May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

209th Sitting 23/02/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I drifted in and out of sleep for the first 30 minutes.

Liz saw a dim light flash on and off in the room. It was a half circle shape.

About 45 minutes after the start I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend...'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Well... we speak once again and we come through and we engage with you once again conversation, speech, human voices vibrating the atmosphere one at a time, one at a time, in time with the vibration of your world. You have yourself a vibration, a time, you have yourself a fixed time that you find yourself governed by, you find that your time is a part of your life, a part of the makeup of your world. For you living without time is not possible, is not thinkable, for time is very much a part of your world. Now when we come through, when we fix our thoughts with your world we have to speed up, we have to look at the time, recognise the flow, recognise a flow of continuous segments. As you live your life each day you observe the passage of time yet we can take away that feeling of time passing for without that feeling of time passing you no longer have the need to concentrate on getting yourself finished, you have no start, you have no finish, you have no ending. Once you release the hold of time, once you have given yourself the experience of a timeless world there is little that can hold you, that can create that illusion. The benefit of time is a structure in your life, the benefits are shown to you each day of your life. You have no need to present yourself in any other way for you all share the experience of time. There is little left when time is removed from your minds. Picture a situation where time is removed and you are left with a feeling, a lost feeling, a disconnected feeling, for you have no connections on which to base your thoughts, you have no images that can be repeated for only one image will stay in your mind. The time, the passage of time is real, is necessary, there is no hiding from time...'

There was a pause then a different voice started to come through but it was incoherent and faded.

Liz put the music up.

Ten minutes later she turned it down again as another communication started...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Light up the world for you have a vast quantity of love within your world that is waiting to be ignited. Many have seen the power of light, the power of the spirit, for it is within you all and you will feel the effect each time you believe. Each time you feel that power within it will be one stage further on, one step further along the pathway of spiritual evolution in your world. We have seen the effects that can cause your world to stumble and we wish you to reignite the love within your world, to hold it firm, to take that what is yours and spread it amongst each and every one of you all for you all have the power within yourselves to strive forward, correct the errors that have been made within your world. Strengthen the light, take away the darkness and see how your world can truly be lived. There is so much to be enjoyed, there is so much to be shared, there is a life within your world that can be lived in true harmony, in true cooperation with one another. Each person plays their part and each part has been carefully worked out, has been carefully planned. Feel the effects of love in your world, feel the repulsion of negativity, see how a simple life can be complicated by the forces of darkness and strive to live with light in your heart. Sanctuary, sanctuary, very valuable, so far away yet it remains in place and will build and build and strengthen...'

The communication broke up then it sounded like 'David' was being said but faded out. Then the communication continued...

'All is well, all is well, words of encouragement are long overdue, they have been kept aside until a time is right. Take joy in the knowledge that the world is heading in a... is heading on a pathway, a pathway prepared for you all. There is nothing to fear for your world was built on a solid foundation and there is nothing that can break that foundation. You may feel that the powers of your world are conflicting, are taking away the joy of your life yet that joy is still within yourself and will never go away. Confusion is a temporary state of mind, understand this and you will see the opportunities that lay ahead. Discoveries are yet to be made, your world is at a time of new discovery and you have seen, you have seen the beginnings of that discovery. Taste the discoveries, let them become a part of life, a part of understanding, a part of the knowledge that holds your world together. Hold your hands to the sun and feel the warmth and know that that is the love that we give to you for we are never far away and you have the ability to join us in your thoughts and your dreams. Do not confuse yourself with what is real and what is illusion, concentrate merely on what feels right and what feels wrong. Approach each situation with a feeling, with an understanding of a feeling, appreciation of a feeling, hold that feeling, control that feeling, know that you are right, that you have taken a step into the darkness with the knowledge that light is always there, is always above and below you. See the true image within that light, do not let distractions hold you back for you have no need for distractions when you know that you are right, when you feel that you are right. When you have that feeling nothing can stop you, nothing can hold you back. You are the master of your own future and that future is bright, is shining, is reaching out for you. Do not miss that opportunity to clutch the hands that reach down towards you lifting you out of confusion for ever, thank you... Well now the time has come for you once again, time has caught you up and your session has come to its natural end. We will start to withdraw, we will begin to allow you once again to return to your physical life, your physical journey but allow us to give you a piece of our love. Keep it within yourself and allow it to shine through your eyes as you journey through life... May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and thank you and God bless you all'

We sat quietly for ten minutes.
Liz reported feeling a cold breeze and saw a misty spot in the area where I was sat.
The room looked mottly to me and my legs felt cold.

Liz asked if I remembered the name David coming through and if I was aware of anyone or anything connected with David.
I remembered saying the name but couldn't think of anything else. Liz wondered if I could get that back again and then I felt myself starting to be controlled and two minutes later said...

'Set... set... set of keys, David has a set of keys... Set of keys that you have, you have a set of keys. David has asked that you find a set of keys... It's all to do with the vehicle, the vehicle that once was used, a memory of a vehicle and it was taken away, taken away and stored some place. Contact somebody about this and they will understand. No time to come back but it will be apparent in the time that you take forward into... A tape recording has some information that you can use but first allow yourself to understand that what lies within it. Preparation, all communication is prepared before hand and will be understood at the correct time. You will feel the emotion of a communication as it is brought forward and you will understand that it has within its grasp a meaning for you and that meaning will give you encouragement to go on, to complete the tasks that you have set out to do. Do not be, do not allow any form of annoyance to stop you with your work. Keep at it, keep trying and you will succeed for you have already done the work, you just need to take time to recognise the meanings of that what you have produced, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

I came back.

Then I told Liz what I had experienced during our ten minutes silence...

At first I had heard church music like hymns being sung but this changed into 'Old MacDonald had a Farm' Then I saw an image of the wall to my right covered with pictures and there were doorways in it.

Liz then told me that David had been her next door neighbour who died about five years ago. He also had a farm and was going to put a door in the wall to my right. She couldn't place anything that was said in the communication but later thought there may be something in the set of keys and is going to look into it and see if she can remember anything else that ties up with what was said.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise... 

208th Sitting 16/02/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week as a guest sitter and he sat to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Liz was seeing lots of light in the room and shapes moving about.
She saw an image of an ear near Brian. This was interesting as the last time Brian sat with us in the Mercury Experiment 24-01-2017 he had also reported seeing an image of an ear.

Liz felt a bit giddy and thought she saw a flash in the room.
Then I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend, welcome'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Good to see you all here this evening, we have all come through and joined with your energies this evening and we look forward to conversing with you once again for it is as always a pleasure for us to speak to the physical world, the physical reality. Now let us begin, there is so much to be said, so much to be learnt, so much to be understood yet you all have your own ways of interpreting that what comes through, that what you hear, for we have brought many times information through that has helped you to better understand the world that you live in and that what lays beyond, that what lays just out of reach, that what empowers your own thoughts each day of your life for you are more in our world than you are in your world. You think of yourself as a physical body within a physical world yet these are merely illusions to your own consciousness for your consciousness resides with us beyond what you understand to be a physical world. You are constantly engaged in communication with a wider audience, your mind is greater than what you understand and your mind can and does reach out beyond your perceived reality. It has established connections with much what you understand as life, life forms. These life forms continue to feed you with understandings but at a different level, at a different... in a different plane of existence'

Liz... 'Can you explain what you mean by life forms?'

'You understand yourself as a life form, a singular life form and the animals and the insects and all that makes up your physical world yet there are also life forms beyond your physical world, what you would perceive as life forms yet life forms beyond your physical world have a greater understanding, have a larger view, a larger view of life itself and they indeed understand the connections, the connections of all life. They can see how they are a part of each other'

Liz... 'Ah ha, and that's something I guess that we've got used to, thinking of ourselves and our mind and our consciousness as being limited and contained within this physical body'

'That has developed into a belief for yourself and all who dwell in a physical existence yet many are beginning to understand, understand that they are indeed part of a larger life, a larger existence'

Liz... 'Yes, thank you yes'

'Turn on a tap and you will experience the flow of water. Put your hand in a running stream and you will feel the pressure of water against your hand. What do you imagine has your control? Are you able to control the currents in the rivers of your world?'

Liz... 'No'

'Yet you can control the running of the water from the tap'

Liz... 'Yes'

'You have been able to isolate a part of nature and put it under your control'

Liz... 'Ah ha... that's a very nice analogy, yes thank you that's a very good analogy'

'Ask yourself is the nature of your world controlled by a larger mind, a larger life?'

Liz... 'With a larger tap'

'It is all a matter of perspective, where you are at that time. Make the most of your time on Earth, your time in this physical world and you will enjoy your time that will come, that will happen when you leave your physical body. Do not watch the clouds from below, see them from above. Reach out and touch the stars for nothing is beyond your grasp'

Liz... 'I think many people are afraid to use their imagination. I think many people in this world find imagination almost disreputable, fantasy, but to do what you have just suggested, to transpose your reference point to above the clouds requires a shift of imagination and many people are afraid that that's foolishness and I think that's what stops people from exploring'

'They have restricted themselves by their own beliefs yet what is real? What is reality? What is the difference between imagination and observing the physical world with your physical eyes? For you the physical world seems real yet you may well indeed change your mind when you perceive the physical world from a new location, a location that is waiting for you yet you do not need to end your physical life to reach that location. You now have the ability using your imagination to reach out, to stretch that perception into unknown realities, unknown perspectives. You merely need to release those beliefs that are holding you to your Earthly vibration'

Liz... 'I guess if people realise that they could see things without using their eyes, that they could explore the world, the physical world without actually travelling, without using their eyes and normal senses, that they could see things objectively through using their imagination, their inner seeing, that would change the way they view imagination... I'm talking about far seeing, clairvoyance'

'Imagination is a part of your makeup and was a part of you before you incarnated into this physical world yet you believe the imagination to be something made up, something that is not real yet you have already seen how you can indeed observe that what is not seen without the use of your physical eyes. You can also hear that what cannot be heard. Take yourself out of your physical senses for a short while and allow your imagination to run wild. It will settle down and you will observe and hear and taste and touch and build up a new reality within yourself. A reality that you can return to time after time, a reality that is truly yours, created by you'

Liz... 'That sounds a bit like dream reality'

'The dream reality was put in place to allow you to experience beyond your physical world. Take care of the memories created by your dreams for they are precious to you and they will help you to better understand that what exists within yourself, that what has become a part of your mind, your consciousness, that what you have evolved towards and will continue to evolve and change that picture creating more beauty, more permanence, and a wonderful experience'

There was a pause so Liz turned up the music.

Brian felt that the energy had become very light during the communication.
He had sensed somebody sit down on a chair next to him as the communication started and then saw the room with white painted flint walls, like an old tavern and there were loads of people in the room.

Brian was now feeling cold on his legs and Liz also noticed this. She said it felt like a draft.

Liz now thought the room looked dark with a starry effect. She saw light shapes moving about.

Liz got the sensation as if we were all under water. It felt very smooth and calm, gently swirling.

I got the sense of ladders leading towards Brian. They were coming from the ceiling, from the floor and from the wall opposite him.
Brian then started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music.


Liz... 'Welcome'

'Yes we are pleased to be back with you'

Liz... 'I got a strong breeze then'

'Well... our friend's use of analogies, this is a very good way for spirit communicators to explain things for even those who are well versed in bringing messages through from spirit can struggle to get their points across. Not because of any lack on their part but because of stretching the audience's minds but then of course they have been used on the Earth plane for many, many years...'

The voice changed and it sounded as if a different communicator was attempting to take control...

'Well we are, yes, we are, just changed our communicator, we are most eager to take opportunities for they do not come that often nowadays...'

The communication broke up and Brian came back.

Liz turned up the music.

Interestingly at times when Brian was singing along to the music it sounded like his control was influencing his voice.

Brian thought the room was looking lighter.
He was getting cold.

Then I started to be controlled again and Liz turned the music down.

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

The communicator took a while to settle in and become coherent.

'Hold it, hold it... hold it high and explain... explain the meanings of the world... take it, take it, each time when you find yourself in a place that you recognise, that you have been to before for you have much in your mind that has not yet been discovered to yourself yet you will recognise, recognise places, recognise situations as they are presented to you for you have done much before, before this time, this time of physical life that is unfolding each day of your life... Take a picture each time you see that what reminds you of a new life, a new beginning, a new start to an embryonic symbol within yourself. You are made up of many, many symbols, symbols that represent a life once lived, once achieved, once bridged together, entwined as one wonderful experience. When you pray you are praying to yourself, you are asking yourself to release images, symbols that will comfort you through your physical life, symbols that you have collected, symbols that you have kept and wanted them, wanted them to return to your working consciousness. A variety of ideas presented to you each time you find yourself afraid, trapped, boxed in. These symbols will help you to climb out of your confusion, they will remind you of the beauty that you have created for yourself, that beauty that will never leave you, never leave your mind'

Brian... 'May I ask a question?'

'Indeed you may'

Brian... 'Over my years of sitting I have been shown symbols many, many times and I'll go looking to try and find the meaning of them as it isn't always apparent but very often I don't find any symbol that looks anything like what I've been shown, so is there a point to that? If they are meant to help us then I think we would be able to find a means of reference'

'The symbols are there to reignite a forgotten memory. You must not try too hard to understand the literal symbol, you must allow that symbol to move you, to guide you, to inspire you. Do not try to think of the symbol for what it represents for the symbol is presented to you for your mind to understand, to remember'

Brian... 'So it's kind of intuitive perhaps?'

'Let that symbol slot into your memory, let that symbol unlock that what lies within your memory. Let it work on you at a different level, a heightened level, a level beyond your day to day thinking, your day to day experiencing'

Brian... 'Yes I understand'

'Know that that symbol was presented to you to unlock distant memories and leave it like that. Allow it to work its way within your mind until the time is right for that memory to manifest itself to you once again'

Brian... 'Thank you'

'Do you have any more questions?'

Brian... 'Not that I can think of at the moment'

'We are all here to help one another and the atmosphere that you have all created this evening has benefitted each and every one of you. We all appreciate the work you put in to your sittings each week wherever you may be for it allows us a chance to show you that what you may not fully understand for there is much that is beyond your understanding at this point in time yet we can help. We can help that new understanding to seep into your minds. You will want to share this with others and in doing this you are spreading that light, spreading it throughout your world, allowing others to experience that what you experience and it will lift the vibration of your world... There are many channels of communication that wish to work with you and each time you sit you will feel new energies within yourself, receptive energies that will produce words, words of spiritual truths that will sing out into the atmosphere. Just relax when you feel the energies changing and we can take over, we know how to operate through the link that you provide and we will do our best to present ourselves in an understandable way. There are many words that need to be said in your world, provide us with that link and we will do the rest, thank you'

Brian... 'Thank you'

'Please replay your music for a while thank you'

Liz turned up the music.

About 15 minutes later I was controlled again.
The music playing at the time was 'Time to say goodbye'
Liz turned it down.

'Well, well goodbye yes, time to say goodbye yes, ha, ha... It is once again, the time has come for our session to come to an end and we thank you for your attendance once again. It has been a wonderful evening, the room has been full, the energies have all combined to create one shining light that reaches out to that what you have not yet understood but you will, you will gain that knowledge and you will use that knowledge to help others for we as always give to you a piece of our love to spread out throughout your world, lighten the lives of those who live in darkness and spread your wings to comfort them in their times of troubles. Your world is full of love, open your eyes and recognise that love and you will be rewarded with a smile from all who you meet. Thank you my dear friends, may God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'

Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you all and thank you'

Brian...'Yes goodnight, thank you'

We then sat quietly for ten minutes to see if we picked up anything.

Liz saw a few people and faces. One she thought she recognised but couldn't place. She also got the name Lionel Richie.

Brian saw a young lady in a white top sitting on a park bench with trees behind her. He wasn't sure if she was laughing or crying. Then he saw a group of people sitting on the bench like a family.

I saw a circle of little people dancing hand in hand as a column of energy stretched up from the centre of the circle to the ceiling. Then the column became a stream of water coming down filling up the room with water and the little people were swimming around in it.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

207th Sitting 02/02/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I remained in a kind of half asleep, half awake state. I was aware of the music playing but also having dreams. At times I feel asleep and then jumped as if I'd been prodded to bring me back. One dream I remember is of being a radio announcer in a tall tower looking down on traffic below while doing a traffic report.

After about 30 minutes I started to be controlled and at the same time Liz got a sense of strands of light stretching out between us.
She turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'Good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Yes good evening indeed, now then, we combine ourselves once again... To come through in this way is a great opportunity for us and we all treat this work with a serious mind, a serious intention, for we have accumulated in our minds sufficient information to bring through for you. Each time we come through we prepare a slice of information that we can bring through, that we can translate into your words and your way of understanding for if we were to transmit direct our thoughts it would not for you be an understandable sentence, a collection of words that would not make for you sense in your Earthly minds. As we approach the vibration of your world, as we enter your reality we attune to your way of thinking. We can do no more for you have to understand that what we say, that what we transmit. There is no point in us taking situations from our world and bringing them to your world for your world has not the experience to comprehend yet we can and we do bring forward ideas for you to place in your own mind and work with those ideas in your own way. We cannot tell you how to understand, you have to teach yourself how to understand and you need to experience situations, you need to build up experience for yourself. Each person in your world has their own unique way of interpreting and of thinking and each person has their own experiences on which to judge the words that come to them. You have all taken yourselves so far, you have created for yourself a memory that stretches back, that will take you back to your first experience. We also have our own way of understanding but we have the benefit of observing how you react to the information that we can bring through. We have taken the time to walk your world, walk your world in your shoes for we can bring ourselves to you and experience that what you experience in your physical world. You do not experience alone for you have multiple personalities with you experiencing what you experience each day. You have built up within yourself a structure on which many minds can connect. Take your thoughts out of the physical world and try to understand this from a non-physical perspective that is merely observing'

Liz... 'Are our experiences like food for other beings?'

'You can indeed describe it as that if it helps you to understand for you are now thinking in your own unique way, you are trying to understand. We can help you with this for we understand your way of thinking. Build up those thoughts in your mind, let them react in whatever situation you find yourself. The world of physical matter was created for the purpose of experiencing with others, attracting others, others who look on, who find an interest in that what interests you. They are attracted to your way of thinking and they will connect with you. You will not be aware of their presence until you release you grasp from the physical world and you can do this whilst still living within your physical world. You can feel the energies with you and you can feel the harmony that that creates, for these energies are attuned to you, they are benefitting from your experiences. You never walk alone, you are taking with you an audience for you are performing for that audience. You have sparked the interest of that audience and they will stay with you for as long as is required for each member of that audience'

Liz... 'So is that true for everyone?'

'Each physical mind that operates within the physical world attracts its own audience yes but each will be different. Each will have its own interests and individual way of processing thought. You cannot attract that what repels your own thoughts, you can only attract that what is interested and in harmony with your own way of thinking'

There was a pause in the communication then it slowly began again with a different voice...

'Sharing our words with you is our way of showing our love for you all. You have once again been very patient and allowed us into your atmosphere'

Liz... 'You're very welcome'

'There are many who find themselves a part of your group, a part of your circle for your circle is forever expanding out into all vibrations of existence, allowing a great depth to the words. For each time that you sit you build up a resistance to interference, you allow a clearer link, you clear the way, you bring forward fresh words of inspiration, fresh ideas that seep into your minds and build up within you an understanding, a picture, a picture which for you represents the worlds within the worlds that you perceive for there is so much that relies on the movement of the physical world, the movement, the vibration. The love that is created within your world gives us an opportunity to spread our wings, to tread the path in the sand. Take from us the words that give you a simple understanding, yet simplicity is not so very straight forward for there are complications, there are steps to take that will help you yet you need to find those steps yourself, ask yourself what are those steps for you now know that you are more than one, you have this audience of minds that is willing to help you for by helping you they are helping themselves and by helping themselves that help is spreading further than you can imagine. There is no limit, there are no boarders, you are open, all life is open, nothing is restricted when working in total harmony with one another. Feel that harmony within yourself and you will find yourself reaching out beyond what for you is possible. There is nothing beyond your reach'

Liz turn the music back up then down again ten minutes later as another communication began...

Liz... 'Welcome back friend'

'Welcome back indeed, well it is time once again now, we have reached the end of our session with you. We have, we understand the frustrations that you have when working in this way and we appreciate the patience and the commitment that you have for this work'

Liz... 'Thank you'

'It is a long journey and the journey has just begun but the journey is becoming more exciting for you and for us. It will develop into a wonderful journey shared by many and it will affect many for it will reach out to many minds, many other people in your world and beyond for all work that is done for spirit will benefit all. You may find it hard to understand the benefits at first yet as the journey progresses you will appreciate how it is impacting on others, on all life, for all life is one life and one life has it's degree of advancement towards that loving vibration. We once again thank you for the work that you do, for the experiments you do, we are very interested in your remote viewing experiments and we will help as much as we can'

Liz... 'Thank you'

'Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it brightly and it will be seen throughout your world and throughout all worlds for all worlds are one world. Thank you my dear friend may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'

Liz put the music back on as I came back then we sat for 15 minutes in silence...

I got a vision of something spinning in the centre of the room a bit like an umbrella and it was getting bigger and bigger. It was as if a dark liquid was flowing up from the centre and becoming part of the umbrella, making it bigger.

Liz got an image of a hair brush and saw it as an analogy for untangling all the knots and smoothing. She had a memory of empathising with a school friend and sharing experiences and love with groups of friends. Then the hair brush became a prickly hedgehog and Liz thought of herself curling up in a ball, protecting and isolating herself from those around her, not trusting somehow whereas in fact she didn't need to and should instead learn to trust more. It was a strong message for her and Liz thought it would be useful in our work.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...