May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo Sit 20/04/2017

Liz had a cold this week so I decided to have another solo sit at home.

It was still light outside and I sat in my spare room with daylight coming in through the window.

At 8.00pm I did an opening prayer then sat and waited...

After about five minutes I felt myself being controlled and a few incoherent words came through.

There was a short pause and then another communication started speaking quietly...

'Speak freely and deliver the message. We all lend a hand, we all have control for we are part of one mind, one evolving mind picking up communication as we go for we have set out to discover for ourselves the true purpose of living, of being a part of a physical world. You all know how it feels to be a part of a physical world yet do you truly understand the purpose of your existence within that physical world? Have you ever stopped to think why am I here? What should I do? How can I help the growth of this world? There are many answers, there are many pools of thought, different minds come to different conclusions because you are all free to think for yourself. As you work your way through your life in a physical world you will find yourself distracted by all that surrounds you. Your mind will be taken from place to place, from situation to situation gathering experience, creating ideas, creating your own personal thoughts. Allow your mind to wander as you question your role in the physical world. Watch the actions of others around you, see how they cope with their lives for you are all coping with your life. You feel like you have been set a task, a task to complete. You see the time passing by and you feel an urgency to do the right thing. You compare yourself with those around you, you see yourself facing situations that they face for themselves and you ask yourself if you would act differently in their shoes. Comparison is a very valuable tool in helping you to understand your part, the part that you play. Try not to be like others for you have created your own way of thinking, of behaving, of tackling each situation. You and you alone have the inbuilt tools to tackle all situations. Ask yourself what have I learnt? What am I going to learn as I approach the situation, as I tackle it in my own way? Are you helping others or are you helping yourself? Feel that inner drive pushing you to help others. Release that feeling of self importance for you are merely one part of an evolving reality and that one part has its unique part to play. You are receiving help and you can give help to those who struggle. You have opened your mind to the possibility of a larger picture. You have seen how your world is one small part of a larger picture so help those who are still fixed in a physical mindset. Help them to understand themselves. Do not fight with one another, be brave and love one another, create the harmony that is required in your world. Watch out for one another, guide each other as you yourself have been guided. Take our love and spread it amongst your friends and all who you meet for love will create a true solid foundation onto which your world will connect and grow and evolve until it touches the surrounding realities that work as one. There is no distance, there is only vibrations of love separating you and those around you. Raise that vibration and you will all be one, we will all be one... thank you'

I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...

214th Sitting 13/04/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week.

Liz wasn't feeling 100% having just recovered from a migraine so asked me to do the opening and closing prayers.

I did the opening prayer at 8.10pm then Liz turned out the light and put the music on.

Seven minutes later I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Once again we all come through and speak. There is so much to say, so much to bring through, one step at a time, waiting in the wings, waiting for the chance to express words through, words of encouragement to all of you... Many times we have brought forward words and we are pleased with the results, with the way that the words have come through. Sometimes there are thoughts and meanings which carry no words for we have to build up a picture in your minds that will help you to understand... To speak of conditions beyond your world takes time and patience for you need to experience a feeling, a feeling as the words come through. Your physical world is receptive to physical words, physical vibrations yet you all possess the ability to have feeling, to imagine a picture in your mind representing a feeling that you have. When we bring through words we try to trigger off that imagination in your mind. Take yourself away from a physical... from thoughts of the physical... Try to imagine life without the physical senses, see yourself as a spark of energy fully conscious, fully aware. Within that spark of energy there is unlimited potential for creation. That spark of energy can create for you a physical world for you to experience yet that spark of energy does not take up space, is not bound by the physical restrictions that hold you to your physical world. You are that spark yet you believe yourself to be living in a physical existence. It is an existence created by you, one of many creations. There will be a time when your physical life expires, what then do you think you will experience? The spark of energy is still very much alive and aware, your consciousness is still operating. Beyond your physical reality there are many more realities, many more states of existence for you to experience. That spark of energy has already created for you a new reality, a new plane of existence to experience'

Liz... 'So what is the relationship between that spark of energy and consciousness?'

'Consciousness exists in all life. That spark of energy is but one part of consciousness connected to all consciousness. The spark has been given an individual independent life'

Liz... 'So the spark is a vehicle for consciousness'

'The spark is an element of consciousness created by consciousness for the purpose of immersing itself into physical realities. All realities appear physical to those who are tuned in to that reality. The spark of energy is aware of all realities that it is engaged within'

Liz... 'And what is the relationship of the spark of energy to the physical body?'

'For the spark of energy to take part in the production known as physical reality a connection to a physical body is made. In connecting to the physical body what you would call filters are built up for the physical body is unaware that the spark of energy that created it is also very much a part of its consciousness. A thread of connection exists but that thread is a one way connection until the mind of the physical being begins to question, begins to widen its awareness. Slowly the thread of connection will lose its filters, will enable a two way connection, a transmission and a receiving and an opening up of the mind of the physical being'

Liz... 'That sounds good'

'You are all free to explore, there is nothing holding you back once you begin the pathway of spiritual growth within yourself. There is much help given to you, to you all when the realisation comes and the thirst for knowledge follows. Potential is seen, the potential for growth, and growth in the physical is growth in the spiritual for the two lay side by side. Physical growth is encouraged by the spiritual, all growth, all evolution of the mind is encouraged for it helps all life, all conscious life. There is tremendous potential in the physical world, one small part of that potential is beginning to wake up. We can see the time when it will spread and your world will become much more a part of the spiritual world. Interaction between all physical beings will spread the knowledge and open the minds of many, will begin to open the flood gates and spiritual energy will pour into your world assisting those who truly understand, who truly wish to help, who truly wish to be a part of the enlightenment of all, helping each other, holding out a hand to those in the darkness bringing them out into the light, out into the true reality, the true treasures of your world'

The communication ended and Liz put the music back on.

Brian had drifted off during the communication and remained out of it for a while after I came back.

After 40 minutes I was controlled again...

'One mind, one mind...'

Liz... 'Welcome again friend'

'Very good... this special time is a time for sharing with others, spreading the word, spreading the vibrations from within this room out into your world. We join with you and you provide for us this sacred space that we can join hands, bring ourselves truly forward and enjoy, enjoy the exchange of ideas, the closeness of minds working as one yet interpreting different pictures, different ideas, different experiences. One experience can be experienced many times by many minds all connected yet working independently for the good of all. Your circle is a great benefit to the healing of your world. We appreciate the work that you do and we see the development of the circle blossoming. Take from each communication what you find interests you, study the words, study the feelings, interpret in your own way, build for yourself your own true picture of reality as seen by all yet understood by few. Walk closely by our sides as we explore all possible potentials in a world made up by so many different minds, different personalities all working as one great evolving consciousness. Thank you for your time and it is our time to leave you, give you a piece of our love which you can share generously with the individual minds that come into your life. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight'

Liz.. 'Goodnight, thank you friend, God bless you all'

Brian... 'Goodnight'

I felt back with it after about one minute then we all sat quietly for a few minutes...

Liz and Brian didn't experience anything during this time but I had an image of a small animal like a gorilla in a cage with three adult gorillas sitting round it. The cage then got bigger and disappeared and I noticed there was now a bigger cage around all the gorillas and beyond that it was like a busy street in London where life was going on oblivious of the cage of gorillas.

I then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Solo Sit 06/04/2017

Liz was unable to sit this week so I had a sit on my own at home to see what would happen.

I didn't play any music and sat with the light off but the room wasn't dark as light from street lamps outside was getting in through the window.

After an opening prayer I sat back in my chair and waited.

About five minutes later I felt myself being controlled. The usual communicator said a few words but it was incoherent and then faded.

After a pause another communication started with a different voice sounding a bit like an old man...

'Hello, hello, hello... We all come in our time for we all come into your world for a reason, we all come to your world for a reason to bring our own understandings into your world for you to comprehend in your way for you have much to learn but you can understand what we say. We have no more knowledge than you but we can help you to bring back to your memory that knowledge that resides within you for we are all connected, we are all one, there is no difference, there is no limit put on your ability to explore yourself. You live in a world where you use one small part of yourself, of your mind, for this is sufficient for you to live a wholesome life yet those amongst you who wish to know more find it difficult to unravel the mysteries because there are no mysteries, nothing is hidden from you. Lose those beliefs that mysteries exist, lose those beliefs that knowledge is unavailable to you. Take those beliefs, push them aside and you will easily discover the truth about yourself within yourself. Your mind contains all minds, your mind is not a singular mind. Prepare yourself for a fascinating journey, loosen the ropes that hold you, set yourself free, let the restrictions crumble from your mind, take a brave step forward, watch as the scene unfolds before you, unfamiliar pictures will be presented to you for you to comprehend. Allow your mind to wander, allow your mind to speak to you, empty your mind of all restricting elements created by you. Understand that you are holding yourself back, you are keeping yourself tied to one dimension, one reality, one plane of existence. We all understand the conditions of your world and we can see how those conditions create for you the restrictions in your mind. It is for you to understand the limitless possibilities of your life whilst still living in a physical world. There is a wider picture available to you, you have already seen this wider picture yet you refuse to recognise it. When you find yourself observing something new allow your mind to accept the reality that is presented to you. Slowly you will build up for yourself a truer picture of reality, a bigger picture, a picture that encompasses wider thought, wider ideas, wider imagination. Your physical senses hold you to that physical picture yet you have more than physical senses. The physical picture is a flat, clumsy copy of something that is real, beyond your physical senses and your physical interpretation. Each copy of the true picture is a dim comparison. A copy of a copy has lost it's spark of beauty yet it is still sufficient for the physical senses to understand and believe. Take away that belief and look for more, look for more beauty, more detail. Widen that picture, bring it into focus as it truly is. Step into that picture and live your life fully, fully connected to all yet still enjoying the experience of a physical existence, fully awake, fully in charge of yourself, unaffected by the negative actions of others for you will then see how they are not to blame for they have not the full vision, the full unclouded vision of a wider picture, a truer picture, the whole picture. Send your love to those who live in darkness so that they too will work their way into the light and the possibility of creating for themselves that wider picture, that greater understanding. Fill your world with love and all will benefit, all will live a truer more focused life full of opportunity, full of creative thinking'

The control slowly left me and I finished the session with a prayer and sent out healing.