May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.
We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.
We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.
Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.
I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.
I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is
It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...
...Nick Pettitt
236th Sitting 21/12/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
We kept the crystal cluster in the room that Patrick had brought along for the Mercury Experiment which had been charged by the Scole Experiment Spirit Team back in the 1990s.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.25pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
Liz also asked the question...
'I would like to know whether it is necessary now to use ectoplasm in order to engender the physical phenomena that many mediums have been used to in the past or whether it's going to be possible or preferential to develop other forms of energetic work and whether you are able to make use of our energies in the future without using ectoplasm which has often proved dangerous in the literature, in our understanding of the people we know, has proved a health risk. We feel very much that you in spirit wouldn't want to do anything that will actually have a negative effect on our health and our well-being in our physical lives. So, we would like some elucidation of the methods of producing physical phenomena and also the rationale behind the various types of physical phenomena that have been shown in various groups which often involve instruments being played and lights and entertainment, but I feel that there is also a form of physical phenomena where spirit actually clothes itself in a physical form that's recognisable and that feels to me as though that can serve a useful purpose to a bereaved person. So, I would just like to know the type of physical phenomena that is worth aiming for and that you would want to produce?'
About 30 seconds later I was being controlled and Liz turned down the music...
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Good evening friend, welcome to you'
'Yes, once again we gather in your room, we build together, we focus our thoughts into your physical world to bring words, to bring answers, to bring information, to bring triggers to your own thoughts, your own developing thoughts that you hold so dear for your thoughts are your own, are what guide the development of your own character. We too have thoughts and we too can share thoughts with you. A thought shared is a stepping stone to further knowledge, further understanding. You already have your own understanding and your own knowledge yet that spark within you is always pushing you for more, pushing you forward to further understanding, wanting to learn, wanting to broaden your mind, broaden your understanding for you feel there is so much more to be uncovered, to be unlocked, to be presented to you through that living consciousness that supports your life, your physical life and your spiritual life. Thank you once again for bringing a question, for formulating a question for us. This question regards the formation of physical mediumship, physical mediumship which has been a part of your world since your world began. Various forms of physical mediumship have been demonstrated, various forms of mediumship have been kept locked in the privacy of the home circle. Your world is a physical world and those who live in a physical world, they know there is more, they know there is more than just a physical world starting with birth and ending with death yet they need to be convinced, they need to have evidence. Evidence comes in many ways but evidence has to be experienced before it becomes a personal truth. The production of physical phenomena is not entirely dependent on what you would call a physical medium for there are times when it is necessary to break the rules, the rules that govern your physical world. We are aware of each and everybody who walks your world. We are aware of the possibilities that exist within those people, the potential of those people, the potential to grow up, to become love. Sometimes it is required for them to witness what you would call physical phenomena, they may see a deceased loved one standing at the foot of their bed, they may indeed have conversations with a materialised deceased loved one in their home, not within the séance room for not everybody has the interest to go searching for evidence via mediumship. These people need to be shown that there is more, there is more than what they perceive as physical, they need to understand that there is a greater reality, a greater reality working with them and we can give them that evidence, we can introduce into your world phenomena for them as one individual. The phenomena of the séance room is something which has developed. Physical phenomena has developed from raps, intelligent raps, knockings that were recognised, that were communicated with. This developed into voices, independent voices. This developed into materialisations that could be seen and heard and recognised. The beliefs of those who developed mediumship over 100 years ago, those beliefs brought about the phenomena of ectoplasm for it was understood that to get physical materialisations then they had to be produced in a physical way. When the world is observed as a physical world and that belief is held dear then the belief will produce something which can be explained in a physical way. The idea of ectoplasm being produced from within the physical body was enough to satisfy the beliefs, satisfy the curiosity of those who sat for the development of physical phenomena and materialisations. If you can clear your mind of these beliefs, if you can understand the illusion of the physical world, if you can understand how you sense what you experience there would be no need for ectoplasm, there would be no connection to the materialisation and the physical medium. You are not your physical body, you are not in your physical body, you are merely experiencing being in a physical body. You are consciousness, you are living consciousness experiencing a physical life yet you are not a part of that physical life. That physical life is for you a self-made reality and in a self-made reality you can create whatever you wish. You can create the phenomena that you desire'
Liz... 'So what you're saying is, instead of you being part of a physical reality, physical reality is a part of you'
'It is a creation, a self-made creation'
Liz... 'We are not in physical reality; physical reality is in us... whatever we are'
'It is projected into your consciousness but you have the power to alter that projection. We wish no harm to anybody who enters this room. We merely wish to educate and we will educate, we will allow you to create for yourself a true picture of reality as you see it, as you experience it, as you understand it. The understanding of your world will change, will be modified. Those who study your world are beginning to understand, are beginning to see, are beginning to realise the illusion of your world. A time is coming when the majority will move away from materialistic thinking and begin to see the world for what it is. Many will hold onto their beliefs but their beliefs will have to crumble as the youth of your world become the adult population of your world. New ideas are growing, the technology of your world brings with it new ideas, new trains of thought. The science of your world will be turned on its head and the religions will see how they have strayed from their origins. You are all working towards creating love within your world. You all are growing tired of the negativities, the fighting. You ask yourself why are we fighting, why do we argue, why can we not live with one another in harmony enjoying this wonderful world created by us to be enjoyed by us? Love one another, help one another, enjoy life as life was meant to be. Thank you my dear friend, please replay your music for a while'
Liz... 'I will thank you friend, thanks for your answers'
Liz turned the music up.
About 40 minutes later she turned it down again as another communication started.
'Small steps, small steps... there is no need to make radical changes to the way you run your circle on a Tuesday evening. There is no need to radically change the way you sit. You will find that in time things will settle down, things will begin to work as one. The purpose of a circle is to raise the vibrations, raise the thinking vibrations of those who sit until a point is reached where you will all meet as one and you will all experience as one. We are with you each time that you sit and we can help, we can calm the vibrations in your room. We can connect the thoughts of all who sit creating one powerful thought. When you sit with love in your heart you can do no more than create for yourself a loving vibration and that loving vibration is what is required for we too reach out to you with love. We wish you to make use of all your abilities, all that you possess within yourselves can be combined together. A new member has joined bringing new ideas, new ways of thinking, yet those differences can be overcome when you sit with love, when you sit with a joint purpose to seek higher knowledge, higher understanding, when you sit for the benefit of others, when you sit to heal your world. Create your own world for that brief moment in time that you sit in this room. Think of this room as your world, all of you think of this room as your world, as how you would like to see your world, as how you would like your world to become. We can work with you when your minds work as one for the greater good. You do not need to make the changes, we can make the changes, we can alter the way you work, we can alter the way you perceive, the way you perceive us, the way you perceive those who you love, who have gone before, who have passed over. Each week as you sit you build up a stronger link to yourself, your true self. That is what you require for you have then taken yourself out of your physical world, opened up possibilities to connect with all things, all of life. There is so much more to be enjoyed, so much more to be understood. You have already begun to open up and you now have a greater opportunity to go further, work with one another, help one another, heal one another. You all play your part and you all see your world in your own way. Sitting in circle creates a larger part, a combined part. As you sit together the strength is increased and you reach out further. We look forward to working with you all and we look forward to the potential when it is released into your room. Do not worry, understand that what you do is felt by many and you have the power to heal your world each time you sit. Thank you my dear friend. As always we give to you a piece of our love. Take it with you during your period of holiday and celebration. Use that love to bring joy to all who share in your celebrations. We will be with you and we will return once again when you return to your room in your physical circles. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'
Liz put the music back on.
I felt back with it after about one minute.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
235th Sitting 14/12/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm and included the question...
'The question is to do with our prayer for healing for people who are dying and whether this prayer of attunement with spirit on their behalf can help them to find themselves in a better place when they pass to the other side. Whether it can be effective in the place that they find themselves in on the other side and whether those who maybe don't have any belief in an afterlife, a continuing existence, whether it can help them to a better place after they've died, whether it can help them to more quickly adjust than would otherwise the case. I would like to know how those healing prayers for people who are dying can actually affect the afterlife experience of those people and affect the level of consciousness they find themselves in?'
Liz then turned out the light and put the music on.
About five minutes later I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Welcome, good evening friend'
'We meet once again and we bring to you our words, bring to you our guidance, bring to you the answers that you look for, the answers that hover in front of you just out of reach for you live in a world made up of physical matter, you are encased in physical matter yet you also live in a non-physical world and that non-physical world penetrates into your life enabling you to get a glimpse of the realities beyond your reality. You ask the question about the power of healing on those who have passed from your world, those that are in the process of passing from your world into a new world as you see it, as you understand, yet the physical world and the spiritual world are one, you are already in the spiritual world. Your comprehension of your world is dependent on the life-force within your physical body. Once that life-force ceases to exist within the physical body your awareness of physical life begins to fade. The non-physical world is opened up to your consciousness, to your train of thought, it becomes the primary input into your senses. It is a natural process yet for you encased in physical matter you have to understand it as a movement from one place to another place. Whenever you send out the power of healing, whenever you have the intent behind that power of healing to reach an entity dear to you, that healing will be felt, that healing will be used in a way most beneficial to the person to whom it is sent. Never doubt that your healing is not reaching that person. There is no travelling for that healing, for that person is still with you, you have merely shifted awareness. When you send your thoughts of healing they are recognised by that person and they are recognised as love. All consciousness responds to love. There are indeed times when difficulties are created by the consciousness that has left the physical world. Strong beliefs within that consciousness may hold the awareness to the physical world yet that consciousness is not distressed it is merely clouded, its senses are clouded until the realisation comes that it is no longer dependent on physical life. Your thoughts of healing do indeed help in this situation. Healing is sent from many directions, healing is sent from the spiritual vibrations as well as the physical vibrations until the full realisation, the full awareness is achieved by the one who has passed to our side. There are those who will welcome that person, there are those who will be recognised by that person, they will take that person into new situations allowing the memories of physical life to fade as that person becomes more in tune with its greater self, its larger consciousness'
Liz... 'Does some memory of the Earth life, of the physical life remain or can be easily kindled?'
'Memory can be re-accessed... If the interest is there to remember, that memory is available. A physical life is a small portion of life. A physical life is remembered for the growth that it has achieved. That growth can be added to the greater self and that growth will be brought back when another physical life is begun'
Liz... 'Does it matter whether the person who is dying has asked for healing or not? Can we still send healing thoughts to a person who hasn't asked for it?'
'Your thoughts of healing will always be accepted. It does not need to be asked for to be received. Healing works in many ways. You are initiating the healing process by your thoughts, your thoughts reach out to that person or those people that you visualise. They will feel the effects of healing and you also will feel the effects of healing on yourself. Healing is a form of love, the more love you create the more you will benefit and the more you will appreciate the love in your world. Think of love as a white light shining between you and another and they in turn shine that light on many people, more living entities. There is no limit to the love you can create. Never doubt the power of love when you send out healing... I think we will play the music for a while and we will return'
Liz... 'Yes, thank you friend'
Liz put the music back on.
She turned it down again after about 30 minutes as another communication started...
'Welcome news, welcome news that you will have a new sitter for your Tuesday group'
Liz... 'Very welcome'
'Yes, this will indeed open up a new door to your group, your group that sits with the intentions of the Scole Experiment. You have sat for many years and you have built up within your room the conditions, the conditions that will help create the phenomena that was once enjoyed by the Scole Experiment. The Scole Experiment still lives, still is a part of your world, it continues to develop. You have enabled that development to once again bring to your world much needed answers, much needed awakenings. There is much change in your world and your world is heading towards more change from many directions. The production of phenomena, non-physical phenomena will help your world. You must all sit with an open mind, no expectations, forget what has gone before and allow a new chapter to begin. When you sit you will all become one, you will feel the connection. That connection will spread and new entities will join you, they will make themselves known'
Liz... 'Do you mean non-physical entities or physical entities?'
'Entities not from this world. Entities that will be understood, entities that will help you and guide you gently into this new chapter. You have done the ground work and you have attracted the attention of those who wish to work with you in an intelligent way, in an understandable way, in a beneficial way. All phenomena will have its meaning, it will build, it will create, it will allow a glimpse into the larger reality. The two circles will remain connected and will work with one another. We look forward to working with you all, thank you... The time has come once again for us to draw back from your circle. As always take from us a piece of our love, love that heals your world, love that heals all who you meet, love that will heal all who enter your mind. Light up your world, build that bridge, connect all realities for your world is bigger than you think. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'
Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'
Liz put the music on.
I came back in about one minute.
The room felt like it was huge to me, and I felt like I was looking down a long straight road.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
234th Sitting 07/12/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, put the music on and extinguished the light.
Liz also asked a question at the end of the prayer...
'This question is to do with pain, one of the forms of suffering in the Earth plane, in humanity. Physical pain which is something that people are very afraid of and causes a great deal of stress and distress. Is it possible that there are ways in which we can lose the effect of pain on us so that we are not so traumatised by it. With emotional pain it seems that we can lessen the effect but physical pain is more difficult for us. So any advice or help or understanding you could give us as to the reason why physical pain is such a burden for us and makes life so miserable for so many people would be wonderful'
About two minutes later I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome friend'
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Good evening friend'
'Good time once again to come and join you, join you in conversation, answer your questions, try to give you an answer that will satisfy your curiosity yet still leave room for you to ponder the question, build up for yourself a satisfactory answer. As always we are assisting you in your building up of understanding, gathering of information, putting it in the correct boxes, allowing yourself to develop an understanding that for you fits in your way of thinking, in your way of observing your world. You ask about physical pain, physical pain that is experienced whilst you live in your physical world, that physical world that has built up around you, that has given you a sense of life, a sense of freedom, a sense of detachment. You no longer need the attachment to your larger self for you have given yourself the opportunity to spread your wings in a world of physical matter, a world alien to you yet recognised by you for you have done this before, you have built up memory. The passing of time allows you to ponder on the greater questions, questions that you have always wanted to ask yet you felt afraid to ask. When you begin to ask yourself questions you find those answers yet those answers do not seem clear to you, there is always something else that needs to be answered. This evening you ask about pain, something which you have experienced, something which you imagine is experienced by others yet you cannot share their experience you can only feel their experience based on your own real experience. Physical pain comes in many forms, physical pain can be accepted or rejected. Physical pain will not alter how you feel. Your experience of physical pain creates a strong image, an image that is ugly, an image that repels, for you associate pain with unpleasant feeling. The strength of that pain is governed by you, by association to the picture it creates in your mind. You have built up resistance to pain as you live your life yet you have created in your mind memories of past pain. The thought of pain triggers off in your mind those memories. Use the power of your mind to alleviate pain, physical pain. All on your side can do this, all on your side can control physical pain. You have all been doing this throughout your life, you have all been lessening the effect of pain but your belief that pain creates an ugly feeling will reinforce that pain to continue to damage the picture in your mind. Turn pain into pleasure, do not allow your own mind to be controlled, you have full control of how you feel. The mind is a delicate piece of equipment and it will respond to your thoughts. Do not let it respond to your beliefs... Does this answer your question?'
Liz... 'Partly...'
'Would you like to add to your question?'
Liz... 'I guess there's a useful function of pain to enable the human being to realise that something is happening which is causing possible damage to the body, to the physical being, like burning from a fire, scalding or undue stress on a particular part of the body so that they can do something about that but sometimes there is pain from long term disease like in arthritis or cancer that is very difficult to do anything about. There are drugs and analgesics but some people live with a high level of pain. Is that pain actually constantly there to remind them that they need to change in some way, that they need to do something about their life to improve their physical condition?'
'The pain that is experienced due to disease, due to injury is caused by belief, is a combination of belief and the physical rules that govern your world yet you can change, you can change your thinking, you can change yourself, you can let go of that belief and you will no longer feel that pain'
Liz... 'What is the belief that can be let go of?'
'Throughout your life you are constantly experiencing your physical world and seeing your physical world as a physical world. You believe yourself to be in a physical world, that is what your physical senses tell you yet you can also be in a non-physical world. In a non-physical world you can also experience a physical world. You do not need to be totally immersed in a physical world to live in a physical world. Stop believing in the reality of a physical world'
Liz... 'Is pain experienced in the non-physical world?'
'Pain is a physical experience...'
Liz... 'Okay, do animals experience pain in the same way?'
'The animal kingdom does not share the beliefs of the human race yet they too have their own beliefs. Pain is accepted in the animal world. Pain is not recognised in the same way as you would recognise pain yet it is accepted. It is felt but it is felt purely as a warning. All consciousness when operating within the physical limits of your world will experience pain but that consciousness is also operating in the non-physical world. Only one part is experiencing physical pain, try to see yourself as a whole being'
Liz... 'Is there any value, is there any teaching purpose to pain, physical pain?'
'The value of pain is to teach each person how to rid themselves of beliefs, beliefs that prevent them from widening their perception, widening their mind, widening their outlook, embracing all of life not just one narrow pathway'
Liz... 'How does pain teach that?'
'The necessary ingredient in a full life is the understanding that pain is self-created. Why would you create for yourself something which causes discomfort? Open your eyes and see the effects of pain on a narrow mind, on tunnelled vision. Step back from that tunnel and see the full picture, feel the full picture, live the full picture and show others how that full picture can be lived'
Liz... 'When a person is immersed in pain, is in that tunnel vision which pain can create because it can be all consuming. How can they open up into the larger picture?'
'Once caught in the feeling of pain, once caught up in that feeling it takes great strength, great strength to step back and understand why that pain is so great yet that strength can be mustered, that pain can be overcome. There is much to learn from pain but the strength of the mind needs to focus. Your physical world is a place of learning, you all have much learning to do. Slowly you will begin to understand and move on to greater things yet for now you are all struggling with the simple questions. A time will come when there will be no more pain, when the human race has raised its awareness, become a new way of living and a new way of learning. Each experience leads to new experiences. Evolution is a slow process but keep adding to that picture, allow it to grow, help one another and step out of your childhood... Please replay your music for a while and we will return with more answers for you'
Liz... 'Thank you friend'
Liz turned the music up.
After about 25 minutes another communication started and Liz turned down the music.
'It is true, it is true that very few people on your side have no fear of death, no fear, for most people in your world carry with them the fear, the fear of physical death, death of the physical body. They take that fear, they build on that fear throughout their life. Imagine a world where nobody had a fear of death, everybody accepted that the physical body would die yet they would go on, it was no fear for them. Can you imagine a world such as this? Now ask yourself a question. Would physical pain still be experienced if there was no fear of physical death? Does not physical pain reinforce the fear of death? The fear of losing your physical body, the fear of losing your life. For many life is associated with the physical body and physical pain reinforces the fear of death'
Liz... 'However, a child, a baby reacts to pain, toothache when the teeth are coming through they scream, they cry with pain, with trapped wind they cry, they scream with pain. You can see they have discomfort, they bend their knees and clench themselves. They don't know anything about death'
'The child has been brought into a world full of feeling, the feeling of physical pain. The child is reacting to the feelings of others using that feeling to build up within itself its own recognition of pain. The physical world has been created by the thoughts of all who have gone before'
Liz... 'Are you saying that a new born baby who is maybe crying with distress is being affected by the thoughts of others already?'
'The consciousness that follows the physical form, the new physical form is reacting to the consciousness of others within that physical world'
Liz... 'How is that making it react to its own discomfort?'
'You all affect one another whilst immersed in the physical reality. The young child has entered your world with no experience, no physical experience, it is at the mercy of the experience of others until it can separate itself from the joint consciousness within the physical world and build up its own reality, create its own reality. You are creating for the young child, the young child is learning from your thoughts, from your experiences. It is not merely having a physical experience; the young child is also having a non-physical experience within a physical world. The non-physical experience does not rely on physical sensation but on non-physical thought, living thought that permeates your world. The physical senses are secondary until the young child develops its own physical identity'
Liz... 'When a non-physical entity decides to incarnate, to take on physical form, does it remember, is it then aware that it may experience pain?'
'Before a non-physical entity connects to the physical world it will tune-in to the physical world it will observe the physical world, it may attach itself to another who is experiencing in the physical world yet that memory will no longer be a part of that physical being once immersed in the physical world'
Liz... 'Why doesn't the experience of pain put entities off choosing a physical incarnation?'
'Because the physical incarnation is seen as a learning opportunity. From outside of your physical world the perspective is far wider, it can be seen how growth must be had, must be experienced. It can see how one part of itself can gain so much more than the totality of itself in a non-physical world when that one part is allowed to journey through physical life once again. It is difficult for us to explain something which you cannot experience from where you are yet we can give you ideas. Imagine yourself as you are in this physical world wanting to better yourself. You may wish to immerse yourself in a learning programme, take yourself into a school knowing that what you are about to do can cause much pain, can cause much suffering but you know that it will increase your knowledge, increase your understanding, raise the vibration of your being which will in turn raise the vibration of your world creating a more loving environment. Pain is a necessary part of growing up. You only think if it as pain while you are where you are now. When you have grown you will understand the benefit of physical pain. Life is for learning, enjoy life, do not see it as a painful experience, see it as a joyous opportunity to raise the vibration of all that is life, all that is consciousness growing together, working towards that loving vibration, helping one another, reaching out a hand to those who struggle, bringing them also up to your level... Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached that point where we will withdraw. Once again we have enjoyed our conversation with you and we hope that you can take from it something which will help you to better understand yourself and the world in which you live. Take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it around, shine your light on all who you meet. They will recognise that light and it will help them too. Each light is another beacon that will spread out enriching your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight, God bless you and thank you friend'
I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.
I had remained awake throughout this week but felt quite dreamy and detached between the two communications.
Liz had had a strong sense of evergreen shrubs at some point during the session.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
233rd Sitting 30/11/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Brian joined us this week.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.20pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
Last week I had got the impression that Liz should verbalise a question during the opening prayer. This she did and asked for information on how and if we are meant to bring forward information that's particularly pertinent to people who are bereaved and communication to those who have died that may be helpful and supportive to people that we know and to ourselves. Is this going to be part of our function, of our work as a group and if so what can we do to best develop that particular function?
I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz said this and the communication started about a minute after the opening prayer.
Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome'
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz/Brian... 'Good evening and welcome friend'
'We have come through, we have once again come through to your room, to your place of spiritual understanding and we will try to enlighten you, try to bring the light into your mind, into your sensory perception for we can with you bring words of encouragement, of love, of greater wisdom throughout your universe and throughout all universes. There is much to say, there is much to bring forward. We appreciate you asking the question and we will do our best to satisfy your mind with an answer that will not only give you the answer but give you much more to think upon for it is for you to give yourself your own answers. Each week we provide the stepping stones to those answers, we can build up for you a knowledge that will feed your imagination. Now when you are faced with situations where a loved one has passed from your world and those who are left behind due to their misunderstanding will feel cut off, will feel disconnected to a personality that was once very much a part of their life yet they also understand that that personality has not completely left them. All on your side have this understanding yet that understanding needs to be coaxed from the recesses of their mind. You have to tread carefully when engaging in conversation with those who have lost, those who believe they have lost their loved ones. You must connect with us, you must allow yourself to be guided in what you say. Each situation is different, each situation requires a different approach. You cannot force your understanding into another yet you can show them your understanding. You can connect to them through us and through us they will bring to their own mind their own understanding. You are merely bridging the gap, building a bridge between the two worlds for them to venture forth, for them to see the possibilities. This circle has already begun to bridge that gap for many people. This is and always will be part of your work as a circle. Each week that bridge becomes clearer both to you and to those who follow the words of this circle. You are also radiating out to those who you meet in your daily lives for each week you take from us a piece of our love and as you live your life those who you meet, whether consciously or unconsciously pick up from you that love, that love which creates understanding. You have already seen the connections inherent in all who you meet for behind the scenes there is a large gathering bringing together those of like mind. There are many ways in which you can meet people and you will notice even more as time goes on how those connections have led you to where you are and how those connections have led others to where they are. You are all being guided but you are also thinking for yourselves. You will make mistakes and you will learn from those mistakes but most of all you will continue to travel further towards a brighter light, a greater understanding taking others with you, creating a wider network of friends all putting positivity into your world, changing your world, bringing harmony, peace and love to a world that sorely needs these vibrations, this energy, this pulsating energy steering the world towards love and understanding'
Liz... 'Thank you friend'
'Would you now replay your music for a while and we will return, thank you'
Liz... 'Certainly and thank you'
Liz turned the music up.
About ten minutes later Liz reported seeing shapes in the room like looking at pieces of a jigsaw. They were light and had a mottled effect and were moving around.
Another communication started and Liz turned down the music...
'Take the name Freddie Mercury, Freddie Mercury the name, the character, the personality that has given much light to your world and continues to spread light throughout your world putting smiles on faces, lighting up faces, creating more love and light through the music, through the memories, yet that character can and will return when it is required, when there is a need for more love in your world, there is life in the old dog yet. Much has been spoken about the return of celebrities in your world, those who have passed, those who have taken a new life, taken on a new life. Yet their memory can be recreated, can be re-energised, can be re-lived as if it were once again that same character, that same personality recreating that what it knew, that what it loved. Step out of your beliefs, allow a total blank canvas and allow new ideas to come to you. See how each personality connects to a larger self, a larger creative force that is motivating that character throughout its living life in the physical world'
Liz... 'Can we and other people we are connected with all be part of one larger entity connected at source with some larger being and actually be conscious of that connection and that larger being of which we are a part?'
'Anything is possible when you clear your mind of beliefs, anything can be done for you understand how consciousness is one evolving entity creating more, creating simpler compartments that in themselves create more yet the personality that you understand as a living entity in a physical world is but one spike of a greater consciousness. A greater consciousness has no limits and many spikes can protrude from a growing evolving segment of the true consciousness that holds all life in its heart'
Liz... 'Is it possible that one facet of that consciousness can replicate itself as several different entities, several different personalities currently alive but don't actually know each other or interact but are still deeply connected and overlapping in some way?'
'If this is beneficial to the growth of consciousness then it can be done'
Liz... 'Okay... in the sense that two or three people could be like twins or triplets living different lives maybe in different parts of the world but connected without consciously knowing it'
'You have all gone through many lifetimes and you all report back to the source at the termination of that lifetime. You all have that chance to examine how you have lived your life, what you can do to improve the vibration within yourself in a new life and you have lived your physical life with others and you have seen how this has benefited the growth of the consciousness that supports those others. You can form a team, a team of entities that will reconnect with the physical world each with a plan. Each with a plan to work together whether consciously or unconsciously for the connection will be stronger for this team of entities. It will feel as if they are one, a recognition will be felt. There are times when working as a team is more beneficial than working alone. You are all trying to live your life in a positive way yet you are always set tasks which will prevent you from fully living your life. These tasks will restrict you until you discover the secrets that are hidden. These secrets consist of that what you already know but the physical world has taken your mind away, has narrowed your mind in such a way that you have to work on yourself. You have to work with others, you have to work with life. Putting positive energy into your life will lighten your mind and slowly the secrets will become revealed to you. Always take notice of the feelings and the words that come to your mind but use your own intelligence and take yourself forward in a way most productive to further understandings, further enlightenment. The heart of consciousness beats within you all, you all play your part and within the physical world you are mingling with others, bouncing from pillar to post in a world of confusion yet that confusion will clear each time you feel that love in your heart beating a beautiful melody. You have nothing to fear, you are creating for yourself all that you know, all that you experience and all that you love. Please replay your music for a while thank you'
Liz... 'Will do, thank you'
Brian... 'Thank you'
Liz turned the music back up.
Liz felt very hot. Possibly because she had two blankets over her.
Brian was neither hot nor cold.
About one minute later Liz felt cold. She said it was a strange sort of cold, a bit like a cold breeze but she couldn't feel the breeze. She felt like she had goose bumps, it was an energetic change.
Brian was also now feeling cold, he said it was a gentle energy.
They both thought the room looked darker.
Liz had a strange sensation as if something was pouring away from her. She felt a flow. It reminded her of swimming in the sea into warm and cold places.
Brians eyes were shut, he couldn't open them for a while.
Another communication started and Liz turned the music down...
'Isn't life interesting, isn't life interesting...'
Liz... 'It is yes ha, ha...'
'There are so many things to experience. You will sense sensations that are of your own doing for how can a non-physical entity impact on your physical body? You pick up the closeness of a non-physical entity and your mind creates for you a feeling. It could be a feeling of warmth or a cold feeling or a tingling touch, or a whisper in the ear. These are your interpretations of something alien to your thought yet your consciousness recognises another consciousness connecting to you. Try not to complicate something that is very simple. Allow your mind to wander yet know that you are connecting with another. There is not always communication for sometimes just a feeling of closeness is all that is required. A physical world is a wonderful place, a wonderful learning opportunity. That what surrounds your physical world is really very simple, the only complications are those you create yourself because you are used to living in a physical world. In a physical world every action has a reaction, physical objects can create energy, energy can be transferred into movement. The non-physical world is free from all of these complications. Your world is based on simplicity but you have created a complicated makeup, a continuous pattern of events and you live your life unravelling the complications you have created for yourself'
Liz... 'Is that what we call the world?'
'That is your world. Each physical being has their own world created by them, lived by them'
Liz... 'And presumably those worlds coalesce into making one larger world, a shared world'
'You are all players in one evolving reality, playing your part, adding your bit, bringing your worlds together as one, working with one another, helping one another, seeing the mistakes, seeing the good within your world that holds your world together'
Liz... 'But this world is a world of thought forms and it's different somehow from the physical world, is that right... or superimposed on the physical world?'
'The physical world has to live within its own rules, its own physical rules. The spiritual world, though a reflection of the physical world, has no rules, has no fixed rules. The non-physical world is a world of gathered experiences holding together memory, memory that is governed by thought. There is no simple way to describe that what you have not experienced for yourself from the perspective of the physical world yet you can venture forth into our world and experience our world and bring back to your world a memory but that memory has to fit the rules of your world until the time when you leave the physical world and join us. That is when you will see how simple life can be'
Liz... 'Does that mean that in the spirit world we don't have some of the things we've created in our world like a history. History is very important in our world, we have a historical past which reflects on the present and the future to an extent. We have political systems, we have frameworks of education and evolving systems. Is that different from how things operate in the spirit realm?'
'History exists throughout all life, all consciousness. History is a part of all dimensions. The physical world has its own history, other physical worlds also have their history'
Liz... 'What about non-physical worlds?'
'The non-physical world records that what is lived in the physical worlds. The non-physical world is consciousness. The non-physical world is a part of you. There is no separation between the non-physical world and the physical worlds'
Liz... 'Can you explain then why it is that our world is more complicated than life in spirit, a pure spiritual world, a non-physical world? What is the complexity that we have here that isn't in the spirit world?'
'The complexity is the conditions of the physical world that holds that world together'
Liz... 'Okay, but you said that we make it more complicated than it is?'
'Because you are living in a world governed by the rules set up when it was created. The physical world requires limits, requires boundaries to hold it together, to give it the illusion that it is real. Without those conditions and boundaries the physical world would fall apart. You would find yourself forever existing in a non-physical reality where experience cannot be had'
Liz... 'Ah ha, so complexity is part of an evolutionary drive'
'Consciousness is forever evolving and the physical worlds are the schools where consciousness can live and evolve'
Liz... 'Right I understand, therefore complexity is something that we have to live with and go through in order to evolve. The complications that we make are part of our evolutionary drive...'
'They are part of your mistakes and learning...'
Liz... 'Yes'
'Repeated mistakes, continuous leaning, continuous evolvement...'
Liz... 'So it's part of the spiritual growth...'
'...benefiting the whole of consciousness of which you are one part'
Liz... 'Okay, so the complexity and the complexities that we make, going away from simplicity is not to be despised or disparaged. It's a necessary part of our growth and development'
'It is to be rejoiced. You have found yourself in this wonderful world of yours and you are making progress every day of your life. You are having a wonderful time for it is a wonderful place full of beauty, full of love and understanding and that what drives you recognises this and it will push you forward, push you through the complications until you can truly feel that light in your heart and see it in others. That is true evolution. Thank you my dear friends, we have now reached the end of our session. We have enjoyed discussing with you that what we can, that what we can give to you for as always it is you doing the work, it is you creating that evolution that is so dearly required for all of life. Please take from us a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, spread it amongst all who you meet. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you'
Brian... 'Goodnight and thank you'
I felt back with it in about 30 seconds.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
Just before the second communication started Brian experienced a yellow/white colour come close to him. It brought with it a wonderful feeling. Then it went and everything was purple for a while.
In the Mercury Circle we had always associated yellow with Freddie and it was interesting that he was mentioned at the beginning of the communication.
232nd Sitting 24/11/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
I fell asleep for about 40 minutes.
Liz felt touches in her hair.
About 15 minutes after waking up I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome friend, welcome'
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Good evening to you'
'Well now we come once again... we come through and speak with you. We can feel the way that you all exist, that you live your life in the physical world. It is for us each week an adventure into a new world, a new way of living, a new way of understanding and a new way of developing your thoughts for yourself. There is much that we can say and there is much that we can bring forward. Each week we have for you a clue that you can use and you can use to bring to your own mind an understanding. Many words come together and form a clearer picture for we can bring to you words that will help you, words that will spark off thoughts in your own mind. As your world evolves many energies are produced, much work is done, people of your world form groups and those groups find their connection with other groups. A perfect world is a world free of the fears that prevent you all from living a full life. These groups are beginning to understand the disadvantage of the fears of your world, in your world. Each person has their own fears and they learn to live with those fears. As time passes an urgency is brought to the mind, a realisation comes to the mind that the fears are holding you all back. They are a natural part of your life yet you can bring these fears to the surface and see from where they have originated, what has caused these fears to cloud your mind. All life in your world is affected by these fears. You all feel the power that is driving you and that power will help you to find the source of the fears within yourself. One by one they can be conquered but only you have the ability to conquer those fears. The individual must work on themself but the combined mind will be affected each time one person removes one fear from themself. A wider vision is available when you practice working on yourself. The range of possibilities available to you will increase, you will see situations in a new light, you will see possibilities that were unavailable to you and a wider grasp will be achieved'
'Stand in the sun, feel the warmth of the sun, feel how it opens your mind, feel how connected you are to that warmth of the sun for the sun is helping you to live your life. The sun is watching, observing all life. When darkness comes you will feel the disconnection but you will carry on in the knowledge that the sun will return and the days will continue. Nothing can stop the passage of time. Night follows day as day follows night, the pattern is forming. Step out of yourself and awake to a new day'
'Stepping stones stretch out before you, only you know on which stones to tread. There is an easy way and a difficult path'
Long pause...
'The greatest mistake that you can make is to ignore the flow of life within you. You will at times find yourself straying from the flow of life but you will understand that you have missed the pathway, you have wandered from the pathway and you will bring yourself back. You will rejoin your central flow of life free from the fears that held you back'
Liz... 'Do many people find themselves falling away from that flow?'
'Each person has their own... each person has within themselves the ability to go one way or the other. Many will find their own way back. Many will wander from the path. Each time, each time the path is...'
There was another long pause, the communication seemed to be fading.
'Time to go... time once again to... we will withdraw, we will... please take from us a piece of our love. Take it into your world, spread it around, spread it to all who you meet. We will return next time, until then may God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'
Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you'
I felt back with it after about a minute.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
Solo sits 14/11/2017 and 17/11/2017
Liz is away this week so I had a couple of solo sits at home on Tuesday and Friday evening.
Before I sat on Tuesday I wrote down a question and also said it during the opening prayer, it was...
'Why do Liz and I both fall asleep during our sessions?'
After a couple of minutes I felt myself being controlled and started to speak...
'Good evening, good evening, well... time to come... control has been established once again and we can freely speak with you all, all who listen, all who take that interest and wish to learn more, learn and improve their own understanding, improve their own grasp on life, on the movement of life within the physical world and within all worlds, all dimensions, all realities, all conceivable applications of life that you can imagine. Think of what you can imagine and expand that thought and you will begin to understand what is really available to life, what is available for life to live in all its forms, in all its vibrations. There is no limit to the greater imagination that creates all possibilities for life. We try to get through our meanings, our illustrations. It is for you to decode that what we give to you for we cannot think for you, you have to think for yourself'
'The development of physical mediumship requires a quietening of the mind of the medium. The activity in your mind creates barriers, creates blockages, prevents the free flow of spiritual energy through the physical being. When we work with you and with Elizabeth we are fighting against the thoughts that you create for yourself yet we can also use those thoughts to bring new thoughts into your minds. When we begin to work with you both we try to reach a point where your mind has lost the distractions of your daily life. We can work with you in two ways. We can work with the thoughts that you yourself have created and we can work with a clean slate, a clean mind, a mind free from distractions. To do this we need to reach further into your mind. When you sleep you have let go of the physical world in your mind. We can use this time to bring our thoughts into your mind. When you awake you will feel that these thoughts are your own thoughts for they are not dissimilar to that what you think yourself yet we have arranged them in such a way that you will deliver the words that we have chosen. Do not worry about how your sittings take place just allow the words to speak for themselves'
'We can take from you what we require, your job is to allow, your job is to loosen your mind, allow the words to come to you and to be delivered into your world. Your mind has many layers, each layer can be worked on in different ways yet the result is the same only you do not realise, you are not aware of all layers at one time'
'Try to see how your mind works, try to understand why you say what you do, why you think what you think, what causes you to think what you think. Are you fully in control of your own mind all of the time?'
'The mind is a very delicate piece of equipment, allow it to do the work that it has been designed to do. Keep it open and alive for it is greater than you think and the more that you think the greater it will become, thank you'
I soon felt back to normal and did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise...
Solo sit 17/11/2017
On Friday I sat in the same way and gave a follow-up question...
'What is the difference between sleep and deep trance?'
After a couple of minutes I felt myself being controlled and started to speak...
'Good evening, good evening... well now let us begin... we all come through and we wish to speak once again yes... Now you have set for us a question and we will attempt to answer for we know that you have within yourself information to answer this question yourself but we wish to try to bring to your mind new words, new information that will help you to understand the subtle difference between states of mind, states of trance, states of sleep. The human mind is made up of many levels, many levels that work as one yet for most of your time you are only aware of one level, one working, operating level that for you is sufficient for your physical existence in your physical world. When you sleep you leave that part of your mind, you disengage from that part, that level of your mind. You enter new levels depending on your state of sleep. As you sleep you travel through many levels. As you sleep your mind picks up images, situations, re-enactments of past events both from the physical world and from what you understand as the non-physical worlds. You mind has been set free, free to travel, free to explore. Other energies join you as you travel through the levels of your mind. Other energies can communicate with you, can take you into situations that will benefit your growth, that will give you the chance to make new choices, decisions that will take you into new situations. Communication is possible during sleep with those you understand as non-physical as well as those who share your physical world. We also use this time to feed you with information. When you enter a trance state you are guided by us, we take you into a state of mind where outside interference is eliminated. We take you to a place where you can join us. Your physical body and your physical mind is unaware yet at the same time it responds to that what we transmit. The deep trance state can be used when strong entities wish to impress their thoughts onto your body, into your mind, your physical mind. These entities have the ability to take charge of your physical body. When you work with us we do not need to take you into a deep trance state for we are working with you, in harmony with you. It is a joint communication, a blending of minds. We work with you as you work with us and between us we can produce new information that will benefit all who have the interest. Spirit communication comes in many ways. What is important is the information that is received, the information that is transmitted into the physical world. How that information is transmitted is unimportant for each physical medium will work in their own way. Those who work with them will find the best way to get a pure spiritual communication through to your physical world'
'There is nothing really complicated in the transmission of thoughts from the spiritual world to the physical world for we are all one, we are all connected. Each mind has a greater capacity than can be imagined. Do not restrict your thinking, do not restrict yourself, understand yourself as a part of all that is, one evolving consciousness looking for pathways into greater growth, individual pathways that become one pathway, that become one truth, one greater understanding... Thank you'
I soon felt back to normal and did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise...
231st Sitting 09/11/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
I then fell asleep waking up briefly a couple of times.
Liz also drifted in and out of sleep.
I woke up about an hour after the opening prayer and about five minutes later started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome friend'
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Good evening friend'
'Yes, once again we have come to speak with you in your room, in your physical room, that physical atmosphere that we enjoy, that we can bring our thoughts to. Each week we build up for you a picture in your mind and we try to modify that picture for you to give you that information that you can use your mind to explore. It is for you to give yourself your own picture, your own information, we can only supply the triggers in your mind that will bring to fruition a true picture, a true image in your mind. We have for you many answers, you have to choose, you have to look for yourself and give to yourself the correct understanding, the correct sense of value that will for you bridge the gap between physical and spiritual realities. There is nothing that can cloud your view, you have an excellent vantage point for you can see forever, nothing stands in your way. You imagine yourself trapped in a world unfamiliar to you yet you have seen it all before. Each experience comes to you like a new experience but there is repetition in your life. Do not stop creating, always allow that what comes to you to manifest before you. You are working as a team, you are working with yourself, and yourself, that what you call yourself can stretch, can reach into the spiritual vibrations. Possibilities are presented to you and you have to choose, you have to make your choice but you are not alone and you can remember the last time that you were here. A pattern has built up, a pattern that wants to repeat itself yet you will fight against that pattern for you are creating a new pattern. You will create a new pattern as you live your life. Prepare for surprises, prepare to make wrong turns, expect nothing and create for yourself a firm foundation that you can come back to when you feel yourself lost, when you feel yourself alone'
'Dance in the moonlight, feel the effects of the light reflecting on your surroundings, watch the shadows lengthen, watch the reactions on all life, all life that gathers around you to witness your birth into a new world. The time is ticking, the clock will not stop, you have to move forward and you will be received by loving arms, loving friends, faces that you recognise, that you have seen before. See them smile with joy as they watch you move forward into a new age, a new way of living unaffected by past experiences for you have begun a new greater experience, taken that step forward on a pathway so solid that it cannot be broken'
'Once again we have reached the end of our session this evening. We give to you a piece of our love to take into your world, spread it around to all who you meet. Give your world the love in desires, give your world the love it deserves, give your world the love that you have built up within yourself. Take nothing from your world for you are creating your world. Create it in a loving way and you will see how your efforts reflect on all who you meet. They too play their own part and you can work with them in harmony, in friendship and in love. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'
I came back after one minute.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
230th Sitting 02/11/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm put the music on and turned out the light...
Liz saw a few flashes at the bottom of her field of vision.
She saw shapes moving around the room, some were wispy and moving around like a mosaic.
At one point she felt she was talking with spirit and saw black shapes in front of her.
They looked like lollipops or skittles against a bright background.
I was in and out of sleep for about one hour before I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome friend'
'Good evening, good evening...'
Liz... 'Good evening friend'
'Time once again to come through and speak with you and engage in conversation once again. It is always for us a pleasure to come through and speak with your world, with your atmosphere, that wonderful atmosphere that makes up the physical world. That place that is for you a home, a temporary home and you have that chance to develop yourself as you live in your home. As you grow both physically and spiritually you can compare yourself with all that surrounds you for you are more than you think, you are greater than you can imagine. There is inside of you a small spark that will bring you forward and activate your way of thinking, it will cause you to make decisions, cause you to develop the ability to choose between right and wrong. You will build up in your mind a knowledge of what is right or wrong to you. You are forever testing yourself, you are always giving yourself the benefit of the doubt for you never truly know what is right or wrong yet you can feel within yourself an urge to go one way or the other. That urge is fired by the spark within you, the spark that you have developed yourself. You are watching yourself and you have seen yourself before for you are repeating past mistakes, giving you experience and knowledge to rectify those mistakes. You are practising, practising a role in your life, a role that is in tune with the vibration you have created within yourself'
'Stand alone, stand in one place, picture a wider... take all...'
The communication faded and Liz encouraged it to come forward again.
'Build for yourself a firm foundation for you have taken the time to allow yourself to drift, to move, to change your outlook on that what is presented to you. You have begun to uncover that what lies ahead. Many times you have tried to recognise the true beauty within your world yet only once have you come close to a true recognition. We can see how it can affect the way that you think. A change is coming, a new way of seeing, a new way of feeling, but it will be a gradual change, a gradual opening up'
'We have come to the end of our session this evening for it is dwindling, the energy is dwindling, we have not able to continue with in this way for it is for us... taking our time. Now once again we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread it around, spread it to all who you meet. We can feel the love in your world and we can see how you are raising that vibration. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight friend, thank you and God bless you'
I felt back with it after a minute.
Then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
229th Sitting 26/10/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.20pm, turned off the light and put the music on...
Ten minutes later Liz sensed lots of people around. She saw marbled patterns, moving shapes and shadows.
I drifted in and out of sleep for about one hour.
Then I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music...
Liz... 'Welcome friend'
'Good evening, good evening'
Liz... 'Good evening friend'
'Time once again to come through and speak to you, speak to you all, all who listen, all who take notice of what we say for we have amongst ourselves many subjects to discuss, many words to convey and each week we build up a story. There are many paths on which you can make your way through your life, through your physical life. There are many choices that you can make, many life changing choices and you have your own responsibility for yourself, for the way that you negotiate your physical life. You feel your way along that path, you sample life as it is presented to you and you make your choice as to how you wish to carry on, how you wish to make your life suitable for that what you wish to achieve. You have at the back of your mind a meaning for your life, you feel there is purpose in your life and that purpose has been developed over the years, it has changed, it has reflected the way you have lived your life. Take each day as it comes to you, take each situation as it is presented to you and make your choice, carve out for yourself a pathway through all of your situations, all of those situations that come to you. Build up within yourself experience upon experience, allow that experience to build within yourself, build a new purpose. See how your thoughts change as you negotiate your way through life. See how the way you think is affected by the way you view other people in your world. You are not alone, you are part of a group, part of an organised group all working as one yet separated. Planning has gone into your life, you have seen how you have lived before and you have seen the mistakes you have made, you have seen the changes that have occurred. Each time you lived a life in a physical world those changes have changed you, those changes have created you. It is for you to understand whether the changes have benefited your understanding, your evolution. For when mistakes are made you may cease to evolve, you may take a step backwards and a change can be the answer, a change can give you a new perspective and allow you to realise the mistakes you have made. Evolution is a slow process, there are no time restraints on evolution for it will happen in its own time, you merely have the power to change and redirect the way you live, creating a new pattern, a new way of living. Never be afraid of change for it will mould you into a new personality, a better personality. A personality that will carve its way through experiences with a heightened mind, with more love in its heart and an appreciation of those around you. A wanting to help, a wanting to form a group of like-minded beings capable of changing the world, changing your world'
There was a pause and then a different voice started to come through...
Liz... 'Welcome friend...'
'...taking a look around, this is a wonderful world, a wonderful exciting place for you all have such a wonderful life even though at times you feel the pull of disappointment and sorrow. You have for yourself a wonderful life full of opportunities, full of friendships, full of the helping hand for you have with you many, many experienced entities who are connected and will help you. It is for you to accept their help, allow them to take you upon a wonderful journey in a wonderful world that you have created for yourself. You have had much help but it is your own work that has created for you your world, your reality. Spend your time well, do not waste, do not let the precious time go by, take each second and use your abilities to create even more, an even more greater reality for you have merely touched the surface. Your mind is capable of much more, much greater experience'
Liz... 'Have you walked this path before friend?'
'You have your own unique path for yourself, I as an observer can join you. When I had experience in physical life I also journeyed with you. Expand your view and see how all this fits together. Do not see yourself as a singularity, you are made up of many minds, many points of consciousness that evolve as one. You have already seen the connections and you have felt yourself as a greater self, as a combination of smaller selves'
Liz... 'Why do we get so attached to these smaller selves, to the people that we know and relate to in this life like our family members?'
'You are living two lives at one time. It is for you to tune in to one or the other yet you can live both lives simultaneously, then you will understand. The physical world is designed to hold you into one life but a developed mind can escape. Many single strands make up one piece of string, many single strands intertwine strengthening that piece of string and as you make your way through life more strands will make that string into a rope, a strong permanent structure, never ending, no beginning, continuing to forge ahead getting stronger and stronger. You may only see one strand at one time but that strand is but one part of a strong solid rope. Try not to complicate your thinking for all knowledge is based on simplicity. It only appears complicated from a singular perspective, you have the ability to see from many perspectives'
'We... once again we have reached the end of our session this evening, we have come to the end of our session this evening, it is time for us to withdraw from your room and allow you once again to rejoin your wonderful physical world. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it amongst those who you meet, allow them to see the light within themselves and go on to share that light with others. Your world is in need of light and that light will benefit all who live in your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight and God bless you and thank you friend'
Liz played a tune as I came back then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
228th Sitting 19/10/2017
We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 7.30pm, turned out the light and put the music on...
After about ten minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned the music down.
'Good evening, good evening'
Liz... 'Good evening friend'
'Time once again to come through and speak with you. We all come through, we all gather and we all contribute to the words and we all plan the words for the words are important and the importance is in how they are presented to you. There is much that we can say, there is much that we can discuss yet we have restrictions on that what we can bring through. We do not wish to fill your minds with thoughts that will not benefit your development of your own understanding. Each time that we come through we can bring more through, we can bring more details through. As you live your life in your physical world you are constantly battling with the thoughts that you have and the words that you hear in your world. There is nothing in the physical world that will cause you to think in a new way for your world is a part of you, is working with you, is unfolding before you, aligning with your thoughts, aligning with the way that you think, the way that you understand life. When we bring to you new ideas these will distort the way you look at your world. You can see your world in many ways, you can understand your world in many ways. Try to see your world from a new perspective, try to understand your world in a new way. Different observations will come to you if you allow yourself to stray off the familiar path, the familiar path of thought. Your mind is full of past experiences. These experiences are recorded and you replay them to yourself as you observe your world. Try to observe your world with a fresh mind. Wake up out of your past experiences and take a step beyond. Each day of your life is filled with expectations based on that what you have previously experienced. Take away those expectations and you may see your world in a new light. You are creating what you see and you can alter that creation. Take away the familiar and look for the unusual. React to situations in a new way. You have created for yourself a comfortable world in which to live in. Many people are afraid to lose that comfort for they do not know what lies beyond. They keep a familiar pathway for themselves to tread but they are missing a wider experience. A narrow mind is a familiar path, a widened mind sees and understands so much more. Take a moment out of each day to think, to think back at how you have lived that day, consider what you may have missed, consider the opportunities that you did not realise were there. Ask yourself how can I widen my view and you will discover a new world before you, a larger picture, a more detailed picture, a picture free from familiar ideas and expectations, a picture that is a reflection of your true self not that self that you believe yourself to be... Is this understandable to you?'
Liz... 'Yes, thank you... yes I can feel how the fabric of the world can change as we see it differently. The same fabric but with different patterns and imprints depending on our point of view'
'The more you experiment with these ideas the easier it will become to see so much more and when you meet another person you will see so much more in that person, not just that narrow view of what you observe for you will feel that person and you will understand that person, the true person, the larger self, that what is driving that person will be understood. You will see that person from your consciousness to their consciousness. The physical picture will fade and you will see the whole person, the whole conscious being with your whole conscious being. You are not limited to a physical world, a narrow view, you all have the ability to spread your awareness into your full consciousness and use that full consciousness to observe fully, understand fully. Your life will open up for you and you will understand so much more, you will indeed see your world as it truly is'
Liz... 'I'll play some music again friend'
'Thank you, yes'
Liz put the music up.
For a while I experienced what felt like parts of me dissolving, especially my legs. Then I drifted in and out of sleep for a while.
After about 45 minutes I started to be controlled again and Liz turned down the music.
The communication was incoherent for a while before settling down...
'...take time to reflect on all that is said and you will begin to understand, you will begin to see the world as you should, as you were meant to, as you always knew you would. We can only give you ideas, give you a glimpse of a larger self, a larger world, a bigger picture. It is for you to fill in the gaps, to paint that picture, to paint the idea that has been given to you. Walk with us, see as we can see and understand as we can understand for we are no different to you, we have experienced what you have experienced. Wake up and discover for yourself all that is there, all that is set out for you, thank you. Thank you my dear friend, please take from us a piece of our love. Take it into your heart, allow it to wake you from the inside, allow it to open yourself up to the beauty of your world and beauty of yourself. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you'
Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'
I came back and Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.
At the end of the healing Liz felt she had made contact with something larger, she felt a presence working through her.
Liz had felt a lot of presences in the room during the session.
227th Sitting 12/10/2017
We were joined by Brian and Debi this week. Brian sat to my left, Liz in front of me and Debi to my right.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.15pm, turned out the light and put the music on.
After about three minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...
'Good evening, good evening...'
All... 'Good evening, welcome friend'
'It is a good evening, we are all together and we have come, we have all arrived into your room, into your atmosphere, your wonderful atmosphere that we can use. We can place our hands amongst you all in the atmosphere that you create. We join hands with you creating an ever-growing circle, an ever-growing circle of friends, friends within friends within friends, all in harmony, all creating a loving vibration throughout your room and throughout your world for your world is in need of love, of higher vibration, of harmony. You all possess within yourself a level of love and harmony, that level is shared with others, that level affects others, that level reaches out to others. You are all engaged in increasing the vibration of your world, increasing the loving vibration of your world. We too can help but it is for you to initiate that vibration. Live your life each day with love in your heart, see the love in others, see how your world reflects love. The negativity in your world is a part of your world, it is a part of the state of your world at this point in time. Do not allow the negativity to affect the way you feel, the way you act, the way you react with one another. Know that you are helping to alleviate the negativity in your world, know that you are shining a light into the darkness. Those who find themselves in the darker corners of your world they have accepted within themselves, they have taken themselves away from the light that shines within themselves yet they know from within that that light is always there. What you are doing is helping to remind them that they too can shine brightly throughout your world. A time will come when they will question their existence and they will remember that light that is burning inside of them and they will allow it to spread, allow the flame to become a fire and all on your world will benefit. Watch the reactions in the faces of the children in your world as they play, as they teach each other the importance of love. See how harmonious a group of young children can be without the feelings of being threatened by an outside energy. They are unaware of the darker regions of your world, they know only love. Look back at yourself when you were a child, remember how you felt, how you wanted to help. See your world through the eyes of a child and you will understand how unnecessary the fighting and the arguments and the greed really is. Rise up above yourself, look down, what do you see? Your world is a place to learn and you are beginning to experience life from above. Change your perspective, see how unnecessary the darkness is, see how easily light spreads when a life is led in the simplest ways like a young child free from the confusions that come to you'
Liz... 'Can I ask a question?'
'Yes you may'
Liz... 'What purpose then is all the conditioning that takes us away from that pristine state of openness?'
'You are presented with difficulties in your life, you must use that what drives you to negotiate the difficulties. You have not chosen to live an easy life, you have come here to learn and to grow. You need to be presented with situations that allow you to question. If your life was easy then your life would have no point'
Liz... 'What is it that we are developing and learning here that we couldn't learn better in spirit?'
'The physical world is a temporary shutting off of the spiritual vibrations to a part of your consciousness. That part must travel alone on a journey in a world where many entities are playing their part in their own way, using their own free will. The spiritual vibrations do not have the strict conditions that a world such as this places upon each individual player of the game. You are here to grow, you have left a part of yourself in the spiritual realms, there is still that connection yet that part that lives a life in the physical world feels alone until it expands its awareness'
Liz... 'Yes, it almost sounds like a sort of experimental situation'
'You have chosen to come into this world and you know how the world will push you from place to place. It is indeed seen as an experiment from the spiritual side. You are watching yourself and you are receiving, you are receiving the growth that that part in the physical world is achieving'
Liz... 'You mean that the growth and expanded experience that the part in the physical world is experiencing is passed on to the larger part of that self that is in spirit?'
'The larger self is connected to the smaller self and the smaller self is blinded to that connection while it operates within the physical world yet that connection is there and the growth is fed back. The growth is encouraged from both sides of life'
Liz... 'And the ultimate purpose of all this... is that something that we can understand or is it beyond our current comprehension?'
'The larger self is a part of an even greater self, a greater consciousness, an evolving consciousness, an evolving consciousness with a plan and that plan involves physical worlds, learning worlds. Many physical worlds exist, many smaller consciousnesses, smaller selves exist in all physical worlds. There is a constant feeding to the spiritual realms'
Liz... 'I guess from how you are speaking that's how it is but why do we ask why? It is as it is but human beings, I, ask why is it like this, why do we ask why?'
'You came to this world with a question on your mind. As you live your life that question grows stronger. You feel the love from your greater self like the love from a mother yet you do not fully understand, you question why? Where? Where does this come from? Is it me? Is it within myself? You already know the answer yet you cannot find that answer. You have watched yourself grow from a child to maturity and it is natural to ask why. Who do you think you are asking when you ask why?'
Liz... 'I guess ultimately myself... That's a rather strange thing to be...'
'You ask yourself because you know you have the answer but why can you not find that answer?'
Liz... 'I guess it must be because we're still looking from the smaller perspective, from the cut off part'
'You have hidden that answer from yourself but that answer is there. The answer is not important but the question is important. The fact that you are asking the question, that is important, that will keep you motivated, that will keep you moving forward. You all have that question in your mind whether it is apparent to your consciousness or not and that question is keeping you all interested in life, in living, in continuing to live and explore and experience'
Debi... 'May I ask a question please?'
Debi... 'We often have visitors from different dimensions come into our circle. I wanted to find out how is your experience of beings from different dimensions from where you are, not human beings'
'As we have said there are many physical worlds, many physical vibrations. Each vibration is made up of life, life that has physical form, life that also has spiritual form. All these physical worlds are connected, all of life is connected. When you open yourself up in a physical circle your light will attract all forms of life, all vibrations of life. You will perceive this life in your own way. Some forms of life would be unrecognisable to you yet you can recognise all life in your own way. You all have only so much experience and that experience is what you use to build up for yourself a picture representing the life force that has been attracted to your light. The important ingredient is how that life communicates to you, is that communication useful, does it benefit those who listen. The source of that communication can never be fully understood'
Debi... 'Thank you'
'Do you have any further questions?'
Debi... 'I would like to ask about my development if it is appropriate'
'You may indeed ask whatever you wish and we will try to give you an answer'
Debi... 'I have been told that things are moving on and changing and that I need to build the foundations as it's meant to go on'
'You need to look at your own development from your own perspective. You will be given guidance from others as they see your development growing yet ultimately it is for you to decide. How do you feel? What do you receive? Question yourself, question that what comes through, again ask yourself is this useful, is it helping you and is it helping others? The purpose of spiritual communication is to build a bridge, a strong bridge, a bridge that is a permanent structure in your mind and when that structure has been fully formed the truth of spirit will come to you and you will use that truth to build on your own understanding and you will share that understanding with others. You never stop learning and you never stop developing'
Debi... 'I agree'
'You have that interest within yourself and you brought that interest with you when you immersed yourself in this physical world. Keep that interest shinning bright within yourself. Do not be put off by the obstacles that are put into your path. There is nothing stopping you from developing apart from yourself'
Debi... 'Thank you'
Liz... 'Shall I play some music for a bit?'
'I think we will return to the music yes'
Liz saw some dim lights and shapes moving around.
Brian was seeing a few lights and faces.
Liz saw pin-pricks and splashes of light glowing like smudges of light.
Brian and Debi could see this as well.
Brian had cold energy going up his legs then moving around in his stomach.
As Brian reported this Liz felt it as well.
Debi also felt coldness through her legs and churning in her stomach.
After about 15 minutes another communication started and Liz turned down the music again...
'Is it correct... is it always correct or are there mistakes made? We cannot tell, we cannot fully understand all that is happening for there are within your world many secrets, many undiscovered pockets of energy that have not been released. You all have within yourself an ability to discover these pockets of energy within your world and you will indeed find the location of this secret energy, this secret energy that was placed, that was created in a time when your world felt threatened, your world had a sense of conflict within itself. Now, when you feel within yourself a frustration, a disappointment with yourself you are feeling that energy, you are dipping yourself into an energy that has not yet been discovered. Your world can be seen as a living entity, your world supports life and that life gives your world its own life. You are all a part of that life and you have the ability to modify that life. Listen to your world, understand how it feels, how it fits in with all life and try to understand how you can help, how you can be a part of its recovery, thank you'
Liz... 'Friend, can I ask why the feeling of disappointment is associated with these hidden pockets of energy?'
'These pockets of energy were placed there by your ancestors and you continue the line of life. They understood the disappointment throughout your world. Feel the energy of your world, listen to your world. Your world is a part of you and your world can affect the way you feel. You are all working together and you must all learn to help one another and help your world and help yourself and release this energy'
Liz... 'Right, so is the energy secret teachings that were hidden because at that time they wouldn't be understood or is this energy to do with the pain and suffering?'
'You have partially answered your own question and you will continue to answer your question yourself'
Liz... 'I can feel, is it to do with the fact as well that many times when truth was spoken it was persecuted, the people who spoke the truth were persecuted?'
'Truth comes to those who listen, truth comes to those who feel and truth comes to those who feel the connection with your Earth. Allow yourself to understand, allow yourself to hear'
Brian... 'Would these pockets of energy mean different things to different people?'
'Each person sees with their own eyes, hears with their own ears, feels with the vibration that they recognise, so the perception of the energy is unique to each individual on your world yet that energy is one energy. Much has been written, much is yet to be discovered. You will all discover your own truth in your own way and as you discover your own truth a part of that energy will be released. Remember to see your world as a living world'
Debi... 'That's lovely thank you'
'The time has now come for us to end our session this evening. We have all enjoyed the energies you have created in your room for each of you have contributed a part of that energy and that energy has become intertwined and we have built that energy into a voice box for all to hear. Thank you my dear friends, please take with you a piece of our love, share it with whoever you meet, give them the opportunity to see the light within themselves. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'
All... 'Goodnight and God bless you and thank you friend'
I came back and then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...
At the start Brian saw between him and me a chair, like a kitchen chair, wooden with a red seat. Then it faded away as the first communication started. Brian was wondering who it was for, then he sensed he had a helmet on his head, metal, gold colour with a chain coming down under his chin and he felt energy going down. He got the impression of a chap in uniform, a ceremonial guard, red and blue uniform, he thought he was from the Household Cavalry. He stayed for a while before going.
Later Brian was nodding off and had a smack on the head to bring him back.
Debi had drifted off and heard nothing when Liz asked her first question. She felt a lot of manipulation around her and just went with it.
Later when one of the songs was playing she felt someone to her left and very clearly felt spirit coming through her and enveloping her. It became much darker, a very strange sensation but pleasant. It was the first time she had felt that.
Liz commented that she often experienced similar sensations as what Debi had described.