May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

65th Sitting 23/09/2013

Liz was still on holiday so it was just Dan and me again.

Dan opened at 8.30pm, turned out red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes there were a few noises from the cabinet.
The noises got louder and Dan turned down the music.

‘Welcome, welcome, hello, hello, all here… Bigger gathering… ‘

Dan… ‘Big gathering?… on your side, not on my side, ha, ha…’

‘Yes all here… We all come together in the room… Each of us are individual but we all come as one’

Dan… ‘And you are the voice of the group are you?’

‘We all use voice, there is no voice, no higher authority, all equal in our group’

Dan… ‘Okay, that’s good’

(Voice changed)

‘We all get a chance to use the voice in this way’

Dan… ‘Yes, it’s good to speak to you friends’

‘You will hear from us all eventually’

Dan… ‘Very good, I look forward to that’

Dan put the music back up then another communicator came through after four minutes starting with some lip-smacking noises…

Dan welcomed them but the speaking was mainly incoherent apart from the name Oswald.
Oswald has communicated before but we think only to Liz.

Dan put the music up again and all was quiet in the cabinet for the next 20 minutes.

I felt Freddie was about and wanting to communicate, then a voice came through.
Dan welcomed and encouraged the communicator.

‘Hello… Radio, radio…’

Then there were some attempts at singing!?

Some more words came through but were mainly incoherent and jumbled…

Dan… ‘Try to work on individual words friend’

‘Take a step towards the… hello you...’

(Voice broke up again)

‘…follow the call… we come through…’

Dan… ‘Would the call be from you my friends?’

‘Centre, centre of the room is focus’

Dan… ‘Focus on the centre of the room’

Dan could feel a lot of energy in the room.

Dan put the music up again.

The room went very dark.
In his mind’s eye Dan could see an eye looking at him.

Dan then felt the presence of a young woman to his right.

Dan noticed a bright light flash on and off above the cabinet.
It was like a ball of light and lasted a second or two.

Then a communicator came through to close.

‘Perfect words, friends will be friends, (The Queen song ‘Friends will be Friends’ had been playing) thank you once again. We have had a good evening. We have been experimenting with some new ways which will be of a benefit in the coming weeks. It is building foundations so we say thank you for your time and we draw back now. We hope you have enjoyed your evening with us’

Dan… ‘Yes I have thank you, very good’

‘We have an old friend who is trying to come through’

Dan… ‘Yes, I realise this’

‘He will eventually break through; break into your atmosphere once again’

Dan… ‘Good I look forward to it’

‘He says he has a foot in your room’

Dan… ‘Yes, I bet he has’

‘But he will bring his whole personality eventually… Take a piece of our love, spread it around, spread it to everybody you meet but keep a piece for yourself, thank you’

Dan… ‘Thank you, I will’ 

I brought myself back as the last tune played.
It looked very light and misty in the cabinet.

Dan was struggling to stay with it at the end as the energy in the room was so strong and I ended up calling him back!!!
He said it was now looking light in the room.
He had experienced a lot of changes in the atmosphere including warm, cold, pressurised and a feeling of movement in the room.

I had been hot and cold in the cabinet and had felt a lot of pressure on the top of my head.
I had remained mostly aware throughout.
We both agreed the energy had felt different tonight.

Dan did the closing prayer and we both did the closing down exercise before heading upstairs for tea and donuts…

64th Sitting 16/09/2013

With Liz on holiday it was just Dan and me this week.

Dan opened at 8.30, turned on the music and put out the red light.

All was quiet for about 15 minutes then there were some lip-smacking noises from the cabinet.
Dan welcomed the communicator and turned down the music.

There were a few incoherent words at first then things settled down…

‘Hello, hello… All are here… You are most welcome’

Dan… ‘Thank you, I hope the energies are good for tonight’

‘We are settling in to a new vibration. It will take a little time to clear the way but we appreciate your energy this evening. It is a good feeling, a good strong energy which we can utilise to bring ourselves forward in this way’

Dan… ‘Good, excellent’

‘We will be back later’

Dan… ‘Okay, speak to you later friends, thank you’

Dan put the music up.

Five minutes later another communicator came through and Dan turned it down again…
The communicator was speaking very fast and Dan asked that they slow down.

‘Hello… It is a treat to be able to come here again’

Dan… ‘You’ve spoken before then friend?’

‘I have spoken on occasion in this way’

Dan… ‘Are you part of the circle on the other side working with us?’

‘We all join into one team who work with you from our side. It always a pleasure to come into this atmosphere again and observe, so much beauty you have on your side which we are able once we can connect once again to your side we can have a little look around at all parts of your world and see how much beauty there is’

Dan… ‘Not much beauty left is there my friend it’s slowly going away… troubled times’

‘Well it depends on the way you perceive things. You have to allow the beauty to penetrate yourself. If you are in a good frame of mind you will appreciate more. This is a good way to experience life. It is not always possible with what happens on your side to remain in a good frame of mind. Those things which irritate will cause waves in your mind which will blind you from the beauty that lies before you. You need in this instance to connect to the light that we send to you. Let yourself be immersed in light when you feel agitated then you will see the true beauty that lies before you in everything’

Dan… ‘Thank you’

A change of communicator…

‘Easy, easy… solid… hello, hello… good evening, good evening…’

Dan… ‘Good evening my friend, how are you, are you well?’

‘Good evening, good evening, no, let me come through; I need to come forward…’

(The communicator seemed to be working on getting a clear link)

‘We come forward, all try to connect, it takes… stabilise for us to come through… we adjust. We all have our own frequency to connect to so it will sound strange to you at times. Do not worry we are all here, we are all with you… we all come through… (faded out)

Dan… ‘Good welcome to you all… voice is very good tonight’

Dan put the music back up.

Dan felt a sudden temperature drop in the room followed by a cool breeze.

Another communicator came through just after the song ‘Good Vibrations’ ended…


Dan… ‘Hello friend, how are you, welcome’

‘Hello… Good words, good words, good words in the song’

Dan… ‘Good vibrations?’

‘Good vibrations, good vibrations’

Dan… ‘Yes very good vibrations, I’m digging it’

‘Have you experienced good vibrations?’

Dan… ‘Tonight?’

‘In your life… In your daily life’

Dan… ‘Not so much my daily life but yes in my life’

‘When you see something that is good you feel a vibration in your make-up, in your field, your electric field that surrounds you. You feel a vibration, this makes you feel good, feel emotional. It is a good vibration. You see a child smile, a happy child, you too feel happy, a good vibration’

Dan… ‘Yes, you read my mind, when I see my boy smile yeh’

‘Yes it is infectious. It spreads from the child into your electric field and you feel good vibrations. These are things to cherish, to remember, to try to nurture and allow each time you have a disturbed thought then try to reconnect to the good vibrations then they will uplift you and take away any disturbance in your thoughts, your train of thoughts’

Dan… ‘Good advice friend, thank you’

‘All disturbances are merely a test, a test for you which you can overcome by reigniting those good vibrations. Allow them to circulate through your electric field. Allow them to ignite and make you feel good once again’

Dan… ‘Excellent, I’ll try and pass the test, I will, thank you for your wisdom’

‘Thank you’

Dan put up the music.  

Dan reported the atmosphere changing in the room, feeling closer and darker.

As the penultimate tune came on another communicator came through to close…

‘Thank you for your continued commitment. We have had a good evening with energy you provide. It has allowed us to draw close once again. We have filled your room with our love. We come now to a close and we wish you well with your coming week. Keep those good vibrations coming each time you feel a slight upsetting interference allow good vibrations to penetrate you. Think of your boy. Think of a smile on his face and the feeling it gives you. This will overtake any bad upsetting feeling you may have at that time and you will realise how futile it is and how much better it is to live with a beautiful  good vibration in your electric field of your body. So take a piece of our love and circulate with your friends and family and those who you meet and give each a piece of our love. Until we meet again, thank you’

Dan… ‘Thank you friends, good bye’

Dan asked the spirit team to draw back then called me back when the last tune ended.

Dan gave the closing prayer then between us we managed to do Liz’s closing down exercise before Dan put the red light on.

It had been a good night with plenty of communication which Dan had found helpful.

Dan said the energy had felt good tonight. There had been no flashing lights or fireworks to report, just a few temperature changes and lighter/darker atmospheres.

I had felt the energy building up during the sitting and towards the end when two American Indian tunes were playing I couldn’t stop myself shaking all over…

63rd Sitting 09/09/2013

This time last week I thought I was going to be sitting on my own but as it turned out there were three of us!!!
A last minute change of plan meant Liz is not off on holiday now till Wednesday and then Dan contacted me to say he’d be joining us again.
Dan has been unable to sit with us since last February due to his work so it was good to have him and his energies back in the circle.

Liz sat in her normal place next to the cabinet to my right and Dan sat opposite her to my left.

At 8.30pm Liz opened, turned on music and put red light out.
We’d forgotten to put the trumpet out this week.

After about five minutes Liz reported fuzzy blobs of blue/purple light.
Dan was getting a blocked nose and it remained like that throughout the sitting until we put the light on at the end and it became clear again.

A few noises started in the cabinet and Liz turned down the music…

‘Hello, hello…’

Liz and Dan acknowledged the communication…

‘Hello you all… hello, hello… it all coming together, all learning our trade, it all comes together in the end, all able to come through…’

Liz… ‘That’s good, is it getting easier?’

Lots of different voices were experimenting…

‘We appreciate both of your attendance this evening it is so good for us to experience a mix of energy in the room. It all is of a benefit to the circle. It is a good atmosphere we can feel… harmonious…’

Liz… ‘It’s good to know you can work with us’

The communication faded and Liz turned up the music.

Liz saw white vertical shapes drifting past. Then she saw lots of them moving around the room.
Dan didn’t see them.

Later Dan thought the room was looking lighter from above. He described it as dark sun light.
He saw a few dim lights moving about.

Liz saw a flash in the centre of the room.

Another communication started in the cabinet…

‘Can you hear?’

Both… ‘Yes…’

‘Good, good, good… good evening, good evening…’

Both… ‘Good evening to you’

‘How are you?’

Liz… ‘I’m very well, how are you?’

Seemed to be several entities speaking…

‘Good, good, I am good… it all is good… able to come through… good to come through… holy, holy… Desmond… hello, hello… happy to come through… it is easier… hello, hello… holy, holy… happy, happy… holy, holy… hello, who are you, who am I talking too?’

Liz… ‘You’re talking to me, Liz’

Dan… ‘And I’m Dan’

‘Ah, is Liz and Dan’

Liz… ‘And who are we talking too?’

‘Nobody, I can no say who I am but I can feel like I am a part of this group. I feel a connection to you both so I feel it is right that I am here speaking with you in this way it is a strange sensation for me to do this in this way but I feel it is a correct time for me to speak in this way’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome, have you spoken with us before?’

‘I feel a recognition of this circle so I feel I have contributed partially but not in my full capacity have I been able to speak in this way, good to join you, we all have a time to experiment with coming closer to you in this way’

The voice changed, Liz and Dan encouraged the communication…

‘Eddie, Eddie… Edward, Edward… Hello, hello… Welcome, all is well, we are all having a go, it is a good time for us to speak in this way, hello, hello… What is of value? What is value? What do you define as valuable? What do you find valuable?’

Dan… ‘My family’

‘Yes, your family… Is knowledge of value to you?’

Both… ‘Yes’

‘Listen and you will hear our voice… Look and you will see us in your day, your daily life all around. We no hide from you; we are always in your atmosphere. We do not hide from you; it is something that you have to adjust to…’

The communication faded and Liz turned up the music.

Liz was getting very hot.
She drifted off into a dream state a couple of times.
Dan thought the atmosphere felt very charged.
They both said it was dense.

The penultimate tune came on and Liz reminded the team it was time to begin drawing back unless they had any last minute communications.
Then a voice came from the cabinet…

‘Thank you, thank you… Time to close, time to go. Thank you for commitment and energy for we have been able to work with energies in the room. Once again we thank you for they have been beneficial for us to work with these energies once again. You both bring with you a piece of the mix which we can use to develop the circle. It is an ingredient which we can use’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know thank you. Thank you for your work and presence’

‘We go now. We look forward to re-joining with you in near future so go in peace and take a piece of our love with you for the rest of the week and spread the love with all who you meet, thank you’

Both… ‘Thank you, our love to you too, goodbye’    

The last tune ended.

I wasn’t quite back and asked Liz not to put the red light on until she had done the closing prayer and closing exercise by which time I was fully back.

I’d had a lot of feelings over my head and around my ears in the cabinet and at times it felt like stuff was hanging off my ears.
I had a strong feeling Joan was with me towards the end and wanted to communicate but was not yet able to through me. I also felt Magnus with me at times.

Liz later said she recognised the communicator who was saying ‘Holy, holy’ both by the sound of the voice and what was said.

We all agreed it had been a good energetic evening and nice to have Dan back. There seemed to be a lot of stabilizing of the energies tonight and we look forward now to how things will progress.
Unless there are any more changes of plan the next two weeks will see just Dan and me sitting then it will be back to the three of us…

62nd Sitting 02/09/2013

We sat with the room set-up as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm turned on music and put out the red light.

After a few minutes Liz reported seeing blue/silver cotton wool type blobs moving round the room.

A few noises started up in the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.
It sounded like they were experimenting with different voices.

‘Hello, hello, hello… Everybody… All here… It all come together… All in hand…’

A strong loud voice came forward…

‘Follow colour… Work’

The communicators withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

Liz saw moving light around the trumpet like disturbed waves bunched together.
She saw a flash and a pin-prick.

The room had a feeling of grey dense mist about it.
Another communication came through…

‘Easy, easy…’

Then it sounded like an attempt at singing.

‘Hello, hello, hello lady… I hope you are well’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you’

‘It is good to speak again’

Liz… ‘Yes I recognise your voice, we’ve spoken before haven’t we’

‘It is good to speak again’

The communication broke up and faded out. It felt to me like the connection was lost.

Liz turned up the music then after one minute the communication resumed and she encouraged it forward…

‘Delicate balance, yes, we have to get the balance just right. It has to be just right’

Liz… ‘Like tuning?’

‘Yes it is like tuning of the radio. It so easily can be lost if we go too far one way or other. It is a balance between the two vibrations which we have to achieve; we have to achieve a satisfactory link’

Liz… ‘Can we do anything to maintain a stable choke here?’

‘All you have to do is maintain the harmony, the love, the commitment. This is all you have to do’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s what you told us before’

‘Keep your vibration high, your energy high is all we need, so we are able to come work with what you give us. The environment you provide for us is all we need’

Liz… ‘If we drift in and out of thought, if I start thinking about something else or get drawn into a dream, does that interfere?’

‘It can sometimes be of a benefit to us if you allow yourself to, as you say, drift off slightly. You need to keep a part of yourself aware of what is going on at the moment, for as the only person in the room you are in the position of orchestrating the evening. You are in charge as it were but a slight drifting of your mind will sometimes be a way for us to come in. We can use what you have; your state of mind will help in a way. Keep your thoughts of a spiritual nature. If you are sitting worrying about your daily activities this will hinder us for we can only draw towards a more spiritual vibration. The earth vibration is taken away. We take away this earth vibration from the atmosphere of the room temporarily. All the time you are thinking of earthly things you are feeding more of an earthly vibration into the room. This is not beneficial to us but spiritual thoughts in your mind as it drifts, this can only benefit us’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

It then sounded like other entities began experimenting with the voice with a range of incoherent words.

‘We all practice, sorry if it come through in a confusing way. Once we are on the vibration it is possible for us all to have a practice while we can…’

Liz turned up the music as the communications withdrew.

Liz became aware of lots of lights making patterns around the room.
She saw a bright light to her right. It moved as she moved her head as if connected to her visual field.
Then Liz saw a lot of light all over the room.

During the last few tunes another communicator came forward…

‘Thank you once again for time, for patience, commitment. Your energy much appreciated, we have been able to work with it this evening. All energies have worked well this evening. We realise you have a holiday soon, two weeks. So if you are able to send thoughts to this place on each week, each Monday at the same time if you can link with this place. You are still able to send your energy and it will keep the momentum of the circle’

Liz… ‘Good, I’ll do that’

‘Thank you, we appreciate it. We hear, we listen to conversation about the lady on beach, the lady you saw on the beach. She has one foot in our world but she is happy. She not confused for she can see her friends who have gone before her. She is able to communicate with them with her thoughts. She is not in distress. It may appear to you from what you see that she may be confused but this is just a residue energy in this world that she is still connected. She is still connected with your world, now, but she has a part of herself with us’

Liz… ‘Right, thank you I understand’

‘Good, good… it is all good. We will in future try to give you more information. Now we feel it is time for us to go. We have reached end of our sitting so take with you a piece of our love and share with all who you meet in the coming weeks… Thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communications, good bye’

The last tune was just ending.

It took a few minutes for the communicator to fully withdraw and for me to come back.

Liz put the red light on, did the closing prayer and closing down exercise by which time I was fully back with it and feeling fine.

There had been a lot of activity in the cabinet.
At the beginning I had felt something streaming down the sides of my head and around my ears.
I had some strange feelings on the top of my head and it felt like my head was disappearing or dissolving!!!
During the last communication I felt something coming out of the palms of my hands. I could feel something hanging off them and at the end there was a kind of dry oily residue on them which slowly disappeared.

Liz will be away for the next two weeks but I will still sit on my own in the cabinet and Liz will send her energies. This will keep the circle development going and it will be interesting to see what happens…