May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

133rd Sitting 19/02/2015

We had the room set-up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and started the music.

I drifted off shortly after Liz had done the prayer then continued to drift in and out of it for the next hour. I don’t think I went as deep as last week, I remember hearing most of the tunes and Liz’s comments.
At one point I recall feeling something solid on my lap and also in each hand.

About three minutes after the start Liz reported lots of oval shapes in the room.
She had a tingling pressure on her scalp.

After another ten minutes Liz reported white wispy shapes in the room.
She experimented by closing her eyes and could still see them but they looked different.

Liz saw some flashes in the room.

Liz felt a cool breeze on the left side of her face coming from the cabinet.
Interestingly I heard her say this and it coincided with me slowly moving my arms from my lap to the arms of the chair as both my hands had gone numb and were uncomfortable.
It’s possible that my movement had disturbed something in the atmosphere resulting in Liz feeling the breeze?

Liz reported a moving ball of dim light.

One hour after the start a few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello… Welcome…’

‘Good evening, Good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘Good evening, how are you today?’

Liz… ‘Very well thank you, glad to hear you’

‘Good… we all come through, yes, all come, we are always in your room at this time working with the energies, with the vibrations, with all that we can grab hold and rearrange and make impact on your atmosphere. We all come in our own mix that we have… over the weeks we all come… words are… we are adjusting the way that we work in this place’

Liz… ‘You’re still adjusting are you?’

‘Adjusting, refining the way that we can best affect the atmosphere in a controlled repeatable way. We always set foot into this room. We always aim to make ourselves known but we at the same time, we have to work with what you bring into the room each week for each week a new canvas is laid out for us comprising of the way you both are feeling as a result of your thoughts since the last time that we sat for every day you build up for yourself a feeling based on what you perceive in your daily life and how that affects you in your daily life. It builds up this feeling, this underlying feeling which is difficult for you to comprehend for you will feel yourself working in a similar way each day but there will also be unaccountable feelings which affect the way you operate during your daily life and these are the results of build-up of feeling caused by how you, or what causes you to perceive in a particular way during your waking hours’

Liz… ‘So our reactions during the day are going to affect our quality of feeling and thinking and being’

‘Yes each day adds to the previous day and so on. It is a combination of experiences that you have gathered throughout your life but the strongest feelings come from the closest experiences in time. So those experiences in the day before you sit have the most effect but they are also adjoined to the experiences and the feelings throughout your life. Those feelings, those strong feelings that you have experienced, that will never leave you, never leave your mind; they will pop up during your daily life for they have impacted your mind, created your character. There are many which will never reappear for they are slight, they do not affect the overall feeling inside of you. Some feelings have so much emotion that they will persist in your physical vibration after you have passed from this physical reality and these feelings will be picked up by others when they enter places where this strong emotional feeling was first felt. Those more sensitive on your side will feel the impact on the physical atmosphere as if it was happening to themselves. The physical atmosphere is a fragile responsive web that will pick up and it will have a memory which can be tapped into by the sensitive minds that walk your earth. The combined thoughts and reactions onto this physical web is what has created the physical vibration as it is now. Everybody is responsible for what you are living in now. Whether negative or positive all vibrations, imprints on your atmosphere will be felt by all. The more positive vibrations you as a circle can send out and as individuals can send out and can impact your own physical web, then the better the conditions that you will all find yourselves living in. There is no need to live in unpleasant conditions you only have to look at yourselves, see what foot prints you have left behind and know how they are affecting you now. There is only so much that can be achieved from outside of your physical existence to improve conditions. The most effective way is always from the inside, from inside of your own physical vibration and it can work out, work out into all physical feelings and in time it will spread out beyond physical vibrations. This is where we can help for we can feel the positives emanating from your physical vibration and we can use this to rebound back…’

Liz… ‘You can reflect it back…’

‘Reflect it back to you’

Liz… ‘Okay so it becomes a combined… amplified’

‘It becomes a stronger, amplified vibration, ongoing, for not only will you all be working for yourself to create this more loving environment but we too can reflect this back to yourselves until a point where the physical vibration will increase and become that much closer to what surrounds and in time the physical vibration will no longer be separated from what you call spiritual vibrations’

Liz… ‘Yes okay, so we can mould the physical reality by sending out our positive intention and thought by imagining’

‘Yes spirit and physical vibration will eventually merge as one. There will no longer need to be this imaginary boundary between the two, this is what you are all working towards’

Liz… ‘So even when we’re sensing that things around us aren’t right, that there are bad vibrations around, if we can focus on sending out positive vibrations and resonating with an image of how things could be, a positive way of being, we can eventually effect that, we can eventually call down help from spirit and amplifying of the positive intention and we can actually help to remould the current possibly adverse physical situation’

‘Yes this is what you are already doing each week, never feel that you are only a small part, for loving thoughts are greater, can move further, can engulf all, the negativities in your physical vibration are small in comparison’

Liz… ‘That’s really good, yes, thank you for that message, that’s very important because I know I still resonate with a feeling that I’ve had since I was young that there is a lot of iniquity around and a lot of what we call minor evil in thinking and doing that passes as respectability, passes as conventional okayness but it’s not, it’s a dereliction of truth and I respond to that with quite a bit of anger inside but I know that that doesn’t help. The thing that does help is to try and convert that to a loving thought and an intention to make things better’

‘Yes what you say is so true. The negative acts that are committed, they themselves are very small but the physical human race reacts to this and creates the negative vibration. You all have choices you can react in whatever way you wish but you have become acclimatised to react to negative acts with abhorrent horror, you talk with each other about these acts and you spread the negativity to each other you create negativity with each other by merely talking about the act, you are feeling yourselves writhe inside, you are feeling yourselves becoming upset, shaking and ultimately you will be blaming, you will be comparing the acts of these poor, misguided, broken minds for you will see yourself in this negative act which to you is a horrific experience but when your world learns how to react to the minor negativities and create loving experience from this, then this will be the trigger which will set your physical vibration rising. There is a long way still to go but do not despair, you are all getting closer’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes’

‘Do not dwell on negative acts, all you are doing is adding to the negativity. Try to wipe it from your mind. If you can’t think of something positive about the act, wipe it from your mind, go on to the next experience, the next feeling that opens your mind and concentrate on that. If everybody practices this way of thinking it will be a start. Many already do this, we can see how it is growing but you can all add to this’

Liz… ‘I guess it’s a bit like the words of the song… Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative’

‘Is there… yes I think there are more tunes now to play, if you put it on please for a short while we will build ourselves up, we still have the energies thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’  

Liz put the music back on.

She told me afterwards that what had been said answered a few questions she had been pondering earlier in the day.

About five minutes later some lip-smacking started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend again…’

‘Thank you, well, it is a time, yes… tick-tock time, time to go, time to end, time to end our conversations with you, time to draw back and allow you to go about your daily tasks once again yes, time to bring this session to a close for we have worked with the energies tonight, we have blended our energies and we have seen the potential that lays before us in the weeks ahead. We have seen how we can increase the production of our own spiritual energies into the physical energies that you have provided for us. We have started to assemble a matrix of available energies in such a way that we can repeat, we can reconstruct each week a usable matrix of energies that we can place in your atmosphere. This is a difficult thing to explain so we use words that best fit your understanding. For to you it may sound a mixture, an incoherent mixture of words but we are faced with what we can pluck from the vocabulary, yes, but we are trying to explain that we have developed the circle one step further ahead and it will eventually make it easier to transmit our thoughts to you whether in word from your medium’s vocal cords or we are also hoping that this voice will be able to travel around your room in an independent capacity. This is what we are working towards, this has been worked towards for a long time now for in the original Mercury Circle this was worked towards. There is now a significant member of that Mercury Circle who works now with us who you call Joan. She is a valuable member of the spiritual circle which works with your physical circle. She can see from both sides, she understands the feelings of a physical medium and she can tune in and understand the physical feelings that you and your medium are experiencing and she will know from this how we are effecting the vibrations of your room. Again we are explaining this in words that you will understand for as you know the personality that you refer to as Joan has left your earthly vibration and joined us, re-joined us I should say, so the character of Joan has been stored in a, like a bank, a bank of characters and we can withdraw from that bank, recreate the character that you once knew and loved in every minute detail and the energy that once animated Joan can re-animate this character once again. Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Ultimately the character of Joan in a physical séance can become a solid form and when light is permitted a form that cannot only be heard but can be seen, felt and recognised as has happened in the past in physical séances. All of this is still achievable’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful to be able to achieve this’

‘The ingredient to achieve this is love, that feeling you all experience when you are at the highest of your physical vibrations… Now we have reached the end, the power is waning and we are receding. So we thank you once again for the efforts you put into this and the conditions you provide and most of all the love that you bring each week for we too leave you with a piece of our love to combine with yourself, with what you have inside and you will take it out and you will share with all you meet’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you my friend. May the love of your God be with you, within you and around you each day of your physical existence, thank you goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight, God bless you friend, all of you’

‘Please replay your last tune thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I came back in two minutes.
My left hand was cold and my right hand was warm. I’ve noticed this happening now for the last four weeks.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…          

132nd Sitting 12/02/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and started the music.

As soon as Liz finished the opening prayer I felt myself gently drifting off, almost like an energy was slowly lowering over me.
I then remained unaware throughout the session apart from coming back twice for about five minutes and then a third time as the last tune was about to start.
At some point I remember feeling something solid in each hand and I visualized it as a glass bowl in my left hand and a plastic bottle in the other.
Other than that I remember very little about the session.

About three minutes after the start Liz reported that the room was looking very bright and golden in front of her and clairvoyantly saw an object like a box to her left by the cabinet. She thought it was probably to my right and about head height.
Afterwards we spoke about this and wondered if they were trying to show her the voice box?

After another three minutes Liz saw a bright blue ring near the cabinet.

She felt something on her head like a cap.

She heard a clicking sound near the door.

Then Liz had the feeling of a tight band around her head.

Towards the end of the session Liz felt a strong electrical presence around her and experienced several strong sensations.

Just before the last tune played Liz verbalized that the session was drawing to an end and asked the team to draw back unless they had anything to communicate.
I was back by then and told Liz this as the music ended.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

This was the first time we’d had no verbal communications in the Mercury Light Circle for about two years. Interestingly our Mercury Experiment sit this week had also been quiet with no communication through Liz so it would seem something is being developed behind the scenes at the moment…

131st Sitting 05/02/2015

The room was set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then turned out the red light and started the music.

I dropped off and remained unaware for about 40 minutes.

At around the same time that I woke up Liz reported hearing somebody say… ‘Turn off the music’

She turned it off for about five minutes during which time she heard three feint squeaks in the room.
Nothing came out on the recorder which is situated in the cabinet and I don’t recall hearing anything myself.
Liz then put the music back on.

After another 30 minutes a sound came out on the recording.
Neither of us heard it at the time. It sounds like something brushing across the recorder at 12 seconds...

Then after about five minutes I started to become controlled and Liz turned off the music when she heard the lip-smacking noises.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, welcome’

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication took a while to settle in.

‘…All help, all help yes, all help the words to form, very gradual forming of words, one by one they come, they come into the atmosphere and are met with sound, sound and voice between them becomes an audible conversation, a transcribing, a transmitting of ideas and thoughts into the mix until a recognisable formation of words can clothe the information that is at the core of the communication. Well, well slowly we settle in, we become a bigger part of the process’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Lay all thoughts aside and reach for that what is standing at the entrance of a wonderful creation for all is recognised when the time has come, when the time is reached and the gathering of all knowledge is placed into the acceptance of the mind, yes, take one step forward and the realisation of what has been hidden becomes a part of your mind, of your experience, we all join and experience for we are all motivated by the same interest, this interest which keeps us wanting to get that further step forward. We all want to know what it is that lies just out of reach, it is an intriguing picture that we can draw for until that step has been taken we can only imagine what lies ahead, we can only picture what lies ahead. When we finally take that step we are rewarded with the true picture and we can compare that true picture with what we have drawn, what we have imagined, then we will know, we will know what the truth is and we will ponder on that truth until we realise that another step is waiting, that another truth is just out of our reach once again’

Liz… ‘It sounds like a long journey’

‘There are many steps; there are many truths to be discovered but the pleasure, but the meaning, the meaning of our journey is in the imagining, is in the drawing of the picture that we imagine to be there, the effort that we put into this and what we learn from this is what truly matters in our continued growth for once we know what lies ahead then we have lost the ability to imagine, to draw our picture, to work out for ourselves what truly lies just out of reach and then the realisation that there is always one step ahead, there is always something out of all of our reach for all who have life and who wish, who strive to move forward, we are all facing a step ahead, a truth ahead and we are all using our abilities to understand without knowing exactly what lies ahead’

Liz… ‘Yes the effort involved almost like giving it another dimension, more depth, more colour’

‘It is the effort that achieves growth not the knowing, not necessarily the knowing. Many tasks are never achieved but there are benefits gained from the working at that goal, those tasks which seem within reach once again as you work, as you apply your effort’

Liz… ‘Yes this is difficult to conceive of how this brings things into greater realization; the realization makes it even more real, more vivid. It’s almost, from what you say, it’s almost as if creation is being re-created’

‘There is no end to creation. Creation is always on-going. There is an onwards spark that forces forward for all, for all are creating, all life is creating. By moving to the next step you cannot help but create. The imagination is the first step but imagination is creation, you are creating thought in your mind and that thought is a living thing and that thought will go on to create more always moving forward, always creating…’

Liz… ‘It’s almost like you have a potential reality, a potential that you have to grow into using your imagination until it births. It’s almost like you give birth to reality and it starts with the imagining and then it’s brought into being’

‘Exactly yes, this is seen in many things, yes in all life this can be seen, the pattern of creation, the birth of new life’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s almost like an intellectual agony. Yes there was a book written and I don’t know if it was to do with Michelangelo a great artist, The Agony and Ecstasy which is to do with the work of genius. Childbirth is an agony but an ecstasy also’

‘Many minds have thoughts about this and many minds have put down on paper their own perception of this and they have seen this at work in all things. It is a natural process. This is why when you sit for the development of your psychic and mediumistic abilities it is not wise to try too hard for it is all a natural process, it is all available for all. You have to learn to let it go. Do not think of it as a difficult task to achieve for it is simple, simplicity is the key as we have told you in the past. There is nothing more simple than the connection of mind to mind to mind. All minds are already connected, intertwined and you will, you can so easily slip into contact, just allow yourself to flow with the minds of others, flow with the thoughts of others, flow with the understandings of all who share your interest, share your passion for further understanding and you will find you will fit into the stream of understandings that always come to you and you will recognise them for what they are’

Liz… ‘If it is so easy why is it so few people achieve pure mediumistic ability?’

‘Very, very few people are inspired with the interest to go out and develop themselves in this way but at the same time they are still connected, they are still using what you call mediumship throughout their physical life without really knowing what is happening, it is just a part of their life’

Liz… ‘Yes they don’t recognise it’

‘They do not understand when a thought comes to their mind that it is not just them’

Liz… ‘Yes generated by themselves’

‘Yes but if they do not have the interest then why should they look into this. Their interests are elsewhere. There are many, there is much in your world to interest everybody who walks upon it. There is enough to give everybody a different interest, a different motivating interest so imagine if everybody was interested in developing mediumistic abilities, your world would not work in the same way, as a school, as a school for learning, learning and mingling with each other, developing other skills until that point is reached after many lifetimes that the deeper questions are sort to be answered in whatever way suits the characteristics of the individual. So do not worry that mediumship is not freely available, for it is but until that spark of interest has been sufficiently ignited to want to tread that pathway then that ability will lay dormant but still a part of the minds of all’

Liz… ‘Why is it that for some people it happens very quickly, that they develop and become a very pure channel but for others it takes a long time?’

‘Everybody is of a different makeup; everybody faces challenges in a different way. Some will go at it with all their energies and possibly miss the point, the whole point that they are trying to achieve. Some will take a more casual step into the mediumship that they are now interested in, they will not put all of their effort at once into this, they will slowly build up a picture for themselves in a calm way, so yes there are so many different minds that will work on this and so many different ways of achieving this. Sometimes a person will have built up an ability from previous visits to your Earth plane, yes a combined… they will put together all that has been achieved in previous lives and using all they will have a strong ability and an inner knowing as to how to reconnect to their greater self. This is another reason why, but do not dwell on this for you will feel this will not help you, you have already achieved a link, an evidential link with a friend, with someone whom you did not know at the time had passed from your Earth yet you still got that link. (Mercury Experiment last Tuesday) You allowed yourself to relax and become respondent to the effects of another mind, effecting your mind and giving out speech in a controlled environment. This is your achievement for yourself and you will build on this knowing you have achieved a clear uncluttered link. You have been able to remove the clutter of your mind and allow in what you seek to receive and give out’

Liz… ‘Is the environment very important for this, having established a dedicated place here, is that a great help in achieving this end?’

‘The environment will help those who wish to draw close. You yourself do not need the environment to practise and to develop. This environment that has been built up by yourselves is what we use, is our doorway into your thoughts but you alone can sit and will receive for you will be drawing yourself closer to us whereas in this environment we are stepping down to you… is this understandable?’  

Liz… ‘This is understandable, yes, thank you an important point’

‘That is why sometimes in these conditions you will feel, you will almost sense a bombardment of people for they are all using this environment. They are coming close, closer than they would when you sit alone but they are always there, they are always aware of what you are achieving, what you are striving to achieve and they will help in any way they can’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, yes thank you’

‘Thank you, now we finally have used up all of our energies, that environment is beginning to become misty, it is fading away but we are able to give you the piece of our love that we always give to you at the end of our session to take out into your world, spread it around to all that you meet. (The voice was changing) We wish you to be blessed by the love of your God, the love of that loving God that seeps within your very being in each breath you take for all are a part of this one true loving God that creates all, that allows each segment to further create and further spread love to all that surround’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

(The voice was fading out now)

‘We say goodnight, thank you, please replay your music we will withdraw thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on and I was back with it in about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

130th Sitting 29/01/2015

We had the room setup as usual and this week took the heater out of the room just before we started to avoid picking up any clicks from it.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

I drifted off while Liz was saying the prayer and don’t remember anything till about 30 minutes into the session. I then had a period of drifting in and out of consciousness before sensing what appeared to be a black silhouette of an entity approach from behind and poke me in the sides making me jump! After that I remained aware and conscious till the end of our session. 

About ten minutes after the start a click was picked up on the recording.
At 2 seconds.

Liz had a sensation of somebody passing through her from right to left as if heading towards the cabinet.
She sensed several entities coming close to her during the session and at times felt her throat manipulated.

About 40 minutes into the session a thump came out on the recording. Neither of us heard it at the time.
At 7 seconds.

Liz then reported feeling very hot.
She sensed waves of light coming towards her.

70 minutes after the start some lip-smacking noises began in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Good evening, good evening… What a good evening…’

Liz… ‘Has it been a good evening for you?’

‘What a good evening yes… Practice, practice, practice…’

Liz… ‘You’ve been practicing?’

‘All practicing within our circle, within our group, within our gathering of friends, all practice yes’

Liz… ‘You’ve been able to practice, that’s good, it’s been quiet, ha, ha…’

‘Perfection, perfection is always a long way, a long reach, a long road to travel until it is reached then we have reached our goal but until then practice is in order, is performed until that point has been achieved…’

Liz… ‘It appears to have gone very quickly’

‘Physical is available… Practice, practice, practice… so well… it would be all connected to the greater good, so a gathering of minds will further the understanding of the weaker minds as all minds come together then an understanding will be expressed so the weaker minds will gain knowledge bringing them up to the level of the group mind, yes, now we as a group of friends combine our experiences to form a greater mind, a greater mind of experiences that we can impart to you’

Liz… ‘Okay so you get a consistency’

‘A build-up of experiences and information that can be brought into the circle and shared to all who have an interest and wish to learn, for we have an accumulation of knowledge in the form of energy, this energy is released into the circle and it will benefit those who have come to learn and to experience that what is slightly out of reach at this time so they have an opportunity to learn from a greater experience without undergoing a continued experience themselves. It is for them a short cut but they will also realise that for information to become a part of them then they too will have to undergo experiences of the level, of the greater level that is required to gain this information and knowledge but it is for them a taste of what is to come and it will trigger off a wanting to go out and experience and learn from others as we have learnt ourselves from others and from continued experience’

Liz… ‘So are you talking about learning within the spirit community, a continued learning experience?’

‘A learning in all communities, there is no differentiating between all. Whatever experiencing life you find yourself in it is the same, it is always a learning from experiences, yes, the differences are few’

Liz… ‘But are you referring to here and now, your friends and colleagues in spirit, people who are gathered here in spirit between you you’re sharing a pool of common experiences and trying to make a coherent picture of the information that you want to bring through to us, Is that what you are saying?’

‘Because we have gained a larger quality or quantity of experiences, yes, we are able to bring the combined experiences through for those who wish to learn but have not experienced what we have experienced in their present situation’

Liz… ‘Is that referring to ourselves, myself and the medium?’

‘Yes, and those who may visit your circle, and those who may read and listen to the reports that are put out to all, for all is available to all. We do this to increase the level of understanding in your world. We can bring to all of you in many ways a firmer understanding which will ignite in your minds a wanting to go out and build on this experience once you have recognised the importance of a continued learning, evolving and moving towards the light, the greater light of understanding that stands in front of you’

Liz… ‘Have you been trying to consolidate the way in which you can get this information and this understanding through to us?’

Sounds like a change of communicator…

‘Yes indeed it is a great experiment for us all for we all join hands and we all link to your vibrations on your side and we build up this link between the two worlds, the two worlds that are represented by what occurs in this circle, in this space, so we have been working on the production of a voice in your circle. We have been experimenting with what we have built up over the years and trialling that part, that substance which can be sustained in the atmosphere of your circle’

Liz… ‘Are we going to be able to hear from this voice box soon?’

‘We can only bring together the required energies to make this happen. What will happen is somewhat out of our hands until we have built up an archive of results from our own experiments. We cannot say when a voice will be heard but we can say that we will work towards this. We do not feel the urgencies that you on your side feel for you are affected by the sense of time which gives you the sense of urgency. This is understandable for you are plugged into your physical experience governed by time. You feel that as you grow older, as the time ticks by you wish a result to happen sooner rather than later. All on your side have this feeling and we understand this but if you take away the governing time you will see how this is not necessarily a part of this continuous line, this continuous path that you tread, that you walk. This path of continued building up of understanding, this continued path to the light ahead. This is all we can say on the matter of when it will happen or if it will happen for nothing is set in stone, nothing can be foretold for there are many factors which will shift the focus one way or another but we feel very strongly that a strong understandable independent voice will sound out of your room and be heard by those who have an interest and an ear to listen, to listen to our words yes’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful and that will certainly be evidential’

‘Yes you will have certain evidence in your room that will convince you, that will convince you both and you will have that ability to convince others’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful but we are very happy to be patient in the meantime and it’s good to know that even when things are very quiet that you’ve been able to work and make use of this space and the energies available and experiment’

‘This is a good attitude to adopt. Allow, feel and know that every time you sit like this you are benefiting the growth of mankind, the spiritual growth of mankind. You may not fully understand how this is happening but it is happening’

Liz… ‘Yes it feels like an act of faith at the moment that that will be happening. I assume if our attitude is right and our intention is right then those loving thoughts will join with a whole body of other thoughts to provide a resonate attunement to the greater good’

‘All that is required is the bringing together of loving minds to work for others, yes…’

Sounds like another change of communicator…

‘Now we have reached that point where the energies are fading and we feel we have to withdraw from your immediate presence in this room, we will draw back and return’ 

Liz… ‘Okay friend, thank you very much for coming through and communicating’

‘Thank you for the time you have given, your time, you give freely and we make use of this’

Liz… ‘That’s very good, I’m glad’

‘As we leave we give to you a piece of our love and we know that you will make the best use of this love as you open yourself outwards to your fellow men, your friends, your relatives, all who you meet, open yourself to them and they will feel the benefit of this love, they will feel inspired to look within themselves and see how easy it is to become uplifted, uplifted in the love of God, that all loving God which exists in all, in all people, in all life, in all that you perceive. It is one beautiful loving creation and you are but a part of that. Lift your hearts to the love of the God that created all things and you will get a glimpse of the greater realities that surround you as you go about your daily tasks. Thank you and goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight and God bless you, our love to you all’

Liz put the music back on and I was back in about two minutes.
The session had lasted 1 hour 40 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise….