May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

213th Sitting 23/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week and sat to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz did the opening prayer.

Liz reported sensing shapes like tree branches through the room.
She felt like she was in an arched chapel, up in the rafters.

I noticed a loud click to my left.

When I started to speak Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening friend, welcome'

'Well, well, yes... it is a good time to come through and speak with you once again, both of you yes, we welcome you all tonight, this evening for we have much to say, much to bring forward and give to you for you have your own understandings, your own requirements. You see the world, see the world with your eyes and your spiritual eyes record that what is seen. There is much taking part, there is much happening as you walk your Earth plane, as you observe, as you touch the physical matter that is a part of your life. You are making imprints, imprints in the atmosphere, you are recording a three dimensional production, a recording that is kept, that is available for all to retrieve. You yourself are separate from that what you do, from that what you achieve in a physical world. You stand back and observe, you take from what you see and add it to your experience. As you approach situations your consciousness is sparked into action, your body, your physical body is collecting data, collecting information which your consciousness relies on for its growth, for its development. As your consciousness develops the way you live your life becomes modified. There are many ways in which to modify your life, as time ticks by new situations are presented to you, previous situations have been recorded, learning has occurred and you approach a new situation as a new combination of experiences. As you reach out, as you decide on your next step your consciousness is constantly guiding you, is constantly feeding you with the courage to choose the most beneficial option. You have been placed in a physical world to learn and to grow yet your consciousness remains partially blinded, partially unable to fully utilize itself, it's complete self, for just one part of that consciousness is attached to your physical form, that one part has been assigned the role of physical existence in the full knowledge that it is connected to a larger part of itself. You are never alone, you never walk the physical world on your own for you have a connection, a connection to a greater part, a greater pool of thought that can help you, that can guide you. Allow your mind to accept, to be guided by your greater self. Take a moment, pause for a while, allow your greater self to fully engage with your thoughts as you live your life in a physical world'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, I think that's often a source of great anguish for a lot of people feeling that they're cut off from that source and there's no way back, not knowing how to make the connection or even if there is any connection and that's quite an agonising feeling'

'The presence of a larger self is often not felt, is often ignored. There are many who walk your world feeling lost, feeling disconnected yet they will, as time passes they will feel the love that surrounds them and will recognise the power within themselves that pushes them forward. There is no need to be alone, there is no need to feel lost, for all is one, all is connected, all is merely separated by the closeness of thought, by the interpretation of themselves. See yourself as a separate entity and you do not see your true self. See yourself as an evolving part of a larger system and you will begin to understand the love that surrounds you. Listen to the whispers in your ears, pay attention to the fleeting glimpses of those who stand by your side. Remember, you have been close to the love within yourself and that love within yourself vibrates outward connecting you with all that surrounds you. Wake up from your sleep and see the world as it truly is, inspire others, let them see how you live your life in peace and harmony with a smile upon your face for there is nothing to hold you back, to entrap you, for you are free like the birds in the sky, you can perceive from all angles. Do not restrict yourself, give yourself the opportunity to spread your wings and engulf all that is available to you'

Liz turned up the music.

Brian felt the presence of someone to his left.

Brian's eyes were reacting to the music, he said it was like sitting in flickering firelight.

After about 25 minutes I became controlled again and Liz tuned down the music...

'Seven steps, seven steps, seven steps... Well, well... they will take you there, seven steps will take you there. There is for you to discover a familiar face, a familiar face, a familiar face... for you have in your memory a time that you had the opportunity to develop yourself and come forward in the areas that you wished to explore, they had for you an opportunity and gathered around you at that time for you had that familiar face and it spoke to you telling you the story of the first adventure. Time, time, time passes as you watch the ripples dance in the pool of life and laughter for it is already accomplished, there is no more to be done. Allow that what has been done to enter your mind and fill it with your preferences so fragile yet so strong. Can you understand? We have watched for a long time and we have seen the growth build within. Take that what you have learnt, take it with you as you explore worlds beyond your grasp. Furnish it with love, prepare yourself for the upcoming, the coming of your light, your waking call for it will be very soon, very sudden, very strong. Take it with you always. The seven steps will be your path, recognise those seven steps and you will know that you are on your way, that you have engaged with the true power of the spiritual vibrations'

Liz turned up the music.

Brian had seen a lot of purple and white lights floating around during the communication.

Then Brian began to be controlled and Liz turned the music down again...

'Welcome, welcome'

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'The ways of the Spiritualists have generally been word of mouth. It is not evangelistic, missionary, it is about gently guiding others towards their pathways when opportunities occur. Sometimes this can be done by guides as you know but it can also be done by yourselves as we say when opportunities will occur but it has not led to much of a growth in the belief of eternal life and we hope in times to come there will be some more innovative ways to gather the attention of those who's ears are deaf and eyes are blind. We will hope to bring at some point some through to give you examples but we are not ready yet. There is a growing problem with, shall we call them, the younger generation who do attend Spiritual churches for the demonstrations, for most of them only pay attention when the message is directly for themselves or their friends. They find it easy to chat or to use their little devices. It is a sad aspect that has come about to the advance of technology and we shall have to find ways to counter this, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

Liz put up the music again.

Brian's feet were icy cold.

Then I became controlled and Liz turned the music down again.

I got an image of Gordon Higginson during the communication...

'Yes it's time, time once again. We have reached the end of our session this evening and we will shortly begin our withdrawal from your room for this has been a wonderful evening of spiritual communication. We thank your presence and your continued development for the home circle is the place for development, for true spiritual development. The home circle is the place where people can join together with a fixed purpose, a fixed focus, combining their strengths to allow the spiritual world to blend with the physical vibrations. There is no stronger link than that what can be built within the physical development circle. Each week as you sit the power is able to enter the vibration of the physical world in a confined environment magnifying the effect, allowing each developing medium to join with that power, embrace that power and build upon that power. That power forms the link to the words of spirit enabling the communication to begin and to continue in an organised line of sound, physical sound, physical vibrating sound that can reach the ears of those who wish to listen, who wish to join, to join in with the flow of conversation that can react upon the minds of all who join in, of all who link up in harmony and peace and love. Never underestimate the power of the home circle and the benefit that that circle can give to your world... We as always leave with you a piece of our love, our love created by you as you sit in peace and harmony. Take that love out into your world and spread it amongst all who you meet, all who you see, so that they too can share that power of the home circle. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you'

Brian... 'Thank you'

'Thank you'

Liz turned the music up and I was back with it after one minute.
We then all sat quietly for about eight minutes...

Brian sensed a lot of cold and energy around him.

Liz was aware of a tall gentleman in an Elizabethan type hat, a flattened out cone with a brim. She got the name Francis. Then it felt like a kind of dream and she was listening to a group of people who were arguing about getting rid of someone who was popular with the young people.

I got a sense of a wire mesh fence in front of me and beyond that a pair of open doors with something happening behind them. I wanted to go there but was held by the fence which was now more like a cage all around me and then I became aware that it was in fact a greater part of me that was behind these doors.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

212th Sitting 16/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I fell asleep soon after the opening prayer for about 45 minutes.

Liz reported a few shapes moving around the room.

I started to be controlled about 10 minutes after waking up.
Liz thought she saw an American Indian walking towards the cabinet.
When she heard the communication starting she turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Time to come back through again and speak with you, come back and say the words of spirit... We are working on the power within and to generate more in the way of voices that we can recognise, you will recognise. There is a preparation in hand and it will become apparent as the time moves forward each week for we have a hold of the medium and we have a purpose to bring forward words that will assist you in your life, in all life, for the words will be heard around your world in small places yet they will spread and will be shared. Time has come for more intense conversation for there is a need in your world for more answers, more understandings. You all share your life in your world and you all move together, you all live together, you all react with one another yet you all are different, you come from different angles, different ways of interpretation. Each spark of life in the physical world is unique yet at the same time a similarity exists within all men, all life, all human life in a physical world. This similarity is what holds you all together, that creates your world for you are all working together as one. Passages from the bible have been studied, have been quoted yet they in themselves do not satisfy the enquiring minds, there is a need for more information yet the availability of information has a limitation placed upon it. As time goes by that limitation becomes lifted, slowly lifted and as the human race works as one they will unfold within themselves the necessary tools to be able to work with advanced information. There is no benefit in bombarding all life with words that are not understood for words have meaning and life puts it's own meaning on that what it perceives. Picture a world full of life forms, life forms devoid of individuality, robotic forms working as one, sharing the same thoughts, unable to free themselves from one another for they have formed one life form, one living energy that works by itself. Then see the effect as one by one each individual begins to understand that it is an individual, that it has its own thoughts, that it can produce a life for itself alongside the lives of others. The vibration of your world will become receptive to suggestions, it will begin to work as a developing school of thought, each mind working independently yet still connected to the one mind that created that world. As each mind develops it takes itself further from the centre, the creative force, for it is developing its own world, its own unique world'

Liz... 'That's interesting'

'Your world contains many worlds, each in the mind of each individual yet at the same time it exists as one world. Now you can take this one stage further as each individual begins to spread their awareness they are beginning to reach out and discover new planes of existence that were not available to them but are now coming into view. Each individual will find their own ability to travel, to experience other worlds within themselves, they will understand that there is no limit on themselves for they are a part of the whole, of all that is within existence and all that is within existence is available to them. Your world evolves through many different dimensions, many different states of existence. The beliefs that hold your world together can be let go, can be cast aside. There is nothing stopping you all from widening your existence, spreading your awareness, encompassing all that is available to you. What is precious, what is valuable to all your life? That is the question, that is the answer. Put your trust in yourself and set yourself free, help one another, share your experience, lighten up the lives of all who you work with, all who you react with each day of your life. See how you can improve the lives of others and your life will become more understandable to you. Take your thoughts away from your own worries and fears, concentrate on what you can do for others, concentrate on the good that you can do in your world, this will be enough to form for yourself a wonderful life full of the richness of the awareness of all things, all possibilities, for this is a natural vibration that will become attracted to you. You do not have to try, you do not have to experiment, for you already are there, you merely have to activate your own life and allow it to blossom and reach out and touch all that is within yourself. There  can be so much more love generated in your world and the more that you give out the more will be felt by others and they too will want to add to that loving vibration one by one. Your world will feel the benefit of each human spirit that gives itself in service of others. The vibration of your world will be lifted and you will join all other vibrations that are and always have been a part of yourself'

Liz... 'When you say activate your life how is a person to do that, how does a person activate their life?'

'Their life will be activated, they do not need to do anything, they will feel the activation as they give themselves in service to others, as they give out their own love to others, to help others, they in turn will become activated, their minds will open. Activation is a natural process but each individual as they live their life, they fight against that natural process. Stop fighting and begin loving and see for yourself how natural a change will come. How you think is how you are. Release those beliefs, work at losing your fears, become whole once again, become receptive once again to all that is available to you. There are so many forces that surround you, that are waiting to work with you, waiting for you to open your mind and let them in... It is coming once again, now time once again for us to wrap up the session for we have taken your time, we have used your time and we will begin to withdraw but we as always give to you a piece of our love. Use it, mix it with your own love, allow it to generate more love within yourself to give out to others, to spread around your world, to help smooth your world, the vibrations of your world. Let your world become a place of happiness, of joy, of laughter, of continued evolution getting closer and closer to the new age, a new age of enlightenment throughout you all for you have all done your work, you have all played your part and you are now all coming together bringing that work to a point in time that will be remembered in the future, in the times that follow. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'

I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

We then sat quietly for about 10 minutes...

Liz was aware of a familiar face and was trying to work out who it was. A man with blonde hair, 40s or 50s, tall. He was looking through a window and looked quite smiley and pleased. Liz also saw a birthday cake.
Later she remembered him as a physics teacher from college.

I heard the words 'just sit still and listen' then I heard the nursery rhyme 'Rock a bye baby on a tree top, when the wind blows the cradle will rock' several times.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

211th Sitting 09/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I fell asleep for about ten minutes.

Liz reported seeing floating shapes moving around the room both with her eyes open or closed.

I got an image of a row of pins sticking in something like a pin cushion and a few seconds later I heard Liz say she felt pin-pricks down the right side of her face and tickles behind her right ear.

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend...'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening'

'All good yes, good time to come and speak once again to you for it is as always a pleasure for us to enter your state of existence and experiment for a little while using the voice of the medium we can express ourselves to you. It is an interesting experience and we enjoy the opportunity to come. The words are all in front of us, they come as one package, a package of words all together one by one arranged in the correct order, the correct sequence. When we approach your vibration we feel the pulling, the pulling towards your world, your life experience, for us it is a natural process, a natural blending of consciousness for consciousness is never separated. We share with you the one consciousness, the conscious thoughts, the conscious ideas, the conscious enthusiasm. We wait for the time when you wake up for we can see the light emerging, we can see the thoughts shining like stars. Bright, penetrating beams of light surround you and surround us for we are all connected, we are all receiving the same thoughts when we come close. You do not need to try so very hard to connect with us for we are already very much a part of you, there is little difference between us all. You merely have to adjust the way you think, adjust your perception of yourself. See yourself as a separate entity and you will not feel the closeness of that what surrounds you. Allow your perception to encompass a larger area, a greater expanse of thought and detail for your thoughts need not be vague, thoughts can be precise, focused. Keep your mind clear and allow focused thought to work with you. Think of us as a part of you and see yourself connected with all that you can imagine. Take one piece of yourself and wrap it up with solid thoughts, hold yourself to one side, allow more thoughts to come in, there is nothing stopping those thoughts apart from your own perception and beliefs. Push those beliefs to one side and clear the way, accept the thoughts that come to you as a part of yourself. Do not see us as separate entities, there can never be separation for all is one. The wings of a bird give that bird a choice, a choice to sore through the skies connected with all life or to walk the Earth plane in isolation. You too have your own wings and you can take off and connect with all life. Reach out and touch all that is there and all that is within yourself'

Liz turned up the music then after about 12 minutes turned it down again as another communication started.
It was a bit muddled and incoherent at first...

'Beatle, Beatle... step in time... there was not time... there was not enough time to come through and speak for the verse... the complicated situation was still unable to be explained for it had a very unnecessary occurrence to fade away, to fade away and come back. Now there is an opportunity for us to come and speak and unnecessary to... take away the verse that was not recorded had no explanation... The doorway up... the way up is to come through and speak and engage once again for there is a subject that needs to be explained, there is a subject that needs to be brought up and talked about for all places have their unique feeling, all places are mapped out beforehand and given the vibration that is correct for their positioning. We have seen how each separate part of your world has its own vibration, its own feeling for your world is a combination of different feelings. As you walk your world you will feel the effect of a different vibration. You do not have to travel very far for within this vicinity there are many states of thoughts, states of minds, vibrations will vary dramatically. When you send out your healing energies ask for the vibrations to be smoothed and united for the vibrations will fight each other. You have the opportunity to spread your healing energy throughout all vibrations bringing them closer together. The vibration from this place is a healing vibration and it will mix with the lesser, sharper, ugly vibrations that exist throughout your world and it will help them to bring about their own help for they are indeed in need of help but they will only help themselves and you can help them help themselves. Picture a world full of peaks and troughs, unsettled, rising and falling, see yourself as a calming energy that will help to settle the constant bombardment of negative thoughts with a calming feeling. All life can feel the benefit of the healing vibrations that you can send out throughout your world for all life is tuned in to receive healing, all life is receptive to healing and all life is appreciative of the healing energies that are sent out and received. The power of thought is not understood but you can see the effects of healing and this will show you the power of thought... The doors of heaven are open to everyone and you will find yourself in heaven in your daily life. You will experience the feeling of heaven in your daily life. When you experience this feeling hold onto that feeling and do not allow the darkness to pull you out. The more you can experience this feeling then the more easy it will become for you to experience it. Take it one step at a time for you cannot hold the heavenly vibration within yourself for so very long whilst engaged in your life as a physical form but with practice you will hold that feeling for longer and it will build up within yourselves. Each person has that feeling and each person has the ability to enter the heavenly vibrations whenever they wish for the doors are wide open. Only yourselves can keep yourself from this state, the heavenly vibration. A time will indeed come when the majority of the human spirit in the physical world will enjoy the feeling of the heavenly vibration, thank you... The time has come, our session with you this evening has come to an end and as always we leave with you a piece of our love. Take it out into your world and share with others, let them feel the vibration of our love. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'

Liz had drifted off during the communication and woke up after two minutes by which time I was back with it.

We then sat quietly for about ten minutes.

Liz had brought back a dream image of Divina who was Dorothy Maclean from the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, a place Liz has visited several times. She couldn't remember the context of the dream just the name Divina. She also got... graded, ranked, Brenda, a mishmash of islands, downstream, cold-stream.

I had got an image of a young boy, a toddler, with jam and cream on his face like he'd just eaten a cake. He was wandering around the room looking a bit lost then got smaller and turned into a white light the size of a football which then became a big bright blob. Then I saw him as a boy again before he changed into a piece of bright white material on the floor and I saw white robed angelic type people standing around this material which I then noticed was part of their robes and they all started walking towards each other, merging as one and then disappeared.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

210th Sitting 02/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I fell asleep for about 30 minutes.
After another 20 minutes I began to be controlled.
Just before I was controlled Liz got an image of an elderly lady and then she got a strong feeling that I was about to be controlled.

When Liz heard the communication starting she turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Good to speak, good to speak once again. There is a lovely atmosphere to greet us as we come through and we enjoy our time with you each week. There is a place, a place where we can feel the immense power. You all have a place where you can feel the power of the spirit, the power within, the power that surrounds you all. You have to understand for yourself the way to achieve a connection with this place, with this state of mind and we can help. We can sense the interest in each individual as they develop themselves, as they begin to develop an interest in more knowledge, more information, more understandings about the world within themselves. There is a time and there is a place and there is a starting point for we can feel the stage that you are at and we can suitably encourage development at that stage. There are several stages which you will experience as you develop, as you free your mind and allow expansion within. See the colours that are created from the light within yourself, feel the texture of each colour, for each colour brings with it a feeling, a strong feeling, a living feeling, a feeling that you will understand. Surround yourself in all the colours that you perceive then allow each colour to enter your mind one at a time and understand the feeling that that colour brings to you... Face the situations, face the unfoldment, understand the value of development, understand the benefits of development, understand that you can help others, you can inspire others, you can inspire others to develop themselves. There is always a chain reaction when development takes place for you all have that interest and it will be sparked in the minds of all. Take each day as it comes to you but do not allow yourself to be distracted by those who choose not to understand, who choose not to partake in that what interests you for each individual is at their own stage in their own development, you cannot push another, you cannot convince another with that what you understand. As you develop you will attract those who do have that interest, you have to recognise those who truly understand and share your understanding at a similar level. Watch the reactions of those who you meet'

Liz turned up the music then turned it down again five minutes later as another communication started...

'Silver ghost, silver ghost, silver ghost stands by your side and feeds you, feeds you with the vocals for you all can be... now you have the... you sit and you speak and you deliver and you can feel the power, the power of the silver ghost who is your friend and you will become more familiar with the vibration of the silver ghost for you have within yourself the experience and you can understand all that matters, all that is engaged within your mind. It is not a mystery, it is a development of past memories. Can you see, can you see the outline of your friend, you have that strong connection...'

Liz... 'Yes'

'Then do not doubt the ability of that relationship of yourself and the silver ghost. Let all come through, do not allow yourself to complicate the message for the message is already a part of your understanding yet it will ignite further understandings that you believe are not of your own, are not part of your own. You are greater than you perceive and it is possible for greater understandings to come to your mind from within yourself. Do not see the silver ghost as a separate entity, see the silver ghost as an extension of yourself...'

There was a pause in the communication then it continued...

'The completion of a very old story has been reached, the completion has been reached, the very old story, was told again and again at a time when the very far flung... the very voice within began to make itself known. That was a time when there was much discomfort in your world. Your world reached a point where it was necessary to introduce the voice from within, a voice that could be heard by those who felt the impact of negativity within your world. Let that voice speak and feel the benefits to all who reach out in unison, all together, all surrounding the very place of the beginning... Very well, we will speak again for we have reached the time for us to go, for us to finish this session this evening. There is within us a love that we wish you to share for we as always give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world. Spread it amongst all who you meet for they need a helping hand in their own lives, in the way that they conduct themselves. That love for them will be felt and they will act accordingly. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless you all, goodnight, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all, thank you'

We sat quietly for about five minutes...

Liz had a sensation of being in a room like a ground floor flat, a corner block, two arched windows, dark and old fashioned inside with a sideboard.

I had the song The Twelve Days of Christmas in my head and kept hearing Five Gold Rings.
I was in a bricked room and there was somebody removing bricks from the top of the wall in front of me letting in light. I tried to see what was on the other side but it was too high up.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and we did our closing down exercise...