May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

45th Sitting 29/04/2013

During last week’s Mercury Star sitting we had some encouraging communication about our circle. 

I was asked…

‘…and how do you feel about your own development my old friend?’

Me… ‘Well it’s changing, the last two sessions I felt I was taken out of it for most of the sitting’

‘You were rendered unconscious you mean?’

Me… ‘Yes, I have no memory of most of the sitting… I guess the next step is for communications to come through me while I’m rendered unconscious?’

‘And you are happy with your state at that time?’

Me… ‘Oh yes, very much so’

‘Good, they will learn to work through your mind’

Liz… ‘Can you tell me if there’s anything I can do to help that development?’

‘Continue to do as you do my dear… all is as it ought to be’

Me… ‘Liz sometimes feels she is going to be taken out of it. Is it best she stays awake when she’s the only sitter?’

‘That is correct… until you have another sitter’

Me… ‘So when we have another sitter who is awake then Liz can go out of it if she wants to?’

‘As they do here my friend…’

This week we continued sitting as we have.

I felt quite light headed just before sitting which is becoming the norm for me now.
And again I started coughing for a while once in the cabinet.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the music.

After about ten minutes Liz reported seeing white shapes moving around before the room became very dark.
Then she noticed tightness around her head as if she had a tight fitting cap on.

15 minutes later she reported a tingling over her head like something crawling through her hair.

Liz was feeling quite spaced out at times but stayed with it.

Then she sensed a presence in the room. She said she could almost see it. A youngish blonde haired man in a brown hessian robe with a hood. She got the name Peter.

Towards the end of the sitting Liz got what she described as an ectoplasm smell.

She reported the room getting colder and darker at the end.

Meanwhile in the cabinet I spent the sitting in and out of consciousness.

Liz reported no sounds from the cabinet.

I don’t have much memory of the evening except my attention being drawn to a robin hopping around some of the time. Possibly this helped me to focus on something and lose my random thoughts.
I remember at the beginning feeling a lot of tightness and pressure on my head and the feeling of something running down my forehead and sides of my head. (I’ve had this before and it’s not unlike having a bowl of custard tipped onto the top of my head!)

I had a very itchy right ear at the end of the sitting which felt like there was something in it.

Liz checked I was okay at the end of the sitting before doing the closing prayer which as always includes sending out any excess energies for healing and a closing down exercise.
Before she did this I was feeling pretty drained and depleted but afterwards felt quite energized…

44th Sitting 22/04/2013

We sat in the same way as we had last week.

I was feeling fine before the séance but started getting light headed as we went downstairs to the garage. Then a bit more light headed when we went in the garage and very wobbly when I sat in the cabinet.
I also developed a tickly cough and hiccups as Liz gave the opening prayer at 8.30pm.
She put the music on and turned out the light.

After about two minutes Liz reported seeing a lot of red light in the room followed by light shapes moving around the room.
I was also experiencing a pinkish light behind my closed eyes at the same time.

I lost my awareness for a while then came back with a feeling I was attached to something in the room.
At the same time I heard Liz saying she could see a definite flickering light moving around in the centre of the room.  

Shortly after this I lost my awareness again.

Liz was seeing dense shapes moving around.
She kept the music on quite loud and sung along most of the time.

When the two Native American tunes played Liz felt her Indian friends with her again but not as strong as last week.
She saw one she didn’t recognise who had bones on his chest, slick black hair and no feathers.
She also felt she was being overshadowed with the eyes and beak of a bird.
She felt a few light touches on her head and feet and coldness around her head.

Later Liz saw thick swirling energies in the room which made her feel giddy.
She nearly went off but stayed with it.
She noticed dim Tinkerbell type lights in the room and felt spirit were trying to show themselves somehow.

I came back thinking it was still the early part of the séance but then realised one of the last tunes was playing.
Just after I came back I heard Liz saying the room had gone very dark and cold.
I felt like I was fully back and had to move a little as my arms, legs and neck were feeling very stiff.
I must have been out of it for nearly an hour.
Liz hadn’t heard any noises from the cabinet.
I had no memories of dreams this week.
I was feeling quite warm when I came back but then felt cold.
My tickly cough came back and my nose was running.

After the last tune ended Liz checked I was okay.
I asked her to put the red light on and she did the closing prayer.

At the end I had a bit of a headache but that soon went after a cuppa and two cakes…

…a note from Daisy

Just to add that when I sent energies for your sitting on Monday night I was sending love and light into the dome and it was the colour pink - in Pranic Healing this means love also as what Freddie mentioned in one of our sittings with Joan at the Spirit Lodge many eons ago. He mentioned I was surrounded with the colour pink as there was lots of love around me and that time I had my mom, my brother, my sister and brother-in-law staying with me - on holiday....

Nice to know you saw the colour Nick!

Love Daisy

43rd Sitting 15/04/2013

We were back on 15/04/2013 after missing last week due to my tooth ache.

We sat as usual in full blackout with me in the closed cabinet and Liz sitting to my right.

Before sitting I’d suggested to Liz that she experiment with the music volume during the evening to see how it affected the phenomena as I had done when last sitting with her.

Liz opened at 8.30pm.
She turned out the red light and put on the music.

About 15 minutes into the sitting Liz turned up the music volume and 30 seconds later reported feeling suddenly colder and began seeing mottled white shapes moving about in the darkness.

Liz turned it down and up again a couple of times during the sitting.
At one point she felt she was asked to turn it down.

Liz felt her hair being touched and sensed someone next to her.

She got a strong sweet smell… a bit like lemons.
When she told me this after the sitting I pointed out that she was sitting next to the lemon and minerals we have in the room!!!

When the two American Indian tunes were playing Liz had felt Indian friends with her. They were warm loving presences. She felt like she was looking into their eyes and felt emotional. She had a sensation on the right side of her head like a needle going down through it but it wasn’t unpleasant. Then she felt she was turning into a bird but remembered she was sitting as the only observer so stayed with it.
She asked the presences to communicate through me if they wanted to say anything.

Towards the end Liz had the sensation of a light to her left rolling upwards while her right side remained very dark.

Meanwhile it was all quiet in the cabinet all evening.
I felt no feelings of anyone wanting to communicate.
I seemed to be drifting in and out of trance. To me it felt like I was going to sleep and waking up several times.
Each time I came back it was with a jump in my body like something had startled me.
I know I’d been dreaming or experiencing things while out of it but couldn’t recall any details except at one point being aware of filling up some glass bottles and jars with ‘something’ then attaching labels to them?

When I was fully back at the end of the séance I felt very awake and energized.
It was very cold in the cabinet while Liz felt quite warm. Usually it’s the other way round.

Liz said the energy in the room had felt strong all evening and she’d had a wonderful sense of love and nostalgia in the room as if loved ones were with her.


...we didn't sit on 08/04/2013 as I had toothache which turned out to be an abscess but we should be back on 15/04/2013...

42nd Sitting 01/04/2013

Last week we sat on my birthday, this week it was April fool’s day!!!

Liz and I decided to sit like last week in full blackout unless instructed otherwise from the cabinet.

At 8.30pm Liz opened in prayer before turning on the music and putting out the red light.
She felt there were a lot of people in the room. She saw them as outlines.

Things remained quiet in the cabinet for about 30 minutes then there were a few voice experiments but nothing really coherent came through, just five minutes of development.

Things went quite again for about 20 minutes.

I was mainly aware throughout the sitting this week and had more arm and head movement than normal.
I was aware of myself mumbling quietly and slow breathing.
There was an earthy smell in the cabinet.

I knew another communicator was going to take control as I got a few words in my head which often happens just before a communicator comes through.

When the communicator took control I felt it was me who started the communication with the words I had been given then they took over and I felt myself step back a little but I was still aware of what was being said.
The communicator was strong and made me feel hot.
It was a personal message for Liz and our circles.

Later Liz told me that just before the communication started she had felt a very strong smiling being infolding her in a cloak of feathers making her feel very protected and emotional.
She got the name ‘Hawk Eye’ and picked up a strong visceral smell.

After the communicator withdrew she felt she was being separated from her body into a non-physical reality but still in the room.

She also felt a hand inside her stomach pulling something out.

I came back during the last two tunes and felt fine by the time the last tune ended.
I was still feeling warm but soon cooled down as it was cold in the garage.

Liz put the red light on and gave the closing prayer…