May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

98th Sitting 26/05/2014

We sat as usual except now we have the table in the room as requested by the spirit team  last week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30, turned out the red light and put on the music.

I remember feeling energy build up very quickly in the cabinet this week.
It felt physical with various sensations of something happening around my head, right side of my face, right ear and it felt cold and fuzzy around my legs.
I was held very still and kept drifting in and out of consciousness. I felt like I was going to sleep and dreaming.
At one point I felt a touch or squeeze on one of my fingers which woke me up with a start.
I also remember feeling something physical pushing the side of my right foot from the right.

There were a few soft whistling, sucking, breathing noises coming from the cabinet.

Liz reported a strong sensation of energy building in the room, streaming into the centre of the room and splaying out like wings.

Then about 30 minutes after the start some louder noises and lip-smacking started from the cabinet.
Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication.
It was taking a while for any understandable communications to come through.
Liz continued to encourage the communication which slowly became clearer…

‘Yes, yes… Hello, hello, hello… It is all come… Colour, colour, collage, collage… Come more forward… Easy, easy… Yellow, yellow, yellow…’

Liz… ‘Yellow?’

‘Yellow, yellow, yes, yes… The yellow colour, the yellow colour start to come through…’

Liz… ‘The yellow colour’s coming through?’

‘Yes, starting to come through, yellow for the sun, the sun, the sun…’

Liz… ‘The sun… Meaning?’

‘A pull, a pull, a force, a force, a pulling force from the sun. Yes we are all affected by the sun… is all good’

Liz… ‘What is the significance of this yellow colour?’

‘It is a focus for us, a focus for us to see colour, yellow. For we are attuned to yellow, we attune to yellow, for this is, this work is attune of yellow. In our work all colour is important to us. We will single out the colour yellow’

Liz… ‘Do you communicate that colour to us?’

‘All is available but we have an affinity for the feeling, the vibration of a yellow physical colour…’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting’

‘It is the colour of the energy in the room, the energies that… It is the colour of the energy that you emanate when you sit in this way. A colour, it is how we perceive your energy’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know. Is it stronger tonight?’

‘Yellow, yellow, yellow… It is a preparation for us to adjust our frequency to that frequency of the colour yellow which you have in abundance in your room. It is the first thing that we can perceive as we draw close so we use it for the initial tuning in. It is a useful exercise for us’

Liz… ‘Does the yellow seem brighter tonight?’

‘It is as usual, the same, but it is more abundant, it is stretching out each week, it fills more of your room’

Liz… ‘Good, so it is getting stronger’

‘It is increasing, it is growing. Now as we speak the colour will change. Other colours will introduce themselves into the mix for as we speak we are changing the vibration in your room. We are introducing a part of ourselves; we come close in a vibration, the vibration will change as we join and colour can be produced from the vibration as we interact with your physical vibration’

Liz… ‘So is this a new development for you, homing into the colour?’

‘We always look for the colour but it is more prominent tonight. The colour is more spread out in your room. We noticed as we drew close that was unusual in the way it had spread’

Liz… ‘That’s very interesting’

‘Good, I pleased that it is interesting for possibly this is why we were alerted to this colour at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes, I had a dream last night. In the dream I was choosing yellows. I was preparing a room, decorating it with yellow’

‘Preparation is the key… for you have prepared this room for us to use. You have started with a prayer, an opening prayer. You have invited us in. You have prepared the environment, the environs in the room, the chairs, the water, the salt, the cabinet. It is all a preparation and it is all setting up for us to use. A place for us to use so look to the link between this room and the dream. You will see so many of these things, so similar, so similar and so simple. There is no need to complicate. We come here and we speak our words. You are coming in this room to receive a communication and to feel, to feel the phenomena that will build in the room. These are all things which we can do; there is nothing to complicate this. Keep your thoughts simple. Keep your mind, your vision simple, uncluttered; never try to clutter what is basically a simple message. A simple loving atmosphere which we create, it is all love. Love, and we can build on that’

Liz… ‘Yes, simple, simple, yes I understand that, yes that came in the dream too’

‘Yes, it is a benefit to us that you do pay attention to your dreams. It is another tool that we can use. There are many ways in which we can communicate to you and there are many ways in which you can see us in your physical world, in the beauty of your nature, of your plants, of your animals… Yes, think now; think now of the kaleidoscope that you described and that is how your room now appears to us, multi coloured patterns within patterns changing as we draw ourselves into the mixture. No longer a simple yellow landscape but a beautiful, sparkling, colourful, ever changing landscape has emerged and we are so happy to be a part of this. Look out into your room and you too will be able to see every colour that we have brought into your room’

Liz… ‘Yes I can see the lights dimly; I can see the colours dim… There’s a blue I tune into… and a pink’

‘Now play your music and observe. Observe your room, we will come back, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Liz was now seeing lots of little light bursts and a sensation at the top of the room like looking at or through a prism, getting the edge of a rainbow.

Liz reported a moving light in front of her.
Then flecks of colour.

Liz felt like a light had drifted through her.
She then had the sensation of an energy on her right side then going down through her head affecting her voice.

About 30 minutes after the last communication a few soft slurping noises came from the cabinet.
Then some louder lip-smacking noises.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.
After a bit of tuning in…

‘Feel us in the room; we are with you in the room. We are here with you in the room and we appreciate this opportunity to draw into your energies. It is good for us to practise in coming closer, we are able to achieve so much more. It is time, it is a time, it is, it will in time, we will solidify, we will be a part of the physical atmosphere once again but for now we can bring our feeling, our energy. We can bring it close, we can give you a physical feeling, a vibration, a fuzziness, an electrical feeling that you can recognise’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you’

‘This is all we can achieve at the moment but as we, as we develop we will be able to touch in a physical way’

Liz… ‘That would be good’

‘It would be a more positive feeling…’

(Possibly a change of communicator at this point)

‘Tick-tock, tick-tock, time, time moves on, time moves on, time creeps forward each time, every time, all time. All time is a way of gauging performance against experience. These two, two different ways of appreciating our time. Our time is based on the more we think. The more we think the more time is felt by us. When we are engaged in a thought, in a communication with others that we meet we can feel the effect of time. Now, now then, we can, we have periods when we are able to disengage with time. We can, we can drift in a timeless, space-less feeling, a state of time, a state of timeless, space-less which we can enter. We can absorb, we can use this to reflect on what has happened before. We can engage in our memories and bring them forward. This takes no time. This takes no space for if you imaging your thought, if you try to place it, if you try to think where is that thought it is impossible to put that thought into time and space for thought is beyond time and space. Each thought, each new thought is a creation beyond time and space. Only memory which has been created by thought is a part of your spatial existence and has a record of time. So try to imagine the thought that as, as it comes to you feel that timeless, space-less moment as that thought reaches your mind. Then you will get a small appreciation of the conditions that we reside. The concept is a simple one but to do it when you have all this time and space around you it is almost impossible. But there is a crack in the atmosphere that will allow a brief glimpse for you. So I leave you with that in your mind… Do not think too hard, just allow it to simply, simply reach you… Thank you…’   

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for the thought’

(Change of communicator)

‘Yes, yes, well, I see, once again you are sitting in a dark room, yes, it is, it is once again sitting dark in the room. Oh yes, I remember, I remember the times, those times when I too sat in the darkness of the séance room, yes…’

Liz… ‘Have you been here before?’

‘Ah, I did, I did come through, I have spoken before, I do like to visit your room for it gives me that memory of those wonderful times I had experiencing phenomena, listening to the words and when the conditions were absolutely fine-tuned and correct we were rewarded with the wonderful, the wonderful experience of materialization and we could see and touch and speak to those who had passed from our physical, our physical universe and they walked amongst us. It was a wonderful experience for me at that time’

Liz… ‘What year was that, can you remember?’

‘Ah now, now this is a difficulty for I am now looking, I am, you see to remember, it is now so real for me, I feel like I am sitting in this séance room watching the materializations as they form in front of me, in front of everybody who is gathered in this room. It is so real, these memories, these real memories which I can tune into whenever I wish. It is not only a visual scene that I see but there are the feelings which I can feel, all part of the memory which I had, which I still have, it is…’

Liz… ‘Still fresh…’

‘Yes, it is, there are no barriers between this memory and now. And the time… yes it is as if I am here, yes…’

Liz… ‘Can you give us your name?’

(Voice changed)

‘I can give you my name, yes, that’s better, now where were we, going, going, stay, yes, yes, good… Sorry, sorry it is a, yes, yes it is an interesting experience for when I try to access, when I try to remember my name I can no longer feel that room. It is a, it is a…’

Liz… ‘Requires a different energy? …you have to withdraw?’

‘Yes, yes, now I do not want to confuse by choosing the incorrect information. I would rather say nothing at this stage than to give a name for I feel, I feel it is important that I give you correct information but at the same time I have enjoyed that sensation. I can, it is all a part, it is learning for me for we are all learning and I now understand a bit more about how all this works’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘These memories they are so real. It makes me wonder how real, how real each dimension really is. They are, it is so easy to go from one to another, from one time to another but…’

Liz… ‘So it’s as if the past is present?’

‘Yes that is a good way of putting it maybe’

Liz… ‘Is this a new experience for you is it?’

‘I’ve never experienced it quite as strong as that’

Liz… ‘Re-experiencing the physical’

‘Yes, I can, I will, I must, I think I need to think about this for myself. I will step back now but I will return and I thank you for the opportunity to come into your energies’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘I feel that they have helped me to appreciate some of the workings of time and space. It is a fascinating subject. Something which I have always been interested in and you have given me a boost to my understanding, thank you, I will leave now… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Look forward to meeting you again’

There was some quiet whispering/mumbling.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, hello you’re very faint’

‘Wake up, wake up yes, wake up all of us… Time, time once again we are reaching the end of our session. Oh yes, it is a… Energy go, energy go… So we come to the end of our session and we say, we as always give you a piece of our love to take out into your world. But now we need to go, time to go, so say goodnight, goodnight and thank you for all that you do for us…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Now we have no energy, no energy to say any more. So play your tune one more time and we go thank you, thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love and blessings with you, goodnight’

Liz put one more tune on.

As usual the sitting had lasted a few minutes short of two hours.

Once we were both feeling back with it Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

While Liz was doing the closing prayer I felt a pressure on my right ear and the back of my neck which lasted about a minute before disappearing.

Afterwards Liz told me about the dream she had had the night before which seemed to tie up with much of what was said by the first communicator…

In the dream she had been preparing and decorating a room for her daughter. At times it felt like the room was the one we sit in. She then found herself in a decorating studio being shown a bright yellow fabric. She was just there to get ideas on colours but all they were showing her was yellow. They were also showing her ceiling coving and various sorts of ornamentation but Liz wanted to keep it simple, she didn’t want any decoration. Then when she woke up all she could see was this bright yellow fabric again…

97th Sitting 19/05/2014

We had the room set-up and sat as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

A few minutes later Liz got the sense of two sisters, like a dream sequence. She was listening to them speaking, there had been some competition between them, a rivalry and they were quarrelling.
Liz didn’t verbalise this at the time to prevent it influencing me in any way.

Liz reported tingling on her scalp and the feeling of a band around her eyes.

Then she became aware of a clear image of Elvis Presley. It was just his face and she spoke to him in her head saying if he wanted to communicate he should do it through the medium.
It’s possible that this was a friend of Liz’s from many years ago who was a big fan of Elvis.
Again Liz didn’t verbalise any of this at the time.

A few noises started from the cabinet.
This was 20 minutes after Liz had opened.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

They seemed to be taking a while tuning in before a few words started to come through…

‘Circle, circle… Good evening… It is a good time, let us come more through, it all come together, look around, we all look around, we all observe you, ha, ha, we are working, working…’

Liz… ‘So many are drawn here now?’

‘Yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Some are working, some are observing’

‘George, George…’

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome George’

‘Circle, circle… Anama… a name… Vehicle, vehicle of communication, adjust, hello, hello, all good...’

Liz… ‘You’re adjusting the vehicle of communication’

‘Yes, yes… take it slow… Vehicle, feel our way into the vehicle, George, George’

Liz… ‘Hello George’

‘Table, table… Stable, stabilise, hello, hello’

Liz… ‘Managing to stabilise’

The communicator faded out, and then some whispering started…

Liz… ‘Hello… Who have we got here now? …that’s a very delicate tone’

‘Sister, sister… is Trudy, Trudy… is simple, simile, simulation, throughout our time, throughout our time a symbol, a symbol of simple… A symbol of a very great work, a great work that was performed on this place. A symbol of our work, our work we have achieved together’

Liz… ‘What symbol is this?’

‘It was performed in the way of a great performance. A performance, a performance was achieved’

Liz… ‘A performance’

‘It was achieved, achieved in this place. Way time. Able for us to come for… Yes, yes we did achieve a great more… It was a great time for us. It was a great time a great time. Well I do know, I do know that I can create once again a similar, a similar version of our great time’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘Holy, holy… Yes, yes, but where…’

Liz… ‘You’re talking about a performance’

‘Yes it was…’

Liz… ‘What sort of performance was it?’

‘A virtuoso performance, a virtuoso performance…’

Liz… ‘A virtuoso performance’

‘Yes, there spread out before us in a way, can I see, can I see… Here for all to see, here for all to see’

Liz… ‘What sort of performance was it, what form did it take?’

‘Yes it… People came around, they came from afar and they witnessed, they witnessed the sound, the sound of voice, the sound of voices of those who they recognised…’

Liz… ‘I see, it was a spiritualist performance’

‘A gathering of like minds in harmony, building together, the force so strong that we were able to gather together people who had gone, who had passed and they were able to announce to the crowd with their evidential communication. This was received by the people who had gathered. It was a time when this was so much more appreciated by everybody…’

Liz… ‘When was this, can you say?’

’19, 19, 1930 to 1940, 1930, 1940, yes that was the time, that was the time, it was a time before the war, before the war broke out’

Liz… ‘Before the second world war’

‘It was at that time’

Liz… ‘Can you say whereabouts this was held?’

‘Yes, in the city, the city, London. Yes it was the city of London… It is a time now when this will return. We are all working on bringing this back into your room’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘It will… There are many, there are many thoughts in place at this time which will direct physical movement. They will impinge on those who are lined up to take this on. There will be more who will come into this circle bringing with them, each will have a specific gift that will build a combined atmosphere, a combined energy which will allow these things once again to proceed’

Liz… ‘Right and a virtuoso performance’

‘Yes that is what we call… that is what we built, that is what we did in our time and now we will withdraw, please play your music once again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for that wonderful optimistic message’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt very hot after the communication.

Later Liz reported that she was hot.

About 25 minutes after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Investigation, investigate, new world to investigate… It all look similar, it all look so much the same, preparation for what is to come. We all at first, at first it were, it appears so similar, so familiar to us and we can stay. We can stay in that familiar surrounding for as long as we feel comfortable and when we feel that urge to expand we can allow ourselves to spread our awareness further, further afield touching those outer limits. The outer limit will be broken and allow us to seep out into unfamiliar territory but it is a, it is interesting, it is exploring that which we, that what we are not so familiar with’

Liz… ‘Have you explored that?’

‘I have, I have gone into this area, this state of mind but I had my friend with me who had himself ventured into this place before me. No one goes alone’

Liz… ‘So you had help?’

‘Yes we all have help; we all have an experienced person who will guide us into this place. It is not recommended to journey alone for it will become a confused place’

Liz… ‘But you return to the familiar dimensions in-between times?’

‘Well, once we have experienced that which is available, once we have allowed that experience to build up a picture in our mind we no longer desire to return. We can see that we are more than what we thought we were. We have expanded, we have grown, we have reached a point where we can see beyond what we thought was possible. There are so many areas of perception which we can interlock, we can venture into and this brings forward more perception for us’

Liz… ‘What makes you want to come back to communicate with the physical dimension?’

‘We remember what it was like. We know for we have that in our memory, what it was like to be restricted by your physical vibration. We can see how it will help you to investigate, to gain that knowledge, that experience. We cannot give you the experience but we can give you a glimpse of our own experience. We have this feeling that we want to share, we want to give. The further we travel towards the light that feeling of sharing is stronger, pressing on us. We feel pleasure in sharing what we learn along our own journey but we can only give you that what inspires you to reach out and journey as we have done’

Liz… ‘I see, I understand yes’

‘There are no limits to you, you have your own limits but we want to unlock those limits, we want you to realise that there is so much more, so much more to be investigated by you but at the same time you need to keep a level mind in your own vibration. Do not jump out too fast for you will only come back with confusion. There are ways for everybody to expand their mind but as always a slow cautious way is the best way for everyone’

Liz… ‘Slowly and surely’

‘You will always be helped by those who have moved ahead for they have this urge to help, to share their experience but you need yourself to let them help you. Give them your passion to rise up and they will willingly hold out their hand to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for that reassurance. It’s very necessary for us I guess to have that experience of help, of meeting helpers, otherwise it could feel as if we may be setting off on a wild goose chase and then we want to just forget all about it’

‘Yes, this is the confusion that you will get if you do not let those who have gone before, who have experience. Let them help, ask for help, they will help; they are helping themselves by helping you. It is a chain, a chain of wanting to give, to be of service’

Liz… ‘Whenever anyone sincerely asks for help, is somebody always drawn towards that person to help them?’

‘They are already there. They need that sincere question, that asking out, that reaching out before they can reach down and hold your hand. All experience has to start from within, from you. You need to give us; you need to give us that hand to hold onto by reaching out and asking for our help. Our hands are tied until we hear your voice, your words that will trigger off our help for you’

Liz… ‘Well that’s good to know, we want your help’

The communication faded and withdrew.
Liz put the music back on.

Liz felt like there was a butterfly or moth flying around in her hair and on her hand.

Lip-smacking noises started in the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend…’

After a bit of tuning in…

‘Yes, yes… Dear friend, we once again come to end of our session… We wish to, yes, next week, next week a modification to the circle. We would like you to keep your table in the room for next Monday. Keep table in the room but do not put anything on the table, but keep it in the centre of your circle. We wish you to stay where you are, where you sit at this time…’

Liz… ‘And use the cabinet?’

‘We still will use the cabinet but we want to experiment with the table in the room. It may be that in the future we will place some of the apparatus on the table but for now a bare table in the room would be sufficient for us to investigate and see what we can do. So yes that is our plan for next week’

Liz… ‘Okay, an empty table’

‘Yes thank you… So now we take our leave, we leave you with a piece of our love to take into your world and spread it around. We would like you to put music back on for the rest of this tune and we will take our leave. We have enjoyed our time with you once again and we look forward to continuing with the development of the Mercury Light Circle next week, next Monday with the table in place, thank you, good night’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication’

Liz put the music back on for the rest of the tune.

Just as the tune was nearing the end the CD started jumping so Liz turned it off.
Interestingly the CD started jumping just after I coughed which made Liz jump and come back as she was in a slightly altered state at the time.
She said the energy now felt very heavy in the room making her drift in and out of it but was feeling fine now.
I was also feeling okay and back with it.

The session had lasted just under two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Before the last communication came through I’d been sensing that the team were going to ask about putting the table in the room for next week. It was almost like I could hear them discussing whether or not to use it, where they wanted Liz to sit and whether they wanted anything put on the table. This is the table we use in our Mercury Experiment sittings so at least we won’t have to keep disassembling it each week.

Liz later told me that her friend who was a fan of Elvis is called George so it's possible he did try to communicate at the beginning but Liz doesn't know if he has passed on or not. 

I’d felt lots of physical feelings in the cabinet, particularly over my head and the right side of my face.
At times it felt like I was slowly going in and out of a deeper state of trance but I still had an awareness throughout the sitting…

96th Sitting 12/05/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

After five minutes Liz reported lots of swimming lights in the room.
She felt touches in her hair and an occlusion, a darker area as if somebody was in her aura.

Another five minutes later and a noise like hissing started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator.
I must have been moving around quite a bit as you can hear my chair creaking on the recording.
As always the communication took a while to stabilize…

‘Hello… Good evening… Hello… Practice, practice… talk… People gathered around the room, all come into your room…’

Liz… ‘Everybody working on the project’

‘It all is coming together yes, all have their job to do, each have a job to do, each allotted a job, a piece, a part of the work that we do. They all are combine… Look, look around, look around, yes it is a good, good atmosphere, a good atmosphere for us to work in… We work and we can… ‘

(Became incoherent as if the connection was lost)

‘George, George, George…’

Liz… ‘George… welcome George’

(This could be George who spoke on 17/02/2014)

‘George, George… Very good, very good, very good time to communicate yes… Ah yes… very good time yes good time… It build, it build you see so I have to pick the time when energy has built in this cabinet. It is… it envelope the energy, it contains the energy and when the energy has built in the cabinet we are able to approach, immerse into the energy cloud that is hovering in front of us’

Liz… ‘How does the cabinet itself help to create this environment?’

‘We have to work with physical energies as well as what we bring into the room so we are, we need two separate atmospheres, environments. There is the environment of the cabinet and the environment of the room, the outer environment, two environments. A physical barrier is provided by you, by erecting this cabinet. That is something which we can use as an energy barrier, that we can contain a certain atmosphere, a condensed atmosphere within the walls of the cabinet. That allows us, for communication, to bring ourselves into this energy. The rest of the room still contains a part of this environment but in the cabinet…’

Liz… ‘It’s focused…’

‘…it is condensed. We are able to work within this environment in the cabinet, yes’

Liz… ‘Do other environment factors help, for example it’s nearly a full moon, does that make any difference?’

‘When we deal with the physical, physical universe that we intermingle with then every aspect of that physical universe will have an effect. There are many factors which we have to work with but at the same time a larger quantity of energy is created in this environment in the cabinet which is unaffected by outside interference. It is as if we have created our own universe within this cabinet and beyond the cabinet to the corners of your room. Then beyond that is where interference will happen. A small percentage will penetrate within your room and a smaller percentage will interfere with the cabinet but by keeping these boundaries within where we work we are able to eliminate most of outside interference. So we have built for ourselves an environment for us to work’

‘Liz… ‘A filter?’

‘Yes a filter. We filter out those energies which could interfere, so yes what you say partially is correct but at the same time we have this filter that will keep out most of what would otherwise interfere…’

(Possibly a change of communicator at this point)

‘…there still, there still exists many thoughts in the atmosphere. This is more of a concern to us when we draw close, the thought. Thoughts are not physical but thoughts are very much a part of your universe, your physical universe, so they can cause a barrier for us. Many thoughts, many confused thoughts which exist in your physical universe, they can cause us… they can cause a wall that we have to negotiate, a barrier’

Liz… ‘Is the room here basically a thought free zone or less of an obstacle because it’s empty of thoughts?’

‘Thoughts can still interpenetrate your room. Thoughts do not, are not restricted by physical barriers. Thoughts are more of a spiritual nature. They are the make-up of our own universe, of our own conditions. They are not physical but we can still work with this, we are used to this, this is what we are part of. You are all part of a thought; thought is what you are truly created from. The physical is a temporary box that contains your experience. Your thoughts travel beyond that experience, that box, that physical box which you find yourself in, which you feel you are a part of, yet it is only a temporary environment for you. You are able to step out of that box, you do step out of that box, a part of you is already outside of that box existing in an atmosphere of thought, of mind, your mind is not a part of a physical universe, a physical box, a restriction, for mind is unrestricted once you have found that key to open your box… Yes, interesting words but they are all we can use. If we could just talk in… or if we could communicate with feeling…’

Liz… ‘With pure thought’

‘Thoughts, feelings yes, these would be understandable but for now it is a question of words. Words that vibrate the physical atmosphere and what you use in your daily life to become understood’

Liz… ‘Yes, quite a magical process’

‘They are also the one thing that can cause misunderstanding, for it is your thought that you try to relay but you have to clothe the thought with words, with physical words and those words have to be interpreted by the person or the people who you are communicating with, they do not always…’

Liz… ‘Coincide…’

‘…read your words as you would wish. If they could read your thoughts then it would be a clearer message to them. How much more peaceful would your world be if everybody could understand the thoughts of others, they could understand the feelings of others as they talk to somebody they could feel that person’s reaction, they would know how they were affecting that person. Maybe then they would not talk in the way that they do. A time will come when the vibration of your earth will reach that point where words will become unnecessary. This would be a place of peace; there would be no separation between the worlds. That would be the time we are all working towards’

Liz… ‘Yes and I guess what we are doing here is the beginning, to try and achieve this understanding’

‘Yes you are all working towards this. It is a slow process but by working towards it you are evolving your consciousness which in turn evolves the greater consciousness that surrounds, that penetrates. This is what, this is your purpose. This is everybody’s purpose’

Liz… ‘Yes, and we’re emerging from the very dense region of this slowed down physical vibration. Emerging into a more universal and more rarefied atmosphere and bringing that experience back. We could let go of all those props that we’ve had to use to make words, to define ourselves, we can lose our definition… Shall I put the music back on now…?’

‘It would, it would be… You would be so kind, yes, as to play your music thank you…’

Liz put the music back on…

All was all quiet for the next 40 minutes then some lip-smacking/sucking noises started from the cabinet.

Just before the communication began Liz had been struggling to keep from going off into a dream state. She kept jerking awake again.
She said the atmosphere was very dark and dense in the room.

Liz turned off the music and encouraged the communication.
A lot of noise was being made but very few understandable words.
Then with a lot of effort these words came through…

‘Enable… Simple… Virtuosity… Fable… Story… Story called virtuosity…’

Liz… ‘You’re trying to get the right words through’

‘Take a turn; hold it tight in your hand… He hold it tight, and it work its way into a more receptive… Learn to grow words for… words, words… degree, degree… well, well, well… ‘

Liz… ‘I can hear you’re trying hard... Easy to lose the thread... Keep holding the thread…’

‘Second word, second turn, twisting, twisty way…’

The communication faded out and Liz put the music back on…

15 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator who seemed to be struggling again to get words through clearly…

‘The sky, the sky, ever-changing picture… Stars above, stars above, clouds, clouds, the cloud offer protection from the sun… Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘It sounds as if it’s a little more difficult to hold onto the signal. It keeps breaking off doesn’t it?’

After some incoherence the communication seemed to stabilize…

‘So yes… way up above… we all coming down now… settle down’

Liz… ‘You’re settling down…’

‘We have been very busy, very busy tonight, so let us in, look around…’

Liz… ‘You’ve been working hard, practicing, trying out…’

‘So many things, so many things to do but it is a good time, a good time now, for we now reach our end of our session. Yes, good, good, so now we reach the end of our session, so now we move, time for us to go, to step back for it is that time again. We have been working, working and mingling and experimenting and building but it is a good time… now we…’

Liz… ‘Good, it’s felt very dense in the room as though there was a lot of pressure from you…’

‘Good, yes you will notice, you will notice each week as we build up our connection those vibrations in the room will affect you’

Liz… ‘Yes, they were pushing me into the dream world’

‘You will, yes, you will experience a shift, a shift in your awareness but it is okay to let go, allow yourself to experience a new vibration that will be brought to you. It is no problem for us, you can immerse yourself in that vibration as it draws close and you will feel that pulling, that pulling towards the next vibration, the next picture, the next reality which lays so close. We are able, we are able to allow you to peel away, peel away that which separates you from our vibration’

Liz… ‘So I shouldn’t fight it?’

‘No, do not fight, do not fight, if it feels good then allow, allow yourself. It is not a problem for we will work with this. So just allow when that comes. Now we have to, have to draw back, have to realign your own picture and allow you to reconnect with your physical vibration once again for that is what you need to experience each day. But you still are able to journey beyond when you feel you have control, when you feel you are in control, in the driving seat and you will take yourself into other vibrations, other realities but always with a clear mind, a clear thought, a clear understanding of your destination. Do not just…’

Liz… ‘Drift…’

‘Do not just drift unaware of where you are. Try to build up a map. Try to build up a recognition each time you step out of what to you is familiar right now. Do not go too far just a step at a time then return, remember that feeling then when you do it again you will find it will be familiar as the surroundings are familiar to you now those stepping stones will each become a familiar place for you and you will build on the next stone, the next feeling and you will come back with a memory which you can build on the next time you go’

Liz… ‘Right, slow and sure’

‘Yes that is the only way, the correct way. Do not expect too much in one time, in one go, take it slow. Everything is meant to be experienced in a slow repetitive way until you build up that pattern, that picture, that map which you will, it will become a part of your experience and you will never forget for it will draw itself on the back of your mind and that will be for you to keep and it will be a reference for you so thank you, thank you once again for the energies you have provided. We have made good use of them and we now draw back. We give you as always that piece of our love which you can take out into your world and if you wish you can take it to the next world as you build up those stones, those stepping stones and you will find it will illuminate your pathway. So treat it, treat it well, treat it slow and you will find your way thank you, thank you and good night. Play one tune, one tune and we will make our way, thank you’

Liz… ‘Good night friend, thank you, our love and blessings with you’

Liz played one more tune.

This week the session had lasted exactly two hours.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Afterwards Liz said that when the communicator said… ‘Enable… Simple… Virtuosity…’ It felt that they were trying to get exact words through, get the communication spot on.
To her the word ‘virtuosity’ means ‘when the music plays the person’
She felt that was what they were trying to do so that the words were not being filtered by me but I was just an instrument and they were getting exactly the right words through, that’s what she felt was behind it.
At the moment they’re working through clouds…

I still remain aware during our sessions and feel I sometimes add to the communications but I found it interesting listening to the recording this week as the answer to Liz’s question about environmental factors like a full moon making any difference is not the answer I would have given. Also the communication in Audio Clip 2 seemed to come through in a different way; I felt I wasn’t a part of it. I’ve heard of the word virtuosity but it wasn’t until Liz talked about it that I realized what it meant so it could well be that they are working on another way of communicating at the moment…

95th Sitting 05/05/2014

We had the room set-up and sat as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About five minutes later Liz sensed the right half of her face was being overshadowed.

Another five minutes on and a few noises started from the cabinet, hissing/slurping sounds which got louder.
Liz paused the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

There was a period of settling/tuning in before the words became more coherent…

‘It is a good evening… We walk all around the room… Come into your room, all come in… Mix amongst you all, come to say… Say hello in our way… All come to say hello in our way… Hello… So, adjust, fine tune, all coming together, all come together… Separate… Pure communication is what we aim for, we aim to bring pure communication from spirit to you, yes… Take it slow, variation in our way of achieving this, we have many, many ways in which we can come through which we can bring ourselves in from many angles, many different approaches, they are all available to us…’

Liz… ‘You’re still experimenting with different ones?’

‘We try everything, we can, we know there is a clear way through, we all experiment, we all look for the best way, the most beneficial way to work with you, yes…’

Liz… ‘So do I gather you still haven’t decided which is most beneficial?’

(It sounds like a communicator change at this point)

‘It is… it is not a case of deciding, it is adjustment. It is adjustment until we feel the impact is at its maximum. We can feel… we can feel when we have a clear communication so it is very much a case of trial and error at the moment. We have achieved in the past a good amount of clear communication but we need to stabilize that communication so that we can repeat the next time in the same way. At the moment there’s a fluctuation which is a part of our development. We find each time that we come through in this way we can stabilize things a little easier but as with all these things it is experimentation and the more we do it the more we can look back and we can see how we achieved a good clear communication the last time. Yes, it is, we find it all very interesting, so your patience once again has come into play for you will experience some good communication mixed with that which follows… There are obstacles and they will, they will get in our way and we sometimes feel we have come up against a wall but with a fine tune we can negotiate the wall and eventually we will have a clear passage each time we come through…’

(It sounded like another communicator was now coming through)

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘I died, I died, world is no more, the world, no papa, voices… Is working my way forward, is working my way forward into… Who can hear my voice? Who can hear… who can hear my voice?’

Liz… ‘I can hear your voice’

‘You can hear, you can hear me coming through this way?’

Liz… ‘Yes, you’re very clear’

‘Good, I did not think I had made it, I did not think I had come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the first time you’ve come through?’

‘Yes, I never have been able to, so far, come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Welcome’

‘I have tried, I have tried. Now I can feel, I can feel I am in your energy. It is a good feeling’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome; it’s good to hear you’

‘Well, well, I had so much to say, now I cannot find the words, the words, it is a difficult situation’

Liz… ‘I guess you’ll get used to it. Have you, when you were alive, were you part of communication groups like this?’

‘Did not believe, I did not believe that this was possible. I did, I did think about this, I did talk to people but I dismissed what they told me. I had a closed mind, I had decided, I had made up for myself my own opinions on this sort of subject. I had made up my own mind and I stuck rigidly to my own beliefs. It was not until the very last few hours of my time on your side that it became apparent to me that this was possible for I became closer to what you would call spirit at this time. I perceived people who I knew had moved on and I started to question my own belief, I questioned what I had, what I had thought, why I had, why had I been so certain in my thoughts and I remembered my conversation with others who had sat in these séances and I remembered what they had told me and for the first time I thought maybe, maybe there was some truth in this and this helped me for I saw, I saw people who I knew who had moved on and I reached out to them. I knew, I knew then that it was, it was as they had told me and I dropped for the first time those beliefs, those rigid beliefs that had kept me from opening my mind to other possibilities. At the last, those last few hours, they were so beneficial to me at that time and I allowed myself to move on and I was introduced to the wonders of the spiritual world. I knew then how foolish I had been for had I looked into the subject earlier I would have been so much better prepared, I would have passed so much more easily for I had a lot of fear in the last few weeks of my time. I knew I was about to be extinguished, I thought this was the end, it got to me, I was very scared. I had no answers for this but it was such a powerful vision towards the end when I saw my friends and my family, it opened up my mind in a flash and my memory became so much more, so much easily accessible to me. I saw my father, my papa and he embraced me and from that point onwards everything was so much easier for me’

Liz… ‘And do you feel now that you would like other people to know that… that you would like to correct the misapprehensions that other people have about the spirit world?’

‘If we can get this message through to others then I would feel, I would feel the mistake I made gave me this passion to spread the word now, let them know, let people know about this before they pass. They will not have to go through that fear that I went through. This was the lesson I learnt from all of this. So for me it was a learning, a vast learning at that point when I passed over. So yes I would like to in my own way bring a knowledge to those who do not believe, open their minds, give them something which will open their minds, a piece of evidence is what they need. It is what I would have got had I pursued what I thought was madness. I thought these people were crazy, I thought they were delusional, I thought I was superior to them. If I had had that piece of evidence, if I had gone along to their séances and I had experienced what they were experiencing at that time that would have been the spark of evidence that I needed’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful if you could provide us with some, with evidential information. That will actually help people to realize that the communication is from yourselves, somebody who has actually died but is still aware and conscious and wishes to inform’

‘Yes we are all, we are all working on this’

Liz… ‘It’s not easy to find what will constitute real evidence’

‘Each person has their own idea of what for them is evidence. Something which for you may seem trivial, for somebody else this could be the greatest message that they have received. It will open their mind; once their mind has been opened they will look into this subject. They will learn from others experiences for they have had that evidence. They know now that they will move on, they will not be extinguished, they will have a new life, a continuous life, a continuous ongoing experience… thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication. We look forward to hearing more from you’

‘Yes, I will return. For now continue your music thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you, glad you were able to come through’

Liz put the music back on…

Liz said it had become light to her right but dark to her left.
She then felt a breeze over her face.
She got very cold.

More noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz paused the music. She welcomed and encouraged the communicator who wasn’t speaking clearly but some words got through as the communication got clearer…

‘…look out, guess who… hello, hello… guess who… colour, first word, seven, the number seven…  it was getting, fellow, baby, it was a baby… deep inside, excavation, looking into the past… yes we were able to uncover some of the mystery… it was able… step outside, take one time… very good, label, label everything, everything had to be labelled, it was my, I knew, I always insisted that we put labels on everything… no way would they be unidentified again, for once I did not, I forgot to label the things that we had found and they were muddled up together and we did not know, we did not know what they had come from… since that time I labelled everything’

Liz… ‘This was the work you were doing on earth? How long ago was this?’

‘Yes, yes earth memories, the time cannot, we can… no time, turn it around and it will be facing the correct picture, the correct picture, the correct image, the correct image when I rotate it, I can see, I can see those memories, those past effects, I have trod, I have trod the step, take it, one step… So familiar but it is a long reach for me to explain’

Liz… ‘It sounds like you were an archaeologist?’

‘Well, yes there were, well I do, well I do, I do remember, I do remember getting, finding things, they, I uncovered some things and they were, very gently I uncovered things…’

Liz… ‘Things from ancient civilizations?’

‘They were delicate pieces, delicate pieces, that I had found. I did not want to disturb too much. I wanted to keep them as they were, not to contaminate anything’

Liz… ‘Any particular country? Can you remember what region of the earth this was?’

‘Hot, hot, hot atmosphere, hot atmosphere, yes, dust, lots of dust, lots of dust in the atmosphere. Easy to misplace things, certain things that were important, they were important to me for I had the interest in this’

Liz… ‘It was important to you to be very fastidious and to label everything correctly’

‘Yes, but it was once that time that I forgot and then I did not know what I had found, I misplaced, I misplaced…’

Liz… ‘This is something you remember, does it trouble you still?’

‘It has an effect, it, I don’t quite, I can’t quite get my mind around why I keep thinking of this. Why should I keep thinking of this, it is a memory, it is a memory but it is coming, it is dominating my memory this one instance’

Liz… ‘Did it disturb you at the time? Were you very upset about this at the time?’

‘I was very upset about it at the time…’

Liz… ‘Did it lead to any problems with your colleagues?’

‘I just remember the labelling that I went, I do remember labelling, I cannot quite put my finger…’

Liz… ‘Can you give us any details of your name?’

‘So far… is not now… Fagan, Fagan…’

Liz… ‘Fagan?’

‘Fagan, Fagan…’

Liz… ‘Hello, are you still with us? Can you hold onto the link?’

‘Fading… still… confused…’

Liz… ‘Okay friend you’ve done very well. I guess you’ve run out of energy now for communicating. I’ll put the music on for a little bit’

Liz put the music back on…

(The next day I did a search on the computer for ‘Fagan’ and ‘archaeology’ and found the archaeologist Brian Fagan who has written many books on archaeology and was born in 1936 but he is still alive. It’s still interesting and evidential to me that the name came up in the communication as I know nothing about archaeology and certainly have no knowledge myself of Brian Fagan. In an earlier question Liz had talked about colleagues so it may be that he worked with him at some time. He tries to say some other words but at that point in the communication the energy was dropping. It sounds a bit like he was trying to say the names George, Joe and William but the only clear name was Fagan and he seemed determined to get that name out)

Liz was now getting hot.

Some more noises came from the cabinet and Liz paused the music again…

‘Simplify, simplify… Simplify, do not complicate, do not look for many pictures. Allow, allow the feeling to come through when you experiment with your picture. Do not think you will get another picture, a correct picture. You may tune into the feeling of the picture, remember the feeling, report the feeling you get from the picture. This is all that is required. You do not have to complicate with a series of images to illustrate what you have felt. These are your own interpretation you put on the meaning, the feeling that you have, that you have drawn from the image that has been presented to you. So do not complicate. You will find sometimes that only the feeling is presented to you. Let that feeling be experienced then leave it at that, that will help, that will help build and develop and you will find the more you do this the more that feeling will grow and eventually lead to a perfect, a pure image representing that which has been presented to you’

Liz… ‘I’ll try that, thank you’

‘Thoughts can come in many ways. Impressions can come in many ways. You just need to let them rebound, let them impinge on you and do not read too much into this. Let the feeling come first then the picture will come later. For now concentrate on the feeling, thank you… ‘

(The communicator was talking about our remote viewing experiments we do each week. We take it in turns to put a picture in the cabinet for the other to perceive from a distance and have had some good and some not so good results so far...)

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘So now, so now we reach once again the end of our time. Our session draws to an end, the time comes when we withdraw, we move back, we let go of the feelings that we have brought to you. We take them away; we leave you with that piece of our love for you to take out into your world once again. For each time we come amongst you we bring you our love. We mingle it with your love and create that loving energy that we can work with, work in and expand into each corner of your room. Take that piece, take it out and spread it once again. The light that shines from within you is the piece of our love and it will be seen and felt by all who are receptive, who are looking, who are asking, who are in need of a little piece of love right now. So we now, we now withdraw and we ask you to play one tune and we draw back, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friends, thank you for your communication and our love and blessings with you’

‘Thank you and good night’   

Liz played one tune then checked I was okay before doing the closing prayer, sending out healing and our closing down exercise.

94th Sitting 28/04/2014

We had the room set up and sat as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then turned on the music player and extinguished the red light.

Five minutes later Liz reported brilliant white light shapes in the room. It looked like reflected light.
Then a few quiet noises started from the cabinet.
They got louder; Liz paused the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Hello, hello, hello… All in good time, yes, words are forming, yes, forming to ourselves. We gather and project ourselves into the room…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

Various voices then came through for a while with mainly random words and phrases as if practicing.
Liz encouraged them all through.
The communication then settled…

‘…It all gel together, we all come in our way, we all have a go, we all gather in this place, in this space that you have, this space that you allow us to gather and make ourselves known. We have our time with you, we have our time to experiment, to draw forward and touch your side again and be a part of this circle, this circle of love which we all can join and interject ourselves into the greater circle that surrounds this place, this space that you have here. It is an exciting time for all of us to engage in a conversation in this way. We are all lining up ready to have our turn. We appreciate a development is underway which is ongoing and we will join as we get our chance to dip ourselves into your atmosphere. It is a great time for all of us, an opportunity to speak’

Liz… ‘We look forward to knowing you better, individually, and being able to have more information about what happens when you pass into the spirit world’

‘Yes, we all have our time, it is all planned. We talk about what we will achieve when we meet on our side. We discuss the subjects that we wish to bring forward. We know, we sense the interest from you, from all on your side who are able to listen to these words. It is a privilege for us to be able to give some information that we know you all are looking for. We have a time when we can bring more lucid information for you all which you will understand. There are many things that we wish to tell but we have to put it into a way that, in your way of thinking. The way that it fits with the way that you think. We cannot talk, we cannot describe things that you have no experience of but we can bring the feeling of these things to you by comparing them with the things that you have experienced in some way but we can also elaborate on that experience which will allow you to have additional experience of things which are beyond your understanding. You will get a beginning of a feeling for these things and this will help with your… it will expand your mind, it will expand your reality and you will build up a new experience which we can help, we can help build your experience so you will have an understanding of the way that we live, of the way, of what lies beyond your physical existence…’

Liz… ‘The actual stage of transition, the process of death and dying is so badly understood here, to actually be able to prepare for it better what conditions will make it an easier transition and facilitate people being able to evolve and find their place in spirit and develop better. We need to know. What we would like to know is how we can prepare ourselves, how we can know what happens so we can better prepare for the actual dying, a person who is dying, so little is known at present’    

‘What you say is very true and all that we can do to help. We have the ability to bring forward this information that is needed. It is not so complicated; you all on your side will make it complicated for you have to compare with your own physical experiences. You cannot let go of this and this is understandable but you will find at the time that you give up your physical existence you will see more clearly and you will remember the things that you have learnt and these will become so much more clear to you that they will help in ways that you did not imagine possible when you were physical as you are now. You have a restriction on your thought for you are operating through physical existence; your mind operates through physical existence. Once that tie has been severed you will be free, you will think, your mind will expand, it will think without restriction of physical existence. At the same time you will have the memory, the memory of all you have learnt in your physical existence. This combined with the freer thinking will allow you to move on. Do not think that so many on your side have this difficulty to move on after their physical existence’

Liz… ‘So you mean that more people than I think actually are helped and can progress after their death whatever happens in their dying but once they are free of the body they can develop, even if their thinking has been very limited’

‘They will find themselves in a freer atmosphere which will allow them to; it will allow them to appreciate their situation. The problems only occur when they have; they find they do not want to leave the physical. They feel comfortable with the physical existence that they know. They are standing on the edge of life. Before them is their familiar physical memory which they will feel more comfortable to just step into once again. The thought of walking off the edge of life into the unknown is what can hold them into their physical memory, but even these people, they will have, they will have heard people talk about life after death, life beyond the physical…’

Liz… ‘..And that memory will resurface?’

‘…even if at the time they did not believe, if they have had the opportunity that memory in the back of their mind is telling them that now they can move on, they have the choice, the choice is there for them. They can move forward or they can move into their familiar physical atmosphere and remain there until they have, until they realise, until they feel the urge to explore, to move on. They know they have an opportunity to move and they will think of those who they love, who they connect with who have already moved on. This will bring them to them, they will hear, they will hear their name called, they may recognise a voice, they will turn around, they will be blinded by the light behind them but they will see in that light, they will hear in that light a voice reaching out. When they answer the voice the sound will become a vision, a hand will reach out to them, they will reach out to that hand and they will be guided into the place that they most certainly feel, they feel they fit, they will have a place where they will fit according to their state of mind at that time and once they have accepted that they can move away from physical existence, once they have seen that light and they have felt the presence of a familiar person, a familiar spirit that they can recognise they will move into that light and then our work is done for they are a part of our spiritual existence once again and they will go through all that is ready for them to experience…’

Liz… ‘So I suppose that any of the teaching or information about life in spirit that reaches even ears that seem to be deaf at the moment in physical life, people that don’t seem to be receptive, that just by presenting that information, making it available, will actually form a link for them, a potential memory, a germ which will later flower when they need to know that’

‘Yes this memory is never lost and at the time when it is most needed it will come forward into their, into their thinking even if they do not accept it at first. It does not matter how many of your years go by they will eventually come to a point where they will want to do this. Each person has to want; each person has to put that effort into moving forward, nobody can do it for them’

Liz… ‘Thank you, shall I put the music back on… Do you have more to say or shall I put the music on?’

There was no further communication so Liz put the music back on…

Liz was getting very hot.
She felt there was a presence with her.

More noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator who came through speaking fast and excited…

‘Yeh, yeh, yeh… Yes, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, take it easy’

‘Will, Will, Willi, Willi, William, William… Yes, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘I can hear you’

‘Good, good, good… William, William, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘You’re William are you?’

‘Yes, yes, William, yes William’

Liz… ‘Welcome William’

‘Thank you, thank you… yes now where were we, where were we… yes…’

Liz… ‘Have you been here before William?’

‘Yes, no, no… no way’

Liz… ‘This is the first time?’

‘He ask me to come, he ask me to come through like this, like this, it’s a crazy, crazy experience, to do this, it is like I have become two people, we working together, where I have come into this physical body and now I can speak words so now I have a combination. We join; I join with the medium, that is what they call him, medium. We are all together, words are here, we are helping, we are… He say I could come through and try to elaborate on what he said. It would be an opportunity for me to explain my experience, how I found myself when I died, when I left my body, when I found I was no longer a part, a part, a physical part. I was alive, I was alive and I did not know what to do. I could see, I could still see the physical, the physical I could still see, I could hear, I was still a part of this physical existence’

Liz… ‘Could people see you?’

‘This was what I found out to my surprise. I could not make myself heard, I could not make myself seen, I was confused. I did not know what had happened; it was a mystery to me at that time. I ran around, I visited everybody I could think of. I saw, I saw my dog but my dog was able to see me. My dog looked at me, I knew he could see me but the people around were oblivious to my presence. I wondered what to do, I was confused, I went to my church, I knew, I had a memory that I had been taught that the church was the place to be. I would be saved if I found the church. I walked into the church, I saw an empty church, I did not know what to do. I explored the church, I looked for the priest, he was not there. It was… I felt disconnected with the things that I believed in. I believed, for I had been taught that my church would help me on my way…’

Liz… ‘But there was no one there’

‘…but it was empty, it was an empty space, it was a vision, I visualised it but it felt, I had no feeling, I had no feeling of help, no help in the church so I carried on exploring further afield. I still walked, I walked and I observed. I searched my mind, my memory. I wanted, I tried to, I tried to think of something that would help me. I listened, I listened for guidance, I asked for guidance. I lay on the grass next to the church; I looked up into the sky beyond the clouds. I asked for guidance, for a sign, for a sign to show me where to go’

Liz… ‘Did you know that you were dead?’

‘I had realised by now that I was no longer a part of this physical world and yet I still perceived it. Something was holding me to it. Something made me stay on the grass looking up…’

Liz… ‘You needed help…’

‘…there was a spark of light which was in one of the clouds above me. I got this feeling that this spark was what I needed. It was not only in the cloud but I found, I felt it was within my being this spark, and the more I thought of the spark the more it grew until it was a bright light within me and the spark corresponding in the cloud was also growing, getting brighter and I saw within that spark, I saw people who I recognised. These people who I realised were also passed from the physical and they were looking at me. They were laughing; they knew that at last I had found them. I reached out and they took me up into the clouds, into their existence and I found, I found at last I could communicate with them. They told me what had happened. They told me that I had, that I had clung on too long to the physical. I needed that spark inside me to be expanded and combined with the spark I had seen in the cloud and I had become one with the cloud and that was how I had found my way..’

Liz… ‘Into the spirit world’


Liz… ‘Thank you for that William’

‘They told me I could explain this to you. It is for me an interesting experience to be able to come down to your physical world once again and say these words…’

Liz… ‘Very valuable’

‘…and I will return, I will come back and I will elaborate on this experience for I feel it will help others. There will be a time when you, in your circle, will be able to help those who struggled like I did, they are struggling like I did and you will be able once they have been introduced into your circle, they will be able to be guided into that spark, into that cloud above them’

Liz… ‘It will be good to be able to help’

‘That will help them’

Liz… ‘William, can you say how long ago it was that you were on earth, that you were in the physical realm?’

‘That is something which I feel in the future when I return I will be able to elaborate on. For now I have said all I was supposed to say at this point and I will return and I will also be able to help when the time comes for those who need your help to move on I will be there too. I will give them that extra push. I will help bring them to your circle where they will be able to speak to you as I have spoken to you this evening’

Liz… ‘Thank you so much William’

‘I know it takes a time, I have now experienced being able to control a medium. This is the first time for me and I know when these people come to you it will be a first time for them but I have now experienced this for myself and I can pass on that experience to those who need to do the same. So thank you for the time, thank you for this space and allowing me to come through in this way. I will leave you now, please continue with your music and we will build up once again this loving atmosphere that is so much pleasure for me to be a part of thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you William, bye-bye’

Liz put the music back on…

About 30 minutes later some lip-smacking started from the cabinet and Liz paused the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Climb… Climb the mountain, climb the mountain, reach the top, stand on top of the mountain, look down, look down at those, all on their pathway, see them walk, see them climb up, reach down, offer them your hand to help them reach the top in their own way, along their own path. They all head for you, head for the top, head for the top of the mountain. A beautiful place to observe all that you have achieved, all that you have learnt, all that you have in your memory, in your experiences that you have achieved and know that it is not the end. You have many, many mountains to climb. Many points to reach and each will, each will lead to the next. They are all stepping stones and a pleasure for you to experience, to join as one, to bring together, to arrange in a pattern, in a pattern of experience… So now… So now we reach that point where we come to the end of your session with us tonight. We have achieved another step along the way; we have introduced a new member to the inner circle of our team. Young William has introduced himself to you and he is, he is an important part of our team. He has stepped from observation into communication and he has done well, he is a natural communicator and he fitted, he fitted into the pattern, the pattern that we have built amongst ourselves and was able to slip into a communication with you and he will return and you will learn from him as he has learnt from the experience of communication with the physical universe once again. So as our session draws to a close we give to you a piece of our love we wish you to share, we wish you to explore, we wish you to experience all that is available to you and you will enjoy, you will reach out to all on your side and you will smile at those who you meet. This is a part of our love showing itself through you to those and giving them a smile. A smile which will rebound on the next person that they meet and so it goes on, a chain of smiles, a chain of smiles like ripples reaching out to everybody that they meet. So now we reach the end, we know now we have found the time where we now withdraw, we will move back. We ask that you play one more tune, one more tune and we will step back, allow you to re-join your physical world, thank you… good night’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love and blessings to you’

Liz put the music back on for one tune…

I felt they didn’t want to leave for a couple of minutes and I sensed someone saying something like…

‘See it’s not a dream… it’s all real… look out for the rainbows...’

I felt more with it once the tune had finished.

The session had lasted just under two hours again…

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been another interesting sitting with some great communications coming through. I often wonder if the spirit team pre-plan what they are going to say or if they just let the evening unfold according to what questions are asked.

The theme this week was very much about passing over and would seem to have been instigated by Liz’s questioning. So the conclusion there would be that the evening unfolded according to what questions were asked. But just to confuse things I remember getting a phrase in my head ‘Standing on the edge of life’ and a vision of a small person standing on the edge of a bucket deciding whether to jump into the familiar feeling of the bucket or jump the other way into the unknown. I got this phrase and vision before any communication took place and when the communication was happening it came out and fitted in perfectly with the subject of passing over so that fits in with the pre-planned theory.

Often after a sitting Liz tells me that the communications have been very much to do with what she had been thinking about that day so my guess is this week Liz had been thinking about people passing over and the team knew she would bring up the subject in her questions…