May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

162nd Sitting 22/10/2015

Following advice given last week I was back in the cabinet again.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer waking up about an hour later.

Liz also dropped of a few times.

I started to be controlled about 10 minutes after waking up.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘To follow the correct sequence of events will enable us to combine our energies with energies that are already in the room. We have dipped ourselves into the energies of your room and opened up a channel of communication that you can benefit from. We all join hands, we all experience the same effect that is generated by the combination of the physical atmosphere and the thoughts that we bring from the world of spirit. A page is written, the words are put down to create a new story, a new train of information that we hope will provide a glimpse for you into the life, the greater life, the life that you are a part of now enabling you to understand and recognise that you are a part of the greater life. You have had your awareness turned down, turned down and restricted to the senses, the physical senses within which you operate yet you still feel that surrounding force which gives you the feeling that you are more, that you have more to experience than what is offered to you via the senses, the physical senses that you work with. The force is felt by all on your side, some ignore the force, some find it becomes a part of their life, they find they can understand the force. The force of the greater life is what motivates you forwards, what motivates you to explore your world, to uncover that what takes from your sight the true meaning of life. You observe the wonders of your world and you can feel inside of yourself that these wonders were created by a power greater than what you recognise as yourself’

Liz… ‘That’s very true’

‘You have built up a recognition of yourself as you journey your life in a physical world but you have forgotten the true power behind that self, the self that you perceive. Some on your side have recognised the power, they have seen how the power can drive them forward. They can tap into that power, engage with the power, the creative power. They can step out of those physical senses, recognise them for what they are, use their imagination and build for themselves a new way of living, a new way of understanding. Look beyond what your eyes reveal to you, see the possibilities, understand how you can create, create a more harmonious life for yourself and for others’

Liz… ‘It seems to me that in order to do that, to truly grasp the full power of the creative force and to work with it we have to overcome fear as it seems the force that creates all the negativity in our world, all the hatred, the wars, fighting and aggression stems from fear. But how did that fear arise and how can one truly overcome that fear. It seems to have been such a generative force in our world, in our minds’

‘Fear… fear has been brought about by the actions of all, the actions and the reactions of each person to the next person. The illusion that you are all separate individuals has caused you all to manufacture a fear for yourself, a fear for your existence due to the misunderstanding that you will not die. Each individual when they see them self as a separate entity, they see no connection, they fear for their own life, they try to protect them self, they cling onto the idea of survival, survival in a physical world. They look for a way to manipulate the world around them so as to make themselves feel more comfortable and protected in a world which to them appears as a dangerous world, a world with much to fear for they feel other separate entities will be a threat to them, a threat to their survival in this world. This is what builds up fears in the minds of men, fears that become so strong that they become permanent, a permanent part of the structure of the minds of men’

Liz… ‘So how did that fear originate, what triggered the fear that people should fear other people because the initial experience of a child that is born is nurturing from the mother, from the family, so other people should appear as supportive rather than threatening’

‘There is always a balance in your world’

Liz… ‘I suppose we see it written into the animal kingdom, a territorial-ness that there is fighting for ecological niches, for territory’

‘Your world is built with love and love is felt. There is love and there is fear. The love from the mother to the child is the initial feeling but as that child grows and mingles with the other people of your world it will sense the attitudes, the feelings of others. It will pick up the fears of others yet the love of your world is always there, this is why we say to you look for the good in all things’

Liz… ‘What was the purpose of the fear?’

‘As the human mind develops in a physical atmosphere many challenges are brought upon the mind, challenges designed to open up the mind. There are many ways to bring obstacles and difficulties into the life, the physical life. Much can be learnt from the exposure to fear in a world of love. Many benefit from the exposure to fear, it allows the mind to think for itself, to make those important choices that enable it to grow. The choices that are based on fear will bring that mind down, will cloud the mind yet the mind will recognise the love in your world, it will question itself. A time will come when the physical mind becomes tired, tired of continued repetition. It will crave for a new outlook, a new sense of being, an expanded outlook. When the mind is ready to look for new opportunities then the love of your world will seep in, will create ideas in that mind and when the opportunities are seen and the choices have to be made then the choices will be done with love and the effects will be felt. There is a passion that is felt by each mind as it journeys through the atmosphere of a physical world, a passion which stimulates the creative power within that mind. Each situation is approached from a new angle and is seen in a new light. The opportunities are there. Slowly each mind takes itself closer to the power that it has brought into your world, the power that has always been there which will light up the sight of that individual person, allow it to see the connections with the next person, allow it to feel the harmony of your world at work in a natural way, allow it to recognise that there is no fear, no fear in a world of love but for that fear that it creates for itself. Once the recognition has been made, that the fear was self-created, then there is no difficulty in letting go of the fears. Fear is an important part of your world all the time that each mind is capable of creating fear. When the human mind has taken that next step then a time will come when fear will be unnecessary. There is much to learn in a world of love yet the time has not yet come when the benefit of fear is no longer a part of the physical world. The weaker minds in your world need your help, need your thoughts of love and understanding. Help each other, do not judge, do not punish, do not create more fear in your world. Take the weak of mind by the hand and help them up… Picture a world where fear does not exist. Picture a world where fear does not form a part of the structure of that world. Each mind is constantly evolving yet without fear will that mind be able to evolve? A time will come when the world of physical matter will become illuminated in all respects, in all points. The world you live in now will be seen as a dim reflection, a distant memory. A cloud will form and the energies of your world will be attracted to that cloud. That cloud will begin to form structures within itself as it uses the energies that are sent to it. The structure will represent each mind in your physical world, a representation of how you are now, a memory, a memory of each individual mind at this point of time and the cloud will go on to develop itself in a way that cannot be understood by the minds that make it up, by the minds that support the structure of that cloud. It will form a new reality, a physical reality for those who wake up in it, who wake up in the form that it has created for itself. The form will build into a new world, a new world of opportunities, a new world of experiences’

Liz… ‘Where does this cloud come from?’

‘The cloud has been built up by each mind as it journeys through the true life, the one experience that enables the feeling, the true feeling to be felt. There is no easy answer, there is no easy explanation, yet to understand in the physical sense then the awareness requires greater breadth, wider, deeper thinking. Take yourself out of your physical world, hold up your hands and touch that what surrounds you, touch that what is you, understand what is you, feel the love that is you. You have created your own cloud yet you are all one. The cloud is not an individual creation, it is a joint creation perceived as individual until you can reach out of yourself. If you do not understand then take one step back, allow your mind to catch-up with the feeling it is engaged with before you step forward once again. Create your own picture in your own mind but know that it is a joint effort. Take yourself on your own journey but know you are one of many on that same journey. The cloud exists in the imagination of the one mind that you all connect to, that you all are a part of and can share in that imagination. Your imagination is our imagination, confuse the two and you will lose your grip on understanding what you truly are. We can see what you can see, we can feel what you touch, we can hear the sounds that resonate in your ears. There is no separation, there is no distant place, we have never left, you have never left, all is one yet there are many avenues, many roads, many countries, many divisions, many barriers. Do not confine yourself in your own compartment, keep the door ajar until you can break down the walls, taste the true life that surrounds you and make it a part of your world. When the cloud has reached sufficient size then the rain will fall and each individual droplet will be received as a separate mind until it hits the sea, the mighty oceans of life. Where then is that one droplet? For it has become lost to the sight of those who believe they are individuals yet the droplet itself has discovered that it is part of something greater, something far more powerful. The power of the oceans of your world are what drive you all. Watch the destruction that the oceans of your world can bring about but also observe the beauty in the still waters of your world. Do not make ripples, allow the surface to remain a perfect mirror then you will see the true life reflected in that mirror…  Thank you my dear friend, we hope we have given you once again food for thought’

Liz… ‘Indeed you have’

‘Each week we build up for you a continuation of a growing picture. Our aim is to reach the minds of many and to help lift the weaker minds of your world closer to a time when fear can be eliminated. Please take from us a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread it around, lighten the minds of all who you meet, thank you, good evening to you, may God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Good night, God bless you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

I was feeling back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz had experienced pulling sensations from her again during the communications mainly from her solar plexus area and she had got very hot at times.
The feeling gradually left her as the communicators withdrew.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

161st Sitting 15/10/2015

We have been thinking about changing the way we sit and experimented with my chair outside the cabinet this week but still sat in full blackout.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness about 10 mins after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later.
I remember feeling a pulsing/vibrating feeling going up and down my throat when I woke up which lasted a few seconds.
About the same time Liz reported a juddering sensation going through her.

After another 20 minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent.

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘It is a good time now for us to come and explain the situation, explain the conditions that are required to develop a clear channel of communication, understandable to the ears of all who inhabit your world. Nothing is done to confuse for we wish to approach with a simple mind, a simple thought yet a thought that will set in motion in the minds of many, set in motion their own thoughts that will clothe their understandings. We do not merely dish out answers, for answers are to be worked towards by each individual, yet we can provide the tool, the tools to be inserted into the mind of each individual to enable a wider understanding. The conditions of your room are part of the make-up of the physical vibration that we can align our own energies, our own field of thought. Much can be done in any situation yet at this time, at this stage of development we would prefer to return to within the cabinet for it is the familiar setup that we can engage with at this time'

Liz… ‘Okay friends that’s clear’

‘This is not to say that in the future… we will be able to discard the cabinet, we will be able to discard the blackout conditions but for now as we strengthen the communication each week the conditions would be preferable to stay the same’

Liz… ‘Okay friend thank you for letting us know’

‘We appreciate your experimentation for it is all experimentation from both sides of life. You learn from experimentation, we all learn from experimentation’

Liz… ‘How about with the Tuesday group, with the Mercury Experiment group, is it better to use the cabinet or to go back to our previous formation around the table?’

‘The Mercury Experiment group is yet to find the optimum setup, the best setup for the energies that we wish to use. We wish you to rely on your own feelings as you sit in your Mercury Experiment. We wish you to feel how the setup affects the way you work. We are concentrating on taking you into a deeper altered state of mind so that we can eliminate your fears of self-creating the message. We wish you to let go of those thoughts, allow the words to come through. Take away any expectation as to what will come through. Allow mistakes to be made for they will be built upon, they will form a learning for you and for us. So as for the setup of your room in the Mercury Experiment, do what makes you feel most comfortable. If you wish to sit in the cabinet then do so’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We wish the table to remain in the room at all times. The dome is to be placed on the table during the Mercury Experiment and placed aside for this session as you do now. The dome is used for the development of your own mediumship. Experiment with the music you use in the Mercury Experiment, find what most puts you at ease’

Liz… ‘Right will do’

‘The music for this session will remain. We have been able to work with this music and we wish to continue’

Liz… ‘Understood’

‘Have you any questions on your mind?’

Liz… ‘Someone has asked a question… and the question is concerning what happens after death to someone who has behaved very badly in their life, who has been very unethical, who’s done terrible things, things that harm other people, have caused great harm, maybe killed people deliberately. What happens to such a person after death?’

‘The person has to first come to their own realisation that what they have done has caused hurt to others in your world. Such a person may not realise the hurt they have caused. All who walk your world are at times hurting other people without realising yet some will go out of their way to cause harm, to disrupt, to disrupt the harmony of the physical world. Understand what has caused these people to want to disrupt the harmony of your world. They too may have been harmed; they may have been subjected to the negativities of your world. When they leave the physical world they will be subjected to a period of healing, they will find themselves in a place of healing. They will be given time to understand the results of the actions they have brought about. They will be given the opportunity to return to your physical world in a condition that they will set up for themselves, a condition where they can work with love, work at helping those others who they will recognise as making the mistakes they have made. They will put themselves in a situation where they will meet these people and help these people. There is not right or wrong in your world, there is only learning, gaining experience, opening the mind, developing the mind. You have created for yourself a world which sees right and wrong in all situations. Do not look for the wrong in a situation, look for the opportunity in a situation, grasp the opportunity and you will learn, you will not have to face the realisation that you have harmed one another; you have disrupted the harmony of a loving physical world. There is no punishment in the world that lies beyond the physical, for that too is filled with love and understanding. Each person no matter what they have done is met with love and understanding and allowed to think through their own life, their own experiences. They will feel again the experiences that they have had for themselves and they will feel the pains that have been felt by those who they have upset by their actions. They will be given the opportunity to understand the feelings, understand what motivated them to cause the feelings. Every mind on your world is a precious mind. We wish to see it grow, we wish to see it flourish and we understand the difficulties associated with living in a physical world with so many differing minds that work together. No one mind has an advantage over another, you are all working in the same reality, the same physical atmosphere, yet some have grown, some contain understandings, understandings that help them see their pathway illuminated in front of them while others struggle in the darkness of life. We wish those who live in the darkness to open their eyes. We do not want to push them back into a yet more darker place’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘As we have said before, there is nothing to fear at the moment of death, what you understand as death. It is a joyous time, a time to understand, a time to reach out beyond the limitations of physical life but only when that mind is ready. Many will find themselves in a world similar to what you experience now but they still have the opportunity to grow, to expand their minds in whatever direction they feel the interest for. Each human mind finds its own interest. When an interest is found then one hundred percent effort is put into that interest and this will take them into that place that most suits them and is most beneficial for their continued development and growth. Feel, feel how much more you benefit when you are engaging in what interests you. There are times when you are pushed into doing things which go against the interests of your mind and you will struggle to find the motivation inside of you to work at the tasks you have set yourself up to do. Yet when you do what interests your mind it is not so much a task as a pleasurable experience’

Liz… ‘So does that mean one should avoid doing things that seem very difficult and cumbersome and just do those things that are easy and pleasurable?’    

‘Never avoid what comes to you but recognise the difficulty in this’

Liz… ‘A learning tool’

‘No opportunity is wasted, it is not easy to pursue your interests, it is the harmonious thoughts that make you feel at ease. You are still working, you are still working at learning, at discovering, at opening your mind but you are doing it at ease with the interest that you have set up in your mind. The interest that has been recognised by your mind’

Liz… ‘So if there is a choice to be made in activities the sensible choice would be to go for those things that feel delightful’

‘There are many more aspects to be considered in a choice of this kind. Look at the situation you are in. See how your choice affects those you are with. It is not always wise to take the easy option. The more you make choices with love the more you will find the worlds you have created for yourself will work with you, will present beneficial opportunities that you will feel at ease with. When you are struggling you will recognise yourself as not totally fitting into the pathway you have created for yourself. Step back and see what is causing your discomfort. Address the situation with love; do not allow the negativities of fear to cloud your mind, to cloud you judgment of each situation’

Liz… ‘So it maybe sometimes that in order to be of benefit to another person or to help someone who you love that you may need or find yourself doing things that aren’t so easy or aren’t so pleasurable and yet they will give pleasure to others’

‘You are helping each other; you are giving each other the opportunity to work towards the interests that guide you all through your life’

Liz… ‘I suppose the secret is to make that wanting to help and to facilitate someone else your interest and passion to create in your mind that as a desirable…’

‘That will come naturally to you as you work with love, as you look at each other and you will feel yourself wanting to help the harmony of your world by helping each other, you will see the benefit of this and you will see how your own life will open up before you, greater opportunities will be presented to you. You will see the benefits of working with love, with the love that makes up your world, use it to its most beneficial use. There are many mistakes to be made in the physical world but make them with love and they will crumble, they will not be seen as mistakes for you are helping each other. When you help each other you are helping yourself, you are understanding the connection, the connection of each mind in the physical world… Many stories have been told throughout the times, the times gone by. Stories of a greater world, stories of a greater being that looks down on your world. Those who have understood the connection of all minds and the expansion of the one mind have tried to put it into words that can be understood, they have seen the forces, the forces of light that not only surround your world but are within your world to be discovered by all. They have tried to understand how the light can be perceived in a world that generates darkness for they can see how the darkness blinds each individual mind as it lives its life, its physical life. They have seen the effect that darkness can have on an individual mind and they have wanted to explain the presence of the wonderful light that forms the very structure of your world. They need to give it a name, they need to explain in the form of a story their own experience yet the words are insufficient. All they have been able to do is select the best words that can create a story that they feel will help those who walk in darkness. Words can only penetrate so far into the minds of man, beyond words there are feelings, feelings generated by the experiences that are perceived. A time will come when perception will become clearer to many minds as the light shines brighter. Words will not be required, a greater understanding of feeling will come to many and an understanding of how to present the feeling without the use of words, for this is what has been sought since the creation of you world. Patterns were created throughout the structure of your world, patterns there to be understood when the time was right, when development of the human mind was at that stage where the patterns could be revealed and understood for what they are. Many minds have already seen the patterns, have perceived the patterns but no physical mind has yet been able to truly understand the patterns and put the feeling, the correct feeling to that pattern. Words are merely stepping stones to the true feelings of each mind. Begin to recognise those feelings as they come to your mind’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that feelings have not been fully perceived as feelings by people, that words have acted as a temporary bridge to bring feelings forward?’

‘The feelings, the true feelings are yet to be understood. Feelings have been felt but they are a weak representation of the true feelings. As the human mind develops then the feelings will grow stronger and will guide those minds through the physical atmosphere that has been setup’

Liz… ‘And words won’t be necessary?’

‘There will indeed become a time when words will be part of the history of your world. What you understand now as telepathy is already a part of your world but will become a greater part of your world. The human mind is getting closer to the next stage of evolution. Look for the changes in your world, look for the discoveries in the science of your world. Those who choose to explore areas of consciousness, conscious thoughts, the impact of consciousness on physical matter, the impact of consciousness on the minds that inhabit your world, that drive your world, that drive the physical matter. Much understanding has already been built up by those who work with consciousness, the understanding of consciousness. They have seen how consciousness creates and they have begun to understand the workings of the physical matter that makes up your world. As each mind discovers for itself we can then introduce further ideas and understanding into those minds for they have opened up, they have made themselves receptive to the ideas that were once dismissed as illusions, as imagination, for imagination is misunderstood by many. Many misunderstand the importance and the power of imagination in your physical world, for imagination is behind the creative forces that govern your world. Never cast aside imagination, allow it to grow, allow it to flourish, allow it to fill every pattern of your makeup and drive you forward. We can put pictures into your mind but you have to use your imagination to create a permanent image. Without imagination the pictures are invisible, they have no substance to cling to. You all have much to learn on the mechanics of imagination but you are all working towards discovering the effects of imagination on your world, how it helps your world and how it helps each individual to work towards the light of your world… Thankyou my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, we hope we have given you much to think upon’

Liz… ‘Food for thought, fuel for imagination’

‘Yes feed yourself well and return rejuvenated, take our love into your world and feed those who you meet. Restore the connections between each other and understand yourselves as one evolving mind in a world of learning opportunities. Goodnight to you, may God fill your mind with love, until we speak again, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I came back after two minutes.
My right hand was warm and my left hand was cold.

Liz had been feeling energy drawn from her during the last part of the communication.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…   

160th Sitting 08/10/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about three minutes Liz reported light shapes moving around the room, she said it was a bit like looking at light through water.
She then saw pin-prick lights.

Liz picked up a spicy/soapy smell in the room.

I lost consciousness about 10mins after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later.

A strange noise came out on the recording about the time I woke up.

Liz reported a cool breeze in the room a few seconds after the noise.

I felt something on my neck below my left ear. It felt like something trickling down.

Noises started in the cabinet as I became controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘To put all of the energies into one combined point of concentration…’

Liz… ‘A focus point’

‘…is a step for us to come in at that point, we watch the development of the physical vibration that settles into this one point and we align our input over the point that has been built upon taking many stairs of fruition. Through continued development there will come a time when we can let go, let go of the physical restraints, the physical barriers that are constantly in place. There is an effort that we have put forward to bring a more settled combination of thoughts which become words, which become heard. There is order in this, a structure built up, placed in the middle of the thoughts until the thoughts can grasp the physical structure make themselves felt and heard through the physical apparatus of the medium. There comes a time when the passage of thought clears a pathway through the intricate structure of physical matter, forges through and sets up a pattern, a pattern that has been taken from our impression of what is required and we can see the effect, the resultant communication. Working on this is our focus at this time, working on achieving a more settled understandable voice reflecting the thoughts that we can bring forward and engaging with you in conversation for each sound can bring forth further thought, each sound will generate a vibration through the pattern lighting up the thoughts that are placed one by one into that pattern allowing the structure to produce the voice. There is always a build-up of expectation in the structure, expectation of what will be said, which we can hold aside and not allow it to colour the words that are produced but we need to rely on the mind of the medium to process the thoughts that we offer forward. Over time and continued development the thoughts will be presented in their purest form, no expectation will tarnish the resultant words; a clear passage will be found’

Liz… ‘How far are we towards that goal at the moment?’

‘Each week we are forever getting closer to a purer link, we have already achieved many words free from expectation, we can see how we have achieved this and we can work on repeating, repeating the formula until it becomes a familiar formula throughout the structure, the physical structure of the medium. Once a familiar formula has been achieved, has been recognised, then the words will be pure, will be true. We cannot put a time but we do rejoice in that the information that has been put forward in the words is based on the thoughts that we put forward. It is good that you can analyse the words that have come through each week, look at those words, decided for yourself if the words are useful to your own, beneficial to your understanding. We strive to bring you something new, something which you have not considered thinking about when you have spent time looking into the mysteries that surround you. Take from the words what resonates with your own thinkings. Always build up a picture in your own mind as you listen to the words. Always question information that does not paint an understandable picture in your mind. We will always answer each question to the best of our abilities using what we have achieved so far. There is much development going on during the period that we speak to you, many minds are looking beyond the words, seeing the pictures that are produced’

Liz… ‘I’d like to ask a question about rebirthing. It seems as if groups of people who’ve been attached or who’ve worked together before in previous lifetimes, after they die come back again into the Earth plane and meet up either in families or connections so that they interact again and work through things, is that the case?’

‘If it is seen that a group working together in the physical reality is beneficial then that group will indeed take themselves once again through a life in the physical world. The minds of the group will be seen as a beneficial team. They will be seen as a group effort; they will all be in harmony with one another and will work as one. There will not necessarily be the recognition whilst the minds are placed in the physical world, the recognition will come after, after they have exhausted the physical experiences and re-grouped. The time to look back at the physical life will be the time when all members of that group, of that team will recognise the work they have done. Some minds work best as an individual walking through the physical world, others work best when combined with the harmonious minds that work with them’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it feels as if there are people that we come into close contact with, sometimes just briefly and sometimes for prolonged periods and those people feel very familiar or the circumstances of meeting up feel almost as though they’re destined at some point to have met up, have that connection’

‘Part of you is recognising the thoughts that were setup before you came into the physical world. The strands of connection are felt, are recognised. Your physical mind will try to confuse this but inside you will know. Those inner feelings should be nurtured, should be developed. Develop yourself to operate on your inner feelings and you will see a larger picture, you will understand a larger picture, you will understand a true picture. The team of minds that work together always come together. Circumstances will be put in place to enable them all to share experiences whether it is for a lifetime or a brief moment but the sharing of experience is what strengthens the bond of that team. The purpose of a team is to be able to reach out to other minds, other weaker minds that have not had the benefit of developing in a physical world. They may be new to a physical world and the group will be able to help them. They will mingle with the minds of the weak, use their combined force to strengthen those minds’

Liz… ‘Can that work take many lifetimes?’

‘Indeed yes, it is a constant building up, lifetime after lifetime’

Liz… ‘Is it true that some individuals who over a period of lifetimes have strengthened their understanding, can actually focus their energies in one lifetime and achieve an enlightened understanding, can actually achieve the work of many lifetimes in one lifetime’

‘Each mind that is placed in the physical world contains within it the development of experiences and the development of that which lies behind the understanding of those experiences until a point is reached where experience becomes unnecessary for the further development of the mind. When that point is reached the mind becomes responsible for spreading understanding to many in your world. That mind can see the benefits of reaching out to many minds in a physical world, connecting to many minds in a physical world, helping those who are still struggling to understand in a way that is understandable to the thinking of the majority. Many minds are placed upon the Earth to teach, to show by example, to give those around, those who are attracted to that mind, give them an understanding to help them want to help others, want to spread their own understanding. Much effort is put into the growth of the mind, the mind is seen as an expanding understanding, the mind can develop and connect. Each child has the potential to teach. Each child is aware of its own abilities and limitations’

Liz… ‘Does our education system interfere with that?’

‘The physical world will interfere but a strong mind will see through that interference, a strong mind will cling onto the potential and use that potential to forge forward through the physical world’

Liz… ‘So it’s for a parent to observe and encourage and recognise the child’s own sense of direction its life should take’

‘An understanding parent is beneficial to the opening of the mind of the child. A parent who will recognise the potential in the child will nurture that mind of the child. Many choices are made before the birth of the child, many situations are setup, situations are put in place to hinder or help. It is not always wise to put in place an easy passage through the physical world. Growth is achieved by overcoming the difficulties of a physical life. No mind wishes to waste the opportunity of physical experience, much thought is put into the pathway before the birth into physical reality. Observe the people of your world with a larger picture in your mind and you may begin to understand the situations put in place by each mind before it placed itself in the physical world. Look at the people who struggle through life, look at the people perceived as deprived. Look at the people born into suffering, neglect and see what they have made of their life. There is so much to learn in observing your physical world and your fellow man. Take time to understand each person you meet. Recognise them as yourself; recognise yourself as a part of all who walk your world. Take a piece of yourself; insert it into the life of somebody else, walk their path, walk by their side. You will feel their thoughts, you will understand their motivations. The physical world has many opportunities, there is still much to discover. The human mind is still very young, the human mind has much to achieve, the growth has merely started…’

Liz… ‘An interesting idea’

‘The growth of the human mind has begun; the potential of the human mind is yet to be realized’

Liz… ‘Is there going to be a threshold beyond which all minds will achieve a further stage in development, are we approaching a threshold?’

‘A time will come when the human mind will see itself as one evolving picture. Much work is required from each individual mind before a point will be reached where a combination of minds will work as one. At first there will be many combinations of minds. Ultimately these will join and one clear mind will immerge. The journey has begun; the journey is unfolding for many as they open themselves up to the larger picture taking with them the weaker until the eyes of many will be open. You all play your part, you all add to the whole. You are all creating for yourself and each other opportunities to be taken, to be grasped. Look for the good in each other, look for what shines in each other, see the potential in each other. Do not hold onto that what brings you down; lay aside the negativities that are seen in each other for they will bring you down, look only for the good then you will lift each other up. There is much good in your world and it will strengthen, it will succeed in raising the thoughts of all. Time is a necessary part of the physical world but no measurement can be made on the development of the human mind, that is up to you. We cannot see the time it takes we can only see the clarity developing in the minds of all who live in the physical world. We can see the bright points and we can see the darker areas, we can see the evolving light shining through the dark clouds that surround the minds that inhabit your world. We feel the effort that is put forward by many to make those minds shine bright. There can only be growth for the physical world is a world of love. Love cannot be dimmed; love will always shine through the darkest of clouds, clouds created by the weak minds, by the confused minds. Those minds which can be helped, those minds which can be shown how to shine… Thank you my dear friend, we have once again come to that point where the energies of communication are dwindling. We wish now to withdraw. We wish you to think about the words that you have heard, decide for yourself if the words have helped your own understanding and are truly the words of spirit. We leave you with a piece of our love to help you with this. Take it into your world and share with those who you feel will most benefit from the love of spirit. May God bless you all, thank you for listening, thank you for creating the wonderful energies that we can share’  

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘Goodnight to you…’

Liz put the music back on.

I came back after about two minutes feeling fine.

Liz had dropped off briefly a few times during the session and came back each time feeling very present.

She had felt a strange shifting of energy during the communication. It felt uncomfortable at times as if her energy had got knotted somehow. She was feeling hot then cold then hot again. She just wanted to get up and stretch.
Afterwards she soon felt better.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

159th Sitting 01/10/2015

The room was setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer, tuned out the light and put the music on.

After two minutes Liz reported a silvery/blue shape in front of her.

About 45 minutes later she felt a creeping sensation going through her hair on the left side towards the cabinet. It was a kind of electrical feeling.

I had dropped off just after the opening prayer and remember coming back as the penultimate tune was playing and Liz was letting the spirit team know that now was the time to communicate if they wished to do so.
I then felt myself being controlled and when Liz heard the noises starting up in the cabinet she turned off the music.

She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening… welcome’

‘…Step aside and look at the very essence of the work that you have achieved so far, step back and observe the pathway you have trod and examine each turn, each twist as you set forth on your unique pathway. Take from what you can see, take that and fit it into your current way of thinking, observe your current state of being and see how it has developed for each day you are gathering more information and placing it aside, forging forward in a never ending battle always striving for what is at the heart of existence taking yourself on a journey that has no limit or boundary for there cannot be any limits or boundaries on a journey taken with an open heart, an open mind and a sense of recognition for each time you see the opening of your state of mind it will give you a glimpse of a true picture that you discovered before you came into the physical world. Take a moment to unravel the mysteries that you have given yourself for it is very simple, a simple task to rediscover that what you already know. Do not overcomplicate your own train of thought for simplicity is the key to unlocking that picture. Very many who seek the answers will complicate their mind, they will feel it has to be a difficult task, a task which they have to work on all their life, nothing else matters yet that what really matters is to live your life in a physical world in a way that is simple and uncomplicated. There is nothing mysterious that is hidden from your view; you have it there in front of you. Enjoy each day; strive to do good in your life, strive to understand your fellow man, take from those who you meet a clear picture of their own lives, a clear understanding of their feelings, for you are all connected, you can all feel each other, the music of connectivity with one another is a beautiful sound but let go of that music and the sound will be a discord, it will not vibrate in harmony until you regain that connection, that ability to feel one another. Let the music of your world be a harmonious beautiful tune that plays in the hearts of all you meet, all of humanity’

Liz… ‘What about when somebody leaves the physical plane, when someone dies, someone close to you like my father, someone dies who doesn’t really want to leave and let go of the people they are connected with and still leave someone like my mother behind. Is he still going to connect with my mother, is he going to remain in a form that he can still connect with my mother, will he wait for her, is that connection still there?’

‘The connection is always in place and can always be felt. You mother can feel that connection, all who knew your father still have the connection’

Liz… ‘And what about my father, will he still retain his identity, his form while he still has us to whom he’s connected?’

‘The form is only created by those who remember your father. He himself has moved on, has discovered his true self’

Liz… ‘But will he still be relating to those he’s left behind, will he still be there for them, will he still be waiting for my mother to join him?’

‘The personality will indeed still be there but the personality is a temporal vibration’

Liz… ‘Will he hold onto that?’

‘When the physical life has been left, has finished for the personality that played the part, played its part in the physical world, that part is no longer required for the consciousness that found its awareness in the character that was played. The consciousness itself, the consciousness of all who are currently playing that part in the physical world is a larger consciousness than you can imagine. The connection of the characters in your world is but a temporary layer for there are many layers on the conscious awareness of an individuality. The individuality is gaining experiences, living lives in realities that provide a backdrop that can be fixed onto for a time. Once that time has been exhausted there is no need to cling onto the awareness layer that has been lived but all has been saved, all that has been achieved has been saved and can be re-enacted to a personality that requires to see those who were a part of the physical life that they have led, that they do lead. Try to understand who you are in your totality. Drop the part you play, see beyond yourself as a physical being. You cannot touch the makeup of your mind yet you can feel the essence of yourself. There is no easy way to explain but you can find for yourself a place where you can understand the greater part of yourself. It is not in a distant part of your universe for it is you; it is all that you are, all that you have felt’

Liz… ‘In a séance when a medium is receiving messages from discarnate individuals, people who’ve died, for their relatives. Are these the actual communications from a personality that’s still intact, that’s still there, that’s trying to communicate with those people that have been left behind?’

‘There are many ways in which a communication can be brought into the physical world. The source of the communication is not always what it appears to be. Much depends on the understanding of those who will receive that communication; a fine balance has to be achieved so as not to confuse the mind of those who wish to receive the communications. Many on your side do not recognise the makeup of themselves. They are putting their own understanding on the message they receive. They are not looking beyond the message, they are seeing the message at its basic level yet all messages from the world of spirit to the world of physical matter contain in them many layers, many truths, many messages within the one message. Develop yourself first and then you will truly understand the message. Understand the meaning of individuality, look beyond the character of an individual. See the driving force behind the character, recognise that as the individual. What do you think drives you?’

Liz… ‘Well certainly a larger spirit, a life force, a consciousness which goes beyond a personality… But when I die might I hold onto that personality in which I chose to incarnate for the purpose of still being present for some people to whom I have an attachment or will those attachments just release?’

‘If it is your choice to hold onto your Earthly personality, yes you can, but your eyes will be open to many more possibilities, many more opportunities’

Liz… ‘So could it be that quite a few people do choose to hold onto their Earthly personality temporarily while they know that there are people that they’ve left behind who may need their presence still or who still crave their presence?’

‘They will understand that they do not need to hold onto their personality to do that, the personality is not a thing you need to keep hold of’

Liz… ‘But to the person who’s left behind that’s maybe the thing that’s recognisable?’

‘That person who is left behind, they can indeed connect to the personality, the character that was left behind. The words we have to use conjure up the thoughts of leaving behind yet you are not leaving anything, you are not leaving, you are merely shining brighter in the same place if you understand it as a place. You are expanding; you are opening doors that you did not know existed. Can you imagine yourself wanting to tie yourself to an outgrown character when all these opportunities are felt by you?’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it seems people who feel themselves to be left behind, abandoned, feel very disturbed by that, by the fact that somebody that they’ve loved has made a transition without them, has changed, they want to hold onto that familiar identity. To acknowledge that person has gone beyond is quite painful’

‘The pain is a temporary thing, a passing emotion but an experience that will help. The pain is part of the physical experience. Do not see pain as a negative emotion for pain can bring forward much positivity’

Liz… ‘There is a tendency though for people to resist pain, to feel that that’s something to get over, that it’s uncomfortable, they don’t want it’

‘All experience is beneficial, only the fears create the unnecessary vibration through each personality. Let go of fear and you can see how life really is but it is important to bring comfort to those who are suffering due to loss. Show them your compassion, show them your caring thoughts, help them to understand at their level of understanding. Do not jump in and explain what is too far over their heads’

Liz… ‘There is a common story which is told by many who wish to give an optimistic outlook to those who are afraid of not being reunited with their loved ones, that they will meet them again when they die, the familiar person will be there to greet them. Is that then just a useful construct to help that person face their own transition with more optimism or is there some truth in that they will perceive the newly fledged consciousness of the person that has already died but they will perceive that consciousness in the familiar form?’

‘Each individual will perceive according to their understanding at that point. They will indeed be reunited with those they have loved, those they do indeed love. No one is cast into a situation far removed from their own understanding. There is no benefit in confusing a mind that is fixed to the beliefs it has built for itself during its journey of life in a physical world. There is much that can be introduced to the mind to help it develop its understanding at a later date’

Liz… ‘So for somebody who has a limited understanding of how things are but has beliefs either that there is no continuity and they will never see anybody they’ve loved again or that they will see those that they’ve loved again… when they die will the greater consciousness then allow itself to be felt by them in terms that they can understand from the point of view of love. In other words it will present itself to them in the forms of those people that they have loved and they know have died’

‘Yes this is the answer’

Liz… ‘And for those who don’t have any belief or who believe that there is nothing, how will it be for them?’

‘Everybody has a belief, has many beliefs. Their beliefs will guide them, they will be reunited with characters that they knew who had similar beliefs to what they have now and they will have to face the fact that they are still aware yet their body has perished. They will fight with all their might, they will confuse themselves, they will not accept that they are still aware. This can go on for many of what you understand as years in a physical world. They will still meet up with characters, slowly they will have to understand, they can do no more than to understand. They will have to work out for themselves what is happening. A point will be reached where doubt in their mind will surface… Maybe they were wrong? Maybe their thoughts and their beliefs were wrong? Maybe there is indeed life after death? Once these thoughts have lit up a part of their mind then help can be given, help will flood into their mind, they will let go of those beliefs and they will rejoice in the knowledge that life has no end for them’

Liz… ‘So there must be quite a few people in that situation because we live in an age where a lot of people don’t have any beliefs or have beliefs of an end to life’

‘There are very few who totally deny the possibility of a continuous life’

Liz… ‘Meaning that for the majority of people who say that they don’t believe in anything it’s just that they have big doubts but they just don’t have a fixed belief in anything’

‘They haven’t had their own experience, once released from the physical form the evidence is there for them to accept or to deny’

Liz… ‘But you’re saying that very few people actually have a fixed belief that there is nothing, there is no continuity’

‘The idea of continuous life resonates throughout all. The acceptance of that idea is up to the individual’

Liz… ‘But for a lot of people the thought of the loss of personality is quite stressful’

‘You are all part of a physical world in which your personality is the prime focus of your existence. Expand that existence and the personality plays a smaller part’

Liz… ‘At the moment the majority of people are very attached to their ego or personality and the thought of dying, letting go of that is something that makes them hang on even when they’re not enjoying life’

‘They are so immersed in the physical world as an actor is immersed in the part they play. Once the play is over the actor resumes his true self until another play is played, is acted in. You can switch on your television sets and you can watch recordings, recordings that were made by personalities that lived in the physical world. They were acting, acting a part yet when you watch the screen of your television set do you think that the personality that played that part is aware that you have connected to the part they played as you yourself immerse yourself in the story that unfolds on your television set?’

Liz… ‘No I guess they wouldn’t be aware of me personally but they would be aware that quite a lot of people are going to be taken in by their character’

‘They have memory of having played that part’

Liz… ‘I would think as well that they would have some sense of responsibility for having put forward that part knowing it was going to affect a number of people and leave resonances with a number of people, resonances and dissonances’

‘Resonances are left by each personality in the physical world, resonances that can be re-enacted, resonances that are held in the library of physical life that can be drawn upon, that can be looked up, recognised, dissected’

Liz… ‘In that analogy, you’re talking about an actor who’s created a character that plays a part but the audience, me and others are passively watching and getting caught up in the story that they’re passively watching, that’s different from when you’ve been actively participating in that play, you also have been a character in that screen play playing a part not a passive watcher. I guess that’s the difference isn’t it, there is a difference’

‘What is the watcher and what is the actor. The greater self plays the part, the part is set up with those characters who also play their part. The part that is played can be seen by many yet they only see that part, they do not see the conscious thought that directs that part. A character with no conscious direction is an empty character yet the recognition of that character is seeked by those who misunderstand the driving force behind that character. Do not confuse the character with the force that drives it. Take the character for what it is’

Liz… ‘So bearing in mind all of these things you’ve been saying it would appear that a lot of what we regard as mediumship where personalities come through is a limited understanding but sufficient for peoples limited understanding as it is… it’s only a partial truth of how things are’

‘It is a step… It is a way of presenting to the person receiving the message a step for them to climb for themselves and discover for themselves the greater truths. It is enabling them to understand that physical life is but a small part of a greater picture in a way that they will…’

Liz… ‘Accept’

‘Yes accept’

Liz… ‘So some of the constructs we have and there are many… when people have written about the various heavens or the various realms of afterlife, various stages, these are constructs that help people to understand, to try and comprehend something which is really just a partial representation of the truth’

‘It is a way to understand a non-physical existence with a physical mind, a mind that needs…’

Liz… ‘Clear conceptual frameworks’

‘Yes and to individualise everything, not to understand it as one but to understand it as a combination of individual aspects that make up something that is solid, that can be grasped by the physical mind’

Liz… ‘But we have had information through some mediums that a person when they die who needs to have that sense of a continuing familiar reality will actually have a mental construct of a world that is very like our physical world and it will almost seem as real as the physical world to them, houses, whatever is comfortable and familiar to them, even cups of tea’

‘Whatever is comfortable to their state of mind at that time will be given to them yes and these messages will be relayed to those on your physical world and it will bring comfort to them also. There is nothing to fear when the physical world is left. All will be taken care of in a natural way for it cannot happen in any other way for you have built up for yourself the next reality that you will step into, there is no need for beliefs, beliefs can and will be let go as the mind explores its new reality presented to them at the point of understanding that they have reached. This does not mean that each individual will find them self in a difficult place for there are no places there are only states of understanding which merge into one another, are constantly part of one another, there is no separation, there never has been separation’

Liz… ‘So a person with a rather limited understanding who still retains a lot of the identification with physical phenomena may find themselves sharing with others of a similar disposition a reality which to all intents and purposes is like the physical reality but somebody who has maybe developed a more far-reaching understanding of consciousness may find themselves moving towards a more rarefied plane not in some ways dissimilar to the physical’

‘They will find it easier to move on but they will still initially experience a familiar existence’

Liz… ‘Okay and for somebody who’s gone way beyond and has been absorbed into the larger consciousness system they might still chose or elect, they might still be able to join with those who are still maintaining a more physical framework in order to communicate with them’

‘If that is their wish yes but it is not necessary. The part of them that is recognised by those who have moved out of the physical world does not need the original motivating consciousness to be presented to that person. All is not as it seems yet all is done with love and for the benefit of each individual as they develop their understanding at their own pace. There is nothing to fear, there is much to be joyful for as you leave the physical plane and are shown the wonderful sights and are given that feeling that will build inside and blossom in the new conditions that are presented to you… Thank you my dear friend, we have discussed much this evening, we are grateful for your questions that have motivated the thoughts of many who stand by your side. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, lighten your world, understand your world, understand those who you meet as that love lightens their minds rebounding on all, all life, all physical life… Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless you and fill you with love, good bye…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all…’

Liz put the music back on.

I came back quickly feeling fine and quite energised.
Before I sat I had been thinking about work and a busy few days coming up that I wasn’t looking forward to but afterwards I felt fine, very content and not bothered about it at all.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been a particularly long session this evening, we went in at 8.30pm and didn’t come out till 11.30pm.