May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

27th Sitting 26/11/2012

Dan was back with us tonight and was happy to take over the setting up the room duties and to keep an eye on the time so we all went down to the garage at 8.20pm ready for our 8.30pm sit.
All I had to do was sit in the cabinet.
I’d been feeling light headed since parking the car so it was probably a good move.

Liz opened at 8.30 then turned on the music and put out the red light.

All was quiet for the first part of the sitting.
There were no sounds from the cabinet and nothing reported in the room by Liz or Dan.
Dan was drifting in and out of trance. Sometimes he would be singing along with Liz then would go quiet for a few minutes.

25 minutes after the opening prayer a few noises started up in the cabinet.
The voice was very deep giving a few ‘hellos’ and ‘all here’ then…

‘All talk as one… as each one comes close the voice will change, we are all come together, each one comes close one at a time, each one alters voice in our own way, each one comes on a slight variation in frequency…’

Liz said it was looking more speckly in the room and there was light around the trumpet.
She then felt like there was somebody between her and Dan.

Some quiet voice noises started in the cabinet.
Liz encouraged them forward.
Dan was in trance at this point.
A communicator was trying hard getting louder with some interesting sounds but no words came through.

Liz was now drifting off slightly. She later said that she felt she was going off into a different vibrational state and wanted her energies to be used.

At about the same time I was getting words and phrases in my head about taking energy from the sitters and kept getting the word ‘overlap’. I felt like this was something someone wanted to say and then I felt an energy draw close and began speaking quietly…

‘…easier each time, able to sense more of you and blend, what we sense from you we blend with our own energy, our own make-up. We are able to take a piece of each of you and bring it into our vibration and manipulate the vibration of your earth energy. We can stabilize our own energy in your energy. It combines each energy together to create an overlap of energies. It bridges the two different vibrations in a more permanent way. Each time we do this it builds up a connection to which we can use each time we come through…’

As the second to last tune came on Liz verbalized to the spirit team that it was nearing the end of our session and to begin drawing back.

When the last tune ended Liz made sure both Dan and I were fully back before doing the closing prayer.

I had remained aware throughout and hadn't experience the ‘nearly dropping off to sleep’ feeling I sometimes get.
My arms had been moving around and were shaking quite a bit when communicators came through.
I’d also felt a lot of fuzzy feelings on my legs and sides and remained warm throughout.
At the end of the session I became cold.

Dan had gone completely out of it when he’d dropped off and had no memory except plunging into a black void and the realization that he'd missed hearing a few tunes!!!

Liz had remained aware when she drifted off towards the end...

Update 22/11/2012

..there has always been a link between the developing circles at the Bristol Spirit Lodge and our two Mercury Circles in Eastbourne.

The circles in Bristol and Eastbourne have at times all had similarities in their development and have some shared communicators.

I noticed some interesting developments in The Spirit Haven Circle report from 21/11/2012.

Check out the report here and my feedback at the end...

26th Sitting 19/11/2012

It was just Liz and I this week and as usual Liz sat down the far end of the garage while I was the other end in the closed cabinet.

At 8.30pm Liz opened in prayer then put the music on and the red light out.

After about 10 minutes Liz was seeing a few dim lights moving around the room.
Then she felt footstep vibrations on the floor.

Liz saw flickering lights like a web in the centre of the room.
She felt the room was filling up with people.

A few voice noises started up in the cabinet.
The familiar ‘All here’ then another voice saying what sounds like ‘Can you hear me?’
Then followed various ‘Hellos’ in different voices before going quiet again…

Liz noticed it had become darker in the room like the darkness had become thicker.
She saw flashes to her right near the healing book.

Then it became lighter in the centre of the room.

Liz got the name ‘Walking Buffallo’ and verbalized it.
She then saw a lot of light in front of her as if to confirm he was there.
She had a feeling of an animal head being placed over hers and her face changing shape.

Liz felt a cool breeze go past from right to left.

We’d decided that the closing procedure needed tightening up as last week communications went on after the last tune had played.

This week as the penultimate tune started Liz verbalized to the spirit team a reminder that it was time to start drawing back.
She then made sure I was fully back as the last tune finished.

Liz did a shortened version of her closing prayer including asking for the energy to be retained for future physical mediumship development and for any excess energies to be sent out for healing.

It had felt quite warm in the cabinet but at other times very cold.
I’d noticed a cool breeze over my face.  (not sure if this coincided with Liz’s cool breeze)
At times I’d felt fuzzy all over.
My arms were moving around a lot.
I’d been pretty much aware all the time but had felt myself nearly go off about three times and remembered thinking/dreaming about an object like a large flower pot with a face inside being pressed out the side of it?!?
I had more of an awareness of people in the cabinet with me particularly to my right.
The energy hadn’t felt strong but had felt consistent and sustained to me.

25th Sitting 12/11/2012

Syann joined us this week and Dan was back.
I sat Syann to my right, Dan opposite and Liz to my left and they all sat down the far end of the room leaving plenty of space between them and me in the cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm.
Syann had gone off into trance before she finished the prayer.

Things were quiet for the first ten minutes apart from a few slow breathing and gurgling noises from the cabinet.

Dan was aware of someone behind him and Liz confirmed she felt a presence there too.
Syann was still out of it.
Liz felt something pressing the left side of her head.

Syann came back just as ‘Morning Star’ (Clyde’s song) started. She’d been gone for 25 minutes.
She said it felt like she was now sitting in a cold fog.

Liz noticed a lot of light to her right.
Syann thought the room was getting lighter and misty.
Dan could see a light mist in the centre of the room.
Liz thought the mist was coming out of the cabinet and enveloping everyone.

Some noises started up in the cabinet.
Syann was seeing blue energy and some pin prick lights then it went blobby.
More voice noises from the cabinet but they weren’t coherent.
Syann saw movement around the room. She said she was in a dense foggy cloud.
Both Liz and Syann were seeing pin pricks and sparkles. Liz said it looked like bats flying round the room!!!

Dan felt a cool breeze.
High pitched voice noises started in the cabinet then deeper sounds.

Then Syann noticed a blue light hovering in front of her eyes… she felt sure there was a face in it. It then moved towards Dan before coming back to her but neither Dan nor Liz could see it.

The voices in the cabinet kept changing… ‘Hello, hello… nice to be here’
The atmosphere went darker.
The communicator gave the name ‘George Osborne’

(A quick google the following day found he is not only the current Chancellor of the Exchequer!!! There are other George Osbornes including a well-known cricketer, an Irish composer and a Methodist minister all living during the 1800’s. On the other hand he could be one of thousands of George Osbornes who have passed through the earth plane relatively un-noticed, hopefully he will return to tell us more…)

‘Good to come through in this way… thank you for making the conditions for me to come through in this way’

Dan and Syann could see a lot of red in the room…

Everyone thought the room was sparkly.
Liz saw a flash near Syann.

Ten minutes later more voice noises and coughing started up in the cabinet.
Lots of ‘hellos’ spoken in different tones.
At one point Syann recognised the voice of ‘Yellow Feather’ one of Warren Caylor’s team who had visited two days ago.

Liz and Syann could see shafts of light, the atmosphere was dense.
Liz noticed a light like a dim torch moving around.

Liz felt a light touch on her hand like a piece of silk being draped over it.
(Syann said she’d experienced the same thing when sitting with me in the Polegate Cupboard)

Liz saw a blob of light near Syann who felt like she was in a sparkling fog.

Dan went off into trance and Liz could feel someone between Dan and her.
Then Syann felt someone between her and Dan.

Syann felt a cool breeze in front of her like someone had walked past.
Her vision was white with dark movements within it.
She felt more breezes to her right as if people were moving around.

Liz and Syann were getting a scorching woody smell.
Liz had an icy cold fizzy feeling on her head.
She then felt fingers in her hair which tickled and made her laugh.

Liz and Syann both felt the room was full of people.

The music ended but I still felt there was someone with me wanting to speak.
The room went very dark.
Liz thought the trumpet was glowing.

A communicator came through...

‘Thank you, you all join hands with us tonight, we all become part of your circle, we all been able to show ourselves to you, to make ourselves felt, you still see us all…’

Syann… ‘I literally just did!!!’

Syann had just seen a yellow light darting downwards and staying on for a few seconds.
Liz felt someone stroking her hand.

The communicator continued…

‘We have enjoyed your company tonight, has been a successful experiment for all of us, we all enjoy this special experience, thank you’

Liz had something dark and definite to her left.
Syann could see blue light near Liz.
Then a big blue light came straight towards her stopping in front of her eyes. It was the one with the face in it again.

Dan was still out of it and was mumbling.
Liz encouraged the communicator to speak but they didn’t come forward.
The energy was now dropping and Dan came back.

I was now back.
It felt warm in the cabinet whereas everyone else was cold.
I could smell a scorching wood smell. It was like when you use two sticks to make a fire.

Liz put the red light on and I opened the cabinet.
Syann could still see people with me and energy around my head.

Liz did her usual closing and healing prayer.
It’s quite lengthy and Syann was fighting not to go off during it.
It sounded like someone was with Syann but she decided the time now was not right for anyone to take control.

I felt as if I had remained aware throughout the evening but the time had passed very quickly.

Normally at the end when I hear the last two tunes playing I bring myself back but this week I felt like I didn’t want to come back, it was like I was in a nice place and I also felt there was someone wanting to say a few words. I kept getting the impulse to say ‘thank you all, you all join hands with us tonight’ but part of me didn’t want to say it as it felt like it was me speaking but when I did say those words the communicator took over and I just kind of sat back and let the rest come out. It was like they wanted me to say something to get them started and then took over...

24th Sitting 06/11/2012

We sat on Tuesday this week to avoid Fireworks Night.

Dan couldn’t make it so it was just Liz and me and we set the room up as normal.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, put music on and turned red light out.

There was some loud breathing from the cabinet but otherwise remained quiet for the first 20 minutes.

Liz was seeing flickering lights across the room.
She saw a feint light like a torch beam in front of the cabinet.  

Noises from the cabinet became louder with a few voices and ‘hellos’ before withdrawing…

Things were quiet again for the next 45 minutes.

Then more sounds and voices started up in the cabinet. 

‘all of us here… in the room… it all coming together’

There were some louder voice experiments then another communicator said a few words before fading out.

‘Whole world, we are all connected, two worlds connected, two worlds in each other, each world penetrate other world, each world able to penetrate each other, we only require a thought from you to connect each world, all of you on your world are so close to us, we are but a thought away from all of you, we come so close, you are able to hear us all, we come close each time we meet but we are around all of the time, it is more apparent to you in this time we meet…’

After this communication I came fully back. The music had ended.
Liz checked I was okay then did the healing/closing prayer.

Liz felt the energy had been even throughout the evening.
She had nearly dropped off but stayed with it.
At times it had looked like she was under water with torches shining through it.
She was aware of lots of people/energies in the room looking like waves moving around and she had ‘seen’ a white wolf.
At one point she thought she felt footsteps in the room.

The energy had felt gentler to me.
I had remained aware for most of the evening but dropped off a couple of times.
When I came back I could hear myself making quiet tutting noises with my tongue touching the roof of my mouth.
I remember being moved around a lot, both my arms and top half of my body.
At one point I was moving my hands as if holding a football sized sphere in front of me which I then pushed out into the room!!!