May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

111th Sitting 25/08/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About five minutes later Liz was reporting a lot of flowing shapes moving around the room.
They looked vertical at first and then they were swirling around.
She saw a dim light to her left and then noticed a bright light shining near her forehead.
Then it looked like the room was filling up with cats eyes.
Liz noticed that each time she reported any light phenomena they would get brighter as if reacting to her noticing them.

Liz felt a presence to her right then felt it move past her towards the cabinet. She noticed a breeze as it went past and saw a kind of blackness move from right to left.

Seconds after this Liz heard noises from the cabinet and she turned down the music.

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, and welcome’

‘Is good, is good… Always with you, all here, all here all the time, looking, looking and listening, is working as it always does, yes, very good, very good… People, people happy to be here again, again… All work together in harmony… It is always a pleasure for us all to come; it is always a good experience for us all to come in this way’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Adjust, adjust… Okay now… vehicle, vehicle forward… Good, good, good… A sound, a sound, is a voice, is a voice, very good… Quality variation, a variation of quality in the mix… Now, we are all coming through, now where’s the words, all correct, all correct in our way of communication’

Liz… ‘You’re all correct in your way of communication’

‘All correct yes, all correct, all present for working… Over, over all, a build-up, ability for us all…’

The communication changed and started to feel very different to me. I was still aware of what was being said but the communicator somehow felt closer, it felt like hands were holding each side of my face.

A lot of mixed words and sounds were coming through and Liz encouraged the communication forward…

‘Easy come through, heavy atmosphere… A perspective for us to come into, we all, we can learn from all this… Is a wheel, it is a wheel of experience, as we move into your vibration we are like a wheel. We revolve and we fit into place, each spoke of the wheel has a different note, a different frequency, each time we rotate we are faced with a different note. It is a case of tuning in, tuning each spoke, they all align but they do not necessary vibrate at the same frequency, so we have to experiment, we have to trial each spoke as it rotates and fits into place… Words, words limiting for us but we are able to paint a picture for you by the use of words, for we have our thoughts in place, they need to be expressed to you. Only words in a physical sense will be able to transmit these thoughts into your vibration. Part of our thought can reach you on a different level but we can only guess that it is getting through in this way so we use the words to describe…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

‘Thank you; yes it is a partial communication for us until we can build up a fabric, a fabric, a continuous piece of fabric which connects and runs between the two states of existence. Then we are connected in a fuller, in a more permanent way but for now we can transmit, we can pick up words, throw them into your room, as it gathers, as we pluck the words we can see how they react in your atmosphere… Yes it is an interesting experiment for us to do it in this way’

Liz… ‘Yes, the words seem to be coming through quite precisely, they are usually very cogent’

‘Is good to get it in place… We all feel that we can come close; we feel a link can become more strong, more precise. There will always be a fluidity to our communication but we can strengthen, we can take more a stronger control, we can take a stronger control of the vehicle’

The voice changed and I could feel the communicator moving even closer like I was being pushed aside but at the same time I kept my awareness. I felt a very strong pressure pushing on my chest.

‘We can move closer to the vehicle, we come now in a closer way, we have now come closer, we have come close, we have taken control of the medium, there’s now, now, can you hear?’  

Liz… ‘I can hear you very well yes’

‘It will develop in this way because we have now come close… it is…’

The words became mixed and incoherent again.

‘…all equal, perfect, more correct now… Joan, Joan… Joan is here’

Liz… ‘Hello Joan, Joan is here? …Welcome Joan’

‘She help with this communication, she has the knowledge, she has been here before and she has experienced how all this comes about. It is a slow process but it is a rewarding process for once the closeness of the voice has been established then we have a more direct link from our side. It is so… We will be more understandable as we practice this voice in this way. There are many adjustments for us to make but we are so pleased that we can control from this level. It will come, there are so many that are waiting and there are so many who are working on this communication and it will grow’

Liz… ‘That’s good, that’s really good to know’

‘There are in place many… there are those of us who have worked in this way and we can see the potential once we have taken away the interfering aspect then we will break through on a different level. It is a good time now for us all’

Liz… ‘That’s good news, good to hear’

‘So far, so far… so good… and now I would like you to play your music again. We will draw back a while, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, build up the energy again, thank you for your words’

Liz put the music back on…

Half an hour later more noises started up from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Puppet, puppet, puppet on a string, puppet on a string, we are all puppet on string, we are all puppets on a string…’

Liz… ‘…and who is pulling the string?’

‘The string is the natural laws of each reality; those that are keeping it in order. Although we all have the freedom of choice we nevertheless have to abide with the laws, those natural laws that govern our own reality. Each reality has similar laws but at the same time they can vary from vibration to vibration. The closer the vibration the closer, the closer correspondence of each law, for the more you spread out the more you will see how existence can differ in a greater degree to that what you are accustomed to in this your physical reality now... Each time, each time you explore beyond that what you have grown to recognise then you will be, you will find that a corresponding pattern of laws, natural laws, will exist. You will find that the familiar territory that you have grown to feel comfortable within will vanish and you will be, you will feel alone, you will feel no familiar comforting circumstances to relate to, you will have to begin to build for yourself a new map, a new picture which you will be able to do but only one piece at a time… is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes it is’   

‘Yes it is an interesting concept for you to grasp’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s very easy to think that as soon as we come to one understanding and our map has been reformed that that’s it’

‘It is always difficult to step out of the comfort of familiarity but if you wish to explore then you have to step out of that which you find familiar to you but it will help you to grow and understand what lies beyond. Many times will you need to explore. Sometimes you will not realise that you are venturing out for you will still have full waking consciousness in place, you will still be experiencing your daily life but one part of you can still reach out and bring to you, bring a new experience for you are constantly searching although your awareness does not recognise at the time only when a new experience will pop into your mind’

Liz… ‘So you’re saying we’re operating on several levels at once with our focus on the physical?’

‘Yes you are only aware of what, of the… there are, there is a restriction to your awareness while you operate in this physical vibration but you will still recognise parts of your greater experience…’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes that’s interesting, so experience is still going on on other vibrational levels even while we’re focused on this particular vibrational level’

‘There are so many layers to your existence, to everybody’s existence, each layer is hidden from the next but you are still existing in all layers. There are ways of accessing each layer; each layer is available to your awareness. You have already ventured out of your physical awareness’

Liz… ‘Yes… yes it would be good to be able to bring back conscious recall of all the other journeys, all the other experiences… I guess it might be too confusing’

‘It can break through and it can be understood if you allow it to come to you. Do not try to uncover all the mysteries of existence. Stay in your place and the mysteries will come to you, the secret is knowing how to recognise that what comes through. There is no magic key, it is already unlocked, the doors are open, you just need to recognise the light that shines through the cracks of each door. Each door has a brightness a bright shining light building up brighter, brighter, brighter…’

Another communicator took over but seemed to be having difficulty getting through.
It felt to me like the previous communicator had been working on a different level or frequency and they were adjusting things to enable the next communicator to come through. That’s just my theory but I do remember feeling very floaty at the time like I was off with the fairies!!!

‘Well, well, now… now it is time…’

Liz… ‘To end?’

‘Now it is time, the time has come once again, once again our time with you has reached the end, the end yes’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communications friend’

‘Working down, working down, down towards the correct… adjust, adjust… can you hear?’

Liz… ‘Yes I can hear’

‘That’s good, thank you, we have travelled a long way tonight, we have ventured forward, we have raised, raised the light, we have shone more bright, we have come down from above and now we have reached the point where we will draw back. We have always, always known that it will, it will build each week… settle, settle…’

Liz… ‘I’m glad you’re happy with the progress forward’

‘Time to draw…’

Liz… ‘Time to draw back now, we must have come to the end of our session’

‘Now, good, yes… thank you, thank you for letting us work in this way once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your presence’

‘We give to you a piece of our love to take into your world and slice it into segments and each segment represent the day of the week, seven segments for you to spread each segment out each day… then it will last, it will take you to this time next week when we will return in this way and continue to develop the Mercury Light Circle for we have achieved much this evening. We have drawn that much closer. We have enjoyed our visit to your room and we now say goodnight, God bless and good bye’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and our love and blessings to you’

‘Please play your music and we will withdraw thank you’

Liz put the music back on.
I took about five minutes to come back completely this week.

The sitting had lasted just under two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

110th Sitting 18/08/2014

We had the room set up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz reported a noticeable tickle on her head nearest the cabinet.
She had difficulty resisting giving it a scratch as it continued for several minutes and felt like something was crawling about in her hair.
She also felt something trickling down the left side of her face.

Then Liz noticed a dim ball of light at the bottom of the cabinet curtain.

Almost 30 minutes into the session the first sounds started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

There were lots of incoherent words, sounds and mumbles for a while then…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello… that’s a resonate voice’

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

Communication became incoherent again.
Sounds like different voices coming through and in the cabinet I could feel different energies working with me.

Liz… ‘There’s a lot of practicing going on… There are a lot of people practicing’

‘…now, can you hear, can you hear?’

Liz… ‘I can hear’

‘Yes, yes you can hear’

Liz… ‘I can hear’

‘Gather, gather… I gather it is a…’

It became incoherent again and Liz continued to encourage the communication forward.

‘…very good, very good, well it was, it was, words, words of a verse, frail, vehicle, well, well… fickle…’

Liz… ‘A lot of sound friend, not making any sense’

‘Physical, physical… people, people, people very welcome, people are very… people are very interesting, they are all different, each one has their own personality so we all gather, we all gather together’

Liz… ‘You’ve got a lot of people with you?’

‘We all have our own input to the situation, so it creates a confusion of sound’

Liz… ‘A confusion of sound, that’s what we’ve been getting’

‘Yes, yes but from our side we have a clear link, we can see how the workings present themselves to us as we all interject our abilities as best we can’

Liz… ‘Okay, you’re very clear at the moment’

‘Now it is a great pleasure for all of us to be able to do this in this way. Now it is, for some of us it is a new experience’

Liz… ‘A new experience for some of you yes… So it’s a practice session for some people’

‘Yes, yes it is all practice for all of us. We look forward to this opportunity to immerse ourselves once again in the physical vibration. We all look forward to be able to give you an insight into our lives now, we first have to bring ourselves as close to the physical as we can achieve at this time… Is a journey… Is a journey for us all. Additional journeys intertwine each journey, all journeys, all journeys intertwine, all become one, one intertwining thread, each single thread attracts to the corresponding thread and weaves it’s way in a familiar way to the thread of attraction. All intertwining threads are attracted and share the same interest, they become as one building on the previous until a strong thread of intertwining…’

(The communication started to fade out)

Liz… ‘Hello?

(Then it came back again)

‘…it is an interesting concept to try to put into a clear picture for you, yes, we can understand from our perspective but to put it into words is always, we always feel we have not quite given you a full picture for much of what we experience cannot be put into words…’

Liz… ‘Do you experience yourselves, as you come together to bring communication into this room, do you experience yourselves as one entity or as individual entities? …or are you drifting in and out of the two states?’

‘It is a… We each experience several layers of experience, we find we have several layers of experience in which to choose where to place our focus. We are all separate entities but at the same time we have a variety of levels which to choose. Each of us has to work out for ourselves which level to place our focus of intent, that level which best suits the situation at this time. Now, although we are all separate entities when we approach a situation like this, when we choose the level of our focus that level becomes one, each entity is focused on the one level, the one choice of level in the situation we find ourselves in, so we are creating a singular personality, a singular point, a combination which makes up one, a combination of entities working at a singular level, a singular focus of intent, we all join at the same point. We, to be able to connect to this vibration, we all focus on a similar level, so, does this make any sense to you?’

Liz… ‘I think so yes, it’s a complex, to actually feel your consciousness and how it’s working is… yes… I would need to be there in a way to really be able to appreciate but I think I can get a picture of what you’re saying, how it is…’

‘You have created for us a place where we can focus our intents, our… we are bringing ourselves to you in this way. It is not a physical situation but we are… we are using what you are giving to us. So we are connecting to that what you have created in this room this evening by your intention to sit for a physical séance. This is what we have linked onto, in doing so we have all come as one because we are all focused on this one object… this one…’

Liz… ‘Objective?’

‘…objective, yes thank you. There are words for us to use, you are required to understand for you will put your own meaning on what you receive. This is understandable for this is how it works on your side. Words are given and interpretations are made on those words, there is no other way but at the same time you will find you will pick up on a different level, communication will come to you so you keep yourself open for this’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you… and I guess everyone that comes through, that is drawn to this circle has an interest in physical mediumship, in communication, in coming through in this way’

‘Those of us who work in this way, who form the team that work on our side, yes, we have this interest. At the same time we can introduce others who need your help. They may not share this interest’

Liz… ‘Right, okay, but they need the help that we are in the position to provide’

‘We can give them the understanding that an environment such as this will help them. This will be their trigger, this will be what draws them close for if they reach out and ask for help then we will give to them the understanding that by drawing close to a situation such as this they will be helped and they will be shown their next step on their journey’

Liz… ‘Okay, yes thank you, we’re very pleased to be able to participate in this… Shall I turn the music up now?’

‘Yes, we feel that music now please and we will return, thank you for listening once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication’

Liz put the music back on.

For some time after this communication I still felt controlled and remained sitting upright. Normally I slump back in the chair. My arms, head and mouth were being moved and I felt cool breezes and touches on my legs and sides.

About 30 minutes after the last communication some tutting sounds started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, someone wanting to come through? You’re very welcome…’

The communication was sounding a bit mixed up and incoherent at times before becoming clearer…

‘Yes, yes, yes… separate words, yes, yes… hello, hello… well done, well done… follow, follow, follow… pray tell, where was up or down, down, down, wake up and… stable… look around, hallelujah, ha, ha, yes, yes, hallelujah, oh isn’t it a good time, isn’t it good, isn’t it good to be able to speak in this way, wonderful, wonderful. Let it grow, let it grow as it creep up, up, up, up… well, well, well… pretty place, pretty place, this is a pretty place, it is a pretty place, it is filled with all the lovely, all those who are, who realise awakening, awakening towards them all. Now where, now I, now I come, I have come, I now… I have found you, how is it possible, well, I follow, I follow the wonder of… he who, well, well, just allow words to form, a form of communication has begun so we are now at a point where we can come in… harmonize ourselves, words fall to, hold it, hold… choose a day, choose… I feel it is okay, stand aside and observe all around is abilities, all possibilities, all possibilities lay ahead for you to discover, they are all within reach and they gather each time. Each time you send a thought it creates further possibilities for they are endless, they stretch out before you, before all of us, for we all have endless possibilities at our reach, in our reach, only, if only we could place them aside and walk amongst you all for we have gathered many possibilities in our time… Each possibility is presented in a different way, so we come to the point where we exist inside of each possibility to be awakened at the correct time and energise, energise within, an energise, an energy within each possibility will be energised by our thought, our thoughts, as we spread out amongst all possibilities…’

Liz… ‘So the more we think about a possibility the more likely it is to come into being?’

‘Leave no stone unturned, leave no stone unturned. Every possibility has to be…’

Liz… ‘Explored?’

‘…explored, examined and fit into place. Do not miss any opportunity, keep your focus in tune and you will be presented with these possibilities. Learn to recognise the possibilities as they become presented to you. Leave no stone unturned for you have the ability to examine and investigate each situation as it is presented to you’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you’

‘Praise, praise all who come into contact. Present them, they will, they will present themselves to you, you will see, you will see each of us as we present ourselves to you…’

Liz… ‘Wonderful’

‘Savour, save it all, save it all, savour it all’

Liz… ‘Savour it all’

‘Yes, keep it in mind; keep it always in mind…’

(The communication faded)

Liz… ‘Thank you… Shall I turn the music up for a bit?’

(Another communicator came through)

‘…now we come, now we have come to the end of our session tonight, so time for us to leave, to draw back, to leave you to return to physical living, physical living for you, that is where you are now, you have your physical existence to live. So we now draw back, we have reached the end of the energies in this room. We give to you a piece of our love to spread out amongst your fellow physical human beings and all who live on your physical vibration. Thank you once again for this wonderful opportunity for all of us to experiment and to move close and to mingle with your physical atmosphere. It has been an interesting evening for all of us. We have been able to work with your energies and develop the circle, an ongoing development, and it is always beneficial for all of us and for you so please put your music on and we will withdraw. Allow us to withdraw for a few minutes of your time, goodnight, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight, our love and blessings with you and thank you’

Liz put the music back on and I felt fine after about three minutes.
The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

109th Sitting 11/08/2014

We set the room up as usual and went back to stopping the music as each communication came through putting the timing of the session in the hands of the spirit team.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Five minutes later Liz reported lights in the room, looking like a Ferris wheel.

I was feeling sensations around my right ear again and saw flashes and pin-pricks from that area.
I didn’t experience the sound I had last week but later in the sitting I had a few pops in my ear like you get on an airplane.

Liz had the sense of a green/blue light in the room.

Ten minutes after the start a few noises began from the cabinet. Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

Liz… ‘Hello, hello, welcome…’

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

There followed a period of random words and incoherent communication.

Liz… ‘That voice is sounding very resonant’

Eventually the communication became a bit more understandable…

‘Each time, each time… Work… Go through… Joe, Joe, Joe… Eadie, Eadie, Eadie… Yes, yes, yes… Paul, Paul, Paul… Go now, we all go, we all come through and we share the voice, yes, now can we separate, it all creates a… hold it all together…’

There were more random words and at one point it sounds like my surname ‘Pettitt’ is said.

‘…we work, we work, we’ll work more on this, would you please put your music on again thank you and we will come back, thank you, thank you for your patience’

Liz put the music back on.

About 20 minutes later Liz reported touches in her hair and had a strange sensation as if her face was melting.

Then two minutes later Liz turned off the music as a communication was starting to come through.
Interestingly there had been no noises from me to suggest a communication but afterwards Liz said she had sensed a communication was starting so turned off the music.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, hello…’

‘Adjust, adjust, adjust…’

Liz… ‘You’re adjusting?’

‘Circle, circle, circle… Love alone, love alone, love alone can recreate the circle, the circle, the circle of light is a circle of love, love and light forever, forever in touch throughout all dimensions. We feel the love when you sit in this way and we, like the bee to the flower, are attracted to your love, for we can feel and understand the language of love, for it is, it is the way to reach out. The love that you give us is a way in, it gives us a way in to you, we can connect to your minds by the recognition that we find in the love that you spread out to us’

Liz… ‘That’s good, that’s wonderful, it’s like a magnet’

‘A magnet yes, attraction, an attraction, a pulling, a irresistible urge to investigate that when we feel, we feel we have a connection, a shared interest and it is all directed by love and the more we can sense this love coming from you all here…’

Liz… ‘You know that you’re truly welcome’

‘We know, we can feel the familiar, the familiar vibrations and we can connect to those thoughts that you send to us. The inspiration that you get, that we can… we also get inspiration from your thoughts, it is a two way, a two way connection. Do not think of us as a highly evolved entity for we are just like you, we have the same feelings, the same interest, the same longing for that knowledge to gather and grow and become a greater part of all that is. We can gather to ourselves information that helps us on our own path. Like you we are walking a journey and we are observing, we are feeling our way through what for us is a mysterious, a mysterious pattern emerging as we walk. As we walk we look out, we observe the passing of experience upon experience and we increase our memory piece by piece as we observe, as we listen, as we pick up on all those around us, all those who join us on our journey, walk by our side for we are a chain, a long chain of pieces, of conscious thought, chunks of conscious thought connected by a shared interest, a shared loving appreciation of what we walk towards. We have seen part of what we are looking for and our combined interest gives us that urge, that wanting to gather more to create a glowing picture of… a glowing picture of combined experiences which we wish to share, for only by sharing experience will we gather more on this path to join us. We see your interest beaming out in the love that you share with us and we connect, and we all form a chain of thought, a chain of chunks of communicating thought, of consciousness and further consciousness. A wave of conscious vibrations that come together and form this wonderful light, this love of light, this circle of light. For a circle can create a ripple and a ripple will reach out until it touches the thing that it most requires to rebound and gather and further, further tread that path’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, that’s good to have the confirmation that sharing our conscious experience, our own conscious experience of that which we love, and love seems to be essential. Essential to joining with spirit and to joining with each other, the sharing of conscious experience, conscious experience of love…’

‘Yes, keep doing as you do and the ripples will grow and spread out to all. You will find, you will find you will attract those who share your interest, your passion, but keep your love abounding, keep your love, do all with love and you will grow, you will increase the quality of your consciousness, your spiritual growth, all these words mean one thing… love is the answer and that is all. There is nothing more important than love and the ability to observe love at work in all you perceive. There is love in everything for it was created with love and the love was put in place. Only time has allowed that what is negative to creep into your physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes, and why time?’

‘Time has… time is a necessary ingredient in your physical world, your physical universe, it is, it gives each individual the opportunity to express themselves with love or with negativity. These are the choices they have at the passage of time. The passage of time accumulates; the passage of time gives you all ability to think things through, to weigh up situations based on your state of mind at that time, so based on your state of mind you will, you will chose, you will make decisions. Only when you return to true unconditional love will you be able to perceive what is truly, what was truly created for you to experience. The negativities that are, that are used in choices are what taints the apparent perception that you all see, that you all feel. Once those, once that what taints your perception has been lifted by eliminating negativity in the physical universe then the true picture will emerge, but only each person is able to do this for themselves. They will observe others but they will not be directed by others. They all have their own thoughts…’

Liz… ‘Everyone has to find their own pathway, accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative’

‘Only by experiencing the results of their actions, their words, and thoughts will they learn. It can take many lifetimes to learn for not only do they learn they need to recognise. They need to recognise that they... they need to recognise what they are doing but experience will tell them, they all have memory and they all use memory and eventually they will not continue to re-enact previous negative choices’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you, time now for more music, thank you for listening’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your words’

Liz went to put the music back on but accidently hit the wrong button and it wouldn’t play. When she eventually got it playing it kept repeating Queen’s ‘Crazy little thing called love’
After it played a third time she managed to get the machine to move on to the next track.    

I sensed Freddie about during this time. He was laughing and I thought he might want to communicate through me but instead I found myself talking to him telepathically. I can’t remember all that was said but I recall asking if it really is him in the room and he answered it was his earthly personality in the room and it was up to me to decide exactly what that meant. 

Liz reported a strong sense of a presence to her left. It felt like a dark wave of energy.

Some lip-smacking sounds started from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off again and welcomed the communication…

‘Dear, dear… Well, well, well… Once again we have reached end of our session tonight…’

Liz… ‘Have we?’

‘We have come to the point where the energies are drawing to a close, for we have been using much energy once again on the production of a voice box’

Liz… ‘Oh, good’

‘So much energy has been used for this, so now we will draw back. We have all enjoyed our time with you. One of our team has particularly enjoyed and laughed at the music, as you say it was on a loop, a loop of that music which he has been a part of in your time on your earthly vibration’

Liz… ‘A, ha!’

‘He is always a part of our extended team that work with you. His personality is amongst us and that personality still retains the humour that it has when it is on, in your earthly vibration. We will allow his personality to express itself once again and explain this to you at another time’

Liz… ‘Good, look forward to that’

‘He has been very much amongst you this evening… But now we will draw tonight’s session to a close. We leave with you that piece of our love which you will take out into your world and spread amongst your friends, your friends and acquaintances that you meet. They will benefit from the power that that love will give them, the inspiration that that love will give them. So allow our love to reach all who you meet… Yes, now we will draw back, play your music, play your music until you are aware that your medium is with you again, thank you and goodnight…’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend, thank you for all your wonderful communication and our love and blessing with you, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on.

This week the session had lasted 1 hour 45 minutes.

I came back after about three minutes.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Afterwards Liz told me that the second communication had tied up with some things she had been thinking about during the day and had helped her understanding. This has happened before and is good evidence to us that our invisible friends are with us at all times.

Then the following day Liz was listening to a radio programme and the subject came up about music loops and the word 'loop' kept getting repeated as if to make a point...

108th Sitting 04/08/2014

We set up the room and sat as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out red light and put the music on.

I felt a lot of activity around my right ear as soon as we started. I often feel this but this week it was more intense. I could hear something in my ear, the sort of noise you get when you put your finger in your ear and move it about and this lasted a few seconds. It then felt like something was coming out of my ear and I felt a pulling down on my ear lobe as if something heavy was hanging from it. I also had the sense of something stretching out a way to my right and saw pin-pricks and flashes in that area while this was happening.

About seven minutes after the start Liz reported seeing a tall white shape in front of her.
It made her think of an elephant’s trunk.

Another ten minutes later a few noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned the music down and welcomed the communication.

(There’s some tapping on the recording at the beginning which is probably my chair creaking as I do move a bit as I’m being controlled)  

‘Good evening, good evening… Welcome, welcome… Circle of light here, yes, working away on all the preparations… like a light bulb, the filament warms and illuminates the bulb, the glass, out into your atmosphere... Let us ignite your room, let us switch on the electrical current to energize the light within your room, ha, ha…’

Liz… ‘Yes please…’

‘Knowing… knowing the answer is all very well but how to give the answer requires a concentration of ideas and a recognition of experience to relay that answer…’

(Sounds like a different communicator takes over now as the voice changes)

‘…Paul, Paul… Hello, hello, it all, it all is quite illuminating for me to… peel away the curtains which we have in place all around. We need to go back and re-join the personality that we fit with at this time, at this time’

Liz… ‘You’re re-joining your old personality’

‘Now it is a choice for us, how we can present our self. We have the chance to pick up where we left off when we left this plane, we can re-join that part of ourselves that most fits the situation that we last… we have that last memory of… We also, also we have the choice; we are also able to come as we find ourselves in our new surroundings. We can come with information for you that will allow you to build up a picture for yourself of the way that we are now…’

Liz… ‘Yes, I guess it would be very useful if we have known you before in this physical life-time if you could come through as that continuation of that personality to provide evidence… Both ways could be useful’

‘Yes they are both of use for you and the learning that you wish to embrace. If I… if I were to broaden my awareness as I knew, as I remember when I was here, I would first get a picture of a scene, a scene that I can put myself in, that is shaped to fit this reality that you are now in and the overall, the overall shaping and feeling and visualization that I can fit into. Now I can see green fields, I can see fencing surrounding a green field, I can see a cottage, a cottage which is part, is adjoined to the green field, a cottage that is surrounded by green fields, each field is surrounded by fencing and I can see cows in the field, I have cows in the field and horses in the fields adjacent to the cows and as I walk through the field with the horses I come to a stream, a stream that runs along the bottom of the field and trees… As I go down the stream I come to trees, trees many trees, a forest of trees… Now, many people have been in this forest for it is a place where people gather together, a social area in the forest amongst the trees. The road is nearby where people park their cars to come out into the trees… Wordsworth, Wordsworth, a name of a place, a place Wordsworth… So, where can I see beyond now, concentrate, patches of green grass… Joe, Joe, he has a connection; Joe has a connection to all of this, all of this… Yesterday was a time, Yesterday was an anniversary connected to this scene, for Joe remembers yesterday, the date, now come back, come back we can follow…’

(The communication faded)

Liz… ‘Thank you for that memory, that picture. We’ve noted it all. Shall I turn the music up now for a little bit?’


Liz turned up the music.

After about 30 minutes Liz reported the room looked lighter towards the cabinet and her right side was dark as if something was covering her right eye.

A few seconds later a few noises started again from the cabinet and Liz turned down the music…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello’

‘Well, well, well… Trickle, trickle forward, words come forward, well, well, well… Now we come, we come to the end of our session tonight… We are… we have been concentrating on taking energy from medium to produce what will be an extended voice, a voice box independent of the medium. We have been extruding the required energies that we can build outside of the physical body of the medium. So we have achieved a pattern, a pattern that we can use again. We keep for ourselves this template that we can reuse the next time we meet like this for it has been achieved while we sit like this’

Liz… ‘Will you be able to use it next time do you think?’

‘It is only the beginning of this voice box. The beginnings of our work to produce sound outside of the voice, outside of the physical body. We have more to put into place before we can produce the sound that you will hear’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘But we have… we have made the start. For this we are all happy for it is a new… it is a new experiment for us to work towards now’

Liz… ‘Look forward very much, to hearing, when you are able to use it’

‘Stable, a stable atmosphere was required in the cabinet to do this work. We have to keep the medium still when we work in an extended capacity, when we extrude the physical vibration, the physical energy from the physical body we have to keep the body still. We cannot communicate in the way we have done in the past when we are concentrating our energy in the vicinity of the physical body of the medium, so while we are attempting this we have to withdraw from communication’

Liz… ‘Right, I understand’

‘Once we have established an outside connection then we can continue to relay communication in the normal way’

Liz… ‘So then will I hear it coming from the middle of the room?’

‘Eventually yes, this will be achieved but we can still use the voice of the medium once we have established a connection with the voice box and the physical body. We are partially there with this connection, so we will continue next week with the building of a voice box, an independent voice box. At the same time we will be able to speak using the medium’s voice box… So, now we will withdraw and as always leave with you a piece of our love to spread out into your world. Your music has come to an end so please sit quiet for a while, while we fully withdraw from this link, thank you for your time and we say goodnight and we will continue next week…’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, our love and blessings with you and thank you for all your communication and your work’

We sat quiet for a couple of minutes. Normally by then I’m feeling fine and back with it but this week I still felt slightly out of it and I noticed my hearing was super-sensitive. Everything sounded louder than it should be so we sat a little longer in silence before Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise by which time I was feeling fine, back to normal and ready for cake and hot chocolate…