May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

10th Sitting 30/07/2012

Monday 30/07/2012 was the 10th sit for the Mercury Light Circle.
Unfortunately Liz was getting over a cold so it was just Dan and me in the garage.

Dan did the opening prayer at 8.30pm and put the music on.
We sat with the red light on dimly to start but Dan soon turned it off giving full blackout conditions.

After about five minutes there was lip smacking noises followed by loud slow breathing and a few words.
‘all of us here… in number… door open… we come through door into room with you… we can mingle with you… we see your light..’
Another communicator came through.
‘take our love and hold onto our love… we love all of you… we are one…’

Dan was getting light touches on his hands and neck.

Then after about ten minutes another communicator came through starting off quiet but getting louder, then very loud long sounds!!!
Desmond came through for a chat. Dan used to talk with Desmond when he first made himself known in Polegate about two years ago…

A few minutes later another communicator paid a brief visit. It sounded like our friend ‘Little One’…

Dan was getting very cold.

More loud noises built up in the cabinet. Dan commented that they sounded detached and in stereo!!!…

Dan had cobwebs on his face.
He noticed it went darker and the atmosphere was dense.

As the last tune played I was back.
My eyes felt sticky and it looked very sparkly in the cabinet.
Dan put the red light on and did the closing prayer.

I had been aware throughout the evening. I thought it had been a quiet one and was surprised when I went through the recording the next day…

Comment from Chris Di Nucci

I am in tears here.  I've been listening to the recording (three times all
the way through).  It's now absolutely clear to me that Nick will move
forward 'properly' now.  It's been like he's on the sidelines with his own
development until now.  He's given so much as a sitter and circle
leader...but has always hoped that 'one day' it'll be his turn to develop as
a PM.   I reckon he, and everyone supporting the Mercury group, needs to
accept that it is now his turn.  Just like the Lodge here, more than one PM
is becoming developed within your over all Circle.  I couldn't wish for

Well done Nick and spirit team. Tom (AKA Little One) is in there somewhere too!  Excellent!


9th Sitting 23/07/2012

Dan was back with us this week and I sat in the closed cabinet with Liz to my left and Dan to my right.
We started with the red light on dimly and had the trumpet in front of the cabinet.
We now have water, a cut lemon, salt and potassium, zink and magnesium tablets in the room, as we do in the Mercury Star Circle. Dan had arranged the tablets into a smiley face in the hope that spirit might rearrange them!!!

Liz opened at 8.30 and put the music on.
After about five minutes a few sounds started up in the cabinet and Liz and Dan welcomed the communicators.

After another five minutes more sounds were heard along with a few recognisable words as Liz questioned the communicator…

Liz turned the red light off. She thought she could see some lights flickering along the bottom of the cabinet.
Dan was getting cobwebs on his face.
Liz was cold.

A few quiet noises started up in the cabinet then the communicator asked if they could be seen and asked for the music to be turned up…

Liz saw a flash of light and some speckled blue energy.
Dan was very cold and had the sensation of stuff running down his face and head like someone had cracked an egg on his head.

Liz thought the room had gone darker just before another communicator came through. Dan encouraged the communicator to speak…

Dan saw a flash of light.
Liz had an image of a ‘Laughing Coyote’ while the Native American music was playing.

More voice sounds came from the cabinet. Dan and Liz welcomed the communicator. Dan commented that the sound was detached. The communicator talked about how they were working within the voice box and they would have it externalized in one year. Dan said it sounded like three voices at once. The voice changed while speaking and asked for the music to be turned up as they try to lighten the room…

Liz saw a few lights to her left and felt like something was moving to her right.
Dan could see orbs of light.
Liz saw pin prick lights and an emerald green energy.

The music CD ended.

There were still a few noises from the cabinet before I slowly came back.
I felt fine but a bit light headed and couldn’t stop yawning. I had been aware throughout but had felt more out of it during the second half of the evening.

The cabinet appeared to be full of white speckles.

I remembered getting the name ‘Hannen Swaffer’ during the sitting. Hannen used to lead the Silver Birch Circle in the 1930’s. Interestingly Syann has reported seeing an Einstein type face with glasses over mine when we’ve sat in Polegate and some images of Hannen do look a bit like Einstein.

We checked the tablets and the trumpet which were all still in the same place and there were no marks in the salt.

8th Sitting 16/07/2012

Monday evening 16/07/2012 we were back in the garage.

Sadly Dan was once again unable to attend as he was working in Spain so it was just Liz and me.
We set the conditions as they had been last week with the cabinet closed and red light on but agreed that if Liz felt the urge to turn it off she should.
The Mercury Light trumpet which has a luminous band around the big end was between Liz and the cabinet and we kept the Mercury Star trumpet in the room but left it in the corner to the right of the cabinet and Liz could still see the luminous spot on it.

Liz did the opening prayer then put the music on. It was the same CD we’ve been using and lasts about 75 minutes.

After about one minute Liz felt sure the trumpet was wobbling in the red light. We all see this phenomena in the Mercury Star Circle as well but the trumpet is always still on its spot at the end. We’re still not sure what causes it but believe it is energy building up around it.
The race is now on to see which group gets the trumpet to physically move off its spot first, ha, ha… If anybody wants to place any bets, have a word with Travis!!!

After another couple of minutes there was lip smacking and loud fast breathing from the cabinet, then slow breathing.
Liz could now see a strong stream of light coming from the top of the trumpet towards her.
There were voice noises starting up in the cabinet trying to talk and coughing. Liz could see lights along the bottom of the cabinet. The voices got louder and deeper then Liz said the trumpet seemed to jump…

After the communicators withdrew Liz decided to turn the red light off setting full blackout conditions.

There were a few Donald Duck type voice noises from the cabinet.
Liz said the room looked mottled as there were lots of flashing lights everywhere.
There were some quieter voice noises from the cabinet.
Liz saw a moving light between the Mercury Star trumpet and the cabinet.
Liz had a pressure and burning sensation on the left side of her face. She felt there was someone there.

In this next Audio Clip there’s more voice noises then some ‘Hellos’ and ‘How are you’ followed by a long talk about the work they are doing and how pleased they are with the voice development and the perfect environment in which they can now work…

Liz turned the music up after the communicator withdrew.
She became very cold and saw more flashing lights around the room.

Liz was happily singing along to some Native American tunes when some voice noises started building up to a long loud reverberating sound in the cabinet… Could we have a Red Indian on the team?!?

Liz reported the luminosity on the MSC trumpet flashing on and off.

As the last tune was playing a communicator came through thanking Liz for sitting and saying they were now drawing back and leaving their love with her…

I came back as the communicator withdrew.

I had remained aware throughout the sitting but felt myself drifting off a bit towards the end.
It looked very light and speckley in the cabinet when I opened my eyes.
Both Liz and I were cold.

Liz said she had felt something in her hair like fingers and had had a blocked nose at times.
She’d felt pulling from her armpits but not so much from her hands and fingers this week.
She’d felt the atmosphere was refined with lots of loving presences in the room.

Liz sent out healing and did the closing prayer.

7th Sitting 09/07/2012

Monday 09/07/2012 saw us back in Liz’s garage for the 7th Mercury Light sitting.
Sadly Dan had a stinking cold so it was just Liz and me.

Liz had been busy painting the walls a nice dark shade of crimson and I’d got a pair of black curtains off Ebay to replace the ‘70s style flowery ones on the front of the cabinet and had also made a shade for the red light out of a cardboard box while Liz had bought two table lamps and some new blankets to go over the door frame… The garage had never looked so good!!!

Liz opened at 8.30pm then put on the music while I settled down in the cabinet.

We kept conditions the same as last week with the red light on dim and the cabinet closed.
I’d been talking to Chris Di Nucci who advised keeping conditions the same for at least three weeks. This makes sense as each sitting is an experiment so it's best to keep conditions consistent.

After about ten minutes there was slow breathing from the cabinet followed by lip smacking and Liz noticed the curtain moving.

The noises from the cabinet got louder and in this audio clip various words like ‘all of us’ and a few ‘hellos’ are heard as they experiment with the voice…

Liz put the music up when the communicators withdrew.

Liz could see a lot of movement in the room particularly in front and to the right of the cabinet. She described it as a swirling mist with dim lights and shades in it. There were also white wispy bits flitting about. 

There were more voice experimenting noises and Liz commented they were being projected into the room. She also saw the curtain moving again which could have been caused by my knees touching the curtain.

In the following audio clip the voices start up again getting louder and stronger but the words are all mixed up. Liz asks who is speaking and Desmond comes through for a few words.
He says the mixture will sort out into separate entities, they are learning to use the voice at the moment and all join together projecting their energies at the same time.
He thanked Liz for providing the new venue and said it will build each week and join with the other group (Mercury Star Circle) who will be sitting in the garage on Thursdays combining the energies. Each team will help each other as both energies will blend.
Liz asked if any more needed doing to the room and Desmond said it was perfect and just to bring love and energy into the room which they will use to build a bridge between the two dimensions...

Five minutes later there were more strong voices speaking in different tones as they experimented…

As the last tune played I brought myself back.
I came back easily and felt fine. I had remained aware throughout but some of the time felt I was behind myself.

Liz felt quite spaced out and had had a lot of pulling from her abdomen and hands. In fact her left hand now felt a bit painful and stiff from all the pulling and took a while to feel okay again.

The energy had felt more settled to me this week. There hadn’t been any periods like last week where it had felt flat.

About ten minutes before the end of the sitting Liz had felt like turning the red light off. When she told me this I said I had felt that also and we agreed that if she felt this again next week to go with it unless told otherwise by spirit.

6th Sitting 02/07/2012

Monday 02/07/2012 saw our first sitting in ‘The Garage’

Liz has very kindly been having her garage converted into a dedicated séance room.
A wall has been put up just behind the up and over door and a new door has been fitted to allow access from the house to the garage. It’s now got a laminated floor, has been plastered inside and just needs painting which Liz will be doing this week with a nice shade of dark crimson on the walls.
An air vent has been put into the wall which is easy to cover with a bit of blackout material to keep the light out and two blankets draped over the door frame does the job there.

We had a third sitter with us this week… Dan, who used to sit with the original ‘Mercury Circle’ and also sat with me when we were both developing trance at my house just over a year ago.
We are now using a cabinet and for now will sit in dim red light. 

We put an upturned wicker basket over the red light to stop the bulb distracting Liz and Dan who sat in front of the closed cabinet and the trumpet was placed on the floor in front of them.

Just after we started they realised the wicker basket was not the best of ideas as it was reflecting patterns all-round the room making it difficult to see any phenomena. Next week we’ll be using a cardboard box as a shield!!!

Liz opened with a prayer and a dedication for the room to become a focus for the manifestation of spiritual energy to bring enlightenment and evidence to many of the reality of life in spirit.

We had the same music CD that we used last week.

After a couple of minutes Liz noticed what looked like black snow coming out the top of the trumpet.

A few voice noises and gurgles stared up in the cabinet. They said… ‘All of us here…’ Liz asked who was speaking but there was no reply to that, they seemed to be just practicing with the voice…

Liz and Dan sung along to the music and after about 15 minutes some more voices came through.
Liz reported the curtain moving…

After another 15 minutes a powerful voice came through. Liz had an itchy nose. Then more voices came through. It sounded like they were still experimenting to control the voice…

Ten minutes later there was some more voice experimenting. A few words are recognized. It sounds like ‘healer… he has door… he is our door keeper…’  Liz asked if one person could take the lead and not all come through at the same time but there was no reply to that…

Both Liz and Dan could feel energy being withdrawn from their hands.
Liz had a sweet earthy smell.
Liz felt something crawling up her right leg.

I felt myself come back during the last tune.
I had been very hot but was now starting to feel cold especially round the legs.

Liz closed.

We all had noisy rumbling stomachs towards the end.

Both Liz and Dan had felt they could have ‘gone off’ during the sitting and at times struggled to remain totally with it. Dan said that he daren’t close his eyes as he was sure he would have gone off!!!

To me in the cabinet the energies had felt very strong when the voices were coming through but the power didn’t seem to last long and it would go quite flat for a while before the energies built up again and more communicators came through. This is to be expected in a new venue and I feel that the energies will be building up now in the garage each time we sit.