May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
261st Sitting 25/09/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35, turned out the light and put the music on...
Liz then noticed what was probably an aftereffect of turning off the light with her eyes open or closed.
She saw a deep reddish-brown background with black blotches and dots all over it with no particular pattern.
She then noticed various diagonal bands of bright light on top of this, like looking at waves.
They formed different patterns, some like birds' wings, some zig-zag and some straight lines.
I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.
I remembered at times going down into some sort of white tunnel.
Just before I started to be controlled Liz felt herself focusing in on me and tuning into a spiritual contact, a spiritual vibrational level.
When the communication started Liz turned down the music...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’
‘Once again we all gather, we all step into your world and you step into our world. We meet, we build a bridge of communication that enables us to speak in your world, speak with the voice of the medium, giving you answers, giving you information that you can think about, guidance for your life, help with your understanding’
‘The purpose of communication, spiritual communication is to ignite in you an interest, an interest to discover more about yourself and about the world that you live in for there is much that you still do not understand in your own world and your world is a reflection of all worlds, of all of reality. Once you understand the world in which you live you will understand so much more and you will understand yourself. Each day of your life is an opportunity to understanding, an opportunity for you to use your abilities in a world created for you, a world designed for each individual that inhabits that world for each individual has come into your world with a purpose, with prior knowledge yet that prior knowledge is shielded from you until you can understand yourself. Until then you walk blindly through a world unfamiliar to you yet at the same time you can sense a meaning for your life. Take your time to allow that feeling to penetrate into your life, allow it to open your eyes, allow it to clear the fog, allow it to enable you to see your place in your world and understand the part that you play’
‘The world that you inhabit is a world of beauty, the world that you inhabit is a perfect world yet you also see the imperfections in your world but there will become a time when you will no longer see those imperfections for those imperfections will be seen as opportunities to grow, as opportunities to change your world and change yourself. When you see darkness in your world, when you see pain in your world, when you see confusion in your world you are reacting, you are interpreting a perfect world with a mind that is not fully engaged, that is not free of the restrictions. If you simplify the way you understand that what you perceive as confusion and pain and darkness, if you look at those situations with a simplified mind, free from the added interpretations you make yourself, merely see it as it is and you will begin to understand how you can learn, how you can grow, how you can use that situation to your own advantage and the advantage of others. Is this understandable to you?’
Liz... ‘Yes... yes it is’
‘You are causing your own complications and you are creating the darkness and the perception of pain in your world. You are the creators yet you believe what you see is caused by the conditions of your world. Try to understand that the conditions of your world are in perfect harmony. There is nothing dark or confusing in your world, you have that confusion in yourself, you have built up that confusion in yourself and it is blinding you from the beauty of your world, it is blinding you from those opportunities that are waiting for you. Take time to quieten your mind each day, look back at that what you have done, look back at that what you felt for that what you feel within yourself will tell you where to... will tell you how to improve yourself, how to adjust the way you perceive. There are many ways of looking at your life and each individual has created their own way from their experiences in this life and in other lives and as you grow you will see that there is more than one way to perceive. Watch how others react to the same situation for you are all interpreting in your own way. As you grow you will see more in each situation and you will see the opportunities. Take one step beyond the physical world and your mind will begin to react to that what surrounds you’
Liz... ‘When you say take one step beyond the physical world can you explain what you mean by that?’
‘As you live your daily life immersed in this physical world you take that what you see to be the reality of your world and you see no way that that can be altered yet if you can imagine yourself taking a step beyond that what you see you will change the way that you perceive your world’
Liz... ‘So what must one do to take that step, what sort of technique or exercise will help us to do that?’
‘Try to understand that what you see, try to understand that it is a product of your own creation. If you take one step forward beyond that what you have created it will enable you to create more, to use your imagination’
Liz... ‘So when you say take one step from your physical world you are referring to using your imagination’
‘Allow your imagination to change that what you perceive, allow your imagination to alter that what you perceive in such a way that your interpretation of that will change. If you are presented with a situation, a dark situation, a situation where you perceive pain and confusion, allow your mind to modify that situation, allow your imagination to modify and create a new situation’
Liz... ‘So when you are saying to transform a situation, for example if you are caught up in some civil unrest or even a war situation where people are being very violent, abusive and angry. If you are actually physically caught up in that situation inadvertently for example you find yourself in the vicinity of an act of terrorism where there is a lot of fear and confusion and a lot of suffering and injury. How will it help you to imagine that that situation isn’t there, that everybody is being healed, there is no angry terrorist causing turmoil. How would one do that when you are actually in a physical situation of darkness’
‘You can stop yourself adding to the darkness and hurt of that situation by the way you interpret that situation. When you are confronted with a situation such as this your natural reaction is to see the negativity that is being...’
Liz... ‘You mean to be very upset and angry’
‘You are allowing that negativity to react on yourself yes’
Liz... ‘Okay, so if you... obviously that would be a first reaction, that would be one of your emotions, but if you try and transfer that into a healing modality so that you send out healing thoughts to those that are injured, you send out healing thoughts to the angry perpetrators of the violence, you consciously attune yourself to a vibrational level of love and of peace to an understanding of a higher reality, to a larger perspective, you attune yourself to a spiritual vibrational level and ask for healing. Is that the sort of step that you are referring to where you actively try and raise your vibrational level to be in a more harmonious and healing state
‘You are creating a new situation by the way you interpret that what you see. You are no longer adding to the negativity of that situation. Each person involved in a situation such as this has a choice in how they react to that what they interpret. If you can understand the reason for that situation to arise, if you can understand the thoughts of the perpetrator, those who are causing that situation, if you can understand why they do what they do, understand the part that they are playing in your world, you will see that their understanding of life is affected by their own interpretation of life that goes on in their mind, in their reality, in their own created reality. If you react to what they do in a negative way you are adding to that what they are creating. You all add to the creation of your world in your own way and if you can take each situation, understand that situation and give love and positivity to that situation, understand the situation for what it really is in its simplified form it will enable you to lighten the darkness, to bring healing to a situation that could be so much more damaging to all who are affected by that situation’
Liz... ‘So the way I understanding it... you are saying, when you say take a step away from your physical world you are really referring to taking on a more transcendent point of view, seeing things from a larger perspective in which your understanding is increased and you see things from many points of view. That's what I refer to as a transcendent view’
‘Yes, and you can do this by simplifying the situation, by seeing the situation in a simple way for life is to be lived in a simple way free from confusion. This will allow you to understand each personality that shares your world but first you need to understand yourself, understand how you too can add to the confusion and understand how you can improve yourself each day of your life’
Liz... ‘In having the ability to take a step away from the physical in order to gain a greater perspective, an ability to recreate things in a more perfect way, would the various techniques associated with out of body experiencing and lucid dreaming, actively expanding one's consciousness in those ways, loosening the grip of the physical, allowing one to experience directly different vibrational levels, non-physical reality, will that help to develop that more creative outlook on life?’
‘It will help in your understanding that the physical world is but one small reality within a greater reality, it will enable you to experience more and you can bring that experience back into your physical world and use it to help you interpret each situation. It will help you to understand that you exist beyond that what you perceive, it will help you to understand that you are not merely a physical being in a physical world, that you are so much more and when your awareness is widened you can use that to view situations from a wider perspective, you will not merely see a physical situation as a physical situation, you will see it expanded into all of reality. Stand above yourself, stand by your side, see your world from many angles. There is nothing stopping you from exploring all of life, all of consciousness. When you are ready you will understand and you will use this understanding to create a better world, a better physical world’
Liz... ‘There are many techniques that are available for people to try and do this but I guess not all of these techniques are right for a particular individual and it may be that there are some techniques that are better for some individuals than others, I'm thinking of techniques like meditation, yoga, astral projection, lucid dreaming, dream yoga’
‘Each person is unique but sometimes there is no need for techniques for just a positive outlook on life can project you outside of your world. Living a life seeing things in a positive way, thinking of others is sometimes enough to allow you to reach out into that what surrounds your world’
Liz... ‘I see... you are suggesting that a spirit of goodness, a sort of desire or inclination towards positivity, towards goodness, towards benefit in itself can lead you to attune to a more spiritual reality’
‘This will help for it is a natural reaction, as you live your life in a positive way you will begin to see the workings of your world. You will indeed be out of your body, you will no longer require the restriction of a physical mind connected to a physical body for your mind will be open, you will be projecting love out into your world, you will be lightening up your world and you will see that what you do not see now. Your perception will widen and you will become connected with all of life, all of consciousness. You are already connected but you are holding yourself into this world of physical matter, seeing it as a place of negativity when it is a place of love. You have to change yourself to change your world and you are doing this, you are bringing love into your world and into yourself and all the time that you live your life in this way you are removing the mists and you are seeing clearly and you will find yourself in a larger reality able to create a wonderful world, a wonderful reality'
Liz... ’So for many people what you are advocating they find by following a religious path, by following a particular religion, many of the religions have ethical guidelines and Buddhism has a very well described pathway for the alleviation of suffering, a pathway leading from suffering to a higher state of consciousness by following a path of self-discovery and self-realisation by becoming aware of all those things that hold us to the negativities and transforming or transmuting those states of being into more positive states to well defined and ethical pathway for transforming the negativities that are inherent in each of us and in society into their more positive modes of being, modes of perceiving, modes of acting, modes of feeling. But for those that don’t have a particular religion or a particular spiritual pathway to help them... I guess what you are saying is that they need to find in themselves the motivation to align themselves with love and positivity’
‘Each person has the power within themselves to bring love into your world, for life is love’
Liz... ‘For a person that is... I guess even a person that is quite severely depressed can still understand that and can work towards that’
‘Each person has that light within themselves but they have a choice, they have that choice to use that love or to be guided by the negativities that they perceive in your world. As time goes by they will evolve, they will grow, they will see the advantages of using that light within themselves to spread love out into your world’
Liz... ‘I guess hearing that pathway advocated by you is useful for reinforcing that possibility, it’s very easy to get sucked in to the negativities and to lose sight of that other possible pathway which is always there. So thank you for your words of encouragement and of the reminder of that positive pathway that’s available for all of us if we choose to take it’
‘And thank you for your questions for without questions learning cannot happen. Always question all that you can see and you will build up a greater understanding of each situation in each day of your life. Thank you, thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. We hope our answers will help you and help others for this is what... this is why we speak to you in this way for we too wish a world to change, to grow, to become a place of love and understanding for each individual. Please take from us a piece of our love, use that love to brighten up your world and brighten up the perceptions of all who inhabit your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
260th Sitting 11/09/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
As soon as Liz turned off the light the darkness had a lumpy appearance to her, like looking at a field of mushrooms, light blobs over a dark background, a mottled surface.
Then she was aware of wispy shapes moving around the room.
I drifted in and out of sleep for about 75 minutes.
Then I became controlled during the last tune and Liz turned down the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend’
‘Once again we are with you and we will come through, we will bring through words, words to help, words to encourage, words to brighten your mind. There is much to be discovered, there is much to be learnt and there is much to understand. The world that you live in is a mystery but you do not need to make it a mystery, you need to enjoy it, you need to become a part of it and another cog in the wheel of the machine that is driving you forward. Each time you live a life in a physical world you are adding to the history, adding to the buildup of experience, adding to your own understanding of life. Few people truly understand themselves, many are wrapped up in their own beliefs yet it is possible to fully understand the purpose of your life in a physical world, you merely have to look at yourself, understand why it is that you do what you do, understand the benefit that you bring to your world. The way that you see yourself is a reflection of the understanding that you have built up. You have watched the passing of time and you have experienced all that there is to experience in many ways, from many viewpoints. There is nothing that is out of your reach and the more you become accustomed to the way you live the more you will become open to the possibilities that exist within yourself. Try not to misinterpret that what comes to you. Allow that what comes to you to be unaltered by your own thoughts, allow it to reach you in the way that it was sent and it will help you to understand, it will help you to grow for without growth your life has no meaning. The purpose of life is to reach an understanding of yourself and use that understanding to help others. You are presented with opportunities and you have a mind that you can use. Those opportunities are not there by accident, they have been selected for you. As you grow you will understand, you will understand why they have been selected for you and you will see how they are shaping your development’
‘Observe the nature of your world and see how it has developed, how it has become harmonious with all the elements of your world. The trees grow strong with their long roots holding them firm, able to withstand the wind and the rain. They have allowed themselves to develop naturally. You too can develop naturally and you will benefit. Try to understand the purpose of your life. Look back at the end of each day and see how you could have achieved more. Try to understand what you have missed for many opportunities are not seen, are not understood as opportunities. They may be seen as distractions and you have turned away from those distractions instead of taking them on face to face. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. A harmonious life is a life where each opportunity is tackled in a natural way producing growth, producing understanding, understanding of the love that exists within you and how that love can grow, how that love has no limit’
‘Every picture has a starting point but every picture, each picture is never finished for a picture can always be improved. You have all started your own picture and you will continue to develop that picture into a work of art, something that is pleasing to your mind. Take a step back from that picture and see how you can improve, see how you can produce more definition, see how the colours can be improved, can be created in a positive way so that all that can be seen will represent your understanding of your world as it is now in your mind. You can do no better for you have reached a point unique to you. Only you can move beyond that point and when you move beyond, your picture will change and you will change with it and your world will change’
‘Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, please take a piece of our love. Let it help you in the development of your picture for we are all here to help because we know that what you do will benefit all and we are all working together. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all and thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
Solo sit 28/08/2018 and 03/09/2018
Liz is away at the moment so I had a couple of solo sits at home.
As usual when sitting at home I didn’t sit in blackout conditions and played no music.
After an opening prayer I felt myself being controlled and the communication soon began...
‘Good evening, good evening, thank you for allowing us to come through on this occasion for it is always of benefit to all who listen when we are given the opportunity to bring to you words that will help you to understand the meaning of your life, why you are in this physical world, why you appear to be in this physical world. Something which is so believable to you, it takes a lot of... it takes time for that belief to be overcome yet at the same time it is not necessary to overcome that belief for you are here to live a life in a physical world and you are living a life in a physical world, living with others, reacting to one another, cut off from your real self, your larger self. Yet for those who wish to know it is beneficial to understand that the physical world is an illusion, a temporary illusion and the larger part of yourself continues to live and think and react to others, think for itself and think for others. It is all life and you are a part of life, you have never left that life that resides within you and you will never be separated from that life. The greater part of you is what pushes you forward. The greater part of you is that spark of light within yourself, is that doubt in your mind when you make a choice, when you are presented with many choices. Try to understand that doubt in your mind when it happens. Consider other choices, allow yourself to change, you do not need to continue through your physical life as you are now, there are many more choices available to you. Take your time to select the choice that feels right for you, the choice that does not produce that feeling of doubt, for that feeling of doubt is a reminder to you that you have wandered off the pathway that you set out to travel. Change your mind, bring yourself back into line. If you have already made that choice there will be many further opportunities presented to you. Always learn from your mistakes, look back and see where you have strayed off that path. It may not seem obvious to you now but in a few days' time you will notice the effects on your life that could have been avoided’
‘We talk to you now fully aware of all that makes us conscious. You are only aware of one segment of yourself yet that segment is connected to the whole of yourself and is being guided by the whole of yourself. Let yourself be guided, widen your awareness, feel the doubt enter your mind, recognise that as a message from your larger self to help you, to steer you onto your pathway. A physical life is not an easy life yet you do not need to make it harder. Control your feelings as they come to you and direct those feelings into thoughts, into knowledge, into understanding of yourself. We too understand how you perceive yourself yet we also know that it is possible to expand your understanding of yourself, see your world from many angles, many perspectives. Watch yourself from above yourself, watch yourself from within yourself, stand by your side. You as consciousness are capable of so much more and as you and those who share your world develop, as they evolve, as they discover a new way of thinking then the physical world will change, will become more productive and all of life will benefit’
‘Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless and keep you all and may you all take a piece of our love as always. Let that love open your eyes to a larger picture and live a happy life knowing that you are greater than what you think’
I felt the control leave me and felt back with it.
I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...
I sat again the following Monday in the same conditions.
This time I had a question which I wrote down, it was...
‘When you talk about us being able to expand our understanding of ourselves and widen our awareness, what do you mean by that and how do we go about doing it?’
I did an opening prayer and was soon controlled and the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening. Thank you once again for allowing us to come through. We appreciate you have a question and we will give you an honest answer as best we can for we are restricted in what we can say through this vessel at this time. There are obstructions for us to overcome, there are thoughts that we need to wipe away, take out of our input. We can forge ahead and we can give you pure words unaltered by the mind of the medium. This can be achieved and it will be achieved as each time that we sit we further our own understanding of how to deliver, how to break through to the physical world in a way that does not upset the physical world, for the physical world is a balanced world operating in its own way yet the inputs into that world come from without, come from a different dimension, a dimension that is also governed by its own rules, its own conditions yet all is connected by one consciousness. It is only the operating conditions that differ. The force of consciousness resides in all conditions’
‘When we speak of expanding awareness, of expanding one’s understanding of one's self we speak of lessening the conditions, we speak of disconnecting from the conditions of your world. Whether you do this by meditation or merely allowing your mind to wander as you go about your daily tasks, it does not matter. The purpose of disconnecting from the conditions of your world is to allow your consciousness to work at full capacity, unrestricted by those conditions. Those conditions are limitations. Without limitations consciousness becomes stronger, becomes wider, becomes all-encompassing. You are living a life in a physical world, in the conditions of a physical world because that is where your consciousness has placed you, you that believes itself to be a part of a physical world. Yet you are more and as you strive to discover more you will realise that you as a physical being are but one part of a greater consciousness, a greater consciousness that is available to you now. You already feel the effects of your greater consciousness, you feel it gently guiding you through your life yet your mind is so focused on physical life that it does not register. It is felt at a different level, a level that you are not used to operate from. With practice, with continued practice you can develop yourself to operate on this level. You can develop your mind to accept the thoughts of your larger consciousness whilst living a life in a physical world. Then your world will become a larger reality with more opportunities, you will see more opportunities in each situation, you will not be restricted to the physical answers presented to you for there are more answers’
‘Lives within lives, each part of you can be seen as another life spreading out in front of you and those lives connect to all life, all consciousness. You see yourself in everything, you accept all that comes to you and you work with the information that is given to you, that is presented to you. Accept this information and allow it to be a part of your life and your life will be enriched to the point that you will be able to drop your beliefs, work on your fears, see the mistakes that you have made and your life will become so much more complete’
‘Thank you. Take a piece of our love, let it shine beyond the restrictions of the physical world lighting up that what lies beyond, connecting you to all that is. May peace and love exist in each reality as love develops and grows. Play you part in this, add to the love of your world and all those who live with you will feel the effect, will be inspired to live their own lives in love and harmony with one another. Nothing could be more simple and when your world is ready it will be seen, the simplicity of life will be seen. Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Then I did a closing prayer, sent out healing and did a closing down exercise...