May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Double Cabinet Christmas Seance 23/12/2012

We had our Christmas Seance on Sunday 23/12/2012 with both the Mercury Light and Mercury Star Circles together. Both Syann and myself sat in cabinets each end of the room!!!

Just after 5.00pm we all met at the ‘Garage’ for the start of our Christmas Séance.

I’d got there an hour earlier with our old cabinet and the green chair and got the room set up with a cabinet each end of the room.

We’d had some advice from Chris Di Nucci’s spirit friend ‘FC’ who’d suggested we have the glass dome in the centre of the room and that both mediums sit in the same conditions. I don’t use arm restraints so we didn’t use them this time on Syann.

I put out both trumpets placing them in front of each cabinet and I put the glass dome on it’s table in the centre with a few toys on the floor below it.
I had a feeling Syann would make a few changes when she arrived and sure enough she wanted the glass dome at ground level…

Syann used the usual cabinet in it's usual place...

...and up the far end of the room I used our old cabinet which I'd dusted off and repaired for the evening

I'd decorated the trumpets and placed the glass dome in the centre of the circle on it's table...

...Syann preferred it at floor level

Offerings to the gods and the card that 'found' Syann in Brighton... just like that!!!

As we all made our way from upstairs down to the garage we noticed a white feather on the carpet outside the entrance to the garage. It’s possible someone had brought it in on their shoe but none of us had noticed it earlier and it certainly got our attention.

Syann and I both sat with the cabinets closed and FC further advised that once the opening prayer had been said we sit in silence with the red light on for about one minute while the energies settle then put on the music and turn out the light.

Syann sat in the usual cabinet with Tasha to her right, followed by Liz, me directly opposite in the old cabinet and Travis on the other side of the room to Syann’s left.

Travis had been promoted to circle leader for the night and was also in charge of the red light and music which included a few extra Christmas songs. Liz had control of the other red light and the closing music.

Travis opened in prayer at 5.45pm.
After the one minute settling down period he activated Syann’s mp3 player. Not the easiest of tasks as it’s so small and ‘Little One’ came through Syann to ask if he was managing alright just as he hit the right button and the music began… phew.
Then Travis turned out the red light.

After about five minutes a few noises came from my cabinet.
It sounded a bit like ‘Little One’ at first then the familiar ‘All here… all in room’
Followed by… ‘Both teams in room’

Tasha drifted off into trance and continued to drift in and out of it throughout the evening.
When Tasha came back she commented on how light the room now looked.
She was starting to get cold round the legs and felt she had been given some healing while in trance. She said she now felt great.

Liz could sense something to her right, between her and my cabinet.
She was seeing blobby shapes around the room and Travis was seeing blue.

Tasha now thought the room looked darker.
A few minutes later she drifted off into trance again.

Liz saw a spark of light near Travis, then a clear flash to the left of him.
She started to see lots of lights flashing around the room making her dizzy.
Travis was seeing a lot of blue in the room.
Liz also saw blue but only in the area of Syann’s cabinet.

Then Liz began to see green and yellow energy in the room.
Travis confirmed seeing green but not yellow.
Liz saw the green/yellow energy build up as an arch across the room linking both cabinets.
She later told me it had reminded her of an angular arch bridge which tied up with something a communicator mentioned later in the sitting.

Tasha came back and she was very cold.
Liz was now seeing blobby shapes moving around the room and saw a flash at ground level near Travis.
Tasha felt a vibration under her foot.

A few voice noises started from my cabinet.
The voice was quiet. It appeared to be Tob (from the Mercury Circle) sounding like him at first then morphing into different voices.
Tasha drifted off again.

‘Is Tob… is Tob… eh Tob…’

Travis… ‘Hello Tob, how are you?’

‘Good, good, good… eh good, I good… good to be through this way and work again, work, work, work… We work on voice, we work on communication. So far we have now come through this way, it will be perfected. The voice. For we have all our different personalities to come through but it will take a time for each to… to bring each of ourselves through in a different way. So for now we are able to speak like this in a more general way for we can get close to the energy of the link’

Travis… ‘Is that both links or one link?’

‘An interesting question... Each link has own energy surrounding the vessel… also a joined energy which we are able to utilize. Each link can connect. This way we are able to use both energies simultaneously. This is of a great benefit for us at this time. It help both teams to… each team can take a piece of the energy from other team to produce more voice and phenomena so we work together in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the best way of working, with two cabinets?’

‘It is another way to work, not the best way, all work is of benefit however you sit. We have own circle for each team which will develop in it’s own way but a combined work… a combined communication opportunity as this, will also benefit each team so there is no preferred way to sit. Each time we do sit we make the most of the opportunity to come forward in this way’

Travis… ‘Understood’

‘Did you see the bridge between each link form?’

Liz… ‘Is that what it was? I saw like a bridge. It was yellowish and green’

‘Some of you would be able to perceive the energy between the two. It’s what we use. We have been building the bridge for a long time…’

Tasha came back saying she’d just seen a Napoleon era soldier in a dark uniform with a white front standing with his hand resting on my cabinet!!!

Liz felt footsteps on the floor and also felt like someone was pushing her chair from behind.

A communication started from Syann’s cabinet.
The voice sounded muffled and slurred.
Liz thought the voice was coming from a different location.
Then ‘Little One’ came through…

‘Hello… hello everybody’

Tasha… ‘You’re here!!! I didn’t think you were coming’

‘We’re all here’

Liz… ‘Is it difficult using the voice-box this evening?’

‘In some ways yes… We’ve been building it up’

Tasha… ‘Is that because there’s two vessels in cabinets? Because they’ve got different energies?’

‘Yes and no’

Liz… ‘Well you’re doing well, we can hear you’

‘We’ll try again in a minute, we’ve been working on other things’

Liz… ‘What things have they been working on?’


Tasha… ‘I want a cuddle before you go tonight’

‘I’ll try… I think they’re gonna have the light on soon… Travis’

Travis… ‘Hello, yes’

'You've got the light haven’t you?’

Travis… ‘I’m in charge of the light, the lot’

‘You’re very important tonight aren’t you, ha, ha, ha’

Travis… ‘That’s a change’

Liz… ‘Don’t let it go to his head’

‘Can you put the light on after this song please, just for one song’

Travis… ‘I will indeed’

When the tune ended Travis was struggling to find the red light switch. Liz offered to put the other red light on but Travis then found the switch just in time.

Clyde asked for the red light to be left on for the next tune which was the last of the evening.

Liz saw a line of light like string flash on and off in front of Syann’s cabinet.

As the last tune ended Clyde came through…

‘Good evening friends… Christmas greetings to you all my friends. We are to have a few weeks rest now I believe. We look forward to meeting again in your new year after you are rested and well. All the spirit teams extend their thanks to you all’

Travis… ‘Thank you very much. We thank them all and you for your help’

‘We’ve all worked hard this last year, donating energy, our travelling, our time and the giving of our love to these special meetings. All actions are noted and appreciated more than our world can express my friends. We will leave our friend’s team to close with a few words… and Travis we will ask you to close when they have finished… good evening friends’

All… ‘Good evening Clyde. Love to you all. Happy Christmas’

Attention switched to the other end of the room as a communicator took control of me. Again it sounded like Tob beginning the communication before the voice changed...

‘Eh Tob… eh… Thank you Clyde for kind words… ah, good evening. We appreciate all your efforts… We look forward to joining and mingling with you again soon. This time is a beneficial time for your world. The children of your world in anticipation of the day create a loving atmosphere which they send out into your world which we can use to help those who are not so fortunate, so happy, for there is also sadness in your world which we are well aware and can direct the happiness of the children to that, to ease their sadness. So enjoy your weeks of holiday. Come back refreshed for another year of communication, of phenomena, of sharing the two worlds together… bless you my friends’

All... 'Thank you'

Travis did the closing prayer then Liz put on the closing tunes.

I came back quite quickly and Syann returned soon after.

Syann felt she’d come back a couple of times during the evening. She remembered hearing some of our singing and had experienced some phenomena in the cabinet.
Something had been poking the side of her foot. She’d felt a hand over the back of her hand and felt something over her face.
She had felt movement coming out of her mouth brushing against her lip.
Clicks were heard to her right in the cabinet and she’d had conscious lucid dreams like she was in a removed space but had no idea how long they’d lasted.

The closing music was having the opposite effect on Tasha as she was drifting off and fighting to stay with it. We turned it off before we lost her!!!

For me it had been an interesting experiment. I felt I’d been aware throughout. At times it was as if the spirit control of me was stronger while at other times I felt much more aware. I’m not sure if this was because the teams were shifting their attention from one medium to the other throughout the evening.
My hands and arms were moving about and at one point it felt like the back of my hand was touched by something.
It was nice to have Tob communicate through me. He has done it once before when I sat with Dan in Polegate. Travis has spoken to Tob many times through Joan and afterwards he thought it was Tob talking throughout my communications despite the voice changes. I felt it was Tob initially then other communicators taking over but it is very difficult to tell for sure at this stage and at the end of the day ‘who’ does the communicating is not as important as what is said. With time and development all will eventually become clear I’m sure.

Once we were all back down to earth and had a cup of tea we headed out into Eastbourne town centre for an excellent Indian meal.
If you’re ever looking for a good Indian restaurant in Eastbourne we can all now recommend this place…

*******happy new year*******

30th Sitting 18/12/2012

This week we sat on Tuesday as Dan was unable to make Monday and it gave Liz an extra day to get over her cold.

This was the 30th sitting for the Mercury Light Circle.

Liz opened at 8.30pm and put the music on while Dan put out the red light.

After ten minutes Liz told Dan she could see a small amount of light getting in at the edge of the curtain round the door frame.
Dan couldn’t see it as he was looking from a different angle.

I was aware of the conversation and felt concerned about the light getting in and was unable to get it out of my mind. I wanted to tell Liz to get up and move the curtain. Then a communicator took control saying more or less what I wanted to say.
It’s difficult for me to know if it’s me speaking or the communicator or a mixture of both? Possibly I started the communication which was taken over by the communicator?...

‘I do believe… is light coming in through curtain to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Do you… are you able to adjust the curtain?’

Liz… ‘I can try’

‘Slow… slow movement towards curtain and see if you can adjust for you… be careful how you walk’

Liz… ‘Yeh, that’s good, that’s it thanks, that’s made a difference, that’s better’

‘Cannot… can you not see now the light come through’

Liz… ‘Yeh that’s better, that’s good, that’s blocked it now’

‘Because we do not want you distracted from our own light that we can produce for you’

Liz… ‘Yeh it was distracting, I thought I could see other lights but I couldn’t be sure that it wasn’t just… There’s a very feint light from the trumpet in the middle’

‘This is normal yes?’

Liz… ‘Yeh, okay that’s good… shall I turn the music up?’

‘Please put music up and increase energies once more thank you’

We hadn’t charged up the luminosity on the trumpet this week.
Liz could see it glowing lighter then darker intermittently.
Dan couldn’t see the luminosity at all.

Nothing else was reported by Liz or Dan in the room for the next 40 minutes.

It seemed to be all happening in the cabinet this week as my arms were being moved about most of the time and I was quietly mumbling away and could feel my face being manipulated.

I was aware of a bright light behind me that seemed to work it’s way round my sides becoming very bright in front of my closed eyes.
I’ve noticed this before when sitting in the Mercury Star Circle but this was more intense.

Then while two American Indian type tunes were playing I was aware of a very strong presence with me. It caused me to sit forwards and all the muscles in my body tensed up. I began to shake as a loud voice came from me almost knocking me off my seat! The strong sensation of the voice coming up and out of my mouth was no different to the sensation of being violently sick. It was a mixture of words and noises coming out, mainly incoherent.

Dan and Liz asked the communicator to be steady and take it easy.
Liz also felt a degree of control from an entity as the tunes were playing.

While the communicator was coming through me both Liz and Dan noticed a lot of light in front of the cabinet near the trumpet. Liz described it as like a flame from a fire and it actually made her feel hot while Dan said he remained ambient.

When the communicator withdrew they both noticed the room return to being dark.

A few minutes later it looked misty to Liz and Dan.
Liz was aware of a kind of distortion in the atmosphere between her and Dan.

Just before the last two tunes played a communicator came through…

‘I say thank you, you both, for continued attendance each week. We thank you for your energy and love. We appreciate the time that you spend with us. We look forward to continue development in your new year for we appreciate the time now come for you to have a holiday, a break, for your festival of light that you will celebrate with your family and we look forward to come back with you in new year…’

Liz and Dan… ‘You’re very welcome, we look forward to meeting up again…’

Liz then asked the Spirit Team to start drawing back as the last two tunes were playing.

I came slowly back, not feeling totally with it until the end of Liz’s closing prayer.
It looked white and misty in the cabinet.
Dan and Liz said it was dark in the room.
All three of us were now very cold.

Liz had the impression of a lady between her and Dan. She looked Victorian with her hair coiled around her head. Liz said she looked very happy and gave the name Catherine…

The following day while talking over the séance with Syann she said her gut feeling was that the light I saw come from behind me was one of my ‘guides’ moving in close and the reason why I see it in the MSC because they are working with me there as well.
She also received a ‘thought ball’ that for our next MLC sitting we need to set the red light low, rather than black out.
I too have been thinking about using red light but wasn’t sure if directions would be possible from the cabinet to Liz about when to turn it on or off. This week we did have directions to sort out the light coming through the curtain and turn up the music so I guess that answers my question…

Next sitting for the MLC will be in three weeks on Monday 7th January but before that we have a special Christmas séance on Sunday 23rd December with both Syann and me in our own cabinets each end of the room!

I guess it will be a Mercury Star Light Circle… should be interesting!

29th Sitting 10/12/2012

Dan was back with us this week and sat with Liz at the far end of the room.
The extra chairs were left in the room and as usual the MLC trumpet was placed about four feet in front of the closed cabinet.

Liz gave the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes there were a few noises from the cabinet.

‘Hello, hello, how are you… all in room… we are here all here…’

Liz reported seeing areas of white blobbiness on the floor either side of the trumpet.
She also saw forms moving around in the room.

Dan could sense a light behind him.
Both could see flickering patches around the room and they were both feeling cold.

Liz saw blue streaks in the middle of the room.
Then she had a static electricity feeling in her hair to the left.

They were both feeling colder.
Dan saw shafts of light.
Liz could see blobs of light and they both commented that a lot of visual phenomena was happening in the room.

Then they both said it had suddenly got darker.
Liz had a strange sensation of a bridge going from one side of the room to the other.

About 50 minutes after the first few noises in the cabinet had finished a quiet voice was heard.
It wasn’t coherent at first then a few words were spoken…

‘Time is of your side, a necessary ingredient for you… you are constantly with time, all time, you need your time to put a perspective on your life. You need time to gauge one event to another, each time continues in your life, as you grow older time continues. It has the illusion that you are getting older yet time does not exist for us. We do not need time, we have no need for time. We see how it works for you and you will see for yourself how each piece of time follows each proceeding piece. It is a necessary part of your experience. In your life now you cannot perceive a life without time, it is necessary for you…’

Another communicator came through…

‘Edith… Edith here, yes’

Liz… ‘Do we know you Edith?’

‘I have always been here but I don’t think I have spoken in this way… in quite this way before’

Liz/Dan… ‘Welcome’

Another communicator… ‘Can you hear me?’

Liz/Dan… ‘Yes we can hear you’

‘Ah, good I do hope I can be heard’

The communicator then faded out.

As the second to last tune played Liz reminded the spirit team that it was time to start drawing back.

I felt fully back as the last tune ended.
Dan also felt fine and hadn’t ‘gone off’ this week.

After checking we were both okay Liz did the closing prayer.

I didn’t feel that I had dropped into trance this week but remembered nearly going off a couple of times then coming back with a jump.
I could also recall ‘seeing’ a box of files and papers?

It didn’t seem to me like 50 minutes between the two communications.

A lot of what was said at the end I heard before it was said and when it was being said though me I had the feeling it was just mixed up words coming out and was surprised that it kind of made sense when I heard the recording.

Also while listening to the recording I thought Edith had spoken some time ago but after a quick check through the archives I found it was Enid who had spoken before...

28th Sitting 03/12/2012

It was just Liz and me this week.

We normally take all the unused seats out of the room but Liz felt it would be better to leave some in as she somehow felt she’d feel a little less ‘on her own’ that way.
I could see no reason why not so we did and if any of our spirit friends wished to use them they were more than welcome!!!

Liz opened with a prayer at 8.30pm and I was feeling quite light headed as she said it.

Five minutes later there were noises from the cabinet and the familiar… ‘All in here’ and ‘all in the room’ …etc.

For the next hour there was no noise at all from the cabinet apart from the odd cough.

Liz had a strong impression of a white wolf.

Liz then began to get quite a light show.
She reported seeing swirling lights making a marble effect in the room.
She saw torch lights swirling towards the ceiling and said some of them almost dazzled her.
There was a blue ball of light that appeared for a while to the right of the trumpet.
Then a build-up of light in the centre of the room.

Liz saw a few blobby shapes moving around and had a strong feeling of someone to her left.
She became very cold.

The room went very light and misty and she felt there were a lot of people near her. She felt some of them were healers.
Her vision became distorted.

Meanwhile in the cabinet I was drifting in and out of consciousness.
Some things I remember well but I’m sure there were other things happening which I can’t recall.
It almost felt like I was going to sleep but different. I wasn’t at all tired before or after the sitting. There were times when it felt like my body was asleep but my mind still aware. I remained still most of the time whereas usually my arms are moving around.

I was aware of having various experiences or dreams; three of which I remembered well.
They all took place out of the cabinet but still in the room.

The first was just outside the cabinet and my awareness was at ground level next to the trumpet which stands about four feet in front of the cabinet. I perceived the trumpet lying down but don’t remember seeing it fall over.

Next I was near the wall to my left and I noticed what looked to me to be a long row of windows along the top of the wall near the ceiling. Some of the windows were open and remember feeling concerned about this but someone who was with me assured me it was okay. It could well be that what I saw wasn’t windows at all, maybe some sort of portal but because it was something beyond my understanding I saw it as windows.

Then I was in the centre of the room and I saw two people sitting at a table talking to each other. I had the feeling there were more people than that but only saw two. They didn’t take any notice of me being there. It was a very dusty atmosphere and reminded me of a bar in a Western movie.

In all these experiences I was still aware that I was in a séance and knew I was sitting in the cabinet while my awareness was in the room. I didn’t see Liz and didn’t seem to be in the ‘here and now’ as everything I perceived was different to what was physically in the room at the time.
I don’t remember coming out or going back into the cabinet as my memory of each experience started and finished in the room.

At other times my awareness was back in the cabinet and there were also a few ‘blank’ periods.

Just before the last two tunes played there was a communication from the cabinet…

‘Hello, all is well, we worked well today, worked on link, worked on bringing him down. We bring him down and a good result was achieved this evening with boy for he held on to a lower conscious state for a time. He was held for a time in a conscious state, a lower conscious state. He was able to experience part of what we see in the room for he was brought out of cabinet. Piece of consciousness, part of his consciousness was brought out into the room. It enabled him to experience a different perspective on what happens in your room. He saw some subjects which were laid out in front of him for he was able to experience these in a similar way to how we are able to experience your room.
We thank you for your constant patience in coming each week for we hope you have experienced some phenomena tonight. We hope to come more close in future and bring our voices to you to talk about the experiences that we are able to relate to you in this way.
Time now I believe to withdraw slowly but I thank you again for your presence in the room tonight’

Liz… ‘Thank you, I hope it was helpful’

‘Ah yes it always is helpful to us. We look forward to many more opportunities to come close and work with you all thank you’

Liz saw a flash in front of her as the communicator withdrew.
The music had ended and she started to call me back. I replied but didn’t feel completely back.
I couldn’t speak properly and felt very shaky, like I was full of electricity.

Liz put the red light on dimly and did the closing prayer including a closing down exercise by which time I was fully back.

The cabinet had looked very speckly inside when I first started to come back but was now looking more like a white mist either side of me.

At the end Liz said there had been a lot of energy in the room despite there being only the two of us and she’d had the feeling some of Warren’s team had been in the room.

We are currently looking for one or two extra sitters and also one new sitter for the Mercury Star Circle. If you are interested, local to Eastbourne and feel you can add to the development of either circle please let me know…

27th Sitting 26/11/2012

Dan was back with us tonight and was happy to take over the setting up the room duties and to keep an eye on the time so we all went down to the garage at 8.20pm ready for our 8.30pm sit.
All I had to do was sit in the cabinet.
I’d been feeling light headed since parking the car so it was probably a good move.

Liz opened at 8.30 then turned on the music and put out the red light.

All was quiet for the first part of the sitting.
There were no sounds from the cabinet and nothing reported in the room by Liz or Dan.
Dan was drifting in and out of trance. Sometimes he would be singing along with Liz then would go quiet for a few minutes.

25 minutes after the opening prayer a few noises started up in the cabinet.
The voice was very deep giving a few ‘hellos’ and ‘all here’ then…

‘All talk as one… as each one comes close the voice will change, we are all come together, each one comes close one at a time, each one alters voice in our own way, each one comes on a slight variation in frequency…’

Liz said it was looking more speckly in the room and there was light around the trumpet.
She then felt like there was somebody between her and Dan.

Some quiet voice noises started in the cabinet.
Liz encouraged them forward.
Dan was in trance at this point.
A communicator was trying hard getting louder with some interesting sounds but no words came through.

Liz was now drifting off slightly. She later said that she felt she was going off into a different vibrational state and wanted her energies to be used.

At about the same time I was getting words and phrases in my head about taking energy from the sitters and kept getting the word ‘overlap’. I felt like this was something someone wanted to say and then I felt an energy draw close and began speaking quietly…

‘…easier each time, able to sense more of you and blend, what we sense from you we blend with our own energy, our own make-up. We are able to take a piece of each of you and bring it into our vibration and manipulate the vibration of your earth energy. We can stabilize our own energy in your energy. It combines each energy together to create an overlap of energies. It bridges the two different vibrations in a more permanent way. Each time we do this it builds up a connection to which we can use each time we come through…’

As the second to last tune came on Liz verbalized to the spirit team that it was nearing the end of our session and to begin drawing back.

When the last tune ended Liz made sure both Dan and I were fully back before doing the closing prayer.

I had remained aware throughout and hadn't experience the ‘nearly dropping off to sleep’ feeling I sometimes get.
My arms had been moving around and were shaking quite a bit when communicators came through.
I’d also felt a lot of fuzzy feelings on my legs and sides and remained warm throughout.
At the end of the session I became cold.

Dan had gone completely out of it when he’d dropped off and had no memory except plunging into a black void and the realization that he'd missed hearing a few tunes!!!

Liz had remained aware when she drifted off towards the end...

Update 22/11/2012

..there has always been a link between the developing circles at the Bristol Spirit Lodge and our two Mercury Circles in Eastbourne.

The circles in Bristol and Eastbourne have at times all had similarities in their development and have some shared communicators.

I noticed some interesting developments in The Spirit Haven Circle report from 21/11/2012.

Check out the report here and my feedback at the end...

26th Sitting 19/11/2012

It was just Liz and I this week and as usual Liz sat down the far end of the garage while I was the other end in the closed cabinet.

At 8.30pm Liz opened in prayer then put the music on and the red light out.

After about 10 minutes Liz was seeing a few dim lights moving around the room.
Then she felt footstep vibrations on the floor.

Liz saw flickering lights like a web in the centre of the room.
She felt the room was filling up with people.

A few voice noises started up in the cabinet.
The familiar ‘All here’ then another voice saying what sounds like ‘Can you hear me?’
Then followed various ‘Hellos’ in different voices before going quiet again…

Liz noticed it had become darker in the room like the darkness had become thicker.
She saw flashes to her right near the healing book.

Then it became lighter in the centre of the room.

Liz got the name ‘Walking Buffallo’ and verbalized it.
She then saw a lot of light in front of her as if to confirm he was there.
She had a feeling of an animal head being placed over hers and her face changing shape.

Liz felt a cool breeze go past from right to left.

We’d decided that the closing procedure needed tightening up as last week communications went on after the last tune had played.

This week as the penultimate tune started Liz verbalized to the spirit team a reminder that it was time to start drawing back.
She then made sure I was fully back as the last tune finished.

Liz did a shortened version of her closing prayer including asking for the energy to be retained for future physical mediumship development and for any excess energies to be sent out for healing.

It had felt quite warm in the cabinet but at other times very cold.
I’d noticed a cool breeze over my face.  (not sure if this coincided with Liz’s cool breeze)
At times I’d felt fuzzy all over.
My arms were moving around a lot.
I’d been pretty much aware all the time but had felt myself nearly go off about three times and remembered thinking/dreaming about an object like a large flower pot with a face inside being pressed out the side of it?!?
I had more of an awareness of people in the cabinet with me particularly to my right.
The energy hadn’t felt strong but had felt consistent and sustained to me.

25th Sitting 12/11/2012

Syann joined us this week and Dan was back.
I sat Syann to my right, Dan opposite and Liz to my left and they all sat down the far end of the room leaving plenty of space between them and me in the cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm.
Syann had gone off into trance before she finished the prayer.

Things were quiet for the first ten minutes apart from a few slow breathing and gurgling noises from the cabinet.

Dan was aware of someone behind him and Liz confirmed she felt a presence there too.
Syann was still out of it.
Liz felt something pressing the left side of her head.

Syann came back just as ‘Morning Star’ (Clyde’s song) started. She’d been gone for 25 minutes.
She said it felt like she was now sitting in a cold fog.

Liz noticed a lot of light to her right.
Syann thought the room was getting lighter and misty.
Dan could see a light mist in the centre of the room.
Liz thought the mist was coming out of the cabinet and enveloping everyone.

Some noises started up in the cabinet.
Syann was seeing blue energy and some pin prick lights then it went blobby.
More voice noises from the cabinet but they weren’t coherent.
Syann saw movement around the room. She said she was in a dense foggy cloud.
Both Liz and Syann were seeing pin pricks and sparkles. Liz said it looked like bats flying round the room!!!

Dan felt a cool breeze.
High pitched voice noises started in the cabinet then deeper sounds.

Then Syann noticed a blue light hovering in front of her eyes… she felt sure there was a face in it. It then moved towards Dan before coming back to her but neither Dan nor Liz could see it.

The voices in the cabinet kept changing… ‘Hello, hello… nice to be here’
The atmosphere went darker.
The communicator gave the name ‘George Osborne’

(A quick google the following day found he is not only the current Chancellor of the Exchequer!!! There are other George Osbornes including a well-known cricketer, an Irish composer and a Methodist minister all living during the 1800’s. On the other hand he could be one of thousands of George Osbornes who have passed through the earth plane relatively un-noticed, hopefully he will return to tell us more…)

‘Good to come through in this way… thank you for making the conditions for me to come through in this way’

Dan and Syann could see a lot of red in the room…

Everyone thought the room was sparkly.
Liz saw a flash near Syann.

Ten minutes later more voice noises and coughing started up in the cabinet.
Lots of ‘hellos’ spoken in different tones.
At one point Syann recognised the voice of ‘Yellow Feather’ one of Warren Caylor’s team who had visited two days ago.

Liz and Syann could see shafts of light, the atmosphere was dense.
Liz noticed a light like a dim torch moving around.

Liz felt a light touch on her hand like a piece of silk being draped over it.
(Syann said she’d experienced the same thing when sitting with me in the Polegate Cupboard)

Liz saw a blob of light near Syann who felt like she was in a sparkling fog.

Dan went off into trance and Liz could feel someone between Dan and her.
Then Syann felt someone between her and Dan.

Syann felt a cool breeze in front of her like someone had walked past.
Her vision was white with dark movements within it.
She felt more breezes to her right as if people were moving around.

Liz and Syann were getting a scorching woody smell.
Liz had an icy cold fizzy feeling on her head.
She then felt fingers in her hair which tickled and made her laugh.

Liz and Syann both felt the room was full of people.

The music ended but I still felt there was someone with me wanting to speak.
The room went very dark.
Liz thought the trumpet was glowing.

A communicator came through...

‘Thank you, you all join hands with us tonight, we all become part of your circle, we all been able to show ourselves to you, to make ourselves felt, you still see us all…’

Syann… ‘I literally just did!!!’

Syann had just seen a yellow light darting downwards and staying on for a few seconds.
Liz felt someone stroking her hand.

The communicator continued…

‘We have enjoyed your company tonight, has been a successful experiment for all of us, we all enjoy this special experience, thank you’

Liz had something dark and definite to her left.
Syann could see blue light near Liz.
Then a big blue light came straight towards her stopping in front of her eyes. It was the one with the face in it again.

Dan was still out of it and was mumbling.
Liz encouraged the communicator to speak but they didn’t come forward.
The energy was now dropping and Dan came back.

I was now back.
It felt warm in the cabinet whereas everyone else was cold.
I could smell a scorching wood smell. It was like when you use two sticks to make a fire.

Liz put the red light on and I opened the cabinet.
Syann could still see people with me and energy around my head.

Liz did her usual closing and healing prayer.
It’s quite lengthy and Syann was fighting not to go off during it.
It sounded like someone was with Syann but she decided the time now was not right for anyone to take control.

I felt as if I had remained aware throughout the evening but the time had passed very quickly.

Normally at the end when I hear the last two tunes playing I bring myself back but this week I felt like I didn’t want to come back, it was like I was in a nice place and I also felt there was someone wanting to say a few words. I kept getting the impulse to say ‘thank you all, you all join hands with us tonight’ but part of me didn’t want to say it as it felt like it was me speaking but when I did say those words the communicator took over and I just kind of sat back and let the rest come out. It was like they wanted me to say something to get them started and then took over...

24th Sitting 06/11/2012

We sat on Tuesday this week to avoid Fireworks Night.

Dan couldn’t make it so it was just Liz and me and we set the room up as normal.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, put music on and turned red light out.

There was some loud breathing from the cabinet but otherwise remained quiet for the first 20 minutes.

Liz was seeing flickering lights across the room.
She saw a feint light like a torch beam in front of the cabinet.  

Noises from the cabinet became louder with a few voices and ‘hellos’ before withdrawing…

Things were quiet again for the next 45 minutes.

Then more sounds and voices started up in the cabinet. 

‘all of us here… in the room… it all coming together’

There were some louder voice experiments then another communicator said a few words before fading out.

‘Whole world, we are all connected, two worlds connected, two worlds in each other, each world penetrate other world, each world able to penetrate each other, we only require a thought from you to connect each world, all of you on your world are so close to us, we are but a thought away from all of you, we come so close, you are able to hear us all, we come close each time we meet but we are around all of the time, it is more apparent to you in this time we meet…’

After this communication I came fully back. The music had ended.
Liz checked I was okay then did the healing/closing prayer.

Liz felt the energy had been even throughout the evening.
She had nearly dropped off but stayed with it.
At times it had looked like she was under water with torches shining through it.
She was aware of lots of people/energies in the room looking like waves moving around and she had ‘seen’ a white wolf.
At one point she thought she felt footsteps in the room.

The energy had felt gentler to me.
I had remained aware for most of the evening but dropped off a couple of times.
When I came back I could hear myself making quiet tutting noises with my tongue touching the roof of my mouth.
I remember being moved around a lot, both my arms and top half of my body.
At one point I was moving my hands as if holding a football sized sphere in front of me which I then pushed out into the room!!!

23rd Sitting 29/10/2012

All three of us turned up this week and we sat as usual with Dan and Liz down the far end and all the unused chairs taken out the room.
I sat unrestrained in the closed cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put music on and turned out red light.

After five minutes there were a few gurgles and glugs from the cabinet.
Liz saw someone moving in front of the cabinet and several lights flashing.
The voice got louder.
Liz thought the voice was coming forward but it was difficult to understand the words as they were all practicing with the voice box as usual. ‘I know… all here…’ 
At one point it sounded like ‘Eagle here’
There were a series of ‘hellos’ some sounding like our friend Little One.

Liz… ‘Is that too many people trying out the voice at the same time?’

‘No, no, no… It all okay, we all have go, all try. We are in control and in an orderly way. We all come through, try the energy, bring us through. It sounds to you more like a jumble of words but we are having progress from our side. For you do know we are here. We are all mingling in energy and we will all be in the room with you all’

Liz… ‘Okay… It’s the fruit cake!’ (last week in the MSC Clyde had been talking about all the sitters being different ingredients of a cake mix)

‘A mix of energies and vibration. It all come together. It all mix together. Each ingredient is a necessary ingredient to the mix’

Dan reported seeing lots of flashing lights around the room.
He thought the energy felt very charged.

Liz saw a light move from left to right in front of the cabinet.

Both Liz and Dan were aware of a cloud of light in the centre of the room like last week.

Liz felt something flicking her leg.

While some Native American music was playing Liz was aware of a black shape move up towards the healing book to her right. Then she saw a light on the healing book and sensed someone was there.
She smelt a strong musty smell and felt a vibration on the floor.

I was aware of my arms and torso being moved in the chair which made it creak.

Voice noises started in the cabinet, lots of words but nothing really understandable for a while then…

‘It holds the door open. All are able to get ourselves into room’

Liz… ‘Good we can feel your presence’

‘We all join with you and are now in the room. It allows us to open the door and come through into your room easier each time we come through. We all are able to become part of the evening. We all are able to join each of you. We all are able to penetrate into your atmosphere for this special time we have with you. We enjoy the opportunity to come forward in this way. All of us are able to, in our own way, come forward and mingle with you all’

Liz… ‘Do you have a clear plan of action?’

there was no answer to this as the communicator withdrew and others came forward with some ‘hellos’ and then…

‘Near, near, it all come together in our way. It all comes together, when we all come through together, all able to…’

Communicator faded, the energy was now low…

The music ended.
Liz waited for me to come back then checked I was okay.
She checked Dan was okay.

Liz put on the red light and did the closing/healing prayer.

Both Dan and I had had slight headaches before we sat but we both felt fine now.

Dan had drifted off a couple of times. He said he went off very quickly both times and had no memory of anything when he returned. No shooting stars this week.

I had also gone off at least couple of times. I can remember having dreams which I found interesting at the time but couldn’t remember what they were now.
There were also periods where I felt I was half out of it. I was kind of aware of what was going on but felt distant and my body felt numb and tingly.
I also remember feeling a lot of weight on my head, like a heavy blob of custard which slowly ran down my forehead and the sides and back of my head!!!
And there was a noticeable cold drip of something on my cheek. It felt a bit like a tear but was very cold and moved slowly downwards.

Next week Monday falls on Bonfire Night so we will be sitting on Tuesday 06/11/2012 instead.
We only want fireworks inside the séance room.

I can remember about ten years ago the Mercury Circle sat on Bonfire Night in Colin Fry’s Spirit Lodge which was a large wooden shed at the bottom of his back garden.
As well as the disturbance from the fireworks outside about half way through Tob asked us to close as they were picking up the fear from the wild animals which was affecting the energy and making it difficult to continue…

22nd Sitting 22/10/2012

Dan was back with us this week and as usual sat next to Liz at the far end of the garage.
The trumpet, salt and water were in the centre and the lemon and minerals to the right of the cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm in prayer. The red light was put out and the music put on.

Ten minutes later there were a few gurgles then some ‘hellos’ and ‘all of us here’ from the cabinet as different people experimented with the voice. Someone then came forward to explain what was going on…

‘…we all take opportunity to come through. It gives us practice with voice so we can each have a go. It may come out in a jumbled way for you from your perception. We are all in control of the energy around the vessel so we can all take a step forward into energy in our allotted time. The results may not sound at the moment too clear to you but we are all learning as we come close to the energy that surrounds the vessel. We have our own energy which we can bring into the surrounding energy bubble so to speak…’

After another ten minutes there were more noises from the cabinet and another communicator came forward for a chat. Liz was aware of someone next to her…

‘…I am near, I am near to you all. I can reach out and touch you all. I have come close to everyone and I can see you. I can see your energies are bright, I enjoy your atmosphere. I can come close to you all. I can build my energy. It is a delicate process for me to come towards your atmosphere. We have to negotiate several obstacles of the mind of the medium. We need to bridge ourselves according to our own vibration. It is a delicate process but it works well and will build each time we move close in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s good. Are you from a distant dimension?’

‘…I have to bridge a vibrational… There is no distance, just a vibration which has to be overcome piece by piece. We are able to penetrate this vibration. We are already here but we are not seen, felt or heard by you because your vibration is not compatible with our vibration. So we do not travel we merely adjust the vibration of the two atmospheres. They become one for a brief period so that each of you can sense us in a way that you understand. You would not recognise us if you perceived us as we are now’

Liz… ‘Have you had experience of Earth life, physical being?’

‘…I do have an experience of a life in your world. It was a time ago. For you to understand in a time frame it would be many hundred years before your time now. Many hundreds of years ago. I cannot give an exact time until I have established a more positive link then I can give more information to you about this…’

Liz/Dan… ‘Thank you, very interesting’      

Liz and Dan could see a cloud of light in the middle of the room near the trumpet.
Liz described it as an amorphous blob.
They could both see black shapes moving within it.
Liz said they were fetal shapes.

Dan felt a vibration in the room.
Liz could feel a slight vibration when he mentioned it.

Liz was aware of lots of people moving around in the room. She said it felt like she was swimming in a sea of people.
Dan felt people were stepping in and out of the room creating a very good, charged atmosphere.

I came fully back during the last two tunes.

Liz made sure both Dan and I were okay before doing the closing/healing prayer.

It was warm in the cabinet but I had felt some cold tingly breezes on my right leg.
Dan and Liz were both freezing cold.

I think I drifted off a couple of times during the evening but most of the time I had been aware.
I could hear the music and Liz and Dan’s comments.
I was aware of the communicators speaking through me but did feel a bit detached at this time. Interestingly when the communicators are speaking it feels like it’s coming from me but when I listen to the recordings the words are often quite different to what I would say and not what I expect to hear. Also I don’t have a clear memory of what’s been said at the end of the sitting.

I felt my feet lifting slightly off the floor when the second communicator was speaking. I didn’t think much about it at the time but tried doing it again after the sitting and found it quite hard to do when sitting in a laid back chair. This has happened once before in the Polegate cupboard.

Dan had drifted off a couple of times but only for short periods and remembers seeing a shooting star which he followed giving him a very nice feeling.

The mound of salt had become solid and stuck to the saucer even when held upside down.

Dan and Liz noticed it felt warmer up my end of the garage and we all felt a bit of warmth coming off the glass dome when holding our hands above it…

21st Sitting 15/10/2012

It was just Liz and I again this week as Dan couldn’t make it.
We sat as usual with Liz against the far wall and me in the closed cabinet. All unused chairs were put outside.
I placed the water and salt near the trumpet in the centre of the room and the lemon and minerals were to the right of the cabinet.

Once set up I left the room with just the red light on following Clyde’s advice last Thursday.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30 then turned on the music and put out the red light.

Liz had a feeling that a bat flew across the room!!!

Ten minutes after the start slow breathing began in the cabinet followed by throaty noises and a range of different voices having a go with a few ‘hellos’ and ‘All of us are here’…

I felt myself coming back in the cabinet as if the team had stepped back for a while and my attention was drawn to the music and then Liz's singing which didn’t sound like Liz.
She later said that it felt at times like she was singing without trying as if it was somebody else.
When I listened to the recording I noticed it happened at the end of the song ‘Sail Away’ which was a favourite of Joan’s (Mercury Circle medium) and the singing sounds a bit like Joan to me. 
Also while chatting after the sitting Liz asked me what Joan looked like as she had felt a lady with her the last few days and the description matched. Liz also described her character which was just like Joan...

About 25 minutes after the last communications there were more voice noises from the cabinet and a few ‘hellos’…

After another 25 minutes more noises started in the cabinet, they seemed to be working on the voice tonight with lots of strange sounds…

The music ended as the last communicators withdrew and Liz called me back.
It took a little longer to come back this week but I felt fine when I was back.
It was freezing cold in the cabinet whereas Liz felt quite warm.

Liz did the closing/healing prayer and put the red light on.

For me the time had gone very quickly. I don’t think I went completely out of it but I also couldn’t remember hearing some of the tunes.
When they were working on the voice I was aware and could hear what was going on but at times felt I was experiencing it from somewhere else???

Liz said she had felt like she was being sucked into the dark.
She’d felt a lot of energy being pulled from her stomach, head and hands.
Apart from the bat at the beginning she hadn’t felt or seen anything…

20th Sitting 08/10/2012

This week saw the 20th Mercury Light sitting since we had our first sit back in May.

Dan was at home with a stomach bug so it was just Liz and me this week.

The day before on the way back from Bristol Syann and I had decided we would swap the medium’s chairs from the Garage to the Cupboard. The Cupboard chair is a bit more laid back and has provision for the easy fitment of arm restraints if we need them.

I also moved the water and minerals and placed them by the trumpet in the centre of the circle. The salt remains under the medium’s seat and the lemon to the left of the cabinet.

Liz opened with a prayer at 8.30pm.

Apart from the odd lip smacking noises and loud slow breathing things remained quiet for the next 40 minutes.

I was kept very still with my arms on the arms of the chair.  
I remember getting pins and needles in one hand because it was so still which was a bit annoying but I couldn't really move it. Then it just went numb which felt better.
I kept feeling a sinking feeling and I felt that feeling in the stomach you get if you suddenly go down, like on a rollercoaster.
I felt tingly all over.
I don't think I went off completely and don't remember dreaming like I usually do.
It was kinda like I was teetering on the edge of something???

Liz noticed a scorching smell before some voice noises started in the cabinet.

There were some ‘hellos’ and ‘all of us here, all of us work’
They were getting louder and sounded like a mixture of communicators. Then one communicator came forward…

‘All working in development. We are engaged in our work. We have been able to still the vessel, we keep vessel still in our work. We have been able to lower consciousness in first part of sitting today. We have been working to bring about a deeper state of trance situation… heal all world… we join energy with all groups around the world. All sending healing to your world. We can use what you send, we can work with what you send us. It allows us to penetrate your earth to where we can affect healing, where it is required at this time. We thank you for the work you are doing in this place. It has been of a benefit to us, as has all the circles around your world. Each contributes to the whole, to the one, to the one energy, the healing energy of love which we are able to direct to where it is needed now…’

Liz became very cold.

The music ended and Liz checked I was okay.
I had brought myself back during the last tune and felt fine.

Liz put the red light on. She closed with a prayer and sent out healing.

When I came out of the cabinet I noticed how cold it was in the room.

The small mound of salt we have on a saucer under the mediums chair is sometimes free-flowing and sometimes solid after a séance.
This week it was solid and stuck to the saucer even when I held it upside down.
We think this could be to do with moisture in the atmosphere…

19th Sitting 01/10/2012

It was good to have Dan back with us this week adding his strong energies to the circle, ...even if he did spend half the evening asleep, ha, ha…

I'd had a tickly cough since about mid afternoon which was a bit annoying. It had gone the following morning.

We set the room up as normal with Liz and Dan against the far wall.
Liz opened at 8.30pm with a prayer. The red light was turned out and the music turned on.

After about ten minutes there were noises from the cabinet followed by the familiar ‘All of us here…’ There were some other voices at times sounding like ‘Little One’ trying to get through then another communicator came through with some words…

‘Hello… we are all having a go at the voice’

Liz… ‘It’s easier for some than others isn’t it?’

‘Yes, some are blended more easily with our medium. Some can come through more easily, others it is a struggle at the moment but we will keep trying to blend our own energy with medium’s energy. It takes development but we are all happy that we can bring ourselves into your room at this time and mingle with you all’

Liz/Dan… ‘You’re very welcome’

The energy in the cabinet felt much stronger this week and at times I felt myself being shaken.

Ten minutes later there were more voice noises from the cabinet. It sounded like Emily with a few ‘hellos’  Then another communicator took over speaking quietly followed by Desmond who came through with a few words before fading out…

As the communication finished Dan was taken out of it.

I later asked Dan how it feels when he goes of…

‘I get a heavy headed feeling and a plunging into darkness that I cannot stop. When I am out I cannot hear the music and it feels like I’m in limbo, kind of outer space but relaxed and not scary. Like a meditation I guess…’

For the next 45 minutes it went very quiet in the cabinet.

My memory of what was going on is very sketchy as I was being taken in and out of it. I can remember dreaming about things which I found interesting at the time but couldn’t remember what they were when I came back. The only dream I do remember is being told not to touch some flowers that were growing out the side of a rock. Interestingly my dream memories during the past two weeks have been about rocks which must mean something but I’ve no idea what???
When I wasn’t dreaming my mind was in an aware state. I could hear the music playing but I didn’t seem to be in control or connected with my body, a bit like my body was asleep but my mind awake. At times the music sounded echoey and distant. I was also aware of waves of cold particularly to my right.

Dan came back after about 15 minutes and stayed with it for about 10 minutes before going off again.

Liz had a strange feeling and at the end when we were talking about it she said…

‘It was very dark most of the time but then there was a luminous mist in the middle of the room in front of me. It seemed to move to my right and towards the healing book. It was almost like a face shape. It really felt like there was someone there and I got several feelings of inspiration almost as though a voice was talking through me making poetry. It felt like high inspirational thoughts and gave me a strong feeling of a desire to heal the names that I had written in the healing book. I almost felt that I was talking to this being and I felt a cold breeze swirling around my legs and knees’

When the music ended Liz waited a few seconds then made sure both Dan and I were back with it again.
I felt a lot better coming back this week.
Dan felt okay as well.

Liz did the closing/healing prayer and a breathing exercise by which time we all felt totally back with it and ready for tea and cake…