May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

85th Sitting 24/02/2014

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm in prayer, turned off red light and put the music on.

Five minutes later a few voice noises started from the cabinet.
They got louder and Liz muted the music.

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome friend…’

‘Just a minute, just a minute…’

There was a period of tuning in/stabilizing.

‘…is it, is it… is it okay, is it okay?’

Liz… ‘It is okay, I can hear you’

‘All coming, is all coming through, we all come, working on voice, la, la, la… oh yes, oh yes… compatible…’

Liz… ‘Keep trying, you’re doing well’

‘All the work is all correct, it is all correct, it is all overlapping each, each time we come, all correct, in place for us to introduce ourselves. It is all in place for us to introduce ourselves for we all need to come in our own way. We are all waiting for the opportunity to introduce ourselves…’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful. Do I understand correctly then that you’re nearly there? So you’re going to be able to do that?’

‘All is in place, all is in place we are, we just need, we need to come through individually. All is available for us to do this… All capable, each person capable of introducing. We will, for this evening we will come individual, time, each time we will slowly individualise our self, we will come through individual…’

Liz… ‘That’s really good news. Is one of you going to introduce themselves tonight?’

‘Let us draw back for a while. We will, we will come through in a later time this evening. Please play your music’

Liz turned up the music.

Liz felt a cool breeze round her face.
She felt a lot of vibration in the room and got very hot.

There was some lip-smacking from the cabinet then a voice.

Liz muted the music.

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘Desmond, Desmond, Desmond…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Desmond… Is that you Desmond?’

Desmond seemed to be having trouble stabilizing…

‘Say hello, hello… Welcome, Desmond, Desmond…’

Liz… ‘Desmond, Welcome Desmond, I’ve spoken to you before, yes you’re an old friend’

‘Yes, yes… Well, well… Where have I been, where have I been… I have been here all the time, all the time I am with this link, I come through and I have helped with the others, with the communication. We now, we now are beginning to individualise ourselves. You will become, you will start to recognise our personalities as they are presented to you. We will slowly introduce new members of the team, old members of the team, all the members of the team. We are already working with you, with you both in this circle. We have so far made ourselves felt by you; you feel energy that we bring forward. It will become more apparent to you as we come through on an individual way. We will be able to bring our individual energy through into the room…’

Liz… ‘That’s good, very good to hear you again Desmond. We met upstairs before when we were sitting upstairs, you came through the link before…’

‘Yes, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Can you talk about yourself at all?’

‘Take, take it, take a…’

Liz… ‘Are you still with me Desmond?’

(It sounded like a different communicator was now coming through)

‘You will, you will receive information, it will come through, we will, it will, it will…’

Liz… ‘How will the information come through?  Hello Desmond, are you still able to come through?’

Liz thought the communication had faded so put the music up but then muted it again when the communication continued.

‘All, all will come through, all will come through when the time is correct. Yes we all wish to tell of ourselves, not only what we have, what we remember from your side but we wish to tell you of the wonders of where we reside now. It will build each week, it will become easier each week, we are all excited that we are able to come in our individual way. That is a step, that is a first step for us at this time. Yes we will build on this and we will be able to bring our information, our memories through which we will share with you. So you will find, you will find that at times we still need to combine our energies to be able to speak in this way. It is still, it is a good step forward for us to be able to do this and we are getting so close, so close’

Liz… ‘Are you able to come through without too much being affected by the medium’s mind?’

‘There is always, there is always the obstacles of the mind to negotiate but we are getting clearer. It is still a joint process. We use part of the medium’s mind, we use some of the knowledge in the mind to build our own thoughts around. We can take a thought from the medium’s mind and we can attach our own thoughts, our own memory, on that thought, on that, the memory of the medium, we can bring our own memories to cloth that memory to present it in a different way, a way that we wish to bring forward an idea, it can, sometimes it can come through very easily, we can achieve this very easily. There are still times when we need to still the mind of the medium. It is a situation which we can deal with in our own way. But it is, each time that we do this we can overcome the obstacles in an easier way for us’

Liz… ‘It would be brilliant if you were able to bring through some information that’s in neither of our minds, something we can check and validate, that would be really evidential’

‘This is what we are working towards but in the meantime you will receive snippets of information which we have talked about before, which is building a puzzle for you, a picture is slowly forming’

Liz… ‘Yes we have so far, really exciting, yes these things are really helpful’

‘But it is a build-up each week, each week something new will be introduced’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful because it’s important for us to keep our faith and our…’

‘You need to keep your interest. You don’t want to have the same things, the same type of communication which will not interest you. We try to engage in conversation that we feel most interests you at this time. As the weeks go by you will find yourself, you will find your interest changes somewhat as you get answers to some of your questions’

Liz… ‘That’s good, and what I’m aware of as well is, at the moment for us where we have faith and a recognition of the reality of spirit, opening up to other people outside it will take something quite dramatic in the way of evidence or quite substantial to actually have the confidence to open up to other people without fear of ridicule’

‘I understand what you say, it is still a slow process and small snippets of information will build. Do not worry at this point about spreading to others. We are after all a development circle at this stage’

Liz… ‘Thanks for reminding me, yes that’s true’

‘We work with you and you sit with a commitment each week and you will have your reward, your reward will come but you must understand we are very much at the development stages at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s good that you have stabilized the link now that you’ve stabilized the contact’

The communication faded and Liz put the music up.

After a few minutes Liz reported a little ball of light floating around in front of her.
She felt a breeze.
It got sparkly in the centre of the room and Liz saw shapes there as well.
She became very cold and picked up an acrid smell.

Just as the last two tunes came on there were some lip-smacking and voice tuning-in sounds from the cabinet.
Interestingly it sounds at first like the usual closing words were starting but then another voice came through and took over with a long message before the closing words resumed at the end…

‘…yes once again, once again… Open your eyes, open your eyes to the world beyond, open your eyes to the world beyond, see us as we are, see us as the light that we are, see us as the person within each of our lights. We stand, we observe, we see how you are developing your light, your ring of light comes towards our… No more do we have to realign ourselves to your… Create a vast love within you. Heal the world with your love and let it spread around. It is seen by us, we see how you reach out into your world, into your universe and you touch the very person who you direct your light towards. You can reach whoever you imagine in your world, your universe. Allow, know that you are reaching out, you are healing those who call out to us. We have your energy which we can rebound towards those who are in need now’

Liz… ‘So you can help to direct it, can you amplify it?’

‘It is multiplied by your intention; your thoughts of love multiply. As it reaches out it can expand, it has no limit, no limit is imposed on the love, on the healing that is emanated from this place. We do not need to amplify, we just need to direct. We just need to hear from those who need your love and we will direct towards’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know’

(Communicator change)

‘So… once again we come to end of our session’

Liz… ‘Yes the music’s finished now I think’

‘…we have overrun again, we need, we will need to increase our time with you if this is okay, if this is…’

Liz… ‘We could add some tunes’

‘Yes, or we think maybe when a communication is… Is it possible to pause your music? Yes, yes we believe you can touch your switch and pause your music when we come through. This way we will be directing the time period from our side. We know that in the past it has been beneficial to have a set time each week from your tunes but we feel now we can take more control of your, of the time which we take, we can come through and we will finish when we feel that the time has been used in a correct way. We will try this next week as an experiment initially. We do not want to upset the way things are progressing but we feel that this will be a beneficial addition to the way we run the circle’

Liz… ‘Okay, we’ll try this next week then’

‘Try it next week and we will see how we get on in this way’

Liz… ‘Okay but for now I guess as we’ve come to the end of our session. Perhaps we should ask you to draw back so that the medium can come back’

‘Yes this is in place already; we know now when the time has come for us to draw back and all that remains is for us to say, take a piece of our love, take it out into the world. Take it with you and place it in your pocket and release when you feel you can be of benefit to your fellows, your fellow man, your fellow woman, those who you meet in your life, your daily life. We now slowly draw back. It may take a little longer this week. We are pleased with the way it has come forward this week. We will continue with what we have started this week, we will continue to bring individuals through but it will maybe, one at a time each week so we can slowly integrate all the team to you, okay, okay, thank you’

Liz… ‘That will be very welcome; I look forward to meeting you all as individuals, wonderful, good night friend’

Liz waited while I slowly came back.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing exercise by which time I was feeling totally back with it.

I’d felt something around my right ear again this week and also something on the back of my neck. I also felt a pressure against my chest at the end while I was coming back.

When the first communicator came through and said the team were going to introduce themselves tonight it took me by surprise and certainly got my attention!!! I found it difficult to still my mind after that and had a stream of names and images passing through it. I didn’t want to colour any information they were planning to bring through about themselves and eventually got myself into a calmer state of mind. As always my consciousness remained aware throughout but this week at times I got the feeling something was being placed over my head like a large helmet which seemed to help quieten my mind and take me a little deeper. As it happened only Desmond introduced himself at this session. Desmond has been with me since I started developing trance but we haven’t heard from him for a while. He brought with him a warm feeling like two hands were gently touching each side of my head.

Both Liz and I look forward to finding out a bit more about the various members of our team but as I’ve found out from my own experience working with other developing circles the spirit teams never seem to be in any hurry and will let things unfold when the time is right. It’s only us that become impatient and want to hurry things along. I guess the team have a different view of time and sometimes see more benefit to us in the development process of a circle rather than us getting quick answers.  

It will be interesting to see how the session goes next week with Liz pausing the music as each communicator comes through. This means our spirit team will now be in control of when the sitting ends… let’s hope they let us go home before midnight!!!
This is actually how we operated with the Mercury Circle and we found it worked well with the sittings usually lasting one and a half hours but sometimes stretching to two hours...

84th Sitting 17/02/2014

Last week 10/02/2014 Liz received some communication which included…

 ‘…look for a key, a symbol of a key. It will come in a dream… you will find that you will come across this symbol of a key. It will fit into another part of your puzzle. It will become apparent to you that it is a missing link. A missing link to the overall puzzle, just look out for this’

The following morning she woke up remembering a dream, here's her report…

The information from our sitting last Monday stated that I would receive, via my dreams, a symbolic key, which would provide another part of the puzzle, and another link in the knowledge picture we were being shown.

I awoke early the following morning with a fragment of a dream in which I was being shown a bus card with my father's photo on it, (as a younger man) and a bar code. I realised, whilst still in the dream, that my father, being dead, this was significant. I also realised the anomalous nature of being shown a bus card with a bar code on it, as the cards contain a circular metal chip, and not a bar code like supermarket products. This highlighted the significance of this image, and I became aware that this barcode was a symbolic key. The fact that the barcode was connected with a discarnate entity also seemed significant and seemed to indicate a connection with survival. I did not become lucid, however, and awoke at this point.

Later that morning I boarded a bus, after getting wet and cold in the rain, and was fumbling around with my mobile phone wallet to extricate my bus card for the bus conductor to scan. It took me a while to locate the card, which was hidden amongst many other loyalty cards and bank cards and other paraphernalia of identification. The bus conductor was a bit impatient, but waited until I had scanned my card. Then he said, very slowly and clearly, as if talking to a child… 'That's right. Now put it back in the wallet. Put the wallet on the screen. No, with the card in it. Just do what I say’ I wasn't sure what he was getting at. Then I suddenly twigged, he was showing me that I didn't need to take the card out of the wallet. I could scan it through all the thick layers of padding and other cards. It scanned easily and was recognised. I had learnt something new. The fact that he was so pedantic and slightly condescending, as though dealing with a very old lady, (which I am not quite yet) highlighted the incident.

I realised after this incident that this connected very much with my dream. It was as if it was reinforcing the remembrance, and the significance of the bar-code. It said to me that I did not need to extricate my bus identity card from all the other personal information and padding of my mobile phone wallet. It could be read clearly, and communicate clearly with the bus driver's console, whilst still in its padded container. This seemed like an analogy for the layers of flesh and personality through which we try to communicate with the metaphorical bus-driver, or the spiritual self that drives our lives. I had been thinking that I need to leave my body, to extricate my spirit, in order to get a clear communication and learn about the spirit world. But maybe I don't. It seems as if this key I received may be giving me a clue as to the soft and permeable nature of personality and incarnation, and how it does not get in the way of true communication with our spiritual drivers. At least, that is how I interpret this at present. I had been attempting out of body states, and lucid dreaming recently, without very much success.

As for this being evidential of spirit communication, I think this is still uncertain. This is because I could have been influenced in a semi-hypnotic trance state during our sitting, by the words coming from the medium, so that my subconscious or superconscious fulfilled the promise, and provided me with a key that I could remember. The incident with the bus driver, even though it was so close to the key being received, could still be circumstantial and coincidental. From a strictly scientific point of view, one would need a number of such closely matched coincidences in order to suggest some agency of spirit intervention, or spirit alert. And we still do not know enough about the workings of our own consciousness and its interaction with the physical world to rule out the intervention of our own 'higher' spiritual consciousness in this, rather than the spiritual consciousness of another discarnate entity. However, the distinction between my own spiritual consciousness and the spiritual consciousness of other discarnate entities is still unclear. We do not really know how things really stand, and whether we exist as a group consciousness at a more refined spiritual level, and the individual soul is merely an organ, much like a cell, transmitting and communicating with this larger entity that comprises many others including the bus conductor!!!

Anyway, the benefit to me of such a lesson is to lessen my attachment to some ideas I have had about spirit, passed on through the literature of mediumistic circles etc. It has opened my inner eyes to other possibilities. This, in fact, is very much what the communication from that last sitting suggested was necessary. So perhaps we are being nudged towards seeing things in a different and possibly truer way!

And on now to this week’s sitting…

We set everything up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned off the red light and started the music CD.

About ten minutes after the start Liz reported a strong feeling round her face of an entity coming in close.

After another five minutes a few soft tutting/whispering noises started from the cabinet.
They got louder and Liz muted the music and welcomed the communication.
It sounded like they were tuning in and stabilizing at first…

‘Hello, hello, hello… Come falling, all look around, land all around the room, all work together, yes we are close; it is always a pleasure to come into your atmosphere. We look forward each time to draw closer, each time closer we come as one, each of us join hands and come as one. We all come into your room, reach out into our worlds from your world connect, connect we all connected in this way. We come and look around, look around, we look around, we see you, we see the energy that you create, we know where we are heading. We come close and we mix with your energies so it forms a joint energy between the two, the two dimensions so we provide…’

Liz… ‘Is there sufficient energy from us?’

(It sounds like a communicator change after the first few words)

‘It is sufficient for… It is sufficient at this time for what we do, we believe in the future there will be additional members of your group who will provide a stronger energy, a stronger combined energy which we will be able to utilize in the production of phenomena’

Liz… ‘Will you be able to direct people towards us?’

‘We are already working on people around this area who we… We have to look at each person before we can guide them towards your place. We do not wish to introduce the wrong mix of energy; we look for the passion within each person to be a part of a circle of this type. We realise that it is a rare occurrence in your world for these type of circles to meet so it takes a special type of person to commit themselves to a weekly sitting in this way. They need to have something to drive them, something to spark their interest in this type of mediumship, this type of communication, it will, we need to direct them to see, to feel something which arouses their curiosity into this form of mediumship. It maybe that there are people who already are searching for answers, they may not have stumbled across the subject of physical mediumship. This is our work, we are able to guide these people to see in whatever way they will see the possibilities of increased knowledge through the medium of physical mediumship. This is what we work on, so in answer to your question at this time the two of you are creating more than enough energy for us to work on but do not worry, do not try to introduce your own people, we will find them. You will know when the right person is ready, is ready to join your circle’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you, that’s a relief’

‘All is in place already; you are doing all that we require at this time. We can see, we can see a little further than you into the future. We see the way that the wheels are turning; the direction that your thoughts are leading you and this will help us to find those people who will fit into your circle. So just keep going as you are, if you feel inspired to do anything, any extra things you find yourself wanting to do then just do that, just allow yourself to open up to all possibilities, try not to restrict yourself, try not to look into other circles who do this work, each circle is unique, each circle is able to blossom, to flower into a larger, a larger circle. Not in the size of those people sitting but in the way you reach out. You will reach out further the more you open your mind to the possibilities you have. You have a wonderful place here to develop and we will use this place to the best of our ability and you in turn will be inspired to open your mind, reach out to us in the most beneficial way to allow us to mingle with you in our way and bring forth information, evidence, the things that you desire we can build within this space’    

Liz… ‘That’s good, that’s wonderful news thank you’

Liz put the music back up…

Liz felt something stroking her left hand, she said it felt a bit like a pencil brushing against it.

During the American/Indian tunes Liz got the impression of animals in the room and saw a bird and a squirrel.

Noises started from the cabinet and Liz muted the music…

Liz welcomed the communicator who seemed to be tuning in/stabilizing.

‘George, George, George… Yes, yes, it is George… How do you do… Your world is all confused, your world is so confused, it is a struggle to get our way into…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing well George, keep coming through…’

‘Take it, take it, take it one step at a time… Well, well… Time, time, time… The time that I was here, the time that I was here there was no, there was not the confusion that I feel now…’

Liz… ‘Less confusion?’

‘…less confusion, no confusion, I did not feel, I did not feel the way I feel now. I think that a lot of technology is used now which I find a difficulty to comprehend. It is a different way of living but I suppose this is the way forward for you on your side. When I worked on your side I didn’t have this constant barrage of energies on myself when I sat, when I sat on your side’

Liz… ‘How long ago was that George?’

‘I think it was around… one hundred years of your time has elapsed since the time when I sat on your side. I sat, I sat in the same way as this boy here, I used to sit’

Liz… ‘Oh right, you had a circle, you were a medium?’

‘That was what they called me, a medium, a physical medium. I had a good home circle which I used to develop my gift much in the same way as you do now. We did not have this atmosphere quite the same we… I do not think it is interfering, it is more a case of, it is different to me, I cannot quite get used to it. I’m trying to get a feeling for your side now; it is a slow process for me to immerse myself into the aura of your energy. The outside energy I’m talking about which can impede, interfere, encroach on your atmosphere. The atmosphere of the room is just right; I feel at home, I feel at home in this room, it feels good to me’

Liz… ‘That’s good, I’m glad George, there are lots of waves and vibrations, different frequencies of energy, radio waves and microwaves’

‘Yes, yes I have a small understanding what has occurred on your side, the technology, we had the beginnings I suppose when I was, when I was working on your side, we had the beginnings of these things but we had no idea that it would develop into such an important part of your lives but I suppose like all these things it is a progression, it makes your life easier. Maybe to me I feel that making life easier is not of benefit it is a…’

Liz… ‘A diversion…’

‘…yes and it stops you using your brain, your mind, you become more…’

Liz… ‘Passive…’

‘…yes, yes and you do not look into every aspect of your life in quite the same way. It becomes a tool that you use, that you rely on. You rely on these gadgets, these instruments which ease your living but at the same time you are able to reach out, communicate with a wider world, the whole world has become smaller in the way that you can communicate. If something happens it does not take a vast amount of time for that thing to reach the consciousness of all people around your world. You can push a few buttons, turn on your computers and ignite your buttons, allow your screen to light up in your room and in the rooms of those people around your world connecting yourselves as one’

Liz… ‘Yes, but I guess it’s depending on technology to do that for us rather than extending our minds so that we can have that awareness without machines’

‘It would be… would it not be wonderful if you could all develop a telepathic link with each other. I do not feel that this is something that is going to happen soon but it will one day when you all learn to look into the greater world that surrounds this world then you will begin to develop a more closer link with minds of the people you inhabit the world with. You will all join as one, much as your technology has joined you will join yourselves with your minds, this will build and create a higher vibration throughout your world, you will reach closer to our world’

Liz… ‘How long ahead do you think this will this be, can you tell?’

‘This is a very good question and even we do not know when it will happen but each circle like this is helping, it is spreading the word. More people are becoming interested, various forms of communication… Again the technology can be used in this way. Some people will use instruments to allow our voices to be heard. This will connect them to our worlds in a way that interests them. It is very important that you all have the interest to do this. There are so many things going on in your world that will take up your time. It takes a huge effort now to stop and think, allow yourself, quieten your mind, allow that information to come through. Everybody is so busy now. This is another obstacle which needs to be taken care of’

Liz… ‘George, are you able to tell us whether using our fluxgate magnetometer, whether spirit is able to affect changes in the local geomagnetic field so that we can see the effects of spirit working? Do you know whether we can get physical evidence from changes in the geomagnetic field, the local field on the earth?’

‘Some of the team are working on this, it has aroused their interest. Some of the team were involved in this sort of, these instruments themselves but it will take a time’

Liz… ‘Okay, will they let us know, at the moment we have the instrument above us’

‘It will become obvious to you when something is happening, when we are able to affect the instrument’

Liz… ‘We’re wondering whether we should have the instrument in this room rather than in the room above’

‘We feel at this time to keep it where it is. We still have a lot of balancing of energies within this room. We need the centre of the room to remain clear, clear of any form of electrical current, as it is, we wish you to keep all of your electrical wires around the outside of your room as you are, do not attempt to put anything into the centre of the room, this is our focus of working and any interruption of that would cause upset at this stage. That is not to say that in the future when we have stabilized and built a strong foundation in this room for our energy then maybe we will be able to bring instruments in to the room’

Liz… ‘Okay George, thank you for that feedback, that’s useful’

Liz turned up the music but found the CD had finished.

The closing communicator came through…

‘Yes once again we have overrun our music, we feel soon will be the time when we will extend our period with you. We wish for now to keep it the same but you will experience occasionally our overrunning. This is nothing for you to worry about, allow us to speak when we come through we need to pick the correct time when we have all of our energy in place. So we say thank you once again, thank you for sitting in this way and we look forward to meeting and mingling with you soon. Take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it amongst those who you meet as always, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend and our love and blessings with you’

I came back quite quickly this week, feeling fine.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

There seemed to have been a lot of activity in the cabinet this week.

Between the two communications I’d felt like something was attached to my right ear, going round the outside of it a pulling down as if it was something heavy. I also felt that whatever it was ran down below my ear, round my chin and to the front of my throat. This feeling lasted about 10-15 minutes.

I also sensed a lot of children were in the room and I got a message from a little girl that they had come with Mary who was looking after them. She also said she was going to make herself know to Liz during one of her Rainbow Bridge exercises. I had the feeling she was going to communicate this and other things through me to Liz but that didn’t happen.

I found the ‘George’ communicator interesting. He seemed to communicate very easily and naturally once he’d settled in and my impression was it was just him coming through whereas often it feels like a group of entities at the same time. We had a George come through a few weeks back who at that time suggested he knew Liz and that she should know him but my feeling is that this George is another personality. The fact that he’s said he was a physical medium one hundred years ago has aroused my curiosity and whether he was well known or one of the many unknowns from that time remains to be seen. Whoever he is he’s a very welcome member of the team…

83rd Sitting 10/02/2014

We had everything set up as usual.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the tunes.

I had a tickly cough and felt my breathing controlled.
I noticed several touches on the top of my head and on the bottom of my left leg.

Seven minutes after the start a few quiet noises started from the cabinet…

Liz welcomed the communication and turned the music down.

The speech was incoherent at first as if tuning in.

Liz heard some clicks in the room but it was probably the heater cooling down which we unplug just before we start.

‘People, people, people… Hello, hello, hello… Dear friend… Eadie, Eadie… Holy, holy… It all key, key… All in a… Hold the key, forward; create a new vista which will illuminate a pathway for you to negotiate your way towards understanding. It will illuminate a pathway for you to take, to take you to the next step, the next upward step towards a truth, a truth which you are looking for now, we have information, we will pass information to you, it will become apparent. Look for the key, a key, a symbol of a key; this will bring you to information for you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, look for a symbol of a key, it will bring information, illumination for my path, that’s wonderful thank you’

‘Yes, yes… It will come in a dream so keep recording your dreams, make notes and you will find that you will come across this symbol of a key. It will fit into another part of your puzzle. It will become apparent to you that it is a missing link. A missing link to the overall puzzle, just look out for this’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you very much, that’s good news, wonderful, thank you friend’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘All is continued understanding, continued steps, continued knowledge which will be forth coming. It is all just steps away, steps onto the path of understanding. You are close, you are so close, we are by you side. We will not guide you but we will help to ignite your knowledge, we will help you to ignite for yourself your knowledge, your understanding. Just relax, do not try too hard, do not cover this knowledge, do not cause a restriction in the way forward by continued thoughts, continued muffled thoughts which will cover that knowledge. Allow yourself to relax, bring that knowledge through, put your mind, quieten your mind, allow us to help in our way, then you will see more clearly, more defined, a more defined picture’

Liz… ‘Okay, so be open to a new thought, a new way of seeing’

‘Yes, you will find a slow uncovering of that what lays ahead, that which is already there, it is just slightly obscured by your own thoughts, by your own expectations. These can cloud the truth that lies ahead’

Liz… ‘Is it different to what we think then?’

‘Just allow it to come forward into your mind, into your thoughts, expect nothing, try to allow it to impinge on your thoughts in a more natural way. All of this is natural, is normal, it is not paranormal as it is called on your side, it is normal, it is natural. It is a natural order of life which you seek and you will find. Nothing is hidden, everything is available to you, you just need to relax, let it come to you. We will help in this but we need a clear mind, a mind free from expectation of previous thoughts, memories, these are all obstacles which you can get around, you can get over. They will appear as large obstacles, mountains of obstacles ahead but they can be crushed, they can be reduced to dust. Allow the dust to settle then you will walk forwards through the clearing and will perceive what you are looking for’

Liz… ‘So does that mean that some of what we have thought is not quite how things are?’

‘There is a pattern to your thoughts which will help but there is also an underlying thought which all people on your side cling onto. A thought, a belief which they cling to, a safe belief which they feel, you all feel, is guiding you, is a part of you. This is not easy for you to let go but you will find the more you look into the truths of the world that you will not need to hang onto this belief. You will have to discover for yourself what this belief is but we feel you will be able to let it slip away like the mountain before you it will crumble so just relax, relax and allow’

Liz… ‘Allow reality to penetrate’

‘Allow yes, allow yourself to see what is already in front of you. Do not blind yourself, do not create obstacles’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you… There’s a method that’s being taught at the moment called direct pointing, a way of letting go of our self, of the image of ‘I’ as the doer. Is it the ‘I’ that is standing in the way?’

 ‘This is but one of many methods that will lead you to your goal, you, your job is to find the method which you feel most at ease. Some have no method at all. They find it easy to perceive, others need a method, they need a way, a way to allow them to come forward’

Liz… ‘To let go’

‘To let go yes, but it is not always necessary, but it is good to explore each way, each key to your… To unlock the door, to unlock that what is in front of you and allow you to see the true picture in front of you. Do not cling to too many methods; just find the one method which will help you to relax. It may not be a method at all, it may just be that you can relax and let go but that will be, that is once again something for you to find. You have to use your own sense of perception to find the correct way, the best way, the most productive way to your goal’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for that reassurance’

Liz put the music up…

Liz started to see flickering, moving shapes in the room.
They were bluish white and green. Vertical, a bit like trees.
She was getting hot.

Then she felt a cool breeze from her right.
The right side of her head felt cold.

Lip-smacking began in the cabinet and Liz muted the music.

Liz… ‘Hello… hello friend… Welcome’

Liz now felt a breeze in front of her face.

Then what felt to me like a very excited communicator took control…

‘Hello, hello, hello… Good evening, good evening, good evening… This is a good… Hello, hello, hello… Easy, easy to… It is easy, hello, hello… How wonderful to be able to do this like this again… Wonderful, wonderful to be able to speak like this again, again, again… Hello, hello… How do you do…? Good, good…’

Liz… ‘Have you spoken before?’

‘I know, I know, I know not whether I have spoken quite in this way. I believe, I believe I have contributed to conversations in past times that you sit but this time I come through on my own. I am alone in this communication and it is a good experience for me to try to speak in this way’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

‘Thank you, I believe I am making myself heard’

Liz… ‘Very well, excellent’

‘Good, it is a great pleasure to be able to impact your atmosphere with sound, sound of a voice, a voice from our side penetrating towards you in this way. It is an interesting experiment for us, for me to speak in this way again it is, it is beneficial to me for I am learning how to operate this link, this link for this link from our world to your world in this way it is a learning for me to bring forward words, to bring forward thoughts into the mind of the link which is producing words in this way we all rejoice in being able to make this contact with you in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s very, very clear’

‘Each time, each time we come through we step it up a bit, step up, we can come through in a more positive way each time we come through we come through in a more certain, a certain way, a way where we can bring our worlds forward in this way. It is good, it is good to try, it is good to experiment, it is good to break through in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s very good to hear you and that’s beautifully clear’

‘Yes it is, I need to keep the link, the link, we need to keep the link coming through at this stage. It is a balancing experiment for me and those who are gathered around helping, they hold onto the energy, they allow me to come forward into the energy and impinge my thoughts, my thoughts into words through the link’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘It is a good time, a good exercise’

Liz… ‘Can you tell me about yourself at all?’

‘We are, we are working on bringing this form of information to you at this time. We can only get a slice of our self into this energy so we wish not to give this information at this time for it will be accompanied by thoughts which are not from us. Not pure, not pure thoughts, this is an exercise for us, we are pleased that we can at least get these words through in a clear way. We are working on a way that we come through then when we have established the correct way we will be able to bring more of our memories into your atmosphere. Then you will see, you will hear what we have to say’

Liz… ‘Okay, I can see you’re just working on being able to maintain the link of continuity with the link at the moment and stabilizing that. You’re doing really well, keep that coming through’

‘Yes, yes, it sounds like you know, you know what we do. You have a, you also have knowledge on the way we communicate’

Liz… ‘I can feel it’

‘It is good; it is good we have a joint connection. We are using a part of your energy at the same time so you will find your thoughts will intermingle with ours. You will pick up a slice of our vibration as we draw close. It is very much a joint effort at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes I can feel your presences before you come through’

‘So do not be surprised if you see visions or you hear words or you feel what we are bringing through. A piece of us that will rebound on your thoughts into your mind, this is a good, a good step for us, a good advance for us, this is good… I think I need now to withdraw. I have achieved what I have come to do and I look forward to joining you in conversation once again soon thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, have a good rest now, well done’

Liz put the music back up…

About 15 minutes later another communicator was heard and Liz muted the music…

‘Thank you, thank you once again, it is our time, it is time for us to go’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s near the end of the session’

‘We have had a good time, a good advancement; we have been able to get a clearer link, a clearer link, we have been able to bring ourselves closer, closer this week and we are pleased, we pleased with the way we have moved forward. So each time we come forward it is exploration, we are explorers like you on your side, you, when you look into our world you are explorers, you are looking into what for you is unknown, unknown and unexplored, you have no stars in the sky to guide you, you have to rely on those who have gone before. They have brought back their own interpretation of the world beyond but you will soon find that your interpretation will not necessarily match those who have gone before. This is a, for you, for you all, for all who tread the pathway, it is possibly a difficulty imposed on you but you will find the more you immerse yourself into our world it will become more familiar to you. You will recognise memories for you are already, in part, in our world, you just need to recognise those memories which you have already built up within yourself, inside yourself. So like you we are explorers of your side, of your physical universe. We come forward step by step. We too have our colleagues who we can ask, we can get their impression of your side, of coming back to your side but again they have different experiences. They are, they have worked in other circles like this. Each circle has its own unique energy which they have worked with. We in turn work with your energies that you create. Each energy is unique and we have to start from scratch. We have to build up our own map, our own stars in the sky that we can follow each time we move close we create the stars. We ignite each star to give us light into your room. This is what we are working on each time we come close. We have a faint recognition of this condition but we also have to build a new picture…’

Liz… ‘…a map?’

‘A new map, you choose the correct word, a map, a map that we can use in future visits. So allow us through each time to create our map and you in turn will create your map of our reality. It will build, it will become more permanent in your mind. A stronger image which for both of us it will help, thank you… We feel now your music has ended. We maybe have over-run but we felt we needed to give you that information at this time’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend and it’s wonderful to know that we’re working in this way together, interlinking, yes and mutually mapping’

‘As always it is a joint partnership. You have invited us into your life and we have accepted your invitation. So we all join as one and we all learn from each other and it will be an interesting, a wonderful journey of discovery. Thank you, we speak to you next time, we look forward to working with you next time. Our love with you and spread it around. Good night to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Good night friend. Our love to you’

(There’s an unidentified noise on the recording at 7.54)

They withdrew slowly and Liz checked I was okay.
It took a little while for my own voice to come back this week.
I was warm in the cabinet and it looked sparkly.
Liz was cold in the room.

Liz did the closing prayer, healing and closing down exercise by which time I was fully back with it.

As I peered out of the cabinet into the room I noticed a blue/white light near where Liz was sitting which lasted a couple of seconds before disappearing.
It didn’t register with me at first then I remembered we were still in full blackout meaning there was no way a light should be there at that time.

Liz then put the red light on and we talked about the sitting for a while before going upstairs for teacakes and hot chocolate…

82nd Sitting 03/02/2014

We had the room set-up as usual and Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm.
She turned off the red light and put on the tunes.

I felt the spirit team move in close as soon as I sat in the cabinet.
My breathing felt controlled and I started to cough.

Five minutes after the start Liz reported the room was looking darker.
She felt something pulling her hair and a few touches around her head.
She said it had suddenly got very cold.
At the same time a few quiet whistling/sucking noises were starting from the cabinet.

Liz muted the music and welcomed the communication which got louder.
There was a lot of incoherent speaking and tuning in with a few recognisable words including…

‘Easy, easy, easy…’

‘Good, good… Good evening to you… All is good; it all is good again…’

‘Hello, hello, hello… Dear friend hello…’

The communication faded and Liz put the music up.

I felt they were still with me, controlling me.

After two minutes Liz could hear more noises and muted the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend, have you got something you wanted to say? …take your time’

Liz encouraged the communication forward.
They seemed to be practising with and adjusting the voice.
There was a long period of random words and sounds before some coherent speaking came forward...

‘Welcome, welcome, happy to be able to come through in this way. It all take time a time for us to… able to do this in this way. We have to try hard for it is not simple for to get correct… same type of…’

Liz… ‘Correct alignment?’

‘It work, it work… Enable us to come…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘Hello, hello… How do you do, how do you do, oh it is a privilege to be able to come in this way again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Each of the team has a time to come through’

Liz… ‘Are there many of you trying?’

‘A circle is formed around you and another circle forms around that circle and another circle…’

Liz… ‘So there are many circles around us’

‘These circles reach out; reach out connecting to the worlds that we inhabit. We are all able to bring a piece of our self through to your room. We are all able to bring a part of our thoughts, a part of our mind into your room and blend the mind, the part of the mind with the energies that you have created. It is a delicate balance which we have learnt slowly to adjust until we can clearly impinge our thoughts on the mind of the link so then we will be heard again’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful that you are able to do this. We’re very grateful’

‘All is experimentation from our side. We learn as we go. We practice more each time and we are getting slowly to our goal. It will be achieved. We have many ways to come through and we have tried many as we go. Some more successful from your point of view with what is received. It will build, it will build each week and we will achieve a clear, pure link from our world to your world. Do not think that it is not clear, not close, we are always close. We can bring our thoughts into the room each time we come close. These thoughts will build on each other’

Liz… ‘Please let us know if there’s any way that we can help to make this easier, any work that we can do to improve the link’

‘All it needs is the desire to learn, the desire to gain knowledge. This is the most important aspect that we need. You already have the interest, that interest is igniting you to look into your dreams, to look into the ways you have been… The information you have received, you will look into this information, you will build up an archive of information from the information we have given to you in whichever way it has come through. This is a good example of how your interest, your passion for this subject, it will, it will bear fruit, it will build each time more information will come through it will build on the previous information we have given. Continue to look into whatever you perceive or hear, feel or see. You will build up a picture which will be added to each week. A jig-saw puzzle, a jig-saw puzzle is what you are receiving a piece at a time. Some pieces may not seem to fit in but do not cast aside for in a time, in a few weeks, a few months you will build more pieces which will, you will find they do match what you have already received’

Liz… ‘That sounds good, sounds an interesting way to work’

‘It is the best way I can describe it at this time. As long as you keep your interest, your desire to learn, to gain knowledge, this will come to you. Not as you maybe expect to receive, you will find many things which will be a surprise, unexpected, but keep a note, keep these things in your mind as memories and further experience will ignite those memories again and further piece of the jig-saw will be in place’

Liz… ‘Is this one way in which we are going to get evidence of working with spirit?’

‘There will be evidence presented but it is your job to recognise what is evidence, what is not evidence. It is a… we do not wish to give you an easy time in building your puzzle, we wish you to think. We wish you to develop the way you think about these things, the way you piece the puzzle together’

Liz… ‘It sounds like a training’

‘It is a training, a learning from all, from all dimensions. We have our learning to do, our training to do. You in your turn will have yours by the way that we present. We cannot give you easy answers; we can only give you inspiration to the next question. It is an ongoing, an ongoing experiment, an ongoing training, an ongoing learning. This is life, this is what you are here to experience, this is what you are able to experience’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you it’s interesting’

Liz put the music up as the communicator withdrew…

Liz said it had been very dark in the room during the communications. Two minutes later Liz reported seeing shadowy blue shapes moving around, a bit like looking at reflections in water.
She was getting very cold

Liz saw lots of blotches of light.
She felt like the room was fizzy all over.
There were lots of moving lights, larger waves and small pin-pricks.
It looked chaotic, a bit like looking into a kaleidoscope.

Liz noticed a lot of concentric loops towards the cabinet.
There was quite a strong flowing field, like a force field around the cabinet, bluish in colour.

Then Liz got a large blue blob in front of her.
There were some quiet lip-smacking noises from the cabinet.
Liz suddenly got very cold around her legs.

The noises from the cabinet got louder and Liz muted the music…

Liz… ‘Hello? …Hello friend, welcome…’

‘Music is a big part of your earth, a balancing element. Music brings all life together as one. Music is appreciated in different ways by different people from different parts of your world. They each appreciate their own interpretation based on a memory which has been triggered by music in their life. It has illuminated their way of thinking. It bring happiness when they hear the tunes again. Each piece of music has purpose throughout your world… Imagine a picture; imagine your world in front of you like a ball, a sphere. Hold out your hands around your earth, feel the vibration given off from your earth. Can you put that vibration, can you imagine that vibration as music, as a tune... A tune of your earth reaching out into the universe. Calling out into the universe, into all universes. All dimensions of life, of consciousness. Your world reaches out and touches each conscious, each dimension of consciousness and we hear, we understand and this draws us, it draws us to your world. It give us, it makes us want to bring our healing to your world. Your world is a place of confusion. Many different ways of thinking are not harmonious with each other. They create waves, waves of confusion, a piece of music with no melody, with no rhythm. It is not, it is not something which causes a beliefment, which causes harmony so we are constantly bringing our own form of harmony to your world and we are inspiring each individual to bring their own harmony into their own world. All of these circles when you meet, you are able to send out a light, a harmonious light, which we can use. We can deflect that light back into your world impinging thought onto every person, every living creature and bring forth harmonious music once again into your world. It is a slow process but piece by piece we will encourage, we will inspire each form of life in your world to be more harmonious, to work and live together, to love one another, to join hands around your world in peace and harmony. This is our goal. This is what we are achieving. This is what you are achieving, all of you in your world, you are reaching out; you are saying, no more, no more of this. You wish, you all wish for harmony once again within your world, you have had enough of confusion, of disharmony. Now is the time where everybody is joining hands as one, as one spirit, as one life force reaching out to us. We can see, we can feel the confusion. We can feel the disharmony but we can also feel the harmony that is building within your world and we thank you all for this creation’

Liz… ‘Thank you for this confirmation and affirmation. That’s wonderful to know we’re working together for this goal’

Liz put the music back up.

This had felt a very strong communication to me. I got a strong feeling of love, I felt light and it almost felt like I was lifted up in a giant pair of hands!!!

As the communicator withdrew Liz reported feeling like she was hit by a wind, a bit like a sheet flapping against her.

Liz then got an impression of curtains opening and closing in the room.
Interestingly this was at the same time that I also was getting an impression of curtains closing and it came out with the next communication.

Liz reminded the team it was getting near the time for them to withdraw as the penultimate tune began.

Then the last communicator came through to close…

‘Thank you once again. We reach the time, the time the curtain comes down once again but it is a thin curtain, we are still not far away. We can reach you through the curtain… So we say thank you once again and we leave with you a piece of our love. Take it, take it out into your world, spread it around, give a piece to each person, each person you meet, each person you see. Visualize a piece of our love bridging across to the people that you see, that you meet. They will appreciate; they will appreciate this precious gift that you can give them. Just a thought is all that’s needed to give them a piece of our love’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love to you too’

‘We go now; we withdraw and we look forward to our next meeting together, thank you’

The music had ended.
Liz waited then checked I was okay before giving the closing prayer, sending out healing and doing our closing down exercise...