May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

61st Sitting 26/08/2013

We sat and had the room set up as usual but with the addition of the rose quartz crystal from our Thursday group which now sits next to the glass dome which is next to the cabinet. Liz was inspired in a dream that it will benefit both circles.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned on the music and put out the red light.
I had started to feel light headed about 10 minutes before we sat.

Liz saw a dim flash to her left and a slanting energy in the room.
Then she reported a blue sparkly light in the centre of the room.

Ten minutes after the start and there were noises in the cabinet, a deep voice…

‘All is well… it all go to plan… it all gel together… all people here… we work on the voice towards sound perfection… it all come together in love and harmony…’

The voice then changed…

‘We will break through when we have the energies which we can mix together. It will enable us to come through with more of our personalities. It will eventually bring us forward, each of us individually’

Liz… ‘Can we do anything to increase the energy?’

‘All you have to do is bring your love and harmony to the room. We will do the rest’

Liz… ‘All right, that’s good to know, thank you’

‘Just sit in harmony, with patience and dedication. This is the main ingredient to the cake that we mix’

Liz… ‘Good, ha, ha’

‘We will be able to work with these vibrations’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

I felt a strong pressure pushing down on my head for a while after the communicator had withdrawn.

Liz saw foggy lights moving in front of her, swimming around like wisps of cotton wool.
Then she saw a lot of red light in the room.
She was getting very hot.

Liz noticed a denser darkness to her right.
She felt an entity there.

Liz saw dim lights sweeping through the room.
She had a pressure and a buzzing feeling on the top of her head.
It made her feel a little spaced out.

More noises started from the cabinet…
At first it sounded like singing.

‘Help one another. Help the aged… a phrase you use on your side. Help the aged. Well, who are the aged, what constitutes age? Are we not aged? Have we not been alive for a long time? How do you know how long somebody has been alive? How do you know, where do you start? Where is the starting point? You have to give everything time; you have to compare time with everything. You call your people aged, living a long time. Is all life not continuous? Does it have a beginning or an ending or is it perpetual existence?’

Liz… ‘So are you saying the aged are also the aged that have passed into the spirit world?’

‘It is a good question. We try to explain. We try to give you an understanding of the way time moves forward for you on your side. It is a combination of events and experience built up in your memory. The more you remember the more you have the illusion of having lived a long time. You believe yourself to have become aged. We can see how it can cause a confusion in your time’

Liz… ‘So who are the aged that we should help?’

‘Yes that is the question… Who are the aged? Who are the infirm? The ones who need your help. Those who have not yet experienced all life. All life beyond your life. They have not been able to peer into a new existence beyond their everyday existence. You must help those who have not yet seen beyond their own reality’

Liz… ‘How do we help them if they don’t want to be helped?’

‘Then you cannot force your opinion or your knowledge on everybody but you can suggest. You can give them what you know. Allow them to take it as they will, once they have begun to think about what you can say to them. Then they will be left to their own devises and they will have had a snap shot of possibilities that they can, if they wish, investigate further. That is all they need, just a snap shot of your knowledge which will build if they will build upon it from their own curiosity. It will make them think but only when they feel the time is right for them to think. Do not worry for them if they have not absorbed what you tell them for it may not appear to you on the surface that they have absorbed what you have told them but inside it will ignite their spark’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know, thank you, yes’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

Liz felt cobwebs all over her head.

The penultimate tune came on and Liz reminded the team it was coming up to time to draw back.

A communicator came forward to close.

‘Thank you for your time once again. We leave you now. We leave you with piece of our love. Go out and give it to all those who need it now, thank you. We look forward to next time we meet’

The music ended and Liz checked I was back with it.
I felt fully back.

As we talked about the evening Liz saw a light go past her.
She put the red light on, did the closing prayer and closing down exercise.


During the week I received an email from someone who thinks the communicator who spoke about working with radio at our 58th sitting could be Nikola Tesla.

She wrote…

‘When I listened to the recording the accent struck me first. I wondered if it was maybe Russian, but there is no one who would have worked with radios. Tesla was a Serb and the accent would be very similar. He was very much a loner and a bit odd spending most of his time in his lab. He knew his stuff and only someone like him would have an interest to come through’

I haven’t heard of Nikola Tesla myself and have resisted looking him up and reading about him on the internet just in case it is him and he returns with some evidence of his identity… 

60th Sitting 19/08/2013

I was feeling very light headed just before going down to the garage and was struggling to get my words out when talking to Liz.

We sat as usual and Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the music.
I’d started coughing and could feel something going on in my throat as soon as I sat down in the cabinet.

Liz saw lots of movement in the room describing it as blocks of white light moving around.

About five minutes after opening Liz heard noises from the cabinet and turned down the music.
Various words came through using different voices but were mainly incoherent…

After the communicators withdrew Liz began reporting seeing lots of small faces in the room looking at her.
They looked a bit like flowers with faces in them.

Then some more voices were heard from the cabinet.
Again the voices were mixed and incoherent. They seemed determined to say something but couldn’t quite manage it.
Liz tried hard to encourage the communicators forward.

Liz noticed a thickening of the energy to her right.
She felt there was someone there.

She was aware of energy flowing from right to left.
It felt to her like she was in a stream of water.
It began slanting slightly.

Liz was getting colder.
She saw dim spots of light moving around the room.
Then she saw daisies in the room.

Voice sounds started again in the cabinet.
At first incoherent then a few words started to make sense…

‘…Do not worry for we are all in attunement. We experiment with vibration so do not concern yourself… For we have our way of tuning in to the vibration for it will produce a range of words so do not worry if it do not make sense for you at this time. So carry on, listen to music, allow yourself to experience whatever comes your way in our room for we are able to adjust ourselves according to how we can come forward at this time, thank you…’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you for telling me, thank you for letting me know. I can hear you’re experimenting and testing. We can feel your energy moving in different ways’

Liz felt a strong pressure down her right side and the energy felt dense and dark to her right.
She saw a fog building up in the middle of the room.
Then some dark shapes moved past her.
She noticed movement on her left side near the cabinet.

Liz saw a dim figure of light moving around in the middle of the room.  
She felt a tickle in her hair and felt someone standing over her.
The atmosphere felt thick.
She felt pressure on her sinuses.

Liz then saw blue/white butterflies moving in a pattern to her left.

More voices started up in the cabinet.
Again they struggled to speak before becoming clearer…

‘…Very good evening. It has been a good evening for us. We have been able to come into your room, mingle with your energy. You have been able to feel our presence. We have continued to develop the circle. It has been a good evening’

Liz… ‘I’m glad you’ve been able to use the energy and we’ve been able to feel you’

‘We thank you for continuing to come and sit in this way; it enables us to carry on developing’

Liz… ‘It’s good to know you’re able to do this and we’re progressing’

‘Each time we sit we try different way. It will fit together in the future when we can bring all of our separate energies together. It is difficult to explain now, we go now, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you very much for your communication…’

The penultimate tune was playing as the communicator withdrew and Liz reminded the team we were coming to the end.

The energy now felt smooth and black to Liz.

I was back and with it by the time the last tune finished.
Liz checked I was okay before doing the closing prayer and putting the red light on.

The evening had felt different to me tonight.
It seemed like they were experimenting in a different way and I didn’t feel they wanted to communicate.
I had remained aware throughout but was surprised to hear some of the communications on the recording as I thought apart from a few words it had all been incoherent.
I’d felt Freddie about and wondered if he would communicate but he seemed to be just observing for now. I found it interesting when Liz told me she had seen butterflies in the room as this is a word I associate with Freddie. Some years ago when I sat with the Mercury Circle he tried to say the word through another medium as an experiment.

59th Sitting 12/08/2013

We had the room set up as normal.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm then extinguished red light and put on the music.

I didn’t feel much spirit about at first in the cabinet.
Then as I relaxed more I felt them slowly moving in from above me.
I felt a pressure on the top of my head which slowly moved downwards like curtains coming down.
My breathing was being controlled and there were a few clicks and gulps in my throat.

Liz reported the room had gone from uniformly black to mottled with lots of dim blue/white lights moving around in the atmosphere.

Liz heard some noises in the cabinet and turned down the music.

The communication at first sounded like singing!!!
Then a range of voices came through speaking incoherently and practicing.

‘All is well we all practice in our own way… We all come through all at the same time… Always in tune...'

'Vocal chords, we are using vocal chords, manipulating vocal chords to control, to produce a different sound’

‘We all need a time to come through first, so come back soon’

‘Initially we all come through together. Each in turn tries the voice then we come back with our individual personality’

They withdrew and Liz turned up the music…

After about fifteen minutes Liz saw a blue light above the cabinet. She described it as electric blue or ultraviolet.
Then a communicator came through and Liz turned down the music…

‘Hello, hello… can you hear me’

Liz… ‘I can hear you’

‘Good, I come through’

Liz… ‘Welcome… yes your voice sounds different’

(My legs and arms were shaking making the cabinet curtain shake which you can hear on the recording)

‘I come through to speak… but what will I say? what do I say?… I had all these things I wanted to say but I find now I cannot put it into words, words that you use’

Liz… ‘Take your time’

‘I not used to speaking like this. It a new experience yes for me to do it in this way. To pluck words from mind. To use forward, each word comes from the mind of the medium, each word we use. For where we reside we do not have to use words in this way’

Liz… ‘You communicate with thought?’

‘Well, we are more connected. We can feel each other, each other’s thoughts, we can feel and sense’

Liz… ‘Empathy’

‘There is no need for verbal communication. We are more connected. You are, in your atmosphere, you are more individualized, for you feel more individualized’

Liz… ‘We have walls between each other’

‘This is true, for you feel you are a separate entity but if you allow yourself to become more connected you will realise that you are all one, all one connected together. Maybe a separate part of the one…’

(It seemed like the communicator faded out and another entity took over at this point. The voice sounded like an older man)

‘…let me explain. It would be beneficial for you to allow yourself to blend, to merge with each other personality on your side. Allow part of yourself to blend in the energy of the other people around you. It will become easier each time you do this. Allow yourself to become one with each other personality, each person, each animal. Each spark of life becomes one flame burning within. It will increase in size and light as it spreads throughout your reality’

Liz… ‘Is there a purpose to our feeling separate?’

‘It is there to help you learn by mingling with each other. You have, you feel you have your own decisions to make based on the actions of others. Others who are part of your reality, your self-created reality which you find yourself in. This contains personalities which react with you. You learn from them, they learn from you. Each decision is based on the state of your mind at this point’

Liz… ‘If we merge too much with others are we still able to be decisive?’

‘You will still retain that part of your personality which makes you unique. It is an aspect of yourself but the majority of your being is shared with others’

Liz… ‘Right, like a large group consciousness… Can you describe where you are from, where you are now?’

‘It would be impossible for me to give you a correct description of the conditions I live, in words that you use, for it is beyond words, but it is not beyond feeling. You will experience a feeling of how we, where we, what we experience but we are unable to put it into words. We can put it into thought. A thought which… a thought pattern. A pattern which we can create and modify until it fits the pattern of your mind. All these things can be interlocked, inserted into the correct pattern of your mind. There are many patterns which we exist with. Each pattern represents a step on our pathway to ever brighter flame of existence’

Liz… ‘Have you experienced life on earth, physical life?’

‘A part of us does experience what you call life on earth. It brings back to us realization that we have more to learn. Each time a part of us touches your plane it picks up a thought, a vibration which it can bring back to us increasing our awareness, expanding our awareness’

Liz… ‘So are you connected to our consciousness?’

‘In the wider reality we are all connected’

Liz… ‘Are you what has been termed as an over-soul?’

‘From your side you will give many names to what you perceive. You need a recognition for yourself to be able to understand what lies beyond. But when you find yourself in what you term as beyond then you will realise that words are not a necessary ingredient for understanding. But while you are connected to your earth plane then yes over-soul would be a descriptive word, a descriptive phrase’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for your communication’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music. It had been turned completely down during the communication. In some development groups a certain level of music is requested during communications but it seems they are managing okay without in our circle. Interestingly in the Mercury Circle music was not always required for communication.

The penultimate tune came on and as always Liz reminded the team that it was coming up to time for them to withdraw so if they wanted to say anymore now was the time.

Soon after she said this another communicator came through.

‘Thank you for sitting once again. Thank you for dedication. We enjoy our time together this evening, a good energy was created enabling us to draw close. We look forward to a busy week with more circles. You have your table circle in a few days and you yourself will be in cabinet at the end of the week. We give advice… when you sit to imagine yourself as an octopus… something you have seen recently. You are to allow yourself to reach out into the room with all your tentacles, reach into each corner of the room, expand yourself. This is what you need to do when you sit. Allow yourself to become the whole room, this will help you to relax’

Liz… ‘Ha, ha… thank you for that advice’

‘We leave you now with our love and look forward to this busy week, thank you’

The music ended.

I was not quite back with it and Liz gave the team time to withdraw.
She then did the closing prayer followed by a closing exercise by which time I was fully back and feeling fine.

I think I had remained aware throughout this week although the sitting seemed to have gone very quickly to me.

Liz said that the long communication had created a very powerful feeling in the room.
It all made sense to her and tied up with some experiences she had been having recently. That day she had had a feeling of being connected with people, both friends and strangers.

It was good that Liz asked some profound questions which brought forward equally profound answers. Liz’s interaction seemed to empower the communication and keep it going.

To me the communication felt like it was a mixture of me and spirit. It seemed to be more me at the start then they took over as it went on. Some of the information given at the end was beyond my own thinking.

As my old friend Magnus said to me some years ago when discussing trance communications, ‘you have to pump a lot of bilge before the clear water flows freely...’

58th Sitting 09/08/2013

This week we held the MLC on Friday as I had developed ‘Shingles’ last week and wanted to give it a few more days before sitting in the cabinet.
I felt okay in myself but still had a few pains in the side of my head and neck.
Liz was also a bit under the weather feeling tired after a busy day and arrived late so we were both lacking in energy tonight.

We set the room up as usual.

Liz opened at the slightly later time of 8.45pm. She turned on the music and put the red light out.

I felt spirit with me in the cabinet from the start and didn’t really notice the pains in my head and neck throughout the sitting.

After about ten minutes the first communicators were coming through with a few ‘Hellos…’
And then…

‘…is all because of our love for you we can come through…’

There were more voice developments which got louder and clearer…

Twenty minutes later more communications and as usual Liz welcomed and encouraged them.
The voice was quite high pitched.
The name Oswald was given…

Shortly after this another communicator came through…

‘It started with a radio, a transmitter of voice. I became interested in this from my work with radio. I worked with radio. Always my interest is transmission of voice through the atmosphere. I worked with radio. I helped with the beginning of radio. I helped in configuration of all components to create a receiver across wave bands for voice. It in turn inspired me to investigate this what you do now’

Liz… ‘Can you tell me your name?’

‘It will become clear when we can bring ourselves through. We will be able to give you information’

Liz… ‘And evidence hopefully. It’s wonderful to know you are still here and still working with us’

‘It’s good for us to touch your side again in this way for we will strengthen the link in our way. Work towards evidence for you. Tune ourselves into your atmosphere one step at a time. We are pleased to have come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Wonderful… wonderful, very good news, very, very glad to hear you and to know you are there’

‘Happy to be here, happy to connect… I will come back…’

(This was an interesting communicator with a strong energy. I felt myself being pushed back as he spoke. It will be interesting to hear what evidence he brings forward when he can as I have read many books on the subject and know much about the many radio and TV pioneers who investigated spirit communication. He will need to say something beyond my own knowledge to convince me it’s not just coming from my own mind. In the meantime he is a very welcome addition to the team)

Liz asked the team to begin to withdraw during the second to last tune then checked I was okay at the end.

She hadn't reported any phenomena during the evening but said the energy had felt good and was smooth throughout.

I had felt Joan (Mercury Circle medium) with me at times during the sitting…