May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

107th Sitting 28/07/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual.
We decided to set the sitting time to 75 minutes again this week by leaving the CD running throughout as Liz needed to get home early.

Just before we sat I asked Liz, if she gets the chance, to question the communicators about the water, lemon, salt and minerals we put out in the room each week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Two minutes later Liz reported seeing blue/mauve lights in the room.
She then got the sensation of her right eye being covered by something.

A few minutes later a few noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned down the music volume and welcomed the communication as it tuned in…

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening… I’m seeing quite a lot of shapes moving around’

‘Pearls… Pearls of wisdom moving around your room, ha, ha, ha…’

(This was an interesting synchronicity for Liz as she had experienced pearls in last week’s Mercury Experiment connected with the pearly gates and Pearl harbour… Then she had switched on the TV just as a comedy sketch about Pearl harbour came on the next day…)

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘All good yes… Picture, all ingredients for the picture, the picture that forms in your room, piece by piece it will build, it will build… Is it a goal, is it all in place, is it all in correct sequence, is it all developing… All these questions are in the atmosphere. We all develop, we all bring our, we bring what we have into the mix and we arrange in the most beneficial way for us to step forward and mingle with your energies… This room is like a pod, we are the seeds in the pod, we have so far allowed our roots to penetrate into the physical soil, we are preparing to spread our flower out of the pod into this atmosphere for all to enjoy, your energies are like the water and we germinate…’

Liz… ‘Wonderful… A very physical analogy… Can I ask whether… we have in this room various salts, and a lemon, water we put out each week. Is this still good or even essential?’

(As I was expecting Liz to ask this question it got my attention and I got the sensation of sudden emptiness, stillness and quiet as if the link had broken. I tried to take my awareness away from the communication and soon felt the familiar energy return and take control again)

‘When you sit in a physical development circle such as this… energies are used. We… when we join, when we join you, when we come close we adjoin with the energies that you have brought into the room. We, with your energies and our energies, we try to create a physical effect on the atmosphere of the room. Now, your physical body is made up of many chemical ingredients, yes. Sometimes elements from your physical structure, these are combined with that what we are creating in your room. Now, once we have caused small elements to be used in this way it can deplete your physical energy. Now, we… There have been calls in the past to use the physical ingredients that you have brought into you room, the water, the lemon, the salt, the potassium, the magnesium and the zinc. These have been suggested in the past. There was a reason why these have been suggested. It has been observed from our side that when we extract from you, these elements that you have brought into your room can be used to help to lessen the amount of loss of energy that you will feel after a session such as this. So in answer to your question yes we would like you to continue exactly as you are with that what you have brought into the room. It is not always the case that we will use what is in the room but for the sake of our work we would prefer to have available those things, those elements that you have brought into the room’

Liz… ‘Okay, is it the vibrational energy of those particular elements that you can use, restore?’

‘This is partially yes correct but… It has been found in the past, in other circles that work in a similar way, that the elements that you have brought into the room are all that is needed if we need to restore the physical energies in your physical structure, your physical bodies’

Liz… ‘Right, that’s interesting to know’

‘It is not so much a vibrational similarity, it is more of a physical, the physical elements in your body which cause depletion of energy represent those that are now in your room that you have brought into your room. Various vitamins, other biological chemicals, we cannot explain exactly but it has been found in the past by experimentation that those elements which you have brought into your room are all that is needed. Other circles can work in different ways, you must understand that all circles are unique; this particular circle has similarities to those that have worked in the past. The original Mercury Circle worked in a very similar way to how we are working now. Before that other circles have worked in the same way or a similar way. No two circles are the same but similarities link circles as time goes on, on your side. Circles can take over from previous circles, they can use the energies that have been built up in previous circles, circles that have ceased to develop, that have for various reasons stopped sitting. There is a chain, a chain that goes back in your physical time, many, many years in fact. If you were to trace it back it would go back beyond biblical times. This is something which has been going on for thousands of years’

Liz… ‘Yes, yes I’m aware of that continuity’

‘It may not have been known as a physical circle…’

Liz… ‘Yes, yes they were the prophets…’

‘…Yes, for communication with other realities, with the higher spheres has been sought through all times. There have been times when this practice of communication was in abundance, many found it part of their daily lives, it was not hidden from the masses as it is now, only a few on your side can benefit from this. We look forward to the time when it will become more common place, when the physical world will again move closer to the spiritual vibrations and they will be able to intermingle once again and help each other’

Liz… ‘Could I just clarify something a little further?’

‘Yes, go ahead’

Liz… ‘It’s to do with the minerals that are here, the potassium, magnesium, sodium… Are you saying that you will actually use those salts themselves in some way to help to reconstitute what’s missing or what’s lost in our own physical body, the body of the sitter and the medium here?’

‘If you can understand, each physical atom has an etheric counterpart. When we work with the energies that surround you, that surround the minerals in the room, we work on the etheric vibration, the, what you see, what you feel as the physical we do not need to touch’

Liz… ‘Right, okay, I understand now’

‘Yes, so we work, we can work on your etheric body, what you know of as your etheric body and we can work on the etheric counterpart of the minerals in the room, the etheric body will then work on the physical body. It will, it does intermingle with your physical body’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that’s clarified for me’

‘Good… Yes if you can turn your music up again now, we will withdraw for a while, thank you for your questions’

Liz… ‘Thank you for all your information’

Liz turned up the music…

After about 20 minutes more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned the music down again…

‘Eternal words… Eternal words… Yours for eternity… Eternal words are; love is the answer, love is the answer always, always love come to the fore, it penetrates all, it penetrate all. We feel the wars that rage on your side, we feel the misery, suffering that results but we can see, we can see beyond and the light that will be, that will become the strong foundation behind that what you have now in the form of the battles that rage on your earth, they will be superseded by the light that shines from those who give out light into your world, those who spread healing to all in your world, those who can see beyond the frustrations in the minds of those who choose to give battle to others, to give, to break out into war, to those who choose to have enemies on your side, those who do not understand the eternal truths that are embedded in the roots of this physical vibration. For they have been blinded by their fellow men with untruths. They are fed lies which they will act upon in a negative way, for even they, when they are set free to understand the truths that lay in the foundations of their existence, it will be allowed to filter through, then they will question what they are doing, what they are causing on their fellow men and beyond for what happens is spread amongst your world. All are able to read in your newspapers, and hear in the news announcements. This has an effect on all. So the work that you do and the work that all the interlinking circles on your side do will help, will help bring peace on earth, understanding on earth. All the minds, all those minds which have been damaged by the lies they have been fed, they have been, they have chosen to take that path for they are blinded to the truth but the truth is seeping through. Carry on with your work, send the light to all those people who have had their minds damaged, for they cry out, their inner selves cry out to receive the light that you can give them in your thoughts in your healing thoughts for your earth, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend… Shall I turn the music up now?’

‘Continue with your music, thank you’

Liz turned up the music.

Liz was feeling very hot.

About five minutes after the last communication another started and Liz turned down the music again…

‘Yes it is, yes it is, time, time… So once again, once again we have reached end of our session… it was, it was a good, it was… Sail away, sail away…’

(It sounded like various communicators were trying to come through at the same time)

‘…day of our learning, this is the day that we learn, we come to you and we dip into your atmosphere. Thank you for opportunity… thank you for opportunity to do this… Now is time for us to withdraw from your room for we have all been having a look, having a feel of the atmosphere that you have so willingly created for us to experience. It is a great privilege for us to get this chance to step into this physical reality that you are so much a part of now, but we realise that the time has come for us to step back… Well, well, one at a time, one at a time yes…’

Liz… ‘Are there a few of you trying to get through?’

‘They are all anxious to have their turn and they wish you well, they can see the opportunity for them and we allow them all to draw close. It is a time for them to increase their learning, it is all experience for all of us’

Liz… ‘We look forward to meeting you all individually’

‘Yes there will come a time when we will be able to come one at a time in an orderly fashion…  So now we leave you with a piece of our love, we all send you a piece of our love, that love which you so willingly share with others and spread around your physical world to all those places that so need it now. So we now draw back, we step back and give you your physical world to re-join and to experience for yourself, thank you once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you all our friends, our love and blessings with you, goodnight’

‘Thank you, sit quiet for a while as we finally withdraw thank you… goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend’

I was back and feeling fine after about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

106th Sitting 21/07/2014

This week the weather had been hot and humid. We were both suffering a bit with slight headaches but felt well enough to sit.
In view of this we decided to limit the sitting time to 75mins by keeping the CD player running throughout. Liz would just turn it down instead turning it off during any communications.
Fortunately the brick built garage with no windows remains cool in warm weather.

We had the room set up as normal and were back to full black-out after our white light sit last week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About ten minutes later Liz was getting hot.
She saw lots of white shapes in the room, they were vertical and round shapes a bit like letters of the alphabet or stick figures of people. They all seemed to line up together then started swaying to the music.
Liz then saw an ornate pattern forming in the room, like a grid. Then it looked like a confession box.
She also saw what she perceived as a white step raised from the floor.

A few noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned the music volume down and welcomed the communicator…

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Isn’t it a good evening yes… hello, hello… preparation… visual effects, look into your room and you will see all… step into the light and you will see before you all the energies, all the imprints, imprints on your atmosphere, oh yes, footsteps in the dark, prints, paw prints in the dark. We are able to bring to you images, images that will arouse your interest, see before you what we can… bring our thoughts into your room. Happy, happy to be able to have an effect on your room in a visual way…’

(There seemed to be another communicator take over at this point. From what they say it would appear to be someone who knows Liz. It took me by surprise when I heard myself saying ‘Liz hello…’
Then after a while the communication seems to morph back to the original communicator.)

‘Dear, dear, dear… Liz hello, Liz hello, Liz hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello…’

‘It is a good… It is good to see you again’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you’

‘It is good to see, it is good to see that you have found a circle of illumination in your way, it would be so good to have a chat, a chat again, it would be so good to have a chat again’

Liz… ‘It would…’

‘It would be so good to be able to speak again now we are getting closer. We are getting closer, we are, any time, any time in the next… in the future we will be able to communicate, I will be able to communicate in a clear way’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘I know you have the wanting to be able to get a clear picture through, a clear passage that we can follow and bring our thoughts through. Oh it is a good time, it is a good time now, we can… yes it was… all of us have the… we all have the connection, we all have the interest, we all have the love that we find binds us together still. It will never break for the power of love is the greatest power. The power of… the thread that binds us together is a strong thread and it will never sever… Heaven on your earth is a reality always, never forget that, you have in your reach the true, the true feeling of heaven on earth. Just relax and it will be here, it will come to you, it will break into your existence, your vision’

Liz… ‘Yes we do get glimpses; we do have that feeling at times… Managing the physical vehicle effectively is what’s difficult, managing our physical apparatus’

‘Telepathic, a telepathic connection is what we have in place. The physical body follows the thoughts that we put through. We do not have a direct, a direct effect on the physical body. We are using our mind; we are connecting our mind to the mind of the medium and by doing this the physical body reacts’

Liz… ‘Yes I realise that, in a sense bypassing the physical, but the physical body often impairs our ability to appreciate heaven on earth because it ails us at times, keeping it free of various ailments is not always easy and that does impair the quality of life and the quality of perception, the ability to feel heaven on earth’

‘It is a necessary ingredient for your life at this time, the physical body, but you have learnt to partially bypass physical, physical feelings, physical senses. You can rise above the physical feelings when you reach out beyond that physical perception’

Liz… ‘It’s not always easy sometimes when the body is suffering. It’s quite difficult to let go of it, detach from. It colours our perception’

‘Yes, it is not an easy task to do. It is a, it is something which with practise, with repeated experiments, you will build up an archive of experiences. As you move away from the physical you will learn how to experience the non-physical. You will build for yourself your own picture based on how you perceive. You will find you will come into contact with others but only when you have done this on many occasions will you be able to build a true picture, you will learn to compare, you will learn to repeat experiences until you have satisfied yourself that you are getting a true picture, you are bringing back a true picture’

Liz… ‘Can I ask a question?’

‘Yes, yes…’

(It felt to me as if the communication had withdrawn but Liz’s question brought them back)

Liz… ‘I wonder whether you can tell me what sort of range of time there is when people, the general population here dies, how long people actually hold onto their personality, still remain attached to the personality which their previous incarnation was founded. What’s the general range of time scale for a continued existence of that personality or the continued attachment of a soul to its personality of its previous incarnation?’

‘That is an interesting question for you. Now, you talk of time. For you time is an important factor. Where we reside time does not hold the importance that you experience. We hold onto memory and we appreciate experience as it occurs, as it happens and we build up further memory from an ongoing experience. The time factor does not come into this experience for we are constantly in the one, in the one time, the time, we are in the present, the now. You talk about the physical personality attachment to the entity who has moved away from the physical atmosphere. Now, each personality has a strong or a weak hold of their earthly conditions. Where the hold is strong it will require more work from our side until that personality is happy to release that hold on physical memory, earthly memories, the comfort of earthly memories take time, your time, for that person to want to release that memory, that personality, so we allow them to enter into a second reality, a place of familiarity for them to live and to think and to think to themselves, to discover for themselves what has happened to them’

Liz… ‘Would that be the case for the majority of people at present?’

‘Most people from your side will enter a state of familiarity until, and this is up to them, until they reach a point where they wish to venture further, further into other states of being where they can expand their own consciousness and be able to experience further…’

Liz… ‘Thank you, is there any way of predicting what person is likely to pass through that stage quickly, is likely to be drawn to the more unified areas where they don’t need that personality? For example a person who has pursued a spiritual pathway, not necessarily a religious pathway but a spiritual pathway. Would they be more likely if they’re drawn towards spirit and to the light of spirit and to high levels of consciousness, would they be more likely to pass through that familiar zone more quickly?’

‘It is not possible for you to know how another will react. For do you fully understand the thoughts of others? You only see the effects of thoughts of others in the way they act, in the way they speak. One of the barriers of physical existence is the unknowing how others think. Each of you on your side are able to hide your thoughts, you are not an open book, you have your own feelings and these can cause problems when communicating with each other. You only know for sure your own thoughts and feelings when in the physical body, when in the physical reality. You, even when you have reached out and explored beyond your physical reality, until that point where physical life is permanently severed from your thoughts, from your consciousness, you will enter into this familiar territory until you can settle, until you can accept what has happened’

Liz… ‘Is one of the factors that might make someone cling to that familiar area longer the desire to remain in touch with somebody that they’ve loved?’

‘Sometimes that person who you have left behind will draw you back by their own thoughts of grieving. This is where the work that you do will help, for when you can demonstrate to those on your side that life does indeed move on this can help to lessen the grieving. It is still a loss but knowing it is not a permanent loss can help’

Liz… ‘Can it help a person who you love to move on to go further and beyond the holding area, the familiar area, if you send them thoughts to carry on their path of development and if you let them go, if you consciously send them thoughts to release them, does that help them to pursue an independent pathway to not wait, hang around in the familiar zone to be joined with you?’

‘It will help them to… it… You see there is no feeling of urgency to move away and explore. If you can imagine yourself set free from the physical as if you are in a dream, you will want to familiarise yourself with the first reality that you find yourself in. You will not want to immediately blast yourself into all those possibilities, all those possible adventures that lay beyond yourself. There is no urgency to do this but you will feel the thoughts of those you have left behind and you will feel happier when those thoughts, when you realise those thoughts are allowing you to break free and explore. It is ultimately up to you what you wish to do once you are free of your body, once you are free of the physical. There is no race involved, you will see, you will experience so much that you will wish to stay in that experience, soak up all it has to offer… Yes, yes so we wish you to play your music again now. There is much we can talk to you about this at another time but thank you for your interesting questions’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your answers’

Liz turned up the music again.
Then after about 20 minutes lip-smacking was heard from the cabinet and she turned it down again and encouraged the communication.
After a bit of tuning in…

‘We have reached, once again we have come to the end of our session, our session with you tonight. Yes a slightly shorter session tonight… How are you feeling now?’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you’

‘Good, good we realise your weather can create difficulties in your physical wellbeing… So we have once again enjoyed our evening with you. We have come and spoken and mixed in your physical atmosphere. The bridges are growing stronger as we build each week another part of the connection, so, it is all good work for us to do. We now give for you a piece of our love. Use a piece of that love for your own wellbeing and that what is left spread around all, for all who are affected by the warm weather, the close weather, that pressure, that atmospheric pressure which causes discomfort. Allow our love to lessen that discomfort for many and give them a pleasurable experience in the sun, in the sunshine, in the warm weather for them… So now we draw back and allow you to come back to your own physical world and enjoy, enjoy your world, do not think of it as a restriction on your life for it too is a beautiful place. There is so much beauty in your world which you will appreciate now. Each person, each person on your world is there for a very good reason. You are all, you are all adding to each other’s experience. You are all learning from each other, observing, listening and most of all thinking. Thinking and growing as you mingle with your friends, as you see how others live their lives. You will shape your life around your own thoughts and your thoughts will build as you experience more on your side. There is no urgency to break away from a physical experience. There you have chosen to experience a physical life in a physical form and you must use this opportunity to explore every possible avenue in your physical experience until the time comes when you have experienced all that you have come here to experience. Only then will you feel satisfied that you can leave this place and move on… thank you, give this some thought and we will return to this subject the next time you have the opportunity to speak to those who have already moved that one step further ahead, thank you, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, our love and blessings to you. Thank you for all your communication’

‘We will slowly withdraw. If you music has finished just sit in silence until you acknowledge the return of your medium thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you very much, God bless you’

I came back after a few minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

We both felt fine and headache free now.

I had got the name ‘Phillip’ several times during the session and also kept hearing the beginning of the song ‘If I had a Hammer…’
Phillip is someone Liz knows and he did pop up about this time last year in the 1st Mercury Experiment and we noted at the time that his birthday is in July.
Liz has also sensed him about at times in our Mercury Light Circle sessions.
She thinks it’s possible that it was he who started to come through with ‘Liz hello…’ at the beginning of our session. Time will tell.

I saw my mum’s face in black and white several times towards the end of the session and also felt Sparrow from the original Mercury Circle about…

105th Sitting 14/07/2014

This week we sat in white light and set the room up as we had been instructed last week.
I sat out in front of the cabinet, Liz sat as usual to my right and we placed two white lights on tables at the far end of the room.
I put the voice recorder on a chair to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then put the music on.

I had feelings around my head, face and right ear, the same as I usually experience when in blackout.
I also had a noticeable tightness in my stomach which I don’t usually get and this lasted about 10 – 15 minutes at the beginning of the session.

Liz could see a dark aura around my head and what looked like a dark beard and fringe appearing.

About five minutes after the opening prayer a few noises started from me and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend… welcome’

‘Good evening, good evening… All good, good, work, work, we are able to work in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘Ok, ok… it is… it is a new experiment for us to work in this way. Having sat for so long in the dark, we have a chance to bring the voice forward in the light, in your electrical lights. There is an abundance of energy for us to work with. It build up quick and we are able to plug into energy and bring forward voice… Slowly more come through for us to… Say hello, hello… Now come forward, circle of light that we are all a part of, this circle of light we are all able to touch this vibration that you are now a part of. There are many here who wish to bring themselves forward to speak’

Liz… ‘You’ll be very welcome’

‘They all carry with them a state of excitement, they wish to come through. We can allow some to step forward; it is a balancing act that we use to allow each communicator to come through in this way. Once they have stepped into the energy they find their excitement is increased as they remember, as they find their memory of physical experience once again coming to them for they are once again experiencing a physical vibration. They need to learn to control these feelings before they can bring their own message through but this is a good opportunity for them to practice’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘I now step back, we will allow, keep your music off for a period now’

Liz… ‘Okay’

‘We will see what we can achieve so let it go quiet for a brief period…’

Liz… ‘Certainly’

A different voice started to come through…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, I can see your dark shape’

‘Hello, hello… I… Can you hear, can you hear?’

Liz… ‘I can hear you and I think I can see you’

‘Good, I can hear you… and I feel that it is such a wonderful place for us to come, settle I settle, I settle down…’

Liz… ‘Have you been here before?’

‘I have been. I did say a few words some time ago… adjust, adjust… we need to adjust… yes… I go… colour, colour… recognise… Dear Paul, dear Paul he alone has not come through as yet to be able to speak in his voice, now, now can you hear?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Correct… there’s… Come through in a correct way, yes, just working, we working… We work, Paul now, Paul he has, he is here…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Paul’

‘Now can… He can work; he can work forward, forward… Paul, Paul, circle, circle… We will, very good… decimal recreation, recreation is a lovely place, is open to all, it is open to all to explore, but sometimes there are those who push their way into the mix but we have a hold on the situation’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

(Banging noises are coming from next door)

‘There needs to be a… We need to keep a state where by we have control and we are directing those who come forward. We have a strong hold on the situation’

Liz… ‘Good, you need to be gate keepers’

‘Yes, sometimes we have what for you will appear a mixture of personalities at the same time. This is how it will appear to you at this time for although we are coming through in an organised way the result of new personalities impinging on the mind will result in a mixture of words coming through your end. It is, this evening we are trying a different approach as the conditions are set in a different way but we find this is a benefit for the overall development of our trance communication for we are seeing the weak links that are apparent. These conditions are showing up weak links that we can work on when we return to the blackout conditions next week. So for us it is a good learning opportunity, it is opening up the communication for us to work on. It is a difficult thing for us to explain to you but rest assured we have it under control and we find it beneficial to us to work in these conditions’

Liz… ‘Good’

‘Now we have a hold have you any questions for us?’

Liz… ‘Yes do you find that without the cabinet you can still maintain the energy you need with the medium, the energetic connection with the medium?’

‘It is a different way for us but the energy we work with when in a lightened room, the energy is more… is in effect closer to the physical body of the vehicle we work through. When we work in blackout conditions the energy is a looser energy, it is allowed to move away from the physical body. That is why we sit in the cabinet for the cabinet it’s self is a physical structure and we can allow the energy to spread out to the barrier that the physical cabinet has created’

Liz… ‘So the energy is more tightly centred on the medium in the light?’

‘Yes, this is normally how a trance medium would work. Trance mediums do not need to work in blackout conditions’

Liz… ‘Okay, I can see what feels like a band of energy, a sort of darker area around the medium’s head. It’s about an inch and a half in width. Is that the energy you’re talking about? Seems to get larger at times’

‘It is an effect of the energy working around the medium. There are…’

Liz… ‘And I can see shapes, black shapes that are moving on the wall behind, dim black shapes, clouds, is that also another… what is that I’m seeing?’

‘As we move close we can be perceived by yourself. It is not a physical visual effect; it is what you would call a clairvoyant vision, a clairvoyant effect. You will perceive it as a physical effect. There are many energies which build up around the medium at this time. The energy we work with would not be visible to you. It is an energy within the physical structure of the medium but as we ourselves draw close a visual effect will be perceived by you’

Liz… ‘The entity Paul who came through, who was trying to come through earlier, is he still around?’

‘He is, like many, close at this time. He had, he wanted to speak, he will speak, maybe not this evening but when conditions are at their best he will take a hold of the situation and bring himself through’

Liz… ‘Is he known to us, either of us?’

‘Only he will be able to tell you this. I am not permitted at this point to talk about the personalities of those who are gathered. We have decided that when the time is right then each personality will tell you themselves. This will be so much more evidential for you, for you will feel the personality as well as their spoken word. You will get a connection; you may see a picture of that personality for when they come close to the medium they are also close to you. You have already felt the presence of many in this room. This is a joint experience when this happens, when these personalities are close to you they are also close to the medium but until the medium is sufficiently withdrawn they will not attempt to bring themselves through in a trance capacity. They will wait until that opportunity is forwarded to them so they can speak with a clear, with a pure message which will be recognised by you or whoever else may be in the room at that time for we wish to work in an evidential way when these opportunities come forward. It is no good us giving you information from another for they have to work at bringing their own evidence through to you…’

Liz… ‘First hand’

‘…yes, I hope you can appreciate the importance of this’

Liz… ‘Yes, and you are acting as the presenter, as the doorkeeper’

‘At this time yes, I am a control of the medium, one of the controls, I can speak in a clearer way, I can keep hold of the medium’

Liz… ‘Yes you’re very clear. Have you worked through a medium previously?’

‘Yes, yes I have spoken in your physical world through another medium… Now you’re going to ask who was that medium and I will not say at this time but I will, I will at times give you clues as to who I spoke through. You will also find when you delve into your books, your history books of physical mediums you may pick up a feeling for one of those mediums, you will recognise something about that medium which gives you a hint into who or what I am. For I worked and I gave a name when I worked through another medium. That is all I am permitted to say at this time, all will be revealed in the fullness of time. We are getting closer to a time when we will bring more information for you but for now we will continue to talk in a more…’

Liz… ‘General’

‘Yes, general way, we can tell you about the mechanics, how we work, and we can tell you something of the energies that we work with as we have done in the past. These are all interesting subjects but you are welcome to ask anything’

Liz… ‘Will you attempt to produce a direct voice, external voice box with this medium?’

The voice changed a bit at this point. It sounds like two or three different voices were being used at different times before returning to the original voice.

‘We are already working on this, there are in place various energies which are being developed at this time and there will be attempts at speaking independent of the medium. We have been working for some time, we have tried various ways to produce a sound in your room, these are, these are attempts. We have built; we have brought forward an energy which we can work with. It will eventually give you a sound in your room. Yes so in answer to your question we will bring the voice forward, we will bring the voice out of the medium, we are developing an independent voice’

Liz… ‘Is there anything that I can do as a sitter to help with this’

‘When you sit, you need, you will at times feel a slight pulling from yourself… Have you ever noticed a pulling sensation?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘When you notice this let us know for your energies are also being used in the production of independent voice. You will know when this happens as you will feel a pulling sensation. So when this happens report it, we will know that we are succeeding in drawing a small amount of energy from yourself’

Liz… ‘I can feel a pulling sensation from my fingers’

‘Yes, so this will happen, you will also feel it from your forehead’

Liz… ‘Is it better not to eat for several hours before a session?’

‘We recommend a period of two hours before you sit. Do not eat but do not sit when you feel hungry, the most important ingredient to bring to the séance is a feeling of well-being, not hungry, not over fed, a balance between the two. You need to feel as ease both in body and mind then we can work with you, this also applies to the link we work with. Some people have been known to not eat for lengthy periods before sitting. They believe this to help but if they feel hunger while sitting this will detract their mind from the harmonious mood they need to be in. So although we ask for two hours before you sit make sure you have had sufficient during your day. Do not warrant a hunger feeling when you sit. Does that answer your question?’

Liz… ‘Yes it does thank you’

‘We are enjoying this session in the light, you may have noticed a varying energy, a shift in energy at times. We are moving in and out of the energy of the link. We are varying the energy brought forward’

Liz… ‘Okay, yes my hands are feeling very buzzy’

‘Yes you are feeling the energy as we work with it’

Liz… ‘It’s relaxed my diaphragm which was feeling very tight’

‘Yes you probably felt a tightness at the beginning of our session’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘This was necessary for us, for the initial build-up of our energy. Once we have engaged our contact then we are able to relax that hold of you and of our link. We needed it to step into, now we are here we are able to work in a more relaxed way… We are going to step back for a while. If you could put your music on we will work with the conditions while you play your music, thank you’

Liz put the music on…

Liz was still getting a strong pulling from her fingers.

After about 15 minutes a few noises started from me again, and then a few random words until the communication became more coherent…

‘Thank you for creating this place for us, so good for us…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘This safe environment that we use…’

Liz… ‘Does it make a difference having a dedicated space?’

‘It is so much better for us to have a dedicated space like this. A place where only physical mediumship and healing takes place. It allows so much to be achieved; we are able to build our own store of energy in this room. Each time we meet like this we introduce another part of our energy, another piece of the puzzle to build and grow. It becomes a store house of energy… It is a… We are creating a picture. We are adding to this picture each time we work with you. We are also painting this picture, the more detail we can put into this picture the more the greater part of ourself is… This picture represents our energies in this room. We are able to put our energies into this room; we can leave a piece of ourselves in this room. We are building this picture up in your room so that one, at one time; at a time in the future there will be a finished picture in your room. This finished picture will represent the build-up of development. It will represent a pure connection. A connection which we will use to bring our communication, we will be able to bring forward these personalities who wait. We will be able to engage in a recognisable, informative way’

Liz… ‘When you use the word picture, I’m not quite clear how that is going to be perceived, whether it’s a structured environment, a simulation of the physical?’

‘We use the picture as a way to describe the introduction of energies into your room. Various forms of energy are brought into the room. In the same way as various colours are used in the production of a picture, a painting. Each energy is represented by a different tone of colour. The way the energy is brought into your room is represented by the way the brush strokes on the canvas. The direction, the force of the brush on the canvas to create shadow and light. We cannot explain energies in a way that would be understandable to you’

Liz… ‘I’m trying to fathom whether you’re referring to the re-creation of personality that’s recognisable to us?’

‘That is something which will come through when the picture is at its peak. The picture is a preparation for us. Once the picture is created then the personalities will come through’

Liz… ‘As you are talking do you feel yourself as a personality still or are you beyond the level of personality. Do you locate yourself in a particular personality?’

‘As we step into your physical atmosphere we need to bring a personality through. If we were to communicate in the way we are now you would not receive, you would not recognise a communication. We need to use a personality for you to recognise, for you to give…’

Voice changed several times…

‘It is… physical… a physical vibration… for communication to take place in a physical atmosphere a recognisable physical personality is required to communicate. We have a build-up of personalities that we can join with. We on our own, on our own we are but a force, but an energy, but a motivating force on its own would not produce the required physical contact. When you take part in your own experiments, your journeys to our side, then you are engaging with our true motivating force. You are leaving; you are taking yourself out of your physical atmosphere and adjoining with us’

Liz… ‘Okay, but the actualization of that intent, the focusing of it needs a personality’

‘Yes we need to be understandable to you; we need to be recognisable, so yes a personality is required, is used, is taken up and assimilated forward’

Liz… ‘Right, I can get a picture of that, feels a little bit like having to use a mould’

‘Yes, is able to come forward’

Liz… ‘Yes you’re coming into a dimension, into a vibrational level where shape and form are very important, structure, structural’

‘Yes you have built for yourself a model of your reality and we need to match that model. It would be impossible for us to step into your reality, your created reality, in anything but what would be recognisable for you. Only when you yourself step out of your own reality can we become, can we communicate with you in a non-physical way. This is why it is so difficult for you to remember…’

Liz… ‘Yes the dreams, the teaching in the dreams, to bring it back…’

‘…the dreams and those experiences you have had but do not despair for those experiences are still with you. You will be able to engage with those experiences when you step out of your physical experience. There really is no separation. It is all one, it is just a case of where…’

Liz… ‘Shifting focus’

‘…where your focus is now, you have chosen to have this physical experience now but because of your interest and your desire to expand your mind you are allowed brief excursions into further experiences. Many on your side are satisfied with their physical experience this is not a problem for they are still working on many different levels at the same time. They just do not have an awareness of this but by keeping their focus in the physical they still are presented with opportunities, learning opportunities, they have choices, and they make their choices based on the point they have reached. All on your side are at a stage, a stage you have; you have come to from that learning, that choosing…’

The communication faded out but carried on whispering incoherently then got louder and started to get more coherent again…

‘…Yellow, yellow, purple, orange, red, blue… They are the colours, we have all the colours, we all mix with you, we come, we follow the colour until we get that feeling of closeness, closeness creeping up on us, it is a circle of light, of colour, colours surround this place, colours leek into the atmosphere of the room one at a time. Each colour can move towards the centre mixing with the next colour until the mix is perfected then we will step in, we will step into that colour and bathe our self until we have a physical effect, a physical presence in your room. We can move close, we can touch; we can bring you a picture, a vision of our self… Each time we come close we are accompanied by further colours that follow. They all mix together; there are so many colours, so many textures interwoven one into the other forming a tread, a thread of communication from our side into your room. Communication and feeling that experience binding together until a feeling is brought forward, thank you’

The communication faded again but incoherent mumbling continued…

Liz thought it would help if the music was put on and asked… ‘I’m going to put the music on for a little bit if that’s alright?’

‘No, thank you for your concern… we are trying, we are working without music for now, we find this is…’

A few minutes later after more incoherent mumbling another communication started…

‘Jacob, Jacob…’

Liz… ‘Hello Jacob?’   

‘Yes, Jacob, hello… Happy, happy, find myself, so I find myself here, so for is, is it, is it okay?’

Liz… ‘It is okay’

‘Thank you for letting me come’

Liz… ‘Welcome’

‘I don’t, I find, what, where, what is it, where am I?’

Liz… ‘You’re here in the Mercury Light Circle’

‘The circle, yes, that is it, that is what they said, they said it was a circle yes, well…’

Liz… ‘What brings you here Jacob?’

‘I was… I was attracted, I found, I saw this light and I found myself, it was working, there were…’

Jacob faded out.
Then after a couple of minutes…

‘So now, can you play please the music for a short while thank you’

Liz… ‘Yes, yes certainly’

Liz put the music back on.

After about 25 minutes more noises started up from me and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend, ha, ha, we’re near the end of our session…’

‘Once again we reach the end of our special session. We have enjoyed sitting in the light. We have experimented, we have brought forward various personalities, some were easier to break through, others still have to practice, it is all good practice for us. We next week we will return to blackout conditions. We shall continue in blackout for several weeks now but we will return, we will return to lightened conditions again. It is all experimentation but now we have reached the end of our energy and we give to you a piece of our love to take out into your physical world to spread amongst your friends, your acquaintances, all who you meet in your daily life. Thank you for this time and we now draw back and we say goodnight, play one more tune as we ease ourselves away back to our own environment, thank you, goodnight…’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend, thank you very much, our love and blessings with you’

Liz put one last tune on.
I came slowly back and felt fine by the end of the tune.

The session had gone on for two and a half hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

I think I had gone off for a while at some point before the last communication came through. I remember being woken up by a prod in my side.
I had remained aware during the communications but as always could only remember bits of what was said afterwards and it had felt to me like there wasn’t that much said so I was surprised when I listened to the recording.
When Liz asked the communicator if he had spoken through another medium previously I could feel myself wanting to say ‘no’ like a kind of knee jerk reaction wanting an easy way out but whoever was in control managed to block that and say ‘yes’ This I found to be an interesting experience and more evidence for me that it is indeed separate entities speaking through me and not something coming from myself.
It had felt much like when we sit in the dark the only difference being the noticeable tightness felt in my stomach at the beginning and my mouth had felt very dry after the communications.

Liz had noticed a few different faces on mine; one reminded her of an 18th century French person.
She thought the communications had sounded the same as when we sit in the dark.  

104th Sitting 07/07/2014

We sat and set up the room as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz was reporting lots of blotchy shapes in the room, she said it was like being in a field of dandy lions.

As she was seeing this a few noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Hello, hello… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Yes, yes, well, well, good evening… Good to be able to speak again’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘Hope to be coming through load and clear’

Liz… ‘Yes you are’

‘Yes, yes, yes, good, good… All around once again the crystal walls are in place. You are surrounded; once again you are in your crystal box... This is a good opportunity for us to talk. We are thinking that we will next week experiment with your light. We will conduct the session in white light, your white light from your electrical lights. We will have them placed in the two far corners of your room and the cabinet will remain open. The link will be forward of the cabinet. We will conduct our evening in this condition as an experiment. We will see how we can communicate in these conditions. We feel that we will still be able to communicate in the same way. This will be just for the one week, then we will return to full black out until we wish to do this again’

Liz… ‘Okay that will be interesting. When we started we were in partial light and we still were able to communicate with you so hopefully that will be successful’

‘Yes, yes we have found that there is not the necessity for darkness if we are to communicate in this way. Darkness is required for the initial build-up of physical phenomena but a trance communication can proceed in most conditions’

Liz… ‘I thought that might be the case… But we enjoy the dark’

‘Yes we know that it allows you to appreciate any visual effects that you see. You will not be able to do this in the lightened conditions but hopefully the subjects that we will talk about will keep your interest and make it an enjoyable, interesting evening for you in this way… Something which we will do in the future once we have attempted this light condition is to bring invited guests into your room and work with them also in lighted conditions. This will allow a greater range of people to feel comfortable in the lighted conditions. It is not always wise to invite people and then subject them to full blackout conditions. Many people feel un at ease when they are subjected to blackout conditions. They wish to know or they wish to see what is happening in the room. They do not understand, like yourself, that a blackout condition enables you to see more in an evidential way but they will enjoy the evening more in their own way if they have light’

Liz… ‘Yes and then there’s also less notions that there could be fraud’

‘Yes many on your side see a blackout condition as an invitation for fraudulent practices but again this will only apply when physical phenomena is happening. When it is just a communication then this will not apply. It is more a case of making them feel at ease. For them to hear a voice coming at them in the dark it will conjure up fears in their mind, so this is why we wish to conduct one evening in lightened conditions to see how we can work and intermingle with you with communication’

Liz… ‘It would be very good if you were able to produce some sort of evidence that we can know couldn’t have come from the medium’s mind. If you were able to give some sort of pre-cognition or something that would clearly show that the communication is coming from another entity, another source through the medium’

‘Yes we understand that you and our link are looking for this evidence, this is understandable for you both have a limited perception of what is possible in these sessions. We feel we have partially accomplished this by what has been perceived in dreams after our sessions. This is the first step towards this form of evidence’

Liz… ‘I understand that yes’

‘We will increase, we will move up another step as our circle develops and we can pass through the mind of the link information which you will be able to verify at a later date. There are several ways in which we can achieve this. We also hope to be able to bring through family members for you. These will bring evidential communications which you will be able to verify in your own way sufficiently to remove all doubt in your mind’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘So as always be patient, we fully understand this need for evidence and we know that all on your side look for this evidence, this is an understandable way for you to operate, for you put a lot of effort into attending these sessions every week and the experiments and even the thinking that you put into your life, these all contribute to the efforts that you put into looking into this wonderful subject and we will reward you with this pure evidence that will give you that extra knowledge, that knowing, that build-up of evidence that will create a knowledge in your mind that will remove doubt’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘Now return to your music as we continue with our experimentation from our side, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

About ten minutes later Liz was getting hot.
She was seeing flashes of light and felt something tickling her forehead.

Another communicator began to come through and Liz turned the music off again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Easy to be… to hold… hold onto your words for they have within them a true meaning that will enlighten your way. They will encompass that what you seek and learn from, enable a special link to that what lies in front, always in front, always one step ahead, always slightly out of reach, always there and knowing it is there gives that wanting to explore. There are so many ways in which you can reach but finding that pure way forward is part of the challenge laid before you. So when you feel close, when you feel you have that answer so close to your grasp then find that extra energy to surge forward into the mist, into the unseen, that next word which separates you from this… Let it, let it settle, let it settle until the curtains are opened then you will see, then you will see that we are only an extension of all of your experiences. We are a part of you, that part that is that motivating force pushing you, pushing you on further, giving you that enthusiasm, that interest, that wanting to move forward. We all join when you feel that connection, that spreading out, that moving forward, that…’

Liz… ‘I guess we’re all linked at a deeper level aren’t we’

‘That is the link, there is no separation. We have that link but until you can hold onto that link you will still feel separated, an individual, for you are a part of this physical life. The link has been partially hidden from your view but you are still a part of it. Separate yourself from your surroundings and the link will become a clearer part of you. Let go for a brief period to be reunited with the greater part of yourself’

Liz… ‘Does this happen in dreams during sleep?’

‘When you lose that consciousness of physical reality your own awareness is free to explore but you as a physical being have to be able to recognise and recall those journeys beyond your physical existence’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s what we’re trying to do’

‘This is a… It is not impossible but there are so many filters in place for your own protection to help with your physical experiencing, you physical learning, for this is where your awareness is now, it is where you are supposed to be now but at the same time you have an opportunity to spread your wings, reach out to the greater existence. Keep doing as you do and you will penetrate into that greater existence and bring back the memory’

Liz… ‘That’s good… And the knowledge, thank you’

‘You will eventually realise that it is yourself that is holding you to your physical existence. You have built your own attraction to your physical existence. All on your side as they exist in a physical existence they build up an attraction like a magnetic force holding them to their physical reality. This is a natural force for you and for everybody but once you have worked at releasing yourself then you will discover more’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess the trap we’ve woven for our self is to believe that this physical existence is all that there is, so it becomes limiting, a limiting experience’

At this point I felt a strong energy shift. The shaking/buzzing energy that I usually get when controlled suddenly left me. I thought the communication had finished but it continued and I was held still.

‘We all help you when you do your exercises we know that it is an important part of your growth. We can see the benefit to all when you attempt these exercises. We have been watching you for many of your years and we wish to help, we want you to succeed because we know that it will benefit many on your side. There are others who also work in a similar way from your side, these too have the cooperation from us to help, to inspire and to guide but we are limited, we can only assist, we cannot give you all answers, you will work these answers out for yourself which in turn will help you grow, expand, increase the quality of your consciousness and this will help so many more in all dimensions. So keep working, keep trying and know that we are helping as much as we are allowed, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for that, shall I put the music back on now?’

‘Return to your music, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

After about 25 minutes there was lip-smacking from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Tick-tock, tick-tock, the time come once again, the time has reached the point where we have to draw back, our session has come to an end. We have had a good time with you, we appreciate the time you have spent with us, the time you make available for us and we use it well. We look forward to our session next week in the light. We are undecided as to what music or whether to play the music but we will, we suggest that you play the music as always to start the session then we will guide you as to whether to continue or to take the music out of the situation. So now we draw back and we leave you with a piece of our love to spread around in your world. We will join you next week and we will as always enjoy our experimental session with you. Thank you, our energy has come to an end, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Good night friend, our love and blessings with you, thank you for all your communication, I’m going to play one last tune’

‘Yes one tune and we will withdraw’

Liz put one more tune on.
I felt fine and back with it when it finished.
The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

At some point between the second and last communications I had felt a strange sensation like an upward pulling force on my face. Then it felt like I had floated up to the top of the cabinet. I had full awareness at that point so decided to see if I could float out of the cabinet and into the room. I managed to get as far as the empty chair to the left of the cabinet then I lost my awareness but went into a dream state and remember continuing to float around the room until I got to where Liz was sitting. I was then blinded by a bright light which seemed to be coming from where the glass dome sits next to the cabinet. It looked like the light was behind two curtains that were opening making it more intense.  This caused me to shoot back into the cabinet and wake up back in my seat.
When I told this to Liz she recalled experiencing a blinding light several times from her left where the dome was. At the time she had thought it was just an internal phenomenon…   

103rd Sitting 30/06/2014

We set up and sat as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

A few noises started in the cabinet about 20 minutes after the start.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Hello, hello… Good evening… All is good…’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you’

‘Thank you, thank you for giving us a time… Very good, very good…’

Liz… ‘It’s good to have you here’

‘And now… and now… Now we have, we are, now we have a clear, a clear picture of your surroundings, we see how it appears from our point of view…’

Liz… ‘That must be different from how it appears to us’

‘We see the walls of this room as crystal, solid crystal walls, each side of this room and the floor also is a crystal, and the ceiling as well a crystal’

Liz… ‘We’re in a crystal box!’

‘You are in a crystal cavern, cave, a dwelling... And beyond this crystal is the light, not a physical light but the light of spirit which penetrates the crystal walls that surround you and they allow a part of this light to enter into the space that you sit. This light is not a physical light, it is not dazzling to the physical eyes for it is picked up by your sense of feeling, not a physical sense and you can absorb this light however strong it may be it will not be hurt by your physical senses for it is not a physical light and you will allow it to be drawn into your being, your soul, your sense of self will absorb the light that we can allow to penetrate into your room through the crystal surroundings’

Liz… ‘That’s lovely’

‘Feel this light as it penetrates you, feel yourself filled with the love of spirit, of our dimension, of the place that we dwell. We are… each of us is a part of the crystal surroundings. We can move out of the crystal walls and at the same time we are a part of the crystal walls. We are all one but we can also penetrate into your atmosphere, the atmosphere which the walls surround and when we come into your atmosphere we can control this vehicle and we can move close to you and you can feel and see us at times when your senses are in tune’

Liz… ‘Does that only apply to this time when we have our meetings scheduled or does it apply to other times?’

‘This is how we come through at this time. We are always close to you and to all. This is a special time, a time when we can come close with a physical touch, a physical sound. This is the time when we mix with your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘Is that why you generate as it were a crystal environment, a crystalline wall?’

‘This is the closest we can give you as an analogy for our mixture of spirit and physical. As we draw into your physical vibration we can create for you a picture and this crystal is the closest that at this time we can give you. When you allow yourself to imagine this crystal it will help us to attune to your physical vibration. We have shown this crystal formation to our link, our vehicle and it is being used, it has been used as a tool for us to reach closer to cling onto, to resonate with and become a stronger link in this way. All of these things are tools for you to use. You need a physical image to appreciate a spiritual vibration at this time for we are endeavouring to produce physical phenomena, physical images in this group, in this session, this is how we are working now’

Liz… ‘I can feel a touch in my hair’

‘Can you feel… you can feel us around?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Slowly we will be able to increase the rate of our own vibration so we can give you a more physical touch. At the moment you are sensing a touch, this sense will increase as we become more familiar and able to work at a physical vibration. It is possible for us to recreate the sense of touch, the sense of smell. We can bring you light, condensed light that you will see as a point of light which you will follow around the room. Do not confuse this with that what is in your mind. There are things which you will perceive. Perception is not always a physical perception so you too will have to learn to tell the difference between a physical sighting…’

Liz… ‘A phenomena and a mental one’

‘Yes, and that what is from within. You can experiment when you see. If you see what to you appears to be a physical light, a condensed pin-prick of physical light, when you see it, if it lasts before you then close your eyes and you will no longer see it, then reopen your eyes and it will be there. That will prove to you it is a physical light’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you… Will you be able to produce these phenomena, lights without drawing on our energy?’

(Voice changed, possibly a different communicator took over)

‘It is all words, you say drawing on your energy, do you understand what you are saying when you say drawing on your energy?’

Liz… ‘I suppose I’m referring to when ectoplasmic  energy is drawn from the sitters and mediums in order to produce phenomena’

‘Yes. yes this is a form of energy. It is not the energy that we use to produce the light phenomena’

Liz… ‘That’s what I wanted to know’

‘You bring with you, when you sit, an energy which we can… We can introduce our own energy into the energy that you have brought into the room. We do not continue to draw this energy from you, we have it already. It has entered into the work environment as soon as you have entered and as soon as you have given your opening prayer. This is what triggers off; it releases this energy which we then can use. We will continue to use that energy throughout the session until we have exhausted that energy, that is the time that we have to withdraw. We only draw from you when physical manifestation is required in the room. This includes when we touch you. When we touch you we have to have a small amount of physical energy to clothe our energy to have that effect that you can feel… Yes, yes sometimes you can feel a pulling, a pulling on parts of your body. This is when we draw from you but the energy we use, that does not need to be drawn from your physical body, it is what you bring into our, into the room. Both of you bring energy into the room. It is not a physical… it is not a part of your physical body… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes, and can you feel, is this energy sometimes greater than at others?’

‘The energy you bring into the room is dependent on how you are feeling. If you were to sit in a sitting such as this when you were not feeling well, if you were not physically well, this will have an effect on the amount of energy you bring into the room. Also if you have a mental feeling of distress and annoyance, a negative feeling in your mind this also will affect the energy you bring into the room. As you enter this place a clear mind, a feeling of upliftment is beneficial to our work and a good feeling, a feeling of well-being in your physical body; this too is beneficial to our work. All these things contribute to the energy. This is why it is important for you to sit upstairs for a period, release anything that is troubling your mind before you come into this environment. Then we have a clean slate with which we can work with in the energy that you provide… yes…’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that makes sense’

‘Yes it is often difficult for you to sit without your mind wandering. This can affect our work but we appreciate that all on your side have active minds that will from time to time wander into other areas, into memories, into experiences but we have our ways of counteracting this. We can still use what is provided for us, this energy’

Liz… ‘That’s good, yes the energy of intention’

‘We have ways of smoothing the energy, giving it a clear path for us to negotiate and work with’

Liz… ‘You can filter it’

‘Yes, filter is a way, we can smooth and spread it out metaphorically speaking for we are not working in a physical way when we work with the energy, but that is the closest we can give you at this time… So now return to your physical music player and play more tunes. We will continue to work with that energy in your room, thank you for listening to us’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for talking’

Liz put the music back on.

About 45 minutes later lip-smacking noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music again and welcomed the communicator…

‘Our friend the elephant has been with you tonight, our friend the elephant has been in the room tonight’

Liz… ‘That’s lovely’

‘Well, well, well… step… step outside and appreciate the warmth of the wind, the warmth of the wind on your face for each time the elephant draws close he will breathe on you. He will sing you a tune, a melody that he will bring into the room. Voice, a voice, a clear account of his experiences that he can relay to all who have the ear to listen to what he say. Many stories are stored in the memories of the elephant. The elephant can relay that what will become apparent to everybody who gathers at the feet of the elephant. He will bring his story to you, just allow that story, those words to penetrate your mind and build a picture for you. Think of this when you sit in the cabinet on Thursday, this will help you, allow each word to come to you and repeat what you hear. Take it slow, do not rush, do not rush into a series of words and experiences and visions before you. Just slowly, drip by drip the words will drip onto your mind and you will repeat the word as it comes and you will find it will build into a recognisable story. This is for you… advice…’

Liz… ‘Thank you for this advice’

‘Once you get the rhythm of the words they will build, they will become recognisable to those who have the ears to listen… Now we, now we have come to the time where we need to withdraw from your physical atmosphere once again. We have enjoyed our time with you. We have for you a piece of our love to take out into your world, to resonate with your fellows, your friends, your acquaintances. Give it freely, for there is much to spread. We have much love for you and you have love for those you meet. Love is the answer, love can create so much good in your world and it will, it will create more and more as everybody accepts that they too are a part of this love, are a part of the spirit, of the great spirit which penetrates your world. They too can touch us, they too can feel us as we draw close, as we watch them, as we learn from them and they in turn will benefit from our knowledge which they will feel as our love spreads around. So now we will take our steps back and you will play one tune then return once again to your physical vibration, your physical experience until we meet again, thank you and goodnight’

Liz… ‘Thank you and our love and blessings with you’

Liz put the music on for one more tune.

I came back and we both felt fine.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

I had noticed a pin-prick light going on and off above me several times during the session.
As far as I could recall I had remained aware throughout but had experienced a kind of falling forward feeling at times.

Liz had been choreographing again but not with insects this time, she just remembered it as being wavy.
At one point she had felt an intense light coming into the room.
She’d had a few pulls and touches in her hair.
Just before the last communication Liz had felt a powerful presence in the room, but she didn’t perceive it as an elephant…