May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

41st Sitting 25/03/2013

We sat again like the last few weeks with the intention for four tunes in blackout followed by one tune in red light then Liz was to open the cabinet unless instructed otherwise.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm then turned on the music.

After about eight minutes there were some quiet noises and controlled breathing from the cabinet.
The noises got louder and began talking but the words weren’t coherent.
It sounded like different personalities were taking it in turns.
They were trying very hard to say something but couldn’t quite get it through.
Liz saw a few flashes of light during the communications and felt presences in the room.

Liz turned up the music as the communicators withdrew, then two minutes later another took control with some instructions just before Liz was about to put on the red light…

‘Dear friend… we ask this week that we keep darkness. Do not put light this week. So we continue in dark, thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay that’s great… You’re doing well with the voices… I can hear you’re working hard’

More voice development noises followed this before fading out.

After ten minutes there were more noises from the cabinet and a communicator came forward with a name…


Liz… ‘Is that your name?’

‘Yes… Oswald’

Liz… ‘Welcome, have you spoken to us before?’

‘I have been before; I don’t think I have told you my name. I have been in your energies before… I have not been able to speak in this way before’

There was more practicing with a jumble of words and voice development.
Then more communication. This may have been Oswald again or somebody else?

‘…closer now, forward… stabilize… yes we have all come, we all need time to stabilize ourselves. We find this evening is compatible for us all to move closer in this way… The energy is strong tonight. We have been able to come closer to you… We have been able to use energies in the room. Energies that have built up for the last few weeks from the teams that all work here in harmony together… We all are able to tune in to the energies that are created for we within each team that works in this room’

Liz… ‘So it’s a mixture of energies that’s been built up?’

‘Each team builds similar energy, compatible energy, which works with each other so makes our job easier to come through in this way for there is already available energy for us to use’

Liz… ‘Good… where does it accumulate?’

‘It is all around. There is no place for it to accumulate. It is already in this room in a different vibration. It is thought, a thought vibration which exists beyond space limitation though it can be accessed from any place on your side’

Liz… ‘Okay, so we can tune into it wherever we are?’

‘You can. You already tuned. You just need to move the feeling of your physical existence… Take that away and you are already here. We are all one together in this way. We do not come from afar we just allow you to realise we are with you all the time. We have never been away. It is a joint communication, joint effort, we are all together. You just need to adjust before you can see and hear our presence’

Liz turned the music back up.
It was getting towards the end now and when the last two tunes played Liz reminded the team it was time to draw back.

By the time the last tune ended I was fully back with it.

Liz checked I was okay and did the closing prayer.

I had been in and out of it during the evening.
I was aware when the noises and communications were taking place.
There had been a lot of pressure and pulling on my forehead.

I had felt Freddie close at one point with a cheeky energy and he had said something like ‘Two for the price of one…’ and ‘I’m still in tune with this side…’

Also during the two Native American tunes that we play back to back I was aware of an eagle flying round the room which landed of Liz’s shoulder and wrapped it’s wings around her head. She later confirmed that at the same time she had felt the presence and had a strong image of a shaman covered in dark brown feathers, like an eagle. He had been with her before, in this form, as a human shaman, big ragged cloak of feathers, fierce presence, but good for her. An old familiar friend.

Towards the end when I came back from being out of it for a while I felt I couldn’t move my head. It felt like it was being held still by fingers each side and I found myself looking down a tunnel with layers of square shapes. I also heard a clicking in my throat just as I came back.
There was a strong smell in the cabinet at times like a match had been struck.

Liz had twice during the evening experienced what felt like a cold drop of liquid on her lip.
She had also noticed a visceral smell and a lot more pulling from her abdomen tonight…

40th Sitting 18/03/2013

We were back for our 40th Mercury Light séance after missing last week’s sit.

As last time Liz sat close to the cabinet to my right.
We decided to sit in blackout for four tunes then Liz would put the red light on dimly.
She would then open the cabinet after one more tune and leave the conditions like that unless asked otherwise by the team.

I had been feeling light headed since about 6.30pm which is becoming the norm and as soon as I sat in the cabinet my stomach started making noises and churning.

This week I’d decided to make a concerted effort to clear my mind and keep my thoughts out of the way, taking the MSC team’s advice a couple of weeks ago to just be in the energy with no expectations and let my team do the rest.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm.

After about five minutes Liz was aware of a faint white light around the cabinet area.

The fourth tune ended and Liz verbally announced she was about to turn on the red light before doing it.
After one more tune she approached the cabinet and slowly opened the curtains again after first letting the spirit team know.

About ten minutes after opening the cabinet Liz was seeing a lot of energy around me and a dim white light moving about in the cabinet.

She saw white and black smoke coming out the cabinet.
Then she was aware of several people coming out of the cabinet and they remained between her and the cabinet. Some were very close to her. She didn’t see them but was just aware of forms.

Liz saw several faces over mine including a Shakespeare type face which she had seen before.

I had remained motionless throughout the sitting until about an hour after the start as someone took control and my head came forward off the chair and my arms were raised.
It was a strong communicator who tried to say some words in a deep voice.
It was mainly a jumble of words and included…

‘In our world… it all evolve so what we have here is a piece of our life force. We can bring a part forward…’

The last two tunes played just after the communicator withdrew and Liz reminded the team that it was time now to start moving back.

I was fully back with it after the last tune finished.
Liz could see sapphire blue sparkles in the cabinet as I was coming back.

I had been out of it for parts of the evening and could remember seeing things during these times but couldn’t now recall what they were except for at one point having a mug of tea in my hand!...

Update 12/03/2013

Last night I was snowed in and tonight 12/03/2013 Liz is unwell so regretfully we've decided not to sit this week...

...we'll be back Monday 18/03/2013.

39th Sitting 04/03/2013

It was just Liz and me again this week and we sat as we had last week with a few tweaks.

Liz sat a bit closer to the cabinet and to my right and we left the red light at the end of the room in a position that lit up the cabinet but wasn’t dazzling Liz.

As before we started in blackout with the cabinet closed for the first four tunes before Liz turned on the red light and waited further instructions.

I had been feeling very spaced out this week for about two hours before sitting.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm.

While in blackout Liz was aware of a few presences moving around the room.
She perceived them as vague outlines and wavy shapes.

There was a lot of slow, loud breathing from the cabinet.

During the fourth tune a few voice noises started up in the cabinet, quiet at first.  
A few incoherent words including… 

‘Hello, hello, hello… All here...’

Followed by… 

‘When this tune ends please put red light on for one song then open curtain and keep curtain open…’

Liz… ‘Open the curtains and keep the red light on?’

‘So light on for one tune, then open curtains after tune…’

Liz… ‘And keep light on?’

‘Keep light on and we will instruct any changes after that…’

Liz… ‘Okay’

Liz put the red light on then got up and opened the curtains after one song.

Liz reported seeing a large cotton wool type cloud to the right of me at head level.
It had a few flashes within it then came out of the cabinet.

Liz was then aware of a person to the left of me coming out of the cabinet.
She then saw lots of flashes to the left of me.

She saw a bright column of light on my throat.
Then saw movement in the cabinet above my head.
She saw a flash to the left and outside the cabinet.

Liz noticed my face become long with sideburns and a hawk nose looking a bit Dickensian.
She saw a whirling blob come out of the cabinet.
My hands became very blurry.

My face then looked like an old man with a skull cap and beard.
Then Liz saw a lady’s face.

After about 17 minutes of red light a communicator came through.

After a few voice noises…

‘Now time to turn the light off please…’

With the red light off Liz said the room was full of white blobs.

15 minutes later after some voice noises another communication from the cabinet…

‘Time… After tune turn light on again. Keep light dim, so when medium raise hand you may increase light… We learn from Star Circle… Thank you’

The tune ended and Liz put the light on dimly.
After one tune my arm was raised and she turned it up a bit.

Liz said my face was getting smaller and larger with a strong sense of an Egyptian.
Then she saw a female face.
She saw spectacles on my face.
She also again saw the face that she had recognized last week.

My arm was lowered and Liz dimmed the light.
Liz saw someone with a large stiff Victorian collar and cravat.

The last two tunes came on and Liz reminded the spirit team it was time to start drawing back.
I was fully back by the end of the last tune.

I felt quite drained.
I hadn’t gone into a deep trance but had felt half out of it all evening.
The energies had felt constant and steady throughout the sitting and I’d felt a lot of activity around my face including pressures and fuzzy feelings.
My face had felt hot at times but inside my mouth as I breathed had felt cold and dry.

Liz gave the closing prayer before we went upstairs for tea and cake...