May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
259th Sitting 21/08/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour then started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music when the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening, good evening friend’
‘Once again we are through, we are able to speak with you. There is always much to say, always much to deliver and we will try to give you something that you can benefit from, something that you can use to help you in your own development. All the time that you believe yourself to be misinterpreting that what comes to you, you will be holding yourself back. For you do not misinterpret, you use your mind to evaluate that what is happening inside of your mind for your mind is connected to many things. It is like a sponge pulling in information from different angles and this information forms within your mind, is recognised by yourself inside of your mind in the same way that your own thoughts are recognised. There is little difference between the two and there is no need to worry about what is perceived as your thoughts and what is perceived as the thoughts of others for you are all connected, you are all working as one and by working as one you are producing information that can be used, that can be brought into your world to help others, to give others the understanding, their own understanding that they will in turn interpret and develop themselves into something greater, something more powerful in a world of physical matter’
‘Allow your mind to wander, allow your mind to receive. Do not worry about what comes through, allow each word to be spoken and as you do this you are building up a story, a story within yourself, a story which means something to you and means something to those who listen. Each person who listens to the story will develop a new story within themselves. You are all interpreting in your own way and you all have your own way of interpreting. That is what makes you an individual. Though connected to many you are also working alone’
‘Your mind is full of many words, many experiences, many years of interpreting that what comes to you. You have become used to thinking for yourself yet what you believe to be thinking for yourself is also thinking for others. As you receive thoughts you also project thoughts. When you sit as a medium you are also projecting thoughts to others. Allow your mind to develop in its own way because that is the correct way. Many will tell you how to work, how to develop you mind, but the true teacher is yourself and the work that you do will develop yourself. Each time you sit you are developing, you are allowing your mind to be used in such a way that greater information will be shared, greater information will be produced. Information may contain within it evidence, evidence that appears to you to be beyond your own ability to know yet your ability is greater than you think. Take your mind away from the thoughts, away from singularity, allow your mind to combine with the thoughts of others in such a way that a steady flow of information will develop’
‘Mediumship is a sensitive balancing act and you will teach yourself to know when a balance has been reached. You will recognise the difference between useful information and unnecessary information. Where that information comes from is of no importance, what is important is whether that information will benefit those who listen. You have reached a point where your mediumship is beginning to break free, is beginning to break through. Keep doing as you do without worry, without fear and you will feel the love that you are transmitting to your world. Take advise from others but also take advise from yourself. You have the power to shape your mind into something receptive to all of life, something that can contribute to all of life’
‘Greater thoughts require a loving heart to transmit, to transform. A loving heart will reach further. A loving heart will open up its arms to your world, present to your world a key, a key to a greater understanding, a key to peace and harmony, a key to a world where all can live as one, helping one another, producing a harmonious tune that will resonate throughout your universe. Music produced by love has no end for it will travel continuously without fading and it will touch the hearts of all who it will enter into’
‘Thank you my dear friend, we hope you can benefit from the words that we give to you. Take with those words a piece of our love, take it into your heart and shine it outwards into a harmonious world, spreading peace, spreading love, spreading light. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and thank you for your words, thank you for your council. Goodnight and God bless you all’
I felt back with it after about one minute.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
258th Sitting 14/08/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
I felt twitching on my face and thought I may be controlled just after the opening prayer but then fell in and out of sleep for the next hour.
Liz experience a few physical sensations like crawling in her hair and something pulling in her left nostril as if something was emanating from it.
She saw mottled lights moving around the room.
I started to feel very warm just before being controlled.
Liz paused the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening friend, welcome’
‘Once again we come through and we speak to you. A wonderful opportunity to discuss spiritual matters, spiritual events, spiritual perspectives. Much has been said, much has been written, much has been understood yet all of this can be simplified. It is a very simple world in the world of spirit and in your world. There are many who feel that the two worlds are so different yet they coexist as one. You have developed for yourself an understanding of your world yet at the same time you are living with us in our world, the world you call the spirit world. You are taking part in a lifetime, a lifetime designed by yourself, a lifetime chosen by yourself and a lifetime that will take you into a more developed state of mind. As you live each day of your life you are constantly reminding yourself that you are a part of the spiritual world yet the noise of your world prevents you from understanding this. You have set yourself many tasks and these tasks are undertaken by yourself yet at the same time your spirit is growing, growing inside of you. You are teaching yourself to remember, to remember your true connection with the larger reality. We too exist in a reality, a reality not dissimilar to yours for we are like you, we are creating for ourselves a reality suited to the way we wish to develop. There are many twists and turns in the physical life that you live. Little can be understood until you learn to quieten your mind. Step back from what for you is a busy atmosphere. Take time each day to still your mind, give yourself time to think, give yourself time to remember. Much of your life is spent trying to understand yourself, trying to understand the part you play in your world, yet you already understand yourself if you give yourself time, time to separate yourself from your world and enjoy the benefits of a quietened mind'
'Observe the beauty of your world and observe how it makes you feel. See the memories brought back to you as you are standing face to face with beauty. Feel the beauty, feel how it drives you forward, feel how you are connected to that beauty. The conditions of your world are pulling you from that feeling of connection to the beauty of your world yet you have control, you have control of which way you go. A simplistic mind is a beautiful mind and a mind full of confusion is a mind that sees ugly situations, that predicts ugly situations and creates ugly situations, situations that have to be dealt with. A simple mind can create beauty and will enable you to remember your connection to the larger reality’
‘Be kind to one another and see how easy life can be. Do not create for yourself confusion and ugliness when a kind word will only create simplicity and beauty and will take you forward to an expanded beautiful world where everyone can benefit, where everyone can grow. There will always be times when you will slip back, back to a confused mind, but it is for you to work at your life, work at enjoying your life for a simple life is an enjoyable life. Much can be learnt when you see simply, when you hear simply, much can be experienced, a wider picture can be observed bringing to your mind more choices, more avenues to your existence. You will see that you are indeed a part of something greater, something greater than the physical world. Nothing can hold you back except yourself and you will understand this more each step that you take into a self-created beautiful world’
‘Picture a world full of fighting, of wars, of misunderstandings and try to understand why. What motivates those who wish to fight, those who wish to argue? Are they not thinking of themselves? Are they not afraid, afraid that they will lose out? That they will not get what they desire? Try to turn this situation around and understand that there is nothing to desire for you have it all. The desire is to share what you have got, desire is to bring light into your world, create happiness, harmony and peace. Rise above the vibrations of your world and those who you meet, who you live your life with will also feel the benefit and the ripples will carry on throughout your world one at a time. Each individual will play their part creating the world, the world that was meant to be and will be when life is simplified and your thoughts embrace one another with love and harmony, free from fear, free from confusion’
Liz... ‘What made our world more complicated then if our reality is really very simple and the true way of living is very simple. What made it become so complicated?’
‘A recognition in each individual that they were an individual, that they did not belong to a larger picture. They all felt alone when they became a part of a physical world. They all thought they needed to survive. They all forgot their true links with everlasting life, they felt they were alone, fighting to survive, fearing death yet they were also connected, they were also a part of the larger reality and this was motivating them, this is motivating them and one by one they are beginning to realise. Evolution is a slow process but a beneficial process. It promotes growth, growth of the larger consciousness, taking it from confusion to simplicity. You are all working and simplifying confusion in a world contained within yourselves. You are beginning to realise the meaning of your world, the purpose of your world and you are beginning to realise that you will not die, you have nothing to fear, you are merely playing your part in a temporary experiment shared by many. An experiment that seems so real to you that you will build up beliefs. Those beliefs will hold you back but the connection to the larger reality is much stronger than any belief you can develop and it will eventually find its way into your minds’
‘Your world was created to increase the evolution of consciousness; the evolution of life and you are all playing your part in that evolution. There is no right or wrong, there is only opportunities to be grasped and mistakes to be made but it is all on your pathway from confusion to simplicity, from ugliness to beauty. You are all at different stages of your lives and you will all blossom, you will all open up. Make the most of that what has been given to you’
‘Thank you my dear friend, it is time for us to withdraw and we give to you a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, see how it shines when confronted with beauty and see how it dims when confronted with ugliness. Keep it shining from the beauty of your world and you will understand how simple life can be. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
Towards the end of the communication Liz had found herself going into a conscious dream state. It was as if she was looking at a different scene and engaging with things. She couldn’t remember much of it except being in a rocky canyon.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
257th Sitting 02/08/2018
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
I fell in and out of sleep for about one hour.
Liz reported feeling very hot at times.
Just before the music CD ended I became controlled.
Liz turned down the music as the communication began...
‘Good evening, good evening...’
Liz... ‘Good evening and welcome friend’
‘Once again, we join with you and we bring forward that what you wish to know. Each time that we come through we try something different, we try to introduce new ideas. There is much that we can say and there is much that we can give to you in order to bring to your mind a clearer understanding of the larger picture, that what is a part of you yet you have chosen to become connected to a physical world for the duration of your physical life. You chose to be a part of the great experiment and you have succeeded in immersing yourself in a world so believable that you have convinced yourself that you are a physical body in a physical world shared by many more. The picture has been created in your mind, the illusion is complete and you live a life, a life full of mystery and misunderstanding but also a life full of joy and happiness, able to express yourself in ways undreamt of for without the physical world you lose the ability to use your created character in its true form. You all have created for yourself a character that you play, a recognisable character, for you have all gone your own way, taken from your world that what suits you and modified it further creating a unique character, a character that creates history, creates a story. From birth to death you are creating this wonderful story, one of many stories that are populating your world, making your world exist for without the characters within your world, your world would have no place in life, it would merely be the creation of conditions untouched by the human mind. You all are playing your part and you all are bringing together the world of experimentation and the world of continued evolvement’
‘When you reach the end of your story you are given the opportunity to rest for a physical life is a constant bombardment of experience, a physical life is a full-on experience. There is no time to rest for your mind is always alive, always connected, always experiencing. So when you die you are given the opportunity to rest, to take a break, yet you will feel, you will feel the pulling towards a continued life, a continued experience for you have shaped your mind to accept experience after experience and the thought of lying idle is a thought that is not acceptable to a growing mind. You will want to expand your experience and you will be given the opportunity to experience more for you are life and life goes on. There is no joy in stopping, there is no benefit in standing still. From a physical point of view the idea of rest is a good idea to you now, it is something you would believe you would look forward to yet what is rest, what really is rest? Rest is the letting go of all that excites you, all that makes you what you are. You are living a life, you are enjoying a life, you are watching the passage of time, you are developing into more, you do not wish to stop, you do not wish to stand still. Every second of every day can be used and every second of every day is used, is absorbed. Take yourself out of the physical world and see yourself with no opportunities, no reactions, no experience. That would be a state of hell, that would be a feeling, an unnatural feeling. The mind needs stimulation’
‘You are always given the chance to look back, you are always given the chance to further understand why you have lived in the way you have chosen to live. There are many reasons why you do what you do and the result of what you do has much effect on those who share your world. When you look back you will increase your understanding and you will see the faults that exist in your own consciousness and you will see why those faults exist in your consciousness and you will understand how you can set up a new life, a new physical life where those faults will be tested, will be exposed. An increased awareness will give you an idea of how to improve your life and how to improve the way to live your life. Everybody has the chance to look back and everybody will learn from their mistakes, from the faults that create the mistakes and will see a clearer pathway towards greater understanding of yourself’
‘Whilst you are still living in a physical world you still have the opportunity to discover your faults, you still have the opportunity to correct your faults, you have the opportunity to look at yourself, see that what causes you upset, see what causes you to be out of harmony, that what causes you distress. Try to understand what makes you unhappy for a life without faults is a happy life, a life without faults is a life unaffected by the actions of others, a life without faults is a life where you no longer think of yourself but you think of others, you think of how you can help others, you see their faults and you can help them’
‘You are not alone in a physical world, you are receiving help when it is seen that you are trying to improve your life, for in improving your life you are benefiting all, you are raising the vibration of the human spirit and you are connecting to a larger reality, you are opening your eyes to a larger reality, you are doing your bit to raise the vibrations of life. Make the most of your physical life, create joy in your world, bring harmony to all who you meet, all who share your life. Be patient, step back when a feeling of discomfort is felt for you can always try again. You will always be given new opportunities in every situation. There is nothing to fear in a physical world for you are a free spirit creating your own story and helping others to create their own stories as well...’
‘Thank you my dear friend. We have reached the end of our session this evening. We hope you have gained some information to help you understand yourself and the world that you have chosen to live within. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it around, watch it light up the faces of all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’
Liz... ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you’
I came back after about 30 seconds.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...