May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

74th Sitting 25/11/2013

Sadly Dan was unwell this week so it was just Liz and me.

We set up the room as usual.

We’ve decided to leave the trumpet out the room as the luminosity from it can be distracting when trying to see light/energy phenomena and I put the voice recorder inside the cabinet again.
We’ll continue doing both these things unless instructed otherwise from the team.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then extinguished the red light and turned on the music.

The energy felt quite strong in the cabinet from the start. I got a tickly cough and felt my breathing being controlled.

Three minutes after starting Liz reported an energy rushing in like a distortion of the energy field.
It gave her the feeling of a bird flying in, a raven’s wing rushing past her.
Then it felt to Liz like it was rushing towards the cabinet.

There were lip-smacking noises coming from the cabinet as she said that followed by coughing, slow breathing, getting louder.
Liz welcomed the communication and continued to encourage it forward.
A few words came through…

‘All here…’ (Repeated)

‘Hold the hand… Hold the hand of spirit…’

‘We are able all to come close… All able to come close…’

‘Easy, easy…’ (Repeated)  ‘Hello, hello… (Repeated, different voices)

‘It all come together… Watch for the light… Watch for the light tonight…’

Communication faded and Liz put the music up.

One minute later Liz reported the dark was broken up by square grey blotches.
It was like looking at light filtering through a curtain.
Liz then reported a strong light trying to come through looking like the outline of a chalice, half a chalice.
She said it looked like a dazzling darkness in the room.
It was like looking at a spiral galaxy, the Milky Way?

Later Liz felt like her head was flooded with light.
It was not like light in the room but a light from inside her.
She got the impression of the light shining out into the darkness.
It was as if the darkness was gently cradling the light.
The light had become smaller like a pearl or an egg, concentrated. The dark was like a mother cradling the baby light.

Liz began to see pin-pricks in the room.
Then bands of light moving through the room.
It seemed like there was light going towards her mouth.
She saw a golden honey comb type image and then it was like looking at the back of a golden eagle.

It was 30 minutes since the last communication and I had been held still during that time and had been drifting in and out of consciousness.
I was now aware and noticed my breathing getting faster.
A different type of voice noise came through getting very loud.
I felt a very strong surge of energy go through me making me look up and raise my arms.
This was a new feeling for me.

Liz welcomed the communicator.

Then the voice settled down…

‘Hello, hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘That’s better’

‘Circle, love, light…’

It then felt to me like the connection was fading.
Liz encouraged the communicator to keep trying to come through and as she did this I could feel the energy build up again.
The communicator struggled to get a few understandable words out.
Liz repeated back the words she understood and encouraged the communication which slowly became clearer...

‘Is all colour… All colour… Feel colour… Feel colour merge with words. Colour come into you. We hope you are able to experience a colour coming towards you. So fine. A mix of colour and words that when combined will ignite a voice within. A voice within you. Search for the colour. Allow the colour to mix with words until a projection of the voice will become apparent…’

Liz… ‘I see a brilliant golden flame colour. It’s a mixture of all colours of flames, deep purple as well, orange, yellow, all the colours of flame from a great yellow/orange to the deep purple/blue…’

After a pause Liz continued… ‘A field of corn flowers…’ Another pause… ‘I get the image of the firebird… Out of the ashes… Flies again…’

‘Follow… The energy is… The feeling… The feeling of energy is good for all communication… All come through…’

Liz… ‘Are you able to say that more clearly?’

‘…It all capable… Is all capable… It all capable… Eagle, eagle…’

The communication faded and Liz turned up the music.

Liz had felt very hot during the last communication.

Liz began to describe what she was experiencing and found she was being controlled slightly as she spoke…

‘I’m getting a sense of this wonderful green/gold energy running right through me and through the room like a great snake. It could also be like a grasshopper, green. All emanations of light. Just the feeling that all these creatures like tiger, tiger burning bright, in the forest of the night. That all emanations of light, these marvellous living things, these forms and shapes flowing through the universe, all crystallisations, emanations of light… All creatures are magical… All bearing within them the seeds of renewal, possibility of regeneration, of creation and transformation…’

Liz had felt a face looking through her. An older American Indian face. 60’s, 70’s, weathered, still had dark hair… She got the name ‘Crow’

There was some lip-smacking from the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.

After a bit of a struggle we got…

‘Yes, yes… time for us… So we come once again to end of our sitting tonight… Thank you, thank you for sitting and participating in the experiment tonight. We hope you did experience a form of control when you describe what you see, what you feel, how it makes you feel. This is a form of control. A form of control which will build as you let yourself go. As you let yourself become drawn into your feelings. It is a joint experience. You allow our energy to mingle with yours as you explain your experience. Each time you do this it will become more powerful, more pure, more spiritual, a more spiritual connection with you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you for explaining that’

‘We now withdraw from you both and we look forward to returning next week. Much love, much love has been created in this room this evening. We rejoice in this fact that love can become a part of this experiment. Choose to release the love into the atmosphere when you do your healing. Spread it around. All can benefit from the love that is created tonight… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Good… Thank you, good bye’

The music ended as the communicator withdrew.

Liz checked I was okay.
I felt fine after about two minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing exercise.
She felt a bit giddy at the end.

Liz remembered seeing a tall man during the sitting.
He was athletic looking, aquiline, refined features.
He appeared as a template almost like a spirit and as Liz talked about him she could feel his presence again and she got the name Peter…

73rd Sitting 18/11/2013

All three of us turned up this week.
We set the room up as normal and I put the voice recorder inside the cabinet once again.
We didn’t put out the trumpet so there was no luminosity in the room.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Both Liz and Dan felt presences move in close and overshadow them.
They both reported the energy in the room being strong, dark and dense.
Dan was struggling to stay with it.
Liz had a pressure on her head and got a strong visceral smell.

Liz reported seeing black and white geometric patterns. She described them as convex eyes.
At first they were in front of her then all over the room.
They then all came together merging as one.
Dan had now drifted off and was in and out of it throughout the session.

Liz reported seeing a distortion in the energy field.

A few noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.
It was now 30 minutes into the sitting.

It sounded like ‘Hello’ but then faded.
Liz encouraged the communicator forward and a few random words came through…

‘Is getting… is all difficult… people, people… full of people…’

A few incoherent words were said before the communicator faded again and Liz put the music up.

Dan and Liz both thought the atmosphere was thick and heavy.
Dan was aware of blue lights around him.
Liz thought the room had gone very dark.

Liz reported waves of whitish light going through the room like streamers.
Then Liz and Dan both saw what looked like roots of light in the room.
They said it was as if they were under the earth looking at tree roots.

Liz was seeing blue light near the cabinet followed by streaks of purple.
She was getting very cold and her nose was blocked.

Liz had a strong sense of someone with her, occupying the same space, almost like they were sitting on her lap.
She felt her breathing was being constricted and she had a pressure on her head.
Suddenly she felt very hot.

Another communicator came through from the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.

I remembered afterwards that at this point it felt like a fridge door had been opened in front of me. Up until then I had felt warm in the cabinet.

‘Isn’t it, isn’t it pleasant, isn’t it pleasant sitting, listening to the tunes… spending an evening listening… listening and feeling… feeling your friends around. You both have felt a presence with you?’

Liz/Dan… ‘Yes’

‘Allow that person to penetrate your energy, your field of energy, feel them close, feel them close to you… They wish to join you both’

Liz… ‘How can we allow their presence to manifest more?’

‘By allowing them to draw closer you give them opportunity to step into your atmosphere, allow them to draw close. Let your arms become their arms, your face to become their face, imagine their tongue in your mouth. They wish to speak. Do you feel a word, a word forming in your mouth? Just relax’

Liz… ‘Are we all able to bring forward other presences in the same circle?’

‘There will be a time when you all will be able to accomplish… you all will be able to make yourself available to the spirit that is in the room, the people who surround the circle will each be able to come forwards into all of you. Send a thought to the person you recognise, the person you feel is with you, allow them to draw close… Dan… Dan… Dan’

Dan… ‘Yes’

‘Can you feel your friend with you?’

Dan… ‘Yes. He is by my side’

‘Allow him to come close, give him the opportunity to speak… Is there a word you wish to speak… hold an image in your mind… come forward, come forward you’re getting close… feel the vibration and mingle it with yours… speak… we can hear… keep coming, keep coming, you’re welcome, you’re so welcome into our circle… keep coming forward… you’re doing very well… that’s it…’

Mumbling noises were coming from Dan, getting louder, then speaking…

Liz… ‘Welcome… Hello… Hello friend…’

Dan’s communicator… ‘I thank you for allowing me to speak in this manner…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

Dan’s communicator…  ‘I would… I am not used to communications in this manner, no, I am not…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

Dan’s communicator… ‘Wonderful light I see here, you’re reaching to a high light in your group of friends, we observe. Those who are not involved in your circle take interest as each of your individual guides and friends. We are here watching you though we are not involved. Your goal to enlightenment will be an interesting path. You will find intriguing things my friends. But… ha, nothing comes easy. Your patience will pay but patience is long time weary thing my friends. You must be patient and you will find what you are looking for. Keep believing, keep your minds open and you will find your true enlightenment. I thank you for allowing me to speak in this way. I am not accustomed to this and I am grateful for the opportunity to speak in this way once again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

Dan’s communicator… ‘I have been pleased to meet you and I wish you a pleasant journey, and pleasant it will be, thank you my friends’

Liz… ‘Thank you. Can you tell us anything about yourself?’

Dan’s communicator… ‘I am one of your watchers of this guy here. I am with him as with many and as of your own. We are here to help. We are here to try and take… I am… I am…’

Dan’s communicator faded out, Dan was coughing.

My communicator… ‘Thank you friend, take it easy, take easy…’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication’

My communicator… ‘Good, good… thank you for allowing our friend to come through in that way. We ask now that you put the music on, allow our friend to rest…’

Liz put the music up.

Liz had an image of an orange and then a cosmic yo-yo which when unwound leads to enlightenment. This was something she remembered from many years ago and was connected with Harry Edwards.

As the penultimate tune played a communicator came through in the cabinet…

‘Thank you once again, we come to the end of our circle… All come back together, how are you feeling?’

Liz… ‘Alright thank you’

‘That’s good, is Dan, Dan are you with us?’

Dan… ‘Yes’

‘Good… We hope you have enjoyed the circle this evening we try different things, we experiment each week. The energy tonight has been appropriate to try a different approach… Your cooperation is appreciated. We all work together and we build a bridge, a strong bridge of connection to those who appear, for many, invisible, untouchable, but we, between us can construct a strong connection between the two worlds. Each week another connection is made, another link is joined into the chain of connection’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, thank you so much’

‘Thank you, we’ll draw back now, allow you to close the circle in your way’

Liz… ‘We look forward to meeting again soon. Thank you for your work, thank you for experimenting’

‘Yes, thank you’

Liz waited a few moments then checked we were all back and okay.

I was feeling fine.

Dan felt a bit grotty. He’d got very hot during his communication and felt nauseous afterwards.
He’d been partially aware during the communications but when we talked about it afterwards he had no memory of what was said. It had been like a dream to him.
Dan has brought forward trance communications before when we used to sit together at my house but this was the first time he’d been controlled in the strong energy of séance conditions.
He said afterwards he preferred just sitting to being the medium so I don’t think we’ll be able to persuade him to go in the cabinet… Well not yet anyway!!!

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing exercise for us all.

Dan was feeling fine now and even better after a cake and hot chocolate…

72nd Sitting 11/11/2013

Liz was unable to sit this week so it was just Dan and me.

We didn’t put the trumpet out so the room was totally blacked out with no luminosity.
I again put the voice recorder in the cabinet.

Dan opened in prayer at 8.30pm.

Ten minutes later there were a few quiet noises from the cabinet.
They got louder and Dan turned down the music.

Dan welcomed the communicator into the circle.

‘Circle, circle… light… star, star… stabilize… it all gel… it all possible… very good atmosphere… able to come close… good...’

Communicator faded out and Dan turned up the music.

Five minutes later another communicator came forward starting with some quiet whispering/whistling sounds before talking...

‘Picture, picture… Imagination, imagination… What is imagination? Put yourself above this place, look at the picture in the room above this place, the picture depicting trees…’

Dan… ‘Yes, I know the one’

‘Take yourself into the picture. Picture yourself amongst the trees, allow yourself to feel, to feel the ground. To hear, to hear what you would expect to hear in the place as you walk, as you walk through the leaves. Make your way through the trees. Can you see? Can you see what is beyond the trees? Keep walking, keep walking until you reach a clearing… What do you see now? How do you feel?

Dan… ‘Relaxed…’

‘You feel relaxed. Do you have a vision, can you see, can you see?’

Dan… ‘I can see a gentleman… I do not recognize this gentleman’

‘A gentleman… describe the gentleman’

Dan… ‘He’s tall; he has dark hair and sideburns, long sideburns. He’s dressed in 19th century cloths. Shirt, tie and suit. He has friendly but disciplined features, dark eyes’

‘How does he make you feel?’

Dan… ‘Curious’

‘What lies beyond the man?’

Dan… ‘Beyond the clearing I see a forest… a bluebell wood’

‘Do you wish to speak with the man?’

Dan… ‘Yes’

‘What would you ask him?’

Dan… ‘I would say, tell me, tell me what I need to hear’

‘Does he reply?’

Dan… ‘No, he just smiles’

‘He says, he says he knows you. He knows you well. He has been with you for all of your life. He has looked after you and he wishes to make himself known to you. He will eventually blend with your energy and make himself more familiar to you. You already feel a recognition for the man but he will bring forward more information to you as you journey… as you journey on...’

Dan… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Take his love… allow it to penetrate you and he will be back for you, thank you’

The communicator withdrew and Dan turned up the music…

Five minutes later he turned it down again as there was lip-smacking from the cabinet.
Dan welcomed the communicator.

Dan noticed something glowing on the floor in the centre of the room.
He got a strong earthy/disinfectant type smell which he recognised as ectoplasm.

There was a lot of slurping/coughing from the cabinet.
They seemed to be experimenting with the voice…

‘…is all possible’ (repeated)

‘…people forward’ (repeated)

Then some incoherent speech before fading out…

Dan turned up the music once again.

Dan reported a sudden temperature drop.
Then five minutes after the last communicator he turned the music down again as another communicator came through.
Dan welcomed and encouraged it forward…

‘Testing, testing… One two, one two…’

Dan… ‘I can hear you loud and clear’

‘While we are connected we have been able to produce certain amount of energy. A mix of energy which has been produced into the room. A direct result of the combined energies that we are able to use. This has been a good step forward for us. We hope to be able to produce a more of a visual effect in the centre of the room. We wish to build up visual experience for you’

Dan… ‘Good, I look forward to that’

‘Yellow, yellow, yellow…’ (Repeated then faded out)

Dan put the music up.

He reported a mist in the centre of the room.

Things then went quiet for the next 25 minutes until a last communicator came through as the penultimate tune came on…

Dan… ‘Any last words friends?’

‘So we come to the end of our sitting once again. Thank you for coming along and sharing your energies with us. We appreciate the effort you put into this circle each week. We have been able to use your energy, blend your energy, add to your energy and create a loving energy within the room. We now leave with you a part of our love to take with you on your week. Share amongst your friends and loved ones and acquaintances. Allow each person you meet to benefit from the light within you. Shine out to everybody and into every situation. Light the road that you walk. Light each situation you find yourself in for this will help you appreciate the good within all. Within all things, within all people there is a good to be seen, to be felt within every situation. Concentrate on this good, this feeling, this upliftment and you will approach the next situation with more positive feeling, thank you once again’

Dan… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for the advice’

The music was ending and Dan asked our spirit friends to pull away now.

I felt back ‘with it’ after about two minutes.
I’d remained conscious throughout but in a varying altered state.
I remembered getting a similar ectoplasm smell in the cabinet that Dan described during the sitting.
We think this is what Liz has described in the past as a visceral smell.

Dan put the red light on dimly before doing the closing prayer, sending out healing and doing the closing exercise for us both…

71st Sitting 04/11/2013

All three of us turned up this week and we set the room up as normal.

Up until now I’ve placed the digital voice recorder just outside the cabinet but this week I put it inside using a pocket about four feet up the side of the cabinet.
This places it about 18 inches to the left of my head.
Last week there was some soft communication which was hard to hear on the recording. Having the recorder inside the cabinet has made the recordings much clearer so unless our team advise us to remove it we’ll leave it in there for now. 
We always used to have the microphone from the cassette recorder inside the cabinet when I sat with Joan in the Mercury Circle and this was never a problem then.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the music.

After three minutes Liz reported concave waves of light moving upwards between her and Dan.
Then she saw a turquoise/blue colour above a yellow/green.
This was followed by flashes of other colours particularly magenta.

Liz saw some dim moving lights like orbs circulating around the room.

Ten minutes after the start a few noises came from the cabinet, then some speech…

‘Circle… Circle of life… life… It is so cold, always we feel the cold; it always comes forward when we come close, we touch a physical sensation and it reminds us of our time…’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting to know’

‘It is always an interesting experience for us to come close in this way. It always… it always comes back to us, a memory, a memory’

Liz… ‘Have you had much practice of communication like this and coming through?’

‘Yes, we are all… It is a new experience…’

Liz… ‘Is it new for all of you?’

‘On first go, first come… Always is a great pleasure for us all to come this way, we very grateful for opportunity to come through in this way. We can all help each other in the way that we come through. It is always a joint effort at this time so we talk of all of us… First words are so difficult for us; we need to get into a rhythm with you on your side. It takes a time for us to adjust to just the right frequency. It is a learning for us all. We all develop. As you develop on your side we develop with our way of coming through’

Liz… ‘So we’re all developing together’

‘Yes, yes it is a development circle…’

Les… ‘Let us know if there’s anything that we can do to make it easier’

‘Just keep going as you do. We are able to use your energy, the energy that you both create and bring with you to the room’

Liz turned the music back up as the communicator withdrew.   

Two minutes later Liz reported dim shapes moving round the room and random sparks.

She saw a bulging light shape in front of the cabinet. It looked like a cloud.

Dan hadn’t reported anything up to this point but was now seeing swirls of light by the cabinet and random pin pricks around the room.
Liz saw patterns and forms in the room.
Dan and Liz both saw a reddish light in the room.
Liz thought it was changing colour to purple then reported a bright ball in front of her.

Dan and Liz both reported the room getting suddenly darker.
The atmosphere felt different.
Liz saw what she described as dark structures.
Dan saw beams which looked to him like wooden beams inside an old barn.
Liz agreed that this was what it looked like.

A few quiet whistling, whispering noises started in the cabinet.
This was picked up on the recorder but wasn’t noticed at the time by Liz and Dan who were merrily singing away to the tunes.

The noises in the cabinet gradually got louder and louder until Liz and Dan heard them and turned down the music.

‘Easy, easy, easy…’ (Repeated several times in different voices)

‘I can feel…’

Liz… ‘How can you feel…? Is it getting easier…?’

‘Quite good, is quite good… Hold it, hold it…’

Nothing particularly was said; it sounded more like voice development.
Liz got a tickle in her throat making her cough as the communicators withdrew…

For the next 20 minutes there was some quiet lip-smacking and whispering/mumbling in the cabinet.
I remember feeling at that time the energy had dropped. It felt like either the team were working on other things or they had insufficient energy to communicate satisfactory. Interestingly both Liz and Dan had been feeling a bit depleted and tired this week before sitting.

An attempt at communication came through towards the end of the sitting and Liz and Dan encouraged it forward. A few understandable words came through but it sounded quite weak…

‘Sending love…Eagle, eagle… all wise friends…’

The last tunes were playing and Liz reminded the team it was time to draw back.

‘Energy go… goodbye, thank you for sitting again… Yes, goodbye…’

It felt to me like they withdrew but then returned with a last blast of energy and a few noises before slowly withdrawing again…

I was feeling a bit shaky in the cabinet at the end. It was warm and looked very sparkly.
Dan and Liz were cold.

Liz waited till we were all feeling back with it before putting the red light on dimly.
She did the closing prayer, sent out healing and the closing down exercise for us all.