if I did I might have more success?’
‘There is no need to ask for help, you job is to live a physical life, is to face each difficulty yourself. You will be given help but you must make the choice. There will become in your mind ideas. Ideas that you feel you have created but sometimes there will be an idea that is introduced into your mind which will make your life so much easier. Sometimes you will take yourself away from the situation, away from the technical difficulties for a short period and when you return your mind will be filled with new ideas. These ideas can come from many sources. You yourself can create ideas, your larger self can create ideas, other entities, other non-physical entities can create ideas, consciousness itself can create ideas. You yourself have no way of telling from where those ideas originate but you will find those ideas beneficial if that what you are doing will be beneficial to the evolution of your consciousness. The physical world is a creation of consciousness. Technical problems are a creation of consciousness. The problems associated are there for you to learn, for you to change, for you to develop, for you to increase the love within yourself. What you see as technical difficulties are technical opportunities, opportunities to spread your wings, to bring your life closer to its true purpose. You came into this world with a plan and as you live your life you travel down that pathway that you created but you also travel off that pathway. The technical problems, the technical opportunities can and do bring you back in line onto that pathway, a pathway which will lead you to further opportunities... Does this help with your understanding?’
Liz... ‘Yes, thank you’
‘We will relax for a while, sit quietly for a while and we will return’
Liz... ‘Thank you friend, that’s good’
About seven minutes into the above communication the shaking started again and was on and off till the end.
After eight minutes I started to be controlled again, not shaking at first then it slowly started after a couple of minutes...
‘The rain comes down washing all surfaces, all objects, bringing life, shining life, reflective surfaces. The rain washes away the dust and the soil bringing back a new luster to all in your world, feeding the plants, feeding the animals, feeding the rivers that flow throughout your land, that wonderful rain bringing life to a barren land. Never worry that you are not connected to the spiritual world for you are living a life in a physical world and you are doing your best. You do not need to worry about the spiritual world for the spiritual world is the rain and the rain is always there waiting for the opportunity to cleanse and clean that physical world. You must concentrate on your physical life, concentrate, accept the difficulties that arise, accept them as opportunities to learn and when you find yourself faced with complications, with difficulties visualise that rain, see yourself standing in that rain, washing you clean, washing away all apparent difficulties in your mind for your mind is with us, you mind is a spiritual being working through that physical brain. We watch you and we guide when we can but you are doing the work, you are creating your life. There is nothing you can do to upset the balance. The spirit world and the physical world exist as one. You mind and your brain exists as one’
I felt different for a while as if going deeper into trance and a few incoherent words came through for about three minutes...
‘The deliverance of all matter is not entirely understood... for it has become... revelation of the perfect form...’
Seven minutes later the communication came through again, it was incoherent at first and there was no shaking...
‘We have come once again to the end of our session this evening and we will begin to draw back. We hope you have enjoyed this session this evening and as always we give to you a piece of our love. Take that love out into your world, see that love as light and shine that light into all dark areas of your world and that light will be felt by all those who dwell within those areas. Your world needs love and your world needs harmony. Each time you see that light shining from within yourself out into your world you are helping to build up that harmony throughout your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all and thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Liz then did the healing exercise, closing prayer and our closing down exercise...