May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

238th Sitting 25/01/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm and included the question...

'I would like to know how our spirit team, those in spirit who are working with us, whether some of you have experienced and are adept at working with producing evidential physical phenomena such as the Scole Group produced. We know that there are some excellent physical mediums alive and some who are now in spirit, people like Alec Harris and many others who were able to produce whole body materialisations and much evidence for people that their loved ones were still alive and also of spiritual knowledge and understanding. My question is whether there are scientists amongst our spirit team who would wish to work with us in this way if it is possible and are able to bring this phenomena forward. We have asked for evidential mediumship but have become aware that the form of that evidence often takes a different form from what we anticipated but we know that people who join us in our group may expect a more traditional form of physical phenomena to be produced, moving objects etc. So if there is physical mediumship planned for this group and it's possible, is that within the auspices of the spirit team that is working with us, is it a part of the remit of our team and is it desirable and best suited to us. Any advice and comments on our way of working and our future methodology would be much appreciated'

Liz turned out the light and put the music on...

After two minutes the first communication started and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening and welcome to you'

'Here we are once again... we wait for our turn to come through and we make use of the energies of your room and we appreciate you asking us a question for it gives us something to concentrate our own energies on, it gives us a focus for we have spoken many times and we have developed a pattern in our own thinking, a pattern that develops each week and in that pattern are many smaller patterns, smaller reflections of the greater pattern and they makeup that one pattern. We are a group of conscious entities and we are blended together. We each represent one of the smaller patterns within the larger pattern. You too as you sit are creating your own pattern. The medium also has a pattern which corresponds with yours and those who sit with you, they too as they sit will develop a corresponding pattern. All spirit communication has to have some form of order, some form of... each individual has to blend with the rest, there could be no communication if one entity did not correspond to the rest. The purpose of a circle is to create one entity from many. This can only be achieved when each individual produces an identical pattern to those that sit. We speak of patterns, that may not fully describe what we try to get across. It could be explained as a frame of mind, a state of being. You all experience different feelings, different states of mind, your state of mind is constantly going up and down. When you sit together you pull each other towards a central focus. We too are pulling towards you. As we all blend together we create one entity, one larger consciousness, both you and us. You can feel our presence for you are blending with us. Your room is a focal point for you and for us. There is much that can be built, much that can develop when the harmonies are blended. When you feel us, when you see movement within your room that is us becoming closer, that is the blending of minds. As a circle develops a stronger reaction will be felt, the intent of the circle will guide the power of attraction towards that what is intended. You ask of physical phenomena, the physical world is full of phenomena, that phenomena is governed by the rules of your world, of your physical reality. Those rules can be broken but only when the harmony has been achieved throughout your circle and the circle that surrounds you from spirit. When you all become one and we become one with you, your thoughts become our thoughts, we begin to experience your senses, a feeling of power will fill your room. Try to imagine your physical world where all entities were connected and working as one, it would not work, it would cause... it would break up your world. The physical world works because you all work as individuals yet in the physical séance you can become one with each other and with us... I think you need to play your music for a while'

Liz... 'Alright I will, thank you friend'

Liz turned the music up then down again eight minutes later as another communication began with a different voice...

'Yes, the physical circle is always an adventure, an adventure guided by your choices. We will not tell you what to expect for you have to make your own reality within your physical circle. You have to make the choices; your adventure will be guided by those choices. Anything is possible, anything can be done, you are in charge but your choices must be made with love, love-based choices will work for everyone. Try not to expect, try not to build up expectations in your mind, allow the adventure to unfold naturally. You have seen and you have read about the mediums of the past and the phenomena that was produced. This was beneficial for many, it showed them that their loved ones did not die, did not become lost. It gave them the opportunity to think for themselves and question the physical world and see how the physical world was surrounded by more, more opportunities, opportunities beyond the physical yet now more questions are being asked. Models of reality are being produced in the minds of those who think, those who do not rely on the words that have been spoken in the past. You live in a time of change, why repeat the phenomena of the past when there is so much more to be discovered, so much more to be learnt, so much more that will help you live a more productive physical life, helping yourself and others. We can help you to understand your physical world and we can help you understand your place in that world. There is always something new to be discovered when you keep your mind open, do not expect that what has gone before to continue, keep your mind open, enjoy reading that what has happened before but know that your world is moving on, that the minds within your world are discovering new ideas, are putting their own ideas on the old ideas. Continue to sit as you do and you will create your own physical phenomena that will give you the understanding to help you appreciate the circle of life, the expansion of life, how life came to be and where life is going for you are that life. You can see beyond the physical phenomena of the past. You ask about physical mediums that have moved into spirit yet consider that they have themselves grown. They enjoyed a physical life, a temporary physical life yet their real life is permanent. Try not to build a picture of a spiritual vibration with physical images, the physical world is but a small part of the greater reality yet an important part and as time goes on it will become more important for it will bring together those who think for themselves, they will form groups and as the groups grow the quality of the consciousness within those groups will grow with it and the physical world, the vibration of the physical world will heighten. You are playing your part in the circles that you sit, keep your mind focused on the adventure ahead, let go of the past, you will soon see the benefit of an open mind... Please replay your music once again'

Liz... 'Certainly...'

Liz turned it up again.

Liz thought it looked lighter at the top of the room, like an arch of light.

18 minutes later another communication began with another different voice.
Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Take the words physical mediumship, replace those words with spiritual mediumship. You are reaching out to us, you are wanting to understand the spiritual vibrations yet you call yourself a physical circle. Physical mediumship, what is physical? Do you truly understand the word? The word that conjures up the images of a physical world that seems so real yet can dissolve in one thought. Focus your mind on the world that we live, focus your mind on the spiritual vibrations. You sit in a room, you place physical objects in that room yet you work with spiritual energies, you work with the power of your mind. Your mind is not physical. We will work with you in the best way that we can but we require you to open your mind, let go of all that is physical for the time that you sit. You are not physical you are spiritual, you are a spiritual being. You are the same as us yet you will not let go of that physical world. This is understandable for you are connected to the physical world but that does not prevent you from raising your vibrations, working with us. Imagine your room as an opening to the spiritual world, your time spent in this room is a time spent in spirit. We will work with you on that level and we will help you to understand the reality of that level'

Liz... 'Are you suggesting that we are misplacing our energies if we focus on physical phenomena, it sounds as if you are suggesting that we are...'

'You are restricting your understanding yes, when there is so much more'

Liz... 'Limiting our scope'

'Exactly yes, there is a greater adventure to be undertaken'

Liz... 'I suppose from... how I see it from what you are saying, the magic effects when people want physical phenomena, those are effects that are brought through from a larger consciousness system that can operate to overturn or to cut through the normal physical laws that govern our particular frame of being and that while we're still limited by those physical laws that's not going to be possible but if working from the higher vibrational level of spirit that is where those law breaking physical effects are possible and so we are limiting what can take place by focusing on this need for physical phenomena such as ping pong balls moving and trumpets flying in the air and cardigans turned inside out but if we're focusing on that we are missing the point that those phenomena are coming from the greater consciousness system of a higher spiritual vibration'

'It is better to understand what causes the physical phenomena than to witness the physical phenomena. There is so much more to understand, that what lies behind the physical phenomena. Yes, you have answered your question yourself. We only wish for the best. We can understand how your mind works for your mind is with us and we can see the possibilities. We wish to help and we wish to give you experiences. Let go of the physical and you will experience so much more. There are no limits apart from the limits that you put on yourself'

Liz... 'So, during our work with you, during this time that we spend in this room dedicated to reaching out to you, our focus should be on attunement with spirit, on letting go of the physical and raising our vibrational level so that we can experience things from the spirit point of view, from the higher vibrational level'

'Yes, you are merely tuning in to that greater part of yourself'

Liz... 'And from that part presumably many things are possible that we haven't even dreamt of'

'That greater part opens up possibilities, opens up a new view point, a new perspective, something which will grow, something which can be fed, something which will enable you to understand so much more and in doing this you are helping others. You are creating a loving vibration which will shine out throughout your world'

Liz... 'The mediums through whom physical phenomena are manifested, the production of apports, ash, materialisation, those sort of effects, are they working at a higher vibrational level or is it because in the trance state spirit has been able to work through them?'

'All mediums have their own way of working depending on their own makeup, their own beliefs, their own fears. You are all made up of many components. A medium will allow only so much to be transmitted but the production of the mediumship is dependent on those who support that medium. The medium does not work alone, the medium works in a circle. All the sitters play their part, create the atmosphere. The atmosphere will be closer to the physical yet the medium may well travel into the spiritual vibrations. There is an attraction to entities in the spiritual world created by each circle and when expectations exist within that circle that attraction becomes more delicate, is faced with complications. An open mind allows the simplicity of spirit to work at its greatest...'

Liz... 'Power?'

'Yes power... the complications cause restrictions. Mediumship is always developed from both sides'

Liz... 'So, are you suggesting that by limiting ourselves to a particular form of mediumship an expectation of a particular type of mediumship we're actually restricting and limiting how spirit can work with us?'

'Yes, because you have to make the choices. We will not interfere with your choices for your choices are what create yourself, create and develop your mind, your inner being'

Liz... 'But are you saying that if we are too definitive about our choice of what mediumship we want we're limiting the opportunities for growth?'

'You are cutting yourself off from greater possibilities, you are holding yourself back until you discover, until you realise what you are doing'

Liz... 'So is the best approach for us to open our self to spirit and to be open for spirit to work with us in whatever way is going to be possible rather than specifically asking for physical mediumship with the understanding of what physical mediumship is by many people which is the production of phenomena, apports, lights, materialisation, tables lifting and moving, noises, those sort of things?'

'You merely need to ask for the greater understanding and a greater ability to love. You will always receive what you ask for, but that has its own limitations'

Liz... 'Okay... So are you saying that it we ask for balls moving, objects flying and for sounds and materialisations and magical phenomena we will get it but that maybe limiting ourselves, that there is more to be got. Is that what you are saying?'

'You are diverting the energies to that what you wish. Do not give diversions, give an open road'

Liz... 'Right, so we may miss the greater good, the greater understanding, the greater treasures as it were. Are the greater treasures then the treasures of thought, of thinking, of vision?'

'The greater treasures are yet to be discovered'

Liz... 'So perhaps they are of the direct perception of spiritual reality'

'You may not see us but you can blend with us and become us and share our thoughts. You do not need to believe, you only need to experience and once you have experienced you will not want to go back, you will be a part of us'

Liz... 'But I guess the first-hand experience is more difficult to share, for somebody else to believe, because they need to have that experience themselves, but I guess that is the fascination with the production of physical phenomena that a person who sees that for themselves, who experiences it because they're using their physical senses will be convinced of something other worldly having happened, something that would seem to be impossible and that can be very evidential'

'Some people will be convinced; some people will be sceptical. Is it not better to be sceptical, to think for yourself. Do not believe what you see'

Liz... 'It's true that some people even after seeing the phenomena still doubt it'

'You can never be sure of anything, you have to use your mind, you have to think for yourself, you have to be prepared to accept new ideas. Keep your mind open but question everything until you build up a knowledge so solid that it can support you, yet even then there is still so much more. Life is never ending, knowledge is never ending, the adventure has only just begun. Keep your thoughts pure and simple, do not complicate your life... Thank you my dear friend, I feel we now have reached the end of our session, we have spoken many words and we have created ideas and pictures in your mind. Use your intelligence to think about what we have said and make your choices in the best possible way for you and for others. Please take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it amongst those who you meet, thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all'


I felt back with it after a minute.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

237th Sitting 18/01/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm and included a question...

'Is it possible to help us bring forward through our medium more of how it feels and how it is when we die, when we find ourselves in a spirit body, in just a consciousness without the physical vehicle, how we experience it and how we can best help ourselves prepare for that experience. I would like to know whether in the future we will be able to bring through more information about that because that is a burning question in a lot of people's minds when their loved ones die. How is it for them? What are they feeling? What are they experiencing? What is it like to be dead? And is it possible to improve the condition we find ourselves in after death by the way we have lived, by things that we have done, consciousness that we may have trained while we were alive?'

Liz then turned out the light and put the music on...

After about a minute Liz felt a drawing sensation from her head and light touching in her hair.

Then I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.

'Good evening...'

Liz... 'Welcome, good evening friend'

'Yes, once again we come through and speak with you for we look forward to our visits, to our time to explain to you what we know, what we feel you will understand. There is much to bring through, there is much to discuss. You see your world as a physical world, a place where you can visit many places, physical places. You travel and you discover new places, new environments within your physical world and you accept these places, you find nothing strange about these places for they are a part of your world, a world that has been mapped out, a world that has been explored. You know for a fact that places exist and you can visit those places if you wish. When you step out of your physical world you no longer have that knowledge, you no longer have a map for you have lost the physical security that you understood. You are no longer dependent on physical actions, physical reactions, yet your mind is still the same, you are still yourself. When you come to our world you are gently adjusted, you adjust yourself. You will still experience a sense of a physical world, you will still find yourself surrounded by physical things yet these things are of your making. You have been equipped with physical senses for so long it will take time to drop the necessity of physical senses. When you wake up from a dream your mind is full of memories of that dream yet you also adjust to your physical world and lose those memories as you continue a physical life. The spiritual world is natural to you. Though you may not understand this now you do have a greater understanding of the spiritual world. When you join the spiritual world the physical memories will fade and you will recognise, you will remember, you will continue to live in a spiritual surrounding. Try to understand how your feelings, how your emotions create experience for you, feelings and emotions that do not rely on physical senses. This will give you an idea of a world devoid of physical matter, physical makeup. You are now very much immersed in physical life yet you are also very much a part of the spiritual world. Your thoughts are not physical, you could not exist without thought, thought continues. A physical world gives you solid experience, something which you can learn from, learn and increase the power of your thoughts. Throughout your physical life your thoughts are strengthening. When you return to the spiritual world you come back a stronger person, a more able person, wanting to share and wanting to continue to grow. You are given many choices, you may decide to rest, to enjoy life in the spiritual world but you are constantly wanting to evolve and you can see the advantages of living another physical life, strengthening your mind and your thoughts once again. There is much you can do in the physical world to help yourself when the time comes to transition. Make the most of every opportunity whilst in your physical world. Never waste one moment for you are here because you wanted to be here. You wanted the challenge, to strengthen your mind, increase the quality of your inner self. No one wants to return to the spiritual world with regrets, regrets of not grasping the opportunities that were available to them. You are all connected and that connection will strengthen as you strengthen yourself. Do not think of your friends and loved ones as lost, think of them as becoming a part of yourself as you strengthen your connection with all life. Nobody can become lost, everybody is a part of one another. You may think of yourself as a singularity but this is illusion, this is a mistake, this is a missed comprehension of your situation whilst living a physical life. When freed from the physical you will soon begin to feel that connection, feel the love that holds you to those you remember, those you have worked with, those who have helped you in your life and continue to do so. You are only partially physical. Lose that one part and the greater self grows stronger... I think a little music for a while and we will continue, thank you'

Liz... 'All right, thank you very much friend'

Liz turned up the music then 40 minutes later she turned it down as another communication began...

'Stop searching for what is real... Stop searching for what is real for there is no answer, there is no logical answer. You have to rely on what you perceive, what you feel. You cannot devise a method of examination on something which is not real, you have to step back, re-examine and give that thing a new name, a new description. You cannot build for yourself a reality that is true, that is consistent, that is unbreakable, for everything that is experienced is dependent on how far you have travelled. You are in a state of change; therefore nothing can be totally real for it will change, it will become something else, you will make it something else. You have begun a journey, you have developed an understanding of your own surroundings, you have built up within yourself a model, a model that represents for you reality, reality for you. Each person has their own reality, has developed their own reality yet you all live together, you all share one picture created by many'

Liz... 'I guess that's what we call a consensus reality'

'There are many names that can be put on an observed reality from each point of observation. You are constantly changing, you are constantly moving, drawing closer yet not able to touch. Work your way forward, step out of the darkness, begin a new life. What becomes of the life you have lived? Is it important to you now? Or is it merely a reflection of a greater understanding. We all like to look back and remember but life is for moving forward, uncovering that what is beyond your reach. Whatever reality you may be a part of it is still you, it is still you yourself that is alive, that is the creator unaffected by the creations of others yet still connected in your thoughts'

Liz... 'And yet as a creator we know very well that in our current state, in the partial state that we are living in there is no way that we could create an apple, an orange, a flower, ourselves, our organs, our heart, our liver, our kidneys, our eyes. We can investigate them, we can find out the bits they're composed of, how they developed from one thing to another but as a creator you say we are creators of this reality. To a large extent we are a very poor reflection of that creator because our power is incredibly limited'

'You have the power to imagine beyond your greatest dreams. Imagination... What is greater physical reality or imagination from your mind? Bringing together, bringing life into a sterile environment. It is you that is bringing life into that what you experience, that what you observe, that what you touch, that what you take apart. You are the one who gives the life, gives life to yourself and life to that what you experience. You have all the power that you need. You have the ability to build on that what you think, that what you can imagine'

Liz... 'That's interesting... are you saying that for example the apple, the orange, the flower, the heart, the human being, the form doesn't actually live or exist until we imagine it, until we breath into it as it were, so we experience it'

'Until you give it life yes'

Liz... 'Give it life... that's an interesting thought, interesting way of seeing it, yes, I can appreciate that'

'Look into the eyes of another, try to understand the connection beyond the physical. See how life is created from one person to another. Friendships are created, this creates life, this creates new life, what was once a singularity has become two or more. Friendships create more opportunities, spread yourself in your world, enjoy those who you meet, help them to create for themselves, to build on their own life. You do not need a physical world to create life for yourself and for others. Your feet may be walking on a physical world yet your head is experiencing so much more, gathering thoughts, creating ideas, moving forward beyond the restrictions of a physical world'

Liz... 'And yet the restrictions of the physical world are there for a reason aren’t they and as you say if we are giving life to them, we are somehow by our presence embodying them. Perhaps we are creating a meaning, a spirit for the physical world'

'You bring your spirit to the physical and the physical reacts. The blending of spiritual energy and physical matter creates a new life into which you can journey. Be positive in your thoughts and your journey will be beautiful'

Liz... 'What you have said resonates with religious teachings like in the words of the psalms, the mountains shall rejoice and the hills shall clap their hands, things like that, as if the world become animate and shares in the emotional response of a living being, as if the very stones, the very material of the Earth is impressed with the spirit'

'There is nothing new in this teaching and it has been seen by many, it has been understood by many. You do not need to discover new understanding to move forward but you do put your own interpretation on an old understanding to create something new, ever evolving, ever widening, greater possibilities'

Liz... 'In moving forward what is it we are moving to when you talk of moving forward'

'You have the sense of moving forward for you are creating new ideas from that what you have discovered in the past. There is always a new way of looking at an old idea. That will strengthen that idea making it more available to many. The further you travel forward the more you wish to share. The further you travel forward the more you branch out, you no longer think of yourself, you are no longer self-centred, you have spread your wings, touched the hearts of many, opened new doors for yourself and for others creating a wonderful vibration, a higher vibration, a stronger connection to the real you and that what shares the real you. In every corner of every world life is forever evolving, life is growing, spreading, sharing, seeing new ways to achieve that what was thought of as impossible. Work with yourself, work with one another, push the boundaries, release beliefs, see the world as you really wish to see it. Do not let the world create for you when you can be the creator, thank you... Thank you my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love, let it help you to understand the words that we say. Put your own interpretation on those words and see how it helps you. We can only give you words but you can use those words to bring to your mind a clearer picture. We will continue to bring you words and we know that many will benefit. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'


I felt back with it after about one minute.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo sit 11/01/2018

As we are not back till next week I decided to have a solo sit at home.
I am recovering from a cold and still have a tickly cough but it didn't cause any problems with the communication.

I sat at 7.30pm and included in the opening prayer a question...

'Can you tell me something that I don't already know?'

After a couple of minutes I started to be controlled and the communication began...

'Good evening, good evening... Well now once again we come through and we speak to you and all who listen, all who read the words... Take your time, relax, let the words come through, let the words do their work, do their important work, valuable work, that what you will use to increase your own leaning, your own understanding, for we are here to help. We recognise your interest, we recognise your longing to know but you have to understand that you are doing the work, you are developing yourself into a more exact personality. You are developing your outlook in a physical world, enabling you to perceive in a new way. We are here merely to stand by your side, reflect from you your own personality. We are like mirrors following you through a tunnel of discovery. We have to wait until the time is right, until you have discovered for yourself something new. We cannot take you there, yet we can accompany you and we can guide your thoughts towards a greater understanding. You may ask who we are yet you do not fully understand who you are, what you comprise of. Are you a singularity walking through this world alone or are you made of many aspects, many component parts. Maybe those component parts are becoming more visible to you as you journey. Once you were one part now you are several parts joining hands, enjoying a physical life full of love and happiness and harmony. Never stop asking questions. You are us as we are you but remember that the choice is always yours and the result of that choice is what shapes your reality. Watch your world unfold before you and know that that world is a result of the choices you have made by yourself yet we have accompanied you, or you have accompanied yourself. You are part of a much bigger picture yet you do not have to remain just one part. Spread your awareness, perceive that picture from a new angle, see what you have not seen before, feel what you have not felt before, experience what you have not experienced before. It is time to wake up and spread your wings, take off into the sky, look down at that part of you that you believe yourself to be, yet where are you now? Are you on the ground or are you in the air? Release the fears that hold you to the ground and soar above the clouds for that is where the real life begins'

I then came back, did a closing prayer and sent out healing...