May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

129th Sitting 22/01/2015

We had everything setup as normal.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

I started drifting in and out of it then lost my awareness completely for about 30-40 minutes.
I remember feeling something physical touching me on my right side but can’t recall exactly what it was.

Liz reported feeling a lot of energy to her left.

She then heard a click to her left near the cabinet followed by another louder click to her right. We keep the heater in the room to Liz’s right which is turned off just before we sit and it does sometimes click as it cools down so this could be the cause of the click to Liz’s right.
These clicks were picked up on the recording at 4 seconds and 27 seconds.

Liz then mentally asked for three more clicks to be made near the cabinet.
Two minutes later she heard one more click from the cabinet.
Again it was picked up on the recording at 6 seconds.

Liz felt the atmosphere was different in the room this week, not so heavy and she felt more like singing along to the music.

After about 25 minutes another click was picked up on the recorder but Liz didn’t hear it this time.
At 5 seconds.

And another click 5 minutes later.
At 5 seconds.

Then a different type of click which sounds similar to the one we got in the Mercury Experiment last Tuesday.
At 8 seconds.

Liz reported the sensation of a wave of energy coming in from her right. She visualised it as a curled wave then a golden energy that was slanting.

I came back to full awareness at this time and then remained aware till the end.

Liz drifted off for a few seconds and got an image of an arm reaching across her as if to turn off the music.
She thought this may be an indication to her to turn off the music which she did for about one minute.
Neither of us heard anything during this minute but the voice recorder picked up a huffing noise.
At 7 seconds.

After another ten minutes Liz felt she should turn off the music again and this coincided with the beginnings of a communication through me…

Liz… ‘Hello… hello friend’

‘…good, good, good evening… Happy to be a part of your circle… Happy to be a part of all the work that we enjoy as our interest for we have all put a part of ourself into the circle for it is our interest that is aroused by the effects that can come into your room… Always a pleasure to work in this way and we have brought forward much this evening some of what we do will become apparent to you. There is a combination of energies constantly being introduced and combined to strengthen the energies of this circle… As always we work slowly but with a fixed meaning to our work for we realise there are many, many ways in which we can work and we have found a most productive way to apply our hold of the medium. Now we, for some time we have been experimenting with the quietening of the mind of the medium and we have come close to a full quietening of the mind in a gentle way so as not to arouse the interest of that what we are working on, we are able to quieten the mind and give us a blank canvas on which to work with, on which to shape into the necessary underlying structure from which we can attach our physically aware energies, those energies which will best react with a physical atmosphere, the physical atmosphere that you have in your room, that you have in place in your room so in this respect we are happy that we have been able to achieve…’

Liz… ‘A quietening of the mind of the medium’


Liz… ‘Was I correct to turn the music off at that point because I had felt earlier an arm reaching across me to turn the music off and I didn’t respond to that straight away but I kept thinking that perhaps it was required to quieten the music’

‘Yes, yes keep this in your memory for we will affect your mind in this way. If you feel it is time to quieten the music then please do. If you do this and it is not the correct time it is for us not a problem and you will soon realise that the time was not right and you will put it back on but there are times when we will require you to turn down or turn off your music, maybe we are hoping to get your attention in an audible way so yes pay attention to all instructions that you receive in whatever way they are given to you’

Liz… ‘Okay I will’

It sounded like a different communicator then started to come through.

‘Is great, is great to be able, is great to be able to come back in this way, in this way yes, is great yes for we all join hands and we all bow to you for it is a great time to come together, the two worlds, the two worlds coming together in this place, is good, is good’

Liz… ‘Thank you for coming through’

It sounded like another change of communicator.

‘Evidence, evidence, all evidence will become apparent when we all come together… A portion of all evidence is hidden behind the voice so bear in mind the sounds as they come through, there is a portion of the evidence in the way we bring our sound through yes, now, we come down to the very great appreciation of all manner of life is consumed by the very essence of speech for speech is the very pinnacle of communication on the physical level you are restricted to verbalizing your thoughts to become understood to each other but there is always a percentage of your understanding which comes from behind the words that you hear. You are not totally reliant on your physical senses to get, to gain an understanding from your fellow man when they are speaking to you, yes, this is understandable, so try to get a feeling for this underlying understanding when you are talking to your friends and try to understand how you are getting this information from them. Try not to make it look obvious to the person for it is not always understood by all, they, most on your side find themselves reliant on the physical words that they hear, they do not yet quite understand what is happening, how they are getting all the information through but at the same time they too are picking up, they are picking up without using their physical senses. There is always a web of connection between you all and you are sensing the vibration of the web as it vibrates from one person to another. The strand that you have your connection with your fellow man is always vibrating; always there is additional information in that strand. Work with this and you will find you will become better at receiving this information you will see, you will understand what is being said from the perspective of the speaker. You will see those thoughts that create for the speaker the words that are heard. Something for you to work on yes’  

Liz… ‘Yes certainly thank you’

‘Has this created any questions in your mind?’

Liz… ‘Not immediately but when I pick up images sometimes I’m often afraid that I over interpret them or put my own meaning on them and then later I become aware of another meaning, another possible meaning suddenly dawns on me so it’s a little like what you are saying that first I try and analyse it or literally take the image and then intuitively later on suddenly I see it in another way’

‘So which way do you feel is the correct way, the first impression or the second?’

Liz… ‘Perhaps they both go together?’  

‘Eventually you will sense the feeling, the underlying feeling. It is not something which you have to put a lot of effort into analysing, it is something you have to allow to reach you, allow your mind to let go of the analytical procedures that it is currently undergoing, take those away, brush them aside, keep a clear uncluttered mind which will better receive those thoughts, those pictures and do not think about them for you will receive a thought, it will be there, it will feel a part of you’

Liz… ‘I’m afraid that I am making them a part of me, in retrospect I had an image given to me of golden plates, a series of golden plates connected with someone and I didn’t know what to make of this and then later it seemed to become apparent, a certain meaning, but I’ve got a feeling that that meaning may have been more pertinent to me. Subsequently when I think I realised the nature of the communication and the person I felt that for them it might have a much more familiar meaning, a different meaning which if I was intuiting from the persons point of view… I don’t know if I’m making myself clear but I feel that I overlaid my own values and meaning on an image I was given and actually it might have been much simpler, as you say I was tuning into what lay underneath it for the person, it’s actually very simple’

‘Yes simple, simple is the key word for you will always receive the true meaning but you have to keep your mind in a simple state to recognise what you have received. Sometimes what you have received will surface at a later time when you have a time of quietness, a time of contemplation and you will see this meaning float to the surface without any work, any struggle, any confusion. It will come naturally, simply. You will feel at ease with your own mind, free of all the confusion for confusion is present in everybody’s daily life, confusion which grows as your day goes on but you with practice will be able to see through this confusion, lay it to one side and get the true meaning from the images you perceive or from the words you hear’

Another change of communicator.

‘Now is time for us to leave… well the time has come for us to go, to draw back, to leave you, the energies all used up, all go. Thank you for your patience with us this evening, thank you for allowing us to work in our way, for us to make our own use of the time slot you have given to us, so now we draw back, we give to you a piece of our love to spread out to all you meet, all you think of, use wisely and lovingly. So thank you, goodnight and may that most loving God fill you with love and inspiration for the week ahead, do not confuse your mind with worries. Allow yourself to enjoy life as it is supposed to be and cling to the love within and enjoy each breath, each beat, each step until we meet again, thank you. We will return your medium to you as you replay your music, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I was back with it after about three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 45 minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.   

Afterwards Liz said that the communications had at times sounded like they were in the room as well as in the cabinet.

128th Sitting 15/01/2015

We had the room set up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then turned out the light and put the music on.

Liz noticed a small speck of light near the bottom of the door and it remained there all evening.

I felt a lot of energy in the cabinet making me feel light headed and I was drifting in and out of it.
At one point when coming back I felt something solid sitting on my lap. In my dreamy state I thought it was my mobile phone (had I been fully awake I wouldn’t have thought this as we always leave our phones upstairs)and as I thought about it I felt it slip down between my legs then I drifted off again.
There was at least 30 minutes of tunes that I don’t recall hearing at all.
I eventually came back about 45 minutes after the start and then remained aware till the end of the session.

Liz reported a few blue shapes moving around the room.
She had the impression of a coiled serpent.
Then she saw a flash above her.

After I came back it felt to me like there wasn’t much energy in the cabinet.
There were two times when I felt communicators coming close as if about to control me but the energies dropped and faded.

On a third attempt they were successful and Liz turned off the music when she heard the noises in the cabinet.
She welcomed the communication as it tuned in…

‘Very good, very good… Happy to be here… we are, we have been working… we have been working behind the scenes…’

Liz… ‘Behind the scenes, I thought so…’

‘We have been blending the substance that we can vibrate in your atmosphere to produce a sound’

Liz… ‘Ah right’

‘A very interesting time for we have added a part of our energies into your physical atmosphere until a correct mix has been achieved so that we can form a substance that is usable, that is able to withstand the atmosphere of this room’

Liz… ‘What will you use this for?’

‘It will eventually be used for… we will be able to produce sound independent of the medium, we are aiming to bring sound into your room, into the centre of your room, we have begun…’

Liz… ‘Have you been testing it?’

‘We have been experimenting using a combination of your room and our identical room which we… we can clothe your room with our version of this room. Is that understandable?’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s wonderful, I thought I could feel a lot of people coming into the room and I even thought I heard some voices over the other end of the room, very feint’

‘Yes, thank you for letting us know for we… you have been picking up on a mingling of the two atmospheres as we bring them closer together. We have been experimenting and what we have done we hoped would produce the beginnings of sound in your room’

Liz… ‘Yes it was very feint female voices over the opposite end of the room from where you are, from the cabinet’

‘Good, good well we will work on this in the future, we will strengthen the voice, strengthen the sound’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful, I thought maybe I was imagining it but from what you’ve said it may have been part of your experimentation’

‘Yes, when you are in séance conditions like this try not to explain to yourself what, why it is happening or what it is that could be happening just concentrate and verbalise what you are hearing and where you are hearing it, this is important for us’

Liz… ‘Yes, I should have mentioned it at the time’

‘It is… you have mentioned it now which is the important thing and we are pleased that we have at least got your attention, this is the first step on our journey to create a stable voice in the centre of your room’

Liz… 'That’s wonderful; there is something luminous in the room going towards the door near where the magnetometer probe is. I don’t know if it’s a tab that’s come loose or something that’s dropped in the room but it’s been focusing my attention all evening’

‘It could be a part of your own apparatus; it is something for you to investigate when you put your light on later. We do not think we have affected a light in your room but it is something which you will probably understand when you put your light back on again… Yes we feel now that the power is fading for us to communicate in this way now so wish now to draw back, we will leave with you as always a piece of our love for you to take out into your world and we will bring your medium back, we will retire’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your presences with us tonight and for letting us know, God bless you all’

‘Thank you for your patience in the quietness of your room but thank you for your observations, most useful to us’

Liz… ‘Thank you, goodnight friend’

‘Goodnight to you. May the loving God bless you all, please replay your music and your medium will come back to you when the time is right, thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after about three minutes.

The session had lasted 1 hour 20 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Afterwards we found that I had left the light on outside the room and a speck of light had been getting in under the door where the blanket wasn’t sitting properly.

Liz normally reports everything she experiences in the room as it happens but chose not to mention the feint voices she heard and this proved to be evidential when the communicator told her they had been working on an independent voice in the room.

127th Sitting 08/01/2015

We had the room set up as usual except for the magnetometer sensor which is now in the room.
It sits about one metre in front of the door and the wire runs under the door to the computer and instrumentation outside.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm then turned out the light and put the music on.
I felt energy building up quickly in the cabinet.

About five minutes after the start Liz was aware of a bright white light on the floor to her left near the cabinet.
As she reported this lip-smacking was starting in the cabinet and Liz then turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it tuned in.

‘Very good, very good… Hello… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Yes, well… is it, is it all… is it all coming through?’

Liz… ‘Yes I can hear you’

‘Good… well good yes’

Liz… ‘It’s been a long time’

‘Yes we have had our holiday yes’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha, yes we’ve all had a holiday’

‘Ah now time to work again yes, time to get back to work, the serious work of communication, communication between our worlds, our realities, our atmospheres that combine for this short period that we come together like this, come together in love and harmony intertwined in a recognisable way for we have spoken many times and we are able to fit into your atmosphere like a glove on a hand we can fit into place and become a part of your world for this short time each week… Yes it is a good feeling to be back in this way’

Liz… ‘Have you been working or using this space while we were away?’

‘Without your presence, your physical presence in the room we are still able to draw close to reconstruct our own version of this room and perform experiments that we need to do. We need to address a balance between our two energies and perfect a combined energy with the two. We are still able to work when you are not here for we have taken from you a piece of your own energies which we can reintroduce into our circle, for we too are a circle, we too gather entities together and sit like you in a circle. There is very little difference between you and us’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting’

‘You already are aware that what you consider yourself is but a small fragment of your true self yet your true self is very much a part of that small fragment working with you and within you. It is the life within you, the fragment that you all call yourself, that you see when you look at the reflection in the mirror is not life as we understand it, it is merely a part which can be animated by that life which is yours, your life, your life that runs through you’

Liz… ‘Is it true to say that there are times when it’s less animated than others?’

‘Yes a very interesting observation for you, you can do an experiment on yourself for sometimes you will feel a little low, you will become affected by the surroundings, other people, things in your physical existence will cause you to become despondent and low. When this happens you will feel that your true life force has stepped back and you are not entirely animated by your true life force, you have become fatigued, your mind has become fatigued and you will allow further disruption on yourself from the outside environment. It is a strong will on your behalf to force yourself out of this temporary darkness that clouds you. This is something which is very important for you to work on in your daily life. When you find yourself in this situation try and be animated by your true life force and not by the events that surround you. This is a very difficult thing to achieve but the more you do it the more you will feel the response from your life force. On the other hand when you are filled with joy, when you are in happy state of mind everything appears to be going well, everything is going right for you, this is because your life force has moved directly into the centre of your body, your physical body and you are totally animated by your true life force and you can see the good in all things. Those things that once were an irritant to you are now seen in a new light, they are seen as opportunities for you to grow, for you to grasp, for you to learn, for you to move into that light which is your life force. Allow yourself to rise up and immerse yourself in this wonderful light, this wonderful life, this wonderful part of you, this true part of you. So set this as a goal to try to stay as long as you can in this euphoria of life’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you’

‘This inspiration that’s around you is all yours to be enjoyed. Do not let go, do not be distracted by the negativities of your world. You cannot ignore the negativities of your world but try not to let them have the effect of clouding your mind and taking you away from what truly is yours’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you I see it is an act of will to realign yourself to not allow the sliding away which is almost easier, it’s like a path of least resistance’

‘The further you drift from your real self then the harder it is to climb back. You can slide down but the effort involved climbing back is greater but understanding this will help you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for those words of wisdom’

‘I think now if you replay your music then we will return, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt a lot of energy in the cabinet after the communication which seemed to be engulfing me and making me feel very relaxed and light headed. It looked very light like a light was shining at me through my closed eyes and I kept hearing the words ‘keep still’
I drifted off a few times.

Liz felt a pulsing in her left eye brow and a pulling from her left hand.

About 50 minutes after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘Each day of your life sit in the sun, feel the life of the sun ignite the fire within you. Each day lie on the earth, the bare earth and feel the breath of your world, the heart of your world, feel the beat, feel the beat of your Earth upon your back as you lie on the bare earth. Allow… each day stand in the wind, feel the power, feel the energy in the wind around your physical body and absorb the strength and invite yourself to be a part of the natural forces of your world. Immerse yourself in the waters of your world, feel the currents that stimulate you. Look to the skies, see the bird in flight, remember when you were a bird and you flew above the world, search for that memory within yourself for you too have been a part of the bird energy of your world, that energy which is so often ignored by all but is felt by many, it is a strong energy, a protecting energy that looks out, that looks after you. The birds provide a natural build-up of protection and guidance for you will see in the birds a… you will recognise in the birds a part of you for you to have trod the path of the birds, of those wonderful creatures that populate every part of your Earth, they look out, they form a natural pattern in the sky, a pattern long forgotten but still a part of many who tread your Earth and a time will come when all will recognise the patterns created by the flight of the bird. It is an important part of everybody’s life and must be embraced. Try to understand the patterns of the flights of the birds as they are displayed each day’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you’

‘All knowledge is within your grasp, all experiences that you have encountered beyond this Earth plane are within your grasp, they will help you to see, to unlock the mysteries that lay before you. Many creatures of your world are there to help; each has its own reflection on your own life’s experiences and each has the capability of bringing back to you a distant memory, a distant experience beyond this Earth plane. Look into the eyes of the creatures of your planet and feel the wanting to help, to encourage, to guide, to transmit the feeling of remembrance for you have been many forms, many shapes. Many experiencing vibrations have been traversed as your life has moved forward on its path. Nothing has been forgotten, nothing has been lost, it all lays behind you but it also lays within you’

Liz… ‘This great information field is never lost presumably?’

‘Never lost no, the only part that is lost or that is forgotten is the ability to remember in a clear way but it is merely shielded from you now’

Liz… ‘So the key to access this field is to identify, to look to the life forms and enter them, to empathise with them’

‘Yes all life forms on your world and all energies in your world for they are all a part of you and you are connected by your memories to them. Try to live in harmony with all vibrations, all energies in your world and you will feel yourself vibrating in time with all that you can see and feel for it is all a natural part of your life, your life which will continue and will one day become a greater part of the ever expanding consciousness that drives you forward. Never look back, always move forward accumulating more knowledge and strength, strength to move on, strength to look into each possibility as it becomes, as it is presented to you. Do not shy away from a possibility for each possibility in your world will help you… Now music please thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz later told me that much of what had been said confirmed something somebody had been talking to her about recently and also tied up with some things she had on her mind relating to recent dreams.

As the communication started it had felt to me like an American Indian guide connected to Liz.

After the communication I felt like I was surrounded by people and I heard someone say ‘How fascinating’ in a kind of camp man’s voice.

After about 10 minutes more lip-smacking noises started in the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

‘Well, well, well once again we have come to the end of our session; we have enjoyed our work with you tonight. It is good to be back, good to be working in this way again where the two worlds meet, where the two energies combine we enjoy the experimentation within this. So now we will take our leave of you and return, return to our world and return you to yours but we as always give a piece of our love to you to take out into your world and share with many, many on your side who look to you and receive that love in a natural way. Now we will draw back and leave you to play your final tune as we return your link, your medium to you… thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless’

‘Goodnight and may the loving God bless you all’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back after about three minutes.
The session had lasted 1 hour, 50 minutes this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…