May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

93rd Sitting 21/04/2014

After last week’s sitting in silence we did get the old player working again but it jumped a bit during our Mercury Experiment last Thursday so we decided it was best to use a different player this week.

Other than that all was set up as normal.

Liz gave the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes some noises started in the cabinet and Liz paused the music.
There was some lip-smacking and Liz welcomed the communication.

‘Hello, hello, good evening, it is a good time again, the time that we all mix together once again… Work now…’

There was a period of incoherence before some more words came through…

‘Circle of love… Towards the light, lift up our love, lift it up and create a loving atmosphere…’

The communication became incoherent again before fading out.

Liz put the music back on but due to her unfamiliarity with the new player started the CD again with the first tune.
This was not a problem as the team now decide when the session finishes no matter what is playing.

Liz said the atmosphere was uniformly dark.
She then had a sense of a presence with her. It felt cold to her left, like having a damp rag clamped over her head.
She felt a breeze over her hands.

Liz was seeing some light phenomena to her right like a mosaic of light.
She was getting very cold.

I felt at times like I was drifting off but still remained aware.
I could feel something forming on the right side of my face and particularly around my right ear.
At some point I felt a hand holding my right hand. I didn’t acknowledge it at first then suddenly became aware of it.

Liz was now feeling warm.

More noises started from the cabinet.
Liz paused the music.

It was incoherent at first and Liz encouraged the communication.

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, have you been here before?’

The communication became incoherent again.

Liz… ‘You’re having difficulty getting sounds through…’

‘You’re world is a picture…’

Liz… ‘Is it coming into focus?’

‘You have a picture, you see, you observe a picture when you look into your world. A representation of the true world, the real world. You have to rely on what you perceive, what your senses tell you. They do not see the real picture, the real reality’

Liz… ‘Okay, so we have an interpretation but it’s not necessarily true?’

‘It is suitable for your life as a physical being in the present time but as you know there are many steps beyond what your senses are telling you and you have experimented and gone beyond. You are gradually building for yourself a perception of a greater picture that will become apparent to you as you explore beyond. Each time you reach to another picture it will bring you further to that what you seek beyond. Each picture represents a step further towards your goal’

Liz… ‘Right, so gradual steps to enlarge our perspective’

‘Learn how to bring into focus the next picture. It is already there. It is a case for you to focus your senses onto that image that is before you’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s what’s difficult at the moment, bringing it into focus and to maintain that focus’

‘You will find the more you do this it will become easier and you will find you will easily re-focus your senses to that picture, to that image, to that feeling, to that sound. All of these experiences will become easier for you to tune into when you need to bring yourself into focus. You still live a physical existence and you need your picture, you need your physical picture to guide you through your physical existence but it is still a possibility to live in other realities at the same time. You will find as you practice this you will be able to step into other realities as easily as going from one room to another. It is just a door, that door can be opened. You can leave that door ajar so part of you is receiving information from the next reality. Keep that door ajar, allow those who inhabit the next reality to know that you can perceive them, can perceive their scenery, their living, their reality that they perceive’

Liz… ‘Thank you… In order to be able to extend our vision, our perception and to expand into a perception of other worlds, do we need more work to refine our energy because it seems to take energy to focus?’

‘It is something that will become easier with practice. When you realise how easy it is you will not use energy, not as much energy. You are at present exploring; you are using energy to experiment in finding the correct avenues to go, to take yourself through. Once you have got your door ajar you will recognise that avenue before you. It is not a case of using energy, it is a case of recognising where you are, where we are, how to connect the two…’

Liz… ‘Okay, yes I can get a sense of that’

‘Yes there are many ways to reach us but it is for you to find the way that suits you. You have your own pattern of mind. This pattern needs to find the corresponding pattern in the next vibration or the next room. Just keep trying, keep an open mind, you will find that it will just fall into place once you have aligned yourself with the correct corresponding pattern. It will appear difficult to you, all of these experiments are a challenge but the point is what you can experience and learn while you are searching for that correct pattern. Nothing is wasted. Every time you set out to experiment and find this reality beyond you are experiencing, you are adding to your memories. These are things which will never be wasted they will always be there for you to access in your future. They will build up an archive of information, of learning which you will build on each time you do this’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes that’s good, yes thank you for that word, that’s good suggestion, good advice, good support’

‘Think of the feeling you have when you do your own drawing or painting. That will help you in your quest. Concentrate on the feeling, the feeling that you get when you put your pencil to your paper and you create a drawing, a drawing representing your reality. This will give you part of your answer. That feeling when you look at your drawing and you feel you have created an image, a representation of another reality. Each painting, each drawing interpenetrates the corresponding drawing whether you go forwards or backwards they all fit together. They all have the feeling, the feeling of a representation, an almost true representation’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes…’

‘There are clues everywhere, there are answers everywhere. You do not have to contact the higher vibrations to get answers as they are all around you in your physical world. You just need to look, to study and you will be rewarded. They will, those answers, will let themselves be seen and felt’

Liz… ‘Thank you… Shall I turn the music on?’

‘Yes please, music now thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

After about 30 minutes quiet some more sounds came from the cabinet and Liz paused the music…

Liz… ‘Hello… Welcome friend’

It took a few minutes for the communication to stabilize.

‘Hello, hello, yes, yes… Wake up, we all wake up to the sound of voice… hello, hello… Like a flower we bloom, we grow… How are you?’

Liz… ‘Well thank you’

‘Good, good… Are you hot, are you cold?’

Liz… ‘Cold… a little bit cold’

‘You are cold, ah, how can you increase temperature? With your mind, you can, you can increase your temperature with your mind. Visualise warm flame, warm colour, warm colour circulate you. Allow that warm colour to seep into your being, you will feel, you will feel your temperature rise, it will build…’

Liz… ‘Right, I’m trying to do that’

‘Yes, just allow that temperature to go up, to go up higher, higher, you will feel warm. Think of the sun above you, beaming down, beaming the warm energy into you, filling your whole being with warmth. The warmth on your skin, the warmth on your head, let it spread around… Oh yes, what is temperature? What is heat, what is cold? What do they mean? They are extremities that can be felt by you, but you still have control. You have a warmth inside, you have your inner warmth. You can use that inner warmth to radiate out into your being. Allow that warmth to spread, to spread out into each part of your being… How are you now?’

Liz… ‘Still a little cold’


Liz… ‘Sort of intermittent with…’

‘Okay, it is an interesting exercise’

Liz… ‘I’m trying to get my back warm’

‘Yes… Put your music on now and continue to do this exercise as the music plays… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you’

Liz put the music back on. 

Ten minutes later another communication came through and Liz paused the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend…’

‘So once again we come to the end of our session… Say once again, say once again, words, words… Good, good, so is a good time, we have had a good time this evening. It has been interesting; we as always have done our work. We have touched, we have mingled, we have looked around, we have mixed energies and we have moved one more step on our way, on our journey together, a journey towards the light. So we now come to our end and we give to you a piece of our love. We ask you to spread it around your physical world and enjoy the sound of that love spreading, rebounding, being enjoyed by all who it touch. So now we will withdraw, we ask for two tunes and then we will be on our way. We say goodnight, goodnight and thank you once again for the time you have given us to use. To use and develop and we look forward to our next time with you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, we look forward to it too. Goodnight and god bless you’

Liz put the music on but hit the wrong button and the first tune played which is a long piece.
The communicator returned…

‘Yes, yes, this tune is a sufficient tune… Let this tune play and then we will go’

Liz… ‘Okay, just one tune’

‘Thank you, yes thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thankyou’

When the tune ended I was back and feeling fine.
Liz was still working on getting her back warm and said it was alternating between burning hot and freezing cold!!!
The room temp was cold but I felt warm in the cabinet except my feet which were freezing.

The session had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

92nd Sitting 14/04/2014

We had the room set up as normal.

At 8.30pm Liz did the opening prayer.
She went to put the music CD on but it wouldn’t work. I suggested she try a different CD but that wouldn’t work either.
30 minutes before we start I always leave the room with the music playing and it had worked okay then but for some reason just would not play now.
So we decided to sit with no music this week and see what happened.

Liz then turned out the red light and we settled down again.

I quickly became controlled and after two minutes was making a few quiet noises.
They got louder and Liz welcomed the communication…

‘Interesting, interesting… no, no music… does not matter, enable us to work in different way… yes, we can utilize a different energy, yes, okay… It will be different but no problem, yes, we are as always in your room, we have come through, we have merged, we have mingled with energy, yes, it is a smoother energy, an uncluttered, an empty space for us to fill, we have, we have…’

(A different communicator takes over)

‘…Hello, hello, hello’

Liz… ‘Hello welcome, a different voice now’

‘You can tell, you can tell it is a different voice, we can, we can come forward in this way… Daisy, Daisy, Daisy…’

(There was then a mixture of random words)

Liz… ‘Sounds like lots of different voices coming through…’

‘No, no, yes, yes I can… Pedro, Pedro, Pedro…’

Liz… ‘Pedro? …we’ve not had a Pedro before’

(The communication calmed down and another voice came through)

‘…It is a good practice; it is a good opportunity so many, so many wish to come and say hello again. They wish to touch your side again. Experience, experience the physical feeling, the energy of touch, the energy of sound, the energy of feeling, feeling, mingling with all that reside on your side. It is a beautiful place that you have; we can appreciate what you have built for us, this place, this room, it is built with love, the building blocks of passion, of interest, of love that you put into your work. You have made it a part of your daily life now. You record, you remember, look into each experience on a slightly different level. You can raise yourself above the daily routine and you can compare. You can compare your life now to that what you had a few years ago. You can compare the two and you can see how it… how much easier it is now. Rise above just a little… above the daily vibration of life in your physical form. You are able to get a glimpse of the freer atmosphere where you also reside. You can tune into your life, your higher life which is always there but it is shielded from you but it is available. It is only shielded by yourself, by the thoughts that you have accumulated over your life span in the physical. All who live in the physical… all on your side have these beliefs, have these thoughts which cloud their true experience, their true feelings but they too can rise. Each person who achieves a higher vibration will add to the overall vibration on your side. You are not only helping yourself you are helping the whole vibration of this physical plane. You will help it rise. Small steps but important steps. This work you do is so important. We are so pleased to be a part of the team and we know that others will join and will combine their energies to create a greater vibration which will spread amongst your people… Thank you for your time’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your presence’

(After a bit of tuning in another communication followed)

‘Hello, hello, hello, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Hello, one at a time…’  

‘Hello, hello, hello… Let me see, let me see, yes, yes… Des, Des, Desmond, Desmond here…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Desmond’

‘Good, good, so good to speak again’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘Well, well, I never far away, I part of team and I can speak occasionally, yes, but it is a brief visit for me tonight, it is an interesting evening without your music, it creates different atmosphere’

Liz… ‘Is it easier to attune when the music is not playing?’

‘Yes and no… it is always easy for us to draw close. We need some form of music to tune into a sound vibration but we find even without your music we can still communicate in this way so we are all learning from this, we are surprising ourselves that we can come close and we can communicate, we can speak, we can take a hold of the medium and speak in this way and it is, we are finding it quite an interesting experiment for us. We feel maybe it was planned this way this evening as a trial, a new experiment, a new way of working. Not to say that we recommend it for every week but we have felt for some time that we wanted to speak in this way without the use of music to… you will not… yes, it can… the music is a part of physical development. This now is what you would call trance communication. We can speak in this way without relying on musical accompaniment to our work. How does it feel in the room to you? Would you say it feels different to when you have the music with you?’

Liz… ‘Yes it feels more concentrated; the energy feels more focused, more intense’

‘Good, do you see any changes in the atmosphere?’

Liz… ‘No, it’s very dark but I felt at the beginning I got very hot and I could feel touches in my hair. I could feel presences more. It felt more focused, more concentrated’

‘Excellent, well we will continue in this way, as long as we can keep the power, we will continue. If you have any questions then I will try to answer in my way’

Liz… ‘Thank you; yes it may be that for me as sitter that I am able to tune in more with the silence, without the music’

‘Yes, yes it is, although the music is a benefit it is also a distraction but it works both ways. So we may find… we feel that maybe in the future we will have the occasional session without music in this way and we will use that to develop in a trance capacity. We can still communicate, we can still give you our thoughts, give you our answers to those questions that reside in your mind and so in that way it is a success…’

Liz… ‘Do you feel that it’s easier for the medium to be taken deeper, to step aside more with the silence, without the music?’

‘It is much the same from the medium’s perspective. There is still the awareness which continues but at the same time we have our control, we are able to speak freely in our own way. We use the mind of the medium, we connect to the mind and we work through the mind… yes, there may be a time when we take the consciousness of the medium further away from our work but for now we find this the best way to work. Sometimes it will be necessary for us to withdraw the medium’s consciousness from the equation so that we can build more physical development from the medium, through the medium, which will result in a more physical phenomena for you to experience in your room. This will require further sitters in your room to build the required level of energy for manifestation in your room. This is a future development but for now the more we can draw close and control in this way it will build, it will build each week, we will become more familiarized with the avenues of communication through the mind of the medium and we will be able to push the correct buttons and engage in a more fluent conversation with you, so… yes…’

Liz… ‘That’s good… I’m feeling a lot of pressure in my throat and mouth. I can’t quite stay with it, it’s a struggle…’

‘Allow your friends to draw close. Allow them into your mind. They may wish to impinge their thoughts on your mind, just relax…’

It was quiet for the next five minutes as Liz drifted off.
There was no communication from me but I still felt controlled, my breathing was slow and I was shaking.
Then the communication restarted…

‘How are you feeling, are you feeling a control?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Do you feel you have someone with you?’

Liz… ‘Yes but because of my awareness of all the people that I know and am connected with I’m sort of waiting for a stronger link. I’m worried that I could be interfering with it’

‘Do you feel somebody who may be you do not have the connection with? Allow them to take control. If you hear, if you sense a word just say the word, let it come out, it will be followed by another word’

Liz… ‘I had Dorothy, Dorothy Carring, but I know of her’

‘That does not matter, maybe it will help, be positive, remember this is a development circle’

Liz… ‘Yes, Dorothy has a strong connection with healing and her healing sanctuary… Ah Merle, I took somebody there’

‘The healing of this place will attract her attention and she already has the connection with you. If you allow her to speak she will be very welcome’

Liz… ‘Merle…’

‘Come forward, come into the energy Dorothy’

Liz… ‘Good to know…’

‘It may be Dorothy just wishes to give you a message in which case accept… accept the message’

Liz… ‘Yes, the healing work, all these connections, and the thought inclusions, all these in our healing book they will become part of this larger sanctuary. All good thoughts are not forgotten. Network, prayer, healing prayer, a combination of the spirit community of healers and those on the earth plane that they link and amplify and it’s never forgotten. When you put someone into this spiritual healing sanctuary it would put their presence, their name, that healing is effected in the fullness of time but not our time. It’s like throwing a stone in a pond, the ripples spread out into the water that will have its effect’

‘A beautiful message, thank you’

Liz… ‘I have this sense of a whirling of the dancers. The movement that’s created, the prayer vibration throughout the universes. These are the ripples that go on and those for whom this music, this dance has been choreographed, is intended. Sooner or later they will feel it, they will resonate with it, they will attune. It is like a tune that has been played for them and at some point their ears will be open, their senses defined to pick up this signature tune. Each soul has its own signature and the song that’s written for them, especially for them, will find its home with them and will play and at some point that music will harmonise them, will help towards their harmonising. All these good vibrations surround each soul like a sea, like the womb a special amniotic fluid that will bathe them and nurture and cherish and succour until they are ready to be born anew, to be healed. To be born is to be healed. Born into a new spirit, into the flesh, renewed being… Every good thought that’s incurred is like a nutritional feed for this soul and goes towards its development and sustaining. Becomes part of the welfare and in the fullness of time when its ready then that being will receive the full benefit’

‘Thank you for the words, thank you, how are you feel now?’

Liz… ‘Sort of charged, my hands are full… it’s like being plugged in… I sense being part of a community of spirit, plugged into this temple of healing and there are many people’

‘You are always plugged in, you cannot become disconnected, everybody is connected, everybody is plugged into the greater, the greater vibration, the greater reality, the larger universe which surrounds, which is a part of you. You connect to that part, you feed off that part, you feed off the energy, the energy you feel builds up within you igniting your mind, showing you the way, building on the knowledge, on the memories that you keep, that you connect too’

Liz… ‘I’m getting Joyce, Joyce…’

Two minutes later there was some lip-smacking and another communication started in the cabinet.
Liz welcomed the communication.
It was excited and incoherent at first and then became a bit more understandable…

‘Dazzling, dazzling, dazzling to me, it is a good feeling, it gets brighter the closer I come into focus, into focus I can…’

Liz… ‘Hello, are you clear now?’

‘Words come through… One at a time, one at a time, so it can build, it can combine an energy that is ignited by the passion, the interest in this work. It ignite your interest, we can come close to, we can feel, we can come close, come close, settle down, settle down, settle, settle, the wings are flapping, they cannot hold still but we slowly immerse our self into this atmosphere, coming closer, letting our self become a part of this reality that you perceive. We too can engage in the feelings that have been created by all who inhabit your world. They all create a feeling which we have to learn to become a part of once again’

Liz… ‘Have you communicated here before?’

‘I have stepped into your atmosphere before and I have made an attempt at communicating but this is the first time I have been able to get words through in a recognisable manner for you’

Liz… ‘Congratulations’

‘It is a good feeling to be able to speak to you in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you; can you say anything about yourself?’

‘I am holding myself in this condition; my concentration is with this condition. I have memory, I can still access memory. It is a… If I go back to my memory I may lose my link. I am going to continue to step into your atmosphere in this way. I will continue to speak, maybe by doing this I will be able to still bring forward part of a memory’

Liz… ‘That’s good; you’re just stabilizing your connections at the moment’

‘I have many people with me. They are all helping with the stabilization of my voice. My thoughts are coming through and they are working on this connection’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well and beautifully clear’

‘A good experience for me to come in this way, never alone, never far from the next person, the next energy, each energy combine, draw close… It is easy to wander; it is easy for mind to wander, to take off into the freeness of what lies ahead’

Liz… ‘Do you get affected by the presences of other people here, of other spirits; do they impinge on your awareness?’

‘There is, we do have it under control. Those who are around are all here to help. We can protect from interference in any way, this is not a problem’

Liz… ‘I am sensing so many people but I’m aware that many of them are people who are already in my consciousness, so part of me is wondering if its wishful thinking, that I’m imagining their presence or whether they are actually present?’

‘It is all a mixture, a mixture of memory and presences. Those who you recognise spark off memory so you will; you need to sort for yourself the difference between a presence and a memory. It will confuse you as you, as you let go of yourself, as you allow your mind to expand, to seek out into the fields that we have created in this room, that have combined with your own energies. We will bring people to you but you need to recognise and you need to focus on one person at a time. Do not let your memories bring further people to you. Each time you think of a person they can sense this. They do not need to be in the room. This is… you are limiting your thoughts to distance, to spatial existence. You are already connected to everybody who you have met, who you have experienced. They are all a part, a connection with you. You need to recognise the difference between a permanent connection and a presence in the room. It is a difficult problem to overcome but it will be in time, with practice you will know when you have somebody with you, in this way it is something which will increase as time goes by. So do not worry, enjoy the fact that you have so many connections. They are all connected and receiving your thoughts but try to allow one to come close and you will find the link will strengthen, thank you’

Liz… ‘I can feel Joan, a zebra and an elephant’s trunk close’

‘Concentrate; look for the images she gives you’

Liz… ‘It’s like a spinning top, a children’s spinning top, like a roundabout at the fair’

‘Maybe the spinning top is a message. It may represent a spinning mind. A mind full of images, of thoughts. Let those go, clear away, clear a pathway for the incoming communication, the incoming images. They will be the important communication at this time’

Liz… ‘The Noah’s Ark… Keep getting the word Nero’

Five minutes later another communicator came through to close…

‘Dear friend, yes once again, once again we come to the end of our session. We use all the available energy but it has been a good energy, a good development. We have learned, we have taken, we have taken a piece of this energy and we have mixed with the love in the room and we have sustained a contact for a period of time, your time. It has been an interesting experiment for us. We hope you have benefited yourself with your own development. We hope we have shone a light to you which you can build on. So now our session is drawing to a close. We will all draw back; leave you to your physical existence once again. We leave you a piece of our love which you can take out and spread amongst your friends but keep a piece for yourself, use it to inspire yourself in your development, in your continued development, in your continued vibration increase, your continued elevation above your daily life. We now draw back, we will take two minutes of your time so sit quiet in the silence and allow us to draw back in our own way. Thank you and good evening’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love and blessings with you’

We sat quietly for a couple of minutes then checked we were both back with it.

The sitting had lasted 1 hour 25 minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

I had a look at the CD player and I couldn’t get it to play either but after our tea and cake I tried it again and there was a click from inside the player then it started playing again. I turned it on and off a few times and it worked fine…

91st Sitting 07/04/2014

We had everything set up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on at 8.30pm.

Five minutes later Liz reported a strong green light in the room and shapes moving about.

Then a few noises started up in the cabinet.
They got louder and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication…

‘Hello, hello, hello… it all good, stable and all words come through, all come through…’

There was a period of incoherence as the communicator tuned in.

Liz… ‘You’re all in the room’

‘We all come, yes, we all come, we all, each time we are able to come into your room, fill your room with our love. We are attracted to your light and we pick up your signal when you start your session. It is like a switch which turns on, beams out to us our signal that we can come in this way’

Liz… ‘It sounds as if your attunement to it is becoming easier’

‘Each time we become a stronger link. We still have the steps before us to achieve but we are making way, making our way forward each time. We are pleased with the way it is all coming together’

Liz… ‘Good, you certainly seem to be able to come through more easily now and quicker’

(Sounds like a communicator change)

‘Dear friend, this is, this is so good to be able to speak’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘It is a… yes, yes… can you hear? You can hear?’

Liz… ‘I can hear you’

‘Good, yes, we all enjoy the opportunity to come through and say a few words…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Thank you, thank you this is a delightful place you have here. It is a wonderful atmosphere’

Liz… ‘You’ve been here before haven’t you?’

‘I have been around and I have spoken a few words. I have not; I have not had the opportunity to string much together in the way of information. I can now feel, I feel like I am closer to you now. I feel I have moved closer, it feels like I am, I am fitting in to your circle. I am slotting in and able to react to the vibrations that I am amongst. I am amongst your vibrations and I can interact with them. I can tune into the vibrations that are around me as I immerse myself into your atmosphere, into this room. It is a good feeling for me’

Liz… ‘Have you been working with other groups?’

‘No, not entirely, I have only made contact via this group. I have been aware for some time that there are other groups around, they all, they are all seen by us who have the interest in this work. They are all, they all light up. We can see but we have to be invited to actually take part in the conversation during the sessions’

Liz… ‘Are you able to tell us anything about yourself at present?’

‘I worked, I worked at a… I worked with my hands. I could produce, I used my painting ability and I was able to produce some pictures on your side. I was able; I was able to produce images that I saw. I could find the correct pattern to put down on the paper, on the, it was…’

Unfortunately the communication faded…

Liz… ‘Hello… Shall I turn the music up now?’

‘…yes please play your music. We will try to come back in this way thank you, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

Ten minutes later there was some lip-smacking and whispering from the cabinet but no communication.

Another ten minutes and Liz was getting tickly feelings down the side of her face and nose.
She noticed a few faces come and go in her vision. They were people she recognised as friends and family members. She mentally asked them to try and communicate through me if possible.

Then after about another ten minutes some noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication.
It came through strong and excited but apart from a few words was mainly incoherent…

‘Very good… Hello, hello, hello… How are you...? It is all good… We look around; see all the lights come for us, to focus, light…’

Liz… ‘Focus on the light’

‘Yes, yes it work’

Liz… ‘Does that help your voice to come through?’

‘Yes we come through’

Liz… ‘You focus on the light and that helps you stabilize the voice and bring it through’

‘Act to… Bring word one at a time’

Liz… ‘Bring words through one at a time’

‘We have to bring our words through one at a time yes’

Liz… ‘Is that difficult?’

‘Do we, do we come, we are, words are available to us, we have to choose which way we approach this… this way with word, we will, we will be…’

Liz… ‘It sounds as though it’s difficult to get the words one at a time; you want to rush them all together’

‘Gel together… It is a great step inside, step at a time, come through…’

The communication faded out and Liz turned the music back on.

15 minutes later Liz turned off the music again as another communication started…

‘Watch the clock, watch the clock, watch the clock, hear the tick, the tick; the wheels, the wheels are turning, the wheels are turning, feel, feel the passage of time. What does the clock tell you? What is it telling you? What does it… how does it, how does it contribute to your daily life? How does it become a part of what you see, of what you feel? Is it necessary? Is the clock, is the clock telling you, is it, is it in charge, does it take control of your daily life?’

Liz… ‘It does to a large extent’

‘Can you imagine living without the passage of time?’

Liz… ‘Yes, I can imagine it’

‘Can you, are you able to adjust the way you live so that time becomes unnecessary, unnecessary, not no longer, no longer a part of your life?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Can you free yourself from time?’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s a good feeling’

‘Each day allow yourself to experience a feeling of timeless, timelessness. It will, it will enable you to gain a strong connection with our thoughts for we are without time. We have no clocks. We can feel the passage of experiences as they present themselves to us. We experience and we move on and we remember. We do not look forward but we can look back and we can remember. We know that we are forever moving but we do not worry about the passage of time we just experience the now, the, the present. Each experienced is savoured, is experienced for what it is not for what we feel is coming towards us for we are in the present, in the now, in the, in this… Try each day to experience a timeless experience, it will help… All that comes to you is a gift and a privilege. All that comes to you is savoured by the memory that it creates. Each experience, each experience…’

Liz… ‘Why is it necessary in the physical plane to plan ahead and yet it’s not necessary in the world of spirit?’

‘You have a belief, you have built for yourself a belief that you need to plan, that you need to see what is coming. You need to trust, you need to have faith that you will receive. There is built within all an underlying fear that tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow will, you need not fear for you are constantly ongoing. There is no, there is no time, you have no, you do not, you do not stop, you are never still. You have a wonderful experience always just in front of you and you are walking towards that experience’

Liz… ‘But a lot of our interactions here are regulated by planning, planning to meet, planning to be at a place at a certain time’

‘Let go, let go of these thoughts, jump into a new experience. Tear away these beliefs, these expectations. You can, you can live without this planning, these steps that you take…’

Liz… ‘I guess certain cultures do live without time, do live without these plannings but our civilization seems to have been built on planning and on time’

‘Yes and it will dissolve in, in time, yes, it will break down’

Liz… ‘This is a temporary state of affairs’

‘It is, it is the reality that has been built over generations that have come before. You can for yourself take away a part of this. It is not difficult…’

Liz… ‘Okay, we can decouple from the time machine’

‘…it will become more recognisable to you as you try this. Step outside of your self-created prison, the walls you have built yourself. Each person, each person contributes to the building blocks which you all have to disassemble but it is a slow process and each person has to work this out in their own way. They will see, they will want to understand the people who are able to do this. They will experience a part of what you create when you disassemble your own walls brick by brick. Gently place them aside and you will see before you a new, a new world, a new reality which will mirror in your behaviour and will be observed by those who will follow in their own way. This will build throughout your world’

Liz… ‘Thank you, that sounds good’

‘It is a slow process but it is a true process. It is a key to truth, a key to reality and you will teach yourself how to use it, how to do it’

Liz… ‘Yes, we’ve been given the key I think’

‘But do not worry; do not take it on yourself to lead the way. Many on your side are already working at this, this problem. They have seen, they have caught a glimpse of what is in store, what is behind their walls. They are already disassembling their walls and they are getting a peek at what lays ahead, so join them, join them in their quest. Use your key, they have found their own key and they are already experiencing. They will in time give up the clock, give up the passage of time in the way that you are now accustomed, thank you’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful, wonderful news and wonderful advice thank you for that. That’s important; I feel that’s very important’

‘We are grateful for this opportunity to give you these words. It is for us, we too are taking down the walls between ourselves and you. We are forever becoming closer. It again is a slow process but slowly we are disassembling the barrier between us, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Replay your music now, thank you’

Liz put the music back on. 

I felt very hot and sweaty after the communication.

Ten minutes later another communication began and Liz turned off the music and welcomed them…

‘So once again, once again we come to the end of our session… We are learning, we learn, we have learnt more tonight, this evening. We have tried approaching different ways, different angles. Some have been a challenge for us but it is all a learning, it is all a development. We have once again moved forward and we enjoy our conversation with you. We enjoy coming into your room and feeling the loving energies that surround us, that surround you, that reach out into each corner of your room. But as always we come to the end of our session. We need to draw back again and allow you to go about your physical existence once again, but we leave with you a piece of our love to take out and share, share with all you meet, light up your world with our love, rebound it off each surface it comes into contact with, spread it around… So, now play one tune, one tune and we will withdraw. We will go back to our world to the place that we inhabit and we look forward to the next time, the next time that we mix and mingle with your energies’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you and good night’

Liz… ‘Good night, our love and blessings with you…’

Liz played one tune then checked I was okay.
I was a little light headed but otherwise fine.
The sitting had lasted one hour fifty minutes this week.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

90th Sitting 31/03/2014

We had the room setup as normal.
Liz was feeling better this week and went back to pausing the music each time a communication came through giving the team control over how long the sitting lasts.

At 8.30pm Liz opened, put the music on and the red light out.

Five minutes later a few soft gurgles started from the cabinet.
After a couple of minutes they got louder and Liz paused the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication which took a while to stabilize.

‘Hello, hello, hello… All here again… Yes, yes… Voices, voices… All come now, all come through… All walk in your circle, all walk in your room, we all come through yes, happy, happy to be here again… Happy to be working in our way again now… Yes we are all one, all one, we are all one, one and all, all together, a part of our team…’

Liz… ‘A united effort…’

‘Yes, each component is a part of the whole, each separate part is adjoined to the whole, we are all one yet we are able to individualize ourselves in our own way but still a part of the whole, the whole, the all… the all is one…’

Liz… ‘Do you retain a specific identity, a specific personality or do you have a very mixed personality for each person?’

‘We retain memory, we can… we can return to our memory. We have the path that we have trod, which we can remember. We can re-enact our physical existence once again’

Liz… ‘If you’ve had a number of physical existences can you flit from one to the other?’

‘We build up a personality, a character based on all experience. All experience builds each time we… each time we dip into a reality, a physical reality, we are able to pick up a point of reference for each time, each visit, each experience. It is a building up of experiences which will produce a personality based on each experience but we are able, with effort, to concentrate on one particular… one particular time…’

Liz… ‘Which might not be your most recent on earth… is that right?’

‘We can, we can look into our journey and pick out one aspect that we desire to replay in a physical way. It is a… We will become attracted to a life time that we remember which most easily fits to the thinking of those who are to receive the communication at that time. It would be of no benefit for us to confuse, we can only… we can only feed you with information that fits your way of thinking at this time. As you move on in your quest for more information you will expand, you will be able to encompass a more, a more fuller, a fuller realization of all aspects of… of realities, of existences, but for now we will tune in to one particular aspect at a time. This will become apparent to you as we introduce a personality to our communication. This personality will be something which you can recognise, which you can feel at ease with at this time’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you… we had a communication the last few times. A lady who gave us information and said we would find evidence of this in the library but I’ve looked and haven’t been able to find it’

‘Each time a communication is made it triggers off a series of events, a series of synchronicities. You have already found one synchronicity according to the communication which you talk about at this time. Do not rush into trying to look for the evidence to back up what has been said. Just allow us to give you clues, give you our evidence in our way. It is, it is good for you to look but do not expect to find all the answers in one go. You will find that you will receive your answers in many ways. In many ways they will come. You already have sensed a feeling in a dream. This is a part of the puzzle. You too will look again, it will come forward. The act of looking is a good part, is a good practice. It has ignited an interest, a passion within you which you feel you wish to follow through and you will follow it through but in a slow way. In a way that it will unfold in a part at a time, a part of information at a time’

Liz… ‘Right, so be patient’

‘This is always a good thing but as I said before a little impatience will spark your curiosity, it will spark your passion and it will keep you moving forward. So, do not despair, do not think that you or we have failed for it is an ongoing journey, an experiment of communication which has many obstacles, has many setbacks, has much mist to penetrate but we are making waves, we are moving forward and this is what, this is… this is the meaning of this circle to move forward, to look into different avenues, explore, experiment and enjoy… keep the momentum going…’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you, shall I turn the music up now?’

‘We withdraw…’

Liz put the music back on…

After 20 minutes of quiet Liz reported dim torch lights moving around the room.

Then after another five minutes some lip-smacking started from the cabinet and Liz paused the music.
She welcomed the communication which after stabilizing came through loud and powerful…

‘Welcome, welcome…’

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome to you…’

‘Happy, happy, happy come through, come through, hello, hello, are you, are you well?’

Liz… ‘Yes, much better thank you’

‘Ah good… Your circle, your circle is looking good, looking good, we can see you from our place that we reside, we can see your circle, we can see your light, it looks good’

Liz… ‘How does it appear?’

‘It shine out, it shine and we receive your signal, your signal all around we pick up, we pick up your vibration and it echoes in our ear, it echo in our feeling, we feel the love that you create and send out into all universes that surround this place, that come through this place, that interpenetrate this place. For when you sit with pure thought in your heart it bridges out to us, we receive that vibration, we can, we can connect to your vibration and we can bring our self through’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know because we are full of longing to be able to communicate with you and to know of your presence that we can feel and to have the real contact’

‘Yes, you have ignited our interest in your circle. We see you, we hear you, we move in your direction, we can come close. We investigate what the cause of this, this light that you emanate from this group, this group of loving entities that gather at this time. We can join with them, we can connect with you, we can share the love that is created. We can, we can mix our own energy creating a larger circle, a larger…’

Liz… ‘Are you from a different… are you from a non-physical dimension?’

‘It is not possible for us to explain but we are a part of the greater circle, the larger circle, the surrounding circle, the surrounding frequency’

Liz… ‘Ok, so beyond the immediate physical, beyond the immediate earth plane’

‘Yes, think of it as ripples in a pond. You throw your pebble into the still surface it ignites; it ignites ripples moving out, each touching another existence that lay beyond. We can feel the waves as they arrive on our shore, on our beach. We too exist; we too are a part of the life force that is in creation. It is all a part of the existence that you can comprehend when you allow yourself to spread out, intermingle with your neighbours, your invisible neighbours which will become visible to you as you explore, as you reach out’

Liz… ‘Can I ask whether you have ever incarnated into the earth plane?’

‘We are all like balls of light. Think of a ball of string. Each ball of string has many ends that can become separated from the ball yet still connected. That piece of string can be dipped into an experience, a life experience, a life experience in a reality, in a physical reality like this, like what you are experiencing now and when it has finished, when it has exhausted the life force within that physical reality it will share the experience along the pathway of that piece of string, it will follow back to the source, to the ball, to the ball of light, the ball of string, giving it another experience to grow, to give back to the greater, the greater ball of light, the larger ball of light that we can all imagine, we can all look towards. We can all imagine ourselves immersed in that light for we are a part of it. We have come from it but for now you are experiencing your pocket of life, that pocket of experiences which you will bring back to the ball, to the ball of light…’

Liz… ‘Are you closer to the ball at the moment?’

‘It is not a distance, it is a knowledge, it is a knowing, it is a knowing that we are a part. That is part of what you all on your side need to remember, that you are a part, a part of this light, this ever increasing light, increasing each time it gains another experience, another pocket of experiences which it can draw back to its centre, the centre of the light. There are no dimensions that we can explain to you they are all coiled up in the string, the string has no knowledge of where it is, of what it is or what it really is, it can only imagine. It can only make for itself a personality that it can follow, that it can develop and that personality is an experience which will be added to the ball, the ball of light, the ball of string’

Liz… ‘Ok so the personality is something we can step into and out of?’

‘Yes, it is something that is built; it is something that is created’

Liz… ‘A construct?’

‘A construction of experiences which when brought together express themselves as a personality but that personality is but one part of the ball. The ball is a mixture of all those personalities which are ongoing, which are happening in the same instant. You are blinded by your time, your time frames which you feel a part of, which you need to be a part of to get your experiences one at a time but beyond time there is a mixture of experience which is growing, is expanding, is evolving, is gaining in experiences, in knowledge’

Liz… ‘Like a tapestry… Thank you for your words’

‘Very good, very good yes, we now go back… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for coming forward with that wonderful communication’

Liz turned the music back on…

Five minutes later Liz thought she heard someone ask her to turn the music down again but when she did it was all quiet in the cabinet.
She also had a draft on her right side.

Liz then had a strong sense of fingers tickling her scalp and saw a blue light in front of her.

Then when the first American/Indian tune was playing a few noises started up in the cabinet sounding at first like Donald Duck.
Liz paused the music.
The communicator then came through with much excitement…

‘Eagle, eagle, eagle here, eagle here, here, here… here eagle, here eagle…’

Liz… ‘Eagle?’

‘Eagle spread wings, spread our wings, swoop down to say hello, hello to you…’

Liz… ‘Hello, hello eagle’

‘Each time you play the tune we are attracted. Eagle come down to your side, your level. Each time we hear that song we come down, we hover above, we observe, we observe your thoughts, we can see how the pattern is emerging, is growing, is intertwining with the energy in the room. It is good when we know you can feel the energy of our, of our eagle, of our existence, of the way we can fly, we can spread our wings and hover and observe. This is our way. You have seen us, you have felt us, you have joined us in our journey. It is a privilege for us to mingle with your thoughts and feeling. It is a great experience for us to cling to the passion that drives you. That drives you forward. We too are on a journey, a parallel journey with you searching, searching for answers, letting our questions reach out into the corners of the universe, rebounding on the thoughts of others, intermingling, intertwining, building a beautiful picture which we can all share together. We exist side by side. We walk side by side, as one we discover the true meaning of this existence. Thank you for allowing us this experience together’

Liz… ‘Thank you for being here, thank you for penetrating’

‘Now we walk, now we walk, we land, we feel our feet on your earth, on the ground, heavy, the heavy feeling, the heavy physical feeling that you are part of, that for you is a part of your daily life, your daily experience. We too can immerse ourselves in the heavy atmosphere that you inhabit. Heavy to us, but normal to you. You in turn can rise up when you desire, join us in the air unrestricted by physical pressure, soaring up into the clouds, those light clouds that feel so warm, so welcoming. We soar through and we see what lies beyond. We feel the warmth of the sun. You too experience this when you come with us. It is a wonderful journey. Enjoy; enjoy each part of your journey, whether above the clouds or below. It is all a wonderful journey for you to experience. Do not waste any of your time, enjoy each moment. Cherish, cherish each moment as you will find you will create a better, a wonderful experience by enjoying. Reject all that you do not wish to uncover. Let that lay, let that lay, rise above that and enjoy. Life is to be enjoyed and experienced in this way…’

Liz… ‘Thank you feathered friend… Shall I turn the music up now?’

‘…Now it is time… We reach the end of our session; our session once again draws to a natural ending. We feel the energy is dissipating slowly. So once again we say thank you, thank you for creating this wonderful energy in your room. We have mixed, we have mingled and we have developed and we have brought forward communication which will build each week as we acclimatize our self to your atmosphere. We now draw back; we give you a piece of our love for you, for you to take into your world. For you to share, for you to colour the atmosphere with artistic talent. Use your artistic skills to spread this energy, this loving energy into each colour, each colour that you can perceive in your daily life. Give each colour a boost, a boost of energy, a brighter colour will shine and it will be appreciated by all, all on your side as they visualise these colours brightening, dazzling with beauty, with beauty which reaches out into every experience that they will enjoy. So thank you once again, we now withdraw, we now say goodnight and we ask you to play two tunes, two tunes, let that play then turn off your music and we will be well on our way… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication friend, our love and blessings with you’

Liz played two tunes.
I was back and felt fine when they finished.
Our sitting had lasted just under two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…