May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

265th Sitting 23/10/2018

We had a guest sitter with us this week.

The room was setup as usual and our guest sitter sat to my right.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I felt myself starting to be controlled during the opening prayer.
A few minutes after the opening prayer the communication began and Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’

‘Once again we come through, we come into your room, your wonderful room full of spiritual energy, full of wonderful intent to bring through information that will help with your understanding. We welcome you both and we hope to answer any questions that you may have for we always ask for questions for they empower the communication, they give focus to the communication and hopefully you will learn from answers you receive. Each answer will trigger off more questions in your mind and in doing so your mind will expand, your awareness will expand and you will begin to look beyond the physical, beyond that what you feel you understand for there are answers that will give you a new understanding of that what you believe you understand. Always keep your mind open, always be ready for new ideas and give each idea that comes through some thought, some intelligent thought. Do not accept all that you hear, allow your mind to reason with yourself, to evaluate that what comes through and if it is not for you, you can reject it and you can question more until you build up a solid understanding that fits in with your frame of mind at this point in time, at this point in your spiritual evolution. Would either of you wish to ask a question now... or would you prefer that I continue to speak and give you something that will help you to create a question in your mind?’

Liz... ‘I think so yes please’

Guest... ‘Yes please’

‘Okay thank you... let us bring to our mind the physical world, this world in which you have chosen to journey, the world that is familiar to you yet a world that also holds secrets. The physical world gives you a platform on which to exercise your mind, a physical world gives you a space, gives you an opportunity to interact with others. You are constantly building up in your mind a picture of your world and those who share your world build up their picture based on their experiences, governed by their beliefs, yet you all share that one space, that space that has been created for you and modified by you for you are continually creating your own reality. As you live your life you bring new ideas into your mind and you are faced with new challenges, you may begin to understand your purpose in your physical world yet you will see events that may change your view. As you live your life your mind will grow, your consciousness will evolve, each experience will build up and you will no longer rely on what you understand as the physical world to guide you, you will build up your own mind, you will begin to wake up and use that what is driving you forward to create a better world. You will understand the benefit of positivity when faced with darkness, you will see the benefits of all that unfolds in your world, you will see it all as opportunities to grow and you will understand the actions of one another for you will see the parts that are being played by each individual in your world and you will understand why those parts are being played. Each day of your life you are presented with many choices and as you end each day you can look back and question yourself, have I made the right choices, have I made the best choices, the choices that have helped with my own evolution and helped with others. You are here to help one another as well as yourself. Love one another as you love yourself, see the good in all things, do not allow the darkness to affect your perception of your own life and help those who are affected by darkness’

Liz... ‘Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes you may’

Liz... ‘As you’re talking about helping others in the darkness and protecting one's own light, what is the best way to do that because when one is working with or surrounded by people who are maybe very depressed and very much involved in darkness, things that blur their spiritual light, how can one avoid remaining at the spiritual centre of one’s being, positive and full of light and not be affected by this darkness?’

‘You must to try to understand these people, understand why they do what they do, understand the part that they play, understand that what they do gives you the opportunity to bring light into their lives. It gives you the opportunity to resist allowing that negativity to affect your thinking. Rise above the negativity, understand the negativities and understand the power of positivity’

Liz... ‘Is understanding in itself sufficient to enable you to operate in that way?’

‘When you see yourself as a singularity and you see those around you also as singularities you will allow that negativity to affect yourself, but see yourself connected, see you all working as one and that what you do will spread to others. They will react to you, you will not react to them’

Liz... ‘Okay, so when you say see yourself connected, what are you connecting to?’

‘You as consciousness are part of the greater consciousness. Those who surround you are also part of that one consciousness. You are connected’

Liz... ‘I see, it’s understanding that connection to the larger consciousness system itself and drawing on that connection empowers you... am I understanding that correctly?’

‘You have all the power that you need for you are consciousness, consciousness unaffected by negativity until you believe yourself to be an individual’

Liz... ‘I see so what you are saying is belief underpins a lot of this, the extent to which you believe yourself to be an individual rather that a part of a consciousness system can affect your ability to maintain that positivity in the face of other’s negativity, is that correct?’

‘Belief driven by fear, fear caused by negativity, fear eliminated by positivity’

Liz... ‘And positivity attained by fully understanding and realising the connection with the larger consciousness system that we all have, knowing it, is that what you are meaning?’

‘Use your intent to live in a positive way and you will understand that connection, you will know that you are a part of the greater consciousness. Your life will be lifted, you will not experience the negative emotions once you develop a way of living with positivity in your heart. Living a life of positivity can be achieved yet you will be subjected to negativities and they will affect you until you can release that fear that holds you back and produces the beliefs. Work on that fear, dissolve that fear and see how temporary fear can be and understand the permanence of a positive life. Observe all the people that you... that form your life, see how their emotions live their life for them, understand that they are experiencing the setbacks of fears within their lives, understand that they are working on themselves. You can help but they have to work for themselves, you can create a loving environment for them but they need to do the work in the same way as you need to work on yourself’

Liz... ‘Sounds like tolerance would be a key ingredient of working in that way’

‘Each person will find their own way for each person is unique and has built up their own reality within themselves. They will find the way best suited for them to work towards positive life, raising the vibration of your world, painting a more beautiful picture’

Liz... ‘You mentioned earlier friend, purpose, our purpose in the world. How do we know what our individual purpose is?’

‘You will understand your purpose as you develop your ability to see the good in all things, as you begin to see each situation with love in your heart. You will understand what is driving you forward for your mind will wake up, you will understand why you are living a life in a physical world, you will understand a physical world offers learning opportunities whatever it is you do and at whatever stage your spiritual self has evolved to. The purpose of a physical life is to understand yourself, the purpose of a physical life is to see the imperfections in your life, see the imperfections in the way you lead your life and understand why those imperfections exist’

Guest... ‘May I ask a question?’

‘Yes you may’

Guest... ‘Earlier you said that the realities, that each individual has their reality and so when you identify those imperfections and you have a belief system that you base on that understanding of those imperfections, how do you know whether or not what you come across as your understanding is the enlightened version or the positive, the true version of why those imperfections exist?’

‘When you look at yourself, when you see and feel how you live your life you will see the pain and the distortions that create unhappiness in yourself and you will also see the pleasure, the happiness, the satisfaction in your life. You will begin to understand that you have been given a task since your birth in the physical world, you will feel the driving force within you pushing you through your life. That force has no imperfections yet you as you live your life create imperfections. You as a physical being are cut off from your true self, in a sense you are living alone being pushed through a physical journey. As you go you will pick up imperfections, as you meet others, as you mingle with others you will be driven off your path and when you wander from your pathway you will experience dark thoughts creating fears in your mind, fears of being alone, fears of not being loved but as you develop, as you grow you will rejoin that force, that guiding force through your life. You will begin to bring harmony into your life and you will see those imperfections as opportunities, opportunities to grow, opportunities to wake up and see your world as it truly is. There are no imperfections in your world but your beliefs will tell you otherwise, beliefs driven by fears, fears picked up as you travel through your physical journey’

Guest... ‘So each time... actually I have two questions, ha, ha... one is are we born then with tasks given to us and the second is when we are off the path as you say, that is when we are allowed to grow and reconnect with our force that then brings us back to our path?’

‘When you are born into the physical world you are brought into the world to build up experience and as you grow, as you live life after life in the physical world you will begin to see where you need to evolve, what aspect of yourself needs to be worked on, then you will return with a task, with a purpose. You will return into a situation that will help you yet you as the individual physical being will not understand this, you will have no memory of this, you will merely have that what you have developed in your mind. You will begin to travel along your pathway yet you have the will, the free will to wander, to explore. There is nothing stopping you from living your life in whatever way you wish yet a small part of you will always know when you are on that pathway. As you wander off that path you will feel a pulling and you can choose to ignore or you can choose to go with that what pulls you back. The physical world is a world full of complications and opportunities. You as an individual will interpret those opportunities and you will interpret those complications in a way that only you can understand for you have built up within yourself an understanding and that understanding will guide you through your life’

Guest... ‘What is the difference between a non-emotional approach versus the positivity and the negativity of which you spoke? Almost like if you were in a void and you approach life from that void?’

‘Your emotions are the real you reacting to your interpretation of that what you perceive. You may see yourself in a void, you may reject the information that is being given to you through your physical senses and you can take yourself away from the physical world. Stand above yourself, stand beside yourself, stand in front of yourself. You are consciousness, you are connected to all things yet your focus will always come back to the physical world, a physical world full of positive and negative situations and opportunities, a physical world full of joy, a physical world full of laughter. You have that choice to see the world as a joyous world or a world full of complications. Take time to understand yourself, take time to understand why you do what you do and allow yourself to improve, allow yourself to grow... I think we will have some more music for a while, thank you’

Liz... ‘Alright friend’

Liz turned up the music.

Liz thought the atmosphere looked mottled and pale brown shapes were moving around the room.
She was aware of this with her eyes closed or open.

After about 15 minutes the communication started again and Liz turned down the music...

‘Your world is full of beauty waiting to be discovered. Allow yourself to see that beauty, hold on to that beauty, let that beauty enter your life, let it engage with you, beautify yourself, put you into a new frame of mind, a frame of mind that sees the beauty in all things however ugly they may appear. Do not let those unguarded fears taint that beauty, darken that beauty for the beauty is the real world, is the real physical world. It needs no alteration, it needs no development for it is a perfect world and you have been given the opportunity to live in that perfect world. Do not spoil that world, do not complicate that world, live a simple life, live a life tuned in to that beauty and you will create more beauty within yourself and within all who you meet... Thank you, thank you for the energies brought to this session this evening. We will now draw back for we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it shine, let it light up the beauty that is within your world, that is holding your world together. Share that beauty with one another and you will all understand the purpose of your life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and thank you, God bless you all'

Guest... ‘Thank you’

I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

We all sat quietly for a few minutes.
Then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

264th Sitting 16/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

This week I put out an intention to be controlled soon after the opening prayer and not to fall asleep. To help with this I sat in a more upright position.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt myself being controlled as soon as Liz finished the opening prayer and Liz turned down the music when she heard the communication begin...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening, welcome friend’

‘Well now, once again we have broken through, we have stepped into your room, joined you at an earlier time...’

Liz... ‘You have’

‘...for we wish to give you the opportunity to interact, to ask questions as we give to you words that we ourselves can use to stimulate conversation. There is so much to learn, so much to bounce backwards and forwards in a conversation for it builds, a conversation creates knowledge. Each time a question is asked it sends a message, it sends a greater message for the question is not merely a string of words, it is a thought behind those words and that thought travels further than the words can reach. We too are putting our thoughts into the mind of the medium to produce words and you can feel our thoughts too for they are a part of this room, they are a part of this atmosphere. As we move close, sensations can be felt both on the body and in the mind. An enquiring mind will use the feelings provided to build up a question and use that question to develop more feeling in this room. You are living in a physical world, you are sitting in a physical room yet your mind is connected to all of consciousness, non-physical consciousness. The physical room is interpreted as a physical mind by a non-physical consciousness...’

Liz... ‘I would like to ask a question... you’ve put an image of this slowly dripping slime in my mind and I realise that we are coming up to Halloween which is a festival celebrating the dead but it’s done in a very ghoulish way, there’s a lot of fear associated with death and those that have died so in the shop windows people are posting images of decaying corpses with blood splattered bandages around them, very ghoulish and unpleasant images that frighten and scare and this is meant for children, they dress up in these, and my question is why there should be such an emphasis in our culture on the gruesome nature of death and dying and those that are dead, ghosts, which leads to fear, how that’s come about and why it should be’

‘The physical world is governed by the fear of death. Each individual cast into a physical world recognises a beginning and an ending, an ending that cannot be explained, an ending that would seem to be final. When each person in your world considers the concept of death, physical death it conjures up within them fearful images for they will not allow themselves to grasp the truth in death, their fear has grown too strong. For some an understanding is with them yet they too feel a lack of certainty in their minds and they will go in search of evidence and those who receive their own personal evidence will slowly remove that fear of death but the majority in your world are still governed by this fear and they try to hide that fear by making a mockery of death, by creating ghoulish images. The children of your world are not so fearful and they see... they enjoy the evening of Halloween for they are allowed to dress up, they are allowed to purchase from their shop outfits and they laugh at each other when they see themselves dressed in this way. They are not so scared, they are not so fearful, they have not yet considered the true meaning of death. As your world wakes up it will... more people will begin to investigate. Nothing is hidden from your world, the clues are all around, it merely takes time to remove that fear from the minds... from each mind, each physical mind. Remove that fear and the truth will be seen for it is the fear that blinds each person to the truth of death and the truth of life and the purpose of physical life. Look to Halloween with positive thoughts, see, hear the laughter of the children, see how that laughter brings light to the dark images that you see in your shops. Positivity will always eliminate darkness, will take the seriousness out of situations and bring humour into a dark situation, ridding that situation of fear. Does this answer your question?’

Liz... ‘Yes, thank you... How frequently do those that have died, those souls come back, reincarnate again, take on a new body, what is the average rate of return?’

‘When the physical vessel dies the consciousness disconnects from the physical world. That consciousness has reached a stage in its evolution. An evolved consciousness will quickly recognise its true home, it will recognise itself for what it is and it will understand the benefit of rejoining that physical world. The unevolved consciousness will take time to adjust, the unevolved consciousness will find itself in familiar territory, surrounded by those who have passed before, it will not be thinking of returning, it will have a feeling of peace and friendship surrounded by loved ones, seeing images that reflect the life it once led. There is no need to rush into returning to the physical world, only when the time is right. Only when the recognition has been made of the greater self, of the purpose of life and of the advantage of returning to the physical world full of learning opportunities will that return be made. As you live your life in a physical world you are interpreting that world in a way suited to your growth. The same applies when you leave the physical world. Nothing is done to hurry up the process, it is all in your hands, you are the creator of this world and the next world. There is no set time between incarnations, there is only a pulling towards growth. If you can grow in a non-physical environment creating the reality for yourself then you will remain. You may choose to join and become connected with somebody who still lives a physical life, for you can help those in the physical world from beyond the physical world’

Liz... ‘How can you help from the physical world?’

‘From the non-physical world you can help those you have left behind’

Liz... ‘Oh right’

‘You can connect with them and you can help them with their own life. They may or may not recognise your presence but what you do will help them to let go of their sorrow. You will help them to understand the meaning of their life. You are all consciousness and you are all joined as one yet you also lead your individual lives. Nothing is impossible, everything is available if it helps in the growth and evolution of consciousness. The love you have for another strengthens the connection, not just on the physical level but on many other levels, levels you are unaware of at this point in your life. You may catch glimpses of these levels in your dreams, you may indeed meet with those who have passed in your dreams. Only you will know for sure that that connection was made and that connection remains under the surface of physical life. Teach one another, learn from one another, become a more powerful consciousness. As consciousness becomes separate so consciousness can rejoin. Spend some time thinking about all the connections that you have made in your life, your physical life. Think about all those people you have connected with, all those people you have seen, all those people that have reacted to you. They are all connected to you, they have joined with you in your physical world. Some remain in the physical world while others have left yet you were never in the physical world, you were merely experiencing a physical world. You are consciousness, you are plugged in to a steam of information connected to what is perceived by many as the physical world. Turn your attention away from the physical world and you will get new information, information unrecognisable to you yet information that has the ability to paint a picture in your mind in the same way as the physical world paints a picture in your mind. There are many pictures but there is one consciousness, where would you rather be, in the physical world or in a new unknown world? You have that choice and you will be helped to make that choice. Ask and help will be given. Reach out and your hands will be held, you are never alone, you are never in darkness, you are always in light and that light is life, is your life and you can take it wherever you wish...’

Liz turned the music back up.


After about 25 minutes I was controlled again.
the voice sounded different and was a bit incoherent at first...

‘I never felt the need to question, I did not feel the need to question for I felt and I understood, I did not need to question or understand the mechanics of life I just knew when I heard those words come through that they were coming from the world of spirit and it gave me that confidence to enjoy myself, to treat each evening as a time of enjoyment, a time to meet old and new friends and invite them into my house for it was for me an easy transition, I did not need to understand, for I felt that understanding within myself. It was not something I had to learn, it was something I knew and it all came back to me as I opened my eyes and saw a world much like this, much like what you see each day of your life but there was something new, something extra and that got my attention. I then began to try and understand for I saw, I felt something new, something to be understood, something that needed to be understood if I was to live in this new life. Even though it seemed the same I was... I felt that it was a part of me, I felt I was seeing myself for what I truly was, the greater part of myself. I felt I was understanding myself and it was a joyous time for I was understanding things about myself which I never knew for the physical world is a narrow vision and when you see with a narrow vision you can miss some of the opportunities yet where I am now there is so much opportunity. Never be afraid of death, never be afraid of an ending, think of it as a new beginning, a new opportunity to discover something new, something shielded from you now, thank you, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you and I hope to return again’

Liz... ‘Thank you friend, thank you’

The usual voice returned...

‘Well now, once again we’ve reached the end of our session this evening, we hope you have enjoyed that what has been said and that what you have felt. Each week development is made and when development is made the connection of love between all of those worlds, all the available worlds grows stronger. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it on the darker areas bringing light to the minds of those in those areas. Help those who need your help and they will understand, they will be thankful of your help. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight to you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

263rd Sitting 09/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted off as Liz was doing the opening prayer then woke up suddenly about 35 minutes later.
I felt convinced I was at home in bed waking up in the morning and it took about five minutes for me to realise I was in fact in the séance room sitting in the chair.

I then remained awake and after another 15 minutes began to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music when she heard the communication beginning...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, good evening’

‘Once again we are with you and you are with us. We have not travelled yet we are all one, all one operating consciousness that shares the love of your work for we can add to that what you understand and you can give us the ability to reach out into your world, touch the hearts of those who wish to learn, those who have questioned themselves, questioned each other, unsatisfied with the physical answers that are available to them knowing that there has to be so much more. You live your life in a world shielded from the greater understanding yet you understand that this is how it has to work. There is no other way for you are here to learn, you are not here to constantly interact with the larger reality even though you are a part of that reality. You have been given an opportunity to live a physical life, to be brought into contact with those who share your life, to mingle with those and to use that what you have within yourself to carve a life, a lifetime in a physical world using that what you have built up within yourself for the better, for the greater good. You have been given an opportunity and you have grasped that opportunity and together with those who you love you will create for everybody a world suited to them, suited to everyone’

‘Listen to yourself as you live your life, feel how you react to each situation that comes to you. Know that how you feel is how you are. You cannot change your feeling yet you can change the way you live guided by that feeling. You are connected to so much more, allow that to filter through but use your own mind to decide how to live your life. Never worry that you have done wrong, never look back on your life and feel sad at that what you have done for that was then, you are now faced with new opportunities. It is what you do now that gives you the correct idea of how you have developed. You are constantly developing throughout your life and you will go on developing. If you look back at your life and compare it to how you live now you will see how you have developed, how you have grown and you will grow more in the future. We are all growing and developing at our own pace. Nothing really matters, for everything is a temporary experience moving you on to the next experience. There is no need to waste time worrying about what is coming up for you in your life, that is in the future, that has not happened. Concentrate on what is happening now for what happens now will truly affect that what happens in the future. You are conditioning yourself and you are evolving yourself, the future will take care of itself. Keep your mind positive, see the good in all things then things will be good, they will reflect that inner feeling that is driving you and all will feel right in your world, your own world created by you’

‘You can pretend to be good, you can pretend to be loving, you can pretend to care but that feeling in your heart is true, is true to you. Listen to that what guides you, what instructs you. Learn to understand the feeling of yourself and you will not need to pretend, you will only be required to be the real you, the complete you’

‘See your world as your friend, your friend who wishes to help, who wishes you to succeed. There is nothing ugly in a beautiful friendship. Accept the help that is given to you for it is there if you allow yourself to accept it. You are stronger than you think and that strength can be used each day of your life in a positive way adding to the strength of others, carving a pathway through life. One day you will look back and you will see how you have measured up to yourself. You will see the times where you wandered off, the times you became afraid for you lost touch of yourself and you felt alone yet your strength always brought you back. You are never alone, you are held in the hands of those who love you, those who watch you, those who learn from your mistakes. Keep your mind open to all possibilities, listen to others but always know that they have reached their own conclusions themselves, they cannot share your experiences, you have your own experiences and your own conclusions. No one is right, no one is wrong, there are many ways to see your world. Try to make your way the most loving way, the most positive way. Learn how to bring love into your world and stop fighting with yourself’

‘Thank you my dear friend we have once again reached the end of our session this evening, thank you for listening, thank you for being a part of the energy that we use to bring us all together for this brief period in time when we can get across that what we believe to be of benefit to you and to those who share in our words. Please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, see the reactions on the faces of those who share that love. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, goodnight and God bless you and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

262nd Sitting 02/10/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.

About 30 minutes after the opening prayer Liz sensed a presence, a dark shape enfolding her.

Then after another 40 minutes, just before I was controlled, Liz felt a breeze around her.

When the communication started Liz turned down the music and she felt some more breezes.

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend, good evening’

‘Once again we come through into your room, there is so much that we can talk about, it all depends on the conditions of this room as to how we can speak for we are blending ourselves into your atmosphere, your physical atmosphere and we can connect with you for we are not so far away we are merely shielded by a vibration, shielded by a... We all blend for we all possess one consciousness that spreads throughout all realities, for it is being exposed to different vibrations, allowing it to grow, allowing it to experience each vibration in a different way, in a way that creates learning opportunities. For without realities there would be no positive growth, no opportunity to learn, no... The benefit of a physical reality is it places consciousness into a situation whereby nothing can escape for it is held in that vibration and has to abide by the rules of that reality. Many consciousnesses will exist in one reality and will be working with one another creating many new situations as each consciousness works in its own way, sees in its own way, using that what it has learnt, using that what it has developed within itself creating each personal character, making up a wonderful vibration where each character can play against the other, each character can react with one another creating learning opportunities that are so necessary in the continued growth of consciousness, feeding back to the source of consciousness, increasing the awareness of all consciousness’

'A star is born each time a consciousness is placed in a physical reality. Many stars light up a dark sky. Many stars penetrate their light creating patterns, creating objects, creating scenery within which the play can be played, within which the actors can act and within which the story can be told. For each story is unique and follows the experiences of the experiencer. Allow yourself to develop, allow your world to help you to develop and know that you are a shining star in a sea of darkness and your light can be seen by all, can be felt by all. The brighter your light shines the greater the opportunities for learning. A positive outlook creates a brighter light and that brighter light will attract other lights. Set an example in your world for others to follow’

‘One by one you all will wake up, you will all feel the effects of life, the effects of a physical life. You will grow to understand that life exists as a part of you and that your life is but one part of a greater life. The picture you see when you open your eyes is the result of all experience and the result of each choice you have made. You have the power to change that picture but you must also accept that picture as a representation of how you are at this point in time. You can change yourself but you cannot change each other, you can merely create opportunities for others to enable them to change themselves. See your life as an opportunity to help others, help others to change themselves. Live your life with positivity in your heart and you will attract others, they will feel comfortable with you and they will respond in their own positive way, creating for themselves a more beautiful picture. Each picture held in the mind of each individual in your world is what creates your world. The more positive those pictures become then the more beauty is revealed in your world. Life grows in a beautiful environment, an ideal environment, an environment that is worth working towards’

‘Positivity is a strong vibration whereas negativity is weak, is unable to grow on its own. Negativity needs to be fed but the strength of positivity will outlast that negativity. Those with darker thoughts will feel the effect of the bright shining stars that surround them. They will feel positive thoughts and their minds will slowly accept their own light within themselves. Your positivity is adding to that growth, helping those who find themselves in the darker areas of your world. Continue to shine brightly each day of your life and the beauty of your world will be revealed to all’

‘Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, we hope that you have found an interest in what we say and we hope it will help you to live a more positive life and feel the benefit of seeing each situation from a positive perspective. Please take from us a piece of our love, let that love help you to shine brightly in your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you thank you’

There was no reply from Liz who had drifted off.
I came back after about 30 seconds then called Liz who replied but didn’t realise she had drifted off.


Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...